[GRASS-SVN] r55573 - in grass/trunk: gui/wxpython/docs imagery/i.rectify imagery/i.target misc/m.nviz.image misc/m.nviz.script scripts/d.shadedmap vector/v.extrude vector/v.rectify

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Thu Mar 28 13:30:49 PDT 2013

Author: martinl
Date: 2013-03-28 13:30:49 -0700 (Thu, 28 Mar 2013)
New Revision: 55573

wxGUI: rename nviz and gcp html pages (follow naming conventions)

Modified: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/docs/wxGUI.Components.html
--- grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/docs/wxGUI.Components.html	2013-03-28 20:05:15 UTC (rev 55572)
+++ grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/docs/wxGUI.Components.html	2013-03-28 20:30:49 UTC (rev 55573)
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
 List of available <em><a href="wxGUI.html">wxGUI</a></em> components:
-  <li><a href="wxGUI.Nviz.html">3D Viewer</a></li>
-  <li>Animation tool,
+  <li><a href="wxGUI.nviz.html">3D Viewer</a></li>
+  <li><a href="wxGUI.animation.html">Animation tool</a>,
     available as a command line tool <em><a href="g.gui.animation.html">g.gui.animation</a></em></li>
   <li><a href="wxGUI.dbmgr.html">Attribute Table Manager</a>
     available also as a command line tool <em><a href="g.gui.dbmgr.html">g.gui.dbmgr</a></em></li>
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
     available also as a command line tool <em><a href="g.gui.psmap.html">g.gui.psmap</a></em></li>
   <li><a href="wxGUI.gmodeler.html">Graphical Modeler</a>
     available also as a command line tool <em><a href="g.gui.gmodeler.html">g.gui.gmodeler</a></em></li>
-  <li><a href="wxGUI.GCP_Manager.html">Ground Control Points Manager</a></li>
+  <li><a href="wxGUI.gcp.html">Ground Control Points Manager</a></li>
   <li><a href="wxGUI.mapswipe.html">Map Swipe</a>
     available also as a command line tool <em><a href="g.gui.mapswipe.html">g.gui.mapswipe</a></em></li>
   <li><a href="wxGUI.iclass.html">Supervised Classification Tool</a>

Deleted: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/docs/wxGUI.GCP_Manager.html
--- grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/docs/wxGUI.GCP_Manager.html	2013-03-28 20:05:15 UTC (rev 55572)
+++ grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/docs/wxGUI.GCP_Manager.html	2013-03-28 20:30:49 UTC (rev 55573)
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-<!-- meta page description: wxGUI GCP Manager -->
-<!-- meta page index: wxGUI -->
-The <b>GCP Manager</b> is a <em><a href="wxGUI.html">wxGUI</a></em>
-extension which allows the user to create, edit, and manage
-Ground Control Points. It is available from the menu
-"File | Manage Ground Control Points".
-The <b>GCP Manager</b> provides an interactive graphical interface to
-manage and analyze Ground Control Points. A backup copy of the initial
-POINTS file is always maintained and updated only on request (Save GCPs
-to POINTS file). This guarantees that accidential changes are not
-permanent and can be undone by reloading the Ground Control Points.
-The GCP Manager must be started in the target location, not in the
-source location.
-The GCP Manager is structured into three panels:
-  <li>The topmost panel shows a list of Ground Control Points. Tools to
-  manipulate and analyze GCPs are provided in the toolbar. This panel can
-  be moved out of the GCP manager window by either dragging with the
-  caption or by clicking on the pin button on the right in the caption.
-  This panel can also be placed below the map displays by dragging.
-  <li>The two panels in the lower part are used for map and GCP display,
-  the left pane showing a map from the source location and the right
-  pane showing a reference map from the target location. Numbered Ground
-  Control Points are shown on both map displays.
-<h3>Components of the GCP Manager</h3>
-  <br><img src="wxGUI_GCP_Manager.jpg" border="0" alt="GCP Manager"><br><br>
-Two toolbars are provided with the GCP Manager, one for managing the map
-displays and one for managing the GCP list.
-<em>List of ground control points</em>
-The list of Ground Control Points can be sorted by clicking on a column 
-header. Clicking on a cloumn header will sort the GCPs ascending, a
-second click on the same column will sort the GCPs descending. Overall
-RMS error and individual RMS errors of all points are often improved if
-the GCP with the highest RMS error is adjusted. Individual coordinates
-can be edited by double-clicking on a row.
-The first column holds a checkbox and displays the point number. A GCP
-is only used for RMS error calculation and georectification if its
-checkbox on the left is checked. Uncheck to deactivate a GCP (mark as
-unused GCP).
-<em>Two panels for map display</em>
-The left panel is used to display a map from the source location, the
-right panel to display a map from the target loaction. Zooming in and
-out is always possible with the mouse wheel and done for each map canvas
-GCPs are displayed in different colors, depending on whether a GCP has
-a high RMS error, is currently unused or is currently selected. Optionally,
-currently unused GCPs are not shown on the map display.
-At the bottom of the GCP Manager is a statusbar providing several
-functions. The default is set to <em>Go to GCP No.</em> (see also below).
-Typing a number or using the up/down arrows will center the maps on the
-given GCP, useful with a high zoom.
-<h4>GCP Map Display Toolbar</h4>
-<dt><img src="icons/show.png" alt="icon"> 
-  <em>Display map</em></dt>
-<dd>Displays maps for source and target canvas and re-renders any layers
-that have changed since the last time the display was updated.</dd>
-<dt><img src="icons/layer-redraw.png" alt="icon"> 
-  <em>Re-render map</em></dt>
-<dd>Re-renders both source and target canvas regardless of whether they
-have changed or not.</dd>
-<dt><img src="icons/erase.png" alt="icon"> 
-  <em>Erase display</em></dt>
-<dd>Erases both source and target canvas to a white background.</dd>
-<dt><img src="icons/gcp-create.png" alt="icon"> 
-  <em>Define GCP (Ground Control Points)</em></dt>
-<dd>On left mouse click, coordinates are defined for the currently
-selected GCP.</dd>
-<dt><img src="icons/pan.png" alt="icon"> 
-  <em>Pan</em></dt>
-<dd>Interactive selection of a new center of view in the active
-display monitor. Drag the pan cursor while pressing the left mouse
-button to pan. Alternatively left-click on the new center. Panning
-changes the location of the region displayed but not the size of the
-area displayed or the resolution.</dd>
-<dt><img src="icons/zoom-in.png" alt="icon"> 
-  <em>Zoom in</em></dt>
-<dd>Interactive zooming with the mouse in the active map canvas (source 
-or target). Drawing a box or just a left click with the mouse and zoom-in
-cursor causes the display to zoom in so that the area defined by the box
-fills the display. The map resolution is not changed. Clicking with the
-zoom-in cursor causes the display to zoom in by 30%, centered on the
-point where the mouse is clicked. Zooming changes the display region
-extents (both size and location of area displayed).</dd>
-<dt><img src="icons/zoom-out.png" alt="icon"> 
-  <em>Zoom out</em></dt>
-<dd>Interactive zooming with the mouse in the active map canvas (source 
-or target). Drawing a box or just a left click with the mouse and zoom-out
-cursor causes the display to zoom out so that the area displayed
-shrinks to fill the area defined by the box. The map resolution is not
-changed. Clicking with the zoom-out cursor causes the display to zoom
-out by 30%, centered on the point where the mouse is clicked. Zooming
-changes the display region extents (both size and location of area
-<dt><img src="icons/zoom-more.png" alt="icon"> 
-  <em>Adjust display zoom</em></dt>
-<dd>Source and target display are adjusted by using the current GCPs for
-coordinate transformation:
-  <dl>
-    <dt><em>Adjust source display to target display</em>
-    <dd>The extents of the source display are adjusted to the current
-    extents of the target display.
-    <dt><em>Adjust target display to source display</em>
-    <dd>The extents of the source display are adjusted to the current
-    extents of the target display.
-  </dl>
-<dt><em>Set active map canvas</em></dt>
-<dd>Sets the currently active map canvas (source or target). Click 
-to set active map canvas for <em>Return to previous zoom</em> or 
-<em>Zoom to extent of currently displayed map</em>. Alternatively, move
-the mouse over the map canvas to be used as active canvas.</dd>
-<dt><img src="icons/zoom-last.png" alt="icon"> 
-  <em>Return to previous zoom</em></dt>
-<dd>Returns to the previous zoom extent. Up to 10 levels of zoom back are
-<dt><img src="icons/zoom-extent.png" alt="icon"> 
-<em>Zoom to extent of currently displayed map</em></dt>
-<dd>Zoom to the extent of the currently displayed map in the active map
-canvas (source or target).</dd>
-<dt><img src="icons/settings.png" alt="icon"> 
-<dd>Shows a settings dialog for GCP management and display:<br><br> 
-  <dl>
-    <dt><em>Symbology</em></dt>
-      <dd>Settings for map and GCP display:<br><br>
-      <dl>
-        <dt><em>Highlight highest RMS error only</em></dt>
-          <dd>Only the GCP with the highest RMS error will be displayed in
-          a different colour, both in the list of GCPs and the GCP Map Display.
-        <dt><em>Factor for RMS error threshold = M + SD * factor:</em></dt>
-          <dd>All GCPs with an RMS error larger than mean RMS + RMS standard
-          deviation * this factor will be displayed in a different colour,
-          both in the list of GCPs and the GCP Map Display. As a rule of
-          thumb, GCPs with an RMS error larger than <em>M + SD * 2</em> are
-          most probably wrong. GCPs with an RMS error larger than
-          <em>M + SD * 1</em> are worth closer inspection. This option is
-          only available if <em>Highlight highest RMS error only</em> is
-          unchecked.</dd>
-        <dt><em>Color</em></dt>
-          <dd>Set the color for GCPs on the GCP Map Display.</dd>
-        <dt><em>Color for high RMS error</em></dt>
-          <dd>Set the color for GCPs with a high RMS error on the GCP Map
-          Display.</dd>
-        <dt><em>Color for selected GCP</em></dt>
-          <dd>Set the color for the currently selected GCP on the GCP Map
-          Display.</dd>
-        <dt><em>Show unused GCPs</em></dt>
-          <dd>If unchecked, unused GCPs will not be shown on the GCP Map
-          Display.</dd>
-        <dt><em>Color for unused GCPs</em></dt>
-          <dd>Set the color for unused GCPs on the GCP Map Display.</dd>
-        <dt><em>Symbol size</em></dt>
-          <dd>Set the symbol size for GCPs on the GCP Map Display.</dd>
-        <dt><em>Line width</em></dt>
-          <dd>Set the line width for GCPs on the GCP Map Display.</dd>
-        <dt><em>Select source map to display</em></dt>
-          <dd>Select a source map for the left pane of the GCP Map Display.</dd>
-        <dt><em>Select target map to display</em></dt>
-          <dd>Select a target map for the right pane of the GCP Map Display.</dd>
-      </dl>
-      </dd>
-    <dt><br><em>Rectification</em></dt>
-      <dd>Settings for georectification:<br><br>
-      <dl>
-        <dt><em>Select rectification method</em></dt>
-          <dd>Set the polynomial order for georectification. This order will
-          also be used for RMS error calculation.</dd>
-        <dt><em>Clip to computational region in target location</em></dt>
-          <dd>Clip raster maps to the current computational region in the
-          target location when georectifying.</dd>
-        <dt><em>Extension for output maps</em></dt>
-          <dd>Change the extension for output map names when doing the actual
-          georectification.</dd>
-      </dl>
-      </dd>
-  </dl><br>
-<dt><img src="icons/help.png" alt="icon"> 
-<em>Show Help</em></dt>
-<dd>Show help page for the GCP Manager.
-<dt><img src="icons/quit.png" alt="icon"> 
-<dd>Quit the GCP Manager.
-<h4>Toolbar for the GCP list</h4>
-<dt><img src="icons/gcp-save.png" alt="icon"> 
-<em>Save GCPs to POINTS file</em></dt>
-<dd>The current list of GCPs is saved to the imagery group's POINTS file
-and to a backup copy.</dd>
-<dt><img src="icons/gcp-add.png" alt="icon"> 
-<em>Add new GCP</em></dt>
-<dd>Adds a new Ground Control Point to the list and selects it for editing.</dd>
-<dt><img src="icons/gcp-delete.png" alt="icon"> 
-<em>Delete selected GCP</em></dt>
-<dd>Deletes the currently selected GCP from the list.</dd>
-<dt><img src="icons/gcp-remove.png" alt="icon"> 
-<em>Clear selected GCP</em></dt>
-<dd>Resets all coordinates of the currently selected GCP to 0 (zero).</dd>
-<dt><img src="icons/reload.png" alt="icon"> 
-<em>Reload GCPs from POINTS file</em></dt>
-<dd>Reloads GCPs from the imagery group's POINTS file.</dd>
-<dt><img src="icons/gcp-rms.png" alt="icon"> 
-<em>Recalculate RMS error</em></dt>
-<dd>Recalculates forward and backward RMS error for all GCP marked for
-use (activated checkbox in first row).
-<dt><img src="icons/georectify.png" alt="icon"> 
-<dd>Uses <em><a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</a></em> to georectify
-all images in the source imagery group.
-<h4>GCP Map Display Statusbar</h4>
-The GCP map display statusbar is similar to the statusbar in the regular
-GRASS GIS map display with two differences, <em>Go to</em> has been
-replaced with <em>Go to GCP No.</em> and <em>Projection</em> has been
-replaced with <em>RMS error</em>.
-If <em>Go to GCP No.</em> is selected, a GCP number can be given in the
-left side of the statusbar and the source and target map canvas will be
-centered on the given GCP. Clicking on the map canvas will update
-coordinates for this GCP.
-If <em>RMS error</em> is selected, the overall forward and backward RMS
-error is displayed.
-<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-  <a href="wxGUI.html">wxGUI</a><br>
-  <a href="wxGUI.Components.html">wxGUI components</a>
-  <a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</a>,
-  <a href="m.transform.html">m.transform</a>
-See also <a href="http://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/WxGUI/Video_tutorials#Georectifier">video
-tutorials</a> on GRASS Wiki.
-Markus Metz<br><br>
-<em>Based on the Georectifier (GRASS 6.4.0)</em> by Michael Barton<br>
-Martin Landa, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic

Deleted: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/docs/wxGUI.Nviz.html
--- grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/docs/wxGUI.Nviz.html	2013-03-28 20:05:15 UTC (rev 55572)
+++ grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/docs/wxGUI.Nviz.html	2013-03-28 20:30:49 UTC (rev 55573)
@@ -1,396 +0,0 @@
-<!-- meta page description: wxGUI 3D View Mode -->
-<!-- meta page index: wxGUI -->
-Note: <b>wxNviz is currently under development. Not
-all planned functionality is already implemented.</b>
-<b>wxNviz</b> is a <em><a href="wxGUI.html">wxGUI</a></em> <b>3D view
-mode</b> which allows users to realistically render multiple
-<em>surfaces</em> (raster data) in a 3D space, optionally using
-thematic coloring, draping 2D <em>vector</em> data over the surfaces,
-displaying 3D vector data in the space, and visualization
-of <em>volume</em> data (3D raster data).
-To start the wxGUI 3D view mode, choose '3D view' from the map
-toolbar. You can switch between 2D and 3D view. The region in 
-3D view is updated according to displayed region in 2D view.
-wxNviz is emphasized on the ease and speed of viewer positioning and
-provided flexibility for using a wide range of data. A low resolution
-surface or wire grid (optional) provides real-time viewer positioning
-capabilities. Coarse and fine resolution controls allow the user to
-further refine drawing speed and detail as needed. Continuous scaling
-of elevation provides the ability to use various data types for the
-vertical dimension.
-For each session of wxNviz, you might want the same set of 2D/3D
-raster and vector data, view parameters, or other attributes. For
-consistency between sessions, you can store this information in the
-GRASS <em>workspace</em> file (gxw). Workspace contains information to
-restore "state" of the system in 2D and if wxNviz is enabled also in
-the 3D display mode.
-<h2>3D View Toolbar</h2>
-<br><img src="wxGUI_nviz_toolbar.jpg" border="1" alt="toolbar"><br><br>
-  <dt><img src="icons/script-save.png" alt="icon"> 
-    <em>Generate command for m.nviz.image</em></dt>
-  <dd>Generate command for m.nviz.image based on current state.</dd>
-  <dt><img src="icons/settings.png" alt="icon"> 
-    <em>Show 3D view mode settings</em></dt>
-  <dd>Show dialog with settings for wxGUI 3D view mode. The user
-  settings can be stored in wxGUI settings file.</dd>
-  <dt><img src="icons/help.png" alt="icon"> 
-    <em>Show help</em></dt>
-  <dd>Show this help.</dd>
-<h2>3D View Layer Manager Toolbox</h2>
-The 3D view toolbox is integrated in the Layer Manager. The toolbox
-has several tabs:
-  <li><b>View</b> for view controlling,</li>
-  <li><b>Data</b> for data properties,</li>
-  <li><b>Appearance</b> for appearance settings (lighting, fringes, ...).</li>
-  <li><b>Analysis</b> for various data analyses (only cutting planes so far).</li>
-  <li><b>Animation</b> for creating simple animations.</li>
-You can use this panel to set the <em>position, direction, and
-  perspective</em> of the view. The position box shows a puck with a
-  direction line pointing to the center. The direction line indicates
-  the look direction (azimuth). You click and drag the puck to change
-  the current eye position. Another way to change eye position is
-  to press the buttons around the position box representing cardinal
-  and ordinal directions. 
-There are four other buttons for view control in the bottom of this panel
-(following label <em>Look:</em>):
-  <li><em>here</em> requires you to click on Map Display Window to determine
-   the point to look at.</li>
-   <li><em>center</em> changes the point you are looking at to the center.</li>
-   <li><em>top</em> moves the current eye position above the map center.</li>
-   <li><em>reset</em> returns all current view settings to their default values.</li>
-  <br><img src="wxGUI_nviz_tools_view.jpg" border="1" alt="toolbox"><br><br>
-You can adjust the viewer's height above the scene, perspective and
-twist value to rotate the scene about the horizontal axis. An angle of
-0 is flat. The scene rotates between -90 and 90 degrees.
-You can also adjusts the vertical exaggeration of the surface. As an
-example, if the easting and northing are in meters and the elevation
-in feet, a vertical exaggeration of 0.305 would produce a true
-(unexaggerated) surface.
-View parameters can be controlled by sliders or edited directly in text box.
-It's possible to enter values which are out of slider's range (and it will 
-adjust then).
-<h4>Fly-through mode</h4>
-View can be changed in fly-through mode (can be activated in Map Display toolbar),
-which enables to change the view smoothly and therefore it is suitable
-for creating animation (see below). To start flying, press left mouse button
-and hold it down to continue flying. Flight direction is controlled by mouse cursor
-position on screen. Flight speed can be increased/decreased stepwise by keys
-PageUp/PageDown, Home/End or Up/Down arrows.
-Speed is increased multiple times while Shift key is held down. Holding down
-Ctrl key switches flight mode in the way that position of viewpoint is
-changed (not the direction).
-<h3>Data properties</h3> 
-This tab allows to control parameters related to map layers. It consists
-of four collapsible panels - <em>Surface</em>, <em>Constant surface</em>, 
-<em>Vector</em> and <em>Volume</em>.
-Each active raster map layer from the current layer tree is displayed
-as surface in the 3D space. This panel controls how loaded surfaces are drawn.
-To change parameters of a surface, it must be selected in the very top part of the
-The top half of the panel has drawing style options.
-Surface can be drawn as a wire mesh or using filled polygons (most
-realistic). You can set draw <b>mode</b> to <em>coarse</em> (fast
-display mode), <em>fine</em> (draws surface as filled polygons with
-fine resolution) or <em>both</em> (which combines coarse and fine
-mode). Additionally set coarse <b>style</b> to <em>wire</em> to draw
-the surface as wire mesh (you can also choose color of the wire)
-or <em>surface</em> to draw the surface using coarse resolution filled
-polygons. This is a low resolution version of the polygon surface
-E.g. surface is drawn as a wire mesh if you set <b>mode</b>
-to <em>coarse</em> and <b>style</b> to <em>wire</em>. Note that it
-differs from the mesh drawn in fast display mode because hidden lines
-are not drawn. To draw the surface using filled polygons, but with
-wire mesh draped over it, choose <b>mode</b> <em>both</em>
-and <b>style</b> <em>wire</em>.
-Beside mode and style you can also choose style of <b>shading</b> used
-for the surface. <em>Gouraud</em> style draws the surfaces with a
-smooth shading to blend individual cell colors together, <em>flat</em>
-draws the surfaces with flat shading with one color for every two
-cells. The surface appears faceted.
-To set given draw settings for all loaded surfaces press button "Set to all".
-The bottom half of the panel has options to set, unset or modify attributes
-of the current surface. Separate raster data or constants can be
-used for various attributes of the surface:
-  <li><b>color</b> - raster map or constant color to drape over the current
-    surface. This option is useful for draping imagery such as aerial
-    photography over a DEM.</li>
-  <li><b>mask</b> - raster map that controls the areas displayed from
-    the current surface.</li>
-  <li><b>transparency</b> - raster map or constant value that controls
-    the transparency of the current surface. The default is completely
-    opaque. Range from 0 (opaque) to 100 (transparent).</li>
-  <li><b>shininess</b> - raster map or constant value that controls
-    the shininess (reflectivity) of the current surface. Range from 0 to
-    100.</li>
-In the very bottom part of the panel position of surface can be set.
-To move the surface right (looking from the south) choose <em>X</em> axis
-and set some positive value. To reset the surface position press
-<em>Reset</em> button.
-  <br><img src="wxGUI_nviz_tools_surface.jpg" border="1" alt="toolbox"><br><br>
-<h4>Constant surface</h4>
-It is possible to add constant surface and set its properties like 
-fine resolution, value (height), color and transparency. It behaves 
-similarly to surface but it has less options.
-2D vector data can be draped on the selected surfaces with various
-markers to represent point data; you can use attribute of vector
-features to determine size, color, shape of glyph.
-3D vector data including volumes (closed group of faces with one
-kernel inside) is also supported.
-This panel controls how loaded 2D or 3D vector data are drawn.
-You can define the width (in pixels) of the line features, the color
-used for lines or point markers.
-If vector map is 2D you can display vector features as flat at a
-specified elevation or drape it over a surface(s) at a specified
-height. Use the height control to set the flat elevation or the drape
-height above the surface(s). In case of multiple surfaces it is possible
-to specify which surfaces is the vector map draped over.
-For display purposes, it is better to set the height slightly above
-the surface. If the height is set at zero, portions of the vector may
-disappear into the surface(s).
-For 2D/3D vector points you can also set the size of the markers.
-<!-- and the width (in pixels) of the line used to draw the point markers (only
-applies to wire-frame markers). -->
- Currently are implemented these markers:
-  <li><b>x</b> sets the current points markers to a 2D "X",</li>
-  <li><b>sphere</b> - solid 3D sphere,</li>
-  <li><b>diamond</b> - solid 3D diamond,</li>
-  <li><b>cube</b> - solid 3D cube,</li>
-  <li><b>box</b> - hollow 3D cube,</li>
-  <li><b>gyroscope</b> - hollow 3D sphere,</li>
-  <li><b>asterisk</b> - 3D line-star.</li>
-Thematic mapping can be used to determine marker color and size
-(and line color and width).
-  <br><img src="wxGUI_nviz_tools_vector.jpg" border="1" alt="toolbox"><br><br>
-Volumes (3D raster maps) can be displayed either as isosurfaces or slices.
-Similarly to surface panel you can define draw <b>shading</b>
-- <em>gouraud</em> (draws the volumes with a smooth shading to blend
-individual cell colors together) and <em>flat</em> (draws the volumes
-with flat shading with one color for every two cells. The volume
-appears faceted). As mentioned above currently are supported two
-visualization modes:
-  <li><b>isosurface</b> - the levels of values for drawing the
-  volume(s) as isosurfaces,</li>
-  <li>and <b>slice</b> -  drawing the volume
-  as cross-sections.</li>
-The middle part of the panel has controls to add, delete, move up/down selected 
-isosurface or slice. The bottom part differs for isosurface and slice. 
-When choosing isosurface, this part the of panel has options to set, unset
-or modify attributes of the current isosurface. 
-Various attributes of the isosurface can be defined, similarly to surface
-  <li><b>isosurface value</b> - reference isosurface value (height in map
-  units).</li>
-  <li><b>color</b> - raster map or constant color to drape over the
-  current volume.</li>
-  <li><b>mask</b> - raster map that controls the areas displayed from
-    the current volume.</li>
-  <li><b>transparency</b> - raster map or constant value that controls
-    the transparency of the current volume. The default is completely
-    opaque. Range from 0 (opaque) to 100 (transparent).</li>
-  <li><b>shininess</b> - raster map or constant value that controls
-    the shininess (reflectivity) of the current volume. Range from 0 to
-    100.</li>
-In case of volume slice the bottom part of the panel controls the slice 
-attributes (which axis is slice parallel to, position of slice edges,
-transparency). Press button <em>Reset</em> to reset slice position
-Volumes can be moved the same way like surfaces do.
-  <br><img src="wxGUI_nviz_tools_volume.jpg" border="1" alt="toolbox"><br><br>
-<em>Analysis</em> tab contains <em>Cutting planes</em> panel.
-<h4>Cutting planes</h4>
-Cutting planes allow to cut surfaces along a plane. You can switch 
-between six planes; to disable cutting planes switch to <em>None</em>.
-Initially the plane is vertical, you can change it to horizontal by setting
-<em>tilt</em> 90 degrees. The <em>X</em> and <em>Y</em> values specify
-the rotation center of plane. You can see better what <em>X</em> and <em>Y</em>
-do when changing <em>rotation</em>. 
-<em>Height</em> parameter has sense only when changing 
-<em>tilt</em> too. Press button <em>Reset</em> to reset current cutting plane.
-In case of multiple surfaces you can visualize the cutting plane by
-<em>Shading</em>. Shading is visible only when more than one surface
-is loaded and these surfaces must have the same fine resolution set.
-Appearance tab consists of three collapsible panels:
-  <li><em>Lighting</em> for adjusting light source</li>
-  <li><em>Fringe</em> for drawing fringes
-  <li><em>Decorations</em> to display north arrow and scale bar</li>
-The <em>lighting</em> panel enables to change the position of light
-source, light color, brightness and ambient. Light position is controlled 
-similarly to eye position. If option <em>Show light model</em> is enabled
-light model is displayed to visualize the light settings.
-  <br><img src="wxGUI_nviz_tools_light.jpg" border="1" alt="toolbox"><br><br>
-The <em>Fringe</em> panel allows to draw fringes in different directions
-(North & East, South & East, South & West, North & West). It is possible
-to set fringe color and height of the bottom edge.
-The <em>Decorations</em> panel enables to display north arrow and simple
-scale bar. North arrow and scale bar length is determined in map units. 
-You can display more than one scale bar.
-Animation panel enables to create a simple animation as a sequence of images.
-Press 'Record' button and start changing the view. Views are
-recorded in given interval (FPS - Frames Per Second). After recording,
-the animation can be replayed. To save the animation, fill in the
-directory and file prefix, choose image format (PPM or TIF) and then
-press 'Save'. Now wait until the last image is generated.
-It is recommended to record animations using fly-through mode to achieve
-smooth motion.
-This panel has controls which allows user to set default surface,
-vector and volume data attributes. You can also modify default view
-parameters, or to set the background color of the Map Display Window
-(the default color is white).
-<h2>To be implement</h2>
-  <li>Labels, decoration, etc. (Implemented, but not fully functional)</li>
-  <li>Surface - mask by zero/elevation, more interactive positioning</li>
-  <li>Vector points - implement display mode flat/surface for 2D points</li>
-  <li>...</li>
-<b>Please note that wxNviz is under active development and
-distributed as "Experimental Prototype".</b>
-<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-  <a href="wxGUI.html">wxGUI</a><br>
-  <a href="wxGUI.Components.html">wxGUI components</a>
-See also <a href="http://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/WxNVIZ">wiki</a> page
-(especially various <a href="http://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/WxNVIZ#Video_tutorials">video
-Command-line module <em><a href="m.nviz.image.html">m.nviz.image</a></em>.
-<a href="http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/gwiki/Landa">Martin
-Landa</a>, <a href="http://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/WxNviz_GSoC_2008">Google
-Summer of Code 2008</a> (mentor: Michael Barton)
-and <a href="http://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/WxNviz_GSoC_2010">Google
-Summer of Code 2010</a> (mentor: Helena Mitasova)<br>
-Anna Kratochvilova, <a href="http://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/WxNviz_GSoC_2011">Google
-Summer of Code 2011</a> (mentor: Martin Landa)

Copied: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/docs/wxGUI.gcp.html (from rev 55572, grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/docs/wxGUI.GCP_Manager.html)
--- grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/docs/wxGUI.gcp.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/docs/wxGUI.gcp.html	2013-03-28 20:30:49 UTC (rev 55573)
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+<!-- meta page description: wxGUI GCP Manager -->
+<!-- meta page index: wxGUI -->
+The <b>GCP Manager</b> is a <em><a href="wxGUI.html">wxGUI</a></em>
+extension which allows the user to create, edit, and manage
+Ground Control Points. It is available from the menu
+"File | Manage Ground Control Points".
+The <b>GCP Manager</b> provides an interactive graphical interface to
+manage and analyze Ground Control Points. A backup copy of the initial
+POINTS file is always maintained and updated only on request (Save GCPs
+to POINTS file). This guarantees that accidential changes are not
+permanent and can be undone by reloading the Ground Control Points.
+The GCP Manager must be started in the target location, not in the
+source location.
+The GCP Manager is structured into three panels:
+  <li>The topmost panel shows a list of Ground Control Points. Tools to
+  manipulate and analyze GCPs are provided in the toolbar. This panel can
+  be moved out of the GCP manager window by either dragging with the
+  caption or by clicking on the pin button on the right in the caption.
+  This panel can also be placed below the map displays by dragging.
+  <li>The two panels in the lower part are used for map and GCP display,
+  the left pane showing a map from the source location and the right
+  pane showing a reference map from the target location. Numbered Ground
+  Control Points are shown on both map displays.
+<h3>Components of the GCP Manager</h3>
+  <br><img src="wxGUI_gcp_frame.jpg" border="0" alt="GCP Manager"><br><br>
+Two toolbars are provided with the GCP Manager, one for managing the map
+displays and one for managing the GCP list.
+<em>List of ground control points</em>
+The list of Ground Control Points can be sorted by clicking on a column 
+header. Clicking on a cloumn header will sort the GCPs ascending, a
+second click on the same column will sort the GCPs descending. Overall
+RMS error and individual RMS errors of all points are often improved if
+the GCP with the highest RMS error is adjusted. Individual coordinates
+can be edited by double-clicking on a row.
+The first column holds a checkbox and displays the point number. A GCP
+is only used for RMS error calculation and georectification if its
+checkbox on the left is checked. Uncheck to deactivate a GCP (mark as
+unused GCP).
+<em>Two panels for map display</em>
+The left panel is used to display a map from the source location, the
+right panel to display a map from the target loaction. Zooming in and
+out is always possible with the mouse wheel and done for each map canvas
+GCPs are displayed in different colors, depending on whether a GCP has
+a high RMS error, is currently unused or is currently selected. Optionally,
+currently unused GCPs are not shown on the map display.
+At the bottom of the GCP Manager is a statusbar providing several
+functions. The default is set to <em>Go to GCP No.</em> (see also below).
+Typing a number or using the up/down arrows will center the maps on the
+given GCP, useful with a high zoom.
+<h4>GCP Map Display Toolbar</h4>
+<dt><img src="icons/show.png" alt="icon"> 
+  <em>Display map</em></dt>
+<dd>Displays maps for source and target canvas and re-renders any layers
+that have changed since the last time the display was updated.</dd>
+<dt><img src="icons/layer-redraw.png" alt="icon"> 
+  <em>Re-render map</em></dt>
+<dd>Re-renders both source and target canvas regardless of whether they
+have changed or not.</dd>
+<dt><img src="icons/erase.png" alt="icon"> 
+  <em>Erase display</em></dt>
+<dd>Erases both source and target canvas to a white background.</dd>
+<dt><img src="icons/gcp-create.png" alt="icon"> 
+  <em>Define GCP (Ground Control Points)</em></dt>
+<dd>On left mouse click, coordinates are defined for the currently
+selected GCP.</dd>
+<dt><img src="icons/pan.png" alt="icon"> 
+  <em>Pan</em></dt>
+<dd>Interactive selection of a new center of view in the active
+display monitor. Drag the pan cursor while pressing the left mouse
+button to pan. Alternatively left-click on the new center. Panning
+changes the location of the region displayed but not the size of the
+area displayed or the resolution.</dd>
+<dt><img src="icons/zoom-in.png" alt="icon"> 
+  <em>Zoom in</em></dt>
+<dd>Interactive zooming with the mouse in the active map canvas (source 
+or target). Drawing a box or just a left click with the mouse and zoom-in
+cursor causes the display to zoom in so that the area defined by the box
+fills the display. The map resolution is not changed. Clicking with the
+zoom-in cursor causes the display to zoom in by 30%, centered on the
+point where the mouse is clicked. Zooming changes the display region
+extents (both size and location of area displayed).</dd>
+<dt><img src="icons/zoom-out.png" alt="icon"> 
+  <em>Zoom out</em></dt>
+<dd>Interactive zooming with the mouse in the active map canvas (source 
+or target). Drawing a box or just a left click with the mouse and zoom-out
+cursor causes the display to zoom out so that the area displayed
+shrinks to fill the area defined by the box. The map resolution is not
+changed. Clicking with the zoom-out cursor causes the display to zoom
+out by 30%, centered on the point where the mouse is clicked. Zooming
+changes the display region extents (both size and location of area
+<dt><img src="icons/zoom-more.png" alt="icon"> 
+  <em>Adjust display zoom</em></dt>
+<dd>Source and target display are adjusted by using the current GCPs for
+coordinate transformation:
+  <dl>
+    <dt><em>Adjust source display to target display</em>
+    <dd>The extents of the source display are adjusted to the current
+    extents of the target display.
+    <dt><em>Adjust target display to source display</em>
+    <dd>The extents of the source display are adjusted to the current
+    extents of the target display.
+  </dl>
+<dt><em>Set active map canvas</em></dt>
+<dd>Sets the currently active map canvas (source or target). Click 
+to set active map canvas for <em>Return to previous zoom</em> or 
+<em>Zoom to extent of currently displayed map</em>. Alternatively, move
+the mouse over the map canvas to be used as active canvas.</dd>
+<dt><img src="icons/zoom-last.png" alt="icon"> 
+  <em>Return to previous zoom</em></dt>
+<dd>Returns to the previous zoom extent. Up to 10 levels of zoom back are
+<dt><img src="icons/zoom-extent.png" alt="icon"> 
+<em>Zoom to extent of currently displayed map</em></dt>
+<dd>Zoom to the extent of the currently displayed map in the active map
+canvas (source or target).</dd>
+<dt><img src="icons/settings.png" alt="icon"> 
+<dd>Shows a settings dialog for GCP management and display:<br><br> 
+  <dl>
+    <dt><em>Symbology</em></dt>
+      <dd>Settings for map and GCP display:<br><br>
+      <dl>
+        <dt><em>Highlight highest RMS error only</em></dt>
+          <dd>Only the GCP with the highest RMS error will be displayed in
+          a different colour, both in the list of GCPs and the GCP Map Display.
+        <dt><em>Factor for RMS error threshold = M + SD * factor:</em></dt>
+          <dd>All GCPs with an RMS error larger than mean RMS + RMS standard
+          deviation * this factor will be displayed in a different colour,
+          both in the list of GCPs and the GCP Map Display. As a rule of
+          thumb, GCPs with an RMS error larger than <em>M + SD * 2</em> are
+          most probably wrong. GCPs with an RMS error larger than
+          <em>M + SD * 1</em> are worth closer inspection. This option is
+          only available if <em>Highlight highest RMS error only</em> is
+          unchecked.</dd>
+        <dt><em>Color</em></dt>
+          <dd>Set the color for GCPs on the GCP Map Display.</dd>
+        <dt><em>Color for high RMS error</em></dt>
+          <dd>Set the color for GCPs with a high RMS error on the GCP Map
+          Display.</dd>
+        <dt><em>Color for selected GCP</em></dt>
+          <dd>Set the color for the currently selected GCP on the GCP Map
+          Display.</dd>
+        <dt><em>Show unused GCPs</em></dt>
+          <dd>If unchecked, unused GCPs will not be shown on the GCP Map
+          Display.</dd>
+        <dt><em>Color for unused GCPs</em></dt>
+          <dd>Set the color for unused GCPs on the GCP Map Display.</dd>
+        <dt><em>Symbol size</em></dt>
+          <dd>Set the symbol size for GCPs on the GCP Map Display.</dd>
+        <dt><em>Line width</em></dt>
+          <dd>Set the line width for GCPs on the GCP Map Display.</dd>
+        <dt><em>Select source map to display</em></dt>
+          <dd>Select a source map for the left pane of the GCP Map Display.</dd>
+        <dt><em>Select target map to display</em></dt>
+          <dd>Select a target map for the right pane of the GCP Map Display.</dd>
+      </dl>
+      </dd>
+    <dt><br><em>Rectification</em></dt>
+      <dd>Settings for georectification:<br><br>
+      <dl>
+        <dt><em>Select rectification method</em></dt>
+          <dd>Set the polynomial order for georectification. This order will
+          also be used for RMS error calculation.</dd>
+        <dt><em>Clip to computational region in target location</em></dt>
+          <dd>Clip raster maps to the current computational region in the
+          target location when georectifying.</dd>
+        <dt><em>Extension for output maps</em></dt>
+          <dd>Change the extension for output map names when doing the actual
+          georectification.</dd>
+      </dl>
+      </dd>
+  </dl><br>
+<dt><img src="icons/help.png" alt="icon"> 
+<em>Show Help</em></dt>
+<dd>Show help page for the GCP Manager.
+<dt><img src="icons/quit.png" alt="icon"> 
+<dd>Quit the GCP Manager.
+<h4>Toolbar for the GCP list</h4>
+<dt><img src="icons/gcp-save.png" alt="icon"> 
+<em>Save GCPs to POINTS file</em></dt>
+<dd>The current list of GCPs is saved to the imagery group's POINTS file
+and to a backup copy.</dd>
+<dt><img src="icons/gcp-add.png" alt="icon"> 
+<em>Add new GCP</em></dt>
+<dd>Adds a new Ground Control Point to the list and selects it for editing.</dd>
+<dt><img src="icons/gcp-delete.png" alt="icon"> 
+<em>Delete selected GCP</em></dt>
+<dd>Deletes the currently selected GCP from the list.</dd>
+<dt><img src="icons/gcp-remove.png" alt="icon"> 
+<em>Clear selected GCP</em></dt>
+<dd>Resets all coordinates of the currently selected GCP to 0 (zero).</dd>
+<dt><img src="icons/reload.png" alt="icon"> 
+<em>Reload GCPs from POINTS file</em></dt>
+<dd>Reloads GCPs from the imagery group's POINTS file.</dd>
+<dt><img src="icons/gcp-rms.png" alt="icon"> 
+<em>Recalculate RMS error</em></dt>
+<dd>Recalculates forward and backward RMS error for all GCP marked for
+use (activated checkbox in first row).
+<dt><img src="icons/georectify.png" alt="icon"> 
+<dd>Uses <em><a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</a></em> to georectify
+all images in the source imagery group.
+<h4>GCP Map Display Statusbar</h4>
+The GCP map display statusbar is similar to the statusbar in the regular
+GRASS GIS map display with two differences, <em>Go to</em> has been
+replaced with <em>Go to GCP No.</em> and <em>Projection</em> has been
+replaced with <em>RMS error</em>.
+If <em>Go to GCP No.</em> is selected, a GCP number can be given in the
+left side of the statusbar and the source and target map canvas will be
+centered on the given GCP. Clicking on the map canvas will update
+coordinates for this GCP.
+If <em>RMS error</em> is selected, the overall forward and backward RMS
+error is displayed.
+<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
+  <a href="wxGUI.html">wxGUI</a><br>
+  <a href="wxGUI.Components.html">wxGUI components</a>
+  <a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</a>,
+  <a href="m.transform.html">m.transform</a>
+See also <a href="http://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/WxGUI/Video_tutorials#Georectifier">video
+tutorials</a> on GRASS Wiki.
+Markus Metz<br><br>
+<em>Based on the Georectifier (GRASS 6.4.0)</em> by Michael Barton<br>
+Martin Landa, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic

Modified: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/docs/wxGUI.html
--- grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/docs/wxGUI.html	2013-03-28 20:05:15 UTC (rev 55572)
+++ grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/docs/wxGUI.html	2013-03-28 20:30:49 UTC (rev 55573)
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@
   <dt><img src="icons/georectify.png" alt="icon"> 
     <em>Georectifier Tool</em></dt>
-  <dd>Launches <em><a href="wxGUI.GCP_Manager.html">GCP
+  <dd>Launches <em><a href="wxGUI.gcp.html">GCP
     Manager</a></em> to create, edit, and manage Ground Control

Copied: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/docs/wxGUI.nviz.html (from rev 55572, grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/docs/wxGUI.Nviz.html)
--- grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/docs/wxGUI.nviz.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/docs/wxGUI.nviz.html	2013-03-28 20:30:49 UTC (rev 55573)
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+<!-- meta page description: wxGUI 3D View Mode -->
+<!-- meta page index: wxGUI -->
+Note: <b>wxNviz is currently under development. Not
+all planned functionality is already implemented.</b>
+<b>wxNviz</b> is a <em><a href="wxGUI.html">wxGUI</a></em> <b>3D view
+mode</b> which allows users to realistically render multiple
+<em>surfaces</em> (raster data) in a 3D space, optionally using
+thematic coloring, draping 2D <em>vector</em> data over the surfaces,
+displaying 3D vector data in the space, and visualization
+of <em>volume</em> data (3D raster data).
+To start the wxGUI 3D view mode, choose '3D view' from the map
+toolbar. You can switch between 2D and 3D view. The region in 
+3D view is updated according to displayed region in 2D view.
+wxNviz is emphasized on the ease and speed of viewer positioning and
+provided flexibility for using a wide range of data. A low resolution
+surface or wire grid (optional) provides real-time viewer positioning
+capabilities. Coarse and fine resolution controls allow the user to
+further refine drawing speed and detail as needed. Continuous scaling
+of elevation provides the ability to use various data types for the
+vertical dimension.
+For each session of wxNviz, you might want the same set of 2D/3D
+raster and vector data, view parameters, or other attributes. For
+consistency between sessions, you can store this information in the
+GRASS <em>workspace</em> file (gxw). Workspace contains information to
+restore "state" of the system in 2D and if wxNviz is enabled also in
+the 3D display mode.
+<h2>3D View Toolbar</h2>
+<br><img src="wxGUI_nviz_toolbar.jpg" border="1" alt="toolbar"><br><br>
+  <dt><img src="icons/script-save.png" alt="icon"> 
+    <em>Generate command for m.nviz.image</em></dt>
+  <dd>Generate command for m.nviz.image based on current state.</dd>
+  <dt><img src="icons/settings.png" alt="icon"> 
+    <em>Show 3D view mode settings</em></dt>
+  <dd>Show dialog with settings for wxGUI 3D view mode. The user
+  settings can be stored in wxGUI settings file.</dd>
+  <dt><img src="icons/help.png" alt="icon"> 
+    <em>Show help</em></dt>
+  <dd>Show this help.</dd>
+<h2>3D View Layer Manager Toolbox</h2>
+The 3D view toolbox is integrated in the Layer Manager. The toolbox
+has several tabs:
+  <li><b>View</b> for view controlling,</li>
+  <li><b>Data</b> for data properties,</li>
+  <li><b>Appearance</b> for appearance settings (lighting, fringes, ...).</li>
+  <li><b>Analysis</b> for various data analyses (only cutting planes so far).</li>
+  <li><b>Animation</b> for creating simple animations.</li>
+You can use this panel to set the <em>position, direction, and
+  perspective</em> of the view. The position box shows a puck with a
+  direction line pointing to the center. The direction line indicates
+  the look direction (azimuth). You click and drag the puck to change
+  the current eye position. Another way to change eye position is
+  to press the buttons around the position box representing cardinal
+  and ordinal directions. 
+There are four other buttons for view control in the bottom of this panel
+(following label <em>Look:</em>):
+  <li><em>here</em> requires you to click on Map Display Window to determine
+   the point to look at.</li>
+   <li><em>center</em> changes the point you are looking at to the center.</li>
+   <li><em>top</em> moves the current eye position above the map center.</li>
+   <li><em>reset</em> returns all current view settings to their default values.</li>
+  <br><img src="wxGUI_nviz_tools_view.jpg" border="1" alt="toolbox"><br><br>
+You can adjust the viewer's height above the scene, perspective and
+twist value to rotate the scene about the horizontal axis. An angle of
+0 is flat. The scene rotates between -90 and 90 degrees.
+You can also adjusts the vertical exaggeration of the surface. As an
+example, if the easting and northing are in meters and the elevation
+in feet, a vertical exaggeration of 0.305 would produce a true
+(unexaggerated) surface.
+View parameters can be controlled by sliders or edited directly in text box.
+It's possible to enter values which are out of slider's range (and it will 
+adjust then).
+<h4>Fly-through mode</h4>
+View can be changed in fly-through mode (can be activated in Map Display toolbar),
+which enables to change the view smoothly and therefore it is suitable
+for creating animation (see below). To start flying, press left mouse button
+and hold it down to continue flying. Flight direction is controlled by mouse cursor
+position on screen. Flight speed can be increased/decreased stepwise by keys
+PageUp/PageDown, Home/End or Up/Down arrows.
+Speed is increased multiple times while Shift key is held down. Holding down
+Ctrl key switches flight mode in the way that position of viewpoint is
+changed (not the direction).
+<h3>Data properties</h3> 
+This tab allows to control parameters related to map layers. It consists
+of four collapsible panels - <em>Surface</em>, <em>Constant surface</em>, 
+<em>Vector</em> and <em>Volume</em>.
+Each active raster map layer from the current layer tree is displayed
+as surface in the 3D space. This panel controls how loaded surfaces are drawn.
+To change parameters of a surface, it must be selected in the very top part of the
+The top half of the panel has drawing style options.
+Surface can be drawn as a wire mesh or using filled polygons (most
+realistic). You can set draw <b>mode</b> to <em>coarse</em> (fast
+display mode), <em>fine</em> (draws surface as filled polygons with
+fine resolution) or <em>both</em> (which combines coarse and fine
+mode). Additionally set coarse <b>style</b> to <em>wire</em> to draw
+the surface as wire mesh (you can also choose color of the wire)
+or <em>surface</em> to draw the surface using coarse resolution filled
+polygons. This is a low resolution version of the polygon surface
+E.g. surface is drawn as a wire mesh if you set <b>mode</b>
+to <em>coarse</em> and <b>style</b> to <em>wire</em>. Note that it
+differs from the mesh drawn in fast display mode because hidden lines
+are not drawn. To draw the surface using filled polygons, but with
+wire mesh draped over it, choose <b>mode</b> <em>both</em>
+and <b>style</b> <em>wire</em>.
+Beside mode and style you can also choose style of <b>shading</b> used
+for the surface. <em>Gouraud</em> style draws the surfaces with a
+smooth shading to blend individual cell colors together, <em>flat</em>
+draws the surfaces with flat shading with one color for every two
+cells. The surface appears faceted.
+To set given draw settings for all loaded surfaces press button "Set to all".
+The bottom half of the panel has options to set, unset or modify attributes
+of the current surface. Separate raster data or constants can be
+used for various attributes of the surface:
+  <li><b>color</b> - raster map or constant color to drape over the current
+    surface. This option is useful for draping imagery such as aerial
+    photography over a DEM.</li>
+  <li><b>mask</b> - raster map that controls the areas displayed from
+    the current surface.</li>
+  <li><b>transparency</b> - raster map or constant value that controls
+    the transparency of the current surface. The default is completely
+    opaque. Range from 0 (opaque) to 100 (transparent).</li>
+  <li><b>shininess</b> - raster map or constant value that controls
+    the shininess (reflectivity) of the current surface. Range from 0 to
+    100.</li>
+In the very bottom part of the panel position of surface can be set.
+To move the surface right (looking from the south) choose <em>X</em> axis
+and set some positive value. To reset the surface position press
+<em>Reset</em> button.
+  <br><img src="wxGUI_nviz_tools_surface.jpg" border="1" alt="toolbox"><br><br>
+<h4>Constant surface</h4>
+It is possible to add constant surface and set its properties like 
+fine resolution, value (height), color and transparency. It behaves 
+similarly to surface but it has less options.
+2D vector data can be draped on the selected surfaces with various
+markers to represent point data; you can use attribute of vector
+features to determine size, color, shape of glyph.
+3D vector data including volumes (closed group of faces with one
+kernel inside) is also supported.
+This panel controls how loaded 2D or 3D vector data are drawn.
+You can define the width (in pixels) of the line features, the color
+used for lines or point markers.
+If vector map is 2D you can display vector features as flat at a
+specified elevation or drape it over a surface(s) at a specified
+height. Use the height control to set the flat elevation or the drape
+height above the surface(s). In case of multiple surfaces it is possible
+to specify which surfaces is the vector map draped over.
+For display purposes, it is better to set the height slightly above
+the surface. If the height is set at zero, portions of the vector may
+disappear into the surface(s).
+For 2D/3D vector points you can also set the size of the markers.
+<!-- and the width (in pixels) of the line used to draw the point markers (only
+applies to wire-frame markers). -->
+ Currently are implemented these markers:
+  <li><b>x</b> sets the current points markers to a 2D "X",</li>
+  <li><b>sphere</b> - solid 3D sphere,</li>
+  <li><b>diamond</b> - solid 3D diamond,</li>
+  <li><b>cube</b> - solid 3D cube,</li>
+  <li><b>box</b> - hollow 3D cube,</li>
+  <li><b>gyroscope</b> - hollow 3D sphere,</li>
+  <li><b>asterisk</b> - 3D line-star.</li>
+Thematic mapping can be used to determine marker color and size
+(and line color and width).
+  <br><img src="wxGUI_nviz_tools_vector.jpg" border="1" alt="toolbox"><br><br>
+Volumes (3D raster maps) can be displayed either as isosurfaces or slices.
+Similarly to surface panel you can define draw <b>shading</b>
+- <em>gouraud</em> (draws the volumes with a smooth shading to blend
+individual cell colors together) and <em>flat</em> (draws the volumes
+with flat shading with one color for every two cells. The volume
+appears faceted). As mentioned above currently are supported two
+visualization modes:
+  <li><b>isosurface</b> - the levels of values for drawing the
+  volume(s) as isosurfaces,</li>
+  <li>and <b>slice</b> -  drawing the volume
+  as cross-sections.</li>
+The middle part of the panel has controls to add, delete, move up/down selected 
+isosurface or slice. The bottom part differs for isosurface and slice. 
+When choosing isosurface, this part the of panel has options to set, unset
+or modify attributes of the current isosurface. 
+Various attributes of the isosurface can be defined, similarly to surface
+  <li><b>isosurface value</b> - reference isosurface value (height in map
+  units).</li>
+  <li><b>color</b> - raster map or constant color to drape over the
+  current volume.</li>
+  <li><b>mask</b> - raster map that controls the areas displayed from
+    the current volume.</li>
+  <li><b>transparency</b> - raster map or constant value that controls
+    the transparency of the current volume. The default is completely
+    opaque. Range from 0 (opaque) to 100 (transparent).</li>
+  <li><b>shininess</b> - raster map or constant value that controls
+    the shininess (reflectivity) of the current volume. Range from 0 to
+    100.</li>
+In case of volume slice the bottom part of the panel controls the slice 
+attributes (which axis is slice parallel to, position of slice edges,
+transparency). Press button <em>Reset</em> to reset slice position
+Volumes can be moved the same way like surfaces do.
+  <br><img src="wxGUI_nviz_tools_volume.jpg" border="1" alt="toolbox"><br><br>
+<em>Analysis</em> tab contains <em>Cutting planes</em> panel.
+<h4>Cutting planes</h4>
+Cutting planes allow to cut surfaces along a plane. You can switch 
+between six planes; to disable cutting planes switch to <em>None</em>.
+Initially the plane is vertical, you can change it to horizontal by setting
+<em>tilt</em> 90 degrees. The <em>X</em> and <em>Y</em> values specify
+the rotation center of plane. You can see better what <em>X</em> and <em>Y</em>
+do when changing <em>rotation</em>. 
+<em>Height</em> parameter has sense only when changing 
+<em>tilt</em> too. Press button <em>Reset</em> to reset current cutting plane.
+In case of multiple surfaces you can visualize the cutting plane by
+<em>Shading</em>. Shading is visible only when more than one surface
+is loaded and these surfaces must have the same fine resolution set.
+Appearance tab consists of three collapsible panels:
+  <li><em>Lighting</em> for adjusting light source</li>
+  <li><em>Fringe</em> for drawing fringes
+  <li><em>Decorations</em> to display north arrow and scale bar</li>
+The <em>lighting</em> panel enables to change the position of light
+source, light color, brightness and ambient. Light position is controlled 
+similarly to eye position. If option <em>Show light model</em> is enabled
+light model is displayed to visualize the light settings.
+  <br><img src="wxGUI_nviz_tools_light.jpg" border="1" alt="toolbox"><br><br>
+The <em>Fringe</em> panel allows to draw fringes in different directions
+(North & East, South & East, South & West, North & West). It is possible
+to set fringe color and height of the bottom edge.
+The <em>Decorations</em> panel enables to display north arrow and simple
+scale bar. North arrow and scale bar length is determined in map units. 
+You can display more than one scale bar.
+Animation panel enables to create a simple animation as a sequence of images.
+Press 'Record' button and start changing the view. Views are
+recorded in given interval (FPS - Frames Per Second). After recording,
+the animation can be replayed. To save the animation, fill in the
+directory and file prefix, choose image format (PPM or TIF) and then
+press 'Save'. Now wait until the last image is generated.
+It is recommended to record animations using fly-through mode to achieve
+smooth motion.
+This panel has controls which allows user to set default surface,
+vector and volume data attributes. You can also modify default view
+parameters, or to set the background color of the Map Display Window
+(the default color is white).
+<h2>To be implement</h2>
+  <li>Labels, decoration, etc. (Implemented, but not fully functional)</li>
+  <li>Surface - mask by zero/elevation, more interactive positioning</li>
+  <li>Vector points - implement display mode flat/surface for 2D points</li>
+  <li>...</li>
+<b>Please note that wxNviz is under active development and
+distributed as "Experimental Prototype".</b>
+<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
+  <a href="wxGUI.html">wxGUI</a><br>
+  <a href="wxGUI.Components.html">wxGUI components</a>
+See also <a href="http://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/WxNVIZ">wiki</a> page
+(especially various <a href="http://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/WxNVIZ#Video_tutorials">video
+Command-line module <em><a href="m.nviz.image.html">m.nviz.image</a></em>.
+<a href="http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/gwiki/Landa">Martin
+Landa</a>, <a href="http://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/WxNviz_GSoC_2008">Google
+Summer of Code 2008</a> (mentor: Michael Barton)
+and <a href="http://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/WxNviz_GSoC_2010">Google
+Summer of Code 2010</a> (mentor: Helena Mitasova)<br>
+Anna Kratochvilova, <a href="http://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/WxNviz_GSoC_2011">Google
+Summer of Code 2011</a> (mentor: Martin Landa)

Deleted: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/docs/wxGUI_GCP_Manager.jpg
(Binary files differ)

Copied: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/docs/wxGUI_gcp_frame.jpg (from rev 55572, grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/docs/wxGUI_GCP_Manager.jpg)
(Binary files differ)

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.rectify/i.rectify.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.rectify/i.rectify.html	2013-03-28 20:05:15 UTC (rev 55572)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.rectify/i.rectify.html	2013-03-28 20:30:49 UTC (rev 55573)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 <em>i.rectify</em> uses the control
 points identified in the
-<a href="wxGUI.GCP_Manager.html">Ground Control Points Manager</a>
+<a href="wxGUI.gcp.html">Ground Control Points Manager</a>
 to calculate a transformation matrix based on a first,
 second, or third order polynomial and then converts x,y
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 system than before it was rectified).
-The <a href="wxGUI.GCP_Manager.html">Ground Control Points Manager</a>
+The <a href="wxGUI.gcp.html">Ground Control Points Manager</a>
 must be run before <em>i.rectify</em>, and both programs
 are required to rectify an image. An image must be
 rectified before it can reside in a standard coordinate
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
   <a href="i.group.html">i.group</a>,
   <a href="i.target.html">i.target</a>
-  <a href="wxGUI.GCP_Manager.html">Ground Control Points Manager</a>
+  <a href="wxGUI.gcp.html">Ground Control Points Manager</a>

Modified: grass/trunk/imagery/i.target/i.target.html
--- grass/trunk/imagery/i.target/i.target.html	2013-03-28 20:05:15 UTC (rev 55572)
+++ grass/trunk/imagery/i.target/i.target.html	2013-03-28 20:30:49 UTC (rev 55573)
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 <a href="i.vpoints.html">i.vpoints</a>,
 <a href="i.rectify.html">i.rectify</a>
-<em><a href="wxGUI.GCP_Manager.html">Manage Ground Control Points</a></em>
+<em><a href="wxGUI.gcp.html">Manage Ground Control Points</a></em>

Modified: grass/trunk/misc/m.nviz.image/m.nviz.image.html
--- grass/trunk/misc/m.nviz.image/m.nviz.image.html	2013-03-28 20:05:15 UTC (rev 55572)
+++ grass/trunk/misc/m.nviz.image/m.nviz.image.html	2013-03-28 20:30:49 UTC (rev 55573)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-  <a href="wxGUI.Nviz.html">wxGUI 3D view mode</a>
+  <a href="wxGUI.nviz.html">wxGUI 3D viewer</a>

Modified: grass/trunk/misc/m.nviz.script/m.nviz.script.html
--- grass/trunk/misc/m.nviz.script/m.nviz.script.html	2013-03-28 20:05:15 UTC (rev 55572)
+++ grass/trunk/misc/m.nviz.script/m.nviz.script.html	2013-03-28 20:30:49 UTC (rev 55573)
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="wxGUI.Nviz.html">nviz</a></em>
+<em><a href="wxGUI.nviz.html">wxGUI 3D viewer (NVIZ)</a></em>

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/d.shadedmap/d.shadedmap.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/d.shadedmap/d.shadedmap.html	2013-03-28 20:05:15 UTC (rev 55572)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/d.shadedmap/d.shadedmap.html	2013-03-28 20:30:49 UTC (rev 55573)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 <a href="d.his.html">d.his</a>,
 <a href="g.pnmcomp.html">g.pnmcomp</a>,
-<a href="wxGUI.Nviz.html">NVIZ</a>,
+<a href="wxGUI.nviz.html">wxGUI 3D viewer</a>,
 <a href="r.slope.aspect.html">r.slope.aspect</a>,
 <a href="r.shaded.relief.html">r.shaded.relief</a>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.extrude/v.extrude.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.extrude/v.extrude.html	2013-03-28 20:05:15 UTC (rev 55572)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.extrude/v.extrude.html	2013-03-28 20:30:49 UTC (rev 55573)
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="wxGUI.Nviz.html">nviz</a>
+<a href="wxGUI.nviz.html">wxGUI 3D viewer</a>
@@ -40,4 +40,5 @@
 Jachym Cepicky,<br>
 Updated by Martin Landa, FBK-irst, Italy
-<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
+<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.rectify/v.rectify.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.rectify/v.rectify.html	2013-03-28 20:05:15 UTC (rev 55572)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.rectify/v.rectify.html	2013-03-28 20:30:49 UTC (rev 55573)
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
   <a href="i.vpoints.html">i.vpoints</a>,
   <a href="i.target.html">i.target</a>
-  <a href="wxGUI.GCP_Manager.html">Manage Ground Control Points</a>
+  <a href="wxGUI.gcp.html">Manage Ground Control Points</a>

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