[geotk] Need help with maven repo in new Nexus system

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.com
Thu Apr 23 09:17:32 PDT 2020

Hello Kyle

The search for "org.geotools.gt-shapefile:21.0" makes us realize that 
there is a confusion. It is an artifact from the GeoTools project, while 
this mailing list and the URL provided in my previous email was for 
another project named "Geotoolkit". We are aware that such name 
similarity is confusing; we are on the process of porting this project 
to Apache Spatial Information System (SIS) — https://sis.apache.org/ — 
and abandon the "Geotoolkit" name, but this migration takes years.

I suggest that you register to the GeoTools mailing list and ask your 
question again there. Note also that there is a third project, named 
"Geotoolkit.net", which is not related neither to GeoTools or this 
"Geotoolkit" project.



Le 23/04/2020 à 16:25, Leinen Kyle M a écrit :

> I tried that as well and get the same situation.  I’m still 
> researching to see if there is special settings that I need to use to 
> proxy a Nexus repo through Artifactory.
> When using the “browse” interface, Artifactory can see the directory 
> structure, but not any of the files since they are not actually hosted 
> from that URL (as they are actually hosted from within 
> https://repo.osgeo.org/repository/release/). For example, the 
> ‘org.geotools.gt-shapefile:21.0` maven package is what one of my users 
> is trying to get to through my Artifactory system:
> Browse page: 
> https://repo.osgeo.org/service/rest/repository/browse/release/org/geotools/gt-shapefile/21.0/
> Expected file link: 
> https://repo.osgeo.org/service/rest/repository/browse/release/org/geotools/gt-shapefile/21.0/gt-shapefile-21.0.jar
> Actual file link: 
> https://repo.osgeo.org/repository/release/org/geotools/gt-shapefile/21.0/gt-shapefile-21.0.jar
> When I attempt to look at 
> https://repo.osgeo.org/repository/release/org/geotools/gt-shapefile/21.0/, 
> I get a page saying the following:
> This maven2 group repository is not directly browseable at this URL.
> Please use the browse or HTML index views to inspect the contents of 
> this repository.
> Artifactory expects that the same path where the repo is will be the 
> same path where the files are hosted from.  From what limited 
> visibility I have, it seems as if the OSGeo nexus instance is 
> configured to only let maven clients talk to the repo and not anything 
> else.

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