[GRASS-SVN] r45338 - grass-addons/raster/r.diversity

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Tue Feb 8 09:43:01 EST 2011

Author: lucadelu
Date: 2011-02-08 06:43:00 -0800 (Tue, 08 Feb 2011)
New Revision: 45338

some change in code for size

Modified: grass-addons/raster/r.diversity/description.html
--- grass-addons/raster/r.diversity/description.html	2011-02-08 08:00:46 UTC (rev 45337)
+++ grass-addons/raster/r.diversity/description.html	2011-02-08 14:43:00 UTC (rev 45338)
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
 The user does not need to create a "conf" file with <em>r.li.setup</em> because this file 
 will be created automatically by the script.<br> 
+In size option it is possible use more values: the user can set more values with comma (,) and a range with minus (-)<br> 
+If you calculate Renyi entropy remember to add the alpha option. <br>
 If the input raster contains NULL value cells, <em>r.diversity</em> 
 returns -1 for these cells.<br> 
 If the user wants to keep NULL values instead, run subsequently on the resulting map:
@@ -29,7 +31,16 @@
 r.diversity input=ndvi_map out=test alpha=0.5 size=7
+To calculate only Pielou and Simpson indices from a NDVI map, with several moving window (3 x 3, 5 x 5, 7 x 7, 9 x 9), run:
+<div class="code"><pre>
+r.diversity input=ndvi_map out=test size=3-9 method=pielou,simpson
+To calculate all methods excluding Pielou from a NDVI map, with two moving window (3 x 3, 9 x 9), run:
+<div class="code"><pre>
+r.diversity input=ndvi_map out=test size=3,9 exclude=pielou alpha=2
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>

Modified: grass-addons/raster/r.diversity/r.diversity.py
--- grass-addons/raster/r.diversity/r.diversity.py	2011-02-08 08:00:46 UTC (rev 45337)
+++ grass-addons/raster/r.diversity/r.diversity.py	2011-02-08 14:43:00 UTC (rev 45338)
@@ -41,19 +41,41 @@
 #% type: double
 #% gisprompt: alpha value
 #% key_desc: alpha value for Renyi entropy
-#% description: Alpha value is the order of the generalized entropy, it'll be > 0 and != 1
-#% required: yes
+#% description: Order of generalized entropy (> 0.0; undefined for 1.0)
+#% required: no
 #% key: size
 #% type: integer
 #% gisprompt: resolution
 #% key_desc: moving window
-#% description: Number of pixel used for the moving window, it must be odd number, if not set the module set your resolution to value 3 
+#% multiple: yes
+#% description: Size of processing window (odd number only)
+#% answer: 3
 #% required: no
+#% key: method
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: method to use
+#% key_desc: method
+#% options: simpson,shannon,pielou,renyi
+#% multiple: yes
+#% description: Name of methods to use
+#% required: no
+#% key: exclude
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: exclude method
+#% key_desc: exclude method
+#% options: simpson,shannon,pielou,renyi
+#% multiple: yes
+#% description: Exclude methods
+#% required: no
 # import library
 import os, sys, re
 import grass.script as grass
@@ -62,8 +84,6 @@
 def main():
     # set the home path
-    # set the name of conf file
-    confilename = home+'/.r.li/history/conf_diversity'
     # check if GISBASE is set
     if "GISBASE" not in os.environ:
 	# return an error advice
@@ -78,52 +98,123 @@
     res = options['size']
     # alpha value for r.renyi
     alpha_value = options['alpha']
-    # resolution
-    if res=='':
-	res=3
-    else:
-	res = int(options['size'])
+    # method to use
+    methods = options['method']
+    # excluded method
+    excludes = options['exclude']
-    # check if is a odd number
-    if res%2==0:
-	# return the error advice
-	print "Your size option must be an odd number"
-	sys.exit(1)
+    resolution = checkResValues(res)
     # check if ~/.r.li path exists
-    if os.path.exists(home+'/.r.li/'):
-	# check if ~/.r.li/history path exists
-	if os.path.exists(home+'/.r.li/history'):
-	    # create configuration file
-	    createConfFile(res,map_in,confilename)
-	else:
-	    # create ~/.r.li/history path
-	    os.path.mkdir(home+'/.r.li/history')
-	    # create configuration file
-	    createConfFile(res,map_in,confilename)
-    else:
+    if not os.path.exists(home+'/.r.li/'):
 	# create ~/.r.li
 	# create ~/.r.li/history
-	# create configuration file
-	createConfFile(res,map_in,confilename)
-    ### calculate r.li indices
-    # if overwrite it is set
+    else:
+	if not os.path.exists(home+'/.r.li/history'):
+	    # create ~/.r.li/history
+	    os.path.mkdir(home+'/.r.li/history')
+    # set overwrite
     if grass.overwrite():
         env['GRASS_OVERWRITE'] = '1'
+    # if method and exclude option are not null return an error
+    if methods != '' and excludes != '':
+	print "You can use method or exclude option not both"
+	sys.exit(1)
+    # if method and exclude option are null calculate all module
+    elif methods == '' and excludes == '':
+	# check if alpha_value is set, else return an error
+	if alpha_value == '':
+	    print "Please you must set alpha value for Renyi entropy"
+	    sys.exit(1)	    
+	calculateAll(home, map_in, map_out, resolution, alpha_value)
+    # calculate method
+    elif methods != '':
+	methods = methods.split(',')
+	checkAlpha(methods,alpha_value)
+	calculateM(home, map_in, map_out, resolution, alpha_value,methods)
+    # calculate not excluded index
+    elif excludes != '':
+	excludes = excludes.split(',')
+	checkAlpha(excludes,alpha_value,True)
+	calculateE(home, map_in, map_out, resolution, alpha_value,excludes)
-    simpson = grass.run_command('r.li.simpson', map = map_in, out = map_out + '_simpson', conf = 'conf_diversity')
-    shannon = grass.run_command('r.li.shannon', map = map_in, out = map_out+ '_shannon', conf = 'conf_diversity')
-    pielou = grass.run_command('r.li.pielou', map = map_in, out = map_out+ '_pielou', conf = 'conf_diversity')
-    renyi = grass.run_command('r.li.renyi', map = map_in, out = map_out+ '_renyi_' + str(alpha_value), conf = 'conf_diversity', alpha = alpha_value)
+    # remove configuration files
+    removeConfFile(resolution,home)
+    print 'All works are terminated'
-    os.remove(confilename)
-    print 'All works are terminated'
+# calculate all index
+def calculateAll(home, map_in, map_out, res, alpha):
+    # for each resolution create the config file and calculate all index
+    for r in res:
+	createConfFile(r,map_in,home)
+	r = str(r)	
+	grass.run_command('r.li.simpson', map = map_in, out = map_out + 
+	'_simpson_size_' + r, conf = 'conf_diversity_' + r)
+	grass.run_command('r.li.shannon', map = map_in, out = map_out+ 
+	'_shannon_size_' + r, conf = 'conf_diversity_' + r)
+	grass.run_command('r.li.pielou', map = map_in, out = map_out+ 
+	'_pielou_size_' + r, conf = 'conf_diversity_' + r)
+	grass.run_command('r.li.renyi', map = map_in, out = map_out+ 
+	'_renyi_size_' + r + '_alpha_'+ str(alpha), conf = 'conf_diversity_' + r, 
+	alpha = alpha)  
+# calculate only method included in method option
+def calculateM(home, map_in, map_out, res, alpha, method):
+    # for each resolution create the config file
+    for r in res:
+	createConfFile(r,map_in,home)
+	r = str(r)	
+	# for each method in method option calculate index
+	for i in method:
+	    if i == 'renyi':
+		grass.run_command('r.li.renyi', map = map_in, out = map_out + 
+		'_renyi_size_' + r + '_alpha_' + str(alpha), conf = 
+		'conf_diversity_' + r, alpha = alpha)
+	    else:
+		grass.run_command('r.li.' + i, map = map_in, out = map_out + 
+		'_' + i + '_size_' + r, conf = 'conf_diversity_' + r)
+# calculate only method excluded with exclude option
+def calculateE(home, map_in, map_out, res, alpha, method):
+    # set a tuple with all index 
+    methods = ('simpson','shannon','pielou','renyi')
+    # for each resolution create the config file    
+    for r in res:
+	createConfFile(r,map_in,home)
+	r = str(r)	
+	# for each method
+	for i in methods:
+	    # if method it isn't in exclude option it is possible to calculate
+	    if method.count(i) == 0:
+		if i == 'renyi':
+		    grass.run_command('r.li.renyi', map = map_in, out = 
+		    map_out + '_renyi_size_' + r + '_alpha_' + str(alpha), 
+		    conf = 'conf_diversity_' + r, alpha = alpha)
+		else:
+		    grass.run_command('r.li.' + i, map = map_in, out = map_out +
+		    '_' + i+ '_size_' + r, conf = 'conf_diversity_' + r)
+# check if alpha value it's set when renyi entropy must be calculate
+def checkAlpha(method,alpha,negative=False):
+    # it's used when we check the exclude option
+    if negative:
+	if method.count('renyi') != 1 and alpha == '':
+	    print "Please you must set alpha value for Renyi entropy"
+	    sys.exit(1)
+    # it's used when we check the method option    
+    else:
+	if method.count('renyi') == 1 and alpha == '':
+	    print "Please you must set alpha value for Renyi entropy"
+	    sys.exit(1)
 #create configuration file instead using r.li.setup
-def createConfFile(res,inpumap,filename):
+def createConfFile(res,inpumap,home):
+    # set the name of conf file
+    confilename = home + '/.r.li/history/conf_diversity_' + str(res)  
     # start the text for the conf file
     outputLine = ['SAMPLINGFRAME 0|0|1|1\n']
     # return r.info about input file
@@ -133,19 +224,51 @@
     # calculate number of columns
     columns = (rinfo['east']-rinfo['west'])/rinfo['ewres']
     # value for row
-    rV = res/rows
+    rV = int(res)/rows
     # value for column
-    cV = res/columns
+    cV = int(res)/columns
     # append the text for the conf file
     outputLine.append('SAMPLEAREA -1|-1|'+str(rV)+'|'+str(cV)+'\n')
     # open configuration file
-    fileConf=open(filename,'w')
+    fileConf=open(confilename,'w')
     # write file 
     # close file
+# return a list of resolution
+def checkResValues(res):
+    # check if more values are passed
+    if res.count(',') == 1:
+      typ = 'values'
+      reso = res.split(',')
+    # check if a range of values are passed	  
+    elif res.count('-') == 1:
+      typ = 'range'
+      reso = res.split('-')
+    # else only a value is passed
+    else:
+      typ = 'value'
+      reso = [res]
+    # trasforn string to int and check if is a odd number
+    for i in range(len(reso)):
+      # check if is a odd number
+      reso[i] = int(reso[i])
+      if reso[i] % 2 == 0:
+	  # return the error advice
+	  print "Your size option could not contain odd number"
+	  sys.exit(1)
+    # create a range
+    if typ == 'range':
+      reso = range(reso[0],reso[1]+1,2)
+    return reso
+def removeConfFile(res,home):
+    for r in res:
+      confilename = home + '/.r.li/history/conf_diversity_' + str(r)
+      os.remove(confilename)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     options, flags = grass.parser()

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