[GRASS-SVN] r35196 - grass/trunk/lib/gis

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sun Jan 4 10:05:11 EST 2009

Author: martinl
Date: 2009-01-04 10:05:11 -0500 (Sun, 04 Jan 2009)
New Revision: 35196

gui.tcl removed

Modified: grass/trunk/lib/gis/Makefile
--- grass/trunk/lib/gis/Makefile	2009-01-04 14:41:16 UTC (rev 35195)
+++ grass/trunk/lib/gis/Makefile	2009-01-04 15:05:11 UTC (rev 35196)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
-DATASRC = ellipse.table datum.table datumtransform.table FIPS.code state27 state83 projections gui.tcl
+DATASRC = ellipse.table datum.table datumtransform.table FIPS.code state27 state83 projections
 include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Lib.make

Deleted: grass/trunk/lib/gis/gui.tcl
--- grass/trunk/lib/gis/gui.tcl	2009-01-04 14:41:16 UTC (rev 35195)
+++ grass/trunk/lib/gis/gui.tcl	2009-01-04 15:05:11 UTC (rev 35196)
@@ -1,880 +0,0 @@
-# Read README.GUI !
-lappend auto_path $env(GISBASE)/bwidget
-package require -exact BWidget 1.2.1
-source $env(GISBASE)/etc/gtcltk/gmsg.tcl
-source $env(GISBASE)/etc/gtcltk/options.tcl
-source $env(GISBASE)/etc/gtcltk/select.tcl
-source $env(GISBASE)/etc/gtcltk/gronsole.tcl
-if {[catch {set env(GISDBASE) [exec g.gisenv get=GISDBASE]} error]} {
-	tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error -title [G_msg "Error"] -message [G_msg $error]
-	return
-if {[catch {set env(LOCATION_NAME) [exec g.gisenv get=LOCATION_NAME]} error]} {
-	tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error -title [G_msg "Error"] -message [G_msg $error]
-	return
-if {[catch {set env(MAPSET) [exec g.gisenv get=MAPSET]} error]} {
-	tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error -title [G_msg "Error"] -message [G_msg $error]
-	return
-set dlg 0
-set path {}
-set iconpath $env(GISBASE)/etc/gui/icons/grass
-# Miscellanious
-# Icons
-proc icon {class member} {
-	global iconpath
-	set name "::img::icon-$class-$member"
-	if {! [catch {image type $name}]} {
-		return $name
-	}
-	if {! [catch {image create photo $name -file "$iconpath/$class-$member.gif"}]} {
-		return $name
-	}
-	if {$class == "module" && $member != ""} {
-		set memberparts [split $member "."]
-		# tcl/tk8.0: Can't use end-1
-		set memberparts [lrange $memberparts 0 [expr [llength $memberparts] - 2]]
-		set member [join $memberparts "."]
-		return [icon $class $member]
-	}
-	if {$class == "element" && [string first "/" $member] != -1} {
-		# Only use the part after the slash
-		set memberparts [split $member "/"]
-		set member [lindex $memberparts end]
-		return [icon $class $member]
-	}
-	return 0
-proc icon_configure {path class member} {
-	if {[set icon [icon $class $member]] != 0} {
-		$path configure -image $icon
-	}
-# Make text in a label wrap:
-proc wrap_text_in_label {path} {
-	bind $path <Configure> "$path configure -wraplength \[expr {\[winfo width $path\] - 5}\]"
-# Colors
-# This almost belongs in a seperate file, and possibly a seperate namespace
-# These are the colors from lib/gis/color_str.c
-array set grass_named_colors {
-black {0 0 0 255}
-red {255 0 0 255}
-green {0 255 0 255}
-blue {0 0 255 255}
-yellow {255 255 0 255}
-magenta {255 0 255 255}
-cyan {0 255 255 255}
-white {255 255 255 255}
-grey {128 128 128 255}
-gray {128 128 128 255}
-orange {255 128 0 255}
-aqua {100 128 255 255}
-indigo {0 128 255 255}
-violet {128 0 255 255}
-purple {128 0 255 255}
-brown {180 75 25 255}
-none {255 255 255 255}
-# This procedure takes a string like yellow, none, or 124:36:98 and
-# returns a list of four values for red, green, blue, and alpha
-proc color_grass_to_rgba255 {string} {
-	global grass_named_colors
-	set string [string tolower $string]
-	if {[info exists grass_named_colors($string)]} {
-		set color $grass_named_colors($string)
-	} else {
-		set incolor [split $string :]
-		# Make sure we have good values:
-		set color {}
-		for {set i 0} {$i < 4} {incr i} {
-			set inpart [lindex $incolor $i]
-			if {[catch {expr $inpart < 0}] || $inpart == ""} {
-				# This is what will be alpha
-				# So it defaults to 255
-				lappend color 255
-			} elseif {$inpart < 0} {
-				lappend color 0
-			} elseif {$inpart > 255} {
-				lappend color 255
-			} else {
-				lappend color $inpart
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return $color
-proc color_rgba255_to_grass {list} {
-	global grass_named_colors
-	if {[lindex $list 3] == 0} {
-		return "none"
-	} else {
-		# Convert numebrs back to names if possible
-		foreach name [array names grass_named_colors] {
-			if {$list == $grass_named_colors($name)} {
-				return $name
-			}
-		}
-		set rgb [lrange $list 0 2]
-		return [join $rgb :]
-	}
-proc color_rgba255_to_tcltk {color} {
-	eval format #%02X%02X%02X $color
-proc color_tcltk_to_rgba255 {string} {
-	scan $string "#%2x%2x%2x" red green blue
-	return [list $red $green $blue 255]
-proc color_grass_to_tcltk {string} {
-	return [color_rgba255_to_tcltk [color_grass_to_rgba255 $string]]
-proc color_tcltk_to_grass {string} {
-	return [color_rgba255_to_grass [color_tcltk_to_rgba255 $string]]
-proc mkcmd {dlg} {
-	global opt
-	set pgm_name $opt($dlg,pgm_name)
-	set nopt $opt($dlg,nopt)
-	set cmd [list $pgm_name]
-	for {set i 1} {$i <= $nopt} {incr i} {
-		switch -- $opt($dlg,$i,class) {
-		multi {
-			set nmulti $opt($dlg,$i,nmulti)
-			set opts {}
-			for {set j 1} {$j <= $nmulti} {incr j} {
-				if {$opt($dlg,$i,val,$j) == 1} {
-					lappend opts $opt($dlg,$i,valname,$j)
-				}
-			}
-			if {$opts != {}} {
-				lappend cmd "$opt($dlg,$i,name)=[join $opts ,]"
-			}
-		}
-		opt {
-			# Tempting, but buggy: && [string compare $opt($dlg,$i,val) $opt($dlg,$i,answer) ] != 0
-			if {[string length $opt($dlg,$i,val)] > 0} {
-				lappend cmd "$opt($dlg,$i,name)=$opt($dlg,$i,val)"
-			}
-		}
-		flag {
-			if {$opt($dlg,$i,val) == 1} {
-				lappend cmd "-$opt($dlg,$i,name)"
-			}
-		}
-		xflag {
-			if {$opt($dlg,$i,val) == 1} {
-				lappend cmd "--$opt($dlg,$i,name)"
-			}
-		}
-		}
-	}
-	return $cmd
-proc mkcmd_string {dlg} {
-	set cmd [mkcmd $dlg]
-	set cmd_string {}
-	foreach word $cmd {
-		if {[llength $word] > 1} {
-			regsub -all -- {'} $word {'\''} newword
-			append cmd_string {'} $newword {' }
-		} {
-			append cmd_string $word { }
-		}
-	}
-	return $cmd_string
-# Display the current command text in the label
-proc show_cmd {dlg} {
-	global opt
-	set opt($dlg,cmd_string) [mkcmd_string $dlg]
-proc get_file {dlg optn new} {
-	global opt
-	if {$new == 1} {
-		set filename [tk_getSaveFile -title [G_msg "Save File"]]
-	} else {
-		set filename [tk_getOpenFile -title [G_msg "Load File"]]
-	}
-	if {$filename != ""} {
-		if {$opt($dlg,$optn,multi) && $opt($dlg,$optn,val) != ""} {
-			append opt($dlg,$optn,val) "," $filename
-		} {
-			set opt($dlg,$optn,val) $filename
-		}
-	}
-	show_cmd $dlg
-proc get_map {dlg optn elem} {
-	global opt
-	global path
-	if {$opt($dlg,$optn,multi)} {
-		set val [GSelect_::create $elem multiple parent $opt($dlg,root) title $opt($dlg,pgm_name)]
-	} else {
-		set val [GSelect_::create $elem parent $opt($dlg,root) title $opt($dlg,pgm_name)]
-	}
-	if {$val != ""} {
-		if {$opt($dlg,$optn,multi) && $opt($dlg,$optn,val) != ""} {
-			foreach i [split $val ","] {
-				if {[string first $i $opt($dlg,$optn,val)] > -1} { continue }
-				append opt($dlg,$optn,val) "," $i
-			}
-		} {
-			set opt($dlg,$optn,val) $val
-		}
-	}
-	show_cmd $dlg
-proc get_color {dlg optn type} {
-	global opt
-	if {(! $opt($dlg,$optn,multi)) && $opt($dlg,$optn,val) != ""} {
-		# Convert from grass color type
-		set init [color_grass_to_tcltk $opt($dlg,$optn,val)]
-	} else {
-		set init [format "#%06X" [expr {int(rand() * 0xFFFFFF)}]]
-	}
-	set val [tk_chooseColor -initialcolor $init]
-	if {$val != ""} {
-		# Convert it to the correct type
-		set val [color_tcltk_to_grass $val]
-		# Write it back to the answer
-		if {$opt($dlg,$optn,multi) && $opt($dlg,$optn,val) != ""} {
-			append opt($dlg,$optn,val) "," $val
-		} {
-			set opt($dlg,$optn,val) $val
-		}
-	}
-	show_cmd $dlg
-proc run_cmd {dlg} {
-	global opt
-	set gronsole $opt($dlg,gronsole)
-	set title [G_msg "Output"]
-	layout_raise_special_frame $dlg {Output} $title]
-	set cmd [mkcmd $dlg]
-	catch {$opt($dlg,run_button) configure -state disabled}
-	$gronsole run $cmd {} "catch {$opt($dlg,run_button) configure -state active}"
-proc help_cmd {dlg} {
-	global opt env
-	set pgm_name $opt($dlg,pgm_name)
-	if {[catch {exec $env(GRASS_HTML_BROWSER) $env(GISBASE)/docs/html/$pgm_name.html &} error]} {
-		tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error -title [G_msg "Error"] -message [G_msg $error]
-		return
-	}
-proc clear_cmd {dlg} {
-	global opt
-	set gronsole $opt($dlg,gronsole)
-	$gronsole clear
-proc close_cmd {dlg} {
-	global opt
-	set root $opt($dlg,root)
-	destroy $root
-proc progress {dlg percent} {
-	global opt
-	set opt($dlg,percent) $percent
-	# it seems that there is a bug in ProgressBar and it is not always updated ->
-	$opt($dlg,progress) _modify
-# Default layout rule:
-# Section based notebook layout
-# Make a frame for part of the layout tree
-proc layout_make_frame {dlg guisection optn glabel} {
-	global opt
-	global bgcolor
-	if {$guisection == {}} {set guisection {{}}}
-	if {[llength $guisection] == 1} {
-		# A frame for a toplevel section
-		# This uses a scrolled frame in a notebook tab
-		# Ungrouped options go under Options
-		if {$glabel == {}} {
-			set glabel [G_msg "Options"]
-			set guisection {Options}
-		}
-		set path $opt($dlg,path)
-		set optpane [$path.nb insert end $guisection -text $glabel]
-		# Specials don't get scrolling frames:
-		if {$optn == -1} {
-			$path.nb raise $guisection
-			return $optpane
-		}
-		# And the frames and scrollers:
-		set optwin [ScrolledWindow $optpane.optwin -relief sunken -borderwidth 1]
-		set optfra [ScrollableFrame $optwin.fra -height 200 -constrainedwidth true]
-		$optwin setwidget $optfra
-		pack $optwin -fill both -expand yes
-		# Bindings for scrolling the frame
-		bind_scroll $optfra
-		set suf [$optfra getframe]
-		# Binding magic to make the whole program start at an appropriate size
-		# bind $suf <Configure> {+[winfo parent %W] configure -width [winfo reqwidth %W]}
-		$path.nb raise $guisection
-		return $suf
-	} else {
-		# Make a frame for things in this guisection
-		# We could add labels, but I fear it would just make a clutter
-		# tcl/tk8.0: Can't use end-1
-		set parent_section [lrange $guisection 0 [expr [llength $guisection]-2]]
-		set parent_frame [layout_get_frame $dlg $parent_section $optn $glabel]
-		set id [llength [winfo children $parent_frame]]
-		set suf [frame $parent_frame.fra$id]
-		pack $suf -side top -fill x
-		return $suf
-	}
-# Get the frame for an option, or make it if it doesn't exist yet
-proc layout_get_frame {dlg guisection optn glabel} {
-	global opt
-	if {! [info exists opt($dlg,layout_frame,$guisection)] } {
-		set frame [layout_make_frame $dlg $guisection $optn $glabel]
-		set opt($dlg,layout_frame,$guisection) $frame
-	}
-	return $opt($dlg,layout_frame,$guisection)
-proc layout_get_special_frame {dlg guisection key glabel} {
-	return [layout_get_frame $dlg $guisection -1 $glabel]
-proc layout_raise_frame {dlg guisection optn} {
-	global opt
-	set path $opt($dlg,path)
-	if {$guisection == {}} {
-		set guisection {{}}
-		set guisection {Options}
-	}
-	$path.nb raise $guisection
-proc layout_raise_special_frame {dlg guisection key} {
-	layout_raise_frame $dlg $guisection -1
-# Make the layout:
-proc make_layout {dlg path root} {
-	# Make the tabs (notebook)
-	set pw [NoteBook $path.nb -side top]
-	pack $pw -fill both -expand yes
-# Make widgets
-proc make_module_description {dlg path root} {
-	global opt
-	if {$opt($dlg,label) != {}} {
-		set l1 $opt($dlg,label)
-		set l2 $opt($dlg,desc)
-	} else {
-		set l1 $opt($dlg,desc)
-		set l2 {}
-	}
-	frame $path.module
-	set icon [icon module $opt($dlg,pgm_name)]
-	if {$icon != 0} {
-		button $path.module.icon -relief flat -image $icon -anchor n
-		pack $path.module.icon -side left		
-	}
-	frame $path.module.r
-	set label1 [label $path.module.r.labdesc1 -text $l1 -anchor w -justify left -width 10]
-	set label2 [label $path.module.r.labdesc2 -text $l2 -anchor w -justify left -width 10]
-	wrap_text_in_label $label1
-	wrap_text_in_label $label2
-	pack $label1 $label2 -side top -fill x
-	pack $path.module.r -side top -fill x
-	pack $path.module -side top -fill x
-proc make_command_label {dlg path root} {
-	# Widget for displaying current command
-	frame $path.cmd
-	set cmdlabel [label $path.cmd.label -textvariable opt($dlg,cmd_string) -anchor w -justify left]
-	wrap_text_in_label $cmdlabel
-	button $path.cmd.copy -text [G_msg "Copy"] -anchor n -command "show_cmd $dlg\nclipboard clear -displayof $cmdlabel\nclipboard append -displayof $cmdlabel \$opt($dlg,cmd_string)"
-	icon_configure $path.cmd.copy edit copy
-	pack $path.cmd.copy -side left
-	pack $cmdlabel -fill x -side top
-	pack $path.cmd -expand no -fill x -side bottom
-	# Bindings for updating command
-	bind [winfo toplevel $root] <Button> "+show_cmd $dlg"
-	bind [winfo toplevel $root] <Key> "+show_cmd $dlg"
-	bind [winfo toplevel $root] <ButtonRelease> "+show_cmd $dlg"
-	bind [winfo toplevel $root] <KeyRelease> "+show_cmd $dlg"
-proc make_output {dlg path root} {
-	global opt
-	set title [G_msg "Output"]
-	set outpane [layout_get_special_frame $dlg {Output} -1 $title]
-	set gronsole [Gronsole $outpane.gronsole -height 5 -width 60 -bg white]
-	pack $gronsole -expand yes -fill both
-	set opt($dlg,gronsole) $gronsole
-proc make_progress {dlg path root} {
-	global opt
-	# Progress bar
-	set opt($dlg,percent) -1
-        set progress [ProgressBar $path.progress -fg green -height 20 -relief raised -maximum 100 -variable opt($dlg,percent) ]
-	pack $progress -expand no -fill x
-	set opt($dlg,progress) $progress
-proc make_buttons {dlg path root} {
-	global opt env
-	set pgm_name $opt($dlg,pgm_name)
-	set buttonframe [frame $path.buttonframe]
-	button $buttonframe.run   -text [G_msg "Run"]   -command "run_cmd $dlg" -width 5 -bd 1
-	button $buttonframe.help  -text [G_msg "Help"]  -command "help_cmd $dlg" -width 5 -bd 1
-	button $buttonframe.clear -text [G_msg "Clear"] -command "clear_cmd $dlg" -width 5 -bd 1
-	button $buttonframe.close -text [G_msg "Close"] -command "close_cmd $dlg" -width 5 -bd 1
-	set opt($dlg,run_button) $buttonframe.run 
-	# Turn off help button if the help file doesn't exist
-	if {! [file exists $env(GISBASE)/docs/html/$pgm_name.html]} {
-		$buttonframe.help configure -state disabled
-	}
-	pack $buttonframe.run $buttonframe.help $buttonframe.clear $buttonframe.close \
-		-side left -expand yes -padx 5 -pady 5
-	pack $buttonframe -expand no -fill x -side bottom
-proc make_dialog {dlg path root} {
-	make_module_description $dlg $path $root
-	make_buttons $dlg $path $root
-	make_command_label $dlg $path $root
-	make_layout $dlg $path $root
-proc make_dialog_end {dlg path root} {
-	make_output $dlg $path $root
-	# A progress bar is now wasted space as progress is displayed in gronsole
-	# make_progress $dlg $path $root
-proc do_button_file {dlg optn suf new} {
-	global opt
-	button $suf.val$optn.sel -text {>} -command [list get_file $dlg $optn $new]
-	icon_configure $suf.val$optn.sel file open
-	pack $suf.val$optn.sel -side left -fill x
-proc do_button_old {dlg optn suf elem} {
-	global opt
-	button $suf.val$optn.sel -text {>} -command [list get_map $dlg $optn $elem]
-	icon_configure $suf.val$optn.sel element $elem
-	pack $suf.val$optn.sel -side left -fill x
-proc do_button_color {dlg optn suf type} {
-	global opt
-	button $suf.val$optn.sel -text {>} -command [list get_color $dlg $optn $type]
-	icon_configure $suf.val$optn.sel edit color
-	pack $suf.val$optn.sel -side left -fill x
-proc do_entry {dlg optn suf} {
-	global opt
-	Entry $suf.val$optn.val -textvariable opt($dlg,$optn,val)
-	pack $suf.val$optn.val -side left -fill x -expand yes
-proc do_label {dlg optn suf} {
-	global opt
-	set label $opt($dlg,$optn,label_text)
-	set type $opt($dlg,$optn,type)
-	set req $opt($dlg,$optn,required)
-	set multi $opt($dlg,$optn,multi)
-	set name $opt($dlg,$optn,name)
-	set typestring [expr {$multi ? "$type\[,$type,...\]" : $type}]
-	set typestring "$name=$typestring"
-	set typestring [expr {$req ? "$typestring" : "\[$typestring\]"}]
-	set reqtext [expr {$req ? [G_msg "required"] : [G_msg "optional"]}]
-	set multitext [expr {$multi ? [G_msg "multiple"] : ""}]
-	set typehelp "$name: $multitext $type, $reqtext"
-	set frame [frame $suf.lab$optn]
-	label $frame.label -text "$label:" -anchor w -justify left 
-	label $frame.req -text "($typehelp)" -anchor e -justify right
-	DynamicHelp::register $frame.req balloon $typestring
-	pack $frame.req -side right
-	pack $frame.label -side left -fill x -expand yes
-	pack $frame -side top -fill x
-	DynamicHelp::register $frame balloon $opt($dlg,$optn,help_text)
-	# Make the label text wrap
-	wrap_text_in_label $frame.label
-proc do_check {dlg optn suf i s} {
-	global opt
-	checkbutton $suf.val$optn.val$i -text $s -variable opt($dlg,$optn,val,$i) -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0
-	pack $suf.val$optn.val$i -side left
-	set opt($dlg,$optn,valname,$i) $s
-proc do_combo {dlg optn suf vals} {
-	global opt
-	ComboBox $suf.val$optn.val -underline 0 -labelwidth 0 -width 25 -textvariable opt($dlg,$optn,val) -values $vals -helptext $opt($dlg,$optn,help_text)
-	pack $suf.val$optn.val -side left
-# Input clean-up and normalization
-# Make guisections match up with different spacing near delimiters:
-proc normalize_guisection {dlg optn} {
-	global opt
-	#TODO: Trim each part
-	set trimmed {}
-	foreach untrimmed [split $opt($dlg,$optn,guisection) ";"] {
-		lappend trimmed [string trim $untrimmed]
-	}
-	set opt($dlg,$optn,guisection) $trimmed
-# Pick the text to use for visible labels and balloon help.
-proc choose_help_text {dlg optn} {
-	global opt
-	# Set label text and help text
-	# Use description for label if label is absent
-	set opt($dlg,$optn,label_text) $opt($dlg,$optn,label)
-	set opt($dlg,$optn,help_text) $opt($dlg,$optn,desc)
-	if {$opt($dlg,$optn,label_text) == {}} {
-		set opt($dlg,$optn,label_text) $opt($dlg,$optn,help_text)
-		set opt($dlg,$optn,help_text) {}
-	}
-# Options interface
-proc dialog_set_command {dlg cmd} {
-	global opt
-	set pgm_name $opt($dlg,pgm_name)
-	set nopt $opt($dlg,nopt)
-	if {[lindex $cmd 0] != $pgm_name} {
-		return -1
-	}
-	# "Parse" the command
-	# Note that these commands shan't have quotes around them
-	foreach argv [lrange $cmd 1 end] {
-		if {[string length $argv] < 2} continue
-		if {[string index $argv 0] == "-"} {
-			foreach char [split [string range $argv 1 end] {}] {
-				set args(-$char) 1
-			}
-		} else {
-			set eq_idx [string first "=" $argv]
-			set name [string range $argv 0 [expr $eq_idx - 1]]
-			set value [string range $argv [expr $eq_idx + 1] end]
-			set args($name) $value
-		}
-	}
-	# Query the command for each part of every option
-	for {set i 1} {$i <= $nopt} {incr i} {
-		switch -- $opt($dlg,$i,class) {
-		multi {
-			set name $opt($dlg,$i,name)
-			if {! [info exists args($name)] } continue
-			set nmulti $opt($dlg,$i,nmulti)
-			for {set j 1} {$j <= $nmulti} {incr j} {
-				set opt($dlg,$i,valname,$j) [expr ([lsearch -exact $args($name) $opt($dlg,$i,valname,$j)] != -1) ? 1 : 0]
-			}
-		}
-		opt {
-			set name $opt($dlg,$i,name)
-			if {! [info exists args($name)] } continue
-			set opt($dlg,$i,val) $args($name)
-		}
-		xflag {
-			set name --$opt($dlg,$i,name)
-			set opt($dlg,$i,val) [expr [info exists args($name)] ? 1 : 0]
-		}
-		flag {
-			set name -$opt($dlg,$i,name)
-			set opt($dlg,$i,val) [expr [info exists args($name)] ? 1 : 0]
-		}
-		}
-	}
-	show_cmd $dlg
-	update
-	return 0
-proc dialog_get_command {dlg} {
-	return [mkcmd $dlg]
-proc begin_dialog {pgm optlist} {
-	global opt dlg path
-	incr dlg
-	array set opts $optlist
-	foreach key {label desc} {
-		set opt($dlg,$key) $opts($key)
-	}
-	# Replace all non-ascii chars, spaces, $ and braces in path with undescore
-	set path [regsub -all {[][{}\$\s\u0100-\uffff]} $path "_"]
-	set root [expr {$path == "" ? "." : $path}]
-	set opt($dlg,path) $path
-	set opt($dlg,root) $root
-	set opt($dlg,pgm_name) $pgm
-	if {[winfo toplevel $root] == $root} {
-		wm title $root $pgm
-	}
-	make_dialog $dlg $path $root
-proc end_dialog {n} {
-	global opt dlg
-	set opt($dlg,nopt) $n
-	set path $opt($dlg,path)
-	set root $opt($dlg,root)
-	make_dialog_end $dlg $path $root
-	if {$n > 0} {
-		layout_raise_frame $dlg $opt($dlg,1,guisection) 1
-	}
-	update
-	show_cmd $dlg
-proc add_option {optn optlist} {
-	global opt dlg
-	array set opts $optlist
-	set opts(class) [expr {$opts(multi) && $opts(options) != {} ? "multi" : "opt"}]
-	foreach key {class name type multi desc required options answer prompt label guisection} {
-		set opt($dlg,$optn,$key) $opts($key)
-		if { $key == {guisection} } { 
-			set glabel $opts($key)
-			set opt($dlg,$optn,$key) [regsub -all {[][{}\$\s\u0100-\uffff]} \
-				[string trim $opt($dlg,$optn,$key)] "_"]
-		}
-	}
-	set opt($dlg,optn_index,$opts(name)) $optn
-	choose_help_text $dlg $optn
-	normalize_guisection $dlg $optn
-	set suf [layout_get_frame $dlg $opt($dlg,$optn,guisection) $optn $glabel]
-	do_label $dlg $optn $suf
-	frame $suf.val$optn 
-	if {$opts(options) != {}} {
-		set vals [split $opts(options) ,]
-		set answers [split $opts(answer) ,]
-		set opt($dlg,$optn,nmulti) [llength $vals]
-		if {$opts(multi)} {
-			set i 1
-			foreach x $vals {
-				do_check $dlg $optn $suf $i $x
-				if { [lsearch $answers $x] >= 0 } {
-					set opt($dlg,$optn,val,$i) 1
-				}
-				incr i
-			}
-		} else {
-			do_combo $dlg $optn $suf $vals
-			set opt($dlg,$optn,val) $opts(answer)
-		}
-	} else {
-		set prompt $opts(prompt)
-		set prompt_list [split $prompt ,]
-		if {$prompt != {}} {
-			if {[string match old_file,* $prompt]} {
-				do_button_file $dlg $optn $suf 0
-			} elseif {[string match new_file,* $prompt]} {
-				do_button_file $dlg $optn $suf 1
-			} elseif {[string match old,* $prompt]} {		
-				do_button_old $dlg $optn $suf [lindex $prompt_list 1]
-			} elseif {[string match color,* $prompt]} {
-				do_button_color $dlg $optn $suf [lindex $prompt_list 1]
-			}
-		}
-		do_entry $dlg $optn $suf
-		if {$opts(answer) != {}} {
-			set opt($dlg,$optn,val) $opts(answer)
-		}
-	}
-	pack $suf.val$optn -side top -fill x
-	DynamicHelp::register $suf.val$optn balloon $opt($dlg,$optn,help_text)
-proc add_flag {optn optlist} {
-	global opt dlg
-	array set opts $optlist
-	set opt($dlg,$optn,class) flag
-	foreach key {name desc label guisection} {
-		set opt($dlg,$optn,$key) $opts($key)
-		if { $key == {guisection} } { 
-			set glabel $opts($key)
-			set opt($dlg,$optn,$key) [regsub -all {[][{}\$\s\u0100-\uffff]} \
-				[string trim $opt($dlg,$optn,$key)] "_"]
-		}
-	}
-	set opt($dlg,$optn,val) $opts(answer)
-	set opt($dlg,optn_index,-$opts(name)) $optn
-	choose_help_text $dlg $optn
-	normalize_guisection $dlg $optn
-	set suf [layout_get_frame $dlg $opt($dlg,$optn,guisection) $optn $glabel]
-	frame $suf.val$optn
-	checkbutton $suf.val$optn.chk -text $opt($dlg,$optn,label_text) -variable opt($dlg,$optn,val) -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 -anchor w
-	pack $suf.val$optn.chk -side left
-	pack $suf.val$optn -side top -fill x
-	DynamicHelp::register $suf.val$optn balloon $opt($dlg,$optn,help_text)
-proc add_xflag {optn optlist} {
-	global opt dlg
-	array set opts $optlist
-	set opt($dlg,$optn,class) xflag
-	foreach key {name desc label guisection} {
-		set opt($dlg,$optn,$key) $opts($key)
-		if { $key == {guisection} } { 
-			set glabel $opts($key)
-			set opt($dlg,$optn,$key) [regsub -all {[][{}\$\s\u0100-\uffff]} \
-				[string trim $opt($dlg,$optn,$key)] "_"]
-		}
-	}
-	set opt($dlg,$optn,val) $opts(answer)
-	set opt($dlg,optn_index,-$opts(name)) $optn
-	choose_help_text $dlg $optn
-	normalize_guisection $dlg $optn
-	set suf [layout_get_frame $dlg $opt($dlg,$optn,guisection) $optn $glabel]
-	frame $suf.val$optn
-	checkbutton $suf.val$optn.chk -text $opt($dlg,$optn,label_text) -variable opt($dlg,$optn,val) -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 -anchor w
-	pack $suf.val$optn.chk -side left
-	pack $suf.val$optn -side top -fill x
-	DynamicHelp::register $suf.val$optn balloon $opt($dlg,$optn,help_text)

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