[GRASS-SVN] r53330 - grass/trunk/scripts/m.proj

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sun Oct 7 03:29:47 PDT 2012

Author: martinl
Date: 2012-10-07 03:29:47 -0700 (Sun, 07 Oct 2012)
New Revision: 53330

m.proj manual clean up, url links fixed

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/m.proj/m.proj.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/m.proj/m.proj.html	2012-10-07 10:06:34 UTC (rev 53329)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/m.proj/m.proj.html	2012-10-07 10:29:47 UTC (rev 53330)
@@ -1,162 +1,195 @@
-This program allows a user to convert coordinates from one projection to
-another. Coordinates can be read from one file, converted, and results
-written to another file. Alternatively, if the <b>input</b> and/or 
-<b>output</b> options are omitted, eastings and northings may be passed 
-to the program directly from <tt>stdin</tt> and results sent directly
-to <tt>stdout</tt>. In this way <em>m.proj</em> can be used as a simple
-frontend to the <tt><a href="http://proj.maptools.org">PROJ.4</a></tt>
+This program allows a user to convert coordinates from one projection
+to another. Coordinates can be read from one file, converted, and
+results written to another file. Alternatively, if the <b>input=-</b>,
+eastings and northings may be passed to the program directly from
+standard input. If the <b>output</b> option is omitted, the results
+are sent directly to standard output. In this way <em>m.proj</em> can
+be used as a simple frontend to
+the <a href="http://trac.osgeo.org/proj/">PROJ.4</a>
 <em>cs2cs</em> utility. The <b>-i</b> or <b>-o</b> flags make the task
 especially easy for the common problem of converting to or from lat/long
-<p><i>Note</i>: This program does not transform GRASS maps, it is designed to determine
-the equivalent coordinate values of an individual position or list of
-positions. Use <em>v.proj</em> or <em>r.proj</em> to reproject GRASS maps.
+<i>Note</i>: This program does not transform GRASS maps, it is
+designed to determine the equivalent coordinate values of an
+individual position or list of
+positions. Use <em><a href="v.proj.html">v.proj</a></em> to reproject
+vector maps or <em><a href="r.proj.html">r.proj<a/></em> for raster maps.
-<em>cs2cs</em> expects input data to formatted as "<tt>x y</tt>", so if working
-with latitude-longitude data be sure to send the <tt>x</tt> value first,
-i.e., "<tt>longitude latitude</tt>". Output data will be exported using
-the same convention.
-<p><em>cs2cs</em> will treat a third data column as a <tt>z</tt> value (elevation)
-and will modify the value accordingly. This usually translates into small but
-real differences in that data column.
-<p><em>cs2cs</em> does not expect the input stream to contain column headings,
-only numbers. If your data file has lines you wish to have passed through
-without being processed, they must start with the '<tt>#</tt>' character.
-<p>If sending <em>m.proj</em> data from <tt>stdin</tt>, be aware that the data is
-first stored to a temporary file before being processed with <em>cs2cs</em>.
-It is therefore not advisable to send <em>m.proj</em> data from an open data
-stream. The module will stop listening for incoming data after 2 seconds of
-inactivity. You may use the projection parameters gleaned from <em>m.proj</em>'s
-verbose mode (<b>-v</b>) with <em>cs2cs</em> directly in this case.
-<p>Custom projection parameters can be used via the <b>proj_in</b> and
-<b>proj_out</b> options. Full documentation of the projection parameter
-format may be found on the <tt><a href="http://proj.maptools.org">PROJ.4</a></tt>
-website. Using these options will fully override the default parameters the
-module would normally use.
-<p>By using the <b>-v</b> verbose flag, the user can see exactly what projection
-parameters will be used in the conversion as well as some other informative
-<p>If output is to lat/long, it will be formatted using <tt>PROJ.4</tt>'s 
-Degree:Minute:Second (DMS) convention of <tt>DDDdMM'SSS.SS"H</tt>. This can be handy
-if you wish to quickly convert lat/long decimal degree data into its DMS
-Alternatively, to have <em>m.proj</em> output data in decimal degrees, use the
-<b>-d</b> flag. This flag can also be used with non-lat/long data to force a
-higher number of decimal places (the <em>cs2cs</em> default is 2).
-<p>Lat/long output can be converted to GRASS's DMS convention (<tt>DDD:MM:SSS.SSSH</tt>)
-by piping the results of <em>m.proj</em> through the <em>sed</em> stream
-editor as follows.
+<em>cs2cs</em> expects input data to formatted as <tt>x y</tt>, so if
+working with latitude-longitude data be sure to send the <tt>x</tt>
+value first, i.e., <tt>longitude latitude</tt>. Output data will
+be exported using the same convention.
+<em>cs2cs</em> will treat a third data column as a <tt>z</tt> value
+(elevation) and will modify the value accordingly. This usually
+translates into small but real differences in that data column.
+<em>cs2cs</em> does not expect the input stream to contain column
+headings, only numbers. If your data file has lines you wish to have
+passed through without being processed, they must start with the
+'<tt>#</tt>' character.
+If sending <em>m.proj</em> data from standard input, be aware that the
+data is first stored to a temporary file before being processed
+with <em>cs2cs</em>.  It is therefore not advisable to
+send <em>m.proj</em> data from an open data stream. The module will
+stop listening for incoming data after 2 seconds of inactivity. You
+may use the projection parameters gleaned from <em>m.proj</em>'s
+verbose mode (<b>--verbose</b>) with <em>cs2cs</em> directly in this case.
+Custom projection parameters can be used via the <b>proj_in</b> and
+<b>proj_out</b> options. Full documentation of the projection
+parameter format may be found on
+the <a href="http://trac.osgeo.org/proj/">PROJ.4</a> website. Using
+these options will fully override the default parameters the module
+would normally use.
+By using the <b>--verbose</b> verbose flag, the user can see exactly
+what projection parameters will be used in the conversion as well as
+some other informative messages.
+If output is to lat/long, it will be formatted using PROJ.4's
+Degree:Minute:Second (DMS) convention
+of <tt>DDDdMM'SSS.SS"H</tt>. This can be handy if you wish to quickly
+convert lat/long decimal degree data into its DMS equivalent.<br>
+Alternatively, to have <em>m.proj</em> output data in decimal degrees,
+use the <b>-d</b> flag. This flag can also be used with non-lat/long
+data to force a higher number of decimal places (the <em>cs2cs</em>
+default is 2).
+Lat/long output can be converted to GRASS's DMS convention
+(<tt>DDD:MM:SSS.SSSH</tt>) by piping the results of <em>m.proj</em>
+through the <em>sed</em> stream editor as follows.
 <div class="code"><pre>
 m.proj -o | sed -e 's/d/:/g' -e "s/'/:/g"  -e 's/"//g'
-<p>The <em>m.proj</em> module is designed to work seamlessly with point data 
-exported from the GIS with <em>v.out.ascii</em>, as the following example
+The <em>m.proj</em> module is designed to work seamlessly with point
+data exported from the GIS
+with <em><a href="v.out.ascii.html">v.out.ascii</a></em>, as the
+following example shows.
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.out.ascii bugsites | m.proj -o
-To convert a WGS84 long/lat coordinate to the current map projection using
-the <b>-i</b> flag to set projection parameters automaticlly:
+To convert a WGS84 long/lat coordinate to the current map projection
+using the <b>-i</b> flag to set projection parameters automatically:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 GRASS> echo "170.510125 -45.868537" | m.proj -i
 2316541.70      5479193.51 1.23
-The same, but load points from a file named "<tt>waypoints.txt</tt>" and
-continue on to import the results into a GRASS vector points map in the
-current map projection:
+The same, but load points from a file named <tt>waypoints.txt</tt> and
+continue on to import the results into a GRASS vector points map in
+the current map projection:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 m.proj -i in=waypoints.txt | cut -f1 -d' ' | v.in.ascii out=test_pt separator=tab
-Here the standard UNIX <em>cut</em> tool is used to discard the <tt>z</tt>
-To convert all coordinates from a vector points map in the current projection
-to WGS84 long/lat, with output in decimal form:
+Here the standard UNIX <em>cut</em> tool is used to discard
+the <tt>z</tt> residual.
+To convert all coordinates from a vector points map in the current
+projection to WGS84 long/lat, with output in decimal form:
 <div class="code"><pre>
 v.out.ascii bugsites | m.proj -od
-To transform points from a UTM projection into the Gauss-Krüger Grid
-System, importing and exporting to files:
+To transform points from a UTM projection into the Gauss-Krüger
+Grid System, importing and exporting to files:
 <div class="code"><pre>
-m.proj <b>proj_in</b>="+proj=utm +name=utm +a=6378137.0 +es=0.006694380 \
-    +zone=32 +unfact=1.0" <b>proj_out</b>="+proj=tmerc +name=tmerc \
+m.proj proj_in="+proj=utm +name=utm +a=6378137.0 +es=0.006694380 \
+    +zone=32 +unfact=1.0" proj_out="+proj=tmerc +name=tmerc \
     +a=6377397.155 +es=0.0066743720 +lat_0=0.0 +lon_0=9.0 +k=1.0 \
-    +x_0=3500000.0" <b>input</b>=utm.coord.txt <b>output</b>=new.gk.coord.txt
+    +x_0=3500000.0" input=utm.coord.txt output=new.gk.coord.txt
-<p>Projection parameters provided in the above case: "<tt>+proj</tt>" (projection
-type), "<tt>+name</tt>" (projection name), "<tt>+a</tt>" (ellipsoid: equatorial
-radius), "<tt>+es</tt>" (ellipsoid: eccentricity squared), "<tt>+zone</tt>"
-(zone for the area), "<tt>+unfact</tt>" (conversion factor from meters to other
-units, e.g. feet), "<tt>+lat_0</tt>" (standard parallel), "<tt>+lon_0</tt>"
-(central meridian), "<tt>+k</tt>" (scale factor) and "<tt>+x_0</tt>" (false
-easting). Sometimes false northing is needed which is coded as "<tt>+y_0</tt>".
-Internally, the underlying
-<a href="http://www.remotesensing.org/proj/"><tt>PROJ.4</tt> projection library</a>
-performs an inverse projection to latitude-longitude and then projects the 
-coordinate list to the target projection.
-<!-- HB 4/2006: I'm leaving this in from the GRASS 5 help page, but is it accurate? -->
-Datum conversions are automatically handled by the <tt>PROJ.4</tt> library if
-"<tt>+datum</tt>" setings are specified on <b>both</b> the input <b>and</b> output
-projections on the command line. The "<tt>+towgs84</tt>" parameter can be used to 
+Projection parameters provided in the above case: <tt>+proj</tt>
+(projection type), <tt>+name</tt> (projection name), <tt>+a</tt>
+(ellipsoid: equatorial radius), <tt>+es</tt> (ellipsoid:
+eccentricity squared), <tt>+zone</tt> (zone for the area),
+<tt>+unfact</tt> (conversion factor from meters to other units,
+e.g. feet), <tt>+lat_0</tt> (standard parallel), <tt>+lon_0</tt>
+(central meridian), <tt>+k</tt> (scale factor) and <tt>+x_0</tt>
+(false easting). Sometimes false northing is needed which is coded as
+<tt>+y_0</tt>.  Internally, the underlying
+<a href="http://trac.osgeo.org/proj/">PROJ.4</a> projection library
+performs an inverse projection to latitude-longitude and then projects
+the coordinate list to the target projection.
+<!-- HB 4/2006: I'm leaving this in from the GRASS 5 help page, but is
+it accurate? --> Datum conversions are automatically handled by the
+PROJ.4 library if
+<tt>+datum</tt> setings are specified on <b>both</b> the input <b>and</b> output
+projections on the command line. The <tt>+towgs84</tt> parameter can be used to 
 define either 3 or 7 term datum transform coefficients, satisfying this requirement.
-<p>If a datum is specified there is no need for the '<tt>+ellps=</tt>' or underlying
-parameters, '<tt>+a=</tt>', '<tt>+es=</tt>', etc.
-<p><h3>Another custom parameter usage example:</h3>
+<p>If a datum is specified there is no need for the <tt>+ellps=</tt> or underlying
+parameters, <tt>+a=</tt>, <tt>+es=</tt>, etc.
+Another custom parameter usage example:
 <div class="code"><pre>
-m.proj <b>proj_in</b>="+proj=tmerc +datum=ire65 +lat_0=53.5 +lon_0=-8 +x_0=200000 \
-    +y_0=250000 +k=1.000035" <b>proj_out</b>="+proj=ll +datum=wgs84" <b>input</b>=wpt.txt
+m.proj proj_in="+proj=tmerc +datum=ire65 +lat_0=53.5 +lon_0=-8 +x_0=200000 \
+    +y_0=250000 +k=1.000035" proj_out="+proj=ll +datum=wgs84" input=wpt.txt
 or without datum transformation:
 <div class="code"><pre>
-m.proj <b>proj_in</b>="+proj=tmerc +ellps=modif_airy +lat_0=53.5 +lon_0=-8 +x_0=200000 \
-    +y_0=250000 +k=1.000035" <b>proj_out</b>="+proj=ll +datum=wgs84" <b>input</b>=wpt.txt
+m.proj proj_in="+proj=tmerc +ellps=modif_airy +lat_0=53.5 +lon_0=-8 +x_0=200000 \
+    +y_0=250000 +k=1.000035" proj_out="+proj=ll +datum=wgs84" input=wpt.txt
-<p>In this example no datum transformation will take place as a datum was not
-specified for the input projection. The datum specified for the output
-projection will thus be silently ignored and may be left out; all that is
-achieved a simple conversion from projected to geodetic co-ordinates,
-keeping the same datum (and thus also the same ellipsoid).
+In this example no datum transformation will take place as a datum was
+not specified for the input projection. The datum specified for the
+output projection will thus be silently ignored and may be left out;
+all that is achieved a simple conversion from projected to geodetic
+co-ordinates, keeping the same datum (and thus also the same
-<p>For more usage examples, see the documentation for the 
-<tt><a href="http://proj.maptools.org">PROJ.4</a></tt> <em>cs2cs</em> program.
+For more usage examples, see the documentation for the
+<a href="http://trac.osgeo.org/proj/">PROJ.4</a> <em>cs2cs</em> program.
-[1] Evenden, G.I.  (1990) <a href="http://proj.maptools.org/">Cartographic projection procedures for
-the UNIX environment - a user's manual.</a>  USGS Open-File Report 90-284 (OF90-284.pdf)
-See also there: Interim Report and 2nd Interim Report on Release 4, Evenden 1994).
-<p>[2] <tt><a href="http://proj.maptools.org">PROJ.4</a></tt> Cartographic Projection Library
+  <li>Evenden, G.I.
+      (1990) <a href="ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/proj/OF90-284.pdf">Cartographic
+      projection procedures for the UNIX environment - a user's
+      manual</a>.  USGS Open-File Report 90-284 (OF90-284.pdf) See
+      also there: Interim Report and 2nd Interim Report on Release 4,
+      Evenden 1994).</li>
+  <li><a href="http://trac.osgeo.org/proj/">PROJ.4</a> Cartographic Projection Library</li>
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
 <a href="v.proj.html">v.proj</a>,
 <a href="r.proj.html">r.proj</a>,
 <a href="g.proj.html">g.proj</a>,
-<a href="g.setproj.html">g.setproj</a>,
+<!--<a href="g.setproj.html">g.setproj</a>,-->
 <a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</a>,
 <!-- <a href="i.rectify3.html">i.rectify3</a> -->
 <a href="v.in.ascii.html">v.in.ascii</a>,
@@ -170,5 +203,5 @@
 Functionality inspired by the <em>m.proj</em> and <em>m.proj2</em> modules for
-<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

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