[GRASS-SVN] r39178 - in grass-addons/raster: . r.clim
svn_grass at osgeo.org
svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sun Sep 13 13:02:13 EDT 2009
Author: neteler
Date: 2009-09-13 13:02:12 -0400 (Sun, 13 Sep 2009)
New Revision: 39178
r.clim added with permission of authors
Added: grass-addons/raster/r.clim/Makefile
--- grass-addons/raster/r.clim/Makefile (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/raster/r.clim/Makefile 2009-09-13 17:02:12 UTC (rev 39178)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+PGM = r.clim
+include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Module.make
+default: cmd
Property changes on: grass-addons/raster/r.clim/Makefile
Added: svn:eol-style
+ native
Added: grass-addons/raster/r.clim/description.html
--- grass-addons/raster/r.clim/description.html (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/raster/r.clim/description.html 2009-09-13 17:02:12 UTC (rev 39178)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+<EM>r.clim</EM> calculates solar radiation and percentage relative
+humidity maps. The calculation of the two values for each raster cell
+is based on the C code cclimm.c a simplified version of mtclim43.c by
+Peter Thornton (2000) of the NTSG, School of Forestry University of
+Montana. The cclimm.c code is thought for monthly data and doesn't
+consider arid correction so this module isn't indic ated for arid
+The input units are:
+<li>Temperatures: degrees C
+<li>Precipitation: mm / day
+<li>Elevation: m
+<li>Slope: degrees
+<li>Aspect: degrees
+<li>Latitude: decimal degrees
+<li>E/W horizons: decimal degrees
+while the output units are:
+<li>Relative humidity: %
+<li>Radiation: W/m2, average over daylight period
+<H2>SEE ALSO</H2>
+<A HREF="g.region.html">g.region</A><br>
+<A HREF="r.slope.aspect.html">r.slope.aspect</A><br>
+<A HREF="r.sun.html">r.sun</A><br>
+C. Sboarina, 2002: <a href="http://www.ing.unitn.it/~grass/conferences/GRASS2002/proceedings/proceedings/pdfs/Sboarina_Chiara.pdf">Development of a complete climate database using a new GRASS module</a>. In B. Benciolini, M. Ciolli, and P. Zatelli, editors, Proc. of the Open Source Free Software GIS - GRASS users conference 2002, Trento, Italy, 11-13 September 2002
+Chiara Sboarina, Centro di Ecologia Alpina - Viote del Monte Bondone (TN) - Italy (2001)<br>
+based on <a href="http://www.ntsg.umt.edu/bioclimatology/mtclim/">"mtclim43"</a> by
+Peter Thornton (2000) of the NTSG, School of Forestry University of Montana.
+<i>Last changed: $Date: 2006/09/10 06:26:43 $</i>
Added: grass-addons/raster/r.clim/main.c
--- grass-addons/raster/r.clim/main.c (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/raster/r.clim/main.c 2009-09-13 17:02:12 UTC (rev 39178)
@@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
+ r.clim
+ * Copyright (C) 2002-2006 by the GRASS Development Team
+ * Author(s): Chiara Sboarina, Centro di Ecologia Alpina - Viote del Monte Bondone (TN) - Italy (2001)
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+ * License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+ * for details.
+This raster module creates two raster map layers:
+1. solar radiation
+2. percentage relative humidity
+The calculation of the two values for each raster cell is based on the C code cclimm.c a simplified version of
+mtclim43.c by Peter Thornton (2000) of the NTSG, School of Forestry University of Montana.
+The cclimm.c code is thought for monthly data and doesn't consider arid correction so this module isn't indicated
+for arid region.
+The input units are:
+Temperatures degrees C
+Precipitation mm / day
+Elevation m
+Slope degrees
+Aspect degrees
+Latitude decimal degrees
+E/W horizons decimal degrees
+while the output units are:
+Relative humidity %
+Radiation W/m2, average over daylight period
+'r.clim' can be run in two standard GRASS modes: interactive and command line.
+For an interactive run, type in r.clim and follows the prompt.
+For a command line mode type in
+ r.clim tmin=name tmax=name prcp=name elev=name slope=name aspect=name lat=name ehoriz=name
+ whoriz=name month=number rad=name hum=name
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <grass/gis.h>
+#include <grass/glocale.h>
+/* optical airmass by degrees */
+float optam[21] =
+ { 2.90, 3.05, 3.21, 3.39, 3.69, 3.82, 4.07, 4.37, 4.72, 5.12, 5.60, 6.18,
+ 6.88, 7.77, 8.90, 10.39, 12.44, 15.36, 19.79, 26.96, 30.00
+/* julian day for each month */
+float julian[12] =
+ { 15, 45, 74, 105, 135, 166, 196, 227, 258, 288, 319, 349 };
+struct Cell_head window;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ /* physical constants and model parameters
+ * (dim) stands for dimensionless values */
+#define SECPERRAD 13750.9871 /* seconds per radian of hour angle */
+#define RADPERDAY 0.017214 /* radians of Earth orbit per julian day */
+#define RADPERDEG 0.01745329 /* radians per degree */
+#define MINDECL -0.4092797 /* minimum declination (radians) */
+#define DAYSOFF 11.25 /* julian day offset of winter solstice */
+#define SRADDT 600.0 /* timestep for radiation routine (seconds) */
+#define MA 28.9644e-3 /* (kg mol-1) molecular weight of air */
+#define MW 18.0148e-3 /* (kg mol-1) molecular weight of water */
+#define R 8.3143 /* (m3 Pa mol-1 K-1) gas law constant */
+#define G_STD 9.80665 /* (m s-2) standard gravitational accel. */
+#define P_STD 101325.0 /* (Pa) standard pressure at 0.0 m elevation */
+#define T_STD 288.15 /* (K) standard temp at 0.0 m elevation */
+#define CP 1010.0 /* (J kg-1 K-1) specific heat of air */
+#define LR_STD 0.0065 /* (-K m-1) standard temperature lapse rate */
+#define EPS 0.62196351 /* (MW/MA) unitless ratio of molec weights */
+#define PI 3.14159265 /* pi */
+ /* parameters for the Tair algorithm */
+#define TDAYCOEF 0.45 /* (dim) daylight air temperature coefficient (dim) */
+ /* parameters for the snowpack algorithm */
+#define SNOW_TCRIT -6.0 /* (deg C) critical temperature for snowmelt */
+#define SNOW_TRATE 0.042 /* (cm/degC/day) snowmelt rate */
+ /* parameters for the radiation algorithm */
+#define TBASE 0.851904 /* (dim) max inst. trans., 0m, nadir, dry atm */
+#define ABASE -5.79e-5 /* (1/Pa) vapor pressure effect on transmittance */
+#define C 1.548 /* (dim) radiation parameter */
+#define B0 0.0130104 /* (dim) radiation parameter */
+#define B1 0.20224 /* (dim) radiation parameter */
+#define B2 0.185896 /* (dim) radiation parameter */
+#define RAIN_SCALAR 0.75 /* (dim) correction to trans. for rain day */
+#define DIF_ALB 0.6 /* (dim) diffuse albedo for horizon correction */
+#define SC_INT 1.32 /* (MJ/m2/day) snow correction intercept */
+#define SC_SLOPE 0.096 /* (MJ/m2/day/cm) snow correction slope */
+ /* variables */
+ int nrows, ncols;
+ int nmonth, ami;
+ double newsnow, snowmelt, snowpack =
+ 0.0, swe, t1, t2, pratio, trans1, lati, pend, esp, coszeh, coszwh, dt,
+ dh, decl;
+ double bsg1, bsg2, bsg3, cosegeom, sinegeom, coshss, hss, daylen, sc,
+ dir_beam_topa, sum_trans, sum_flat_potrad, sum_slope_potrad;
+ double h, cza, cbsa, dir_flat_topa, am, trans2, ttmax0, flat_potrad,
+ slope_potrad, avg_horizon, horizon_scalar, slope_excess;
+ double slope_scalar, sky_prop, b, t_fmax, pva, tday, pvs, t_tmax, t_final,
+ pdif, pdir, srad1, srad2, tdew;
+ /*other local variables */
+ int col, row, verbose, tmin_fd, tmax_fd, prcp_fd, elev_fd, slope_fd,
+ aspect_fd, lat_fd, ehoriz_fd, whoriz_fd, rad_fd, hum_fd;
+ FCELL *tmin, /*fcell buffer for minimum temperature map layer */
+ *tmax, /*fcell buffer for maximum temperature map layer */
+ *prcp, /*fcell buffer for precipitation map layer */
+ *lat; /*fcell buffer for latitudine map layer */
+ CELL *elev, /*cell buffer for elevation map layer */
+ *slope, /*cell buffer for slope map layer */
+ *aspect, /*cell buffer for aspect map layer */
+ *ehoriz, /*cell buffer for east horizon map layer */
+ *whoriz, /*cell buffer for west horizon map layer */
+ *rad, /*cell buffer for solar radiation map layer */
+ *hum; /*cell buffer for relative humidity map layer */
+ extern struct Cell_head window;
+ struct
+ {
+ struct Option *tmin, *tmax, *prcp, *elev, *slope,
+ *aspect, *lat, *ehoriz, *whoriz, *month, *rad, *hum;
+ } parm;
+ struct Flag *flag1;
+ struct GModule *module;
+ /* initialize access to database and create temporary files */
+ G_gisinit(argv[0]);
+ /* Set description */
+ module = G_define_module();
+ module->description =
+ _("Creates two raster map layers: 1. solar radiation 2. percentage relative humidity");
+ parm.tmin = G_define_option();
+ parm.tmin->key = "tmin";
+ parm.tmin->key_desc = "name";
+ parm.tmin->type = TYPE_STRING;
+ parm.tmin->required = YES;
+ parm.tmin->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
+ parm.tmin->description =
+ _("Name of input raster map containing MINIMUM TEMPERATURE");
+ parm.tmax = G_define_option();
+ parm.tmax->key = "tmax";
+ parm.tmax->key_desc = "name";
+ parm.tmax->type = TYPE_STRING;
+ parm.tmax->required = YES;
+ parm.tmax->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
+ parm.tmax->description =
+ _("Name of input raster map containing MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE");
+ parm.prcp = G_define_option();
+ parm.prcp->key = "prcp";
+ parm.prcp->key_desc = "name";
+ parm.prcp->type = TYPE_STRING;
+ parm.prcp->required = YES;
+ parm.prcp->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
+ parm.prcp->description =
+ _("Name of input raster map containing PRECIPITATION in mm");
+ parm.elev = G_define_option();
+ parm.elev->key = "elev";
+ parm.elev->key_desc = "name";
+ parm.elev->type = TYPE_STRING;
+ parm.elev->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
+ parm.elev->description =
+ _("Name of input raster map containing ELEVATION (m)");
+ parm.slope = G_define_option();
+ parm.slope->key = "slope";
+ parm.slope->key_desc = "name";
+ parm.slope->type = TYPE_STRING;
+ parm.slope->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
+ parm.slope->description =
+ _("Name of input raster map containing SLOPE (degree)");
+ parm.aspect = G_define_option();
+ parm.aspect->key = "aspect";
+ parm.aspect->key_desc = "name";
+ parm.aspect->type = TYPE_STRING;
+ parm.aspect->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
+ parm.aspect->description =
+ _("Name of input raster map containing ASPECT (degree, anti-clockwise from E)");
+ parm.lat = G_define_option();
+ parm.lat->key = "lat";
+ parm.lat->key_desc = "name";
+ parm.lat->type = TYPE_STRING;
+ parm.lat->required = YES;
+ parm.lat->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
+ parm.lat->description =
+ _("Name of input raster map containing LATITUDE in decimal degrees");
+ parm.ehoriz = G_define_option();
+ parm.ehoriz->key = "ehoriz";
+ parm.ehoriz->key_desc = "name";
+ parm.ehoriz->type = TYPE_STRING;
+ parm.ehoriz->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
+ parm.ehoriz->description =
+ _("Name of input raster map containing EAST HORIZON (degree)");
+ parm.whoriz = G_define_option();
+ parm.whoriz->key = "whoriz";
+ parm.whoriz->key_desc = "name";
+ parm.whoriz->type = TYPE_STRING;
+ parm.whoriz->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
+ parm.whoriz->description =
+ _("Name of input raster map containing WEST HORIZON (degree)");
+ parm.month = G_define_option();
+ parm.month->key = "month";
+ parm.month->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
+ parm.month->required = YES;
+ parm.month->description =
+ _("Number of the month in the year i.e. January=1, February=2,...");
+ parm.rad = G_define_option();
+ parm.rad->key = "rad";
+ parm.rad->key_desc = "name";
+ parm.rad->type = TYPE_STRING;
+ parm.rad->required = YES;
+ parm.rad->gisprompt = "new,cell,raster";
+ parm.rad->description =
+ _("Name of output raster map containing SOLAR RADIATION in W/m^2");
+ parm.hum = G_define_option();
+ parm.hum->key = "hum";
+ parm.hum->key_desc = "name";
+ parm.hum->type = TYPE_STRING;
+ parm.hum->required = YES;
+ parm.hum->gisprompt = "new,cell,raster";
+ parm.hum->description =
+ _("Name of output raster map containing RELATIVE HUMIDITY in %");
+ flag1 = G_define_flag();
+ flag1->key = 'v';
+ flag1->description = _("Run verbosely");
+ /* Parse command line */
+ if (G_parser(argc, argv))
+ verbose = flag1->answer;
+ /* Check if input layers exists in data base */
+ if (G_find_cell2(parm.tmin->answer, "") == NULL) {
+ G_fatal_error(_("%s - not found"), parm.tmin->answer);
+ }
+ if (G_find_cell2(parm.tmax->answer, "") == NULL) {
+ G_fatal_error(_("%s - not found"), parm.tmax->answer);
+ }
+ if (G_find_cell2(parm.prcp->answer, "") == NULL) {
+ G_fatal_error(_("%s - not found"), parm.prcp->answer);
+ }
+ if (G_find_cell2(parm.elev->answer, "") == NULL) {
+ G_fatal_error(_("%s - not found"), parm.elev->answer);
+ }
+ if (G_find_cell2(parm.slope->answer, "") == NULL) {
+ G_fatal_error(_("%s - not found"), parm.slope->answer);
+ }
+ if (G_find_cell2(parm.aspect->answer, "") == NULL) {
+ G_fatal_error(_("%s - not found"), parm.aspect->answer);
+ }
+ if (G_find_cell2(parm.lat->answer, "") == NULL) {
+ G_fatal_error(_("%s - not found"), parm.lat->answer);
+ }
+ if (G_find_cell2(parm.ehoriz->answer, "") == NULL) {
+ G_fatal_error(_("%s - not found"), parm.ehoriz->answer);
+ }
+ if (G_find_cell2(parm.whoriz->answer, "") == NULL) {
+ G_fatal_error(_("%s - not found"), parm.whoriz->answer);
+ }
+ /* Check if specified output layer name IS LEGAL */
+ if (G_legal_filename(parm.rad->answer) < 0) {
+ G_fatal_error(_("%s - illegal name"), parm.rad->answer);
+ }
+ if (G_legal_filename(parm.hum->answer) < 0) {
+ G_fatal_error(_("%s - illegal name"), parm.hum->answer);
+ }
+ /*check if the output layer names EXIST */
+ if (G_find_cell2((parm.rad->answer), G_mapset())) {
+ G_fatal_error(_("%s - exits in Mapset <%s>, select another name"),
+ parm.rad->answer, G_mapset());
+ }
+ if (G_find_cell2((parm.hum->answer), G_mapset())) {
+ G_fatal_error(_("%s - exits in Mapset <%s>, select another name"),
+ parm.hum->answer, G_mapset());
+ }
+ /* Get database window parameters */
+ if (G_get_window(&window) < 0) {
+ G_fatal_error(_("Can't read current window parameters"));
+ }
+ /* find number of rows and columns in window */
+ nrows = G_window_rows();
+ ncols = G_window_cols();
+ tmin = G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
+ tmax = G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
+ prcp = G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
+ elev = G_allocate_cell_buf();
+ slope = G_allocate_cell_buf();
+ aspect = G_allocate_cell_buf();
+ lat = G_allocate_f_raster_buf();
+ ehoriz = G_allocate_cell_buf();
+ whoriz = G_allocate_cell_buf();
+ rad = G_allocate_cell_buf();
+ hum = G_allocate_cell_buf();
+ sscanf(parm.month->answer, "%d", &nmonth);
+ /* Open input cell layers for reading */
+ tmin_fd =
+ G_open_cell_old(parm.tmin->answer,
+ G_find_cell2(parm.tmin->answer, ""));
+ if (tmin_fd < 0) {
+ G_fatal_error(_("%s - can't open raster file"), parm.tmin->answer);
+ }
+ tmax_fd =
+ G_open_cell_old(parm.tmax->answer,
+ G_find_cell2(parm.tmax->answer, ""));
+ if (tmax_fd < 0) {
+ G_fatal_error(_("%s - can't open raster file"), parm.tmax->answer);
+ }
+ prcp_fd =
+ G_open_cell_old(parm.prcp->answer,
+ G_find_cell2(parm.prcp->answer, ""));
+ if (prcp_fd < 0) {
+ G_fatal_error(_("%s - can't open raster file"), parm.prcp->answer);
+ }
+ elev_fd =
+ G_open_cell_old(parm.elev->answer,
+ G_find_cell2(parm.elev->answer, ""));
+ if (elev_fd < 0) {
+ G_fatal_error(_("%s - can't open raster file"), parm.elev->answer);
+ }
+ slope_fd =
+ G_open_cell_old(parm.slope->answer,
+ G_find_cell2(parm.slope->answer, ""));
+ if (slope_fd < 0) {
+ G_fatal_error(_("%s - can't open raster file"), parm.slope->answer);
+ }
+ aspect_fd =
+ G_open_cell_old(parm.aspect->answer,
+ G_find_cell2(parm.aspect->answer, ""));
+ if (aspect_fd < 0) {
+ G_fatal_error(_("%s - can't open raster file"), parm.aspect->answer);
+ }
+ lat_fd =
+ G_open_cell_old(parm.lat->answer, G_find_cell2(parm.lat->answer, ""));
+ if (lat_fd < 0) {
+ G_fatal_error(_("%s - can't open raster file"), parm.lat->answer);
+ }
+ ehoriz_fd =
+ G_open_cell_old(parm.ehoriz->answer,
+ G_find_cell2(parm.ehoriz->answer, ""));
+ if (ehoriz_fd < 0) {
+ G_fatal_error(_("%s - can't open raster file"), parm.ehoriz->answer);
+ }
+ whoriz_fd =
+ G_open_cell_old(parm.whoriz->answer,
+ G_find_cell2(parm.whoriz->answer, ""));
+ if (whoriz_fd < 0) {
+ G_fatal_error(_("%s - can't open raster file"), parm.whoriz->answer);
+ }
+ rad_fd = G_open_cell_new(parm.rad->answer);
+ hum_fd = G_open_cell_new(parm.hum->answer);
+ /*major computation: compute HUM and RAD one cell a time */
+ if (verbose)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Percent Completed ... ");
+ for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {
+ if (verbose)
+ G_percent(row, nrows, 10);
+ if (G_get_f_raster_row(tmin_fd, tmin, row) < 0)
+ G_fatal_error(_("Error reading row of data"));
+ if (G_get_f_raster_row(tmax_fd, tmax, row) < 0)
+ G_fatal_error(_("Error reading row of data"));
+ if (G_get_f_raster_row(prcp_fd, prcp, row) < 0)
+ G_fatal_error(_("Error reading row of data"));
+ if (G_get_map_row(elev_fd, elev, row) < 0)
+ G_fatal_error(_("Error reading row of data"));
+ if (G_get_map_row(slope_fd, slope, row) < 0)
+ G_fatal_error(_("Error reading row of data"));
+ if (G_get_map_row(aspect_fd, aspect, row) < 0)
+ G_fatal_error(_("Error reading row of data"));
+ if (G_get_f_raster_row(lat_fd, lat, row) < 0)
+ G_fatal_error(_("Error reading row of data"));
+ if (G_get_map_row(ehoriz_fd, ehoriz, row) < 0)
+ G_fatal_error(_("Error reading row of data"));
+ if (G_get_map_row(whoriz_fd, whoriz, row) < 0)
+ G_fatal_error(_("Error reading row of data"));
+ /*initialize cell buffers for output map layers */
+ for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) {
+ rad[col] = hum[col] = 0;
+ }
+ for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) {
+ newsnow = 0.0;
+ snowmelt = 0.0;
+ if (tmin[col] <= SNOW_TCRIT)
+ newsnow = prcp[col];
+ else
+ snowmelt = SNOW_TRATE * (tmin[col] - SNOW_TCRIT);
+ snowpack += newsnow - snowmelt;
+ if (snowpack < 0.0)
+ snowpack = 0.0;
+ swe = snowpack;
+ /* STEP (1) calculate pressure ratio (site/reference) = f(elevation) */
+ t1 = 1.0 - (LR_STD * elev[col]) / T_STD;
+ t2 = G_STD / (LR_STD * (R / MA));
+ pratio = pow(t1, t2);
+ /* STEP (2) correct initial transmittance for elevation */
+ trans1 = pow(TBASE, pratio);
+ /* STEP (3) calculation of ttmax0, potential rad, and daylength */
+ /* precalculate the transcendentals */
+ lati = lat[col] * RADPERDEG;
+ if (lati > 1.5707)
+ lati = 1.5707;
+ if (lati < -1.5707)
+ lati = -1.5707;
+ pend = slope[col] * RADPERDEG;
+ esp = (-aspect[col] + 90) * RADPERDEG;
+ /* cosine of zenith angle for east and west horizons */
+ coszeh = cos(1.570796 - (ehoriz[col] * RADPERDEG));
+ coszwh = cos(1.570796 - (whoriz[col] * RADPERDEG));
+ /* sub-daily time and angular increment information */
+ dt = SRADDT; /* set timestep */
+ dh = dt / SECPERRAD; /* calculate hour-angle step */
+ /* calculate cos and sin of declination */
+ decl = MINDECL * cos((julian[nmonth] + DAYSOFF) * RADPERDAY);
+ /* do some precalculations for beam-slope geometry (bsg) */
+ bsg1 = -sin(pend) * sin(esp) * cos(decl);
+ bsg2 =
+ (-cos(esp) * sin(pend) * sin(lati) +
+ cos(pend) * cos(lati)) * cos(decl);
+ bsg3 =
+ (cos(esp) * sin(pend) * cos(lati) +
+ cos(pend) * sin(lati)) * sin(decl);
+ /* calculate daylength as a function of lat and decl */
+ cosegeom = cos(lati) * cos(decl);
+ sinegeom = sin(lati) * sin(decl);
+ coshss = -(sinegeom) / cosegeom;
+ if (coshss < -1.0)
+ coshss = -1.0; /* 24-hr daylight */
+ if (coshss > 1.0)
+ coshss = 1.0; /* 0-hr daylight */
+ hss = acos(coshss); /* hour angle at sunset (radians) */
+ /* daylength (seconds) */
+ daylen = 2.0 * hss * SECPERRAD;
+ /* solar constant as a function of yearday (W/m^2) */
+ sc = 1368.0 + 45.5 * sin((2.0 * PI * julian[nmonth] / 365.25) +
+ 1.7);
+ /* extraterrestrial radiation perpendicular to beam, total over the timestep (J) */
+ dir_beam_topa = sc * dt;
+ sum_trans = 0.0;
+ sum_flat_potrad = 0.0;
+ sum_slope_potrad = 0.0;
+ /* begin sub-daily hour-angle loop, from -hss to hss */
+ for (h = -hss; h < hss; h += dh) {
+ /* calculate cosine of solar zenith angle */
+ cza = cosegeom * cos(h) + sinegeom;
+ /* calculate cosine of beam-slope angle */
+ cbsa = sin(h) * bsg1 + cos(h) * bsg2 + bsg3;
+ /* check if sun is above a flat horizon */
+ if (cza > 0.0) {
+ /* when sun is above the ideal (flat) horizon, do all the flat-surface calculations to determine daily total
+ * transmittance, and save flat-surface potential radiation for later calculations of diffuse radiation */
+ /* potential radiation for this time period, flat surface,top of atmosphere */
+ dir_flat_topa = dir_beam_topa * cza;
+ /* determine optical air mass */
+ am = 1.0 / (cza + 0.0000001);
+ if (am > 2.9) {
+ ami = (int)(acos(cza) / RADPERDEG) - 69;
+ if (ami < 0)
+ ami = 0;
+ if (ami > 20)
+ ami = 20;
+ am = optam[ami];
+ }
+ /* correct instantaneous transmittance for this optical air mass */
+ trans2 = pow(trans1, am);
+ /* instantaneous transmittance is weighted by potential radiation for flat surface at top of atmosphere to get daily total transmittance */
+ sum_trans += trans2 * dir_flat_topa;
+ /* keep track of total potential radiation on a flat surface for ideal horizons */
+ sum_flat_potrad += dir_flat_topa;
+ /* keep track of whether this time step contributes to component 1 (direct on slope) */
+ if ((h < 0.0 && cza > coszeh && cbsa > 0.0) ||
+ (h >= 0.0 && cza > coszwh && cbsa > 0.0)) {
+ /* sun between east and west horizons, and direct on slope. this period contributes to component 1 */
+ sum_slope_potrad += dir_beam_topa * cbsa;
+ }
+ } /* end if sun above ideal horizon */
+ } /* end of sub-daily hour-angle loop */
+ /* calculate maximum daily total transmittance and daylight average flux density for a flat surface and the slope */
+ if (daylen) {
+ ttmax0 = sum_trans / sum_flat_potrad;
+ flat_potrad = sum_flat_potrad / daylen;
+ slope_potrad = sum_slope_potrad / daylen;
+ }
+ else {
+ ttmax0 = 0.0;
+ flat_potrad = 0.0;
+ slope_potrad = 0.0;
+ }
+ /* STEP (4) calculate the sky proportion for diffuse radiation */
+ /* uses the product of spherical cap defined by average horizon angle and the great-circle truncation
+ * of a hemisphere. this factor does notvary by yearday. */
+ avg_horizon = (ehoriz[col] + whoriz[col]) / 2.0;
+ horizon_scalar = 1.0 - sin(avg_horizon * RADPERDEG);
+ if (pend > avg_horizon)
+ slope_excess = pend - avg_horizon;
+ else
+ slope_excess = 0.0;
+ if (2.0 * avg_horizon > 180.0)
+ slope_scalar = 0.0;
+ else {
+ slope_scalar =
+ 1.0 - (slope_excess / (180.0 - 2.0 * avg_horizon));
+ if (slope_scalar < 0.0)
+ slope_scalar = 0.0;
+ }
+ sky_prop = horizon_scalar * slope_scalar;
+ /* b parameter, and t_fmax not varying with Tdew, so these can be calculated once, outside the iteration
+ * between radiation and humidity estimates. Requires storing t_fmax in an array. */
+ /* b parameter from 30-day average of DTR */
+ b = B0 + B1 * exp(-B2 * (tmax[col] - tmin[col]));
+ /* proportion of daily maximum transmittance */
+ t_fmax = 1.0 - 0.9 * exp(-b * pow((tmax[col] - tmin[col]), C));
+ /* correct for precipitation if this is a rain day */
+ if (prcp[col])
+ t_fmax *= RAIN_SCALAR;
+ /* calculate radiation assuming that Tdew = tmin+k*(tday-tmin) */
+ tday = 0.725 * tmax[col] + 0.275 * tmin[col];
+ tdew = tmin[col] + 0.29 * (tday - tmin[col]);
+ pva = 610.7 * exp(17.38 * tdew / (239.0 + tdew));
+ pvs = 610.7 * exp(17.38 * tday / (239.0 + tday));
+ hum[col] = (int)(pva / pvs * 100);
+ t_tmax = ttmax0 + ABASE * pva;
+ /* final daily total transmittance */
+ t_final = t_tmax * t_fmax;
+ /* estimate fraction of radiation that is diffuse, on an instantaneous basis, from relationship with daily total
+ * transmittance in Jones (Plants and Microclimate, 1992) Fig 2.8, p. 25, and Gates (Biophysical Ecology, 1980)
+ * Fig 6.14, p. 122. */
+ pdif = -1.25 * t_final + 1.25;
+ if (pdif > 1.0)
+ pdif = 1.0;
+ if (pdif < 0.0)
+ pdif = 0.0;
+ /* estimate fraction of radiation that is direct, on an instantaneous basis */
+ pdir = 1.0 - pdif;
+ /* the daily total radiation is estimated as the sum of the following two components:
+ * 1. The direct radiation arriving during the part of the day when there is direct beam on the slope.
+ * 2. The diffuse radiation arriving over the entire daylength (when sun is above ideal horizon). */
+ /* component 1 */
+ srad1 = slope_potrad * t_final * pdir;
+ /* component 2 (diffuse) */
+ /* includes the effect of surface albedo in raising the diffuse radiation for obstructed horizons */
+ srad2 =
+ flat_potrad * t_final * pdif * (sky_prop +
+ DIF_ALB * (1.0 - sky_prop));
+ /* snow pack influence on radiation */
+ if (swe > 0.0) {
+ /* snow correction in J/m2/day */
+ sc = (1.32 + 0.096 * swe) * 1e6;
+ /* convert to W/m2 and check for zero daylength */
+ if (daylen > 0.0)
+ sc /= daylen;
+ else
+ sc = 0.0;
+ /* set a maximum correction of 100 W/m2 */
+ if (sc > 100.0)
+ sc = 100.0;
+ }
+ else
+ sc = 0.0;
+ /* save daily radiation and daylength */
+ rad[col] = (int)(srad1 + srad2 + sc);
+ }
+ G_put_raster_row(rad_fd, rad, CELL_TYPE);
+ G_put_raster_row(hum_fd, hum, CELL_TYPE);
+ }
+ if (verbose)
+ G_percent(row, nrows, 10);
+ G_close_cell(tmin_fd);
+ G_close_cell(tmax_fd);
+ G_close_cell(prcp_fd);
+ G_close_cell(elev_fd);
+ G_close_cell(slope_fd);
+ G_close_cell(aspect_fd);
+ G_close_cell(lat_fd);
+ G_close_cell(ehoriz_fd);
+ G_close_cell(whoriz_fd);
+ G_close_cell(rad_fd);
+ G_close_cell(hum_fd);
Property changes on: grass-addons/raster/r.clim/main.c
Added: svn:eol-style
+ native
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