[GRASS-SVN] r49103 - in grass-addons/raster/LandDyn/devs_landcover_scripts: . r.land.assess.py

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Fri Nov 4 19:09:10 EDT 2011

Author: isaacullah
Date: 2011-11-04 16:09:10 -0700 (Fri, 04 Nov 2011)
New Revision: 49103

New script needed by latest version of APSim to make land assessments by agents, create impacts maps, and to update landcover and soil fertility maps. This replaces r.landcover.update, r.soil.fertilty, and r.cfactor in new versions of ApSim, but those tools are still needed for older versions.

Added: grass-addons/raster/LandDyn/devs_landcover_scripts/r.land.assess.py/r.land.assess.py
--- grass-addons/raster/LandDyn/devs_landcover_scripts/r.land.assess.py/r.land.assess.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/raster/LandDyn/devs_landcover_scripts/r.land.assess.py/r.land.assess.py	2011-11-04 23:09:10 UTC (rev 49103)
@@ -0,0 +1,809 @@
+# MODULE:       	r.land.assess.py
+# AUTHOR(S):		Isaac Ullah, Michael Barton, Arizona State University
+# PURPOSE:		Assess which land cells agents will use, and creates output impacts maps, and adjusts landcover and soil fertility according to agent impacts.
+# ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:	National Science Foundation Grant #BCS0410269 
+# COPYRIGHT:		(C) 2011 by Isaac Ullah, Michael Barton, Arizona State University
+#			This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+#			License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+#			for details.
+#%  description: Assess which land cells agents will use, and creates output impacts maps, and adjusts landcover and soil fertility according to agent impacts.
+#% key: inputdata
+#% type: string
+#% description: HH#, Village#, HH Population, # Wheat plots, # Barley Plots, # of Grazing plots[; HH#, Village#, ...; etc...]
+#% multiple: yes
+#% required : yes
+#% key: precip
+#% type: string
+#% description: Meters of precipitation in the region
+#% required : yes
+#% key: maxbarley
+#% type: string
+#% description: Maximum barley yield that can be possibly achieved (kg/ha)
+#% required : yes
+#% key: maxwheat
+#% type: string
+#% description: Maximum wheat yield that can be possibly achieved (kg/ha)
+#% required : yes
+#% key: wooduse
+#% type: string
+#% description: Number of kilograms of wood used per person per year
+#% answer: 1662.98
+#% required : yes
+#% key: ocdensity
+#% type: string
+#% description: Ovicaprid density factor (percent stocking capacity, 0-1)
+#% answer: 3
+#% required : yes
+#% key: degrade_rate
+#% type: string
+#% description: Rate at which farming degrades soil fertility (in percentage points per year)
+#% answer: 3
+#% required : yes
+#% key: recovery
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: string
+#% description: Rate at which soil recovers it's fertility per cycle (in percentage points per year)
+#% answer: 2
+#% required : yes
+#% key: intensity
+#% type: string
+#% description: intensity of woodgathering (kilograms of wood gathered per square meter per year)
+#% answer: 0.08
+#% required : yes
+#% key: wooddistweight
+#% type: string
+#% description: Distance weighting factor for the woodgathering evaluation equation (higher wooddistweight will make smaller woodgathering catchments)
+#% answer : 3
+#% required : yes
+#% key: gdistweight
+#% type: string
+#% description: Distance weighting factor for grazing evaluation equation (gdistweight higher than lcovweight will make larger grazing catchments)
+#% answer : 1
+#% required : yes
+#% key: lcovweight
+#% type: string
+#% description: Landcover weighting factor for grazing evaluation equation (lcovweight higher than gdistweight will make smaller grazing catchments)
+#% answer : 1
+#% required : yes
+#% key: fdistweight
+#% type: string
+#% description: Distance weighting factor for farming evaluation equation (higher value of fdistweight will make smaller agricultural catchments)
+#% answer : 1
+#% required : yes
+#% key: sfertilweight
+#% type: string
+#% description: Soil fertility weighting factor for farming evaluation equation (sfertilweight higher than sdepthweight gives preference to soil fertility in farm plot choice)
+#% answer : 1
+#% required : yes
+#% key: sdepthweight
+#% type: string
+#% description: Soil depth weighting factor for farming evaluation equation (sdepthweight higher than sfertilweight gives preference to soil depth in farm plot choice)
+#% answer : 1
+#% required : yes
+#% key: maxfarmcost
+#% type: string
+#% description: Maximum cost distance that a farmer is willing to walk to get to a farming plot (in seconds of walking time)
+#% answer: 10800
+#% required : yes
+#% key: maxgrazecost
+#% type: string
+#% description: Maximum cost distance that a shepherd is willing to walk to get to a grazing plot (in seconds of walking time)
+#% answer: 28800
+#% required : yes
+#% key: maxlcov
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: string
+#% description: Maximum landcover value
+#% answer: 50
+#% required : yes
+#% key: farmval
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: string
+#% description: Landcover value for farmed plots
+#% answer: 5
+#% required : yes
+#% key: slope
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
+#% description: Input slope map
+#% required : yes
+#% key: lcov
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
+#% description: Input landcover map (values coded 0-maxlcov)
+#% required : yes
+#% key: sfertil
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
+#% description: Map of current soil fertility (values coded 0-100)
+#% required : yes
+#% key: sdepth
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
+#% description: Map of current soil depths (in meters)
+#% required : yes
+#% key: villageland
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
+#% description: Map of the area taken up by the village(s) (village cells should be coded "40", and all others should be NULL)
+#% required : yes
+#% key: costsurfs
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
+#% description: Input map(s) of walking costs from village locations (as output from r.walk, comma sep for multiple). !!!NOTE!!! The list of cost-surface maps MUST be in ascending order starting with Village 0!!!
+#% multiple: yes
+#% required : yes
+#% key: prefix
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: string
+#% description: Name-stem of all other output maps
+#% required : yes
+#% key: out_lcov
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: string
+#% description: Name of output landcover map
+#% required : yes
+#% key: out_fertil
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: string
+#% description: Name of output soil fertility map
+#% required : yes
+#% key: out_impacts
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: string
+#% description: Name of output agent impacts map (for display)
+#% required : yes
+#% key: lc_rules
+#% type: string
+#% description: Path to reclass rules file for making a "labels" map. If no rules specified, no labels map will be made.
+#% answer:
+#% required : no
+#% key: lc_color
+#% type: string
+#% description: Path to color rules file for landcover map
+#% answer:
+#% required : no
+#% key: sf_color
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: string
+#% description: path to color rules file for landcover map
+#% answer:
+#% required : yes
+#% key: statsfile
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: string
+#% description: Name of stats file where landcover stats will be written (NOTE. Include directory path. If the file already exists in the specified location, stats from the current year will be automatically appended to the last line of the existing stats file. )
+#% required : no
+#% key: fertilstats
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: string
+#% description: Name of stats file where soil fertilty stats will be written (NOTE. Include directory path. If the file already exists in the specified location, stats from the current year will be automatically appended to the last line of the existing stats file. )
+#% required : no
+#% key: b
+#% description: -b Keep a map of above-ground biomass
+import sys
+import os
+import tempfile
+import random
+import math
+from operator import itemgetter
+grass_install_tree = os.getenv('GISBASE')
+sys.path.append(grass_install_tree + os.sep + 'etc' + os.sep + 'python')
+import grass.script as grass
+#returns the median value from a list of numeric values (float or int) ##Note that I choose to use this custom class over the need to rely on external library numpy
+def getMedian(numericValues):
+    theValues = sorted(numericValues)
+    count = len(theValues)
+    if count % 2 == 1:
+        return theValues[(count+1)/2-1]
+    else:
+        lower = theValues[count/2-1]
+        upper = theValues[count/2]
+        return (float(lower + upper)) / 2
+##NOTES: 1) If the amount of wood gathered from newly cleared farm fields (swiddenwood) is more than what the village needs, then the "woodgathering impacts" map will be null. This will almost always happen the first year, and could also occur for any years iwhere many new plots are cleared. 2) If the vegetation regrowth rate for a cell is very high and the grazing density isn't very high, then there will NO net impacts from grazing. With low densities, this may continue indefinitely in the areas outside the farming catchment, and the only areas that you'll see an effect from grazing will be areas that were previously farmed and now have low fertility/depth, and thus a lowered regrowth rate.
+#main block of code starts here
+def main():
+    #setting up variables for use later on
+    statsfile = os.getenv('GIS_OPT_statsfile') 
+    fertilstats = os.getenv('GIS_OPT_fertilstats') 
+    lcov = os.getenv('GIS_OPT_lcov') 
+    slope = os.getenv('GIS_OPT_slope')
+    inputdata = os.getenv('GIS_OPT_inputdata').split(";") 
+    #Key to inputdata: HH Number, Village number, Population, # Wheat plots, # Barley plots, # grazing plots[; HH Number, Village number, ....,# grazing plots; etc...]
+    villageland = os.getenv('GIS_OPT_villageland')
+    sfertil = os.getenv('GIS_OPT_sfertil') 
+    sdepth = os.getenv('GIS_OPT_sdepth') 
+    prefix = os.getenv('GIS_OPT_prefix') 
+    maxwheat = float(os.getenv('GIS_OPT_maxwheat'))
+    maxbarley = float(os.getenv('GIS_OPT_maxbarley'))
+    maxfarmcost = os.getenv('GIS_OPT_maxfarmcost')
+    maxgrazecost = os.getenv('GIS_OPT_maxgrazecost')
+    wooddistweight = os.getenv('GIS_OPT_wooddistweight')
+    gdistweight = float(os.getenv('GIS_OPT_gdistweight'))
+    lcovweight = float(os.getenv('GIS_OPT_lcovweight'))
+    fdistweight = float(os.getenv('GIS_OPT_fdistweight'))
+    sfertilweight = float(os.getenv('GIS_OPT_sfertilweight'))
+    sdepthweight = float(os.getenv('GIS_OPT_sdepthweight'))
+    precip = float(os.getenv('GIS_OPT_precip'))
+    ocdensity = float(os.getenv('GIS_OPT_ocdensity'))
+    wooduse = (float((os.getenv("GIS_OPT_wooduse"))))
+    intensity = (float((os.getenv("GIS_OPT_intensity"))))
+    maxlcov = int(os.getenv('GIS_OPT_maxlcov'))
+    farmval = float(os.getenv('GIS_OPT_farmval'))
+    degrade_rate = float(os.getenv('GIS_OPT_degrade_rate'))
+    recovery = os.getenv('GIS_OPT_recovery')
+    costlist = os.getenv("GIS_OPT_costsurfs").split(',')
+    sf_color = os.getenv('GIS_OPT_sf_color')
+    lc_rules = os.getenv('GIS_OPT_lc_rules')
+    lc_color = os.getenv('GIS_OPT_lc_color')
+    region = grass.region()
+    cellperhectare = 100000 / (float(region['nsres']) * float(region['ewres']))
+    cellpersqm = 1 / (float(region['nsres']) * float(region['ewres']))
+    #Setting names for some files
+    slopeval = "tempry_Slope_Evaluation_Factor_map_" + prefix
+    depthval = "tempry_Depth_Evaluation_Factor_map_" + prefix
+    fertval = "tempry_Fertility_Evaluation_Factor_map_" + prefix
+    lcovval = "tempry_Landcover_Evaluation_Factor_map_" + prefix
+    gwimpactsmap_lcov = "tempry_All_Vils_Graz_Wdgath_Imp_Map_" + prefix
+    gwimpactsmap_biomass = "tempry_All_Vils_Graz_Wdgath_biom_Imp_Map_" + prefix
+    gimpactsmap ="tempry_All_Vils_Graz_Imp_Map_" + prefix
+    wimpactsmap ="tempry_All_Vils_Wdgath_Imp_Map_" + prefix
+    fimpactsmap ="tempry_All_Vils_Frmng_Imp_Map_" + prefix
+    temp_rate = "tempry_lcover_regrowth_rates_" + prefix
+    temp_reclass = "tempry_rclass_lcover_labels_" + prefix
+    wheatreturnsname = prefix + "_Wheat_Returns_map"
+    barleyreturnsname = prefix + "_Barley_Returns_map"
+    grazereturnsname = prefix + "_Grazing_Returns_map"
+    biomass = prefix + "_Above_Ground_Biomass_map"
+    out_impacts = os.getenv('GIS_OPT_out_impacts')
+    out_lcov = os.getenv('GIS_OPT_out_lcov')
+    reclass_out = out_lcov + "_labels"
+    out_fertil = os.getenv('GIS_OPT_out_fertil')
+    #Set up some recode rules for tranlating veg type into above ground biomass and back
+    recodeto = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+    recodeto.write('0.000:5.000:0.000:0.100\n5.000:18.500:0.100:0.660\n18.500:35.000:0.660:0.740\n35.000:50.000:0.740:1.910')
+    recodeto.flush()
+    recodefrom = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+    recodefrom.write('0.000:0.100:0.000:5.000\n0.100:0.660:5.000:18.500\n0.660:0.740:18.500:35.000\n0.740:1.910:35.000:50.000')
+    recodefrom.flush()
+    #Calculate some temporary regression maps/values to be used in the individual valuation equations below
+    grass.mapcalc("${slopeval}=if(${slope} <= 10, 1.0, if(${slope} <= 20, 0.75, if(${slope} <= 60, 0.25, 0.0)))", quiet = "True", slopeval = slopeval, slope = slope)
+    grass.mapcalc("${depthval}=eval(x=(100*((0.28 * log(${sdepth})) + 0.87)), if(x > 100, 100, x))", quiet = "True", depthval = depthval, sdepth = sdepth)    
+    grass.mapcalc("${fertval}=eval(x=100*((0.19 * log(${sfertil}/100)) + 1), if(x > 100, 100, x))", quiet = "True", fertval = fertval, sfertil = sfertil)
+    rainval = 100.0*((0.51 * math.log(float(precip))) + 1.03)
+    grass.mapcalc("${lcovval}=if(${lcov} == 40 || ${lcov} == 41, 39, if(${lcov} == 42 || ${lcov} == 43, 38, if(${lcov} == 44 || ${lcov} == 45, 37, if(${lcov} == 46 || ${lcov} == 47, 36, if(${lcov} == 48 || ${lcov} == 49 || ${lcov} == 50, 35, ${lcov})))))", quiet = "True", lcovval = lcovval, lcov = lcov)
+    #Calculate the wheat yield map (kg/cell)
+    grass.mapcalc("${wheatreturnsname}=eval(x=(0.51*log(${precip}) )+1.03, y=(0.28*log(${sfertil}) )+0.87, z=(0.19*log(${sdepth}) )+1, ( ( ( (x*y*z)/3)*${slopeval}*${maxwheat})/${cellperhectare}) )", quiet = "True", wheatreturnsname = wheatreturnsname, precip = precip, sfertil = sfertil, sdepth = sdepth, slopeval = slopeval, maxwheat = maxwheat, cellperhectare = cellperhectare)
+    #Calculate barley yield map (kg/cell)
+    grass.mapcalc("${barleyreturnsname}=eval(x=(0.48*log(${precip}))+1.51, y=(0.34*log(${sfertil}))+1.09, z=(0.18*log(${sdepth}))+0.98, ((((x*y*z)/3)*${slopeval}*${maxbarley})/${cellperhectare}) )", quiet = "True", barleyreturnsname = barleyreturnsname, precip = precip, sfertil = sfertil, sdepth = sdepth, slopeval = slopeval, maxbarley = maxbarley, cellperhectare = cellperhectare)
+    #Calculate the grazing yield map (kg/cell)
+    grass.mapcalc("${grazereturnsname}=eval(x=if(${lcov} >= 40, 800-(10*${lcov}), if(${lcov} < 400 && ${lcov} >= 27, (27.27*${lcov})-663.64, if(${lcov} < 27 && ${lcov} >=4, (2.27*${lcov})+38.64, if(${lcov} < 4 && ${lcov} >=1, (12.5*${lcov}), 0)))), (x/${cellperhectare})*${ocdensity})", quiet = "True", grazereturnsname = grazereturnsname, lcov = lcov, cellperhectare = cellperhectare, ocdensity = ocdensity)
+    #Calculate the standing biomass map (kg/sq m)
+    grass.run_command('r.recode', quiet = 'True',  input = lcov, output = biomass, rules = recodeto.name)
+    #Set up a master list of nested lists of villages, households, and input parameters. This list will be used to control everything. 
+    ##Example structure of masterlist: [{'costmap': 'map1', 'houses': [[list of info], [list of info], [list of info]]}, {'costmap': 'map2', 'houses': [[list of info], [list of info], [list of info]]}, {'costmap': 'map3', 'houses': [[list of info], [list of info], [list of info]]}]. Each dictionary {} is a village.
+    ##Key to "list of info" in any "house" of any "village": [0] HH Number, [1] Village number, [2] Population, [3] # Wheat Plots, [4] # Barley Plots, [5] # grazing plots
+    #NOTE! It is VERY important that the list of cost-surface maps in the input variable "costsurfs" be in order starting with Village 0!!! This is a fundamental assumption used to set up the masterlist and coordinate the inputdata from each village to the proper cost map.
+    masterlist = []
+    for number, costmap in enumerate(costlist):
+        masterlist.append({})
+        masterlist[number]["costmap"] = costmap
+        masterlist[number]["houses"] = []
+        for item in inputdata:
+            if item.split(',')[1] == str(number):
+                masterlist[number]["houses"].append(item.split(','))
+    #set up an output dictionary for the values that will get passed back to AP-Sim
+    outputdict = {}
+    #------------------Do farming routine
+    fimpactsmapslist = []
+    #randomly shuffle the masterlist of villages so the same one doesn't get to pick their farming land first every year
+    random.shuffle(masterlist)
+    for village in masterlist:
+        #generate the proper map names and update the list of maps
+        agvalname = prefix + "_V" + str(village["houses"][0][1]) + "_ag_land_value"
+        #get some stats on the current cost map
+        costdict = {}
+        costdict = grass.parse_command('r.univar', flags = 'g', map = village["costmap"])
+        #Calculate the agricultural land evaluation map for making decisions on. Note that grazing cannot take place on land that is being farmed, on land occupied by village buildings, or on land that it too far away. Also note that we are forbidding agents from farming on land already chosen by another village. This logic is necessary b/c we are modeling an entire years' worth of decision in one single step. To compensate for this, we randomize the order of the villages from year to year so that each village will have an equal chance to get the first pick in any given year.
+        if len(fimpactsmapslist) == 0:
+            grass.mapcalc("${agvalname}=if(${sfertil} == 0.0 || ${depthval} == 0.0 || ${slopeval} == 0.0, 0.0, if(${costmap} <= ${maxfarmcost} && isnull(${villageland}), ${slopeval} * (  (  ( (${sfertilweight} * ${sfertil}) + (${sdepthweight} * ${depthval}) ) / (${sfertilweight} + ${sdepthweight}) ) - (${fdistweight} * (${costmap} / ${maxcost}) ) ), null() ) )", quiet = "True", agvalname = agvalname, maxfarmcost = maxfarmcost, sfertil = sfertil, slopeval = slopeval, depthval = depthval, costmap = village["costmap"], maxcost = costdict["max"],  fdistweight = fdistweight, sfertilweight = sfertilweight, sdepthweight = sdepthweight, villageland = villageland)
+        else:
+            grass.mapcalc("${agvalname}=if(${sfertil} == 0.0 || ${depthval} == 0.0 || ${slopeval} == 0.0, 0.0, if(${costmap} <= ${maxfarmcost} && isnull(${villageland}) && isnull(${fimpactsmaps}), ${slopeval} * (  (  ( (${sfertilweight} * ${sfertil}) + (${sdepthweight} * ${depthval}) ) / (${sfertilweight} + ${sdepthweight}) ) - (${fdistweight} * (${costmap} / ${maxcost}) ) ), null() ))", quiet = "True", agvalname = agvalname, maxfarmcost = maxfarmcost, sfertil = sfertil, slopeval = slopeval, depthval = depthval, costmap = village["costmap"], maxcost = costdict["max"],  fdistweight = fdistweight, sfertilweight = sfertilweight, sdepthweight = sdepthweight, villageland = villageland, fimpactsmaps = " + ".join(fimpactsmapslist))
+        #Grab the x, y, and value of all cells in the farm value and wheat and barley returns maps for the village, and rank that list in order from least to most desireable
+        agval1 = grass.read_command("r.stats", quiet = "True", flags = '1gn', input = agvalname + ',' + wheatreturnsname + ',' + barleyreturnsname, fs = ',').splitlines()
+        agvalues = []
+        for item in agval1:
+            templist = []
+            for thing in item.split(','):
+                templist.append(float(thing))
+            agvalues.append(templist)
+        #This has made a list of: [0] x, [1] y, [2] ag land value, [3] wheat return value, [4] barley return value. 
+        #Now sort the list in place:
+        agvalues.sort(key=itemgetter(2))
+        #randomly shuffle the list of households so the same one doesn't get to "go first" every year
+        random.shuffle(village["houses"])
+        #Create some lists and dictionaries. Some of these will be our loop timing and control criteria, and some are containters for output data. 1) figure out how many individual farmplots and grazeplots are wanted by all households in the village, 2) list of  how many farm and graze plots each house wants, and 3) add placemark entries into the output dictionary to eventually hold the data. 
+        outputdict[village["houses"][0][1]] = {}
+        villagepop = 0
+        numwheatplots = 0
+        numbarleyplots = 0
+        wheatplotslist = []
+        barleyplotslist = []
+        #For each house, figure out how many plots are for wheat, and pick the best plots for those. The remaining plots will be for barley. 
+        for house in village["houses"]:
+            villagepop = villagepop + int(house[2])
+            numwheatplots = numwheatplots + int(house[3])
+            numbarleyplots = numbarleyplots + int(house[4])
+            wheatplotslist.append(range(int(house[4])))
+            barleyplotslist.append(range(int(house[3])))
+            #set up some blank lists linked to a key for each house in this village in the output dictionary that will hold the results of the farm and graze plot choice routine. The dictionary is set up like this: {(village)1: {(hh)1: {"farmplots": [[x, y, agval, wheatreturns, barleyreturns], [...], ...]; "grazeplots": [[x, y, grazval, grazereturns], [...], ...]}; {(hh)2: {"wheatplots": [[x, y, agval, wheatreturns, barleyreturns], [...], ...]; "barleyplots": [[x, y, agval, wheatreturns, barleyreturns], [...], ...]; "grazeplots": [[x, y, grazval, grazereturns], [...], ...]}}; (village)2: {(hh)1: {"farmplots"...etc... }}} so that the list of farming plots for village 2, household 3, for example, can be obtained by this key structure: outputdict[2][3]["farmplots"]. Remember that each plot is itself a list of x, y, and values: [234555.5, 456677.3, 39.2, 345], so to get the x coordinate of the third-ranked farm plot for village 2, household 3,you use this key structure: outputdi
 ct[2][3]["farmplots"][2][0], and similarly, the y coordinate of that plot: outputdict[2][3]["farmplots"][2][1]
+            outputdict[house[1]][house[0]] = {}
+            outputdict[house[1]][house[0]]["wheatplots"] = []
+            outputdict[house[1]][house[0]]["barleyplots"] = []
+        outputdict[village["houses"][0][1]]["villagepop"] = villagepop
+        #now, loop through the total number of needed plots, popping out the x,y,value information and updateing lists for each household. There are controls that are set up so that each household gets the number it desired. 
+        #households use their best land for wheat farming, so allocate the highest ranked farmplots in the "wheatplots" dictionary item 
+        for num in range(numwheatplots):
+            for house, wheatplots in zip(village["houses"], wheatplotslist):
+                #if there are no more wheat plots needed by this particular house, then skip it and go on to the next house until all houses have what they want
+                if len(wheatplots) == 0:
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    wheatplots.remove(wheatplots[0])
+                    outputdict[house[1]][house[0]]["wheatplots"].append(agvalues.pop())
+                #if we've run out of land then we break out of the loop and the remaining households' needs will not be fulfilled.
+                if len(agvalues) == 0:
+                    break
+        #after wheat is taken care of, take the next best pieces of land and put them in the "barleyplots" dictionary item
+        for num in range(numbarleyplots):
+            for house, barleyplots in zip(village["houses"], barleyplotslist):
+                #if there are no more barley plots needed by this particular house, then skip it and go on to the next house until all houses have what they want
+                if len(barleyplots) == 0:
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    #if we've run out of land then we break out of the loop and the remaining households' needs will not be fulfilled.
+                    if len(agvalues) == 0:
+                        break
+                    else:
+                        barleyplots.remove(barleyplots[0])
+                        outputdict[house[1]][house[0]]["barleyplots"].append(agvalues.pop())
+        #now make the impact map of agriculture for the village
+        #Make a temp file so we can get the impacts data into grass as a map via v.in.ascii, then v.to.rast
+        a = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+        fimpactsmapname = prefix + "_V" + str(village["houses"][0][1])  +  "_farming_impacts"
+        fimpactsmapslist.append(fimpactsmapname)
+        for house in village["houses"]:
+            for item in outputdict[house[1]][house[0]]["wheatplots"]:
+                write1 = a.write("%s|%s|1|hh%s_wheat\n" % (item[0], item[1], house[0]))
+            success1 = a.flush()
+            for item in outputdict[house[1]][house[0]]["barleyplots"]:
+                write2 = a.write("%s|%s|2|hh%s_barley\n" % (item[0], item[1], house[0]))
+        inputing = grass.run_command('v.in.ascii', quiet = "True", flags = 'n', fs = '|', input = a.name,  output =  fimpactsmapname + "_tempry_vect_pnts", columns = 'x double precision, y double precision, impact int, label varchar(20)')
+        success3 = a.close()
+        converting = grass.run_command('v.to.rast', quiet = "True", input = fimpactsmapname + "_tempry_vect_pnts", output = fimpactsmapname, use = 'attr', column = 'impact', labelcolumn = 'label')
+        grass.run_command('r.colors', quiet = "True", map = fimpactsmapname, color = 'bgyr')
+        grass.run_command('g.remove', quiet = "True", vect = fimpactsmapname + "_tempry_vect_pnts")
+    #Patch all the villages' impacts maps together to make a single maps for all villages...
+    if len(fimpactsmapslist) > 1:
+        grass.run_command('r.patch',  quiet = "True",  input =  ",".join(fimpactsmapslist), output = fimpactsmap)
+    elif len(fimpactsmapslist) == 1:
+        fimpactsmap = fimpactsmapslist[0]
+    else:
+        grass.message('Impacts map missing')
+        return
+    #---------------Do woodgathering and grazing routine
+    gimpactsmapslist = []
+    wimpactsmapslist = []
+    #randomly shuffle the masterlist of villages so the same one doesn't get to pick their farming land first every year
+    random.shuffle(masterlist)
+    for village in masterlist:
+        villagepop = outputdict[village["houses"][0][1]]["villagepop"]
+        grazevalname = prefix + "_V" + str(village["houses"][0][1])  + "_graze_land_value"
+        gathervalname = prefix + "_V" + str(village["houses"][0][1])  + "_woodgathering_land_value"
+        #this is just generating the right agval name so we can figure out the amount of wood gotten from clearing new farm plots
+        agvalname = prefix + "_V" + str(village["houses"][0][1]) + "_ag_land_value"
+        #get some stats on the current cost map
+        costdict = {}
+        costdict = grass.parse_command('r.univar', flags = 'g', map = village["costmap"])
+        #Calculate the grazing land evaluation map for making decisions on. Note that grazing cannot take place on land that is being farmed, on land occupied by village buildings, or on land that it too far away. This logic is necessary b/c we are modeling an entire years' worth of decision in one single step. To compensate for this, we've randomize the order of the villages from year to year so that each village will have an equal chance to get the first pick in any given year.
+        #grass.mapcalc("${grazevalname}=if(${costmap} <= ${maxgrazecost} && isnull(${villageland}) && isnull(${fimpactsmap}), if(${costmap} > 0 && ${lcovval} > 0, 100 * ( (${gdistweight} * (1-(${costmap}/${maxcost})) ) + (${lcovweight} * (${lcovval}/39))/(${lcovweight} + ${gdistweight}) ), 0), null())", quiet = "True", maxgrazecost = maxgrazecost, grazevalname = grazevalname, lcovval = lcovval, gdistweight = gdistweight, lcovweight = lcovweight, maxcost = costdict['max'],  costmap = village["costmap"], villageland = villageland, fimpactsmap = fimpactsmap)
+        grass.mapcalc("${grazevalname}=if(${costmap} <= ${maxgrazecost} && isnull(${villageland}) && isnull(${fimpactsmap}), if(${costmap} > 0 && ${lcovval} > 0, 100 * ( (${gdistweight} * (1-(${costmap}/${maxcost})) ) + (${lcovweight} * (${lcovval}/39))/(${lcovweight} + ${gdistweight}) ), 0), null())", quiet = "True", maxgrazecost = maxgrazecost, grazevalname = grazevalname, lcovval = lcovval, gdistweight = gdistweight, lcovweight = lcovweight, maxcost = costdict['max'],  costmap = village["costmap"], villageland = villageland, fimpactsmap = fimpactsmap)
+#        if len(gimpactsmapslist) == 0:
+#            grass.mapcalc("${grazevalname}=if(${costmap} <= ${maxgrazecost} && isnull(${villageland}) && isnull(${fimpactsmap}), if(${costmap} > 0 && ${lcovval} > 0, 100 * ( (${gdistweight} * (1-(${costmap}/${maxcost})) ) + (${lcovweight} * (${lcovval}/39))/(${lcovweight} + ${gdistweight}) ), 0), null())", quiet = "True", maxgrazecost = maxgrazecost, grazevalname = grazevalname, lcovval = lcovval, gdistweight = gdistweight, lcovweight = lcovweight, maxcost = costdict['max'],  costmap = village["costmap"], villageland = villageland, fimpactsmap = fimpactsmap)
+#        else:
+#            grass.mapcalc("${grazevalname}=eval(x=(${gimpactsmap_add}), if(${costmap} <= ${maxgrazecost} && isnull(${villageland}) && isnull(${fimpactsmap}) && isnull(x), if(${costmap} > 0 && ${lcovval} > 0, 100 * ( (${gdistweight} * (1-(${costmap}/${maxcost})) ) + (${lcovweight} * (${lcovval}/39))/(${lcovweight} + ${gdistweight}) ), 0), null()))", quiet = "True", maxgrazecost = maxgrazecost, grazevalname = grazevalname, lcovval = lcovval, gdistweight = gdistweight, lcovweight = lcovweight, maxcost = costdict['max'],  costmap = village["costmap"], villageland = villageland, fimpactsmap = fimpactsmap, gimpactsmap_add = "+".join(gimpactsmapslist))
+        #Calculate the woodgathering land evaluation map for making decisions on. Note that grazing cannot take place on land that is being farmed, on land occupied by village buildings, on land that does not have at least a moderate density of shrubs on it (lcov value above 8), or on land that it too far away. We are assuming that the maximum time cost for woodgathering (the maximum one-way time distance that a woodgatherer will travel to gather wood) is the same as the maximum time cost for grazing, so we will use "maxgrazcost" as the upper limit to define the wood gathering catchment. Also note that we are NOT forbidding agents from woodgathering on land already chosen for woodgathering by another village or that is being grazed on this year. This allows for "tragedy of the commons" type behavior, which is appropriate for woodgathering and grazing where the land isn't fully "owned" by any particular village (as opposed to farming, where households at least have a tenure o
 n particular plots). In our scenario, we assume that the housholds in a village will try not to "double gather" from a plot. That is, within each village, agents will not gather more wood from an individual plot than is specified by the "intensity" parameter, but they will not avoid a plot if it has also been chosen by another village. 
+        grass.mapcalc("${gathervalname}=if((isnull(${villageland}) && isnull(${fimpactsmap}) && ${costmap} <= ${maxgrazecost} && ${lcov} >= 9), ( (2*${lcov}) + (100*${wooddistweight}*(1-(${costmap}/${maxcost}))) )/(1 + ${wooddistweight}), null())", quiet = "True", gathervalname = gathervalname, costmap = village["costmap"], maxcost = costdict['max'], maxgrazecost = maxgrazecost,  wooddistweight = wooddistweight, villageland = villageland, fimpactsmap = fimpactsmap, lcov = lcov)
+        #Grab the x, y, and value of all cells in the graze value and grazing returns maps for the village, and rank that list in order from least to most desireable
+        grazeval1 = grass.read_command("r.stats", quiet = "True", flags = '1gn', input = grazevalname + ',' + grazereturnsname, fs = ',').splitlines()
+        grazevalues = []
+        for item in grazeval1:
+            templist = []
+            for thing in item.split(','):
+                templist.append(float(thing))
+            grazevalues.append(templist)
+        #This has made a list of: [0] x, [1] y, [2] graze land value, [3] graze return value
+        #Now sort the list in place:
+        grazevalues.sort(key=itemgetter(2))
+        #Grab the x, y, and value of all cells in the woodgathering value and biomass returns maps for the village, and rank that list in order from least to most desireable
+        gatherval1 = grass.read_command("r.stats", quiet = "True", flags = '1gn', input = gathervalname + ',' + biomass, fs = ',').splitlines()
+        gathervalues = []
+        for item in gatherval1:
+            templist = []
+            for thing in item.split(','):
+                templist.append(float(thing))
+            gathervalues.append(templist)
+        #This has made a list of: [0] x, [1] y, [2] woodgathering land value, [3] biomass return value
+        #Now sort the list in place:
+        gathervalues.sort(key=itemgetter(2))
+        #randomly shuffle the list of households so the same one doesn't get to "go first" every year
+        random.shuffle(village["houses"])
+        ###################################
+        #Create some lists and dictionaries. Some of these will be our loop timing and control criteria, and some are containters for output data. 1) figure out how many individual farmplots and grazeplots are wanted by all households in the village, 2) list of  how many farm and graze plots each house wants, and 3) add placemark entries into the output dictionary to eventually hold the data. 
+        numgrazeplots = 0
+        grazeplotslist = []
+        gatherplotslist = []
+        for house in village["houses"]:
+            numgrazeplots = numgrazeplots + int(house[5])
+            grazeplotslist.append(range(int(house[5])))
+            #set up some blank lists linked to a key for each house in this village in the output dictionary that will hold the results of the farm and graze plot choice routine. 
+            ##The dictionary is set up like this: {(village)1: {{(hh)1: {"wheatplots": [[x, y, agval, wheatreturns, barleyreturns], [...], ...]; "barleyplots": [[x, y, agval, wheatreturns, barleyreturns], [...], ...]; "grazeplots": [[x, y, grazval, grazereturns], [...], ...]; (hh)2: {"grazeplots": [[x, y, grazval, grazereturns], [...], ...]...}; "woodplots": [[x, y, woodamount], [...]]; "villagepop": 'some int #'}; (village)2: {(hh)1: {"grazeplots"...etc... }}} 
+            ##Remember that each plot is itself a list of x, y, and values: [234555.5, 456677.3, 39.2, 345], so to get the x coordinate of the third-ranked farm plot for village 2, household 3,you use this key structure: outputdict[2][3]["farmplots"][2][0], and similarly, the y coordinate of that plot: outputdict[2][3]["farmplots"][2][1]
+            outputdict[house[1]][house[0]]["grazeplots"] = []
+        outputdict[village["houses"][0][1]]["woodplots"] = []
+        #now, loop through the total number of needed grazing plots, popping out the x,y,value information and updateing lists for each household. There are controls that are set up so that each household gets the number it desired.
+        for num in range(numgrazeplots):
+            for house, grazeplots in zip(village["houses"], grazeplotslist):
+                if len(grazeplots) == 0:
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    #if we've run out of land then we break out of the loop and the households' needs will not be fulfilled.
+                    if len(grazevalues) == 0:
+                        break
+                    else:
+                        templist = []
+                        grazeplots.remove(grazeplots[0])
+                        outputdict[house[1]][house[0]]["grazeplots"].append(grazevalues.pop())
+        #now we figure out how many cells that the village needs for woodgathering, and then pick the best of them. 
+        #first, figure out how much wood was obtained when any new farm fields were cleared
+        swiddenwoodmap = "tempry_swid_wood_" + prefix
+        grass.mapcalc('${swiddenwoodmap}=if(isnull(${fimpactsmap}), null(), abs((0.1 - ${biomass}) / ${cellpersqm}) )', quiet = "True", swiddenwoodmap = swiddenwoodmap, fimpactsmap = fimpactsmap, biomass = biomass, cellpersqm = cellpersqm)
+        swiddenwoodamount = grass.parse_command("r.sum", quiet = "True", rast = swiddenwoodmap)
+        #If the user has selected the intensity to be 0, then we set the catchment to be 0, which means no wood gathering happens.
+        t1 = int( ((villagepop * wooduse) - float(swiddenwoodamount['SUM']))/ (intensity / cellpersqm) )
+        if intensity == 0.0 or t1 <= 0:
+            numgathercells = 0
+        else:
+            numgathercells = t1
+        for num in range(numgathercells):
+            outputdict[village["houses"][0][1]]["woodplots"] .append(gathervalues.pop())
+            #if we've run out of land then we break out of the loop and the villagers' needs will not be fulfilled. NOTE. Currently there are no consequences to agents for not making the woodgathering quota.
+            if len(gathervalues) == 0:
+                break
+        #Make the grazing and woodgathering impacts maps
+        gimpactsmapname = prefix + "_V" + str(village["houses"][0][1])  + "_grazing_impacts"
+        wimpactsmapname = prefix + "_V" + str(village["houses"][0][1])  + "_woodgathering_impacts"
+        gimpactsmapslist.append(gimpactsmapname)
+        wimpactsmapslist.append(wimpactsmapname)
+        #grazing map
+        a = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+        b = file("V_%s_temp_vector.txt" % str(village["houses"][0][1]), 'w')
+        for house in village["houses"]:
+            for item in outputdict[house[1]][house[0]]["grazeplots"]:
+                #amount that will be grazed away in any cell (in units of kg/sq m)
+                impactsamount = float(item[3]) * cellpersqm
+                a.write("%s|%s|%s\n" % (item[0], item[1], round(impactsamount, 5)))
+                b.write("%s|%s|%s\n" % (item[0], item[1], round(impactsamount, 5)))
+                #a.write("%s|%s|%s|hh%s_graze\n" % (item[0], item[1], impactsamount, house[0]))
+            a.flush()
+            b.flush()
+        inputting = grass.run_command('v.in.ascii', quiet = "True", flags = 'nz', fs = '|', input = a.name,  x  = '1', y = '2', z = '3', output =  gimpactsmapname + "_tempry_vect_pnts")
+        #grass.run_command('v.in.ascii', quiet = "True", flags = 'n', fs = '|', input = a.name,  output =  gimpactsmapname + "_tempry_vect_pnts", columns = 'x double precision, y double precision, impact double precision, label varchar(20)')
+        a.close()
+        b.close()
+        converting = grass.run_command('v.to.rast', quiet = "True", input = gimpactsmapname + "_tempry_vect_pnts", output = gimpactsmapname, use = 'z')
+        #grass.run_command('v.to.rast', quiet = "True", input = gimpactsmapname + "_tempry_vect_pnts", output = gimpactsmapname, use = 'attr', column = 'impact', labelcolumn = 'label')
+        grass.run_command('r.colors', quiet = "True", map = gimpactsmapname, color = 'bgyr')
+        #grass.run_command('g.remove', quiet = "True", vect = gimpactsmapname + "_tempry_vect_pnts")
+        #woodgathering map
+        if len(outputdict[village["houses"][0][1]]["woodplots"]) == 0:
+            grass.mapcalc("${wimpactsmapname}=null()", quiet = "True", wimpactsmapname = wimpactsmapname)
+        else:
+            a = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+            for item in outputdict[village["houses"][0][1]]["woodplots"]:
+                a.write("%s|%s|%s|Woodgathering\n" % (item[0], item[1], intensity))
+            a.flush()
+            inputting = grass.run_command('v.in.ascii', quiet = "True", flags = 'n', fs = '|', input = a.name,  output =  wimpactsmapname + "_tempry_vect_pnts", columns = 'x double precision, y double precision, impact double precision, label varchar(20)')
+            a.close()
+            converting = grass.run_command('v.to.rast', quiet = "True", input = wimpactsmapname + "_tempry_vect_pnts", output = wimpactsmapname, use = 'attr', column = 'impact', labelcolumn = 'label') 
+            grass.run_command('r.colors', quiet = "True", map = wimpactsmapname, color = 'bgyr')
+            grass.run_command('g.remove', quiet = "True", vect = wimpactsmapname + "_tempry_vect_pnts")
+    #Patch all the villages' impacts maps together to make a single maps for all villages... (NOTE. we are using r.series here because grazing and woodgathering may occur simultaneously on the same cell, and woodgathering may be done on the same cell by different villages. Thus we need to ADD them together, not patch them, and r.series lets us do that without having to worry about nulls propigating as they do in mapcalc)
+    grass.run_command('r.series', quiet = "True", input = ",".join(gimpactsmapslist) + "," + ",".join(wimpactsmapslist), output = gwimpactsmap_biomass, method = "sum") 
+    #--------------------Do Landcover and Soil Fertility Updating Routine
+    # calculating rate of regrowth based on current soil fertility and depths. Recoding fertility (0 to 100) and depth (0 to >= 1) with a power regression curve from 0 to 1, then taking the mean of the two as the regrowth rate
+    grass.mapcalc('${temp_rate}=if(${sdepth} <= 1.0, ( ( ( (-0.000118528 * (exp(${sfertil},2.0))) + (0.0215056 * ${sfertil}) + 0.0237987 ) + ( ( -0.000118528 * (exp((100*${sdepth}),2.0))) + (0.0215056 * (100*${sdepth})) + 0.0237987 ) ) / 2.0 ), ( ( ( (-0.000118528 * (exp(${sfertil},2.0))) + (0.0215056 * ${sfertil}) + 0.0237987 ) + 1.0) / 2.0 ) )', quiet = "True", temp_rate = temp_rate,  sdepth = sdepth,  sfertil = sfertil)
+    #use our recode rules to convert the woodgathering/grazing impacts map created above from units of kg biomass / sq m to units of landcover value per cell
+    grass.run_command('r.recode', quiet = "True", input = gwimpactsmap_biomass, output = gwimpactsmap_lcov, rules = recodefrom.name)
+    #updating the landcover based on all impacts. Note that grazed and woodgathered patches will regrow by their calcualted rates EVERY year, regardless of whether or not they've been used, but farm patches only regrow if they were not used this year.
+    grass.mapcalc('${out_lcov}=eval(x=if(isnull(${villageland}) && isnull(${fimpactsmap}) && isnull(${gwimpactsmap_lcov}), (${lcov} + ${temp_rate}), if(isnull(${villageland}) && isnull(${fimpactsmap}), (${lcov} - ${gwimpactsmap_lcov} + ${temp_rate}), if(isnull(${villageland}), ${farmval}, ${villageland}) ) ), if(x < 0, 0, if(x > ${maxlcov}, ${maxlcov}, x)) )', quiet = "True", out_lcov = out_lcov, villageland = villageland, fimpactsmap = fimpactsmap, gwimpactsmap_lcov = gwimpactsmap_lcov, lcov = lcov, maxlcov = maxlcov, farmval = farmval, temp_rate = temp_rate)
+    #set colors
+    try:
+        grass.run_command('r.colors',  quiet = "True",  map = out_lcov, rules = lc_color)
+    except:
+        pass
+    #updating fertility based on farming impacts
+    grass.mapcalc('${out_fertil}=eval(x=if(isnull(${fimpactsmap}), ${sfertil} + ${recovery}, ${sfertil} - ${degrade_rate}), if(x < 0, 0, if(x > 100, 100, x)) )',  quiet = "True", out_fertil = out_fertil, fimpactsmap = fimpactsmap, sfertil = sfertil, degrade_rate = degrade_rate, recovery = recovery)
+    #set colors
+    try:
+        grass.run_command('r.colors', quiet = 'True', map = out_fertil, rules = sf_color)
+    except:
+        pass
+    #if asked to, creat reclassed landcover labels map
+    if bool(os.getenv('GIS_OPT_lc_rules')) is True:
+        grass.run_command('r.reclass', quiet = "True",  input = out_lcov,  output = temp_reclass,  rules = lc_rules)
+        grass.mapcalc('${out}=${input}', quiet = "True", out = reclass_out, input = temp_reclass)
+        #set colors
+        try:
+            grass.run_command('r.colors',  quiet = "True",  map = reclass_out,  rules = lc_color)
+        except:
+            pass
+        grass.run_command('g.remove',  quiet = "True", rast = temp_reclass)
+    else:
+        pass
+    #Create out_impacts map. This map is mainly for display purposes.
+    impacts1 = "tempry_1_" + out_impacts
+    impacts_reclass = "tempry_reclassed_" + out_impacts
+    if len(gimpactsmapslist) > 1:
+        grass.run_command('r.patch',  quiet = "True",  input =  ",".join(gimpactsmapslist), output = gimpactsmap)
+        grass.run_command('r.patch',  quiet = "True",  input =  ",".join(wimpactsmapslist), output = wimpactsmap)
+    elif len(gimpactsmapslist) == 1:
+        gimpactsmap = gimpactsmapslist[0]
+        wimpactsmap = wimpactsmapslist[0]
+    else:
+        grass.message('Grazing and/or woodgathering impacts map missing')
+        return
+    grass.mapcalc('${impacts1}=eval(x=if(isnull(${gimpactsmap}) && isnull(${wimpactsmap}), null(), if(isnull(${gimpactsmap}), 4, if(isnull(${wimpactsmap}), 3, 5))), if(isnull(${fimpactsmap}), x, ${fimpactsmap}) )', quiet = "True", impacts1 = impacts1, fimpactsmap = fimpactsmap, gimpactsmap = gimpactsmap, wimpactsmap = wimpactsmap)
+    reclassrules = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+    reclassrules.write('1 = 1 Wheat Farming\n2 = 2 Barley Farming\n3 = 3 Grazing\n4 = 4 Woodgathering\n5 = 5 Grazing AND Woodgathering')
+    reclassrules.flush()
+    grass.run_command('r.reclass', quiet = "True",  input = impacts1,  output = impacts_reclass,  rules = reclassrules.name)
+    grass.mapcalc('${out_impacts}=${impacts_reclass}', quiet = "True", out_impacts = out_impacts, impacts_reclass = impacts_reclass)
+    reclassrules.close()
+    grass.run_command('g.remove',  quiet = "True", rast = impacts_reclass)
+    #--------------------Do Landcover and Soil Fertilty Statistics Gathering Routine
+    #First landcover
+    if bool(statsfile) is True:
+        f = open(statsfile, 'a')
+        if os.path.getsize(statsfile) == 0:
+            f.write("Landcover Stats\n\nYear," + ",".join(str(i) for i in range(maxlcov + 1)) + "\n")
+        statdict = grass.parse_command('r.stats', quiet = "True",  flags = 'ani', input = out_lcov, fs = '=', nv ='*')
+        f.write(prefix + ",")
+        for key in range(maxlcov + 1):
+            try:
+                f.write(statdict[str(key)] + "," )
+            except:
+                f.write("0,")
+        f.write("\n")
+        f.close()
+    else:
+        pass
+    #Now soil fertility
+    if bool(fertilstats) is True:
+        f = open(fertilstats, 'a')
+        if os.path.getsize(fertilstats) == 0:
+            f.write("Soil Fertility Stats\n\nYear,Mean,Median,Standard Deviation,Variance\n")
+        fertildict = grass.parse_command('r.univar', flags = 'ge', map = out_fertil)
+        f.write(prefix + "," + fertildict["mean"] + "," + fertildict["median"] + "," +  fertildict["stddev"] + "," + fertildict["variance"] +'\n')
+        f.close()
+    else:
+        pass
+    #------------------Clean up
+    recodeto.close()
+    recodefrom.close()
+    grass.run_command('g.mremove', quiet = "True", flags = 'f', rast = "tempry*")
+    if os.getenv('GIS_FLAG_b') == '1':
+        pass
+    else:
+         grass.run_command('g.remove', quiet = "True", rast = biomass)
+    #------------------Send output string of info to standard out
+    #first, get the output dict sorted back in numerical order of village numbers
+    #outputdict.sort(key=itemgetter(2))
+    outputstring = ";"
+    for village in sorted(outputdict.iterkeys()):
+        for house in sorted(outputdict[village].iterkeys()):
+#            wheatsum = 0.0
+#            barleysum = 0.0
+#            grazesum = 0.0
+            status = "True"
+            try:
+                int(house)
+            except:
+                status = "False"
+            if status is "True":
+                #first load the return values for all cells used by a house into a list (and make sure the values are floats)
+                wheatlist = []
+                for item in outputdict[village][house]["wheatplots"]:
+                    wheatlist.append(float(item[3]))
+                barleylist = []
+                for item in outputdict[village][house]["barleyplots"]:
+                    barleylist.append(float(item[4]))
+                grazlist = []
+                for item in outputdict[village][house]["grazeplots"]:
+                    grazlist.append(float(item[3]))
+                # Now, caclulate the sum of each list and save to a variable to write to the output string
+                wheatsum = math.fsum(wheatlist)
+                barleysum = math.fsum(barleylist)
+                grazesum = math.fsum(grazlist)
+                # Now, use the custom function to figure out the median return value from each list, and pad it to a randomly generated percentage that is drawn from a gaussian probability distribution with mu of 0 and sigma squared of 0.1. This means that the max/min pad will be +- %10 of the median value, and that pad values closer to 0% will be more likely than pad values close to +- 10%
+                MedWheat = getMedian(wheatlist)
+                outwheat = MedWheat + (MedWheat * (random.gauss(0, 0.32)))
+                MedBarley = getMedian(barleylist)
+                outbarley = MedBarley + (MedBarley * (random.gauss(0, 0.32)))
+                MedGraze = getMedian(grazlist) 
+                outgraze = MedGraze + (MedGraze * (random.gauss(0, 0.32)))
+#                for item in outputdict[village][house]["wheatplots"]:
+#                    wheatsum = wheatsum + float(item[3])
+#                for item in outputdict[village][house]["barleyplots"]:
+#                    barleysum = barleysum + float(item[4])
+#                for item in outputdict[village][house]["grazeplots"]:
+#                    grazesum = grazesum + float(item[3])
+#                avewheat = most_common(outputdict[village][house]["wheatplots"])
+#                avebarley = most_common(outputdict[village][house]["barleyplots"])
+#                avegraze = most_common(outputdict[village][house]["grazeplots"])
+##                avewheat_ha = (wheatsum / len(outputdict[village][house]["wheatplots"])) * cellperhectare
+##                avebarley_ha = (barleysum / len(outputdict[village][house]["barleyplots"])) * cellperhectare
+##                avegraze_ha = (grazesum / len(outputdict[village][house]["grazeplots"])) * cellperhectare
+#                avewheat = (wheatsum / len(outputdict[village][house]["wheatplots"]))
+#                avebarley = (barleysum / len(outputdict[village][house]["barleyplots"]))
+#                avegraze = (grazesum / len(outputdict[village][house]["grazeplots"]))
+                #Configure the output string to village[house] back to AP-Sim. It must be configured properly so that AP-Sim can parse it correctly.
+                ##outputstring format = ";HH#:avg_wheat_return,avg_barley_return,avgoc_return,wheat_yield,barley_yield,oc_yield;"
+#                outputstring = outputstring + house + ':' + str(avewheat_ha) + ',' + str(avebarley_ha) + ',' + str(avegraze_ha) + ',' + str(wheatsum) + ',' + str(barleysum) + ',' + str(grazesum) + ';'
+                outputstring = outputstring + house + ':' + str(outwheat) + ',' + str(outbarley) + ',' + str(outgraze) + ',' + str(wheatsum) + ',' + str(barleysum) + ',' + str(grazesum) + ';'
+            else:
+                pass
+    return(outputstring)
+# here is where the code in "main" actually gets executed. This way of programming is neccessary for the way g.parser needs to run.
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    if ( len(sys.argv) <= 1 or sys.argv[1] != "@ARGS_PARSED@" ):
+        os.execvp("g.parser", [sys.argv[0]] + sys.argv)
+    else:
+        txtout = main()
+        print txtout

Property changes on: grass-addons/raster/LandDyn/devs_landcover_scripts/r.land.assess.py/r.land.assess.py
Added: svn:executable
   + *

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