[GRASS-SVN] r49101 -
svn_grass at osgeo.org
svn_grass at osgeo.org
Fri Nov 4 19:05:12 EDT 2011
Author: isaacullah
Date: 2011-11-04 16:05:12 -0700 (Fri, 04 Nov 2011)
New Revision: 49101
Minor bugfix to this script so that the output stats file is better formatted for reading in by a spreadsheet program.
Modified: grass-addons/raster/LandDyn/r.accumulate.erdep.py/r.accumulate.erdep.py
--- grass-addons/raster/LandDyn/r.accumulate.erdep.py/r.accumulate.erdep.py 2011-11-04 23:03:30 UTC (rev 49100)
+++ grass-addons/raster/LandDyn/r.accumulate.erdep.py/r.accumulate.erdep.py 2011-11-04 23:05:12 UTC (rev 49101)
@@ -74,11 +74,12 @@
import sys
import os
+import tempfile
import subprocess
+grass_install_tree = os.getenv('GISBASE')
+sys.path.append(grass_install_tree + os.sep + 'etc' + os.sep + 'python')
+import grass.script as grass
-def grass_print(m):
- return subprocess.Popen("g.message message='"'%s'"'" % m, shell='bash').wait()
def main():
pattern = os.getenv("GIS_OPT_pattern")
startnum = int(os.getenv("GIS_OPT_startnum"))
@@ -86,96 +87,82 @@
infix = os.getenv("GIS_OPT_infix")
digits = int(os.getenv("GIS_OPT_digits"))
#create temp file for color rules
- f1 = open('temp_color_rules.txt', 'w')
- f1.write("100% 0 0 100\n5 purple\n0.5 blue\n0.000075 108 166 205\n0 230 230 230\n-0.000075 205 092 092\n-0.5 red\n-5 magenta\n0% 150 0 50")
- f1.close()
+ temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+ temp.write("100% 0 0 100\n1 blue\n0.5 indigo\n0.01 green\n0 white\n-0.01 yellow\n-0.5 orange\n-1 red\n0% 150 0 50")
+ temp.flush()
#test to see if we make a stats file, and make it if true
if bool(os.getenv("GIS_OPT_statsout")) == True:
statsfile = file(os.getenv("GIS_OPT_statsout"), 'w')
statsfile.write('Erosion Stats,,,,,,Deposition Stats,,,,,\nMax,Min,Mean,Standard Deviation,99th percentile,,Max,Min,Mean,Standard Deviation,99th percentile\n')
#if clause tests if numbers are inixed, and then runs the loop accordingly
if bool(os.getenv("GIS_OPT_suffix")) == False:
- grass_print("Numbers are suffixes to prefix: %s" % pattern)
+ grass.message("Numbers are suffixes to prefix: " + pattern)
for x in range((startnum - 1), endnum):
+ tempmap = "temp_cum_netchange_before_smoothing_%s" % (x + 1)
if (x + 1) == startnum:
outmap = "%s%s%s" % (pattern, infix, str(startnum).zfill(digits))
- subprocess.Popen('g.copy --quiet rast=%s%s,%s' % (pattern, str(startnum).zfill(digits), outmap), shell='bash').wait()
- subprocess.Popen('r.colors --quiet map=%s rules=$HOME/temp_color_rules.txt' % (outmap), shell='bash').wait()
+ grass.run_command('g.copy', quiet = True, rast = '%s%s,%s' % (pattern, str(startnum).zfill(digits), outmap))
+ grass.run_command('r.colors', quiet = True, map = outmap, rules = temp.name)
mapone = "%s%s%s" % (pattern, infix, str(x).zfill(digits))
maptwo = "%s%s" % (pattern, str(x + 1).zfill(digits))
outmap = "%s%s%s" % (pattern, infix, str(x + 1).zfill(digits))
- grass_print('doing mapcalc statement for cum netchange map of year %s' % (str(x + 1).zfill(digits)))
- subprocess.Popen('r.mapcalc "%s = (%s + %s)"' % (outmap, mapone, maptwo), shell='bash').wait()
- grass_print('setting colors for statement for map %s' % outmap)
- subprocess.Popen('r.colors --quiet map=%s rules=$HOME/temp_color_rules.txt' % (outmap), shell='bash').wait()
+ grass.message('doing mapcalc statement for cum netchange map of year %s' % (str(x + 1).zfill(digits)))
+ grass.mapcalc('${out}=if(abs(${map1} + ${map2}) < 20, ${map1} + ${map2}, 20) ', out = tempmap, map1 = mapone, map2=maptwo)
+ grass.run_command('r.neighbors', quiet = True, input = tempmap, output = outmap, method = 'mode', size = '5')
+ grass.message('setting colors for statement for map ' + outmap)
+ grass.run_command('r.colors', quiet = True, map = outmap, rules = temp.name)
if ( os.getenv("GIS_FLAG_e") == "1" ):
- grass_print('creating png image of map %s' % outmap)
- subprocess.Popen('r.out.png --quiet input=%s output=%s.png' % (outmap, outmap), shell='bash').wait()
+ grass.message('creating png image of map ' + outmap)
+ grass.run_command('r.out.png', quiet = True, input = outmap, output = outmap + '.png')
if bool(os.getenv("GIS_OPT_statsout")) == True:
- grass_print('calculating erosion/deposition statistics for map %s' % outmap)
- subprocess.Popen('r.mapcalc "temperosion=if(%s < 0, %s, null())"' % (outmap, outmap), shell='bash').wait()
- subprocess.Popen('r.mapcalc "tempdep=if(%s > 0, %s, null())"' % (outmap, outmap), shell='bash').wait()
- p1 = subprocess.Popen('r.univar -g -e map=temperosion percentile=1', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell='bash')
- erstats = p1.stdout.readlines()
- dict1 = {}
- for y in erstats:
- y0,y1 = y.split('=')
- dict1[y0] = y1.strip()
- p2 = subprocess.Popen('r.univar -g -e map=tempdep percentile=99', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell='bash')
- depstats = p2.stdout.readlines()
- dict2 = {}
- for z in depstats:
- z0,z1 = z.split('=')
- dict2[z0] = z1.strip()
+ grass.message('calculating erosion/deposition statistics for map ' + outmap)
+ grass.mapcalc('temperosion=if(${map1} < 0 && ${map1} > -20, ${map1}, null())', map1 = outmap)
+ grass.mapcalc('tempdep=if(${map1} > 0 && ${map1} < 20, ${map1}, null())', map1 = outmap)
+ dict1 = grass.parse_command('r.univar', flags = 'ge', map = 'temperosion', percentile = '1')
+ dict2 = grass.parse_command('r.univar', flags = 'ge', map = 'tempdep', percentile = '99')
+ grass.run_command('g.remove', quiet = True, flags = 'f', rast = 'temperosion,tempdep,' + tempmap)
statsfile.write('%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n' % (dict1['max'], dict1['min'], dict1['mean'], dict1['stddev'], dict1['percentile_1'], dict2['max'], dict2['min'], dict2['mean'], dict2['stddev'], dict2['percentile_99']))
suffix = os.getenv("GIS_OPT_suffix")
- grass_print("Numbers are infixes between prefix: %s and suffix: %s" % (pattern, suffix))
+ grass.message("Numbers are infixes between prefix: %s and suffix: %s" % (pattern, suffix))
for x in range((startnum - 1), endnum):
+ tempmap = "temp_cum_netchange_before_smoothing_%s" % (x + 1)
if (x + 1) == startnum:
outmap = "%s%s%s%s" % (pattern, str(startnum).zfill(digits), infix, suffix)
- subprocess.Popen('g.copy --quiet rast=%s%s%s,%s' % (pattern, str(startnum).zfill(digits), suffix, outmap), shell='bash').wait()
- subprocess.Popen('r.colors --quiet map=%s rules=$HOME/temp_color_rules.txt' % (outmap), shell='bash').wait()
+ grass.run_command('r.neighbors', input = '%s%s%s' % (pattern, str(startnum).zfill(digits), suffix), output = outmap, method = 'mode', size = '5')
+ #grass.run_command('g.copy', quiet = True, rast = '%s%s%s,%s' % (pattern, str(startnum).zfill(digits), suffix, outmap))
+ grass.run_command('r.colors', quiet = True, map = outmap, rules = temp.name)
mapone = "%s%s%s%s" % (pattern, str(x).zfill(digits), infix, suffix)
maptwo = "%s%s%s" % (pattern, str(x + 1).zfill(digits), suffix)
outmap = "%s%s%s%s" % (pattern, str(x + 1).zfill(digits), infix, suffix)
- grass_print('doing mapcalc statement for cum netchange map of year %s' % (str(x + 1).zfill(digits)))
- subprocess.Popen('r.mapcalc "%s = (%s + %s)"' % (outmap, mapone, maptwo), shell='bash').wait()
- grass_print('setting colors for statement for map %s' % outmap)
- subprocess.Popen('r.colors --quiet map=%s rules=$HOME/temp_color_rules.txt' % (outmap), shell='bash').wait()
+ grass.message('doing mapcalc statement for cum netchange map of year %s' % (str(x + 1).zfill(digits)))
+ grass.run_command('r.neighbors', input = maptwo, output = tempmap, method = 'mode', size = '5')
+ grass.mapcalc('${out}=${map1} + ${map2}', out = outmap, map1 = mapone, map2=tempmap)
+ grass.message('setting colors for statement for map %s' % outmap)
+ grass.run_command('r.colors', quiet = True, map = outmap, rules = temp.name)
if ( os.getenv("GIS_FLAG_e") == "1" ):
- grass_print('creating png image of map %s' % outmap)
- subprocess.Popen('r.out.png --quiet input=%s output=%s.png' % (outmap, outmap), shell='bash').wait()
+ grass.message('creating png image of map ' + outmap)
+ grass.run_command('r.out.png', quiet = True, input = outmap, output = outmap + '.png')
if bool(os.getenv("GIS_OPT_statsout")) == True:
- grass_print('calculating erosion/deposition statistics for map %s' % outmap)
- subprocess.Popen('r.mapcalc "temperosion=if(%s < 0, %s, null())"' % (outmap, outmap), shell='bash').wait()
- subprocess.Popen('r.mapcalc "tempdep=if(%s > 0, %s, null())"' % (outmap, outmap), shell='bash').wait()
- p1 = subprocess.Popen('r.univar -g -e map=temperosion percentile=1', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell='bash')
- erstats = p1.stdout.readlines()
- dict1 = {}
- for y in erstats:
- y0,y1 = y.split('=')
- dict1[y0] = y1.strip('\n')
- p2 = subprocess.Popen('r.univar -g -e map=tempdep percentile=99', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell='bash')
- depstats = p2.stdout.readlines()
- dict2 = {}
- for z in depstats:
- z0,z1 = z.split('=')
- dict2[z0] = z1.strip('\n')
+ grass.message('calculating erosion/deposition statistics for map ' + outmap)
+ grass.mapcalc('temperosion=if(${map1} < -0, ${map1}, null())', map1 = outmap)
+ grass.mapcalc('tempdep=if(${map1} > 0, ${map1}, null())', map1 = outmap)
+ dict1 = grass.parse_command('r.univar', flags = 'ge', map = 'temperosion', percentile = '1')
+ dict2 = grass.parse_command('r.univar', flags = 'ge', map = 'tempdep', percentile = '99')
+ grass.run_command('g.remove', quiet = True, flags = 'f', rast = 'temperosion,tempdep,' + tempmap)
statsfile.write('%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n' % (dict1['max'], dict1['min'], dict1['mean'], dict1['stddev'], dict1['percentile_1'], dict2['max'], dict2['min'], dict2['mean'], dict2['stddev'], dict2['percentile_99']))
if bool(os.getenv("GIS_OPT_statsout")) == True:
- subprocess.Popen('rm -f $HOME"/temp_color_rules.txt"', shell="bash")
- subprocess.Popen('g.remove -f rast=temperosion,tempdep', shell="bash")
+ temp.close()
if __name__ == "__main__":
if ( len(sys.argv) <= 1 or sys.argv[1] != "@ARGS_PARSED@" ):
os.execvp("g.parser", [sys.argv[0]] + sys.argv)
- grass_print(" Starting the process--hold on!")
- grass_print("It is not done until you see DONE WITH EVERYTHING!")
+ grass.message(" Starting the process--hold on!")
+ grass.message("It is not done until you see DONE WITH EVERYTHING!")
- grass_print("DONE WITH EVERYTHING!")
+ grass.message("DONE WITH EVERYTHING!")
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