[GRASS-SVN] r58555 - grass/trunk/include

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sun Dec 29 17:07:06 PST 2013

Author: huhabla
Date: 2013-12-29 17:07:06 -0800 (Sun, 29 Dec 2013)
New Revision: 58555

C-Interface design approach of the temporal framework

Modified: grass/trunk/include/temporal.h
--- grass/trunk/include/temporal.h	2013-12-30 00:38:49 UTC (rev 58554)
+++ grass/trunk/include/temporal.h	2013-12-30 01:07:06 UTC (rev 58555)
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
+#include <grass/datetime.h>
+#include <grass/gis.h>
 #include <grass/dbmi.h>
 #define TGISDB_DEFAULT_DRIVER "sqlite"
 int tgis_set_connection(dbConnection * connection);
 int tgis_get_connection(dbConnection * connection);
 const char *tgis_get_default_driver_name(void);
@@ -14,4 +18,223 @@
 char *tgis_get_database_name(void);
 int tgis_set_default_connection(void);
+ */
+#define TGIS_TYPE_MAP          0
+#define TGIS_TYPE_STDS         1
+#define TGIS_RASTER_MAP   1
+#define TGIS_RASTER3D_MAP 2
+#define TGIS_VECTOR_MAP   3
+#define TGIS_STRDS        4
+#define TGIS STR3DS       5
+#define TGIS_STVDS        6
+/*! A simple structure to organize time stamped maps*/
+typedef struct _tgisMap {
+    char *name;
+    char *mapset;
+    struct TimeStamp ts;
+} tgisMap;
+  \brief List of tgisMap struct's
+  This structure is used to store lists of time stamped maps
+  using the tgisMap structure internally.
+typedef struct _tgisMapList
+    /*!
+      \brief Array of tgisMap struct's
+    */
+    tgisMap **a;
+    /*!
+      \brief Number of tgisMap struct's in the list
+    */
+    int n_values;
+    /*!
+      \brief Allocated space for tgisMap struct's
+    */
+    int alloc_values;
+} tgisMapList;
+/* map_list.c */
+void tgis_init_map_list(tgisMapList *list);
+void tgis_free_map_list(tgisMapList *list);
+tgisMapList * tgis_new_map_list();
+/*! Insert a new map to the map list */
+void tgis_map_list_insert(tgisMapList *list, char *name, char*mapset, struct TimeStamp *ts);
+/*! Add a new map to the map list */
+void tgis_map_list_add(tgisMap *map);
+/*!Spatio temporal extent as double values
+ The spatio temporal extent contains only double values.
+ The unit of start and end time is seconds in case the time is absolute.
+ Reference is Jan. 1. 1900 00:00:00 +00:00 UTC
+ If no end time is present, because its a time instance, then has_end must be 0.
+ */
+typedef struct _tgisExtent
+    double start; /*Start time as double value*/
+    double end;   /*End time as double value*/
+    char has_end; /*Set to 1 if the end time exists, 0 otherwise*/
+    double north;
+    double south;
+    double east;
+    double west;
+    double top;
+    double bottom;
+} tgisExtent;
+/* Forward declaration */
+struct _tgisDataset;
+  \brief List of tgisDatasets struct's
+  This structure is used to store lists of dataset (space time datasets or time stamped maps)
+  using the tgisDataset structure internally.
+typedef struct _tgisDatasetList
+    /*!
+      \brief Array of tgisDataset structs
+    */
+    struct _tgisDataset **a;
+    /*!
+      \brief Number of tgisDataset structs in the list
+    */
+    int n_values;
+    /*!
+      \brief Allocated space for tgisDataset structs
+    */
+    int alloc_values;
+} tgisDatasetList;
+/*! A dataset structure to organize time stamped maps and space time datasets 
+    and their spatio-temporal topological relations.
+ */
+typedef struct _tgisDataset {
+    char *name;          /* The name of this dataset */
+    char *mapset;        /* The mapset of this dataset */
+    char *creator;       /* The creator of this dataset */
+    DateTime creation_time; /* The creation time of this dataset */
+    char temporal_type;  /* The temporal type of this dataset: TGIS_ABSOLUTE_TIME, 
+                            TGIS_RELATIVE_TIME */
+    struct TimeStamp ts; /* The timestamp of this dataset */
+    tgisExtent extent;   /* This is the spatio-temporal extent represented as double values */
+    void *metadata;      /* A pointer to the dataset specific metadata (not used yet) */
+    char dataset_type;   /* The type of the dataset: TGIS_RASTER_MAP, TGIS_RASTER3D_MAP,
+                            TGIS_VECTOR_MAP, TGIS_STRDS, TGIS_STR3DS, TGIS_STVDS */
+    char is_stds;        /* Represent this struct a space time dataset? 1 True, 0 False */
+    struct _tgisDataset *next;
+    struct _tgisDataset *prev;
+    /* Temporal topology relations */
+    tgisDatasetList equal;
+    tgisDatasetList follows;
+    tgisDatasetList precedes;
+    tgisDatasetList overlaps;
+    tgisDatasetList overlapped;
+    tgisDatasetList during;
+    tgisDatasetList contains;
+    tgisDatasetList starts;
+    tgisDatasetList started;
+    tgisDatasetList finishes;
+    tgisDatasetList finished;
+    /* Spatial topology relations */
+    tgisDatasetList equivalent;
+    tgisDatasetList cover;
+    tgisDatasetList covered;
+    tgisDatasetList overlap;
+    tgisDatasetList in;
+    tgisDatasetList contain;
+    tgisDatasetList meet;
+} tgisDataset;
+/* dataset_list.c */
+void tgis_init_dataset_list(tgisDatasetList *list);
+void tgis_free_dataset_list(tgisDatasetList *list);
+tgisDatasetList * tgis_new_dataset_list();
+/*! Insert a new dataset to the dataset list */
+void tgis_dataset_list_insert(tgisDatasetList *list, char *name, char *mapset, char *creator, 
+                           DateTime *creation_time, char temporal_type, 
+                           struct TimeStamp *ts, tgisExtent *extent, void *metadata, 
+                           char dataset_type, char is_stds);
+/*! Add a new dataset to the dataset list */
+void tgis_dataset_list_add(tgisDataset *dataset);
+/* topology.c */
+/*! Build the temporal or spatio-temporal topology of the provided dataset list */
+int tgis_build_topology(tgisDatasetList *A, char  spatial);
+/*! Build the temporal or spatio-temporal topology between the two dataset list */
+int tgis_build_topology2(tgisDatasetList *A, tgisDatasetList *B, char spatial);
+ */ 
+/* create.c */
+/*! Create the new space time dataset */
+int tgis_create_stds(char *stds_name, char stds_type, char temporal_type, char *title,
+                     char *description, char *semantic_type, char *aggregation_type);
+/*! Modify the metadata of an existing space time dataset */
+int tgis_modify_stds(char *stds_name, char stds_type, char *title,
+                     char *description, char *semantic_type, char *aggregation_type);
+/* remove.c */
+/*! Remove a space time dataset and optionally all of its maps */
+int tgis_remove_stds(char *stds_name, char stds_type, char remove_maps);
+/* update.c */
+int tgis_update_stds(char *stds_name, char stds_type);
+/* register.c */
+/*! Register a map in the temporal database and optionally in a space time dataset */
+int tgis_register_map(tgisMap *map, char map_type, char *stds_name);
+/*! Unregister a map from the temporal database or optionally from a space time dataset */
+int tgis_unregister_map(tgisMap *map, char map_type, char *stds_name);
+/*! Register maps in the temporal database and optionally in a space time dataset */
+int tgis_register_maps(tgisMapList *list, char map_type, char *stds_name);
+/*! Unregister maps from the temporal database or optionally from a space time dataset */
+int tgis_unregister_maps(tgisMapList *list, char map_type, char *stds_name);
+/*! Get all maps that are registered in a space time dataset */
+tgisDatasetList *tgis_get_registered_maps(char *stds_name, char *mapset, 
+                                          char stds_type, char *order,
+                                          char *where);
+/* stds.c */
+/*! Get all stds from the temporal database */
+tgisDatasetList *tgis_get_registered_stds(char *stds_name, char *mapset, 
+                                          char stds_type, char temporal_type, 
+                                          char *order, char *where);
+/*! Get the information about a specific space time dataset from the temporal database */
+tgisDataset *tgis_get_stds_info(char *stds_name, char *mapset, char stds_type);

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