[GRASS-SVN] r35562 - in grass-addons/LandDyn: . r.fix.netchange.py

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Fri Jan 23 15:33:00 EST 2009

Author: isaacullah
Date: 2009-01-23 15:33:00 -0500 (Fri, 23 Jan 2009)
New Revision: 35562

new python script that fixes a run of r.landscape.evol for which netchange maps were not made. Also allows the ability to create a series of cumulative netchange maps,a nd to outputthese to a series of png images fro animation. Stats file will be re-made as well.

Added: grass-addons/LandDyn/r.fix.netchange.py/r.fix.netchange.py
--- grass-addons/LandDyn/r.fix.netchange.py/r.fix.netchange.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/LandDyn/r.fix.netchange.py/r.fix.netchange.py	2009-01-23 20:33:00 UTC (rev 35562)
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+# AUTHOR(S):    iullah
+# COPYRIGHT:    (C) 2007 GRASS Development Team/iullah
+#  description: fixes a run of r.landscape.evol that did not make netchange maps
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#% description: fixes a run of r.landscape.evol that did not make netchange maps
+#% key: initdem
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
+#% description: initial dem that was used as the starting dem for r.landscape.evol
+#% answer: init_dem at PERMANENT
+#% required : yes
+#% key: pattern
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
+#% description: Pattern of first part of file names (prefixes) for map series (don't include suffixes like "elevation_", "soildepth_", etc., and leave off #'s)
+#% required : yes
+#% key: startnum
+#% type: integer
+#% description: Smallest number of the input map series (ie. # of the first map you'd like to include in the cumulative series).
+#% answer: 1
+#% required : yes
+#% key: endnum
+#% type: integer
+#% description: Largest number of the input map series (ie. # of the last map you'd like to include in the cumulative series).
+#% answer: 40
+#% required : yes
+#% key: e
+#% description: -e export accumulated netchange maps to PNG files in home directory (good for animation in other programs)
+#	#% answer: 1
+import sys
+import os
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+# m is a grass/bash command that will generate some list of info to stdout seperated by newlines, n is a defined blank list to write results to
+def out2list(m, n):
+        p1 = subprocess.Popen('%s' % m, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell='bash')
+        p2 = p1.stdout.readlines()
+        for y in p2:
+            n.append(y.strip('\n'))
+# m is a grass/bash command that will generate some list of keyed info to stdout, n is the character that seperates the key from the data, o is a defined blank dictionary to write results to
+def out2dict(m, n, o):
+        p1 = subprocess.Popen('%s' % m, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell='bash')
+        p2 = p1.stdout.readlines()
+        for y in p2:
+                y0,y1 = y.split('%s' % n)
+                o[y0] = y1.strip('\n')
+# m is a grass/bash command that will generate some info to stdout. You must invoke this command in the form of "variable to be made" = out2var('command')
+def out2var(m):
+        pn = subprocess.Popen('%s' % m, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell='bash')
+        return pn.stdout.read()
+# m is a message (as a string) one wishes to have printed in the output window
+def grass_print(m):
+	subprocess.Popen('g.message message="%s"' % m, shell='bash').wait()
+	return
+# m is grass (or bash) command to execute (written as a string). script will wait for grass command to finish
+def grass_com(m):
+	subprocess.Popen('%s' % m, shell='bash').wait()
+	return
+# m is grass (or bash) command to execute (written as a string). script will not wait for grass command to finish
+def grass_com_nowait(m):
+	subprocess.Popen('%s' % m, shell='bash')
+	return
+def netchange(initdem, pattern, startnum, endnum):
+    grass_print ('Working on netchange map series, please stand by.....')        
+    tempfilename = tempfile.mktemp()
+    nccolors = open(tempfilename, 'w')
+    nccolors.write('100% 0 0 100\n1 blue\n0.5 indigo\n0.01 green\n0 white\n-0.01 yellow\n-0.5 orange\n-1 red\n0% 150 0 50')
+    nccolors.close()
+    mapset = out2var('g.gisenv get=MAPSET store=gisrc --quiet').replace('\n','')
+    maplist = []
+    out2list('g.mlist type=rast mapset=%s pattern=%s*' % (mapset, pattern), maplist)
+    mapstring = ', '.join(maplist)
+    for x in range(startnum, endnum+1):
+            iter = x
+            last_iter = x-1
+            if '%selevation_%i' % (pattern, startnum) in mapstring:
+                elevpattern = pattern+'elevation_'
+            elif '%selevation%i' % (pattern, startnum) in mapstring:
+                elevpattern = pattern+'elevation'
+            elif pattern.strip('_')+'elevation%i' % startnum in mapstring:
+                elevpattern = pattern.strip('_')+'elevation'
+            elif pattern.strip('_')+'elevation_%i' % startnum in mapstring:
+                elevpattern = pattern.strip('_')+'elevation_'
+            else:
+                grass_print('No properly named elevation maps in mapset, ending run unsuccessfully')
+                break
+            if iter == startnum:
+                    mapone = initdem
+            else:
+                    mapone = '%s%i' % (elevpattern, last_iter)
+            maptwo = '%s%i' % (elevpattern, iter)
+            outmap = '%snetchange_%s' % (pattern, iter)
+            grass_com('r.mapcalc "%s=%s - %s"' % (outmap, maptwo, mapone))
+            grass_com('r.colors --quiet map=%s rules=%s' % (outmap, tempfilename))
+    os.remove(tempfilename)
+    grass_print('Netchange map series done!')
+def accumulate_erdep(pattern, startnum, endnum):
+    tempfilename = tempfile.mktemp()
+    nccolors = open(tempfilename, 'w')
+    nccolors.write('100% 0 0 100\n1 blue\n0.5 indigo\n0.01 green\n0 white\n-0.01 yellow\n-0.5 orange\n-1 red\n0% 150 0 50')
+    nccolors.close()
+    grass_print('Working on accumulated netchange map series, please stand by.....')
+    pattern2 = '%snetchange_' % pattern
+    infix = 'cumseries_'
+    for x in range(startnum, endnum+1):
+        iter = x
+        last_iter = x-1
+        outmap = '%s%s%04i' % (pattern2, infix, iter)
+        if iter == startnum:
+            grass_com('g.copy --quiet rast=%s%s,%s' % (pattern2, startnum, outmap))
+            grass_com('r.colors --quiet map=%s rules=%s' % (outmap, tempfilename))
+        else:
+            mapone = '%s%s%04i' % (pattern2, infix, last_iter)
+            maptwo = '%s%s' % (pattern2, iter)
+            grass_com('r.mapcalc "%s=%s + %s"' % (outmap, mapone, maptwo))
+            grass_com('r.colors --quiet map=%s rules=%s' % (outmap, tempfilename))
+        if ( os.getenv("GIS_FLAG_e") == "1" ):
+            grass_com('r.out.png --quiet input=%s output=%s.png' % (outmap, outmap))
+    os.remove(tempfilename)    
+    grass_print('Accumulated netchange map series done!')
+def stats_file(pattern, startnum, endnum):
+    nc_pattern = '%snetchange_' % pattern
+    sd_pattern = '%ssoildepth' % pattern
+    prefix = pattern
+    iter = startnum
+    mapset = out2var('g.gisenv get=MAPSET store=gisrc --quiet').replace('\n','')
+    txtout = open('%s_%slsevol_stats.txt' % (mapset, prefix), 'w+')
+    maplist = []
+    out2list('g.mlist type=rast mapset=%s pattern=%s*' % (mapset, pattern), maplist)
+    mapstring = ', '.join(maplist)
+    grass_print('Working on stats file, please stand by.....')
+    grass_print('Outputting stats to textfile: %s_%slsevol_stats.txt' % (mapset, prefix))
+    for x in range(startnum, endnum+1):
+        iter = x
+        lastiter = iter-1
+        #grabsomestats
+        tmperosion = "tmperosion_%i" % iter
+        tmpdep = "tmpdep_%i" % iter
+        netchange = '%s%i' % (nc_pattern, iter)
+        if 'soildepth_%i' % startnum in mapstring:
+            soildepth = '%s_%i' % (sd_pattern, iter)
+        elif 'soildepth%i' % startnum in mapstring:
+            soildepth = '%s%i' % (sd_pattern, iter)
+        elif pattern.strip('_')+'soildepth_%i' % startnum in mapstring:
+            soildepth = pattern.strip('_')+'soildepth_%i' % iter  
+        else:
+            grass_print('No properly named soil depth maps in mapset, ending run unsuccessfully')
+            break
+        grass_com('r.mapcalc "%s=if(%s < 0, %s, null())"' % (tmperosion, netchange, netchange))
+        grass_com('r.mapcalc "%s=if(%s > 0, %s, null())"' % (tmpdep, netchange, netchange))
+        soilstats = {}
+        out2dict('r.univar -g -e map=%s percentile=99' % soildepth, '=', soilstats)
+        erosstats = {}
+        out2dict('r.univar -g -e map=%s percentile=1' % tmperosion, '=', erosstats)
+        depostats = {}
+        out2dict('r.univar -g -e map=%s percentile=99' % tmpdep, '=', depostats)
+        grass_com('g.remove --quiet rast=%s,%s' % (tmperosion, tmpdep))
+        if iter == startnum:
+            txtout.write('Stats for erosion and deposition simulation for: %s\n\nYear,,Mean Erosion,Max Erosion,Min Erosion,99th Percentile Erosion,,Mean Deposition,Min Deposition,Max Deposition,99th Percentile Deposition,,Mean Soil Depth,Min Soil Depth,Max Soil Depth,99th Percentile Soil Depth\n' % prefix)
+        txtout.write('%s,,%s,%s,%s,%s,,%s,%s,%s,%s,,%s,%s,%s,%s\n' %(iter, erosstats['mean'], erosstats['min'], erosstats['max'], erosstats['percentile_1'], depostats['mean'], depostats['min'], depostats['max'], depostats['percentile_99'], soilstats['mean'], soilstats['min'], soilstats['max'], soilstats['percentile_99']))
+    txtout.close
+    grass_print('Stats file done!')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    if ( len(sys.argv) <= 1 or sys.argv[1] != "@ARGS_PARSED@" ):
+        os.execvp("g.parser", [sys.argv[0]] + sys.argv)
+    else:
+        grass_print("Starting the process, hold on! It is not done until you see DONE WITH EVERYTHING!")
+        initdem = os.getenv("GIS_OPT_initdem")
+        pattern = os.getenv("GIS_OPT_pattern")
+        startnum = int(os.getenv("GIS_OPT_startnum"))
+        endnum = int(os.getenv("GIS_OPT_endnum"))
+        netchange(initdem, pattern, startnum, endnum);
+        accumulate_erdep(pattern, startnum, endnum);
+        stats_file(pattern, startnum, endnum);
+        grass_print("\nDONE WITH EVERYTHING!")

Property changes on: grass-addons/LandDyn/r.fix.netchange.py/r.fix.netchange.py
Name: svn:executable
   + *

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