[Graphics] Re: new gis theme and common repository

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas jsanz at osgeo.org
Mon Nov 30 06:24:32 EST 2009

Robert Szczepanek escribió:
> Hi Anita,
> Thank you for this e-mail. You pointed important issues.
> Anita Graser pisze:
>> Hi all,
>> Great that we have a working SVN now. How will we continue from this point?
> In fact it's up to us. Tango approach is for me good example.
> First discussion (mailing list, chat, whatever) - then work. Otherwise
> we loose time and wishes correcting our/others work.
> So we do not focus on duplicating work (many themes), but on covering
> different target users of graphics (16x16px, 32x32px, svg, etc).
> But to do that, we must first agree on basic metaphores. Next step can
> be discussion on their details.
> Good example can be discussion on OGC services
> http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/graphics/2009-November/000028.html
> This for sure takes longer, but we do it once.
> Once ... per version :)
> An alternative can be collection of different themes in one place, but
> in my opinion this will be impossible to manage in a while. Link to
> source themes in graphics wiki is enough. Just my opinion.
>> Will we upload only the .SVG files there ore also .PNGs? 
> I would collect source svg and renders in different sizes. As you know
> it is impossible to render from one svg icons in 16x16px and 64x64px and
> not all graphic users (developers) want to play with svg. We need to
> define target png sizes and name svg layers accordingly.
> So if our svg layer is for 16x16 and 32x32 we call it 16-32.
> This way it will be easy to use such svg later for automatic (batch?)
> processing.
> Question is HOW to organise folders structure and file names.
> Sub-folders for every size or for example
> core-name.svg
> core-name_16.png
> core-name_32.png...
> Developers comments are welcome.

first at all, at the svg we should separate icons for the GUI from
symbols used inside maps, they are very different areas.

Talking about GUI icons directory layout, maybe we can first look
outside to see how they work. The free desktop project has an icon
theme specification that can be used. Maybe it's overcomplicating this
thing, but probably the hard work of defining common names and folders
to be used by several themes is worth.


> Do we agree on
>> changing the color palette to Tango? 
> Yes.
> Is the wiki page the main reference
>> for which icons exist and which are planned? 
> Wiki as reference for existing icons - yes. In my understanding wiki is
> good place for describing meaning and use scope of icons. And pictures
> from trunk. For planned (or to change) ones better place is trac system.
> I have no experience in this field, so please correct me if I'm wrong.
> Or is there some other
>> place? Will we discuss all icons on the mailing list or should we change
>> to the wiki discussion page, where we can easily link pictures to our
>> comments?
>> Best wishes,
>> Anita
> I would prefer mailing list for discussion at the moment, but if there
> are arguments for wiki discussion, we can do it other way.

It's easy to track conversations here than at the wiki page, at least
if the wiki page covers many things. Maybe if there's a wiki page for
a small subset of icons, for example, then maybe could be worthwhile
but I agree Robert about discussing here.

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
Ingeniero en Geodesia y Cartografía

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