[GRASS-SVN] r53724 - grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.damflood

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Wed Nov 7 12:32:06 PST 2012

Author: neteler
Date: 2012-11-07 12:32:06 -0800 (Wed, 07 Nov 2012)
New Revision: 53724

avoid HTML header and footer

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.damflood/r.damflood.html
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.damflood/r.damflood.html	2012-11-07 18:39:27 UTC (rev 53723)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.damflood/r.damflood.html	2012-11-07 20:32:06 UTC (rev 53724)
@@ -1,149 +1,140 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
-<em><b>r.damflood</b></em> - The definition of flooding areas is of considerable importance for both the risk analysis and the emergency management.
-This command, in particular, is an embedded GRASS GIS hydrodynamic 2D model that allows to obtain flooding area due to a failure 
-of a dam, given the geometry of the reservoir and of the downstream area, the initial conditions and the dam breach geometry.
-The numerical model solves the conservative form of the shallow water equations (SWE) using a finite volume method (FVM); 
-the intercell flux is computed by the "upwind method and the water-level gradient is evaluated by weighted 
-average of both upwind and downwind gradient. Additional details of the specific numerical scheme adopted in the model are 
-presented in references [1].<br>
-The command allows to generate raster time series, of water depth and flow velocity, with time resolution defined by user. 
-Each time series is identified by a number of raster maps named with a common prefix as specified by the user and the time instant
-which it refers expressed in seconds from the dam failure, joined by the underscore character (e.g.; myvel_125, myvel_250, myvel_375, etc.).<br>
-Because this new module has been implemented with the aim to provide an instrument for risk assessment fully within a GIS environment,
-it should be able to provide intensity maps directly applicable in those analyses.In floods, intensity generally corresponds 
-to the maximum flow depth, but in the particular case of flash floods, where velocities are normally high,
-it is recommended to use as intensity indicator the maximum between the water depth and the product of water velocity and water depth. 
-For this reason, with this module, in addition to the water depth and velocity maps, the user can choose
-a variety of output raster maps: maximum water depth, maximum water velocity, and maximum intensity raster maps. <br>
-In case on high numerical stability problem, the user is warned, and the simulation is stopped.<br>
-<em><b><font size = "5">Use</b></em></font size = "5">
-<em><b>Requested input:</b></em> <br>
-The required input are: <br>
-- a DTM including the lake bathimetry and the dam elevation over the ground [elev], <br>
-- a map with the initial condition easily obtained with <a href="r.lake.html">r.lake</a> command [lake], <br>
-- a dam breach width raster map [dambreak] which can be obtained using <a href="r.dam.html">r.dam</a> grass add-on script, <br>
-- a Manning's roughness coefficient raster map, easily obtained from a reclassification of a land use map 
-(<a href="r.reclass.html">r.reclass</a>) [manning],<br>
-- the simulation time length expressed in <em>seconds</em> [tstop].<br><br>
+<em><b>r.damflood</b></em> - The definition of flooding areas is of considerable importance for both the risk analysis and the emergency management.
+This command, in particular, is an embedded GRASS GIS hydrodynamic 2D model that allows to obtain flooding area due to a failure 
+of a dam, given the geometry of the reservoir and of the downstream area, the initial conditions and the dam breach geometry.
+The numerical model solves the conservative form of the shallow water equations (SWE) using a finite volume method (FVM); 
+the intercell flux is computed by the "upwind method and the water-level gradient is evaluated by weighted 
+average of both upwind and downwind gradient. Additional details of the specific numerical scheme adopted in the model are 
+presented in references [1].<br>
+The command allows to generate raster time series, of water depth and flow velocity, with time resolution defined by user. 
+Each time series is identified by a number of raster maps named with a common prefix as specified by the user and the time instant
+which it refers expressed in seconds from the dam failure, joined by the underscore character (e.g.; myvel_125, myvel_250, myvel_375, etc.).<br>
+Because this new module has been implemented with the aim to provide an instrument for risk assessment fully within a GIS environment,
+it should be able to provide intensity maps directly applicable in those analyses.In floods, intensity generally corresponds 
+to the maximum flow depth, but in the particular case of flash floods, where velocities are normally high,
+it is recommended to use as intensity indicator the maximum between the water depth and the product of water velocity and water depth. 
+For this reason, with this module, in addition to the water depth and velocity maps, the user can choose
+a variety of output raster maps: maximum water depth, maximum water velocity, and maximum intensity raster maps. <br>
+In case on high numerical stability problem, the user is warned, and the simulation is stopped.<br>
+<em><b><font size = "5">Use</b></em></font size = "5">
+<em><b>Requested input:</b></em> <br>
+The required input are: <br>
+- a DTM including the lake bathimetry and the dam elevation over the ground [elev], <br>
+- a map with the initial condition easily obtained with <a href="r.lake.html">r.lake</a> command [lake], <br>
+- a dam breach width raster map [dambreak] which can be obtained using <a href="r.dam.html">r.dam</a> grass add-on script, <br>
+- a Manning's roughness coefficient raster map, easily obtained from a reclassification of a land use map 
+(<a href="r.reclass.html">r.reclass</a>) [manning],<br>
+- the simulation time length expressed in <em>seconds</em> [tstop].<br><br>
 <!-- ********************************************************************************************************************************* -->
-<em><b>Output map and additional output options:</b></em> <br>
-First the user can set a specific time lag [deltat] expressed in <em>seconds</em>, that is used for the output map (depth and velocity) generation.
-and also an additional series of instants [opt_t],expressed in <em>seconds</em> from the beginning of the simulation), used to generate further water flow depth and velocity maps 
-at desired precise times.<br>
-The user can choose between one of the following time series raster maps as output: 
- - flow depth [h],<br>
- - flow velocity [vel],<br>
-<!--Finally the user can be choose as additional output: <br>  -->
- - a raster map with maximum water depth [hmax], relative flooding intensity [i_hmax], that is the product of water depth and velocity, and the relative time of occurence[t_hmax],<br>
- - a raster map with maximum water velocity [vmax], relative flooding intensity [i_vmax], and the relative time of occurence[t_vmax],<br>
- - a raster map with maximum flooding intensity [imax] and the relative time of occurence[t_imax].<br>
- - a raster map with the time of arriving of the Wave-Front [wavefront]<br><br>
+<em><b>Output map and additional output options:</b></em> <br>
+First the user can set a specific time lag [deltat] expressed in <em>seconds</em>, that is used for the output map (depth and velocity) generation.
+and also an additional series of instants [opt_t],expressed in <em>seconds</em> from the beginning of the simulation), used to generate further water flow depth and velocity maps 
+at desired precise times.<br>
+The user can choose between one of the following time series raster maps as output: 
+ - flow depth [h],<br>
+ - flow velocity [vel],<br>
+<!--Finally the user can be choose as additional output: <br>  -->
+ - a raster map with maximum water depth [hmax], relative flooding intensity [i_hmax], that is the product of water depth and velocity, and the relative time of occurence[t_hmax],<br>
+ - a raster map with maximum water velocity [vmax], relative flooding intensity [i_vmax], and the relative time of occurence[t_vmax],<br>
+ - a raster map with maximum flooding intensity [imax] and the relative time of occurence[t_imax].<br>
+ - a raster map with the time of arriving of the Wave-Front [wavefront]<br><br>
 where and the raster maps are coded as "prefix" + "_" + "elapsed seconds": e.g. <em>mydepth_125</em>.<br><br>
-<em>Obviously at least one output map prefix must be specified.</em> <br>
+<em>Obviously at least one output map prefix must be specified.</em> <br>
 The unit of measurements of output raster maps are expresssed using the <em>International System</em> (<em>S.I.</em>). 
 <!-- ********************************************************************************************************************************* -->
-<em><b>Options:</b></em> <br>
-Using a specific flag, the user can obtain another raster map with flow directions that can be visualized using a specific display command 
-(<a href="d.rast.arrow.html">d.rast.arrow</a>) of the GRASS GIS software. <br>
+<em><b>Options:</b></em> <br>
+Using a specific flag, the user can obtain another raster map with flow directions that can be visualized using a specific display command 
+(<a href="d.rast.arrow.html">d.rast.arrow</a>) of the GRASS GIS software. <br>
 Actually two different dam failure type are considered by the command: <em>(i)</em> full breach, <em>(ii)</em> partial breach.
 <img src="dam_failure.png" height="350" alt="" />
-In case of total istantaeous dam break (configuration <em>i</em>), the initial velocity is computed directly applying the SWE at the first time step; 
-while in case of partial dam breach (configuration <em>ii</em>) the user can choose between don't use any hypothesis, like in the previous configuration, 
-or evaluate the initial velocity using the overflow spillway equation: <br>
-<em> V </em> = <em> 0.4 </em> <span class="radic"><sup><var> </var></sup>√<span style="text-decoration:overline" class="radicand"><var>(2 <em>g h)</em></var></span> <br>    
-where <em>V</em> is the water flow velocity expressed in m/s, 
-<em>g</em> is the gravitational acceleration expressed in m/s<sup>2</sup> 
-and <em>h</em> is the water depth in correspondence of the dam breach expresssed in meters (m). <br>
+In case of total istantaeous dam break (configuration <em>i</em>), the initial velocity is computed directly applying the SWE at the first time step; 
+while in case of partial dam breach (configuration <em>ii</em>) the user can choose between don't use any hypothesis, like in the previous configuration, 
+or evaluate the initial velocity using the overflow spillway equation: <br>
-Optionally the user may modify the initial timestep used for the numerical solution of the SWE (<em>default value = 0.01 s</em>), nevertheless the timestep  [],
+<em> V </em> = <em> 0.4 </em> <span class="radic"><sup><var> </var></sup>√<span style="text-decoration:overline" class="radicand"><var>(2 <em>g h)</em></var></span> <br>    
+where <em>V</em> is the water flow velocity expressed in m/s, 
+<em>g</em> is the gravitational acceleration expressed in m/s<sup>2</sup> 
+and <em>h</em> is the water depth in correspondence of the dam breach expresssed in meters (m). <br>
+Optionally the user may modify the initial timestep used for the numerical solution of the SWE (<em>default value = 0.01 s</em>), nevertheless the timestep  [],
 and choose a specific failure tipe corresponding to different computational method for the initial velocity estimation. 
-<em><b><font size = "5">Notes</b></em></font size = "5">
-<em>(GRASS ANSI C command)</em>
+<em><b><font size = "5">Notes</b></em></font size = "5">
+<em>(GRASS ANSI C command)</em>
 Roberto Marzocchi (<a href="mailto:roberto.marzocchi at gter.it">e-mail</a>) and Massimiliano Cannata (<a href="mailto:massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch">e-mail</a>).
 The GRASS tool was developed by Institute of earth science (IST), 
-University of applied science of Italian Switzerland (SUPSI), Lugano - Division of geomatics <a href="http://istgeo.ist.supsi.ch/site/" target="_blank">web-page</a></em><br>
+University of applied science of Italian Switzerland (SUPSI), Lugano - Division of geomatics <a href="http://istgeo.ist.supsi.ch/site/" target="_blank">web-page</a></em><br>
 Actually the debug is assured by:<br>
  - <a href="http://www.gter.it/?q=en"  target="_blank"> Gter srl</a> (Genoa, Italy) <br>
  - <a href="http://www.ist.supsi.ch/" target="_blank">IST -SUPSI</a> (Lugano, Switzerland)<br>
-The numerical model, originally developed by the National Center for Computational Hydroscience and Engineering of the University of Mississippi, 
-has been reformulated and modified by the authors introducing important new features to consider the numerical stability and the type of dam failure, 
-and currently is written in ANSI C programming language within GRASS.<br><br>
-<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="r.lake.html">r.lake</a></em>,
-<em><a href="r.reclass.html">r.reclass</a></em>,
+The numerical model, originally developed by the National Center for Computational Hydroscience and Engineering of the University of Mississippi, 
+has been reformulated and modified by the authors introducing important new features to consider the numerical stability and the type of dam failure, 
+and currently is written in ANSI C programming language within GRASS.<br><br>
+<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
+<em><a href="r.lake.html">r.lake</a></em>,
+<em><a href="r.reclass.html">r.reclass</a></em>,
 <em><a href="d.rast.arrow.html">d.rast.arrow</a></em>,
-<em><a href="r.inund.fluv.html">r.inund.fluv</a></em>.
+<em><a href="r.inund.fluv.html">r.inund.fluv</a></em>.
 Details of the numerical model are presented in references. <br>
-Details of use and developing of <a r.damflood></a> are available <a href="http://istgeo.ist.supsi.ch/site/projects/dambreak" target="_blank">here</a>.</em><br>
-[1] Cannata M. & Marzocchi R. (2012). Two-dimensional dam break flooding simulation: a GIS embedded approach. - Natural Hazards 61(3):1143-1159 <br>
-[2] <a href="http://gfoss2009.crs4.it/en/system/files/marzocchi_cannata_licensed.pdf" target="_blank">Pdf</a> presentation of the work at the "X Meeting degli Utenti Italiani di GRASS - GFOSS" (It) <a href="http://gfoss2009.crs4.it/en/node/61" target="_blank"> web-page </a> <br>
-[3] Pdf presentation of the work at the FOSS4G 2009 (En) - <a href="http://2009.foss4g.org/researchpapers/#researchpaper_10" target="_blank"> web-page </a> <br>
+Details of use and developing of <a r.damflood></a> are available <a href="http://istgeo.ist.supsi.ch/site/projects/dambreak" target="_blank">here</a>.</em><br>
+[1] Cannata M. & Marzocchi R. (2012). Two-dimensional dam break flooding simulation: a GIS embedded approach. - Natural Hazards 61(3):1143-1159 <br>
+[2] <a href="http://gfoss2009.crs4.it/en/system/files/marzocchi_cannata_licensed.pdf" target="_blank">Pdf</a> presentation of the work at the "X Meeting degli Utenti Italiani di GRASS - GFOSS" (It) <a href="http://gfoss2009.crs4.it/en/node/61" target="_blank"> web-page </a> <br>
+[3] Pdf presentation of the work at the FOSS4G 2009 (En) - <a href="http://2009.foss4g.org/researchpapers/#researchpaper_10" target="_blank"> web-page </a> <br>
 [4] Pdf presentation of the work at the Geoitalia 2011 conference (En)- <a href="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3019930/marzocchi_cannata_geoitalia2011.pdf" target="_blank"> document </a><br>
-<p><i> Last changed: $7 november 2012 18:00:00 CET $</i></p>
+<p><i> Last changed: $7 november 2012 18:00:00 CET $</i>

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