[GRASS-SVN] r35183 - in grass/trunk: . doc
svn_grass at osgeo.org
svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sat Jan 3 12:26:46 EST 2009
Author: neteler
Date: 2009-01-03 12:26:46 -0500 (Sat, 03 Jan 2009)
New Revision: 35183
no longer needed
Deleted: grass/trunk/SUBMITTING_TCLTK
--- grass/trunk/SUBMITTING_TCLTK 2009-01-03 13:25:19 UTC (rev 35182)
+++ grass/trunk/SUBMITTING_TCLTK 2009-01-03 17:26:46 UTC (rev 35183)
@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
-NOTE: Please improve this list!
-Dear (new) GRASS Developer,
-When submitting TCL and TK SCRIPTS to GRASS SVN repository,
-please take care of following rules:
-[ see SUBMITTING for C code hints ]
-[ see SUBMITTING_SCRIPTS for shell script hints ]
-[ see SUBMITTING_DOCS for documentation ]
-[ see SUBMITTING_PYTHON for Python code hints ]
-1. Use the directory structure to place your program appropriately into
- the source tree
- - general grass tcl/tk libraries and reusable code go into lib/gtcltk
- - user interfaces go in gui/tcltk
- - scripts go in scripts/
- Programs here must have a proper Makefile and description.html
-2. Add a header section to the script you submit and make sure you include
- the copyright. The purpose section is meant to contain a general
- overview of the code in the file to assist other programmers that will
- need to make changes to your code.
- Example (fictitious header for a script called r.myscript) :
-# MODULE: r.myscript
-# AUTHOR(S): Me <email AT some domain>
-# PURPOSE: Calculates univariate statistics from a GRASS raster map
-# COPYRIGHT: (C) 2005 by the GRASS Development Team
-# This program is free software under the GNU General Public
-# License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
-# for details.
- The copyright protects your rights according to GNU General Public
- License (www.gnu.org).
-3. PLEASE take the time to add comments throughout your code explaining what
- the code is doing. It will save a HUGE amount of time and frustration for
- other programmers that need to change or understand your code in the future.
- Many of the programmers working on grass are not heavily invested in tcl
- and tk, so extra documentation and explanation are greatly appreciated.
-4. Test your program with both tcl/tk 8.3 and tcl/tk 8.4.
-5. Always use the gettext macros with [G_msg "..."] for user messages.
- The string must be quoted using quotation marks, not braces, for
- xgettext to find it. The string cannot include variable ($) or
- command ([...]) substitutions. If you need substitutions use
- [format ...].
- Examples:
- button .ok -text [G_msg "Ok"]
- set statusbartext [format [G_msg "Monitor %d running"] $monitor_number]]
- Use positional parameters if substitutions might be rearranged in another language:
- format [G_msg "We produced %1\$d units in location %2\$s"] $num $city
- format [G_msg "In location %2\$s we produced %1\$d units"] $num $city
-6. Use "GRASS_TCLSH" and "GRASS_WISH" environment variables instead of
- "tclsh" and "wish" at the start of Tcl/Tk scripts. This allows users to
- override the default names, so that developers don't need worry about the
- shell names.
- Tcl script:
- #!/bin/sh
- # the next line restarts using tclsh. Note the backslash: \
- exec $GRASS_TCLSH "$0" "$@"
- Tk script:
- #!/bin/sh
- # the next line restarts using wish. Note the backslash: \
- exec $GRASS_WISH "$0" "$@"
-7. Do not source files that have already been sourced.
- gui.tcl sources:
- options.tcl
- select.tcl
- gronsole.tcl
- If your code requires something to be sourced before it note so
- in a comment at the top of the file.
-8. Set tabstops in your editor to 8 spaces.
- When modifying files use the indentation style that is already present.
- Please use consistent indentation style in your new code. Whether you use
- tabs or spaces to indent please be consistent. Where tabs and spaces are
- mixed please remember that a tab is 8 spaces.
-9. Use the tk options database to control the appearance of your user interface.
- In general do not set options on tk widgets unless that option is truly
- specific to that widget. It makes them harder to customize.
- Example: Don't set options like -foreground or -background or -font
- when creating widgets, unless there's a really _really_ specific reason to
- have it that color (like it's demonstrating that color).
- If you want something like a label to look different than everything else
- of that class (other labels) give it a distinctive name, like
- .moduletitlelabel . If you have a bunch of them give them all the same
- distinctive name. This allows them to have their options controlled by the
- options database.
- You can put your options at the start of your script (before creating any
- widgets) like this:
- option add *modultitlelabel.background red
- More examples are in lib/gtcltk/options.tcl
- Many common options, like font, background and foreground colors,
- highlighting, scrollbar colors, and help bubble appearance are controlled
- by options.tcl. You can include it at the start of your script with:
- source $env(GISBASE)/etc/gtcltk/options.tcl
-10. Avoid using global variables. Thay are a frequent source of bugs, make code
- harder to understand, and make your program difficult to reuse. Additionally,
- putting code into procs usually makes it run faster (it gets compiled).
-11. For consistency, use README rather than README.txt for any README files.
-12. Use of GRASS commands in shell wrapper.
- Any GRASS program run in an xterm (those which do interactive query) needs
- to use grass-run.sh, e.g.:
- exec -- $env(GISBASE)/etc/grass-xterm-wrapper -e $env(GISBASE)/etc/grass-run.sh g.proj ...
- You should probably also use "-T g.proj -n g.proj" to set the title
- back (otherwise it will be "grass-run.sh", which isn't particularly
- informative).
- The xterm will close as soon as the command completes (whether it
- succeeds or fails). You can use the -hold switch to retain the xterm
- window after the command completes, but you should only do that for
- debugging; having to manually close the xterm window each time would
- be annoying in normal use. Alternatively, redirect stdout/stderr to a
- file, to catch any error messages.
-13. Be sure to develop on top of the LATEST GRASS code (which is in
- SVN repository). You can re-check before submission with 'svn
- diff':
- Be sure to create unified ("diff -u") format. "Plain"
- diffs (the default format) are risky, because they will apply without
- warning to code which has been substantially changed; they are also
- harder to read than unified.
- Such diffs should be made from the top-level directory, e.g.
- "cvs diff display/d.vect/main.c"; that way, the diff will
- include the pathname rather than just "main.c".
-14. Tell the other developers about the new code using the following e-mail:
- grass-dev at lists.osgeo.org
- To subscribe to this mailing list, see
- http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/grass-dev
-15. In case of questions feel free to contact the developers at the above
- mailing list.
- http://www.grass-gis.org/devel/index.php#submission
-16. Try to evaluate things only once. Tcl compiles the program to bytecode which
- can be interpreted fairly quickly. If there are strings that must still be
- evaluated tcl must parse and either compile or interpret them
- each time they are encountered. In general this means put braces around
- expressions and especially regular expressions (Tcl also compiles regular
- expressions). Multiple evaluation can also lead to bugs.
- Expressions via expr command:
- Slow:
- set y [expr $a * $x + $b]
- Fast:
- set y [expr {$a * $x + $b}]
- Expressions in conditions:
- Slow:
- if [...] {...
- Fast:
- if {[...]} {...
- Regular expressions:
- Very slow:
- regex "x(\[0-9\]+).*not" $string trash number
- Fast:
- regex {x([0-9]+).*not} $string trash number
- If you really want speed:
- If a regular expression needs to be constructed from variables but used
- multiple times store it in a variable that will not be destroyed or
- changed between reuse. Tcl stores the compiled regex with the variable.
-17. You might want to decompose lists in a somewhat easy way:
- Difficult and slow:
- # Make x1 y1 x2 y2 the first four things in the list
- set list [commandMakesList]
- set x1 [lindex $list 0]
- set y1 [lindex $list 1]
- set x2 [lindex $list 2]
- set y2 [lindex $list 3]
- Easier and faster:
- # Make x1 y1 x2 y2 the first four things in the list
- foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [commandMakesList] {break}
- Be sure to include a comment as to what you are doing.
-18. Use the Tcl list functions (list, lappend etc) for manipulating lists.
- For example, use:
- set vals [list $foo $bar]
- rather than:
- set vals "$foo $bar"
- The former will always create a list with two elements, adding braces
- if necessary, while the latter will split $foo and $bar into multiple
- elements if they contain spaces. Additionally the first is faster
- because tcl is not internally converting between strings and lists.
- A related issue is to remember that command lines (as used by exec and
- open "|...") are lists. exec behaves like execl(), spawnl() etc, and
- not like system().
- Overlooking either of these points is likely to result in code which
- fails when a command argument contains a space.
-19. Tcl C library:
- Memory allocated with Tcl_Alloc (such as the result of Tcl_Merge)
- must be freed with Tcl_Free. This means that the ->freeProc of
- an interpreter when returning a string using Tcl_Merge should be
- TCL_DYNAMIC. Incorrectly freeing memory with glibc free will
- cause segfaults in Tcl 8.4 and later.
-20. When submitting new files to the repository set SVN properties,
- e.g.
- svn:executable : *
- svn:mime-type : text/x-tcl
- svn:keywords : Author Date Id
- svn:eol-style : native
- See
- http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.advanced.props.html
-[please add further hints if required]
Modified: grass/trunk/doc/howto_release.txt
--- grass/trunk/doc/howto_release.txt 2009-01-03 13:25:19 UTC (rev 35182)
+++ grass/trunk/doc/howto_release.txt 2009-01-03 17:26:46 UTC (rev 35183)
@@ -108,10 +108,10 @@
along with associated files:
o update web site to new version (http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/browser/grass-web)
- rss.xml (for news section)
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mailing list