[GRASS-SVN] r37276 - grass-addons/HydroFOSS/r.snow
svn_grass at osgeo.org
svn_grass at osgeo.org
Tue May 19 07:00:40 EDT 2009
Author: hamish
Date: 2009-05-19 07:00:37 -0400 (Tue, 19 May 2009)
New Revision: 37276
set svn props, html deg symb
Property changes on: grass-addons/HydroFOSS/r.snow/Makefile
Name: svn:executable
- *
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/x-makefile
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
Modified: grass-addons/HydroFOSS/r.snow/description.html
--- grass-addons/HydroFOSS/r.snow/description.html 2009-05-19 08:04:02 UTC (rev 37275)
+++ grass-addons/HydroFOSS/r.snow/description.html 2009-05-19 11:00:37 UTC (rev 37276)
@@ -1,151 +1,151 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="grassdocs.css" type="text/css">
-<body bgcolor="white">
-<img src="grass.smlogo.gif" alt="GRASS logo"><hr align=center size=6 noshade>
-<H2>NAME</H2> <B><I>r.snow </I></B>
-- computation of the snowpack water equivalent,
-the snowamelt and the snowpack energy content.
-<P><I>(GRASS Raster Program)</I>
-<B>r.snow</B> help<BR>
-given the temperature (temp) [°C], the radiation (RAD) [W/(m^2*t)],
-the rain (rain) [mm/t], the initial snowpack water content (in_snow) [mm] and
-the initial snowpack energy content (in_energy) [Kcal/m^2] calculates the
-snowpack water equivalent (out_snow) [mm], the snowpack energy content
-(out_energy) [Kcal/m^2], and the snowmelt (out_snowmelt) [mm/t] at
-the end of the timestep t.
-<p>This algorithm has been developed following the SHE model approach
-with some modification.<br>
-<p>For more details on the algorithms see the references.
-The program will run non-interactively if the user specifies program
-arguments settings on the command line using the following
-<P>Alternatively, the user can simply type <EM>r.snow</EM> on the
-command line and the program will ask for parameter values
-settings interactively, using the standard GRASS parser interface.
- <dt><B>temp</B>=<I>name</I>
- <dd>Input: temperature raster map [°C]. Required.</dd>
- <dt><b>RAD</b>=<I>name</I>
- <dd>Input: global radiation raster map [W/(m^2*t)]. Required.</dd>
- <dt><b>rain</b> =<I>name</I>
- <dd>Input: rainfall raster map [mm/t]. Required.</dd>
- <dt><b>in_snow</b> =<I>name</I>
- <dd>Input: initial snowpack water content raster map [mm]. Required.</dd>
- <dt><b>in_energy</b> =<I>name</I>
- <dd>Input: initial snowpack energy content raster map [Kcal/m^2]. Required.</dd>
- <dt><b>out_snow</b> =<I>name</I>
- <dd>Output: final snowpack water content raster map [mm]. Required.</dd>
- <dt><b>out_energy</b> =<I>name</I>
- <dd>Output: final snowpack energy content raster map [Kcal/m^2]. Required.</dd>
- <dt><b>out_snowmelt</b> =<I>name</I>
- <dd>Output: snowmelt raster map [mm/t]. Required.</dd>
-<p>The algorithm basically estimates the needed energy to maintain the snowpack
-in a solid phase (in a zero snowmelt hypothesis). If the available energy is
-enough to melt part of the snowpack then the snow is melted and the enrgy is
-depleted, otherwise no melting occurs the enrgy remain available in the
-snowpack for further step.
-<H2>SEE ALSO</H2>
- <li>The <a href="http://istgis.ist.supsi.ch:8001/geomatica/">HydroFOSS</a>
-project at IST-SUPSI (Institute of Earth Sciences - University school of applied science for the Southern Switzerland)
- <li><a href=r.evapo.PM.html>r.evapo.PM</a>,
- <a href=r.sun.html>r.sun</a>.
- <p>Original version of program: The <a href="http://istgis.ist.supsi.ch:8001/geomatica/index.php?id=1">HydroFOSS</a> project, 2006, IST-SUPSI. (http://istgis.ist.supsi.ch:8001/geomatica/index.php?id=1)
- <br><i><a href="http://w3.ist.supsi.ch:8001/geo/~maxi/">Massimiliano Cannata</a>,
- Istituto Scienze della Terra - Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana
- <br>Maria A. Brovelli, Politecnico di Milano - Polo regionale di Como</i>
-<p>Contact: <a href="mailto:massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch"> Massimiliano Cannata</a></dt>
- <p>Cannata M., 2006. <A HREF="http://w3.ist.supsi.ch:8001/geo/hydrofoss/PhD_Cannata.pdf">
- A GIS embedded approach for Free & Open Source Hydrological Modelling</A>.
- PhD dissertation in Geodesy and Geomatic engineering, Politecnico di Milano.
- <p>Abbott, M. et al., 1986a, An introduction to the European Hydrological
- System Système Hydrologique Européen, SHE; 1. History and philosophy of
- a physically based distributed modeling system, Journal of Hydrology,
- Vol. 87, 45-59.
- <p>Abbott, M. et al., 1986b, Physically based distributed modelling of an
- upland catchment using the Système Hydrologique Européen, Journal of
- Hydrology, Vol. 87, 79-102.
- <p>Tarboton, D. G. and C. H. Luce, 1996. Utah Energy Balance Snow Accumulation
- and Melt Model (UEB): Computer model technical description and users guide,
- Utah Water Research Laboratory and USDA Forest Service Intermountain Research
- Station.
-<p><i>Last changed: $Date: 2007/07/29 19:30:00 $</i>
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="grassdocs.css" type="text/css">
+<body bgcolor="white">
+<img src="grass.smlogo.gif" alt="GRASS logo"><hr align=center size=6 noshade>
+<H2>NAME</H2> <B><I>r.snow </I></B>
+- computation of the snowpack water equivalent,
+the snowamelt and the snowpack energy content.
+<P><I>(GRASS Raster Program)</I>
+<B>r.snow</B> help<BR>
+given the temperature (temp) [°C], the radiation (RAD) [W/(m^2*t)],
+the rain (rain) [mm/t], the initial snowpack water content (in_snow) [mm] and
+the initial snowpack energy content (in_energy) [Kcal/m^2] calculates the
+snowpack water equivalent (out_snow) [mm], the snowpack energy content
+(out_energy) [Kcal/m^2], and the snowmelt (out_snowmelt) [mm/t] at
+the end of the timestep t.
+<p>This algorithm has been developed following the SHE model approach
+with some modification.<br>
+<p>For more details on the algorithms see the references.
+The program will run non-interactively if the user specifies program
+arguments settings on the command line using the following
+<P>Alternatively, the user can simply type <EM>r.snow</EM> on the
+command line and the program will ask for parameter values
+settings interactively, using the standard GRASS parser interface.
+ <dt><B>temp</B>=<I>name</I>
+ <dd>Input: temperature raster map [°C]. Required.</dd>
+ <dt><b>RAD</b>=<I>name</I>
+ <dd>Input: global radiation raster map [W/(m^2*t)]. Required.</dd>
+ <dt><b>rain</b> =<I>name</I>
+ <dd>Input: rainfall raster map [mm/t]. Required.</dd>
+ <dt><b>in_snow</b> =<I>name</I>
+ <dd>Input: initial snowpack water content raster map [mm]. Required.</dd>
+ <dt><b>in_energy</b> =<I>name</I>
+ <dd>Input: initial snowpack energy content raster map [Kcal/m^2]. Required.</dd>
+ <dt><b>out_snow</b> =<I>name</I>
+ <dd>Output: final snowpack water content raster map [mm]. Required.</dd>
+ <dt><b>out_energy</b> =<I>name</I>
+ <dd>Output: final snowpack energy content raster map [Kcal/m^2]. Required.</dd>
+ <dt><b>out_snowmelt</b> =<I>name</I>
+ <dd>Output: snowmelt raster map [mm/t]. Required.</dd>
+<p>The algorithm basically estimates the needed energy to maintain the snowpack
+in a solid phase (in a zero snowmelt hypothesis). If the available energy is
+enough to melt part of the snowpack then the snow is melted and the enrgy is
+depleted, otherwise no melting occurs the enrgy remain available in the
+snowpack for further step.
+<H2>SEE ALSO</H2>
+ <li>The <a href="http://istgis.ist.supsi.ch:8001/geomatica/">HydroFOSS</a>
+project at IST-SUPSI (Institute of Earth Sciences - University school of applied science for the Southern Switzerland)
+ <li><a href=r.evapo.PM.html>r.evapo.PM</a>,
+ <a href=r.sun.html>r.sun</a>.
+ <p>Original version of program: The <a href="http://istgis.ist.supsi.ch:8001/geomatica/index.php?id=1">HydroFOSS</a> project, 2006, IST-SUPSI. (http://istgis.ist.supsi.ch:8001/geomatica/index.php?id=1)
+ <br><i><a href="http://w3.ist.supsi.ch:8001/geo/~maxi/">Massimiliano Cannata</a>,
+ Istituto Scienze della Terra - Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana
+ <br>Maria A. Brovelli, Politecnico di Milano - Polo regionale di Como</i>
+<p>Contact: <a href="mailto:massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch"> Massimiliano Cannata</a></dt>
+ <p>Cannata M., 2006. <A HREF="http://w3.ist.supsi.ch:8001/geo/hydrofoss/PhD_Cannata.pdf">
+ A GIS embedded approach for Free & Open Source Hydrological Modelling</A>.
+ PhD dissertation in Geodesy and Geomatic engineering, Politecnico di Milano.
+ <p>Abbott, M. et al., 1986a, An introduction to the European Hydrological
+ System Système Hydrologique Européen, SHE; 1. History and philosophy of
+ a physically based distributed modeling system, Journal of Hydrology,
+ Vol. 87, 45-59.
+ <p>Abbott, M. et al., 1986b, Physically based distributed modelling of an
+ upland catchment using the Système Hydrologique Européen, Journal of
+ Hydrology, Vol. 87, 79-102.
+ <p>Tarboton, D. G. and C. H. Luce, 1996. Utah Energy Balance Snow Accumulation
+ and Melt Model (UEB): Computer model technical description and user's guide,
+ Utah Water Research Laboratory and USDA Forest Service Intermountain Research
+ Station.
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
Property changes on: grass-addons/HydroFOSS/r.snow/description.html
Name: svn:executable
- *
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/html
Name: svn:keywords
+ Author Date Id
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
Property changes on: grass-addons/HydroFOSS/r.snow/main.c
Name: svn:executable
- *
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/x-csrc
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
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