[GRASS-SVN] r44441 - in grass-addons/vector: . v.out.marxan
svn_grass at osgeo.org
svn_grass at osgeo.org
Fri Nov 26 17:21:19 EST 2010
Author: tsw
Date: 2010-11-26 14:21:18 -0800 (Fri, 26 Nov 2010)
New Revision: 44441
New script for creating Marxan input files
Added: grass-addons/vector/v.out.marxan/Makefile
--- grass-addons/vector/v.out.marxan/Makefile (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/vector/v.out.marxan/Makefile 2010-11-26 22:21:18 UTC (rev 44441)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+PGM = v.out.marxan
+include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Script.make
+default: script
Added: grass-addons/vector/v.out.marxan/description.html
--- grass-addons/vector/v.out.marxan/description.html (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/vector/v.out.marxan/description.html 2010-11-26 22:21:18 UTC (rev 44441)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+<EM>v.out.marxan</EM> is a python script prepare a vecotr planning grid file and create marxan input files.
+Marxan output can be read back into GRASS for display with <EM>v.in.marxan</EM>.
+Use of the DOS output format will create a second file with '.dos' appended to the output file name.
+Consistent specification of the Planning Unit Key field is necessary in all Marxan scripts to ensure a working set of ouptut files.
+All GRASS Marxan modules require Python, PostgreSQL 8.x or higher and are intended for use with Marxan version 1.8.10.
+One of the options for output is the scaling of boundary and species variables to ranges between 0 and 1. Since the
+objective function of Marxan is sum of the planning unit cost plus the sum of the boundary cost * the boundary length
+modifier plus the sum of species penalty factors, it is desirable that all of these be kept within the same order
+of magnitude. The scaling function for data outputs is designed to address this.
+The second potentially useful feature is in the calculation of the boundary length. A Calculated option is provided
+that multiplies the actual length in map units by the specified attribute of the adjacent planning unit. In this case
+the user needs to specify whether the greater or lesser value will be applied in all cases where they differ. This calculated
+value is then scaled to range from 0 to 1. This allows for using attributes attached to each planning unit to
+define the relative merit of joining them together. This might be particularly useful in cases where certain habitats
+have synergetic effects and others do not work well together.
+These brief notes do not in any constitute a outline of Marxan's capabilities or provide guidance to appropriate use.
+For this please familiarize yourself with the user manual and good practices handbook found on the Marxan home page.
+<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
+<em><a HREF="v.out.marxan.html">v.out.marxan</a>,
+<a HREF="v.mkhexgrid">v.mkhexgrid</a>,
+<p><a HREF="http://www.uq.edu.au/marxan/">Marxan Home Page</a></p>
+Trevor Wiens
+<p><a href="http://www.uq.edu.au/marxan/docs/marxan_manual_1_8_2.pdf" target="_blank">Ball, I.R., and H.P. Possingham, 2000. MARXAN (V1.8.2): Marine Reserve Design Using Spatially Explicit Annealing, a Manual.</a></p>
+<p><a href="http://www.uq.edu.au/marxan/docs/Marxan_User_Manual_2008.pdf" target="_blank">Game, E.T. and H.S. Grantham, 2008. Marxan User Manual: For Marxan version 1.8.10. University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Queensland, Australia, and Pacific Marine Analysis and Research Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.</a></p>
+<p><a href="http://www.uq.edu.au/marxan/docs/Possingham_etal_2000_Mathematical.pdf" target="_blank">Possingham, H. P., I. R. Ball and S. Andelman (2000) Mathematical methods for identifying representative reserve networks. In: S. Ferson and M. Burgman (eds) Quantitative methods for conservation biology. Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 291-305.</a></p>
+<p><a href="http://www.uq.edu.au/marxan/docs/Marxan%20Good%20Practices%20Handbook%20v2%202010.pdf" target="_blank">Ardron, J. H.P. Possingham and C.J. Klein (Eds.),Version 2, 2010. Marxan good practices handbook. University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Queensland, Australia, and Pacific Marine Analysis and Research Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.</a> </p>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date: 2010-11-24 $</i>
Added: grass-addons/vector/v.out.marxan/v.out.marxan
--- grass-addons/vector/v.out.marxan/v.out.marxan (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/vector/v.out.marxan/v.out.marxan 2010-11-26 22:21:18 UTC (rev 44441)
@@ -0,0 +1,737 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# MODULE: v.out.marxan for GRASS 6.4 (2010-07-14)
+# modified TSW (2010-11-22)
+# AUTHOR(S): Trevor Wiens
+# PURPOSE: Creates the following tabs do the following
+# required tab - choose what to do or ouptut to generate
+# boundary tab - bound.dat
+# features tab - spec.dat and puvspr2.dat
+# planning units tab - pu.dat
+# REQUIREMENTS: PostgreSQL 8.x or above, Marxan 1.8.10
+# COPYRIGHT: (C) Trevor Wiens, 2010 GRASS Development Team
+# This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+# License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+# for details.
+# v.out.marxan input=test at PERMANENT action=prep key_field=cat file_format=unix
+# v.out.marxan input=test at PERMANENT action=boundary key_field=cat file_format=unix bound_cfield=cat
+#% description: Prepares vector file and generates output for use in Marxan.
+#% keywords: vector
+#% keywords: marxan
+#% key: input
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: old,vector,vector
+#% label: Planning Unit Vector
+#% description: Name of planning unit vector
+#% required: yes
+#% key: action
+#% type: string
+#% options: prep,boundary,features,planning,all
+#% label: Action
+#% description: Prepare planning unit vector, export boundary file, export feature files, export planning file, or all.
+#% multiple: no
+#% answer: prep
+#% required: yes
+#% key: key_field
+#% type: string
+#% label: Planning Unit Key or ID Field
+#% description: Name of key field for planning unit
+#% answer: cat
+#% required: yes
+#% key:file_format
+#% type: string
+#% options: unix,dos
+#% label: Output File Format
+#% description: Format of output file.
+#% multiple: no
+#% answer: unix
+#% required: yes
+#% guisection: Main
+#% key: bound_out
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: new_file,file,output
+#% answer: bound.dat
+#% label: Boundary File Name
+#% description: Name of boundary output file. The Marxan default is bound.dat.
+#% required : no
+#% guisection: Boundary
+#% key:bound_length
+#% type: string
+#% options: fixed,m,km,scaled,field,calculated
+#% label: Boundary Length Options
+#% description: Fixed length, metres, kilometres, scaled from 0 to 1, use value of adjacent PUs, or scaled value of length * value of adjacent PUs.
+#% multiple: no
+#% answer: scaled
+#% required: no
+#% guisection: Boundary
+#% key: bound_cfield
+#% type: string
+#% answer:
+#% label: PU Field Name
+#% description: Field value of adjacent PU's used to adjust boundary length
+#% required : no
+#% guisection: Boundary
+#% key: bound_caction
+#% type: string
+#% options: greatest,least
+#% answer: greatest
+#% label: Adjacent PU Value Action
+#% description: Select which field value for adjacent planning units to use to modify the boundary lengths.
+#% required : no
+#% guisection: Boundary
+#% key: feature_spec_out
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: new_file,file,output
+#% answer: spec.dat
+#% label: Conservation Feature File Name
+#% description: Name of conservation feature or species output file. The Marxan default is spec.dat.
+#% required : no
+#% guisection: Features
+#% key: feature_vs_out
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: new_file,file,output
+#% answer: puvspr2.dat
+#% label: PU vs Feature File Name
+#% description: Name of planning unit vs conservation feature (species) output file name. The Marxan default is puvspr2.dat.
+#% required : no
+#% guisection: Features
+#% key: feature_out_format
+#% type: string
+#% options: raw,scaled
+#% label: Conservation Factor Format
+#% description: Format of conservation factor as either raw values or scaled from 0 to 1.
+#% multiple: no
+#% answer: scaled
+#% required: no
+#% guisection: Features
+#% key: feature_fields
+#% type: string
+#% answer:
+#% multiple: yes
+#% label: Conservation Factor Field Names
+#% description: List conservation factor field names separated by commas.
+#% required: no
+#% guisection: Features
+#% key: feature_names
+#% type: string
+#% answer:
+#% multiple: yes
+#% label: Conservation Factor Names
+#% description: List of descriptive names for the conservation factors in the same order as above separated by commas.
+#% guisection: Features
+#% key: feature_penalties
+#% type: string
+#% answer:
+#% multiple: yes
+#% label: Conservation Factor Penalty Factors
+#% description: List the penalty factors for each conservation feature in the same order above separated by commas.
+#% required: no
+#% guisection: Features
+#% key: feature_targets
+#% type: string
+#% answer:
+#% multiple: yes
+#% label: Conservation Factor Targets
+#% description: List conservatoion targets for each feature in the same order as above separated by commas.
+#% required: no
+#% guisection: Features
+#% key: plan_out
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: new_file,file,output
+#% answer: pu.dat
+#% label: Planning Unit File Name
+#% description: Name of planning unit output file. The Marxan default is pu.dat.
+#% required : no
+#% guisection: Planning Units
+#% key: plan_cost
+#% type: string
+#% options: none,fixed,field,field_scaled
+#% label: Planning Unit Cost
+#% description: Cost of planning unit as none, a fixed value, raw field value, or field scaled from 0 to 1.
+#% multiple: no
+#% answer: field_scaled
+#% required: no
+#% guisection: Planning Units
+#% key: plan_cost_field
+#% type: string
+#% label: Planning Unit Cost Field Name
+#% description: Name of field used to calculate planning unit costs.
+#% required: no
+#% guisection: Planning Units
+#% key: plan_status
+#% type: string
+#% options: no_assumptions,initial_inclusion,field
+#% label: Planning Unit Status
+#% description: Initial conditions for planning units set as no assumptions, initial inclusion, or set by field content.
+#% multiple: no
+#% answer: no_assumptions
+#% required: no
+#% guisection: Planning Units
+#% key: plan_status_field
+#% type: string
+#% label: Planning Unit Status Field Name
+#% description: Name of field used to set intial status of planning unit fields.
+#% required: no
+#% guisection: Planning Units
+import sys
+import os
+import subprocess
+import time
+from grass.script import core as grass
+from grass.script import vector as gvect
+from grass.script import db as gdb
+# Common Functions
+def Unix2DOS(unix_text):
+ try:
+ test = unix_text.index('\r')
+ dos_text = unix_text
+ except:
+ dos_text = unix_text.replace('\n','\r\n')
+ return(dos_text)
+def writeDOSfile(sourcefile):
+ dosfname = sourcefile +'.dos'
+ tmpfs = file(sourcefile, 'r')
+ stext = tmpfs.read()
+ tmpfs.close()
+ otext = Unix2DOS(stext)
+ tmpfd = file(dosfname,'w')
+ tmpfd.write(otext)
+ tmpfd.close()
+def clean_up(tempname):
+ grass.run_command('g.remove', vect=tempname,quiet=True)
+# Vector File Preparation
+# prepVector - checks to see if pu_status is present, if so assumes file is properly prepared.
+# if pu_status is not present, adds this along with xloc, yloc, mxn_best, and mxn_freq fields
+# these are all set to zero and then xloc and yloc are updated with pu centroid locations
+# modified TSW - 22 November 2010: Replaced use of numeric for double and direct queries with v.db.addcol to
+# facilitate backend database flexibility.
+def prepVector():
+ table_name=gvect.vector_db(options['input'])[1]['table']
+ # use pipes to capture errors
+ errpipe = subprocess.PIPE
+ outpipe = subprocess.PIPE
+ # test if preparation already executed
+ querytext = 'select pu_status from %s' % table_name
+ #grass.message(querytext)
+ try:
+ r = gdb.db_select(table=table_name, sql=querytext, flags='-q', stdout = outpipe, stderr = errpipe)
+ except:
+ # a problem means we need to prepare the vector
+ pass
+ else:
+ # no problem means abort
+ grass.message('Vector %s already prepared' % table_name)
+ return(0)
+ # create columns
+ new_cols = 'pu_status int, xloc double precision, yloc double precision, mxn_best int, mxn_freq int'
+ querytext = 'update %s set pu_status = 0, xloc = 0.0, yloc = 0.0, mxn_best = 0, mxn_freq = 0' % table_name
+ try:
+ grass.run_command('v.db.addcol', map='%s' % options['input'], columns=new_cols)
+ r = grass.write_command('db.execute', stdin = querytext, stdout = outpipe, stderr = errpipe)
+ if r <> 0:
+ raise
+ except:
+ msgtext="An error occured when altering the input table. \n" + \
+ "Please review query and table structure for possible conflicts \n" + querytext
+ grass.message(msgtext, flag='e')
+ return(-1)
+ # notify success
+ grass.message('Columns created.')
+ #cmd = "v.to.db map=%s type=centroid layer=1 qlayer=1 option=coor col=xloc,yloc" % options['input']
+ try:
+ r = grass.run_command('v.to.db', map='%s' % options['input'], type='centroid', \
+ layer=1, qlayer=1, option='coor', col='xloc,yloc', quiet=True)
+ except:
+ grass.message("An error occurred updating field values.", flag='e')
+ return(-1)
+ # notify success
+ if r == 0:
+ grass.message("Vector File Preparation Complete")
+ return(0)
+# Boundary File Export
+# exportBoundary - Checks to make sure all the needed fields are completed before passing on work to
+# calculate_adjancency_length function.
+def exportBoundary():
+ if (options['bound_length'] == 'calculated' or options['bound_length'] == 'field') and options['bound_cfield'] == '':
+ grass.message('Field required if calculated or field values are selected')
+ return(-1)
+ core_table_name = gvect.vector_db(options['input'])[1]['table']
+ # grass.message("Core Table: %s" % core_table_name)
+ tempname= 'tempvect%d' % os.getpid()
+ testval = calculate_adjacency_length(tempname, core_table_name)
+ if testval == -1:
+ return(-1)
+ bound_table_name = gvect.vector_db(tempname)[2]['table']
+ # grass.message("Boundary Table: %s" % bound_table_name)
+ grass.message("Writing boundary file")
+ stat = write_boundary_file(core_table_name,bound_table_name)
+ clean_up(tempname)
+ if stat == -1:
+ return(-1)
+ else:
+ return(0)
+# calculate_adjacency_length - Uses simple series of grass commands to calculate adjacency and length
+# of all planning units.
+# parameters:
+# tempname - name of temporary file
+# corename - name of main vector attribute table
+def calculate_adjacency_length(tempname, corename):
+ grass.message("Creating temporary file")
+ #
+ # create temporary boundary layer file
+ #
+ grass.run_command('v.category', input=options['input'], output=tempname, layer='2', \
+ type='boundary', option='add', quiet=True)
+ # determine database schema
+ info = grass.read_command('v.db.connect', flags = 'g', map=tempname, key='cat', layer=1, fs='|')
+ outline = info.split('|')[1]
+ fullname = outline.split('.')
+ if len(fullname) > 1:
+ schemaname = outline.split('.')[0]
+ else:
+ # if no schema assume public (postgresql default)
+ schemaname = 'public'
+ tablename = schemaname + '.' + tempname + '_2'
+ #
+ # add attribute table to hold boundary adjacency and length information
+ #
+ # create table
+ new_cols = 'left_cat int, right_cat int, link_cat int, s_length double precision, left_cval double precision, '
+ new_cols += 'right_cval double precision, cval double precision'
+ grass.run_command('v.db.addtable', map=tempname, table=tablename , layer='2', columns=new_cols, quiet=True)
+ # update the information
+ grass.message("Updating information")
+ grass.run_command('v.to.db', map=tempname, layer='2', option='sides', columns='left_cat,right_cat', quiet=True)
+ if options['bound_length'] == 'km':
+ grass.run_command('v.to.db', map=tempname, layer='2', option='length', units='k', columns='s_length', quiet=True)
+ else:
+ grass.run_command('v.to.db', map=tempname, layer='2', option='length', units='me', columns='s_length', quiet=True)
+ # NOTE - the following SQL code is written for PostgreSQL and will probably fail with other database backends
+ if options['bound_length'] == 'calculated' or options['bound_length'] == 'field':
+ # update the left value
+ sqltext1 = """
+ update %s
+ set left_cval = b.%s
+ from %s b
+ where %s.left_cat = b.cat;""" % (tablename, options['bound_cfield'], corename, tablename)
+ # update the right value
+ sqltext2 = """
+ update %s
+ set right_cval = b.%s
+ from %s b
+ where %s.right_cat = b.cat;""" % (tablename, options['bound_cfield'], corename, tablename)
+ # set cval to zero
+ sqltext3 = "update %s set cval = 0;" % tablename
+ # conditionally set cval based on greatest or least option
+ sqltext4 = """
+ update %s
+ set cval = %s(left_cval, right_cval)
+ where left_cat <> -1 and right_cat <> -1;""" % (tablename, options['bound_caction'])
+ try:
+ errpipe = subprocess.PIPE
+ outpipe = subprocess.PIPE
+ errnum = 1
+ grass.write_command('db.execute', stdin=sqltext1, stdout = outpipe, stderr = errpipe)
+ errnum = 2
+ grass.write_command('db.execute', stdin=sqltext2, stdout = outpipe, stderr = errpipe)
+ errnum = 3
+ grass.write_command('db.execute', stdin=sqltext3, stdout = outpipe, stderr = errpipe)
+ errnum = 4
+ grass.write_command('db.execute', stdin=sqltext4, stdout = outpipe, stderr = errpipe)
+ except:
+ grass.message("Errnum: %s Field (%s) is not valid. Please ensure that field exists in source table" % (errnum, options['bound_cfield']))
+ grass.message("sql: %s " % sqltext1)
+ return(-1)
+# write_boundary_file - this finishes the calculations and writes the results to a text file
+# parameters:
+# core - name of main vector attribute table
+# bound - name of boundary attribute table
+# modified TSW - 22 November 2010: Adjusted to ensure that border units have their boundary lengths included to
+# prevent articially low values and thus selection of borders over other PUs
+def write_boundary_file(core, bound):
+ # select the correct query text
+ if options['bound_length'] == 'm' or options['bound_length'] == 'km':
+ sqltext = """select a.left_cat as id1,
+ (case when a.right_cat = -1 then a.left_cat else a.right_cat end) as id2,
+ a.s_length as boundary
+ from (
+ select distinct left_cat, right_cat, sum(s_length) as s_length
+ from %s
+ where not(left_cat = -1 and right_cat = -1)
+ group by left_cat, right_cat
+ order by left_cat, right_cat) a
+ """ % (bound)
+ elif options['bound_length'] == 'scaled':
+ sqltext = """select a.left_cat as id1,
+ (case when a.right_cat = -1 then a.left_cat else a.right_cat end) as id2,
+ a.s_length / b.maxlen as boundary
+ from
+ (select distinct left_cat, right_cat, sum(s_length) as s_length
+ from %s
+ where not(left_cat = -1 and right_cat = -1)
+ group by left_cat, right_cat
+ order by left_cat, right_cat) a,
+ (select max(q.s_length) as maxlen
+ from (select distinct left_cat, right_cat, sum(s_length) as s_length
+ from %s
+ where not(left_cat = -1 and right_cat = -1)
+ group by left_cat, right_cat
+ order by left_cat, right_cat) q ) b
+ """ % (bound, bound)
+ elif options['bound_length'] == 'field':
+ sqltext = """select a.left_cat as id1,
+ (case when a.right_cat = -1 then a.left_cat else a.right_cat end) as id2,
+ a.cval as boundary
+ from (
+ select distinct left_cat, right_cat, cval sum(s_length) as s_length
+ from %s
+ where not(left_cat = -1 and right_cat = -1)
+ group by left_cat, right_cat, cval
+ order by left_cat, right_cat, cval) a
+ """ % (bound)
+ elif options['bound_length'] == 'calculated':
+ sqltext = """select a.left_cat as id1,
+ (case when a.right_cat = -1 then a.left_cat else a.right_cat end) as id2,
+ (a.cval * a.s_length) / b.maxlen as boundary
+ from (
+ select distinct left_cat, right_cat, cval sum(s_length) as s_length
+ from %s
+ where not(left_cat = -1 and right_cat = -1)
+ group by left_cat, right_cat, cval
+ order by left_cat, right_cat, cval) a,
+ (select max(z.boundary) as maxlen
+ from
+ (select q.left_cat as id1,
+ (case when q.right_cat = -1 then q.left_cat else q.right_cat end) as id2,
+ q.cval * q.s_length as boundary
+ from (
+ select distinct left_cat, right_cat, cval sum(s_length) as s_length
+ from %s
+ where not(left_cat = -1 and right_cat = -1)
+ group by left_cat, right_cat, cval
+ order by left_cat, right_cat, cval) q ) z ) b
+ """ % (bound,bound)
+ else:
+ # fixed value
+ sqltext = """select a.left_cat as id1,
+ (case when a.right_cat = -1 then a.left_cat else a.right_cat end) as id2,
+ 1 as boundary
+ from (
+ select distinct left_cat, right_cat, sum(s_length) as s_length
+ from %s
+ where not(left_cat = -1 and right_cat = -1)
+ group by left_cat, right_cat
+ order by left_cat, right_cat) a
+ """ % (bound)
+ # test query and write file
+ try:
+ grass.run_command('db.select', flags='t', sql=sqltext, quiet=True)
+ tmpf = file(options['bound_out'], 'w')
+ grass.run_command('db.select', sql=sqltext, fs='\t',stdout = tmpf)
+ tmpf.close()
+ except:
+ grass.message("Boundary export query failed not execute. \nPlease check the field names are correct. ", flag='e')
+ return(-1)
+ # convert to dos if needed
+ if options['file_format'] == 'dos':
+ writeDOSfile(options['bound_out'])
+ return(0)
+# Feature Files Export
+# exportFeatures - a wrapper function that exports both puvspr2.dat and spec.dat
+def exportFeatures():
+ table_name=gvect.vector_db(options['input'])[1]['table']
+ field_list = options['feature_fields'].split(',')
+ stat = write_vs_file(table_name, field_list)
+ if stat == -1:
+ return(stat)
+ write_species_file(table_name, field_list)
+ return(0)
+# write_vs_file - writes puvspr2.dat
+# parameters:
+# table_name - name of vector attribute table
+# field_list - name of vector fields to be exported as planning unit attributes
+# NOTE: This function depends on PostgreSQL because of use of grass interface can not over-ride formatting
+# of large values into scientific notation which fails in Marxan.
+def write_vs_file(table_name, field_list):
+ # create query for each field and
+ # union them together
+ utext = ''
+ for i in range(0,len(field_list)):
+ if options['feature_out_format'] == 'raw':
+ qtext = """
+ select %d as species, a.%s as pu, to_char(a.%s::numeric,
+ 'FM999999999999999999999999999999.9999999999999999999') as amount
+ from %s a
+ """ % (i, options['key_field'],field_list[i], table_name)
+ elif options['feature_out_format'] == 'scaled':
+ qtext = """
+ select %d as species, a.%s as pu, to_char(a.%s::numeric / b.spec_max::numeric,
+ 'FM999999999999999999999999999999.9999999999999999999') as amount
+ from %s a,
+ (select max(%s) as spec_max
+ from %s) b
+ """ % (i, options['key_field'],field_list[i], table_name, field_list[i], table_name)
+ if utext == '':
+ utext = qtext
+ else:
+ utext = utext + ' union ' + qtext
+ # embed union text into larger query
+ sqltext = """select m.species, m.pu, m.amount
+ from (%s) m
+ where m.amount::numeric > 0
+ order by m.species, m.pu""" % utext
+ #print sqltext
+ # test query and create output file
+ #grass.message(sqltext)
+ try:
+ grass.run_command('db.select', flags='t', sql=sqltext)
+ tmpf = file(options['feature_vs_out'], 'w')
+ grass.run_command('db.select', sql=sqltext, fs='\t', stdout=tmpf)
+ tmpf.close()
+ except:
+ grass.message("Feature export query failed not execute. \nPlease check the field names are correct.", flag='e')
+ return(-1)
+ # create dos version if necessary
+ if options['file_format'] == 'dos':
+ writeDOSfile(options['feature_vs_out'])
+# write_species_file - writes spec.dat aka feat.dat
+# parameters:
+# table_name - vector attribute table name
+# field_list - list of attribute fields to be exported as conservation features or species
+def write_species_file(table_name, field_list):
+ name_list = options['feature_names'].split(',')
+ spf_list = options['feature_penalties'].split(',')
+ target_list = options['feature_targets'].split(',')
+ tmpf = file(options['feature_spec_out'], 'w')
+ tmpf.write("id\ttarget\tspf\tname\n")
+ for i in range(0,len(field_list)):
+ tmpf.write("%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (i,target_list[i],spf_list[i],name_list[i]))
+ tmpf.close()
+ # create dos version if necessary
+ if options['file_format'] == 'dos':
+ writeDOSfile(options['feature_spec_out'])
+# Planning Unit Export
+# exportPlanningUnits - exports planning units file (pu.dat)
+# NOTE: This function depends on PostgreSQL casting functions
+def exportPlanningUnits():
+ # get table name containing vector attributes
+ table_name=gvect.vector_db(options['input'])[1]['table']
+ if options['plan_cost'] == 'none':
+ # no cost layer
+ if options['plan_status'] == 'no_assumptions':
+ sqltext = "select %s as id, 0 as status, xloc, yloc from %s order by %s" % \
+ (options['key_field'], table_name, options['key_field'])
+ elif options['plan_status'] == 'initial_inclusion':
+ sqltext = "select %s as id, 1 as status, xloc, yloc from %s order by %s" % \
+ (options['key_field'], table_name, options['key_field'])
+ else:
+ sqltext = "select %s as id, %s as status, xloc, yloc from %s order by %s" % \
+ (options['key_field'], options['plan_status_field'], table_name, options['key_field'])
+ elif options['plan_cost'] == 'fixed':
+ # all units the same value
+ if options['plan_status'] == 'no_assumptions':
+ sqltext = "select %s as id, 1 as cost, 0 as status, xloc, yloc from %s order by %s" % \
+ (options['key_field'], table_name, options['key_field'])
+ elif options['plan_status'] == 'initial_inclusion':
+ sqltext ="select %s as id, 1 as cost, 1 as status, xloc, yloc from %s order by %s" % \
+ (options['key_field'], table_name, options['key_field'])
+ else:
+ sqltext = "select %s as id, 1 as cost, %s as status, xloc, yloc from %s order by %s" % \
+ (options['key_field'], options['plan_status_field'], table_name, options['key_field'])
+ elif options['plan_cost'] == 'field':
+ # planning unit costs defined by named field
+ if options['plan_status'] == 'no_assumptions':
+ sqltext = "select %s as id, %s as cost, 0 as status, xloc, yloc from %s order by %s" % \
+ (options['key_field'], options['plan_cost_field'], table_name, options['key_field'])
+ elif options['plan_status'] == 'initial_inclusion':
+ sqltext = "select %s as id, %s as cost, 1 as status, xloc, yloc from %s order by %s" % \
+ (options['key_field'], options['plan_cost_field'], table_name, options['key_field'])
+ else:
+ sqltext = "select cat as id, %s as cost, %s as status, xloc, yloc from %s order by %s" % \
+ (options['key_field'], options['plan_cost_field'], options['plan_status_field'], table_name, options['key_field'])
+ elif options['plan_cost'] == 'field_scaled':
+ # planning unit costs defined by named field and scaled from 0 to 1
+ if options['plan_status'] == 'no_assumptions':
+ sqltext = """select a.%s as id, cast(a.%s as numeric) / cast(b.scale as numeric) as cost,
+ 0 as status, xloc, yloc from %s a,
+ (select max(%s) as scale from %s) b
+ order by %s
+ """ % (options['key_field'], options['plan_cost_field'], table_name, \
+ options['plan_cost_field'], table_name, options['key_field'])
+ elif options['plan_status'] == 'initial_inclusion':
+ sqltext = """select a.%s as id, cast(a.%s as numeric) / cast(b.scale as numeric) as cost,
+ 1 as status, xloc, yloc from %s a,
+ (select max(%s) as scale from %s) b
+ order by %s
+ """ % (options['key_field'], options['plan_cost_field'], table_name, \
+ options['plan_cost_field'], table_name, options['key_field'])
+ else:
+ sqltext = """select a.%s as id, cast(a.%s as numeric) / cast(b.scale as numeric) as cost,
+ %s as status, xloc, yloc from %s a,
+ (select max(%s) as scale from %s) b
+ order by %s
+ """ % (options['key_field'], options['plan_cost_field'], options['plan_status_field'], table_name, \
+ options['plan_cost_field'], table_name, options['key_field'])
+ #grass.message(sqltext)
+ try:
+ grass.run_command('db.select', flags='t', sql=sqltext)
+ tmpf = file(options['plan_out'], 'w')
+ grass.run_command('db.select', sql=sqltext, fs='\t', stdout=tmpf)
+ tmpf.close()
+ except:
+ grass.message("Planning export query failed not execute. \nPlease check the field names are correct.", flag='e')
+ return(-1)
+ if options['file_format'] == 'dos':
+ writeDOSfile(options['output'])
+ return(0)
+# Main function
+def main():
+ starttime = time.localtime()
+ if options['action'] == 'prep' or options['action'] == 'all':
+ status = prepVector()
+ if status == -1:
+ return(-1)
+ if options['action'] == 'boundary' or options['action'] == 'all':
+ status = exportBoundary()
+ if status == -1:
+ return(-1)
+ if options['action'] == 'features' or options['action'] == 'all':
+ status = exportFeatures()
+ if status == -1:
+ return(-1)
+ if options['action'] == 'planning' or options['action'] == 'all':
+ status = exportPlanningUnits()
+ if status == -1:
+ return(-1)
+ endtime = time.localtime()
+ msgtext ='Done!\nStarted: '+ time.strftime("%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S",starttime) + \
+ '\nFinished:'+ time.strftime("%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S",endtime)
+ grass.message(msgtext)
+ return(0)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ options, flags = grass.parser()
+ sys.exit(main())
Property changes on: grass-addons/vector/v.out.marxan/v.out.marxan
Added: svn:executable
+ *
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