[Graphics] Re: new gis theme and common repository

Robert Szczepanek robert at szczepanek.pl
Mon Nov 30 17:43:08 EST 2009

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas pisze:
> first at all, at the svg we should separate icons for the GUI from
> symbols used inside maps, they are very different areas.

Agree. In preliminary structure [1] I named it 'toolbar-icons', but we
can change this name. Some alternatives?

> It's easy to track conversations here than at the wiki page, at least
> if the wiki page covers many things. Maybe if there's a wiki page for
> a small subset of icons, for example, then maybe could be worthwhile
> but I agree Robert about discussing here.

In some point, wiki page split into 'subfolders theme' will be needed,
but let's start with one page.


[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Graphics#Preliminary_structure

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