[GRASS-SVN] r54125 - grass-addons/grass6/raster/mcda/r.mcda.roughset

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sat Dec 1 09:11:42 PST 2012

Author: gianluca
Date: 2012-12-01 09:11:42 -0800 (Sat, 01 Dec 2012)
New Revision: 54125


Deleted: grass-addons/grass6/raster/mcda/r.mcda.roughset/Makefile
--- grass-addons/grass6/raster/mcda/r.mcda.roughset/Makefile	2012-12-01 17:11:28 UTC (rev 54124)
+++ grass-addons/grass6/raster/mcda/r.mcda.roughset/Makefile	2012-12-01 17:11:42 UTC (rev 54125)
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-PGM = r.mcda.roughset
-include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Script.make
-default: script

Deleted: grass-addons/grass6/raster/mcda/r.mcda.roughset/description.html
--- grass-addons/grass6/raster/mcda/r.mcda.roughset/description.html	2012-12-01 17:11:28 UTC (rev 54124)
+++ grass-addons/grass6/raster/mcda/r.mcda.roughset/description.html	2012-12-01 17:11:42 UTC (rev 54125)
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-<em>r.mcda.roughset</em> is the python implementation of the dominance rough set approach (Domlem algorithm) in GRASS GIS environment. It requires the following input:
-<br>1. the geographical criteria constituting the information system for the rough set analysis; they have to describe environmental, economic or social issues(<b>criteria</b>=<em>name[,name,...]</em>);<br> 2. the preference (<b>preferences</b>=<em>character</em>)for each criteria used in analysis (gain or cost with comma separator)<br>3. the theme in which areas with the issues to be studied are classified (with crescent preference values) (<b>decision</b>=<em>string</em>).
-<p>An information system is generated and Domlem algorithm is applied for extraction a minimal set of rules.</P>  The algorithm builds two text  files (<b>outputTxt</b>=<em>name</em>): the first with isf extension for more deep  analysis with non geographic software like 4emka and  JAMM ; the second file with rls extension hold all the set of rules generate. An output map (<b>outputMap</b>=<em>string</em>)is generated for  region  classification with the rules finded and the criteria stored in GRASS geodb.
-<p> The module can work very slowly with high number of criteria and sample. For bug please contact Gianluca Massei (g_mass at libero.it)</P>
-	<li><p>Greco S., Matarazzo B., Slowinski R.: <i>Rough sets theory for multicriteria decision analysis</i>. European Journal of Operational Research, 129, 1 (2001) 1-47.</P>
-	<li><p>Greco S., Matarazzo B., Slowinski R.:<i> Multicriteria classification by dominance-based rough set approach</i>. In: W.Kloesgen and J.Zytkow (eds.), Handbook of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002.</P>
-	<li><p>Greco S., Matarazzo B., Slowinski, R., Stefanowski, J.: <i>An Algorithm for Induction of Decision Rules Consistent with the Dominance Principle</i>. In W. Ziarko, Y. Yao (eds.): Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2005 (2001) 304 - 313. Springer-Verlag</P>
-	<li><p>Greco, S., B. Matarazzo, R. Slowinski and J. Stefanowski:<i> Variable consistency model of dominance-based rough set approach.</i> In W.Ziarko, Y.Yao (eds.): Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2005 (2001) 170 - 181. Springer-Verlag</P>
-	<li><p><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominance-based_rough_set_approach">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominance-based_rough_set_approach</a> - “Dominance-based rough set approach”</P>
-	<li><p><a href="http://idss.cs.put.poznan.pl/site/software.html">http://idss.cs.put.poznan.pl/site/software.html</a> - Software from Laboratory of intelligent decision support system in Poznam University of Technology
-	</P>
-<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<p><em>r.mcda.fuzzy, r.mcda.electre, r.mcda.regime, r.to.drsa, r.in.drsa</em></P>
-Antonio Boggia - Gianluca Massei<br>
-Department of Economics and Appraisal - University of Perugia - Italy 
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Deleted: grass-addons/grass6/raster/mcda/r.mcda.roughset/r.mcda.roughset.py
--- grass-addons/grass6/raster/mcda/r.mcda.roughset/r.mcda.roughset.py	2012-12-01 17:11:28 UTC (rev 54124)
+++ grass-addons/grass6/raster/mcda/r.mcda.roughset/r.mcda.roughset.py	2012-12-01 17:11:42 UTC (rev 54125)
@@ -1,611 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# MODULE:	   r.mcda.roughset
-# AUTHOR:	   Gianluca Massei - Antonio Boggia
-# PURPOSE:	  Generate a MCDA map from several criteria maps using Dominance Rough Set Approach - DRSA 
-#					   (DOMLEM algorithm proposed by  (S. Greco, B. Matarazzo, R. Slowinski)	 
-# COPYRIGHT:  c) 2010 Gianluca Massei, Antonio Boggia  and the GRASS 
-#					   Development Team. This program is free software under the 
-#					   GNU General PublicLicense (>=v2). Read the file COPYING 
-#					   that comes with GRASS for details.
-#% description: Generate a MCDA map from several criteria maps using Dominance Rough Set Approach.
-#% keywords: raster, Dominance Rough Set Approach 
-#% keywords: Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA)
-#% key: criteria
-#% type: string
-#% multiple: yes
-#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
-#% key_desc: name
-#% description: Name of criteria raster maps 
-#% required: yes
-#% key: preferences
-#% type: string
-#% key_desc: character
-#% description: gain,cost
-#% required: yes
-#% key: decision
-#% type: string
-#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
-#% key_desc: name
-#% description: Name of decision raster map 
-#% required: yes
-#% key: outputMap
-#% type: string
-#% gisprompt: new_file,cell,output
-#% description: Output classified raster map
-#% required: yes
-#% key: outputTxt
-#% type: string
-#% gisprompt: new_file,file,output
-#% key_desc: name
-#% description: Name for output files (base for *.isf  and *.rls files)
-#% answer:infosys
-#% required: yes
-#% key: l
-#% description: do not remove single rules in vector format
-#% answer:false
-#% key: n
-#% description: compute null value as zero
-#% answer:true
-import sys
-import copy
-import numpy as np
-from time import time, ctime  
-import grass.script as grass
-import grass.script.array as garray
-def BuildFileISF(attributes, preferences, decision, outputMap, outputTxt):
-	outputTxt=outputTxt+".isf"
-	outf = file(outputTxt,"w")
-	outf.write("**ATTRIBUTES\n")
-	for i in range(len(attributes)):
-		outf.write("+ %s: (continuous)\n" % attributes[i])
-	outf.write("+ %s: [" % decision)
-	value=[]
-	value=grass.read_command("r.describe", flags = "1n", map = decision)
-	v=value.split()
-	for i in range(len(v)-1):
-		outf.write("%s, " % str(v[i]))
-	outf.write("%s]\n" % str(v[len(v)-1]))
-	outf.write("decision: %s\n" % decision)
-	outf.write("\n**PREFERENCES\n")
-	for i in range(len(attributes)):
-		if(preferences[i]==""):
-			preferences[i]="none"
-		outf.write("%s: %s\n" % (attributes[i], preferences[i]))
-	outf.write("%s: gain\n" % decision)
-	if flags['n']:
-		for i in range(len(attributes)):
-			print "%s - convert null to 0" % str(attributes[i])
-			grass.run_command("r.null", map=attributes[i], null=0)
-	outf.write("\n**EXAMPLES\n")
-	examples=[]
-	for i in range(len(attributes)):
-		grass.mapcalc("rast=if(isnull(${decision})==0,${attribute},null())",
-						 rast="rast",
-						 decision=decision,
-						 attribute=attributes[i])
-		tmp=grass.read_command("r.stats", flags = "1n", nv="?", input = "rast")
-		example=tmp.split()
-		examples.append(example)
-	tmp=grass.read_command("r.stats", flags = "1n", nv="?", input = decision)
-	example=tmp.split()
-	examples.append(example)
-	MATRIX=map(list,zip(*examples))
-	MATRIX=[r for r in MATRIX if not '?' in r] #remove all rows with almost one "?"
-	MATRIX=[list(i) for i in set(tuple(j) for j in MATRIX)] #remove duplicate example 
-	for r in range(len(MATRIX)):
-		for c in range(len(MATRIX[0])):
-			outf.write("%s " % (MATRIX[r][c]))
-#			outf.write("%s " % round(float(MATRIX[r][c]), 2))
-		outf.write("\n")
-	outf.write("**END")
-	outf.close()
-	return outputTxt
-def collect_attributes (data):
-	"Collects the values of header files isf, puts them in an array of dictionaries"
-	header=[]
-	attribute=dict()
-	j=0
-	start=(data.index(['**ATTRIBUTES'])+1)
-	end=(data.index(['**PREFERENCES'])-1)
-	for r in range(start, end):
-		attribute={'name':data[r][1].strip('+:')}
-		header.append(attribute)
-	decision=data[end-1][1]
-	end=(data.index(['**EXAMPLES']))
-	start=(data.index(['**PREFERENCES'])+1)
-	for r in header:
-		r['preference']=data[start+j][1]
-		j=j+1
-	return header	
-def collect_examples (data):
-	"Collect examples values and put them in a matrix (list of lists) "
-	matrix=[]
-	data=[r for r in data if not '?' in r] #filter objects with " ?"
-#	data=[data.remove(r) for r in data if data.count(r)>1] 
-	start=(data.index(['**EXAMPLES'])+1)
-	end=data.index(['**END'])
-	for i in range(start, end):
-		data[i]=(map(float, data[i]))
-		matrix.append(data[i])
-	i=1
-	for r in matrix:
-		r.insert(0, str(i))
-		i=i+1
-##	matrix=[list(i) for i in set(tuple(j) for j in matrix)] #remove duplicate example   
-	return matrix
-def FileToInfoSystem(isf):
-	"Read *.isf file and copy it's values in Infosystem dictionary"
-	data=[]
-	try:
-		infile=open(isf,"r")
-		rows=infile.readlines()
-		for line in rows:
-			line=(line.split())
-			if (len(line)>0 ):
-				data.append(line)
-		infile.close()	   
-		infosystem={'attributes':collect_attributes(data),'examples':collect_examples(data)}
-	except TypeError:
-		print "\n\n Computing error or input file %s is not readeable. Exiting gracefully" % isf
-		sys.exit(0)
-	return infosystem
-def UnionOfClasses (infosystem):
-	"Find upward and downward union for all classes and put it in a dictionary"
-	DecisionClass=[]
-	AllClasses=[]
-	matrix=infosystem['examples']
-	for r in matrix:
-		DecisionClass.append(int(r[-1]))
-	DecisionClass=list(set(DecisionClass))
-	for c in range(len(DecisionClass)):
-		tmplist=[r for r in matrix if int(r[-1])==DecisionClass[c]]
-		AllClasses.append(tmplist)  
-	return AllClasses
-def DownwardUnionsOfClasses (infosystem):
-	"For each decision class, downward union corresponding to a decision class\
-	is composed of this class and all worse classes (<=)"
-	DownwardUnionClass=[]
-	DecisionClass=[]
-	matrix=infosystem['examples']
-	for r in matrix:
-		DecisionClass.append(int(r[-1]))
-	DecisionClass=list(set(DecisionClass))
-	for c in DecisionClass:
-		tmplist=[r for r in matrix if int(r[-1])<=c]
-		DownwardUnionClass.append(tmplist)
-		#label=[row[0] for row in tmplist]
-	return DownwardUnionClass
-def UpwardUnionsOfClasses (infosystem):
-	"For each decision class, upward union corresponding to a decision class \
-	is composed of this class and all better classes.(>=)"
-	UpwardUnionClass=[]
-	DecisionClass=[]
-	matrix=infosystem['examples']
-	for r in matrix:
-		DecisionClass.append(int(r[-1]))
-	DecisionClass=list(set(DecisionClass))
-	for c in DecisionClass:
-		tmplist=[r for r in matrix if int(r[-1])>=c]
-		UpwardUnionClass.append(tmplist)
-		#label=[row[0] for row in tmplist]
-	return UpwardUnionClass
-def is_better (r1,r2, preference):
-	"Check if r1 is better than r2"
-	return all((( x >=y and p=='gain') or (x<=y and p=='cost')) for x,y, p in zip(r1,r2, preference) ) 
-def is_worst (r1,r2, preference): 
-	"Check if r1 is worst than r2"
-	return all((( x <=y and p=='gain') or (x>=y and p=='cost')) for x,y, p in zip(r1,r2, preference) ) 
- #################################
-def DominatingSet (infosystem):
-	"Find P-dominating set"
-	matrix=infosystem['examples']
-	preference=[s['preference'] for s in infosystem['attributes'] ]
-	Dominating=[]
-	for row in matrix:
-		examples=[r  for r in matrix if  is_better(r[1:-1], row[1:-1], preference) ] 
-		Dominating.append({'object':row[0], 'dominance':[i[0] for i in examples], 'examples':examples})
-##	for dom in Dominating:
-##		print  dom['dominance'] ,' dominating ', dom['object'] 
-	return Dominating
-def DominatedSet (infosystem):
-	"Find P-Dominated set"
-	matrix=infosystem['examples']
-	preference=[s['preference'] for s in infosystem['attributes'] ]
-	Dominated=[]
-	for row in matrix:
-		examples=[r  for r in matrix if  is_worst(r[1:-1], row[1:-1], preference[:-1]) ] 
-		Dominated.append({'object':row[0], 'dominance':[i[0] for i in examples], 'examples':examples})
-##	for dom in Dominated:
-##		print  dom['dominance'] ,' is dominated by ', dom['object'] 
-	return Dominated
-def LowerApproximation (UnionClasses,  Dom):
-	"Find Lower approximation and return a dictionaries list"
-	c=1
-	LowApprox=[]
-	single=dict()
-	for union in UnionClasses:
-		tmp=[]
-		UClass=set([row[0] for row in union] )
-		for d in Dom:
-			if (UClass.issuperset(set(d['dominance']))): #if Union class is a superse of dominating/dominated set, =>single Loer approx.
-				tmp.append(d['object'])
-		single={'class':c, 'objects':tmp} #dictionary for lower approximation  -- 
-		LowApprox.append(single) #insert all Lower approximation in a list
-		c+=1
-	return LowApprox
-def UpperApproximation (UnionClasses,  Dom):
-	"Find Upper approximation and return a dictionaries list"
-	c=1
-	UppApprox=[]
-	single=dict()
-	for union in UnionClasses:
-		UnClass=[row[0] for row in union]  #single union class
-		s=[]
-		for d in Dom:
-		   if len(set(d['dominance']) & set(UnClass)) >0:
-			   s.append(d['object'])
-#			   print set(s)
-		single={'class':c,'objects':list(set(s))}
-		UppApprox.append(single)
-		c+=1
-	return UppApprox
-def Boundaries (UppApprox, LowApprox):
-	"Find Boundaries like doubtful regions"
-	Boundary=[]
-	single=dict()
-	for i in range(len(UppApprox)):
-		single={'class':i, 'objects':list (set(UppApprox[i]['objects'])-set(LowApprox[i]['objects']) )}
-		Boundary.append(single)
-	return Boundary
-def AccuracyOfApproximation(UppApprox, LowApprox):
-	"Define the accuracy of approximation of Upward and downward approximation class"
-	return len(LowApprox)/len(UppApprox)
-def QualityOfQpproximation(DownwardBoundary,  infosystem):
-	"Defines the quality of approximation of the partition Cl or, briefly, the quality of sorting"
-	UnionBoundary=set()
-	U=set([i[0] for i in infosystem['examples']])
-	for b in DownwardBoundary:
-		UnionBoundary=set(UnionBoundary) | set(b['objects'])
-	return float(len(U-UnionBoundary)) / float(len(U))
-def FindObjectCovered (rules, selected):
-	"Find objects covered by a single rule and return\
-	all related examples covered"
-	obj=[]
-	examples=[]
-	for rule in rules:
-		examples.append(rule['objectsCovered']) 
-	if len(examples)>0:
-		examples = reduce(set.intersection,map(set,examples))  #functional approach: intersect all lists if example is not empty
-		examples = list(set(examples) & set([r[0] for r in selected]))
-	return examples #all examples covered from a single rule
-def Evaluate (elem,rules,G,selected,infosystem):
-	"Calcolate first and second evaluate index, according with original DOMLEM Algorithm"
-	tmpRules=copy.deepcopy(rules)
-	tmpElem=copy.deepcopy(elem)
-	tmpRules.append(tmpElem)
-	Object=[]
-	Object=FindObjectCovered(tmpRules,selected)
-	if(float(len(Object)))>0:
-			 firstEvaluate=float(len(set(G) & set(Object))) / float(len(Object))
-			 secondEvaluate=float(len(set(G) & set(Object)))
-	else:
-			 firstEvaluate=0
-			 secondEvaluate=0
-	return firstEvaluate,secondEvaluate
-def FindBestCondition (best, elem, rules, selected, G, infosystem):
-	"Choose the best condition"
-	firstElem,secondElem=Evaluate(elem,rules,G,selected,infosystem)
-	firstBest,secondBest=Evaluate(best,rules,G,selected,infosystem)
-	if (firstElem>firstBest) or (firstElem==firstBest and secondElem>=secondBest):
-		best=copy.deepcopy(elem)
-	else:
-		best=best
-	return best
-def Type_one_rule (c,  e,  preference,  matrix):
-	elem={'criterion':c,'condition':e, 'sign':preference[c-1],'class':'', \
-	'objectsCovered':[r[0] for r in matrix if (((r[c] >= e ) and (preference[c-1] == 'gain')) \
-																			  or ((r[c] <= e ) and (preference[c-1] == 'cost' )))],'label':''}
-	return elem
-def Type_three_rule (c,  e,  preference,  matrix):
-	elem={'criterion':c,'condition':e, 'sign':preference[c-1],'class':'', \
-	'objectsCovered':[r[0] for r in matrix if (((r[c] <= e ) and (preference[c-1] == 'gain')) \
-														or ((r[c] >= e ) and (preference[c-1] == 'cost' )))],'label':''}
-	return elem
-def Find_rules (B, infosystem, type_rule):
-	"Search rule from a family of lower approximation of upward unions \
-	of decision classes"
-	start=time()
-	matrix=copy.deepcopy(infosystem['examples'])
-	criteria_num=len(infosystem['attributes'])
-	criteria=[r[1:-1] for r in matrix]
-	preference=[s['preference'] for s in infosystem['attributes'] ] #extract preference label
-	num_rules=0 #total rules number for each lower approximation
-	G=copy.deepcopy(B)		#a set of objects from the given approximation
-	E=[]		#a set  of rules covering set B (is a list of dictionary)
-	all_obj_cov_by_rules=[] #all objects covered by all rules in E
-	selected=copy.deepcopy(matrix) #storage reduct matrix by single elementary condition
-	while (len(G)!=0 ):
-		rules=[]	 #starting comples (single rule built from elementary conditions  )
-		S=copy.deepcopy(G)		 #set of objects currently covered by rule
-		control=0
-		while (len(rules)==0 or set(obj_cov_by_rules).issubset(B)==False):
-			obj_cov_by_rules=[] #set covered by rules
-			best={'criterion':'','condition':'','sign':'','class':'','objectsCovered':'','label':'', 'type':''} #best candidate for elementary condition - start as empty
-			for c in range(1, criteria_num):
-				Cond=[r[c] for r in selected if  r[0] in S] #for each positive object from S create an elementary condition
-				for e in Cond:
-					if type_rule=='one':
-						elem= Type_one_rule (c,  e,  preference,  matrix)
-					elif type_rule=='three':
-						elem= Type_three_rule (c,  e,  preference,  matrix)
-					else:
-						elem={'criterion':'','condition':'','sign':'','class':'','objectsCovered':'','label':'', 'type':''}
-					best=FindBestCondition(best, elem, rules, selected, G, infosystem)
-			if best not in rules:
-				rules.append(best)   #add the best condition to the complex 
-			for r in rules:
-				obj_cov_by_rules.append(r['objectsCovered'])
-			obj_cov_by_rules=list((reduce(set.intersection,map(set,obj_cov_by_rules)))) #reduce():Apply function of two arguments cumulatively to the items of iterable, from left to right, so as to reduce the iterable to a single value.
-			S=list(set(S) & set(best['objectsCovered'] ))
-			control+=1
-#		rules=CheckMinimalCondition (rules,B,matrix)
-		if rules not in E:
-			E.append(rules) #add the induced rule
-			num_rules+=1
-		all_obj_cov_by_rules=list(set(all_obj_cov_by_rules) | set(obj_cov_by_rules))
-		G=list(set(B)-set(all_obj_cov_by_rules)) #remove example coverred by all finded rule -- this operation is a set difference
-		selected=[o  for o in selected if  not  o[0]  in all_obj_cov_by_rules] #reduct matrix, remove object coverred by all finded rule
-		num_rules+=1
-	return E
-def Domlem(Lu,Ld, infosystem):
-	"DOMLEM algoritm \
-	(An algorithm for induction of decision rules consistent with the dominance\
-	principle - Greco S., Matarazzo, B., Slowinski R., Stefanowski J.)"
-	attributes=infosystem['attributes']
-	RULES=[]
-##  *** AT MOST {<= Class} - Type 3 rules ***"		
-	for b in Ld[:-1]:
-		B=b['objects']
-		E=Find_rules(B, infosystem, 'three')
-		for e in E:
-			for i in e:
-				i['class']=b['class']
-				i['label']=attributes[i['criterion']-1]['name']
-				i['type']='at_most'
-				if (attributes[i['criterion']-1]['preference']=='gain'):
-					i['sign']='<='
-				else:
-					i['sign']='>='
-			RULES.append(e)
-## *** AT LEAST {>= Class} - Type 1 rules *** "
-	for a in Lu[1:]:
-		B=a['objects']
-		E=Find_rules (B, infosystem, 'one')
-		for e in E:
-			for i in e:
-				i['class']=a['class']
-				i['label']=attributes[i['criterion']-1]['name']
-				i['type']='at_least'
-				if (attributes[i['criterion']-1]['preference']=='gain'):
-					i['sign']='>='
-				else:
-					i['sign']='<='
-			RULES.append(e)	   
-	return RULES
-def Print_rules(RULES, outputTxt):
-	"Print rls output file"
-	i=1
-	outfile=open(outputTxt+".rls","w")
-	outfile.write('[RULES]\n')
-	for R in RULES:
-		outfile.write("%d: " % i, )
-		for e in R:
-				outfile.write("( %s %s %.3f )" % (e['label'], e['sign'],e['condition'] ))
-		outfile.write("=> ( class %s , %s )\n" % ( e['type'], e['class'] ))
-		i+=1
-	outfile.close()
-	return 0
-def Parser_mapcalc(RULES, outputMap):
-	"Parser to build a formula to be included  in mapcalc command"
-	i=1
-	category=[]
-	maps=[]
-	stringa=[]
-	for R in RULES: 
-		formula="if("
-		for e in R[:-1]: #build a mapcalc formula
-			formula+= "(%s %s %.4f ) && " % (e['label'],  e['sign'] ,  e['condition'] )
-		formula+= "(%s %s %.4f ),%d,null())" % (R[-1]['label'],R[-1]['sign'], R[-1]['condition'] ,i )
-		mappa="r%d_%s_%d" % ( i, R[0]['type'], R[0]['class'] ) #build map name for mapcalc output
-		category.append({'id':i, 'type': R[0]['type'], 'class':R[0]['class']}) #extract category name
-		maps.append(mappa) #extract maps name
-		grass.mapcalc(mappa +"=" +formula)
-		i+=1
-	mapstring=",".join(maps)
-	#make one layer for each label rule
-	labels=["_".join(m.split('_')[1:]) for m in maps] 
-	labels=list(set(labels))
-	for l in labels:
-		print "mapping %s rule" % str(l)
-		map_synth=[]
-		for m in maps:
-			if l == "_".join(m.split('_')[1:]):
-				map_synth.append(m)
-		if len(map_synth)>1:
-			grass.run_command("r.patch", overwrite='True', input=(",".join(map_synth)), output=l )
-		else:
-			grass.run_command("g.copy",rast=(str(map_synth),l))
-		print "__",str(map_synth),l
-		grass.run_command("r.to.vect", overwrite='True', flags='s', input=l, output=l, feature='area')
-		grass.run_command("v.db.addcol", map=l, columns='rule varchar(25)')
-		grass.run_command("v.db.update", map=l, column='rule', value=l)
-		grass.run_command("v.db.update", map=l, column='label', value=l)
-	mapslabels=",".join(labels)
-	if len(maps)>1:
-		grass.run_command("v.patch", overwrite='True', flags='e', input=mapslabels, output=outputMap)
-	else:
-		grass.run_command("g.copy",vect=(mapslabels,outputMap))
-	if not flags['l']:
-		grass.run_command("g.remove",  rast=mapstring)
-		grass.run_command("g.remove",  vect=mapstring)
-	return 0
-def main():
-	"main function for DOMLEM algorithm"
-	#try:
-	start=time()
-	attributes = options['criteria'].split(',')
-	preferences=options['preferences'].split(',')
-	decision=options['decision']
-	outputMap= options['outputMap']
-	outputTxt= options['outputTxt']
-	out=BuildFileISF(attributes, preferences, decision, outputMap, outputTxt)
-	infosystem=FileToInfoSystem(out)
-	UnionOfClasses(infosystem)
-	DownwardUnionClass=DownwardUnionsOfClasses(infosystem)
-	UpwardUnionClass=UpwardUnionsOfClasses(infosystem)
-	Dominating=DominatingSet(infosystem)
-	Dominated=DominatedSet(infosystem)
-##	upward union class
-	print "elaborate upward union"
-	Lu=LowerApproximation(UpwardUnionClass, Dominating) #lower approximation of upward union for type 1 rules
-	Uu=UpperApproximation(UpwardUnionClass,Dominated ) #upper approximation of upward union
-	UpwardBoundary=Boundaries(Uu, Lu)
-##	downward union class
-	print "elaborate downward union"
-	Ld=LowerApproximation(DownwardUnionClass, Dominated) # lower approximation of  downward union for type 3 rules
-	Ud=UpperApproximation(DownwardUnionClass,Dominating ) # upper approximation of  downward union 
-	DownwardBoundary=Boundaries(Ud, Ld)
-	QualityOfQpproximation(DownwardBoundary,  infosystem)
-	print "RULES extraction (*)" 
-	RULES=Domlem(Lu,Ld, infosystem)
-	Parser_mapcalc(RULES, outputMap)		   
-	Print_rules(RULES, outputTxt)
-	end=time()
-	print "Time computing-> %.4f s" % (end-start)
-	return 0
-	#except:
-		#print "ERROR! Rules does not generated!"
-		#sys.exit()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-	options, flags = grass.parser()
-	sys.exit(main())

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