[GRASS-SVN] r35195 - grass/trunk/lib/init

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sun Jan 4 09:41:17 EST 2009

Author: martinl
Date: 2009-01-04 09:41:16 -0500 (Sun, 04 Jan 2009)
New Revision: 35195

lib/init: tcl files removed

Modified: grass/trunk/lib/init/Makefile
--- grass/trunk/lib/init/Makefile	2009-01-04 14:40:12 UTC (rev 35194)
+++ grass/trunk/lib/init/Makefile	2009-01-04 14:41:16 UTC (rev 35195)
@@ -42,9 +42,6 @@
 	$(ETC)/license \
 	$(ETC)/welcome \
-	$(ETC)/gis_set.tcl \
-	$(ETC)/epsg_option.tcl \
-	$(ETC)/file_option.tcl \
 	$(HTMLDIR)/variables.html \
 	$(HTMLDIR)/grass7.html \
 	$(HTMLDIR)/helptext.html \

Deleted: grass/trunk/lib/init/epsg_option.tcl
--- grass/trunk/lib/init/epsg_option.tcl	2009-01-04 14:40:12 UTC (rev 35194)
+++ grass/trunk/lib/init/epsg_option.tcl	2009-01-04 14:41:16 UTC (rev 35195)
@@ -1,515 +0,0 @@
-#            FILE:  epsg_option.tcl
-#     DESCRIPTION:  adds the utility to execute Netelers script to create a location 
-#                   using the epsg codes
-#           NOTES:  ---
-#          AUTHOR:  Antonello Andrea
-#           EMAIL:  antonell ing.unitn.it
-#         COMPANY:  Engineering, University of Trento / CUDAM
-#       COPYRIGHT:  Copyright (C) 2004 University of Trento / CUDAM, ITALY, GPL
-#         VERSION:  1.2
-#         CREATED:  04/01/2004
-#        REVISION:  22/04/2006 (Michael Barton, Arizona State University)
-#       CHANGELOG:  20/12/2006 - EPSG code search and epsgOpt::create_loc. Michael Barton.
-#                   08/12/2006 - Fixed directory choosing dialogs. Maris Nartiss.
-#  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
-#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public 
-#  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either 
-#  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 
-#  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
-#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
-#  Library General Public License for more details. 
-#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public 
-#  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free 
-#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 
-#  USA 
-#1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright   
-#   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.   
-#2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright   
-#   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the   
-#   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.   
-#   part regarding to the creation of a new location using proj and 
-#   the EPSG codes    (routines epsgLocCom and infoEpsg)
-namespace eval epsgOpt {
-	variable browsedepsg ;#path to EPSG code file
-	variable epsgLocation ;#name of new location to be created
-	variable epsg_code  ;#EPSG code number
-	variable searchterm ;#text string searched in EPSG file
-	variable dir 
-	variable start ;#starting index for searching EPSG text widget
-	variable epsgtxt ;#text widget with EPSG definitions and codes
-	variable dtnum ;#datum transformation number
-	global env
-	global database 
-	global refresh
-	global mingw ;#test to see if we are running a windows version in mingw
-# G_msg.tcl should be sourced first for internationalized strings.
-# the frame used to set EPSG parameters 
-proc epsgOpt::epsgLocCom args {
-	#Create main panel for setting location with EPSG code
-	variable epsgLocation 
-	variable epsg_code
-	variable browsedepsg 
-	variable searchterm
-	variable dir
-	variable start
-	variable searchterm
-	global database
-	global env
-	global mingw
-	#initialize some variables
-	set searchterm ""
-	set dir "f"
-	set start 1.0
-	#Mac framework location for EPSG file
-	#set env(/Library/Frameworks/PROJ.framework/Resources/proj) "/Library/Frameworks/PROJ.framework/Resources/proj"
-	# NOTE: the epsg file is generated in GDAL for PROJ4 
-	# with gdal/pymod/epsg_tr.py
-	if { [ catch { set epsgOpt::browsedepsg "$env(GRASS_PROJSHARE)/epsg" } ] } {
-		DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "WARNING: cant get enviromental variable"] warning \
-		[format [G_msg "Warning: Unable to get enviromental variable GRASS_PROJSHARE. \nThis is a GRASS installation error. \nSet enviromental variable GRASS_PROJSHARE to point to directory with Proj4 EPSG file. "]] \
-		0 OK;
-		return 0
-	}
-	set epsgOpt::epsgLocation "newLocation"
-	set epsgOpt::epsg_code ""
-	# creation of the parameter window
-	set epsg_win [toplevel .optPopup]
-	wm title $epsg_win [ G_msg "Define location using EPSG projection codes" ]
-	# put it in the middle of the screen
-	update idletasks
-	set winWidth [winfo reqwidth $epsg_win]
-	set winHeight [winfo reqheight $epsg_win]
-	set scrnWidth [winfo screenwidth $epsg_win]
-	set scrnHeight [winfo screenheight $epsg_win]
-	set x [expr ($scrnWidth - $winWidth) / 2-250]
-	set y [expr ($scrnHeight  - $winHeight) / 2]
-	wm geometry $epsg_win +$x+$y
-	wm deiconify $epsg_win
-	#create the form and buttons
-	set row1 [frame $epsg_win.row1]
-	set row2 [frame $epsg_win.row2]
-	set row3 [frame $epsg_win.row3]
-	set row4 [frame $epsg_win.row4]
-	LabelEntry $row1.newloc -label [G_msg "Name of new location"] \
-		-labeljustify right -labelanchor e -labelwidth 30 -wraplength 200 \
-		-textvariable epsgOpt::epsgLocation -width 35 \
-		-helptext [G_msg "Enter name for location to be created"]
-	pack $row1.newloc -side left -expand 0 -fill x -padx 2
-	LabelEntry $row2.epsgpath -label [G_msg "Path to the EPSG-codes file"] \
-		-labeljustify right -labelanchor e -labelwidth 30 -wraplength 200 \
-		-textvariable epsgOpt::browsedepsg  -width 35 \
-		-helptext [G_msg "Path to the EPSG-codes file"]
-	#browse for epsg file
-	Button $row2.browseepsgfile -justify center -padx 10 -bd 1 -text [G_msg "Browse..."] \
-		-helptext [G_msg "Browse to locate EPSG file"] \
-		-command "set epsgOpt::browsedepsg \[tk_getOpenFile -initialdir epsgOpt::browsedepsg -initialfile epsg \
-		-parent .optPopup -title \[ G_msg \"Choose EPSG file\" \] -multiple false\]" 
-	pack $row2.epsgpath $row2.browseepsgfile -side left -expand 0 -fill x -padx 2
-	#browse epsg codes in file
-	LabelEntry $row3.code_entry -label [G_msg "EPSG code number of projection"] \
-		-labeljustify right -labelanchor e -labelwidth 30 -wraplength 200 \
-		-textvariable epsgOpt::epsg_code  -width 35 \
-		-helptext [G_msg "Enter EPSG code for selected projection"]
-	Button $row3.codebutton -justify center -padx 10 -bd 1 -text [G_msg "Browse..."] \
-		-helptext [G_msg "View EPSG codes and projection information."] \
-		-command {
-			if {[file exists $epsgOpt::browsedepsg]} {
-				set epsgOpt::epsg_code ""
-				epsgOpt::codesEpsg
-			} else {
-				DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "WARNING: epsg-codes file not found"] warning \
-				[G_msg "WARNING: The epsg-codes file was not found!"] \
-				0 OK
-				return 0
-			}
-		}
-	pack $row3.code_entry $row3.codebutton -side left -fill x -expand 0 -padx 2
-	Button $row4.submit -padx 10 -text [G_msg "Define location"] \
-		-command "epsgOpt::def_loc" -bd 1
-	Button $row4.cancel -padx 10 -text [G_msg "Cancel"] \
-		-command {destroy .optPopup} -bd 1
-	pack $row4.submit -side left -fill x -expand 0
-	pack $row4.cancel -side right -fill x -expand 0
-	pack $row1 $row2 $row3 $row4 -side top -fill both -expand 1 -padx 3 -pady 3
-	return 1
-proc epsgOpt::def_loc { } {
-# define new location using EPSG code
-	global refresh
-	global database
-	variable epsg_code
-	variable epsgLocation
-	if {$epsg_code==""} {return}
-	if {![string is integer $epsg_code]} {
-		DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "Invalid EPSG Code!"] error \
-		[format [G_msg "ERROR: Invalid EPSG code %s: should be an integer."] \
-	       	$epsg_code] \
-	       	0 OK
-		set epsg_code ""
-		return
-	} 
-	set epsgLocation [ string trim $epsgLocation ]
-	if {[file exists ${database}/$epsgLocation]} {
-		DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "Location Exists!"] warning \
-		[format [G_msg "WARNING: Location '%s' already exists: please try another name."] \
-		$epsgLocation] 0 OK
-		set epsgLocation ""
-		return
-	}
-	if {[file exists $epsgLocation ]==0} {  
-		destroy .optPopup
-		epsgOpt::create_loc
-		set refresh 1
-		return 1
-	}
-proc epsgOpt::create_loc { } {
-# Create a new location using g.proj
-# original bash code by M. Neteler
-	# create new location from EPSG code
-	epsgOpt::runproj	
-	return
-proc epsgOpt::runproj {} {
-	# first run g.proj to see if there are more than the default
-	# parameters to choose from
-	global location
-	global mapset
-	variable epsgLocation 
-	variable epsg_code
-	set dtrans ""
-	catch {set dtrans [exec g.proj --q -c location=$epsgLocation epsg=$epsg_code datumtrans=-1]} errMsg
-	if {[lindex $::errorCode 0] eq "CHILDSTATUS"} {
-		DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "Error creating location!"] error \
-		[format [G_msg "g.proj returned the following message:\n%s"] $errMsg] \
-		0 OK
-	} elseif {$dtrans eq ""} {
-		# if nothing written to stdout, there was no choice of
-		# datum parameters and we need not do anything more   
- 		if {$errMsg ne ""} {
-		    DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "Informational output from g.proj"] info \
-		    [format [G_msg "g.proj returned the following informational message:\n%s"] $errMsg] \
-		    0 OK
-	        }
-		set location $epsgLocation
-		set mapset "PERMANENT"
-	} else {
-		# user selects datum transform
-		#create dialog that lists datum transforms, asks user to enter a number and press OK
-		set paramset [epsgOpt::sel_dtrans $dtrans]
-		# operation canceled
-		if {$paramset == -9} {return}
-		# create new location from epsg code
-		catch {exec g.proj --q -c epsg=$epsg_code location=$epsgLocation datumtrans=$paramset} errMsg
-		#catch any other errors 
-		if {[lindex $::errorCode 0] eq "CHILDSTATUS"} {
-		    DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "Error creating location!"] warning \
-		    [format [G_msg "g.proj returned the following message:\n%s"] $errMsg] \
-		    0 OK
-		} else {
- 		    if {$errMsg ne ""} {
-		        DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "Informational output from g.proj"] info \
-		        [format [G_msg "g.proj returned the following informational message:\n%s"] $errMsg] \
-		        0 OK
-	            }
-		    set location $epsgLocation
-		    set mapset "PERMANENT"
-		}
-	}
-proc epsgOpt::sel_dtrans {dtrans} {
-# Dialog for selecting optional datum transform parameters
-# Argument is stdout from g.proj
-    # default is not to specify datum transformation
-    set epsgOpt::dtnum 0
-    # Create a popup search dialog
-    toplevel .dtrans_sel
-    wm title .dtrans_sel [G_msg "Select datum transformation parameters:"]
-    set row1 [frame .dtrans_sel.frame1] 
-    set row3 [frame .dtrans_sel.frame3] 
-    radiobutton $row1.0 -value 0 -variable epsgOpt::dtnum -wraplength 640 -justify left -text [G_msg "Continue without specifying parameters - if used when creating a location, other GRASS modules will use the \"default\" (likely non-optimum) parameters for this datum if necessary in the future."]
-    pack $row1.0 -anchor w
-    set dtrans [split $dtrans "\n"]
-    for {set i 0} { $i < [llength $dtrans] } {incr i} {
-        set thisnum [lindex $dtrans $i]
-        if {$thisnum == "---"} {
-	    continue
-        }
-	set thisdesc $thisnum.
-	while { [incr i] < [llength $dtrans] && [lindex $dtrans $i] != "---"} {
-	    set thisdesc ${thisdesc}\n[lindex $dtrans $i]
-	}
-	radiobutton $row1.$thisnum -variable epsgOpt::dtnum -value $thisnum -wraplength 640 -justify left -text $thisdesc
-	pack $row1.$thisnum -anchor w
-    }
-    pack $row1
-    Button $row3.ok -text [G_msg "OK"] -padx 10 -bd 1 \
-    	-command "destroy .dtrans_sel"
-    pack $row3.ok -side left -padx 3
-    button $row3.cancel -text [G_msg "Cancel"] -padx 10 -bd 1 \
-    	-command "set epsgOpt::dtnum -9; destroy .dtrans_sel"
-    pack $row3.cancel -side left -padx 3
-    pack $row3 -anchor center -pady 3
-    tkwait window .dtrans_sel
-    return $epsgOpt::dtnum
-proc epsgOpt::codesEpsg args {
-# text widget for listing EPSG codes
-	variable browsedepsg
-	variable epsgtxt
-	variable epsg_code
-	toplevel .infoPopup
-	wm title .infoPopup {EPSG-codes}
-	update idletasks
-	wm geometry .infoPopup +250+10
-	wm deiconify .infoPopup
-	set epsgfr [frame .infoPopup.fr]
-	set titlefr [frame $epsgfr.top -relief groove -bd 2 -bg white]
-	label $titlefr.title1 -text [G_msg "EPSG CODES (from file: $epsgOpt::browsedepsg)"] \
-		-fg mediumblue -bg white
-	label $titlefr.title2 -bg white \
-		-text [G_msg "You can select EPSG code (in <braces>) and copy it for later use." ]
-	pack $titlefr.title1 $titlefr.title2 -side top
-	pack $titlefr -side top -fill x -expand 0
-	frame $epsgfr.mid
-	set epsgtxt [text $epsgfr.mid.text \
-			   -wrap word -exportselection 1 \
-			   -relief flat -selectbackground lightgreen \
-			   -yscrollcommand "$epsgfr.mid.vscroll set"]
-	scrollbar $epsgfr.mid.vscroll \
-				-relief sunken \
-				-command "$epsgtxt yview"
-	# tag configuration
-	$epsgtxt tag configure underline -underline 1
-	$epsgtxt tag configure title -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 \
-		-background white -foreground "mediumblue" -justify center
-	#$epsgtxt tag configure lefttitle -relief flat -background beige
-	# Do not set background color for subtitle. It will override selection background color!
-	$epsgtxt tag configure subtitle -relief flat
-	# open the file 
-	set f [open $epsgOpt::browsedepsg "r"]
-	set found ""
-	while { [eof $f] == 0 } {
-		set line [gets $f]
-		set firstdash [string first # $line]
-		set firstminor [string first < $line]
-		if {$firstdash == "0"} {
-			$epsgtxt insert end "\n$line\n" lefttitle
-			set found "yes"
-		}
-		if {$firstminor == "0"} {
-			$epsgtxt insert end "\n$line\n\n" subtitle
-		}
-		if {$firstminor != "0" && $firstdash != "0" && $found != "yes"} {
-			$epsgtxt insert end [format "\n\n%s\n\n" [G_msg "GUESS THAT IS NOT THE EPSG FILE"]] title;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	set controls [frame .infoPopup.buttons]
-	button $controls.search -text [G_msg "Search"] -padx 10 -bd 1 -command "epsgOpt::search_epsg $epsgtxt"
-	Button $controls.grab -text [G_msg "Grab code"] -padx 10 -bd 1 \
-		-command "epsgOpt::grabcode"
-	pack $controls.search $controls.grab -side left -fill x -expand 0
-	button $controls.close -padx 10 -text [G_msg "Close"] \
-		-command {destroy .infoPopup} -bd 1
-	pack $controls.close -side right -fill x -expand 0                  
-	pack $controls -side bottom -fill x -expand 0 -padx 5 -pady 4      
-	pack $epsgtxt -side left -fill both -expand 1
-	pack $epsgfr.mid.vscroll -side right -fill both -expand 0
-	pack $epsgfr.mid -side top -fill both -expand 1
-        pack $epsgfr -fill both -expand 1
-proc epsgOpt::search_epsg { epsgtxt } {
-# Widget for searching EPSG file. Selects EPSG code associated with found search term.
-# Argument is text widget
-	variable searchterm
-	variable dir
-	variable start
-    # Create a popup search dialog
-    toplevel .search_epsg
-    wm title .search_epsg [G_msg "Search"]
-    set row1 [frame .search_epsg.frame1]
-    set row2 [frame .search_epsg.frame2]
-    set row3 [frame .search_epsg.frame3]
-    set row4 [frame .search_epsg.frame4]
-    Label $row1.label -text [G_msg "Search text: "] \
-    	-helptext [G_msg "Search for entered text in EPSG file"]
-    set searchentry [entry $row1.enter -relief sunken -textvariable epsgOpt::searchterm]
-    pack $row1.label $row1.enter -side left -fill x -expand 0 -anchor w
-    pack $row1 -side top -padx 3 -pady 4 -expand 1 -fill both
-    radiobutton $row2.forward -text [G_msg "forward search"] -variable epsgOpt::dir -value "f"
-    radiobutton $row2.backward -text [G_msg "backward search"] -variable epsgOpt::dir -value "b"
-    $row2.forward select
-    pack $row2.forward $row2.backward -side left \
-    	-anchor w -fill x -expand 0
-    pack $row2 -side top -padx 3 -expand 1 -fill both
-    Button $row4.search -text [G_msg "Search"] -padx 10 -bd 1 \
-    	-command "epsgOpt::textsearch"
-    pack $row4.search -side left -fill x -expand 0
-    button $row4.cancel -text [G_msg "Close"] -padx 10 -bd 1 -command "destroy .search_epsg"
-    pack $row4.cancel -side right -fill x -expand 0
-    pack $row4 -side top -pady 3 -expand 1 -fill both
-proc epsgOpt::textsearch { } {
-# Search for text in EPSG text widget and return the EPSG code
-	variable epsgtxt
-	variable searchterm
-	variable dir
-	variable start
-	variable epsg_code
-	set strlength 0
-	catch {$epsgtxt tag remove sel [lindex [$epsgtxt tag ranges sel] 0] [lindex [$epsgtxt tag ranges sel] 1]}
-	if {$dir == "f"} {
-		catch {set start [$epsgtxt search -forwards -nocase -count strlength -- $epsgOpt::searchterm $start]}
-		catch {set newstart [$epsgtxt index "$start +[expr 1+$strlength] c"]}
-	} else {
-		catch {set start [$epsgtxt search -backwards -nocase -count strlength -- $epsgOpt::searchterm $start]}
-		catch {set newstart [$epsgtxt index "$start -1 c"]}
-	}
-	update idletasks
-	if {$start != 0 && $strlength !=0} {
-		$epsgtxt tag add sel "$start"
-		$epsgtxt see $start
-		catch {set start $newstart}
-		set currpos [$epsgtxt index sel.first]
-		if { [$epsgtxt get "$currpos linestart"] == "<" } {
-			set codestart [$epsgtxt index "$currpos linestart +1c"]
-			set codeend [$epsgtxt index [$epsgtxt search -forwards -- {>} $codestart]]
-		} else {
-			set codestart [$epsgtxt index "[$epsgtxt search -forwards -- {<} $currpos] +1c"]
-			set codeend [$epsgtxt index [$epsgtxt search -forwards -- {>} $codestart]]
-		}
-		$epsgtxt tag remove sel [$epsgtxt index sel.first]
-		$epsgtxt tag add sel "$codestart" "$codeend"
-		set epsg_code [$epsgtxt get $codestart $codeend]
-	} else {
-		set start 1.0
-		return
-	}
-proc epsgOpt::grabcode { } {
-# put the code in the EPSG code entry and activate the define location button
-# Will grab the code of the entry where the insertion cursor is located if nothing found search
-	variable epsgtxt
-	variable searchterm
-	variable dir
-	variable start
-	variable epsg_code
-	if { $epsg_code == "" } {
-		set currpos [$epsgtxt index insert]
-		if { [$epsgtxt get "$currpos linestart"] == "<" } {
-			set codestart [$epsgtxt index "$currpos linestart +1c"]
-			set codeend [$epsgtxt index [$epsgtxt search -forwards -- {>} $codestart]]
-		} else {
-			set codestart [$epsgtxt index "[$epsgtxt search -forwards -- {<} $currpos] +1c"]
-			set codeend [$epsgtxt index [$epsgtxt search -forwards -- {>} $codestart]]
-		}
-		$epsgtxt tag remove sel [$epsgtxt index insert]
-		$epsgtxt tag add sel "$codestart" "$codeend"
-		set epsg_code [$epsgtxt get $codestart $codeend]
-	}
-	destroy .infoPopup

Deleted: grass/trunk/lib/init/file_option.tcl
--- grass/trunk/lib/init/file_option.tcl	2009-01-04 14:40:12 UTC (rev 35194)
+++ grass/trunk/lib/init/file_option.tcl	2009-01-04 14:41:16 UTC (rev 35195)
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-#            FILE:  file_option.tcl
-#     DESCRIPTION:  creates location from georeferenced file
-#           NOTES:  ---
-#          AUTHOR:  Michael Barton
-#         COMPANY:  Arizona State University
-#       COPYRIGHT:  Copyright (C) 2007 Michael Barton and GRASS Development Team
-#         VERSION:  1.2
-#         CREATED:  23/04/2006
-#        REVISION:  --- 
-#       CHANGELOG:  1.0.1 08/12/2006 - Fixed directory choosing dialogs. Maris Nartiss.
-#			     :	1.2 - 6 Jan 2007 - Fixed file creation for windows and reformatted
-#					dialog widgets (Michael Barton).
-#				 	Added check for return status of g.proj to catch failed location 
-#					creation (by Maris Nartiss).
-#  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
-#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public 
-#  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either 
-#  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 
-#  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
-#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
-#  Library General Public License for more details. 
-#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public 
-#  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free 
-#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 
-#  USA 
-#1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright   
-#   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.   
-#2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright   
-#   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the   
-#   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.   
-namespace eval fileOpt {
-	variable fileLocation ;#name of new location to be created
-	variable filepath  ;#path to georeferenced file
-	global env
-	global database 
-	global mingw ;#test to see if we are running a windows version in mingw
-	global refresh
-# G_msg.tcl should be sourced first for internationalized strings.
-# the frame used to set parameters 
-proc fileOpt::fileLocCom args {
-	#vars declaration
-	variable filepath
-	variable fileLocation
-	global database
-	global env
-	set fileLocation "newLocation"
-	set filepath ""
-	set locpath $database
-	set buttonstate "disabled"
-	# creation of the parameter window
-	set file_win [toplevel .fileloc]
-	wm title $file_win [ G_msg "Define location using projection information in georeferenced file" ] 
-	# put it in the middle of the screen
-	update idletasks
-	set winWidth [winfo reqwidth $file_win]
-	set winHeight [winfo reqheight $file_win]
-	set scrnWidth [winfo screenwidth $file_win]
-	set scrnHeight [winfo screenheight $file_win]
-	set x [expr ($scrnWidth - $winWidth) / 2-250]
-	set y [expr ($scrnHeight  - $winHeight) / 2]
-	wm geometry $file_win +$x+$y
-	wm deiconify $file_win
-	set row1 [frame $file_win.row1]
-	set row2 [frame $file_win.row2]
-	set row3 [frame $file_win.row3]
-	set row4 [frame $file_win.row4]
-	#create the form and buttons
-	LabelEntry $row1.newloc -label [G_msg "Name of new location"] \
-		-labeljustify right -labelanchor e -labelwidth 30 -wraplength 200 \
-		-textvariable fileOpt::fileLocation -width 35 \
-		-helptext [G_msg "Enter name of location to be created"]
-	pack $row1.newloc -side left -expand 0 -fill x -padx 2
-	LabelEntry $row2.filepath -label [G_msg "Path to georeferenced file"] \
-		-labeljustify right -labelanchor e -labelwidth 30 -wraplength 200 \
-		-textvariable fileOpt::filepath  -width 35 \
-		-helptext [G_msg "Path to georeferenced file (format must be readable by GDAL/OGR)"]
-	#browse for georeferenced file
-	Button $row2.browsefile -justify center -padx 10 -bd 1 -text [G_msg "Browse..."] \
-		-helptext [G_msg "Browse to locate georeferenced file"] \
-		-command "fileOpt::browse_file"
-	pack $row2.filepath $row2.browsefile -side left -expand 0 -fill x -padx 2
-	Button $row3.submit -justify center -padx 10 -text [G_msg "Define location"] \
-		-command "fileOpt::def_loc" -bd 1
-	Button $row3.cancel -justify center -padx 10 -text [G_msg "Cancel"] \
-		-command {destroy .fileloc} -bd 1
-	pack $row3.submit -side left -fill x -expand 0
-	pack $row3.cancel -side right -fill x -expand 0
-	pack $row1 $row2 $row3 -side top -fill both -expand 1 -padx 3 -pady 3
-proc fileOpt::browse_file {} {
-	global env
-	variable filepath
-	if { [info exists env(HOME)] } {
-		set dir $env(HOME)
-		set fileOpt::filepath [tk_getOpenFile -parent .fileloc -initialdir $dir \
-			-title [ G_msg "Choose georeferenced file" ] -multiple false]
-	} else {
-		set fileOpt::filepath [tk_getOpenFile -parent .fileloc \
-			-title [ G_msg "Choose georeferenced file" ] -multiple false]
-	}
-proc fileOpt::def_loc { } {
-# define new location using georeferenced file readable by GDAL/OGR
-	#vars declaration
-	variable filepath
-	variable fileLocation
-	global database
-	global env	
-	if {$filepath==""} {return}
-	if {$filepath==""} {
-		tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error \
-			-message [G_msg "WARNING: Please supply a\nvalid georeferenced file"] 
-		return
-	} 
-        set fileLocation [ string trim $fileLocation ]
-	if {[file exists $fileLocation ]== 1} {
-		tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error \
-			-message [G_msg "WARNING: The location '$fileLocation'\nalready exists, please try another name"] 
-		set fileLocation ""
-		return
-	}
-	if {[file exists $fileLocation ]==0} {  
-		destroy .fileloc
-		fileOpt::create_loc
-		set refresh 1
-		return
-	}
-proc fileOpt::create_loc { } {
-# Create a new location using g.proj
-# original bash code by M. Neteler
-	variable filepath
-	variable fileLocation
-	global location
-	global mapset
-	set dtrans ""
-	catch {set dtrans [exec g.proj --q -c location=$fileLocation georef=$filepath datumtrans=-1]} errMsg
-	if {[lindex $::errorCode 0] eq "CHILDSTATUS"} {
-		DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "Error creating location!"] error \
-		[format [G_msg "g.proj returned the following message:\n%s"] $errMsg] \
-		0 OK
-	} elseif {$dtrans eq ""} {
-		# if nothing written to stdout, there was no choice of
-		# datum parameters and we need not do anything more   
- 		if {$errMsg ne ""} {
-		    DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "Informational output from g.proj"] info \
-		    [format [G_msg "g.proj returned the following informational message:\n%s"] $errMsg] \
-		    0 OK
-	        }
-		set location $fileLocation
-		set mapset "PERMANENT"
-	} else {
-		# user selects datum transform
-		#create dialog that lists datum transforms, asks user to enter a number and press OK
-		set paramset [fileOpt::sel_dtrans $dtrans]
-		# operation canceled
-		if {$paramset == -9} {return}
-		# create new location from georeferenced file
-		catch {exec g.proj --q -c georef=$filepath location=$fileLocation datumtrans=$paramset} errMsg
-		#catch any other errors 
-		if {[lindex $::errorCode 0] eq "CHILDSTATUS"} {
-		    DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "Error creating location!"] warning \
-		    [format [G_msg "g.proj returned the following message:\n%s"] $errMsg] \
-		    0 OK
-		} else {
- 		    if {$errMsg ne ""} {
-		        DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "Informational output from g.proj"] info \
-		        [format [G_msg "g.proj returned the following informational message:\n%s"] $errMsg] \
-		        0 OK
-	            }
-		    set location $fileLocation
-		    set mapset "PERMANENT"
-		}
-	}
-	return
-proc fileOpt::sel_dtrans {dtrans} {
-# Dialog for selecting optional datum transform parameters
-# Argument is stdout from g.proj
-    # default is not to specify datum transformation
-    set fileOpt::dtnum 0
-    # Create a popup search dialog
-    toplevel .dtrans_sel
-    wm title .dtrans_sel [G_msg "Select datum transformation parameters:"]
-    set row1 [frame .dtrans_sel.frame1] 
-    set row3 [frame .dtrans_sel.frame3] 
-    radiobutton $row1.0 -value 0 -variable fileOpt::dtnum -wraplength 640 -justify left -text [G_msg "Continue without specifying parameters - if used when creating a location, other GRASS modules will use the \"default\" (likely non-optimum) parameters for this datum if necessary in the future."]
-    pack $row1.0 -anchor w
-    set dtrans [split $dtrans "\n"]
-    for {set i 0} { $i < [llength $dtrans] } {incr i} {
-        set thisnum [lindex $dtrans $i]
-        if {$thisnum == "---"} {
-	    continue
-        }
-	set thisdesc $thisnum.
-	while { [incr i] < [llength $dtrans] && [lindex $dtrans $i] != "---"} {
-	    set thisdesc ${thisdesc}\n[lindex $dtrans $i]
-	}
-	radiobutton $row1.$thisnum -variable fileOpt::dtnum -value $thisnum -wraplength 640 -justify left -text $thisdesc
-	pack $row1.$thisnum -anchor w
-    }
-    pack $row1
-    Button $row3.ok -text [G_msg "OK"] -padx 10 -bd 1 \
-    	-command "destroy .dtrans_sel"
-    pack $row3.ok -side left -padx 3
-    button $row3.cancel -text [G_msg "Cancel"] -padx 10 -bd 1 \
-    	-command "set fileOpt::dtnum -9; destroy .dtrans_sel"
-    pack $row3.cancel -side left -padx 3
-    pack $row3 -anchor center -pady 3
-    tkwait window .dtrans_sel
-    return $fileOpt::dtnum

Deleted: grass/trunk/lib/init/gis_set.tcl
--- grass/trunk/lib/init/gis_set.tcl	2009-01-04 14:40:12 UTC (rev 35194)
+++ grass/trunk/lib/init/gis_set.tcl	2009-01-04 14:41:16 UTC (rev 35195)
@@ -1,895 +0,0 @@
-# MODULE:   	Grass Tcl/Tk Initialization
-# AUTHOR(S):	Original author unknown - probably CERL
-#   	    	Justin Hickey - Thailand - jhickey hpcc.nectec.or.th
-#   	    	Markus Neteler - Germany - neteler geog.uni-hannover.de, itc.it
-#				Michael Barton - USA - Arizona State University
-#               Maris Nartiss - Latvia - maris.gis gmail.com
-# PURPOSE:  	The source file for this shell script is in
-#   	    	src/tcltkgrass/main/gis_set.tcl. It allows the user to choose
-#   	    	the database, location, and mapset to use with grass by
-#   	    	presenting a user interface window.
-# COPYRIGHT:    (C) 2000,2006 by the GRASS Development Team
-#               This program is free software under the GNU General Public
-#   	    	License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
-#   	    	for details.
-if {[info exists env(OS)] && $env(OS) == "Windows_NT"} {
-	set mingw "1"
-} else {
-	set mingw "0"
-source $env(GISBASE)/etc/gtcltk/gmsg.tcl
-source $env(GISBASE)/etc/gtcltk/options.tcl
-source $env(GISBASE)/etc/epsg_option.tcl
-source $env(GISBASE)/etc/file_option.tcl
-#fetch GRASS Version number:
-set fp [open $env(GISBASE)/etc/VERSIONNUMBER r]
-set GRASSVERSION [read -nonewline $fp]
-close $fp
-proc searchGISRC { filename } {
-  global database
-  global location
-  global mapset
-  global oldDb 
-  global oldLoc 
-  global oldMap
-  global grassrc_list
-  set grassrc_list ""
-  set flag 0
-  if { [file exists $filename] } {
-      set ifp [open $filename "r"]
-      set thisline [gets $ifp]
-      while { [eof $ifp] == 0 } {
-            lappend grassrc_list "$thisline"
-	    if { [regexp -- {^GISDBASE: *(.*)$} $thisline dummy env_database] } {
-                set database $env_database
-            }
-            if { [scan $thisline "LOCATION_NAME: %s" env_location] } {
-                set location $env_location
-            }
-            if { [scan $thisline "MAPSET: %s" env_mapset] } {
-                set mapset $env_mapset
-            }
-            set thisline [gets $ifp]
-      }
-      set oldDb $database
-      set oldLoc $location
-      set oldMap $mapset
-      close $ifp
-      if { $database != "" && $location != "" && $mapset != "" } {
-         set flag 1
-      }
-  }
-  return $flag
-proc putGRASSRC { filename } {
- 	# create grassrc file with new values
-	global database
-	global location
-	global mapset
-	global grassrc_list
-	set ofp [open $filename "w"]
-	foreach i $grassrc_list {
-		if { [regexp {^GISDBASE:} $i] } {
-			puts $ofp "GISDBASE: $database"
-		} elseif { [regexp {^LOCATION_NAME:} $i] } {
-			puts $ofp "LOCATION_NAME: $location"
-		} elseif { [regexp {^MAPSET:} $i] } {
-			puts $ofp "MAPSET: $mapset"
-		} else {
-			puts $ofp $i
-		}
-	}
-        if { [ catch { close $ofp } error ] } {
-                DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "WARNING: can not save"] warning \
-                        [format [G_msg "Warning: unable to save data to <%s> file.\nError message: %s"] \
-                        $filename $error] \
-                0 OK;
-      }
-proc CheckLocation {} {
-	# Returns 0, if location is invalid, 1 othervise.
-    global database location
-    set found 0
-    set dir $database
-    append dir "/$location"
-    set currDir [pwd]
-    # Special case - wrong GISDBASE
-    if {[file isdirectory $dir] == 0} {
-        DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "WARNING: invalid location"] warning \
-		[format [G_msg "Warning: location <%s> at GISDBASE <%s> is not a directory or does not exist."] \
-		$location $database] \
-        0 OK;
-        .frame0.frameMS.listbox delete 0 end
-        .frame0.frameNMS.second.entry configure -state disabled
-        .frame0.frameBUTTONS.ok configure -state disabled
-    } else {
-        cdir $dir
-        .frame0.frameNMS.second.entry configure -state disabled
-        if {[file isdirectory "PERMANENT"] && [file exists "$dir/PERMANENT/DEFAULT_WIND"]} {
-            set found 1
-            .frame0.frameNMS.second.entry configure -state normal
-        }
-    }
-    cdir $currDir
-    return $found
-proc CheckMapset {} {
-	global database location mapset
-	if { $mapset == "" } { return 0; }
-	if { [file exists "$database/$location/$mapset/WIND"] } {
-		return 1
-	}
-	return 0
-proc gisSetWindow {} {
-# create main GRASS startup panel
-    global GRASSVERSION
-    global database
-    global location
-    global mymapset
-    global mapset
-    global oldDb oldLoc oldMap
-    global env
-    global grassrc_list
-    global gisrc_name
-    global refresh
-    set refresh 0
-    global mingw
-    # Window manager configurations
-    wm title . [format [G_msg "GRASS %s Startup"] $GRASSVERSION]
-    # ---------------------------
-    # build .frame0 with panel title
-    # ---------------------------
-    set mainfr [frame .frame0 \
-    	-borderwidth {2} \
-    	-relief {raised}]
-    set titlefrm [frame .frame0.intro -borderwidth 2 ]
-    set introimg  [label $titlefrm.img -image [image create photo -file \
-    	"$env(GISBASE)/etc/gui/images/gintro.gif"]]
-    set introtitle [text $titlefrm.msg -height 5 \
-    	-relief flat -fg darkgreen \
-    	-bg #dddddd \
-    	-font introfont \
-    	-width 50 ]
-    pack $titlefrm -side top
-	pack $introimg -side top
-    pack $introtitle -side top
-    .frame0.intro.msg tag configure all -justify center
-    .frame0.intro.msg insert end [G_msg "Welcome to GRASS GIS Version"]
-    .frame0.intro.msg insert end [G_msg " $GRASSVERSION\n"]
-    .frame0.intro.msg insert end [G_msg "The world's leading open source GIS\n\n"]
-    .frame0.intro.msg insert end [G_msg "Select an existing project location and mapset\n"]
-    .frame0.intro.msg insert end [G_msg "or define a new location\n"]
-    .frame0.intro.msg tag add all 1.0 end
-    .frame0.intro.msg configure -state disabled
-    # -----------------------------------
-    # build .frame0.frameDB - panel top section for database selection
-    # -----------------------------------
-    frame .frame0.frameDB \
-    	-borderwidth {2}
-    frame .frame0.frameDB.left \
-    	-borderwidth {2}
-    frame .frame0.frameDB.mid \
-    	-borderwidth {2}
-    frame .frame0.frameDB.right \
-    	-borderwidth {2}
-    label .frame0.frameDB.left.label \
-    	-justify right \
-    	-wraplength 200 \
-    	-text [G_msg "GIS Data Directory: "]
-    entry .frame0.frameDB.mid.entry \
-    	-relief {sunken} \
-    	-textvariable database \
-		-width 40 \
-    	-xscrollcommand { .frame0.frameDB.mid.hscrollbar set}
-    scrollbar .frame0.frameDB.mid.hscrollbar \
-    	-command { .frame0.frameDB.mid.entry xview} \
-    	-relief {sunken} \
-    	-orient {horizontal}
-	button .frame0.frameDB.right.button \
-		-text [G_msg "Browse..."] -padx 10 -bd 1 \
-		-command { set tmp [tk_chooseDirectory -initialdir $database \
-			-parent .frame0 -title [G_msg "New GIS data directory"] -mustexist true]
-			if {$tmp != ""} {
-				set database $tmp
-				refresh_loc
-				.frame0.frameBUTTONS.ok configure -state disabled } 
-			}
-    pack .frame0.frameDB.left.label -side top
-    pack .frame0.frameDB.mid.entry -side top
-    pack .frame0.frameDB.mid.hscrollbar -side bottom -fill x
-    pack .frame0.frameDB.right.button -side left
-    pack .frame0.frameDB.left -side left -anchor n
-    pack .frame0.frameDB.mid -side left -anchor n
-    pack .frame0.frameDB.right -side left -anchor n -padx 10
-    # -----------------------------------
-    # build .frame0.frameLOC - middle, left section for location selection listbox 
-    # -----------------------------------
-    frame .frame0.frameLOC \
-    	-borderwidth {2}
-    label .frame0.frameLOC.label \
-	-wraplength 170 \
-    	-text [G_msg "Project Location (projection/coordinate system)"] 
-    listbox .frame0.frameLOC.listbox \
-    	-relief {sunken} \
-    	-exportselection false \
-    	-yscrollcommand {.frame0.frameLOC.vscrollbar set} \
-    	-xscrollcommand {.frame0.frameLOC.hscrollbar set} \
-    	-selectmode single
-    scrollbar .frame0.frameLOC.vscrollbar \
-    	-command {.frame0.frameLOC.listbox yview} \
-    	-relief {sunken}
-    scrollbar .frame0.frameLOC.hscrollbar \
-    	-command {.frame0.frameLOC.listbox xview} \
-    	-orient {horizontal} \
-    	-relief {sunken}
-    pack append .frame0.frameLOC \
-    	.frame0.frameLOC.label { top fill } \
-    	.frame0.frameLOC.vscrollbar { right filly } \
-    	.frame0.frameLOC.hscrollbar { bottom fillx } \
-    	.frame0.frameLOC.listbox { left expand fill }
-    # -----------------------------------
-    # build .frame0.frameMS - middle, right section for mapset selection listbox
-    # -----------------------------------
-    frame .frame0.frameMS \
-    	-borderwidth {2}
-    label .frame0.frameMS.label \
-	-wraplength 170 \
-    	-text [G_msg "Accessible Mapsets (directories of GIS files)"] 
-    listbox .frame0.frameMS.listbox \
-    	-relief {sunken} \
-	-exportselection false \
-    	-yscrollcommand {.frame0.frameMS.vscrollbar set} \
-    	-xscrollcommand {.frame0.frameMS.hscrollbar set} \
-    	-selectmode single
-    scrollbar .frame0.frameMS.vscrollbar \
-    	-command {.frame0.frameMS.listbox yview} \
-    	-relief {sunken}
-    scrollbar .frame0.frameMS.hscrollbar \
-    	-command {.frame0.frameMS.listbox xview} \
-    	-orient {horizontal} \
-    	-relief {sunken}
-    pack append .frame0.frameMS \
-    	.frame0.frameMS.label { top fill } \
-    	.frame0.frameMS.vscrollbar { right filly } \
-    	.frame0.frameMS.hscrollbar { bottom fillx } \
-    	.frame0.frameMS.listbox { left expand fill }
-    # -----------------------------------
-    # build .frame0.frameNMS - middle far right section with buttons for
-    #    creating new mapset and location
-    # -----------------------------------
-    frame .frame0.frameNMS \
-    	-borderwidth {2}
-    frame .frame0.frameNMS.first \
-    	-borderwidth {2}
-    frame .frame0.frameNMS.second \
-    	-borderwidth {2}
-    frame .frame0.frameNMS.third \
-    	-borderwidth {2}
-    frame .frame0.frameNMS.spacer \
-    	-borderwidth {2} -height {10}
-    frame .frame0.frameNMS.fourth \
-    	-borderwidth {2}
-    frame .frame0.frameNMS.fifth \
-    	-borderwidth {2}
-    frame .frame0.frameNMS.sixth \
-    	-borderwidth {2}
-    frame .frame0.frameNMS.seventh \
-    	-borderwidth {2}
-    label .frame0.frameNMS.first.label \
-	-wraplength 200 \
-    	-text [G_msg "Create new mapset in selected location"]
-    entry .frame0.frameNMS.second.entry \
-    	-relief {sunken} \
-    	-textvariable mymapset \
-    	-width 22 
-    button .frame0.frameNMS.third.button \
-    	-text [G_msg "Create new mapset"] \
-    	-padx 10 -bd 1 -wraplength 150 \
-     	-command { 
-     	    set mymapset [ string trim $mymapset ]
-     	    if { [file exists $mymapset] } {
-			DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "WARNING: invalid mapset name"] warning \
-			[format [G_msg "Warning: Mapset with name <%s> already exists. \nNew mapset is NOT created. \nChoose different mapset name and try again."] $mymapset] \
-			0 OK;
-			return
-     	    }
-            .frame0.frameNMS.third.button configure -state disabled
-	    if { $mymapset != "" } {
-            	if {[CheckLocation] == 0} {
-            	    DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "WARNING: invalid location"] warning \
-		    		[format [G_msg "Warning: selected location <%s> is not valid. \n New mapset is NOT created. \n Select valid location and try again."] $location] \
-                    0 OK;
-                    set mapset ""
-            	} else {
-                    cdir $database
-                    cdir $location
-                    if { [ catch { file mkdir $mymapset } error ] } {
-                          DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "WARNING: unable to mkdir"] warning \
-                                      [format [G_msg "Warning: Unable to create directory for new mapset. \nError message: %s"] $error] \
-                          0 OK;
-                    } else {
-                    #generate default DB definition, create dbf subdirectory:
-                    set varfp [open $mymapset/VAR "w"]
-                    puts $varfp "DB_DRIVER: sqlite"
-                    puts $varfp "DB_DATABASE: \$GISDBASE/\$LOCATION_NAME/\$MAPSET/sqlite.db"
-                    close $varfp
-                    catch {file attributes $mymapset/VAR -permissions u+rw,go+r}
-#                    file mkdir $mymapset/dbf
-                    #copy over the WIND definition:
-                    catch {file copy $mymapset/../PERMANENT/DEFAULT_WIND $mymapset/WIND}
-                    catch {file attributes $mymapset/WIND -permissions u+rw,go+r}
-                    .frame0.frameMS.listbox insert end $mymapset
-                    selFromList .frame0.frameMS.listbox $mymapset
-                    set mapset $mymapset
-                    .frame0.frameNMS.second.entry delete 0 end
-                    .frame0.frameBUTTONS.ok configure -state normal
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-	}
-    label .frame0.frameNMS.fourth.label \
-	-wraplength 200 \
-    	-text [G_msg "Define new location with..."]
-    button .frame0.frameNMS.fifth.button \
-    	-text [G_msg "Georeferenced file"] \
-    	-width 22 -bd 1 -wraplength 150\
-    	-relief raised \
-    	-command {putGRASSRC $gisrc_name
-		fileOpt::fileLocCom
-    		tkwait window .fileloc
-    		refresh_loc
-    		refresh_ms
-    		selFromList .frame0.frameLOC.listbox $location
-    		selFromList .frame0.frameMS.listbox $mapset
-    		.frame0.frameBUTTONS.ok configure -state normal}
-    button .frame0.frameNMS.sixth.button \
-    	-text [G_msg "EPSG codes"] \
-    	-width 22 -bd 1 -wraplength 150\
-    	-relief raised \
-    	-command { putGRASSRC $gisrc_name
-		if { [epsgOpt::epsgLocCom] } {
-    		tkwait window .optPopup
-    		refresh_loc
-    		refresh_ms
-    		selFromList .frame0.frameLOC.listbox $location
-    		selFromList .frame0.frameMS.listbox $mapset
-    		.frame0.frameBUTTONS.ok configure -state normal} }
-    button .frame0.frameNMS.seventh.button \
-    	-text [G_msg "Projection values"] \
-    	-width 22 -bd 1 -wraplength 150\
-    	-relief raised \
-    	-command {
-			if { $mingw == "1" } {
-				exec -- cmd.exe /c start $env(GISBASE)/etc/set_data
-			} else {
-				exec -- $env(GISBASE)/etc/grass-xterm-wrapper -name xterm-grass -e $env(GISBASE)/etc/grass-run.sh $env(GISBASE)/etc/set_data
-			}
-			# Now we should refresh the list of locations!
-			refresh_loc ;# Could it look like this? Maris.
-        }
-    pack append .frame0.frameNMS
-    pack .frame0.frameNMS.first.label
-    pack .frame0.frameNMS.second.entry
-    pack .frame0.frameNMS.third.button
-    pack .frame0.frameNMS.fourth.label
-    pack .frame0.frameNMS.fifth.button
-    pack .frame0.frameNMS.sixth.button
-    pack .frame0.frameNMS.seventh.button
-    pack .frame0.frameNMS.first
-    pack .frame0.frameNMS.second
-    pack .frame0.frameNMS.third
-    pack .frame0.frameNMS.spacer
-    pack .frame0.frameNMS.fourth
-    pack .frame0.frameNMS.fifth
-    pack .frame0.frameNMS.sixth
-    pack .frame0.frameNMS.seventh
-    # ----------------------------------
-    # build .frame0.frameBUTTONS
-    # ----------------------------------
-    frame .frame0.frameBUTTONS \
-    	-borderwidth {2}
-    button .frame0.frameBUTTONS.ok \
-     	-text [G_msg "Enter GRASS"] \
-    	-padx 10 -bd 1 -fg green4 -default active -wraplength 100 \
-     	-command {
-            if {[CheckLocation] == 0} {
-				DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "WARNING: invalid location"] warning \
-				[format [G_msg "Warning: selected location <%s> is not valid. \n Select valid location and try again."] $location] \
-				0 OK;
-			set mapset ""
-            } else {
-                if {[CheckMapset] == 0} {
-                    DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "WARNING: invalid mapset"] warning \
-                    [format [G_msg "Warning: <%s> is not a valid mapset"] $mapset] \
-                    0 OK;
-                } else {
-                    puts stdout "GISDBASE='$database';"
-                    puts stdout "LOCATION_NAME='$location';"
-                    puts stdout "MAPSET='$mapset';"
-                    putGRASSRC $gisrc_name
-                    exit 0
-                }
-            } 
-        }
-    bind . <Return> {.frame0.frameBUTTONS.ok invoke}
-    button .frame0.frameBUTTONS.help \
-    	-text [G_msg "Help"] \
-    	-padx 10 -bd 1 -wraplength 100 \
-    	-bg honeydew2 \
-		-command {
-			if { [winfo exists .help] } {
-				 puts [G_msg "Help already opened"]
-				 wm deiconify .help
-				 raise .help
-				 return
-			}
-			if { $mingw == "1" } {
-				exec -- $env(GRASS_HTML_BROWSER) file://$env(GISBASE)/docs/html/helptext.html &;
-			} else {
-				exec -- $env(GRASS_HTML_BROWSER) file://$env(GISBASE)/docs/html/helptext.html >@stdout 2>@stderr &;
-			}
-        }
-    button .frame0.frameBUTTONS.cancel \
-    	-text [G_msg "Exit"] \
-    	-padx 10 -bd 1 -wraplength 100 \
-    	-command { exit 2 }
-    pack append .frame0.frameBUTTONS \
-    	.frame0.frameBUTTONS.ok { left  } \
-    	.frame0.frameBUTTONS.cancel { left  } \
-    	.frame0.frameBUTTONS.help { right  } 
-    # ----------------------------------
-    # packed it all
-    # ----------------------------------
-    frame .frame0.frameSpacer \
-    	-borderwidth {2} -height {5}
-    # pack widget .frame0
-    pack append .frame0 \
-    	.frame0.frameDB { top } \
-    	.frame0.frameBUTTONS { bottom expand fill } \
-    	.frame0.frameSpacer { bottom } \
-    	.frame0.frameLOC { left expand  } \
-    	.frame0.frameMS { left expand  } \
-     	.frame0.frameNMS { left expand fill }
-    .frame0.frameNMS.third.button configure -state disabled
-    pack append . \
-    	.frame0 { top frame center expand fill }
-    .frame0.frameDB.mid.entry xview moveto 1
-    if { ! [file exists $database] } {
-      	DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "WARNING: Invalid Database"] warning \
-	    [G_msg "WARNING: Invalid database. Finding first valid directory in parent tree"] \
-	    0 OK
-      	while { ! [file exists $database] } {
-	    	set database [file dirname $database]
-      	}
-    }
-    # setting list of locations
-    refresh_loc
-    selFromList .frame0.frameLOC.listbox $location
-    if { [CheckLocation] } {
-        # setting list of mapsets
-	refresh_ms
-        selFromList .frame0.frameMS.listbox $mapset
-	if { [.frame0.frameMS.listbox get [.frame0.frameMS.listbox curselection]] == $mapset } {
-	        .frame0.frameBUTTONS.ok configure -state normal
-		}
-    }
-	bind .frame0.frameDB.mid.entry <Return> {
-        set new_path [%W get]
-        if { "$new_path" != "" \
-             && [file exists $new_path] && [file isdirectory $new_path] } {
-           %W delete 0 end
-           %W insert 0 $new_path
-           cdir $new_path
-           set location ""
-           set mapset ""
-           refresh_loc
-           set database [pwd]
-        }
-		.frame0.frameBUTTONS.ok configure -state disabled
-	}
-	bind .frame0.frameLOC.listbox <Double-ButtonPress-1> {
-        # Do something only if there IS atleast one location
-        if {[%W size] > 0} {
-            %W selection clear 0 end
-            %W select set [%W nearest %y]
-            cdir $database
-            set location [%W get [%W nearest %y]]
-            .frame0.frameMS.listbox delete 0 end
-            .frame0.frameBUTTONS.ok configure -state disabled
-            set mapset ""
-            if {[CheckLocation] == 0} {
-				# Notice - %%s prevents %s capturing by bind
-				DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "WARNING: invalid location"] warning \
-		    	[format [G_msg "Warning: selected location <%%s> is not valid. \n Select valid location and try again."] $location] \
-				0 OK;
-            } else {
-		refresh_ms
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	bind .frame0.frameLOC.listbox <ButtonPress-1> {
-        # Do something only if there IS atleast one location
-        if {[%W size] > 0} {
-            %W selection clear 0 end
-            %W select set [%W nearest %y]
-            cdir $database
-            set location [%W get [%W nearest %y]]
-            .frame0.frameMS.listbox delete 0 end
-            .frame0.frameBUTTONS.ok configure -state disabled
-            set mapset ""
-            if {[CheckLocation] == 0} {
-				# Notice - %%s prevents %s capturing by bind
-				DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "WARNING: invalid location"] warning \
-		    	[format [G_msg "Warning: selected location <%%s> is not valid. \n Select valid location and try again."] $location] \
-				0 OK;
-            } else {
-		refresh_ms
-        	}
-  		}
-	}
-	bind .frame0.frameMS.listbox <Double-ButtonPress-1> {
-        # Do something only if there IS atleast one mapset
-        if {[%W size] > 0} {
-            %W selection clear 0 end
-            %W select set [%W nearest %y]
-            set mapset [%W get [%W nearest %y]]
-            .frame0.frameBUTTONS.ok configure -state normal
-            if {[CheckLocation] == 0} {
-				# Notice - %%s prevents %s capturing by bind
-				DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "WARNING: invalid location"] warning \
-		    	[format [G_msg "Warning: selected location <%%s> is not valid. \n Select valid location and try again."] $location] \
-				0 OK;
-			set mapset ""
-            } else {
-                if {[CheckMapset] == 0} {
-                    DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "WARNING: invalid mapset"] warning \
-                    [format [G_msg "Warning: <%%s> is not a valid mapset"] $mapset] \
-                    0 OK;
-                } else {
-                    puts stdout "GISDBASE='$database';"
-                    puts stdout "LOCATION_NAME='$location';"
-                    puts stdout "MAPSET='$mapset';"
-                    putGRASSRC $gisrc_name
-                    exit 0
-                }
-            }
-        }
-	}
-	bind .frame0.frameMS.listbox <ButtonPress-1> {
-        # Do something only if there IS atleast one mapset
-        if {[%W size] > 0} {
-            %W selection clear 0 end
-            %W select set [%W nearest %y]
-            set mapset [%W get [%W nearest %y]]
-            .frame0.frameBUTTONS.ok configure -state normal
-            if {[CheckLocation] == 0} {
-				DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "WARNING: invalid location"] warning \
-		    	[format [G_msg "Warning: selected location <%%s> is not valid. \n Select valid location and try again."] $location] \
-				0 OK;
-			set mapset ""
-            }
-        }
-	}
-	bind .frame0.frameNMS.second.entry <KeyRelease> {
-		.frame0.frameNMS.third.button configure -state normal
-	}
-	# Exit GRASS, if window gets closed.
-	wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW {
-		exit 2
-	}
-	grab .
-	tkwait window . 
-proc refresh_loc {} {
-# refresh location listbox entries 
-	global database
-	set locList .frame0.frameLOC.listbox
-	set mapList .frame0.frameMS.listbox
-	if { "$database" != "" \
-		 && [file exists $database] && [file isdirectory $database] } {
-	   cdir $database
-	   $locList delete 0 end
-	   foreach i [lsort [glob -nocomplain -directory [pwd] *]] {
-		   if { [file isdirectory $i] } {
-			   $locList insert end [file tail $i]
-		   }
-	   }
-	   $mapList delete 0 end
-	}
-	.frame0.frameBUTTONS.ok configure -state disabled
-	update idletasks
-proc refresh_ms {} {
-# refresh location listbox entries
-        global database
-	global location
-	set mapList .frame0.frameMS.listbox
-	$mapList delete 0 end
-	if { [CheckLocation] } {
-	        cdir $database
-		cdir $location
-		foreach i [lsort [glob -directory [pwd] *]] {
-			if {[file isdirectory $i] && [file owned $i] } {
-				$mapList insert end [file tail $i]
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	.frame0.frameBUTTONS.ok configure -state disabled
-proc cdir { dir } {
-# cd wrapper
-    if { [catch { cd $dir }] } {
-        DialogGen .wrnDlg [G_msg "WARNING: change directory failed"] warning \
-          [format [G_msg "Warning: could not change directory to <%s>.\nCheck directory permissions."] $dir ]\
-          0 OK;
-          return 1
-    } else {
-        return 0
-    }
-proc selFromList { lis str } {
-# Selects list entry, if there is match
-  set siz [$lis size]
-  set curSelected 0
-  for { set x 0 } { $x < $siz } { incr x } {
-        if { $str == [$lis get $x] } {
-	        set curSelected $x
-		break
-	}
-  }
-  $lis yview $curSelected
-  $lis selection clear 0 end
-  $lis select set $curSelected
-# proc DialogGen {widget title bitmap text default buttons}
-# PURPOSE:  	This function simply pops up a dialog box with a given message.
-#   	    	Note that it is similar to tk_dialog but has a slightly
-#   	    	different look to the dialog.
-#   	    	Example call:
-#   	    	    set val [DialogGen .warnDlg "WARNING: List Changed" \
-#   	    	    	warning "WARNING: You have changed the current list.\
-#   	    	    	Do you want to discard the changes and open a new \
-#   	    	    	file?" 0 OK Cancel]
-#    	    	    if { $val == 0 } { puts stderr "OK button pressed" }
-#   	    	    if { $val == 1 } { puts stderr "Cancel button pressed" }
-# INPUT VARS:	widget	=>  name of the dialog box starting with . eg .errDlg
-#   	    	title	=>  title to display in window border
-#   	    	bitmap	=>  bitmap icon to display - must be one of
-#   	    	    	    	error	    	gray12
-#   	    	    	    	gray50 	    	hourglass
-#   	    	    	    	info   	    	questhead
-#   	    	    	    	question    	warning
-#   	    	text	=>  text of the message to be displayed
-#   	    	default =>  index of default button (0, 1, 2...) must be less
-#   	    	    	    than number of buttons
-#   	    	buttons =>  text to be used for each button eg OK Cancel
-# RETURN VAL:	index of button that was clicked - can be ignored if only one
-#   	    	button is defined
-# Procedure to generate the dialog box
-proc DialogGen {widget title bitmap text default buttons} \
-    global buttonNum
-    # Create a popup window to warn the user
-    toplevel $widget
-    wm title $widget $title
-    wm resizable $widget 0 0
-    wm protocol $widget WM_DELETE_WINDOW "CancelDialog $widget"
-    # Create a label for the bitmap and a message for the text
-    frame $widget.dlgFrame
-    pack $widget.dlgFrame -side top -fill both
-    label $widget.dlgFrame.icon -bitmap $bitmap
-    message $widget.dlgFrame.text -text $text -width 10c
-    pack $widget.dlgFrame.icon $widget.dlgFrame.text -side left -fill x \
-		-padx 10
-    # Create a frame for the pushbuttons
-    frame $widget.sepFrame -height 4 -bd 2 -relief raised
-    frame $widget.buttonFrame 
-    pack $widget.buttonFrame $widget.sepFrame -side bottom -fill x
-    # Create the pushbuttons
-    set i 0
-    foreach buttonLabel $buttons {
-		button $widget.buttonFrame.$i -bd 1 -text $buttonLabel -command "set buttonNum $i"
-		pack $widget.buttonFrame.$i -side left -expand 1 -padx 10 -pady 5
-		incr i
-    }
-    # Position the top left corner of the window over the root window
-    wm withdraw $widget
-    update idletasks
-    wm geometry $widget +[expr [winfo rootx .] + ([winfo width .] \
-		-[winfo width $widget]) / 2]+[expr [winfo rooty .] + ([winfo \
-		height .] - [winfo height $widget]) / 2]
-    wm deiconify $widget
-    # Grab the pointer to make sure this window is closed before continuing
-    grab set $widget
-    if {$default >= 0} {
-		focus $widget.buttonFrame.$default
-    }
-    tkwait variable buttonNum
-    # Destroy the popup window
-    destroy $widget
-    # Return the number of the button that was pushed
-    return "$buttonNum"
-# Procedure to cancel the dialog
-proc CancelDialog {widget} {
-    global buttonNum
-    # Set the wait variable so that the dialog box can cancel properly
-    set buttonNum 999
-global database
-global location
-global mapset
-global grassrc_list
-global gisrc_name
-set ver [info tclversion]
-if { [string compare $ver "8.0"] < 0} {
-    puts stderr "Sorry your version of the Tcl/Tk libraries is $ver and is too"
-    puts stderr "old for GRASS which requires a Tcl/Tk library version of 8.0 or later."
-    puts stderr "Reverting default settings back to GRASS text mode interface."
-    exit 1
-set database ""
-set location ""
-set mapset ""
-set gisrc_name ""
-if { [info exists env(GISRC)] } {
-   set gisrc_name $env(GISRC)
-if { [searchGISRC $gisrc_name] } {
-   gisSetWindow

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