[GRASS-SVN] r30703 - in grass/trunk: display/drivers/HTMLMAP display/drivers/PNG display/drivers/PS display/drivers/XDRIVER display/drivers/cairo lib/init

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sun Mar 23 10:34:53 EDT 2008

Author: martinl
Date: 2008-03-23 10:34:53 -0400 (Sun, 23 Mar 2008)
New Revision: 30703

Variables/display drivers manual page synchronization (syntax issue).

Modified: grass/trunk/display/drivers/HTMLMAP/description.html
--- grass/trunk/display/drivers/HTMLMAP/description.html	2008-03-23 06:07:32 UTC (rev 30702)
+++ grass/trunk/display/drivers/HTMLMAP/description.html	2008-03-23 14:34:53 UTC (rev 30703)
@@ -1,6 +1,17 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
+ <META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="grassdocs.css" type="text/css">
+<BODY bgColor=white>
+<img src="grass_logo.png" alt="GRASS logo"><hr align=center size=6 noshade>
-<EM><B>HTMLMAP driver</B></EM> - driver to create HTML image maps 
+<EM><B>HTMLMAP driver</B></EM> - driver to create HTML image maps.
@@ -10,121 +21,137 @@
 provide unique URL targets for different portions of an image. The HTMLMAP 
 driver can create both client-side image maps embedded into HTML files, or 
 server-side image maps used by web server software. 
-<P>Note that GRASS display commands that require the MOUSE will not work 
+Note that GRASS display commands that require the MOUSE will not work 
 correctly (or at all!) 
-<P>Polygons can at most have 100 vertices (this limit imposed by HTML image map 
-formats, see <B>GRASS_HTMLMAXPOINTS </B> below.) The driver will attempt to 
+Polygons can at most have 100 vertices (this limit imposed by HTML image map 
+formats, see <B>GRASS_HTMLMAXPOINTS</B> below.) The driver will attempt to 
 trim polygons that have more that 100 
 vertices by removing vertices with the least amount of angle to the next 
 vertice. Also, any polygon that is entirely bounded by another polygon will be 
-<P>Text written to the driver before polygons are used as the HREF tag for all 
+Text written to the driver before polygons are used as the HREF tag for all 
 subsequent polygons written. All polygons that exist in a vector map will have 
 the same HREF tag. 
-<P>The only GRASS display commands that should be used with this driver are: 
+The only GRASS display commands that should be used with this driver are: 
   <LI><a href="d.text.html">d.text</A> 
-  - pass href information for resulting image maps. 
+  - pass href information for resulting image maps.</LI>
   <LI><a href="d.vect.html">d.vect</A> 
-  - draw polygons from a vector map. </LI></UL><BR>
+  - draw polygons from a vector map.</LI>
 <H3>Environment variables</H3>Several environment variables effect the operation 
   <LI><B>GRASS_WIDTH=xxx</B><BR>the width of the image map (default is 
-  640).<BR><BR>
+    640).
+  </LI><BR>
   <LI><B>GRASS_HEIGHT=yyy</B><BR>the height of the image map (default is 
-  480).<BR><BR>
+    480).
+  </LI><BR>
   <LI><B>GRASS_HTMLTYPE=type</B><BR>the type of image mape to create (default is 
-  CLIENT): 
-  <UL>
-    <DD><TT><B>CLIENT</B></TT> &nbsp;&nbsp; Netscape/IE client-side image map. 
-    (NAME="map")<BR>
-    <DD><TT><B>APACHE</B></TT> &nbsp;&nbsp; Apache/NCSA server-side image 
-    map.<BR>
-    <DD><TT><B>RAW</B></TT> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Raw url 
-    and polygon vertices ( <I>url&nbsp; x1&nbsp; y1&nbsp; x2&nbsp; y2&nbsp; 
-    ..... </I>), suitable for conversion to CERN server format, or any other 
-    format with user supplied conversion program. </DD></UL><BR>
-  <LI><B>GRASS_HTMLFILE=filename</B><BR>specifies the resulting file to store 
-  the html image map, default is <B>htmlmap</B>. Files without absolute path 
-  names are written in the current directory where the driver was started. 
-  <BR><B><EM>Any existing file of the same name is overwritten without 
-  warning.</EM></B><BR><BR> </LI>
+    CLIENT): 
+    <UL>
+      <DD><TT><B>CLIENT</B></TT> &nbsp;&nbsp; Netscape/IE client-side image map. 
+	(NAME="map")<BR>
+      <DD><TT><B>APACHE</B></TT> &nbsp;&nbsp; Apache/NCSA server-side image 
+	map.<BR>
+      <DD><TT><B>RAW</B></TT> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Raw url 
+	and polygon vertices ( <I>url&nbsp; x1&nbsp; y1&nbsp; x2&nbsp; y2&nbsp; 
+	  ..... </I>), suitable for conversion to CERN server format, or any other 
+	format with user supplied conversion program.</DD>
+    </UL>
+  </LI><BR>
+  <LI><B>GRASS_HTMLFILE=filename</B><BR>
+    specifies the resulting file to store 
+    the html image map, default is <tt>htmlmap</tt>. Files without absolute path 
+    names are written in the current directory where the driver was started. 
+    <BR>
+    <em>Any existing file of the same name is overwritten without 
+      warning.</em>
+  </LI><BR>
   <LI><B>GRASS_HTMLMINDIST=n</B><BR>specifies the minimum distance in pixels
   that a point must change from the previous point to keep in the list of
-  vertices for a polygon.  The default is <B>2</B>, which means that a
+  vertices for a polygon.  The default is <tt>2</tt>, which means that a
   point's x and y difference from the previous point must change by a number
   of pixels greater than this value.  This parameter helps to eliminate
-  closely spaced points.  <BR><BR></LI>
+  closely spaced points.
+  </LI><BR>
   <LI><B>GRASS_HTMLMINBBOX=n</B><BR>specifies the minimum bounding box
   dimensions to record a polygon as a clickable area.
-  The default is <B>2</B>, which means that a polygon with a bounding box
+  The default is <tt>2</tt>, which means that a polygon with a bounding box
   of less than this value is not included. This parameter helps to eliminate
-  polygons than are a point or line.  <BR><BR></LI>
+  polygons than are a point or line.
+  </LI><BR>
   <LI><B>GRASS_HTMLMAXPOINTS=n</B><BR>specifies the maximum number of
   vertices included in a polygon's clickable area.
-  The default is <B>99</B>.  Some browsers can only accomodate polygons of
+  The default is <tt>99</tt>.  Some browsers can only accomodate polygons of
   100 vertices or less.  The HTMLMAP driver automatically ensures that a
   polygon is closed by making the last point the same as the first
-  point.  <BR><BR></LI></UL>
+  point.</LI><BR>
 <H3>Typical usage</H3>
-<LI>Start up the driver<BR><PRE>         d.mon start=HTMLMAP
-         d.mon select=HTMLMAP
-         </PRE>
-<LI>Display text strings (HREF's) and polygons
-         echo "http://www.no-such-place.net/area51/" | d.text
-         d.vect map=area51
-         echo "http://www.roswell-nm.net/little/green/men.html" | d.text
-         d.vect map=roswell
-<LI>Stop the driver when all polygon have been displayed. This will cause a file 
-named 'htmlmap' to be created in your current directory.
-         d.mon stop=HTMLMAP
-<LI>You will also want to create an image for your image map. Use the PNG 
-driver and other utilities to create .gif or .jpg files.
-<i>The following example is somewhat out of date and refers to options
-available in GRASS 5.</i>
-         # using previous GRASS_WIDTH &amp; GRASS_HEIGHT
-         d.mon start=PNG
-         d.mon select=PNG
-         d.rast map=terrain
-         d.vect map=area51  fillcolor=white  linecolor=blue
-         d.vect map=roswell fillcolor=yellow linecolor=blue
-         d.vect map=states  color=green
-         d.vect map=roads   color=black
-         d.mon stop=PNG
+  <LI>Start up the driver
+<DIV class="code"><PRE>
+d.mon start=HTMLMAP
+  </LI>
+  <LI>Display text strings (HREF's) and polygons
+<DIV class="code"><PRE>
+echo "http://www.no-such-place.net/area51/" | d.text
+d.vect map=area51
+echo "http://www.roswell-nm.net/little/green/men.html" | d.text
+d.vect map=roswell
+  <LI>Stop the driver when all polygon have been displayed. This will cause a file 
+    named 'htmlmap' to be created in your current directory.
+<DIV class="code"><PRE>
+d.mon stop=HTMLMAP
+  <LI>You will also want to create an image for your image map. Use the PNG 
+    driver and other utilities to create .gif or .jpg files.
+    <i>The following example is somewhat out of date and refers to options
+      available in GRASS 5.</i>
+<DIV class="code"><PRE>
+# using previous GRASS_WIDTH &amp; GRASS_HEIGHT
+d.mon start=PNG
+d.mon select=PNG
+d.rast map=terrain
+d.vect map=area51  fillcolor=white  linecolor=blue
+d.vect map=roswell fillcolor=yellow linecolor=blue
+d.vect map=states  color=green
+d.vect map=roads   color=black
+d.mon stop=PNG
 <!-- ????  FIXME -->
-         # make the region the same as the newly created cell for ppm export
-         g.region save=saved.reg
-         g.region raster=D_cell
-         r.out.ppm -q input=D_cell output=alien.ppm
+# make the region the same as the newly created cell for ppm export
+g.region save=saved.reg
+g.region raster=D_cell
+r.out.ppm -q input=D_cell output=alien.ppm
-         # use the netpbm utilities to create a gif (quantize if needed)
-         ppmquant 128 &lt;alien.ppm |  ppmtogif &gt;alien.gif 
+# use the netpbm utilities to create a gif (quantize if needed)
+ppmquant 128 &lt;alien.ppm |  ppmtogif &gt;alien.gif 
-         # assemble some html with the image and the image map
-         echo '&lt;html&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;img src="alien.gif" usemap="#map"&gt;' &gt;alien.html
-         cat htmlmap                                           &gt;&gt;alien.html
-         echo '&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;'                                 &gt;&gt;alien.html
+# assemble some html with the image and the image map
+echo '&lt;html&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;img src="alien.gif" usemap="#map"&gt;' &gt;alien.html
+cat htmlmap                                           &gt;&gt;alien.html
+echo '&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;'                                 &gt;&gt;alien.html
+# don't forget to reset your region
+g.region region=saved.reg
-         # don't forget to reset your region
-         g.region region=saved.reg
-         # take a look and test it out
-         netscape file:`pwd`/alien.html &amp;
-     </PRE>
+# take a look and test it out
+netscape file:`pwd`/alien.html &amp;
+  </LI>
@@ -132,28 +159,31 @@
 HTMLMAP was adapted from the CELL driver in GRASS 4.3. 
 Point-in-polygon test code was lifted from Randolph Franklin's web page, see 
-<a href="http://www.ecse.rpi.edu/Homepages/wrf/">http://www.ecse.rpi.edu/Homepages/wrf/</A>
-<a href="http://www.ecse.rpi.edu/Homepages/wrf/research/geom/pnpoly.html">http://www.ecse.rpi.edu/Homepages/wrf/research/geom/pnpoly.html</A>
+  <LI><a href="http://www.ecse.rpi.edu/Homepages/wrf/">http://www.ecse.rpi.edu/Homepages/wrf/</A></LI>
+  <LI><a href="http://www.ecse.rpi.edu/Homepages/wrf/research/geom/pnpoly.html">http://www.ecse.rpi.edu/Homepages/wrf/research/geom/pnpoly.html</A></LI>
-<P>If you create an HTML file with two or more images and image maps, you will 
+If you create an HTML file with two or more images and image maps, you will 
 need to edit the map names. The HTMLMAP driver creates its map with the name 
-<I>map</I>. A small sed script can easily change the map name: </P>
-<PRE>sed -e 's/NAME="map"/NAME="foomap"/' &lt; htmlmap &gt; foomap.html
+<tt>map</tt>. A small sed script can easily change the map name:
+  sed -e 's/NAME="map"/NAME="foomap"/' &lt; htmlmap &gt; foomap.html
 <H2>SEE ALSO</H2>
-<a href="pngdriver.html">PNG driver</A>,
-<a href="psdriver.html">PostScript driver</A>,
-<a href="xdriver.html">XDRIVER</A>
-<A HREF="d.frame.html">d.frame</A>,
-<A href="d.mon.html">d.mon</A>,
-<A href="d.rast.html">d.rast</A>,
-<a href="d.text.html">d.text</A>, 
-<a href="d.vect.html">d.vect</A>
+  <a href="displaydrivers.html">Display drivers</a>
+  <br>
+  <a href="pngdriver.html">PNG driver</A>,
+  <a href="psdriver.html">PostScript driver</A>,
+  <a href="xdriver.html">XDRIVER</A>
+  <BR>
+  <A href="d.mon.html">d.mon</A>,
+  <a href="d.text.html">d.text</A>, 
+  <a href="d.vect.html">d.vect</A>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/drivers/PNG/description.html
--- grass/trunk/display/drivers/PNG/description.html	2008-03-23 06:07:32 UTC (rev 30702)
+++ grass/trunk/display/drivers/PNG/description.html	2008-03-23 14:34:53 UTC (rev 30703)
@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@
 <img src="grass_logo.png" alt="GRASS logo"><hr align=center size=6 noshade>
-<EM><B> PNG driver</B></EM>  - driver to create PNG and PPM images 
+<EM><B> PNG driver</B></EM> - driver to create PNG and PPM images.
 The PNG driver generates PNG and PPM images from GRASS display commands.
@@ -20,71 +21,77 @@
 display commands are written to the PNG image file.
 <H3>Environment variables</H3>
 Several environment variables effect the operation 
 of the PNG driver. 
-     the width of the image map (default is 640).<BR><BR>
+     the width of the image map (default is 640).</LI><BR>
-    the height of the image map (default is 480).<BR><BR>
+    the height of the image map (default is 480).</LI><BR>
-     the filename to put the resulting image in, default is <b>map.png</b>.
+     the filename to put the resulting image in, default is <tt>map.png</tt>.
      If you set GRASS_PNGFILE to a filename which ends in ".ppm", a PPM 
      file will be created.<br><br> 
      specifies the background color to use in RGB
      notation (hex values). Default is <b>000000</b> (black).<br><br>
-    sets transparent background on (TRUE) or off (FALSE, default).<BR><BR>
+    sets transparent background on (TRUE) or off (FALSE, default).</LI><BR>
-    sets true-color support<BR><BR>
+    sets true-color support</LI><BR>
-    compression level of PNG files (0 = none, 1 = fastest, 9 = best, default is 6)<BR><BR>
+    compression level of PNG files (0 = none, 1 = fastest, 9 = best, default is 6)</LI><BR>
-     if set to "TRUE", the image file will be written after each 
+     if set to <tt>TRUE</tt>, the image file will be written after each 
      operation (i.e. whenever a client disconnects), rather than
-     only being written out when the driver terminates.<BR><BR>
+     only being written out when the driver terminates.</LI><BR>
-     if "TRUE", the PNG driver will initialize the image from
-     the contents of $GRASS_PNGFILE.<BR><BR>
+     if <tt>TRUE</tt>, the PNG driver will initialize the image from
+     the contents of GRASS_PNGFILE.</LI><BR>
-     if "TRUE", the PNG driver will map $GRASS_PNGFILE as its framebuffer,
-     rather than using memory. This only works with BMP files.<BR><BR>
+     if <tt>TRUE</tt>, the PNG driver will map GRASS_PNGFILE as its framebuffer,
+     rather than using memory. This only works with BMP files.</LI><BR>
      tells the raster library to use its built-in PNG driver rather
      than connecting to an external monitor process using sockets. If
-     "<tt>TRUE</tt>", there is no need to run "<tt>d.mon&nbsp;start=PNG</tt>"
+     <tt>TRUE</tt>, there is no need to run <tt>d.mon start=PNG</tt>.
-<LI>Define driver settings (here: bash shell syntax)<BR><PRE>
-         export GRASS_TRUECOLOR=TRUE
-<LI>Start up the driver<BR><PRE>
-         d.mon start=PNG
-<LI>Display raster map and vector polygons<BR>
-         d.rast <i>somerastermap</i>
-         d.vect <i>somevectormap</i> color=red
-<LI> Stop the driver subsequently. This will write a 
-file named <i>map.png</i> to be created in your current directory:
-         d.mon stop=PNG
+  <LI>Define driver settings (here: bash shell syntax)
+<DIV class="code"><PRE>
+  </LI>
+  <LI>Start up the driver
+<DIV class="code"><PRE>
+d.mon start=PNG
+  </LI>
+  <LI>Display raster map and vector polygons
+<DIV class="code"><PRE>
+d.rast <i>somerastermap</i>
+d.vect <i>somevectormap</i> color=red
+  </LI>
+  <LI> Stop the driver subsequently. This will write a 
+    file named <tt>map.png</tt> to be created in your current directory:
+<DIV class="code"><PRE>
+d.mon stop=PNG
+  </LI>
 The PNG driver uses the libpng (see the <a href="http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/">libpng</a>
 home page) and zlib (see the 
-<a href="http://www.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/zlib/">info-zip</a> home
-page), all which needs to be installed for the PNG driver to work (it's
-worth it).
+<a href="http://www.zlib.net">zlib</a> home page), all which needs to
+be installed for the PNG driver to work (it's worth it).
 The resolution of the <i>PNG</i> raster map is defined by the map
 extents. Use <em>g.region -p</em> to get the number of rows and cols and
@@ -93,24 +100,26 @@
 preserve the aspect ratio.
 Further PNG file processing (e.g. quantization to 1 bit for monochrome images)
-can be done with 'pnmquant' of the <a href=http://netpbm.sourceforge.net/>netpbm</a> tools.
+can be done with 'pnmquant' of the <a href="http://netpbm.sourceforge.net/">netpbm</a> tools.
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<A HREF="htmlmapdriver.html">HTML map driver</A>,
-<A HREF="psdriver.html">PostScript driver</A>,
-<A href="xdriver.html">XDRIVER</A>
-<A HREF="d.frame.html">d.frame</A>,
-<A href="d.mon.html">d.mon</A>,
-<A href="d.rast.html">d.rast</A>,
-<A href="d.vect.html">d.vect</A>
+  <a href="displaydrivers.html">Display drivers</a>
+  <br>
+  <A HREF="htmlmapdriver.html">HTMLMAP driver</A>,
+  <A HREF="psdriver.html">PostScript driver</A>,
+  <A href="xdriver.html">XDRIVER</A>
+  <BR>
+  <A HREF="d.frame.html">d.frame</A>,
+  <A href="d.mon.html">d.mon</A>,
+  <A href="d.rast.html">d.rast</A>,
+  <A href="d.vect.html">d.vect</A>
-Original version:<BR>
-Per Henrik Johansen &lt;<I>phj (at) norgit.no</I>&gt;<BR> 
-<I><a href="http://www.norgit.no">NORGIT AS</a></I>
-Rewritten by Glynn Clements, 2003
-<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+Original version: Per Henrik Johansen &lt;<I>phj (at) norgit.no</I>&gt; <I><a href="http://www.norgit.no">NORGIT AS</a></I>
+Rewritten by: Glynn Clements, 2003
+<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/drivers/PS/description.html
--- grass/trunk/display/drivers/PS/description.html	2008-03-23 06:07:32 UTC (rev 30702)
+++ grass/trunk/display/drivers/PS/description.html	2008-03-23 14:34:53 UTC (rev 30703)
@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@
 <img src="grass_logo.png" alt="GRASS logo"><hr align=center size=6 noshade>
-<EM><B> PS driver</B></EM>  - driver to create PostScript files
+<EM><B> PS driver</B></EM> - driver to create PostScript files.
 The PS driver generates a PostScript file from GRASS display commands.
@@ -24,52 +25,50 @@
 Several environment variables effect the operation 
 of the PS driver:
-<br>&nbsp; name of output file. If it ends with ".eps" an EPS file
-will be created.
+    name of output file. If it ends with ".eps" an EPS file
+    will be created.</LI><BR>
+    sets the screen dimensions and margins to
+    fit a standard paper size, see also GRASS_WIDTH, GRASS_HEIGHT.</LI><BR>
+    defines the width of the screen, see also GRASS_HEIGHT</LI><BR>
+    defines the height of the screen, see also GRASS_WIDTH</LI><BR>
+    if <tt>TRUE</tt>, the PS driver generates color output, otherwise
+    monochrome.</LI><BR>
+    if <tt>TRUE</tt>, the screen is rotated 90 degrees
+    counter-clockwise so that a "landscape" screen fits better on
+    "portrait" paper.</LI><BR>
+    if <tt>FALSE</tt>, the output is appended to any existing file,
+    and no prolog or setup sections are generated.</LI><BR>
+    if <tt>FALSE</tt>, no trailer section is generated.</LI>
-<p>GRASS_PAPER <br>&nbsp; sets the screen dimensions and margins to
-fit a standard paper size, see also GRASS_WIDTH, GRASS_HEIGHT.
-<br>&nbsp; defines the width of the screen, see also GRASS_HEIGHT
-<br>&nbsp; defines the height of the screen, see also GRASS_WIDTH
-<br>&nbsp; if "TRUE", the PS driver generates color output, otherwise
-<br>&nbsp; if "TRUE", the screen is rotated 90 degrees
-counter-clockwise so that a "landscape" screen fits better on
-"portrait" paper.
-<br>&nbsp; if "FALSE", the output is appended to any existing file,
-and no prolog or setup sections are generated.
-<br>&nbsp; if "FALSE", no trailer section is generated.
-<LI>Start up the driver<BR><PRE>
-         d.mon start=PS
-<LI>Display raster map and vector polygons<BR>
-         d.rast <i>somerastermap</i>
-         d.vect map=<i>somevectormap</i> color=red
-<LI> Stop the driver subsequently. This will write a 
-file named <i>map.ps</i> to be created in your current directory:
-         d.mon stop=PS
+  <LI>Start up the driver
+<DIV class="code"><PRE>
+d.mon start=PS
+  </LI>
+  <LI>Display raster map and vector polygons
+<DIV class="code"><PRE>
+d.rast <i>somerastermap</i>
+d.vect map=<i>somevectormap</i> color=red
+  </LI>
+  <LI> Stop the driver subsequently. This will write a 
+    file named <tt>map.ps</tt> to be created in your current directory:
+<DIV class="code"><PRE>
+d.mon stop=PS
+  </LI>
@@ -84,23 +83,27 @@
 colorimage and setrgbcolor operators (this is the case for colour printers
 which pre-date level 2 PostScript).
-Only masked images (d.rast -o, d.rgb -o, d.his -n) require PostScript level 3.
+Only masked images (<tt>d.rast -o</tt>, <tt>d.rgb -o</tt>, <tt>d.his
+-n</tt>) require PostScript level 3.
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<A HREF="htmlmapdriver.html">HTML map driver</A>,
-<A HREF="pngdriver.html">PNG driver</A>,
-<A href="xdriver.html">XDRIVER</A>
-<A HREF="d.frame.html">d.frame</A>,
-<A href="d.out.file.html">d.out.file</A>,
-<A href="d.mon.html">d.mon</A>,
-<A href="d.rast.html">d.rast</A>,
-<A href="d.vect.html">d.vect</A>
+  <a href="displaydrivers.html">Display drivers</a>
+  <br>
+  <A HREF="htmlmapdriver.html">HTMLMAP driver</A>,
+  <A HREF="pngdriver.html">PNG driver</A>,
+  <A href="xdriver.html">XDRIVER</A>
+  <BR>
+  <A HREF="d.frame.html">d.frame</A>,
+  <A href="d.out.file.html">d.out.file</A>,
+  <A href="d.mon.html">d.mon</A>,
+  <A href="d.rast.html">d.rast</A>,
+  <A href="d.vect.html">d.vect</A>
 Glynn Clements, 2007
-<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/drivers/XDRIVER/description.html
--- grass/trunk/display/drivers/XDRIVER/description.html	2008-03-23 06:07:32 UTC (rev 30702)
+++ grass/trunk/display/drivers/XDRIVER/description.html	2008-03-23 14:34:53 UTC (rev 30703)
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 <EM><B>XDRIVER - GRASS Monitor</B></EM>  - driver to display GRASS maps in
-X11 environment<BR> 
+X11 environment.<BR> 
@@ -24,23 +24,22 @@
-<br>&nbsp; set the x size in pixel for the XDRIVER (default: 640)
-<br>&nbsp; set the y size in pixel for the XDRIVER (default: 480)
-<!-- ??? -->
-<br>&nbsp; Look for a TrueColor visual (?)
-<br>&nbsp; ?
-<br>&nbsp; Private color map (?)
-<!-- removed? -->
-<br>&nbsp; defines the left position of GRASS monitor (<i>removed?</i>)
-<br>&nbsp; define the upper position of GRASS monitor (<i>removed?</i>)
+  <li><b>GRASS_WIDTH</b><br>
+    set the x size in pixel for the XDRIVER (default: 640)</li><br>
+  <li><b>GRASS_HEIGHT</b><br>
+    set the y size in pixel for the XDRIVER (default: 480)</li></br>
+  <!-- ??? -->
+    Look for a TrueColor visual (?)</li><br>
+  <li><b>XDRIVER_WINDOW</b><br>
+    ?</li><br>
+  <li><b>XDRIVER_PRIVATE_CMAP</b><br>
+    Private color map (?)</li><br>
+  <!-- removed? -->
+  <li><b>XDRIVER_LEFT</b><br>
+    defines the left position of GRASS monitor (<i>removed?</i>)</li><br>
+  <li><b>XDRIVER_TOP</b><br>
+    define the upper position of GRASS monitor (<i>removed?</i>)</li><br>
 <h3>Set the XDRIVER size</h3>
@@ -57,21 +56,24 @@
 setenv GRASS_HEIGHT yyy
-To control the XDRIVER, use the <A HREF="d.mon.html">d.mon</A> module.
+To control the XDRIVER, use the <em><A HREF="d.mon.html">d.mon</A></em> module.
 The maximum color depth depends on the current X Server settings.
 <H2>SEE ALSO</H2>
-<A HREF="htmlmapdriver.html">HTML map driver</A>,
-<A HREF="pngdriver.html">PNG driver</A>,
-<A HREF="psdriver.html">PostScript driver</A>
-<A HREF="d.frame.html">d.frame</A>,
-<A HREF="d.mon.html">d.mon</A>,
-<A HREF="g.region.html">g.region</A>
+  <a href="displaydrivers.html">Display drivers</a>
+  <br>
+  <A HREF="htmlmapdriver.html">HTMLMAP driver</A>,
+  <A HREF="pngdriver.html">PNG driver</A>,
+  <A HREF="psdriver.html">PostScript driver</A>
+  <BR>
+  <A HREF="d.frame.html">d.frame</A>,
+  <A HREF="d.mon.html">d.mon</A>,
+  <A HREF="g.region.html">g.region</A>
+  <a href="d.rast.html">d.rast</A>, 
+  <a href="d.vect.html">d.vect</A>
@@ -80,6 +82,3 @@
 <i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/display/drivers/cairo/description.html
--- grass/trunk/display/drivers/cairo/description.html	2008-03-23 06:07:32 UTC (rev 30702)
+++ grass/trunk/display/drivers/cairo/description.html	2008-03-23 14:34:53 UTC (rev 30703)
@@ -11,70 +11,81 @@
 <EM><B>Cairo driver</B></EM> - driver for bitmap or vector output using
-the Cairo graphics library
+the Cairo graphics library.
 The Cairo driver generates PNG, BMP, PPM, PS, PDF or SVG images from GRASS
 display commands, using the
 <A HREF="http://www.cairographics.org/">Cairo graphics library</A>.
 The image format is selected from the extension of the output file.
 It is started as 'pseudo' monitor (output to an image file) and when
 stopped, all output from previously used display commands are written to
 the output file.
 <H3>Environment variables</H3>
 Several environment variables affect the operation of the Cairo driver:
-     the width of the image.<BR><BR>
+     the width of the image.
+  </LI><BR>
-    the height of the image.<BR><BR>
+    the height of the image.
+  </LI><BR>
      the name and format of the resulting image file, default is
-     <b>map.png</b>.<BR>
+     <tt>map.png</tt>.<BR>
      The image format is determined from the file extension.<BR>
      Supported bitmap formats:
-     <LI><B>.png</B> - Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
-     <LI><B>.bmp</B> - Windows Bitmap (BMP)
-     <LI><B>.ppm</B> - Portable Pixmap (PPM)
+       <LI><B>.png</B> - Portable Network Graphics (PNG)</LI>
+       <LI><B>.bmp</B> - Windows Bitmap (BMP)</LI>
+       <LI><B>.ppm</B> - Portable Pixmap (PPM)</LI>
      Supported vector formats:
-     <LI><B>.pdf</B> - Portable Document Format (PDF)
-     <LI><B>.ps</B> - PostScript (PS)
-     <LI><B>.svg</B> - Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
+       <LI><B>.pdf</B> - Portable Document Format (PDF)</LI>
+       <LI><B>.ps</B> - PostScript (PS)</LI>
+       <LI><B>.svg</B> - Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)</LI>
      (Note: Some formats may not be available, depending on your platform and
      the Cairo library that GRASS was built with.)
-     <br><br> 
+  </LI><BR> 
      specifies the background color to use in RGB
-     notation (hex values). Default is <b>FFFFFF</b> (white).<br><br>
+    notation (hex values). Default is <b>FFFFFF</b> (white).
+  </LI><BR>
-    sets transparent background on (TRUE) or off (FALSE, default).<BR><BR>
+    sets transparent background on (TRUE) or off (FALSE, default).
+  </LI><BR>
-     if set to "TRUE", the image file will be written after each 
-     operation (i.e. whenever a client disconnects), rather than
-     only being written out when the driver terminates.<BR>
-     (Note: This only applies to bitmap formats - vector formats
-     are always written directly to file)<BR><BR>
+    if set to <tt>TRUE</tt>, the image file will be written after each 
+    operation (i.e. whenever a client disconnects), rather than
+    only being written out when the driver terminates.<BR>
+    (Note: This only applies to bitmap formats - vector formats
+    are always written directly to file).
+  </LI><BR>
-     if "TRUE", the Cairo driver will initialize the image from
-     the contents of $GRASS_CAIROFILE.<BR>
-     (Note: This is only supported for bitmap formats)<BR><BR>
+     if <tt>TRUE</tt>, the Cairo driver will initialize the image from
+    the contents of GRASS_CAIROFILE.<BR>
+    (Note: This is only supported for bitmap formats)
+  </LI><BR>
-     if "TRUE", the Cairo driver will map $GRASS_CAIROFILE as its framebuffer,
-     rather than using memory. This only works with BMP files.<BR><BR>
+    if <tt>TRUE</tt>, the Cairo driver will map GRASS_CAIROFILE as its framebuffer,
+    rather than using memory. This only works with BMP files.
+  </LI>
 Example using the driver directly (bash-syntax):
 <div class="code"><PRE>
 export GRASS_CAIROFILE=spearfish.png
@@ -88,8 +99,7 @@
 d.mon stop=cairo
-Example using <I>d.out.file</I>:
+Example using <em><a href="d.out.file.html">d.out.file</a></em>:
 <div class="code"><PRE>
 d.mon x0
 d.rast map=elevation.10m
@@ -100,7 +110,7 @@
-A more complicated example using <I>d.out.file</I>:
+A more complicated example using <em><a href="d.out.file.html">d.out.file</a></em>:
 <div class="code"><PRE>
 r.shaded.relief map=elevation.dem
 r.watershed elev=elevation.dem basin=watershed.basin thresh=10000
@@ -126,25 +136,28 @@
-<P>The driver is still in development. Enable it by specifying
+The driver is still in development. Enable it by specifying
 <CODE>--with-cairo</CODE> when configuring GRASS. This
 requires a reasonably recent version of the Cairo libraries
-and a working pkg-config.</P>
+and a working pkg-config.
-<P>Antialiasing is enabled by default for bitmap formats. There is
-currently no way of disabling this.</P>
+Antialiasing is enabled by default for bitmap formats. There is
+currently no way of disabling this.
-<P>Cairo supports true vector format output whenever possible. However,
+Cairo supports true vector format output whenever possible. However,
 if the selected format doesn't support a necessary feature, Cairo may
 fall back on rendering a bitmap representation of the image wrapped in
-the selected vector format.</P>
+the selected vector format.
-<P>Cairo driver output via <A HREF="d.out.file.html">d.out.file</A>
+Cairo driver output via <em><A HREF="d.out.file.html">d.out.file</A></em>
 is supported via the -c flag.</P>
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<A HREF="htmlmapdriver.html">HTML map driver</A>,
+<A HREF="htmlmapdriver.html">HTMLMAP driver</A>,
 <A HREF="pngdriver.html">PNG driver</A>,
 <A HREF="psdriver.html">PostScript driver</A>,
 <A href="xdriver.html">XDRIVER</A>
@@ -159,4 +172,3 @@
 Lars Ahlzen &lt;<I>lars (at) ahlzen.com</I>&gt;<BR>
 and the GRASS Development Team.

Modified: grass/trunk/lib/init/variables.html
--- grass/trunk/lib/init/variables.html	2008-03-23 06:07:32 UTC (rev 30702)
+++ grass/trunk/lib/init/variables.html	2008-03-23 14:34:53 UTC (rev 30703)
@@ -9,25 +9,26 @@
 <img src="grass_logo.png" alt="_\|/_ GRASS logo"><hr align=center size=6 noshade>
-<H2>GRASS variables and environment variables</H2>
+<h2>GRASS variables and environment variables</h2>
 <!-- file source:
 There are two types of variables:
 <li><a href="#enviro">shell environment</a> variables,</li>
 <li><a href="#gisenv">GRASS gisenv</a> variables.</li>
-There are a number of shell environment variable groups:
+There are a number of <i>shell</i> environment variable groups:
-<li><a href="#png">PNG driver</a>
-<li><a href="#ps">PS driver (PostScript)</a>
-<li><a href="#dirrend">variables for direct rendering</a>
-<li><a href="#internal">variables for internal use</a>
+<li><a href="#png">PNG driver</a></li>
+<li><a href="#ps">PS driver (PostScript)</a></li>
+<li><a href="#html">HTMLMAP driver</a></li>
+<!--<li><a href="#cairo">Cairo driver</a></li>-->
+<li><a href="#dirrend">variables for direct rendering</a></li>
+<li><a href="#internal">variables for internal use</a></li>
 Any setting which needs to be modifiable by a GRASS program (e.g. MONITOR)
@@ -35,26 +36,35 @@
 <h2>GRASS-related Files</h2>
 GRASS maintains some settings in a number of files on the system. They are
 detailed <a href="#files">below</a>.
 <h2>Setting environment variables</h2>
-<br>Setting environment variables depends on the shell being used:
-<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Bash:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <tt>export VARIABLE=value</tt>
-<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Csh:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <tt>setenv VARIABLE value</tt>
-<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Cmd.exe (Windows): <tt>set VARIABLE=value</tt>
+Setting environment variables depends on the shell being used:
+<div class="code"><pre>
+export VARIABLE=value
+<div class="code"><pre>
+setenv VARIABLE value
+Cmd.exe (Windows):
+<div class="code"><pre>
+set VARIABLE=value
 <h2>Setting environment variables permanently</h2>
 To get personal BASH shell definitions (aliases, color listing option, ...)
 into GRASS, store them in:<br>
 To get personal CSH shell definitions (aliases, color listing option, ...)
 into GRASS, store them in:<br>
@@ -64,28 +74,24 @@
 <h2>Setting GRASS variables</h2>
-Use "<a href="g.gisenv.html">g.gisenv</a>" within GRASS. This permanently
-predefines GRASS variables in the <tt>.grassrc6</tt> file.<br>
+Use <em><a href="g.gisenv.html">g.gisenv</a></em> within GRASS. This permanently
+predefines GRASS variables in the <tt>.grassrc6</tt> file.
 <div class="code"><pre>
 g.gisenv set="VARIABLE=VALUE"
-It looks unusual with two equals signs, but g.gisenv serves dual duty for
+It looks unusual with two equals signs, but <em>g.gisenv</em> serves dual duty for
 getting and setting GRASS variables.
-If the user just specifies a variable name, it defaults to "get" mode.
-For example:<br>
+If the user just specifies a variable name, it defaults to <b>get</b> mode.
+For example:
 <div class="code"><pre>
-GRASS ~> g.gisenv GRASS_GUI
+g.gisenv GRASS_GUI
 <a name="enviro"></a>
 <h2>List of selected (GRASS related) environment variables</h2>
@@ -93,189 +99,248 @@
 [ To be set from the terminal shell or startup scripts ]
-<br>&nbsp; directory where GRASS lives. This is set automatically by the startup script.
+  <dt>GISBASE</dt>
+  <dd>directory where GRASS lives. This is set automatically by the
+    startup script.</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>GISRC</dt>
+  <dd>name of <tt>.grassrc6</tt> file. Defines the system wide value
+    while in a GRASS session.</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>GRASS_ADDON_PATH</dt>
+  <dd>[grass startup script]<br>
+    allows to specify additional paths to local GRASS modules extra
+    to standard distribution.</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>GRASS_ADDON_ETC</dt>
+  <dd>[libgis, g.findetc]<br>
+    specify paths where support files (etc/) may be found external to
+    standard distribution.</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>GRASS_BATCH_JOB</dt>
+  <dd>defines the name (path) of a shell script to be processed as batch job.</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>GRASS_ERROR_MAIL</dt>
+  <dd>set to any value to send user mail on an error or warning that 
+    happens while stderr is being redirected.</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>GRASS_GNUPLOT</dt>
+  <dd>[<!-- m.svfit, s.probplt, s.sv -->i.spectral]<br>
+    program to use for plotting <em>gnuplot</em> data.</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>GRASS_GUI</dt>
+  <dd>either <tt>text</tt> or <tt>gui</tt> to define non-/graphical startup.
+    <br><br>
+    Can also specify the name of the GUI to use, e.g. <tt>tcltk</tt>
+    (<em><a href="gis.m.html">gis.m</a></em>), <tt>oldtcltk</tt>
+    (<em><a href="d.m.html">d.m</a></em>) or <tt>wxpython</tt>
+    (<em><a href="wxGUI.html">wxGUI</a></em>). Also exists as a GRASS
+    gisenv variable (see below). If this shell variable exists at GRASS
+    startup, it will determine the GUI used. If it is not defined startup
+    will default to the last GUI used.</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>GRASS_FONT_CAP</dt>
+  <dd>[g.mkfontcap, d.font, display drivers]<br>
+    specifies an alternative location (to $GISBASE/etc/fontcap) for 
+    the font configuration file.</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>GRASS_HEIGHT</dt>
+  <dd>[d.mon]<br>
+    defines the height of GRASS monitor, see also GRASS_WIDTH.</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dd>[init.sh, d.m, gis.m]<br>
+    defines name of HTML browser. For most platforms this should be
+    an executable in your PATH, or the full path to an executable.<br><br>
+    Mac OS X runs applications differently from the CLI.
+    Therefore, GRASS_HTML_BROWSER should be the application's signature,
+    which is a domain-like name, just reversed, i.e. com.apple.Safari. To
+    find an application's signature, type the following in a Terminal
+    (fill in the path to the application you are interested in, for
+    example: /Applications/Safari.app):<br> &nbsp; &nbsp; <code>grep -A 1
+      &quot;CFBundleIdentifier&quot;</code> <i>/path/to/application.app</i><code>/Contents/Info.plist</code><br>
+    &nbsp; The signature is the &lt;string&gt; following the &lt;key&gt;,
+    without the bracketing &lt;string&gt; tags.</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>GRASS_INT_ZLIB</dt>
+  <dd>[libgis]<br>
+    if the environment variable GRASS_INT_ZLIB exists, new compressed
+    rasters will be compressed using zlib instead of RLE
+    compression. Such rasters will have a <tt>compressed</tt> value of 2 in the
+    cellhd file.
+    <br><br>
+    Obviously, decompression is controlled by the
+    raster's <tt>compressed</tt> value, not the environment variable.
+  </dd>
+  <br>
+  <dd>[various modules]<br>
+    maybe set to either <tt>standard</tt> or <tt>gui</tt> (normally
+    GRASS takes care).</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dd>[various modules]<br>
+    swaps mouse buttons for two-button or left-handed mice. Its value
+    has three digits 1, 2, and 3, which represent default left, middle, and right
+    buttons respectively. Setting to <tt>132</tt> will swap middle and right buttons. Note
+    that this variable should be set before a display driver is initialized (e.g.,
+    <tt>d.mon x0</tt>).</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>GRASS_PAGER</dt>
+  <dd>[various modules]<br>
+    maybe set to either <tt>less</tt> or <tt>more</tt>.</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>GRASS_PERL</dt>
+  <dd>[used during install process for generating man pages]<br>
+    set Perl with path.</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>GRASS_RND_SEED</dt>
+  <dd>set random seed
+    for <em><a href="r.mapcalc.html">r.mapcalc</a></em> rand()
+    function.</dd>
+  <!-- HB Sept 2005: I don't think this exists anymore:
+       <p>GRASS_STDERR
+	 <br>&nbsp; set to any value to prevent user mail on error
+	 -->
+  <br>
+  <dt>GRASS_SH</dt>
+  <dd>[shell scripts on Windows]<br>
+    path to bourne shell interpreter used to run shell scripts.</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>GRASS_PYTHON</dt>
+  <dd>[wxGUI, Python SWIG]<br>
+    set to override Python executable.</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>GRASS_TCLSH</dt>
+  <dd>[nviz]<br>
+    set tclsh shell name to override 'tclsh'.</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>GRASS_XTERM</dt>
+  <dd>lib/init/grass-xterm-wrapper<br>
+    lib/init/grass-xterm-mac<br>
+    set to any value (e.g. rxvt, aterm, gnome-terminal, konsole) to
+    substitute 'x-terminal-emulator' or 'xterm'. The Mac OS X app
+    startup defaults to an internal '$GISBASE/etc/grass-xterm-mac',
+    which emulates the necessary xterm functionality in
+    Terminal.app.</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>GRASS_UI_TERM</dt>
+  <dd>set to any value to use the terminal based parser.</dd>
-<br>&nbsp; name of .grassrc6 file. GISRCRC defines the system wide value
-while in a GRASS session.
+  <br>
+  <dt>GRASS_VERSION</dt>
+  <dd>reports the current version number (used by R-stats interface etc);
+    should not be changed by user.</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>GRASS_WIDTH</dt>
+  <dd>[d.mon]<br>
+    defines the width of GRASS monitor, see also GRASS_HEIGHT.</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>GRASS_WISH</dt>
+  <dd>[d.m, nviz]<br>
+    set wish shell name to override 'wish'.</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dd>[nviz]<br>
+    set to any value to disable the use of GLX Pbuffers.</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dd>[nviz]<br>
+    Set to any value to disable the use of GLX Pixmaps.</dd>
-<br>[grass startup script]
-<br>&nbsp; allows to specify additional paths to local GRASS modules extra
-to standard distribution.
+<a name="png"></a>
+<h3>List of selected GRASS PNG driver environment variables</h3>
-<br>[libgis, g.findetc]
-<br>&nbsp; specify paths where support files (etc/) may be found external to
-standard distribution.
+[ These variables control the function of the PNG driver ]
-<br>&nbsp; defines the name (path) of a shell script to be processed as batch job.
+See <a href="pngdriver.html">PNG driver</a> manual page for detailed
+list of the variables.
-<br>&nbsp; set to any value to send user mail on an error or warning that 
- happens while stderr is being redirected.
+    2008/03 -- variables are described in PNG driver manual
+   page. The link should be enough here.
-<br>[<!-- m.svfit, s.probplt, s.sv -->i.spectral]
-<br>&nbsp; program to use for plotting "gnuplot" data
+   <P></P>
-<br>&nbsp; either "text" or "tcltk" to define non-/graphical startup.
-Can also specify the name of the GUI to use, e.g. "gis.m", "d.m" or
-"wxpython" (<i>wx name subject to change</i>). Also exists as a GRASS
-gisenv variable (see below). If this shell variable exists at GRASS startup,
-it will determine the GUI used. If it is not defined startup will default
-to the last GUI used.
-<br>[g.mkfontcap, d.font, display drivers]
-<br>&nbsp; Specifies an alternative location (to $GISBASE/etc/fontcap) for 
-the font configuration file.
-<br>&nbsp; defines the height of GRASS monitor, see also GRASS_WIDTH
-<br>[init.sh, d.m, gis.m]
-<br>&nbsp; defines name of HTML browser.  For most platforms this should be
-an executable in your PATH, or the full path to an executable.<br>
-&nbsp; Mac OS X runs applications differently from the CLI.  Therefore,
-GRASS_HTML_BROWSER should be the application's signature, which is a domain-like
-name, just reversed. ie: com.apple.Safari.  To find an application's signature,
-type the following in a Terminal (fill in the path to the application you are
-interested in, for example: /Applications/Safari.app):<br>
-&nbsp; &nbsp; <code>grep -A 1 &quot;CFBundleIdentifier&quot;</code> <i>/path/to/application.app</i><code>/Contents/Info.plist</code><br>
-&nbsp; The signature is the &lt;string&gt;
-following the &lt;key&gt;, without the bracketing &lt;string&gt; tags.
-<br>&nbsp; If the environment variable GRASS_INT_ZLIB exists, new compressed
- rasters will be compressed using zlib instead of RLE compression. Such
- rasters will have a "compressed" value of 2 in the cellhd file.<br>
- Obviously, decompression is controlled by the raster's "compressed"
- value, not the environment variable.
-<br>[various modules]
-<br>Maybe set to either "standard" or "gui" (normally GRASS takes care)
-<br>[various modules]
-<br>&nbsp; swaps mouse buttons for two-button or left-handed mice. Its value
-has three digits 1, 2, and 3, which represent default left, middle, and right
-buttons respectively. Setting to "132" will swap middle and right buttons. Note
-that this variable should be set before a display driver is initialized (e.g.,
-d.mon x0).
-<br>[various modules]
-<br>Maybe set to either "less" or "more"
-<br>[Used during install process for generating man pages]
-<br>&nbsp; set perl with path
-<br>&nbsp; set random seed for r.mapcalc rand() function
-<!-- HB Sept 2005: I don't think this exists anymore:
-<br>&nbsp; set to any value to prevent user mail on error
-<br>[shell scripts on Windows]
-<br>Path to bourne shell interpreter used to run shell scripts
-<br>&nbsp; set to override 'python'
-<br>&nbsp; set tclsh shell name to override 'tclsh'
-<br>&nbsp; set to any value (e.g. rxvt, aterm, gnome-terminal, konsole) to substitute 'x-terminal-emulator' or 'xterm'. The Mac OS X app startup defaults to an internal '$GISBASE/etc/grass-xterm-mac', which emulates the necessary xterm funtionality in Terminal.app.
-<br>&nbsp; set to any value to use the terminal based parser
-<br>&nbsp; reports the current version number (used by R-stats interface etc);
-<br>&nbsp; should not be changed by user
-<br>&nbsp; defines the width of GRASS monitor, see also GRASS_HEIGHT
-<br>[d.m, nviz]
-<br>&nbsp; set wish shell name to override 'wish'
-<br>&nbsp; set to any value to disable the use of Pbuffers
-<br>&nbsp; set to any value to disable the use of GLX Pixmaps
-<a name="png"></a>
-<h3>List of selected GRASS PNG driver environment variables</h3>
-[ These variables control the function of the
-   <a href="pngdriver.html">PNG Driver</a>. ]
-<br>&nbsp; name of PNG output file. If it ends with ".ppm" a PPM file will be created.
+  <br>&nbsp; name of PNG output file. If it ends with ".ppm" a PPM file will be created.
-<br>&nbsp; defines the width of GRASS monitor, see also GRASS_HEIGHT
+  <br>&nbsp; defines the width of GRASS monitor, see also GRASS_HEIGHT
-<br>&nbsp; defines the height of GRASS monitor, see also GRASS_WIDTH
+  <br>&nbsp; defines the height of GRASS monitor, see also GRASS_WIDTH
-<br>&nbsp; defines the background color of the image created by the PNG driver
+  <br>&nbsp; defines the background color of the image created by the PNG driver
-<br>&nbsp; if "TRUE", the image created by the PNG driver will have a
-transparent background
+  <br>&nbsp; if "TRUE", the image created by the PNG driver will have a
+  transparent background
-<br>&nbsp; compression level of PNG files (0 = none, 1 = fastest, 9 = best)
+  <br>&nbsp; compression level of PNG files (0 = none, 1 = fastest, 9 = best)
-<br>&nbsp; if "TRUE", the PNG driver generates a true-color image
+  <br>&nbsp; if "TRUE", the PNG driver generates a true-color image
-<br>&nbsp; tells the PNG driver to write the image to a file whenever a
-client disconnects, rather than waiting until you stop the monitor
+  <br>&nbsp; tells the PNG driver to write the image to a file whenever a
+  client disconnects, rather than waiting until you stop the monitor
-<br>&nbsp; if "TRUE", the PNG driver will initialize the image from
-the contents of $GRASS_PNGFILE
+  <br>&nbsp; if "TRUE", the PNG driver will initialize the image from
+  the contents of $GRASS_PNGFILE
-<br>&nbsp; if "TRUE", the PNG driver will map $GRASS_PNGFILE as its framebuffer,
+  <br>&nbsp; if "TRUE", the PNG driver will map $GRASS_PNGFILE as its framebuffer,
      rather than using memory; this only works with BMP files
+  -->
 <a name="ps"></a>
 <h3>List of selected GRASS PS driver environment variables</h3>
-[ These variables control the function of the
-   <a href="psdriver.html">PS Driver</a>. ]
+[ These variables control the function of the PS driver ]
+See <a href="psdriver.html">PS driver</a> manual page for detailed
+list of the variables.
+    2008/03 -- variables are described in PS driver manual
+   page. The link should be enough here.
@@ -306,178 +371,236 @@
 <br>&nbsp; if "FALSE", no trailer section is generated.
+<a name="html"></a>
+<h3>List of selected HTMLMAP driver environment variables</h3>
+[ These variables control the function of the HTMLMAP driver ]
+See <a href="htmlmapdriver.html">HTMLMAP driver</a> manual page for
+detailed list of the variables.
+<a name="cairo"></a>
+<h3>List of selected Cairo driver environment variables</h3>
+[ These variables control the function of the Cairo driver ]
+See <a href="cairodriver.html">Cairo driver</a> manual page for
+detailed list of the variables.
 <a name="dirrend"></a>
 <h3>List of selected GRASS environment variables for direct rendering</h3>
 [ In addition to those which are understood by the
- <a href="pngdriver.html">PNG Driver</a>, the following variables
+ <a href="pngdriver.html">PNG driver</a>, the following variables
  affect direct rendering. ]
-<br>&nbsp; tells the raster library to use its built-in PNG/PS driver rather
-than connecting to an external monitor process using sockets. If
-GRASS_RENDER_IMMEDIATE=TRUE is set, there is no need to run 
-<br>&nbsp; specifies the font as either the name of a font from
-$GISBASE/etc/fontcap (or alternative fontcap file specifed by GRASS_FONT_CAP),
-or alternatively the full path to a FreeType font file.
+  <dd>tells the raster library to use its built-in PNG/PS driver rather
+    than connecting to an external monitor process using sockets. If
+    GRASS_RENDER_IMMEDIATE=TRUE is set, there is no need to run 
+    <tt>d.mon&nbsp;start=PNG</tt>.</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>GRASS_FONT</dt>
+  <dd>specifies the font as either the name of a font from
+    $GISBASE/etc/fontcap (or alternative fontcap file specified by GRASS_FONT_CAP),
+    or alternatively the full path to a FreeType font file.</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>GRASS_ENCODING</dt>
+  <dd>the encoding to be assumed for text which is drawn using a
+    freetype font; may be any encoding know to <em>iconv</em>.</dd>
-<br>&nbsp; the encoding to be assumed for text which is drawn using a
-freetype font; may be any encoding know to "iconv".
 <a name="internal"></a>
 <h3>List of selected internal GRASS environment variables</h3>
-[ These variables are intended <b>for internal use only</b> by the GRASS
-software to facilitate communiction between the GIS engine, GRASS scripts,
-and the GUI.
-The user should not set these in a GRASS session. They are meant to be set
-locally for specific commands. ]
+  [ These variables are intended <b>for internal use only</b> by the GRASS
+  software to facilitate communication between the GIS engine, GRASS scripts,
+  and the GUI.
+  The user should not set these in a GRASS session. They are meant to be set
+  locally for specific commands. ]
-<br>[all modules]
-<br>&nbsp; toggles map overwrite.
-<li> 0 - maps are protected (default),
-<li> 1 - maps with identical names will be overwritten.
-This variable is automatically created by g.parser so that the
-"<tt>--overwrite</tt>" option will
-be inherited by dependant modules as the script runs. Setting either the
-GRASS_OVERWRITE environment variable or the OVERWRITE gisenv variable detailed
-below will cause maps with identical names to be overwritten.
+  <dd>[all modules]<br>
+    toggles map overwrite.
+    <ul>
+      <li>0 - maps are protected (default),</li>
+      <li>1 - maps with identical names will be overwritten.</li>
+    </ul>
+    This variable is automatically created
+    by <em><a href="g.parser.html">g.parser</a></em> so that the
+    <tt>--overwrite</tt> option will
+    be inherited by dependant modules as the script runs. Setting either the
+    GRASS_OVERWRITE environment variable or the OVERWRITE gisenv variable detailed
+    below will cause maps with identical names to be overwritten.</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>GRASS_VERBOSE</dt>
+  <dd>[all modules]<br>
+    toggles verbosity level
+    <ul>
+      <li>0 - only errors and warnings are printed</li>
+      <li>1 - progress messages are printed (percent complete)</li>
+      <li>2 - all module messages are printed</li>
+      <li>3 - additional verbose messages are printed</li>
+    </ul>
+    This variable is automatically created by <em><a href="g.parser.html">g.parser</a></em>
+    so that the <tt>--verbose</tt> or <tt>--quiet</tt> flags will be inherited
+    by dependant modules as the script runs.</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>GRASS_REGION</dt>
+  <dd>[libgis]<br>
+    override region settings, separate parameters with a ";". Format
+    is the same as in the WIND region settings file. Otherwise use is the same as
+    WIND_OVERRIDE.</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>WIND_OVERRIDE</dt>
+  <dd>[libgis]<br>
+    it causes programs to use the specified named region (created with
+    e.g. <tt>g.region save=...</tt>) to be used as the current region, instead of
+    the region from the WIND file.<br><br>
+    This allows programs such as gis.m to run external commands on an
+    alternate region without having to modify the WIND file then change it
+    back afterwards.</dd>
-<br>[all modules]
-<br>&nbsp; toggles verbosity level
-<li> 0 - only errors and warnings are printed
-<li> 1 - progress messages are printed (percent complete)
-<li> 2 - all module messages are printed
-<li> 3 - additional verbose messages are printed
-This variable is automatically created by <em><a href="g.parser.html">g.parser</a></em>
-so that the "<tt>--verbose</tt>" or "<tt>--quiet</tt>" flags will be inherited
-by dependant modules as the script runs.
-<br>&nbsp; Override region settings, separate parameters with a ";". Format
-is the same as in the WIND region settings file. Otherwise use is the same as
-It causes programs to use the specified named region (created with
-e.g. "g.region save=...") to be used as the current region, instead of
-the region from the WIND file.<br>
-This allows programs such as gis.m to run external commands on an
-alternate region without having to modify the WIND file then change it
-back afterwards.
 <a name="gisenv"></a>
 <h2>List of selected GRASS gisenv variables</h2>
-[ Use <tt>g.gisenv</tt> to get/set/unset/change them ]
+  [ Use <em>g.gisenv</em> to get/set/unset/change them ]
-<br>[entire GRASS]
-<br>&nbsp; sets level of debug message output (0: no debug messages)
-<br><tt>g.gisenv set=DEBUG=0</tt>
+  <dt>DEBUG</dt>
+  <dd>[entire GRASS]<br>
+    sets level of debug message output (0: no debug messages)
+    <div class="code"><pre>
+	g.gisenv set=DEBUG=0
+    </pre></div>
+  <br>
+  <dt>DM_FORM_MODE</dt>
+  <dd>[d.m]<br>
+    sets default form mode (<tt>txt</tt> or <tt>gui</tt>)</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>GISDBASE</dt>
+  <dd>initial database</dd>
-<br>&nbsp; sets default form mode (txt or gui)
-<br><tt>g.gisenv set=DM_FORM_MODE=txt</tt>
+  <br>
+  <dt>GIS_LOCK</dt>
+  <dd>lock ID to prevent parallel GRASS use,
+    <br>process id of the start-up shell script</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dd>[d.what.vect/forms library]<br>
+    encoding of query form (utf-8, ascii, iso8859-1, koi8-r)</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>GRASS_GUI</dt>
+  <dd>either <tt>text</tt> or <tt>gui</tt> to define non-/graphical startup.
+    <br><br> Can also specify the name of the GUI to use,
+    e.g. <tt>tcltk</tt>
+    (<em><a href="gis.m.html">gis.m</a></em>), <tt>oldtcltk</tt>
+    (<em><a href="d.m.html">d.m</a></em>) or <tt>wxpython</tt>
+    (<em><a href="wxGUI.html">wxGUI</a></em>). Also exists as a shell
+    environment variable. If this shell variable exists at GRASS
+    startup, it will determine the GUI used. If it is not defined
+    startup will default to the last GUI used.</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>LOCATION</dt>
+  <dd>full path to location directory</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>LOCATION_NAME</dt>
+  <dd>initial location name</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>MAPSET</dt>
+  <dd>initial mapset</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>OVERWRITE</dt>
+  <dd>[all modules]<br>
+    toggles map overwrite.
+    <ul>
+      <li>0 - maps are protected (default),</li>
+      <li>1 - maps with identical names will be overwritten.</li>
+    </ul>
+    This variable is automatically created
+    by <em><a href="g.parser.html">g.parser</a></em> so that the
+    <tt>--overwrite</tt> option will
+    be inherited by dependant modules as the script runs. Setting either the
+    GRASS_OVERWRITE environment variable or the OVERWRITE gisenv variable detailed
+    below will cause maps with identical names to be overwritten.</dd>
-<br>&nbsp; initial database
-<br>&nbsp; lock ID to prevent parallel GRASS use,
-<br>&nbsp; process id of the start-up shell script
-<br>[d.what.vect/forms library]
-<br>&nbsp; encoding of query form (utf-8, ascii, iso8859-1, koi8-r)
-<br>&nbsp; either "text" or "tcltk" to define non-/graphical startup.
-Can also specify the name of the GUI to use, e.g. "gis.m", "d.m" or
-"wxpython" (<i>wx name subject to change</i>). Can also exist as a GRASS
-startup shell variable. The gisenv setting defines what GUI GRASS will use
-the next time it starts.
-<br>&nbsp;full path to location directory
-<br>&nbsp;initial location name
-<br>&nbsp; initial mapset
-<br>[all modules]
-<br>&nbsp; toggles map overwrite.
-<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; With 0 maps are protected (default), 
-<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; With 1 maps with identical names will be overwritten.
-<br>&nbsp; Example: <tt>g.gisenv set="OVERWRITE=0"</tt>
-<br>&nbsp; You can force an overwrite for an individual command by adding "--o" to the command: 
-<br>&nbsp; <tt>r.in.gdal --o output=existing_map ...</tt>
 <a name="files"></a>
 <h2>GRASS-related Files</h2>
-<br>&nbsp; stores the GRASS variables (but not environment variables)
+  <dt>$HOME/.grassrc6</dt>
+  <dd>stores the GRASS variables (but not environment variables)</dd>
+  <br>
+  <dt>$HOME/.grasslogin6</dt>
+  <dd>stores the DBMI passwords in this hidden file.
+    Only the file owner can access this file.</dd>
-<br>&nbsp;  stores the DBMI passwords in this hidden file
-Only the file owner can access this file.
+  <br>
+  <dt>$HOME/GIS_ERROR_LOG</dt>
+  <dd>if this file exists then all GRASS error and warning messages are 
+    logged here. Applies to current user. To generate the file, use:
+    <tt>touch $HOME/GIS_ERROR_LOG</tt></dd>
+  <br>
+  <dd>if this file exists then all GRASS error and warning messages are 
+    logged here. Applies to all users. (proper write permissions must be in place)
+    <br><br>
+    <i>Note:</i>
+    Error and warning messages encountered while using the GUI menus are not logged.
+  </dd>
-<br>&nbsp; If this file exists then all GRASS error and warning messages are 
- logged here. Applies to current user. To generate the file, use:
-<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; <tt>touch $HOME/GIS_ERROR_LOG</tt>
+<h3>SEE ALSO</h3>
-<br>&nbsp; If this file exists then all GRASS error and warning messages are 
- logged here. Applies to all users. (proper write permissions must be in place)
-Error and warning messages encountered while using the GUI menus are not logged.
-<h3>SEE ALSO</h3>
-<a href="g.gisenv.html">g.gisenv</a>,
-<a href="g.parser.html">g.parser</a>
+  <a href="displaydrivers.html">Display drivers</a>
+  <br>
+  <a href="g.gisenv.html">g.gisenv</a>,
+  <a href="g.parser.html">g.parser</a>
 <i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
-<P><a href=index.html>Help Index</a></p>
-<P>&copy; 2008 <a href="http://grass.osgeo.org">GRASS Development Team</a></P>
+<a href=index.html>Help Index</a>
+&copy; 2008 <a href="http://grass.osgeo.org">GRASS Development Team</a>

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