[GRASS-SVN] r57602 - sandbox/turek/scatter_plot

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Fri Sep 6 02:32:49 PDT 2013

Author: turek
Date: 2013-09-06 02:32:49 -0700 (Fri, 06 Sep 2013)
New Revision: 57602

scatter plot bug fixing

Modified: sandbox/turek/scatter_plot/README.txt
--- sandbox/turek/scatter_plot/README.txt	2013-09-06 07:29:10 UTC (rev 57601)
+++ sandbox/turek/scatter_plot/README.txt	2013-09-06 09:32:49 UTC (rev 57602)
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
 - Scatter plot toolbar:
   - put "Add SP" icon to the left #DONE
-  - when in "Select area" mode, un-highlight zoom + pan icons 
-  - zoom to extend in toolbar
+  - when in "Select area" mode, un-highlight zoom + pan icons #DONE
+  - zoom to extend in toolbar #DONE
 - Scatter plot window
   - zoom icon: also allow for zoom box #DONE

Modified: sandbox/turek/scatter_plot/testing_patch.diff
--- sandbox/turek/scatter_plot/testing_patch.diff	2013-09-06 07:29:10 UTC (rev 57601)
+++ sandbox/turek/scatter_plot/testing_patch.diff	2013-09-06 09:32:49 UTC (rev 57602)
@@ -1,1183 +1,47 @@
-Index: lib/vector/Vlib/open.c
+Index: include/defs/vedit.h
---- lib/vector/Vlib/open.c	(revision 57599)
-+++ lib/vector/Vlib/open.c	(working copy)
-@@ -240,7 +240,9 @@
-         }
-         else {
-             char file_path[GPATH_MAX];
-+            /* reduce to current mapset if search path was set */
-+            if(strcmp(Map->mapset, "") == 0)
-+                Map->mapset = G_store(G_mapset());
-             /* temporary map: reduce to current mapset if search path
-              * was set */
-             if (strcmp(Map->mapset, "") == 0)
-Index: lib/imagery/scatt.c
+--- include/defs/vedit.h	(revision 57601)
++++ include/defs/vedit.h	(working copy)
+@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
+ int Vedit_merge_lines(struct Map_info *, struct ilist *);
+ /* move.c */
++int Vedit_move_areas(struct Map_info *, struct Map_info **, int,
++		     		 struct ilist *, double, double, double, int, double);
+ int Vedit_move_lines(struct Map_info *, struct Map_info **, int,
+ 		     struct ilist *, double, double, double, int, double);
+Index: include/defs/imagery.h
---- lib/imagery/scatt.c	(revision 0)
-+++ lib/imagery/scatt.c	(working copy)
-@@ -0,0 +1,746 @@
-+   \file lib/imagery/scatt.c
+--- include/defs/imagery.h	(revision 57601)
++++ include/defs/imagery.h	(working copy)
+@@ -110,6 +110,23 @@
+ FILE *I_fopen_subgroup_ref_new(const char *, const char *);
+ FILE *I_fopen_subgroup_ref_old(const char *, const char *);
++/* scatt_plt.c */
++void I_sc_init_cats(struct scCats *, int, int);
++void I_sc_free_cats(struct scCats *);
++int I_sc_add_cat(struct scCats *);
++int I_sc_insert_scatt_data(struct scCats *, struct scdScattData *, int, int);
-+   \brief Imagery library - functions for wx Scatter Plot Tool.
++void I_scd_init_scatt_data(struct scdScattData *, int, int, void *);
-+   Low level functions used by wx Scatter Plot Tool.
++int I_compute_scatts(struct Cell_head *, struct scCats *, const char **, 
++	                 const char **, int, struct scCats *, const char **);
-+   Copyright (C) 2013 by the GRASS Development Team
++int I_create_cat_rast(struct Cell_head *, const char *);
++int I_insert_patch_to_cat_rast(const char *, struct Cell_head *,  const char *);
-+   This program is free software under the GNU General Public License
-+   (>=v2).  Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS for details.
++int I_id_scatt_to_bands(const int, const int, int *, int *);
++int I_bands_to_id_scatt(const int, const int, const int, int *);
-+   \author Stepan Turek <stepan.turek at seznam.cz> (Mentor: Martin Landa)
-+ */
-+#include <grass/raster.h>
-+#include <grass/imagery.h>
-+#include <grass/gis.h>
-+#include <grass/glocale.h>
-+#include <stdio.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <math.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+struct rast_row
-+    CELL * row;
-+    char * null_row;
-+    struct Range rast_range; /*Range of whole raster.*/
-+   \brief Create pgm header.
-+   Scatter plot internally generates pgm files. These pgms have header in format created by this function.
-+   \param region region to be pgm header generated for 
-+   \param [out] header header of pgm file
-+ */
-+static int get_cat_rast_header(struct Cell_head * region, char * header){
-+    return sprintf(header, "P5\n%d\n%d\n1\n", region->cols, region->rows);
-+   \brief Create category raster conditions file.
-+   \param cat_rast_region region to be file generated for
-+   \param cat_rast path of generated category raster file
-+ */
-+int I_create_cat_rast(struct Cell_head * cat_rast_region,  const char * cat_rast)
-+    FILE * f_cat_rast;
-+    char cat_rast_header[1024];//TODO magic number 
-+    int i_row, i_col;
-+    int head_nchars;
-+    unsigned char * row_data;
-+    f_cat_rast = fopen(cat_rast, "wb");
-+    if(!f_cat_rast) {
-+        G_warning("Unable to create category raster condition file <%s>.", cat_rast);
-+        return -1;
-+    }
-+    head_nchars = get_cat_rast_header(cat_rast_region, cat_rast_header);
-+    fwrite(cat_rast_header, sizeof(char), head_nchars/sizeof(char), f_cat_rast);
-+    if (ferror(f_cat_rast)){
-+        fclose(f_cat_rast);
-+        G_warning(_("Unable to write header into category raster condition file <%s>."), cat_rast);
-+        return -1;
-+    }
-+    row_data = (unsigned char *) G_malloc(cat_rast_region->cols * sizeof(unsigned char));
-+    for(i_col = 0; i_col < cat_rast_region->cols; i_col++)
-+        row_data[i_col] = 0 & 255;
-+    for(i_row = 0; i_row < cat_rast_region->rows; i_row++) {
-+        fwrite(row_data, sizeof(unsigned char), (cat_rast_region->cols)/sizeof(unsigned char), f_cat_rast);
-+        if (ferror(f_cat_rast))
-+        {
-+            fclose(f_cat_rast);
-+            G_warning(_("Unable to write into category raster condition file <%s>."), cat_rast);
-+            return -1;
-+        }
-+    }
-+    fclose(f_cat_rast);
-+    return 0;
-+static int print_reg(struct Cell_head * intersec, const char * pref, int dbg_level)
-+    G_debug(dbg_level, "%s:\n n:%f\ns:%f\ne:%f\nw:%f\nns_res:%f\new_res:%f", pref, intersec->north, intersec->south, 
-+               intersec->east, intersec->west, intersec->ns_res, intersec->ew_res);
-+   \brief Find intersection region of two regions.
-+   \param A pointer to intersected region
-+   \param B pointer to intersected region
-+   \param [out] intersec pointer to intersection region of regions A B (relevant params of the region are: south, north, east, west)
-+   \return  0 if interection exists
-+   \return -1 if regions does not intersect
-+ */
-+static int regions_intersecion(struct Cell_head * A, struct Cell_head * B, struct Cell_head * intersec)
-+    if(B->north < A->south) return -1;
-+    else if(B->north > A->north) intersec->north = A->north;
-+    else intersec->north = B->north;
-+    if(B->south > A->north) return -1;
-+    else if(B->south < A->south) intersec->south = A->south;
-+    else intersec->south = B->south;
-+    if(B->east < A->west) return -1;
-+    else if(B->east > A->east) intersec->east = A->east;
-+    else intersec->east = B->east;
-+    if(B->west > A->east) return -1;
-+    else if(B->west < A->west) intersec->west = A->west;
-+    else intersec->west = B->west;
-+    if(intersec->north == intersec->south) return -1;
-+    if(intersec->east == intersec->west) return -1;
-+    return 0;
-+   \brief Get rows and cols numbers, which defines intersection of the regions.
-+   \param A pointer to intersected region
-+   \param B pointer to intersected region (A and B must have same resolution)
-+   \param [out] A_bounds rows and cols numbers of A stored in south, north, east, west, which defines intersection of A and B
-+   \param [out] B_bounds rows and cols numbers of B stored in south, north, east, west, which defines intersection of A and B
-+   \return  0 if interection exists
-+   \return -1 if regions do not intersect
-+   \return -2 resolution of regions is not same 
-+static int get_rows_and_cols_bounds(struct Cell_head * A,  struct Cell_head * B, struct Cell_head * A_bounds,  struct Cell_head * B_bounds)
-+    float ns_res, ew_res;
-+    struct Cell_head intersec;
-+    /* TODO is it right check? */
-+    if(abs(A->ns_res - B->ns_res) > GRASS_EPSILON) {
-+        G_debug(0, "'get_rows_and_cols_bounds' ns_res does not fit, A->ns_res: %f B->ns_res: %f", A->ns_res, B->ns_res);
-+        return -2;
-+    }
-+    if(abs(A->ew_res - B->ew_res) > GRASS_EPSILON) {
-+        G_debug(0, "'get_rows_and_cols_bounds' ew_res does not fit, A->ew_res: %f B->ew_res: %f", A->ew_res, B->ew_res);
-+        return -2;
-+    }
-+    ns_res = A->ns_res;
-+    ew_res = A->ew_res;
-+    if(regions_intersecion(A, B, &intersec) == -1)
-+        return -1;
-+    A_bounds->north = ceil((A->north - intersec.north - ns_res * 0.5) / ns_res);
-+    A_bounds->south = ceil((A->north - intersec.south - ns_res * 0.5) / ns_res);
-+    A_bounds->east = ceil((intersec.east - A->west - ew_res * 0.5) / ew_res);
-+    A_bounds->west = ceil((intersec.west - A->west - ew_res * 0.5) / ew_res);
-+    B_bounds->north = ceil((B->north - intersec.north - ns_res * 0.5) / ns_res);
-+    B_bounds->south = ceil((B->north - intersec.south - ns_res * 0.5) / ns_res);
-+    B_bounds->east = ceil((intersec.east - B->west - ew_res * 0.5) / ew_res);
-+    B_bounds->west = ceil((intersec.west - B->west - ew_res * 0.5) / ew_res);
-+    return 0;
-+   \brief Insert raster map patch into pgm file.
-+   \param patch_rast name of raster map
-+   \param cat_rast_region region of category raster file
-+   \param cat_rast path to category raster file
-+   \return  0 on success
-+   \return -1 on failure
-+int I_insert_patch_to_cat_rast(const char * patch_rast, struct Cell_head * cat_rast_region,  const char * cat_rast)
-+    FILE * f_cat_rast;
-+    struct Cell_head patch_region, patch_bounds, cat_rast_bounds;
-+    char cat_rast_header[1024];//TODO magic number 
-+    int i_row, i_col, ncols, nrows, cat_rast_col, patch_col, val;
-+    int head_nchars, ret;
-+    int fd_patch_rast, init_shift, step_shift;
-+    unsigned char * patch_data;
-+    char * null_chunk_row;
-+    const char *mapset;
-+    struct Cell_head patch_lines, cat_rast_lines;
-+    unsigned char * row_data;
-+    f_cat_rast = fopen(cat_rast, "rb+");
-+    if(!f_cat_rast) {
-+        G_warning(_("Unable to open category raster condtions file <%s>."), cat_rast);
-+        return -1;
-+    }
-+    head_nchars = get_cat_rast_header(cat_rast_region, cat_rast_header);
-+    if ((mapset = G_find_raster(patch_rast,"")) == NULL) {
-+        fclose(f_cat_rast);
-+        G_warning(_("Unable to find patch raster <%s>."), patch_rast);
-+        return -1;
-+    }
-+    Rast_get_cellhd(patch_rast, mapset, &patch_region);
-+    Rast_set_window(&patch_region);
-+    if ((fd_patch_rast = Rast_open_old(patch_rast, mapset)) < 0) {
-+        fclose(f_cat_rast);
-+        return -1;
-+    }
-+    ret = get_rows_and_cols_bounds(cat_rast_region, &patch_region, &cat_rast_bounds, &patch_bounds);
-+    if(ret == -2) { 
-+        G_warning(_("Resolutions of patch <%s> and patched file <%s> are not same."), patch_rast, cat_rast);
-+        Rast_close(fd_patch_rast);
-+        fclose(f_cat_rast);
-+        return -1;
-+    }
-+    else if (ret == -1){
-+        Rast_close(fd_patch_rast);
-+        fclose(f_cat_rast);
-+        return 0;
-+    }
-+    ncols = cat_rast_bounds.east - cat_rast_bounds.west;
-+    nrows = cat_rast_bounds.south - cat_rast_bounds.north;
-+    patch_data = (unsigned char *) G_malloc(ncols * sizeof(unsigned char));
-+    init_shift = head_nchars + cat_rast_region->cols * cat_rast_bounds.north + cat_rast_bounds.west;
-+    if(fseek(f_cat_rast, init_shift, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
-+        G_warning(_("Corrupted  category raster conditions file <%s> (fseek failed)"), cat_rast);
-+        Rast_close(fd_patch_rast);
-+        G_free(null_chunk_row);
-+        fclose(f_cat_rast);
-+        return -1;
-+    }
-+    step_shift = cat_rast_region->cols - ncols;
-+    null_chunk_row =  Rast_allocate_null_buf();
-+    for(i_row = 0; i_row < nrows; i_row++) {
-+        Rast_get_null_value_row (fd_patch_rast, null_chunk_row, i_row + patch_bounds.north);
-+        for(i_col = 0; i_col < ncols; i_col++) {
-+            patch_col = patch_bounds.west + i_col;
-+            if(null_chunk_row[patch_col] != 1) 
-+                patch_data[i_col] = 1 & 255;
-+            else {
-+                patch_data[i_col] = 0 & 255;
-+            }
-+        }
-+        fwrite(patch_data, sizeof(unsigned char), (ncols)/sizeof(unsigned char), f_cat_rast);
-+        if (ferror(f_cat_rast))
-+        {
-+            G_warning(_("Unable to write into category raster conditions file <%s>"), cat_rast);
-+            Rast_close(fd_patch_rast);
-+            G_free(null_chunk_row);
-+            fclose(f_cat_rast);
-+            return -1;
-+        }
-+        if(fseek(f_cat_rast, step_shift, SEEK_CUR) != 0) {
-+            G_warning(_("Corrupted  category raster conditions file <%s> (fseek failed)"), cat_rast);
-+            Rast_close(fd_patch_rast);
-+            G_free(null_chunk_row);
-+            fclose(f_cat_rast);
-+            return -1;
-+        }
-+    }
-+    Rast_close(fd_patch_rast);
-+    G_free(null_chunk_row);
-+    fclose(f_cat_rast);
-+    return 0;
-+   \brief Updates scatter plots data in category by pixels which meets category conditions.
-+   \param bands_rows data represents data describig one row from raster band
-+   \param belongs_pix array which defines which pixels belongs to category (1 value) and which not (0 value)
-+   \param [out] scatts pointer to scScatts struct of type SC_SCATT_DATA, which are modified according to values in belongs_pix
-+static inline void update_cat_scatt_plts(struct rast_row * bands_rows, unsigned short * belongs_pix, struct scScatts * scatts)
-+    int band_axis_1, band_axis_2, i_scatt, array_idx, cat_idx, i_chunk_rows_pix, max_arr_idx;
-+    CELL * b_1_row;
-+    CELL * b_2_row;
-+    char * b_1_null_row,* b_2_null_row;
-+    struct rast_row b_1_rast_row, b_2_rast_row;
-+    struct Range b_1_range, b_2_range;
-+    int b_1_range_size;
-+    int row_size = Rast_window_cols();
-+    int * scatts_bands = scatts->scatts_bands;
-+    for(i_scatt = 0; i_scatt < scatts->n_a_scatts; i_scatt++)
-+    {   
-+        b_1_rast_row = bands_rows[scatts_bands[i_scatt * 2]];
-+        b_2_rast_row = bands_rows[scatts_bands[i_scatt * 2 + 1]];
-+        b_1_row = b_1_rast_row.row;
-+        b_2_row = b_2_rast_row.row;
-+        b_1_null_row =  b_1_rast_row.null_row;
-+        b_2_null_row =  b_2_rast_row.null_row;
-+        b_1_range = b_1_rast_row.rast_range;
-+        b_2_range = b_2_rast_row.rast_range;
-+        b_1_range_size = b_1_range.max - b_1_range.min + 1;
-+        max_arr_idx = (b_1_range.max -  b_1_range.min + 1) * (b_2_range.max -  b_2_range.min + 1);
-+        for(i_chunk_rows_pix = 0; i_chunk_rows_pix < row_size; i_chunk_rows_pix++)
-+        {
-+            /* pixel does not belongs to scatter plot or has null value in one of the bands */
-+            if(!belongs_pix[i_chunk_rows_pix] || 
-+                b_1_null_row[i_chunk_rows_pix] == 1 || 
-+                b_2_null_row[i_chunk_rows_pix] == 1)                
-+                continue;
-+            /* index in scatter plot array */
-+            array_idx = b_1_row[i_chunk_rows_pix] - b_1_range.min + (b_2_row[i_chunk_rows_pix] - b_2_range.min) * b_1_range_size;
-+            if(array_idx < 0 || array_idx >= max_arr_idx) {
-+                        G_warning ("Data inconsistent. Value computed for scatter plot is out of initialized range.");
-+                continue;
-+            }
-+            /* increment scatter plot value */
-+            ++scatts->scatts_arr[i_scatt]->scatt_vals_arr[array_idx];
-+        }
-+    }
-+   \brief Computes scatter plots data from chunk_rows.
-+   \param scatts pointer to scScatts struct of type SC_SCATT_DATA, where are computed scatter plots stored
-+   \param scatt_conds pointer to scScatts struct of type SC_SCATT_CONDITIONS, where are selected areas (condtitions)stored
-+   \param chunk_rows data arrays of chunk_rows from analyzed raster bands (all data in chunk_rows, null_chunk_rows and belongs_pix arrays represents same region)
-+   \param null_chunk_rows null data arrays of chunk_rows from analyzed raster bands
-+   \param row_size size of data in chunk_rows, null_chunk_rows and belongs_pix arrays
-+   \param f_cats_rasts_conds file which stores selected areas (conditions) from mapwindow see I_create_cat_rast() and I_pa
-+   \param fd_cats_rasts array of openedraster maps which represents all selected pixels for category
-+   \param region analysis region
-+   \return  0 on success
-+   \return -1 on failure
-+static inline int compute_scatts_from_chunk_row(struct Cell_head *region, struct scCats * scatt_conds, 
-+                                                FILE ** f_cats_rasts_conds, struct rast_row * bands_rows, 
-+                                                struct scCats * scatts, int * fd_cats_rasts)
-+    int i_rows_pix, i_cat, i_scatt, n_a_scatts, n_pixs;
-+    int cat_id, scatt_plts_cat_idx, array_idx, max_arr_idx;
-+    char * b_1_null_row,* b_2_null_row;
-+    struct rast_row b_1_rast_row, b_2_rast_row;
-+    CELL * cat_rast_row;
-+    struct scScatts * scatts_conds;
-+    struct scScatts * scatts_scatt_plts;
-+    struct scdScattData * conds;
-+    struct Range b_1_range, b_2_range;
-+    int b_1_range_size;
-+    int * scatts_bands;
-+    struct scdScattData ** scatts_arr;
-+    CELL * b_1_row;
-+    CELL * b_2_row;
-+    unsigned char * i_scatt_conds;
-+    int row_size = Rast_window_cols();
-+    unsigned short * belongs_pix = (unsigned short *) G_malloc(row_size * sizeof(unsigned short)); 
-+    unsigned char * rast_pixs = (unsigned char *) G_malloc(row_size * sizeof(unsigned char));
-+    cat_rast_row =  Rast_allocate_c_buf();
-+    for(i_cat = 0; i_cat < scatt_conds->n_a_cats; i_cat++)
-+    {
-+        scatts_conds = scatt_conds->cats_arr[i_cat];
-+        cat_id = scatt_conds->cats_ids[i_cat];
-+        scatt_plts_cat_idx = scatts->cats_idxs[cat_id];
-+        if(scatt_plts_cat_idx < 0)
-+            continue;
-+        scatts_scatt_plts = scatts->cats_arr[scatt_plts_cat_idx];
-+        G_zero(belongs_pix, row_size * sizeof(unsigned short));
-+        /* if category has no conditions defined, scatter plots without any constraint are computed (default scatter plots) */
-+        if(!scatts_conds->n_a_scatts && !f_cats_rasts_conds[i_cat]) {
-+            for(i_scatt = 0; i_scatt < scatts_scatt_plts->n_a_scatts; i_scatt++)
-+            {       
-+                /* all pixels belongs */
-+                for(i_rows_pix = 0; i_rows_pix < row_size; i_rows_pix++)                
-+                    belongs_pix[i_rows_pix] = 1;
-+            }
-+        }
-+        /* compute belonging pixels for defined conditions */
-+        else
-+        {
-+            scatts_bands = scatts_conds->scatts_bands;
-+            /* check conditions from category raster condtitions file */
-+            if(f_cats_rasts_conds[i_cat]) {
-+                n_pixs = fread(rast_pixs, sizeof(unsigned char), (row_size)/sizeof(unsigned char), f_cats_rasts_conds[i_cat]);
-+                if (ferror(f_cats_rasts_conds[i_cat]))
-+                {
-+                    G_free(rast_pixs);
-+                    G_free(belongs_pix);
-+                    G_warning(_("Unable to read from category raster condtition file."));
-+                    return -1;
-+                }
-+                if (n_pixs != n_pixs) {
-+                    G_free(rast_pixs);
-+                    G_free(belongs_pix);
-+                    G_warning(_("Invalid size of category raster conditions file."));
-+                    return -1;
-+                }
-+                for(i_rows_pix = 0; i_rows_pix < row_size; i_rows_pix++)
-+                {
-+                    if(rast_pixs[i_rows_pix] != 0 & 255)
-+                        belongs_pix[i_rows_pix] = 1;
-+                }
-+            }
-+            /* check condtions defined in scatter plots*/
-+            for(i_scatt = 0; i_scatt < scatts_conds->n_a_scatts; i_scatt++)
-+            {   
-+                b_1_rast_row = bands_rows[scatts_bands[i_scatt * 2]];
-+                b_2_rast_row = bands_rows[scatts_bands[i_scatt * 2 + 1]];
-+                b_1_row = b_1_rast_row.row;
-+                b_2_row = b_2_rast_row.row;
-+                b_1_null_row =  b_1_rast_row.null_row;
-+                b_2_null_row =  b_2_rast_row.null_row;
-+                b_1_range = b_1_rast_row.rast_range;
-+                b_2_range = b_2_rast_row.rast_range;
-+                b_1_range_size = b_1_range.max - b_1_range.min + 1;
-+                max_arr_idx = (b_1_range.max -  b_1_range.min + 1) * (b_2_range.max -  b_2_range.min + 1);
-+                i_scatt_conds = scatts_conds->scatts_arr[i_scatt]->b_conds_arr;
-+                for(i_rows_pix = 0; i_rows_pix < row_size; i_rows_pix++)
-+                {
-+                    /* pixels already belongs to category from category raster conditions file or contains null value in one of the bands */
-+                    if(belongs_pix[i_rows_pix] || 
-+                       b_1_null_row[i_rows_pix] == 1 || 
-+                       b_2_null_row[i_rows_pix] == 1)
-+                        continue;
-+                    array_idx = b_1_row[i_rows_pix] - b_1_range.min + (b_2_row[i_rows_pix] - b_2_range.min) * b_1_range_size;
-+                    if(array_idx < 0 || array_idx >= max_arr_idx) {
-+                        G_warning ("Data inconsistent. Value computed for scatter plot is out of initialized range.");
-+                        continue;
-+                    }
-+                    /* pixels meets condtion defined in scatter plot */
-+                    if(i_scatt_conds[array_idx])
-+                        belongs_pix[i_rows_pix] = 1;
-+                }                
-+            }
-+        }
-+        /* update category raster with belonging pixels */
-+        if(fd_cats_rasts[i_cat] >= 0) {
-+            Rast_set_null_value(cat_rast_row, Rast_window_cols(), CELL_TYPE); 
-+            for(i_rows_pix = 0; i_rows_pix < row_size; i_rows_pix++)
-+                if(belongs_pix[i_rows_pix])
-+                    cat_rast_row[i_rows_pix] = belongs_pix[i_rows_pix];
-+            Rast_put_c_row (fd_cats_rasts[i_cat], cat_rast_row); 
-+        }
-+        /* update scatter plots with belonging pixels */
-+        update_cat_scatt_plts(bands_rows, belongs_pix, scatts_scatt_plts);
-+    }
-+    G_free(cat_rast_row);
-+    G_free(rast_pixs);
-+    G_free(belongs_pix);
-+    return 0;
-+   \brief Get list if bands needed to be opened for analysis from scCats struct.
-+static void get_needed_bands(struct scCats * cats, int * b_needed_bands)
-+    // results in b_needed_bands - array of bools - if item has value 1, band (defined by item index) is needed to be opened
-+    int i_cat, i_scatt, cat_id;
-+    for(i_cat = 0;  i_cat < cats->n_a_cats; i_cat++)
-+    {   
-+        for(i_scatt = 0;  i_scatt < cats->cats_arr[i_cat]->n_a_scatts; i_scatt++)
-+        {   
-+            G_debug(3, "Active scatt %d in catt %d", i_scatt, i_cat);
-+            b_needed_bands[cats->cats_arr[i_cat]->scatts_bands[i_scatt * 2]] = 1;
-+            b_needed_bands[cats->cats_arr[i_cat]->scatts_bands[i_scatt * 2 + 1]] = 1;
-+        }
-+    }
-+    return;
-+   \brief Helper function for clean up.
-+static void free_compute_scatts_data(int * fd_bands, struct rast_row * bands_rows, int n_a_bands, int * bands_ids, 
-+                                     int * fd_cats_rasts, FILE ** f_cats_rasts_conds, int n_a_cats)
-+    int i, band_id;
-+    for(i = 0; i < n_a_bands; i++)
-+    {   
-+        band_id = bands_ids[i];
-+        if(band_id >= 0) {
-+            Rast_close(fd_bands[i]);
-+            G_free(bands_rows[band_id].row);
-+            G_free(bands_rows[band_id].null_row);
-+        }
-+    }
-+    if(f_cats_rasts_conds)
-+        for(i = 0; i < n_a_cats; i++)
-+            if(f_cats_rasts_conds[i])
-+                fclose(f_cats_rasts_conds[i]);
-+    if(fd_cats_rasts)
-+        for(i = 0; i < n_a_cats; i++)
-+            if(fd_cats_rasts[i] >= 0)
-+                Rast_close(fd_cats_rasts[i]);
-+   \brief Compute scatter plots data.
-+    If category has not defined no category raster condition file and no scatter plot with consdtion,
-+    default scatter plot is computed.
-+   \param region analysis region, beaware that all input data must be prepared for this region (bands (their ranges), cats_rasts_conds rasters...)
-+   \param region function calls Rast_set_window for this region
-+   \param scatt_conds pointer to scScatts struct of type SC_SCATT_CONDITIONS, where are stored selected areas (conditions) in scatter plots
-+   \param cats_rasts_conds paths to category raster conditions files representing selected areas (conditions) in rasters for every category 
-+   \param cats_rasts_conds index in array represents corresponding category id
-+   \param cats_rasts_conds for manupulation with category raster conditions file see also I_id_scatt_to_bands() and I_insert_patch_to_cat_rast()
-+   \param bands names of analyzed bands, order of bands is defined by their id
-+   \param n_bands number of bands
-+   \param [out] scatts pointer to scScatts struct of type SC_SCATT_DATA, where are computed scatter plots stored
-+   \param [out] cats_rasts array of raster maps names where will be stored all selected pixels for every category
-+   \return  0 on success
-+   \return -1 on failure
-+int I_compute_scatts(struct Cell_head *region, struct scCats * scatt_conds, const char ** cats_rasts_conds,
-+                     const char ** bands, int n_bands, struct scCats * scatts, const char ** cats_rasts) 
-+    const char *mapset;
-+    char header[1024];
-+    int fd_cats_rasts[scatt_conds->n_a_cats];
-+    FILE * f_cats_rasts_conds[scatt_conds->n_a_cats];
-+    struct rast_row bands_rows[n_bands];
-+    RASTER_MAP_TYPE data_type;
-+    int nrows, i_band, n_a_bands, band_id, 
-+        i, i_row, head_nchars, i_cat, id_cat;
-+    int fd_bands[n_bands];
-+    int bands_ids[n_bands];
-+    int b_needed_bands[n_bands];  
-+    Rast_set_window(region);
-+    for(i_band = 0; i_band < n_bands; i_band++)
-+        fd_bands[i_band] = -1;
-+    for(i_band = 0; i_band < n_bands; i_band++)
-+        bands_ids[i_band] = -1;
-+    if (n_bands != scatts->n_bands ||
-+        n_bands != scatt_conds->n_bands)
-+        return -1;
-+    memset(b_needed_bands, 0, (size_t)n_bands * sizeof(int));
-+    get_needed_bands(scatt_conds, &b_needed_bands[0]);
-+    get_needed_bands(scatts, &b_needed_bands[0]);
-+    n_a_bands = 0;
-+    /* open band rasters, which are needed for computation */
-+    for(band_id = 0; band_id < n_bands; band_id++)
-+    {
-+        if(b_needed_bands[band_id])
-+        {
-+            G_debug(3, "Opening raster no. %d with name: %s", band_id, bands[band_id]);
-+            if ((mapset = G_find_raster2(bands[band_id],"")) == NULL) {
-+                free_compute_scatts_data(fd_bands, bands_rows, n_a_bands, 
-+                                         bands_ids, NULL, NULL, scatt_conds->n_a_cats);
-+                G_warning(_("Unbale to read find raster <%s>"), bands[band_id]);
-+                return -1;
-+            }
-+            if ((fd_bands[n_a_bands] = Rast_open_old(bands[band_id], mapset)) < 0) {
-+                free_compute_scatts_data(fd_bands, bands_rows, n_a_bands, 
-+                                         bands_ids, NULL, NULL, scatt_conds->n_a_cats);
-+                G_warning(_("Unbale to open raster <%s>"), bands[band_id]);
-+                return -1;
-+            }
-+            data_type = Rast_get_map_type(fd_bands[n_a_bands]);
-+            if(data_type != CELL_TYPE) {
-+                G_warning(_("Raster <%s> type is not <%s>"), bands[band_id], "CELL");
-+                return -1;
-+            }
-+            bands_rows[band_id].row =  Rast_allocate_c_buf();
-+            bands_rows[band_id].null_row =  Rast_allocate_null_buf();
-+            if(Rast_read_range(bands[band_id], mapset, &bands_rows[band_id].rast_range) != 1){
-+                free_compute_scatts_data(fd_bands, bands_rows, n_a_bands, 
-+                                         bands_ids, NULL, NULL, scatt_conds->n_a_cats);
-+                G_warning(_("Unable to read range of raster <%s>"), bands[band_id]);
-+                return -1;
-+            }      
-+            bands_ids[n_a_bands] = band_id;
-+            ++n_a_bands;
-+        }
-+    }
-+    /* open category rasters condition files and category rasters */
-+    for(i_cat = 0; i_cat < scatts->n_a_cats; i_cat++)
-+    {
-+        id_cat = scatts->cats_ids[i_cat];
-+        if(cats_rasts[id_cat]) {
-+            fd_cats_rasts[i_cat] = Rast_open_new(cats_rasts[id_cat], CELL_TYPE);   
-+        }
-+        else
-+            fd_cats_rasts[i_cat] = -1;
-+        if(cats_rasts_conds[id_cat]) {
-+            f_cats_rasts_conds[i_cat] = fopen(cats_rasts_conds[id_cat], "r");
-+            if(!f_cats_rasts_conds[i_cat]) {
-+                free_compute_scatts_data(fd_bands, bands_rows, n_a_bands, bands_ids, 
-+                                         f_cats_rasts_conds, f_cats_rasts_conds, scatt_conds->n_a_cats);
-+                G_warning(_("Unable to open category raster condtition file <%s>"), bands[band_id]);
-+                return -1;
-+            }
-+        }
-+        else
-+            f_cats_rasts_conds[i_cat] = NULL;
-+    }
-+    head_nchars =  get_cat_rast_header(region, header);
-+    for(i_cat = 0; i_cat < scatt_conds->n_a_cats; i_cat++)
-+        if(f_cats_rasts_conds[i_cat])
-+            if( fseek(f_cats_rasts_conds[i_cat] , head_nchars, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
-+                G_warning(_("Corrupted category raster conditions file (fseek failed)"));
-+                return -1;
-+            }
-+    nrows = Rast_window_rows();
-+    /* analyze bands by rows */
-+    for (i_row = 0; i_row < nrows; i_row++)
-+    {
-+        for(i_band = 0; i_band < n_a_bands; i_band++)
-+        {   
-+            band_id = bands_ids[i_band];
-+            Rast_get_c_row(fd_bands[i_band], bands_rows[band_id].row, i_row);
-+            Rast_get_null_value_row (fd_bands[i_band], bands_rows[band_id].null_row, i_row);
-+        }
-+        if(compute_scatts_from_chunk_row(region, scatt_conds, f_cats_rasts_conds, bands_rows, scatts, fd_cats_rasts) == -1) 
-+        {
-+            free_compute_scatts_data(fd_bands, bands_rows, n_a_bands, bands_ids, fd_cats_rasts, 
-+                                     f_cats_rasts_conds, scatt_conds->n_a_cats);
-+            return -1;
-+        }
-+    }
-+    free_compute_scatts_data(fd_bands, bands_rows, n_a_bands, bands_ids, 
-+                             fd_cats_rasts, f_cats_rasts_conds, scatt_conds->n_a_cats); 
-+    return 0;    
-\ No newline at end of file
-Index: lib/imagery/scatt_sccats.c
---- lib/imagery/scatt_sccats.c	(revision 0)
-+++ lib/imagery/scatt_sccats.c	(working copy)
-@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
-+   \file lib/imagery/scatt_cat_rast.c
-+   \brief Imagery library - functions for manipulation with scatter plot structs.
-+   Copyright (C) 2013 by the GRASS Development Team
-+   This program is free software under the GNU General Public License
-+   (>=v2).  Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS for details.
-+   \author Stepan Turek <stepan.turek at seznam.cz> (Mentor: Martin Landa)
-+ */
-+#include <grass/raster.h>
-+#include <grass/imagery.h>
-+#include <grass/gis.h>
-+#include <stdio.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <math.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+   \brief Compute band ids from scatter plot id.
-+    Scatter plot id describes which bands defines the scatter plot.
-+    Let say we have 3 bands, their ids are 0, 1 and 2.
-+    Scatter plot with id 0 consists of band 1 (b_1_id) 0 and  band 2 (b_2_id) 1.
-+    All scatter plots:
-+    scatt_id b_1_id b_2_id
-+    0        0      1
-+    1        0      2
-+    2        1      2
-+   \param scatt_id scatter plot id
-+   \param n_bands number of bands
-+   \param [out] b_1_id id of band1
-+   \param[out] b_2_id id of band2
-+   \return 0
-+ */
-+int I_id_scatt_to_bands(const int scatt_id, const int n_bands, int * b_1_id, int * b_2_id)
-+    int n_b1 = n_bands - 1;
-+    * b_1_id = (int) ((2 * n_b1 + 1 - sqrt((double)((2 * n_b1 + 1) * (2 * n_b1 + 1) - 8 * scatt_id))) / 2);
-+    * b_2_id = scatt_id - ((* b_1_id) * (2 * n_b1 + 1) - (* b_1_id) * (* b_1_id)) / 2 + (* b_1_id) + 1;
-+    return 0;
-+   \brief Compute scatter plot id from band ids.
-+    See also I_id_scatt_to_bands().
-+   \param n_bands number of bands
-+   \param b_1_id id of band1
-+   \param b_1_id id of band2
-+   \param [out] scatt_id scatter plot id
-+   \return 0
-+ */
-+int I_bands_to_id_scatt(const int b_1_id, const int b_2_id, const int n_bands, int * scatt_id)
-+    int n_b1 = n_bands - 1;
-+    * scatt_id = (b_1_id * (2 * n_b1 + 1) - b_1_id * b_1_id) / 2 + b_2_id - b_1_id - 1;
-+    return 0;
-+   \brief Initialize structure for storing scatter plots data.
-+   \param cats pointer to scCats struct 
-+   \param n_bands number of bands
-+   \param type SC_SCATT_DATA - stores scatter plots 
-+   \param type SC_SCATT_CONDITIONS - stores selected areas in scatter plots
-+ */
-+void I_sc_init_cats(struct scCats * cats, int n_bands, int type)
-+    int i_cat;
-+    cats->type = type;
-+    cats->n_cats = 100;
-+    cats->n_a_cats = 0;
-+    cats->n_bands = n_bands;
-+    cats->n_scatts = (n_bands - 1) * n_bands / 2;
-+    cats->cats_arr = (struct scScatts **) G_malloc(cats->n_cats * sizeof(struct scScatts *));
-+    memset(cats->cats_arr, 0, cats-> n_cats * sizeof(struct scScatts *));
-+    cats->cats_ids = (int *)  G_malloc(cats->n_cats * sizeof(int));
-+    cats->cats_idxs =(int *)  G_malloc(cats->n_cats * sizeof(int));
-+    for(i_cat = 0; i_cat < cats->n_cats; i_cat++)
-+        cats->cats_idxs[i_cat] = -1;
-+    return;
-+   \brief Free data of struct scCats, the structure itself remains alocated.
-+   \param cats pointer to existing scCats struct
-+ */
-+void I_sc_free_cats(struct scCats * cats)
-+    int i_cat;
-+    for(i_cat = 0; i_cat < cats->n_a_cats; i_cat++)
-+    {        
-+        if(cats->cats_arr[i_cat])
-+        {   
-+            G_free(cats->cats_arr[i_cat]->scatt_idxs);
-+            G_free(cats->cats_arr[i_cat]->scatts_bands);
-+            G_free(cats->cats_arr[i_cat]->scatts_arr);
-+            G_free(cats->cats_arr[i_cat]);
-+        }
-+    }
-+    G_free(cats->cats_ids);
-+    G_free(cats->cats_idxs);
-+    G_free(cats->cats_arr);
-+    cats->n_cats = 0;
-+    cats->n_a_cats = 0;
-+    cats->n_bands = 0;
-+    cats->n_scatts = 0;
-+    cats->type = -1;
-+    return;
-+#if 0
-+void I_sc_get_active_categories(int * a_cats_ids, int * n_a_cats, struct scCats * cats)
-+    a_cats_ids = cats->cats_ids;
-+    * n_a_cats = cats->n_a_cats;
-+   \brief Add category.
-+    Category represents group of scatter plots.
-+   \param cats pointer to scCats struct
-+   \return assigned category id (starts with 0)
-+   \return -1 if maximum nuber of categories was reached
-+ */
-+int I_sc_add_cat(struct scCats * cats)
-+    int i_scatt, i_cat_id, cat_id;
-+    int n_a_cats = cats->n_a_cats;
-+    if(cats->n_a_cats >= cats->n_cats)
-+        return -1;
-+    for(i_cat_id = 0; i_cat_id < cats->n_cats; i_cat_id++)
-+        if(cats->cats_idxs[i_cat_id] < 0) {
-+            cat_id = i_cat_id;
-+            break;
-+        }
-+    cats->cats_ids[n_a_cats] = cat_id;
-+    cats->cats_idxs[cat_id] = n_a_cats;
-+    cats->cats_arr[n_a_cats] = (struct scScatts *) G_malloc(sizeof(struct scScatts));
-+    cats->cats_arr[n_a_cats]->scatts_arr = (struct scdScattData **) G_malloc(cats->n_scatts * sizeof(struct scdScattData *));
-+    memset((cats->cats_arr[n_a_cats]->scatts_arr), 0, cats->n_scatts * sizeof(struct scdScattData *));
-+    cats->cats_arr[n_a_cats]->n_a_scatts = 0;
-+    cats->cats_arr[n_a_cats]->scatts_bands = (int *) G_malloc(cats->n_scatts * 2 * sizeof(int));
-+    cats->cats_arr[n_a_cats]->scatt_idxs = (int *) G_malloc(cats->n_scatts * sizeof(int));
-+    for(i_scatt = 0; i_scatt < cats->n_scatts; i_scatt++)
-+        cats->cats_arr[n_a_cats]->scatt_idxs[i_scatt] = -1;
-+    ++cats->n_a_cats;
-+    return cat_id;
-+#if 0
-+int I_sc_delete_cat(struct scCats * cats, int cat_id)
-+    int cat_idx, i_cat;
-+    if(cat_id < 0 || cat_id >= cats->n_cats)
-+        return -1;
-+    cat_idx = cats->cats_idxs[cat_id];
-+    if(cat_idx < 0)
-+        return -1;
-+    G_free(cats->cats_arr[cat_idx]->scatt_idxs);
-+    G_free(cats->cats_arr[cat_idx]->scatts_bands);
-+    G_free(cats->cats_arr[cat_idx]->scatts_arr);
-+    G_free(cats->cats_arr[cat_idx]);
-+    for(i_cat = cat_idx; i_cat < cats->n_a_cats - 1; i_cat++)
-+    {
-+        cats->cats_arr[i_cat] = cats->cats_arr[i_cat + 1];
-+        cats->cats_ids[i_cat] = cats->cats_ids[i_cat + 1];
-+    }
-+    cats->cats_idxs[cat_id] = -1; 
-+    --cats->n_a_cats;
-+    return 0;
-+   \brief Insert scatter plot data .
-+    Inserted scatt_data struct must have same type as cats struct (SC_SCATT_DATA or SC_SCATT_CONDITIONS).
-+   \param cats pointer to scCats struct
-+   \param cat_id id number of category.
-+   \param scatt_id id number of scatter plot.
-+   \return  0 on success
-+   \return -1 on failure
-+ */
-+int I_sc_insert_scatt_data(struct scCats * cats, struct scdScattData * scatt_data, int cat_id, int scatt_id)
-+    int band_1, band_2, cat_idx, n_a_scatts;
-+    struct scScatts * scatts;
-+    if(cat_id < 0 || cat_id >= cats->n_cats)
-+        return -1;
-+    cat_idx = cats->cats_idxs[cat_id];
-+    if(cat_idx < 0)
-+        return -1;
-+    if(scatt_id < 0 && scatt_id >= cats->n_scatts)
-+        return -1;
-+    scatts = cats->cats_arr[cat_idx];
-+    if(scatts->scatt_idxs[scatt_id] >= 0)
-+        return -1;
-+    if(!scatt_data->b_conds_arr && cats->type == SC_SCATT_CONDITIONS)
-+        return -1;
-+    if(!scatt_data->scatt_vals_arr && cats->type == SC_SCATT_DATA)
-+        return -1;
-+    n_a_scatts = scatts->n_a_scatts;
-+    scatts->scatt_idxs[scatt_id] = n_a_scatts;
-+    I_id_scatt_to_bands(scatt_id, cats->n_bands, &band_1, &band_2);
-+    scatts->scatts_bands[n_a_scatts * 2] = band_1;
-+    scatts->scatts_bands[n_a_scatts * 2 + 1] = band_2;
-+    scatts->scatts_arr[n_a_scatts] = scatt_data;
-+    ++scatts->n_a_scatts;
-+    return 0;
-+#if 0
-+int I_sc_remove_scatt_data(struct scCats * cats, struct scdScattData * scatt_data, int cat_id, int scatt_id)
-+    int cat_idx, scatt_idx, n_init_scatts, i_scatt;
-+    struct scScatts * scatts;
-+    if(cat_id < 0 && cat_id >= cats->n_cats)
-+        return -1;
-+    cat_idx = cats->cats_idxs[cat_id];
-+    if(cat_idx < 0)
-+        return -1;
-+    if(scatt_id < 0 || scatt_id >= cats->n_scatts)
-+        return -1;
-+    scatts = cats->cats_arr[cat_idx];
-+    if(scatts->scatt_idxs[scatt_id] < 0)
-+        return -1;
-+    scatt_data = scatts->scatts_arr[scatt_idx];
-+    for(i_scatt = scatt_idx; i_scatt < scatts->n_a_scatts - 1; i_scatt++)
-+    {
-+        scatts->scatts_arr[i_scatt] = scatts->scatts_arr[i_scatt + 1];
-+        scatts->scatts_bands[i_scatt * 2] = scatts->scatts_bands[(i_scatt + 1)* 2];
-+        scatts->scatts_bands[i_scatt * 2 + 1] = scatts->scatts_bands[(i_scatt + 1) * 2 + 1];
-+    }
-+    scatts->scatts_arr[scatts->n_a_scatts] = NULL;
-+    scatts->scatt_idxs[scatt_id] = -1;
-+    scatt_data = scatts->scatts_arr[scatt_id];
-+    scatts->n_a_scatts--;
-+    return 0;
-+int I_sc_set_value(struct scCats * cats, int cat_id, int scatt_id, int value_idx, int value)
-+    int n_a_scatts = cats->cats_arr[cat_id]->n_a_scatts;
-+    int cat_idx, scatt_idx, ret;
-+    cat_idx = cats->cats_idxs[cat_id];
-+    if(cat_idx < 0)
-+        return -1;
-+    if(cats->cats_arr[cat_idx]->scatt_idxs[scatt_id] < 0)
-+        return -1;
-+    cat_idx = cats->cats_idxs[cat_id];
-+    scatt_idx = cats->cats_arr[cat_idx]->scatt_idxs[scatt_id];
-+    I_scd_set_value(cats->cats_arr[cat_idx]->scatts_arr[scatt_idx], value_idx, value);
-+    return 0;
-+   \brief Insert scatter plot data.
-+   \param scatt_data pointer to existing struct scdScattData
-+   \param type SC_SCATT_DATA for scatter plots or SC_SCATT_CONDITIONS for selected areas in scatter plot
-+   \param n_vals number of data values
-+   \param data array of values (unsigned char for SC_SCATT_CONDITIONS, unsigned int for SC_SCATT_DATA)
-+ */
-+void I_scd_init_scatt_data(struct scdScattData * scatt_data, int type, int n_vals, void * data)
-+    scatt_data->n_vals = n_vals;
-+    if(type == SC_SCATT_DATA)
-+    {   
-+        if(data)
-+            scatt_data->scatt_vals_arr = (unsigned int *) data;
-+        else {
-+            scatt_data->scatt_vals_arr = (unsigned int *) G_malloc(n_vals * sizeof(unsigned int));
-+            memset(scatt_data->scatt_vals_arr, 0, n_vals * sizeof(unsigned int)); 
-+        }
-+        scatt_data->b_conds_arr = NULL;
-+    }
-+    else if(type == SC_SCATT_CONDITIONS)
-+    {
-+        if(data)
-+            scatt_data->b_conds_arr = (unsigned char *) data;
-+        else {
-+            scatt_data->b_conds_arr = (unsigned char *) G_malloc(n_vals * sizeof(unsigned char));
-+            memset(scatt_data->b_conds_arr, 0, n_vals * sizeof(unsigned char));
-+        }
-+        scatt_data->scatt_vals_arr = NULL;
-+    }
-+    return;
-+#if 0
-+void I_scd_get_range_min_max(struct scdScattData * scatt_data, CELL * band_1_min, CELL * band_1_max, CELL * band_2_min, CELL * band_2_max)
-+    Rast_get_range_min_max(&(scatt_data->band_1_range), band_1_min, band_2_min);
-+    Rast_get_range_min_max(&(scatt_data->band_2_range), band_2_min, band_2_max);
-+    return;
-+void * I_scd_get_data_ptr(struct scdScattData * scatt_data)
-+    if(!scatt_data->b_conds_arr)
-+        return scatt_data->b_conds_arr;
-+    else if(!scatt_data->scatt_vals_arr)
-+        return scatt_data->scatt_vals_arr;
-+    return NULL;
-+int I_scd_set_value(struct scdScattData * scatt_data, unsigned int val_idx, unsigned int val)
-+    if(val_idx < 0 && val_idx >  scatt_data->n_vals)
-+        return -1;
-+    if(scatt_data->b_conds_arr)
-+        scatt_data->b_conds_arr[val_idx] = val;
-+    else if(scatt_data->scatt_vals_arr)
-+        scatt_data->scatt_vals_arr[val_idx] = val;
-+    else
-+        return -1;
-+    return 0;
+ /* sig.c */
+ int I_init_signatures(struct Signature *, int);
+ int I_new_signature(struct Signature *);
 Index: include/imagery.h
---- include/imagery.h	(revision 57599)
+--- include/imagery.h	(revision 57601)
 +++ include/imagery.h	(working copy)
 @@ -135,6 +135,56 @@
@@ -1236,50 +100,49 @@
-Index: include/defs/vedit.h
+Index: gui/icons/grass/polygon.png
---- include/defs/vedit.h	(revision 57599)
-+++ include/defs/vedit.h	(working copy)
-@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
- int Vedit_merge_lines(struct Map_info *, struct ilist *);
- /* move.c */
-+int Vedit_move_areas(struct Map_info *, struct Map_info **, int,
-+		     		 struct ilist *, double, double, double, int, double);
- int Vedit_move_lines(struct Map_info *, struct Map_info **, int,
- 		     struct ilist *, double, double, double, int, double);
-Index: include/defs/imagery.h
+Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
+svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
+Index: gui/icons/grass/polygon.png
---- include/defs/imagery.h	(revision 57599)
-+++ include/defs/imagery.h	(working copy)
-@@ -110,6 +110,23 @@
- FILE *I_fopen_subgroup_ref_new(const char *, const char *);
- FILE *I_fopen_subgroup_ref_old(const char *, const char *);
-+/* scatt_plt.c */
-+void I_sc_init_cats(struct scCats *, int, int);
-+void I_sc_free_cats(struct scCats *);
-+int I_sc_add_cat(struct scCats *);
-+int I_sc_insert_scatt_data(struct scCats *, struct scdScattData *, int, int);
+--- gui/icons/grass/polygon.png	(revision 57601)
++++ gui/icons/grass/polygon.png	(working copy)
+Property changes on: gui/icons/grass/polygon.png
+Added: svn:mime-type
+## -0,0 +1 ##
+\ No newline at end of property
+Index: gui/wxpython/iclass/dialogs.py
+--- gui/wxpython/iclass/dialogs.py	(revision 57601)
++++ gui/wxpython/iclass/dialogs.py	(working copy)
+@@ -333,13 +333,19 @@
+         toolbar.SetCategories(catNames = catNames, catIdx = cats)
+         if name in catNames:
+             toolbar.choice.SetStringSelection(name)
++            cat = toolbar.GetSelectedCategoryIdx()
+         elif catNames:
+             toolbar.choice.SetSelection(0)
++            cat = toolbar.GetSelectedCategoryIdx()
++        else:
++            cat = None
-+void I_scd_init_scatt_data(struct scdScattData *, int, int, void *);
+         if toolbar.choice.IsEmpty():
+             toolbar.EnableControls(False)
+         else:
+             toolbar.EnableControls(True)
-+int I_compute_scatts(struct Cell_head *, struct scCats *, const char **, 
-+	                 const char **, int, struct scCats *, const char **);
-+int I_create_cat_rast(struct Cell_head *, const char *);
-+int I_insert_patch_to_cat_rast(const char *, struct Cell_head *,  const char *);
-+int I_id_scatt_to_bands(const int, const int, int *, int *);
-+int I_bands_to_id_scatt(const int, const int, const int, int *);
- /* sig.c */
- int I_init_signatures(struct Signature *, int);
- int I_new_signature(struct Signature *);
++        self.mapWindow.CategoryChanged(cat)
+         # don't forget to update maps, histo, ...
+     def GetSelectedIndices(self, state =  wx.LIST_STATE_SELECTED):
 Index: gui/wxpython/iclass/toolbars.py
---- gui/wxpython/iclass/toolbars.py	(revision 57599)
+--- gui/wxpython/iclass/toolbars.py	(revision 57601)
 +++ gui/wxpython/iclass/toolbars.py	(working copy)
 @@ -46,9 +46,7 @@
          'importAreas' : MetaIcon(img = 'layer-import',
@@ -1315,7 +178,7 @@
 Index: gui/wxpython/iclass/frame.py
---- gui/wxpython/iclass/frame.py	(revision 57599)
+--- gui/wxpython/iclass/frame.py	(revision 57601)
 +++ gui/wxpython/iclass/frame.py	(working copy)
 @@ -64,6 +64,8 @@
                                 IClassExportAreasDialog, IClassMapDialog
@@ -1468,7 +331,7 @@
 Index: gui/wxpython/iclass/plots.py
---- gui/wxpython/iclass/plots.py	(revision 57599)
+--- gui/wxpython/iclass/plots.py	(revision 57601)
 +++ gui/wxpython/iclass/plots.py	(working copy)
 @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
  import wx.lib.plot as plot
@@ -1615,31 +478,52 @@
      def DrawCoincidencePlots(self):
          """!Draw coincidence plots"""
          for bandIdx in range(len(self.bandList)):
-Index: gui/wxpython/iclass/dialogs.py
+Index: gui/wxpython/mapdisp/toolbars.py
---- gui/wxpython/iclass/dialogs.py	(revision 57599)
-+++ gui/wxpython/iclass/dialogs.py	(working copy)
-@@ -333,13 +333,19 @@
-         toolbar.SetCategories(catNames = catNames, catIdx = cats)
-         if name in catNames:
-             toolbar.choice.SetStringSelection(name)
-+            cat = toolbar.GetSelectedCategoryIdx()
-         elif catNames:
-             toolbar.choice.SetSelection(0)
-+            cat = toolbar.GetSelectedCategoryIdx()
-+        else:
-+            cat = None
+--- gui/wxpython/mapdisp/toolbars.py	(revision 57601)
++++ gui/wxpython/mapdisp/toolbars.py	(working copy)
+@@ -239,7 +239,8 @@
+                       (MapIcons["scatter"],     self.parent.OnScatterplot),
+                       (MapIcons["histogram"],   self.parent.OnHistogramPyPlot),
+                       (BaseIcons["histogramD"], self.parent.OnHistogram),
+-                      (MapIcons["vnet"],        self.parent.OnVNet)))
++                      (MapIcons["vnet"],        self.parent.OnVNet),
++                      (MapIcons["scatter"],     self.parent.OnScatterplot2)))
+     def OnDecoration(self, event):
+         """!Decorations overlay menu
+Index: gui/wxpython/mapdisp/frame.py
+--- gui/wxpython/mapdisp/frame.py	(revision 57601)
++++ gui/wxpython/mapdisp/frame.py	(working copy)
+@@ -225,6 +225,7 @@
+         #
+         self.dialogs = {}
+         self.dialogs['attributes'] = None
++        self.dialogs['scatt_plot'] = None
+         self.dialogs['category'] = None
+         self.dialogs['barscale'] = None
+         self.dialogs['legend'] = None
+@@ -1168,6 +1169,19 @@
+         """!Returns toolbar with zooming tools"""
+         return self.toolbars['map']
++    def OnScatterplot2(self, event):
++        """!Init interactive scatterplot tools
++        """
++        if self.dialogs['scatt_plot']:
++            self.dialogs['scatt_plot'].Raise()
++            return
-         if toolbar.choice.IsEmpty():
-             toolbar.EnableControls(False)
-         else:
-             toolbar.EnableControls(True)
++        from scatt_plot.dialogs import ScattPlotMainDialog
++        self.dialogs['scatt_plot'] = ScattPlotMainDialog(parent=self, giface=self._giface)
++        self.dialogs['scatt_plot'].CenterOnScreen()
++        self.dialogs['scatt_plot'].Show()
-+        self.mapWindow.CategoryChanged(cat)
-         # don't forget to update maps, histo, ...
-     def GetSelectedIndices(self, state =  wx.LIST_STATE_SELECTED):
+     def OnVNet(self, event):
+         """!Dialog for v.net* modules 
+         """
 Index: gui/wxpython/scatt_plot/gthreading.py
 --- gui/wxpython/scatt_plot/gthreading.py	(revision 0)
@@ -1938,7 +822,7 @@
 --- gui/wxpython/scatt_plot/toolbars.py	(revision 0)
 +++ gui/wxpython/scatt_plot/toolbars.py	(working copy)
-@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
 + at package scatt_plot.toolbars
@@ -1987,11 +871,11 @@
 +                'selCatPol'  : MetaIcon(img = 'polygon',
 +                                      label = _('Select area with polygon')),
 +                'pan'        : MetaIcon(img = 'pan',
-+                                         label = _('Pan'),
-+                                         desc = _('Pan scatter plot')),
++                                         label = _('Pan mode for scatter plots')),
 +                'zoomIn'     : MetaIcon(img = 'zoom-in',
-+                                          label = _('Zoom'),
-+                                          desc = _('Zoom whith mouse wheel')),
++                                        label = _('Zoom mode for scatter plots (left mouse button, wheel)')),
++                'zoomExtent' : MetaIcon(img = 'zoom-extent',
++                                       label = _('Zoom to scatter plot data extend mode (click on scatter plot for zooming to extend)')),
 +                'cats_mgr' : MetaIcon(img = 'table-manager',
 +                                          label = _('Show/hide class manager'))
 +                }
@@ -2009,6 +893,10 @@
 +                                     ("zoom", icons["zoomIn"],
 +                                     lambda event: self.SetPloltsMode(event, 'zoom'),
 +                                      wx.ITEM_CHECK),
++                                     ("zoom_extend", icons["zoomExtent"],
++                                     lambda event: self.SetPloltsMode(event, 'zoom_extend'),
++                                      wx.ITEM_CHECK),
++                                    (None, ),
 +                                     ('sel_pol_mode', icons['selCatPol'],
 +                                      self.ActivateSelectionPolygonMode,
 +                                     wx.ITEM_CHECK)
@@ -2138,7 +1026,7 @@
 +    def ModeSet(self, mode):
-+        if mode in ['zoom', 'pan']:
++        if mode in ['zoom', 'pan', 'zoom_extend', None]:
 +            self.UnsetMode()
 +    def UnsetMode(self):
@@ -3702,7 +2590,7 @@
 --- gui/wxpython/scatt_plot/plots.py	(revision 0)
 +++ gui/wxpython/scatt_plot/plots.py	(working copy)
-@@ -0,0 +1,817 @@
+@@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
 + at package scatt_plot.dialogs
@@ -3733,8 +2621,7 @@
 +    matplotlib.use('WXAgg')
 +    from matplotlib.figure import Figure
 +    from matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg import \
-+    FigureCanvasWxAgg as FigCanvas, \
-+    NavigationToolbar2WxAgg as NavigationToolbar
++    FigureCanvasWxAgg as FigCanvas
 +    from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
 +    from matplotlib.artist import Artist
 +    from matplotlib.mlab import dist_point_to_segment
@@ -3745,12 +2632,9 @@
 +except ImportError as e:
 +    raise ImportError(_("Unable to import matplotlib (try to install it).\n%s") % e)
 +import grass.script as grass
 +from grass.pydispatch.signal import Signal
-+#class PlotImages()?
 +class ScatterPlotWidget(wx.Panel):
 +    def __init__(self, parent, scatt_id, scatt_mgr, transpose,
 +                 id = wx.ID_ANY):
@@ -3781,7 +2665,7 @@
 +        self.plotClosed = Signal("ScatterPlotWidget.plotClosed")
-+        #self.contex_menu = ScatterPlotContextMenu(plot = self)
++        self.contex_menu = ScatterPlotContextMenu(plot = self)
 +        self.ciddscroll = None
@@ -3801,8 +2685,10 @@
 +        #
 +        self.dpi = 100
 +        self.fig = Figure((1.0, 1.0), dpi=self.dpi)
++        self.fig.autolayout = True
 +        self.canvas = FigCanvas(self, -1, self.fig)
 +        self.axes = self.fig.add_axes([0,0,1,1])
 +        pol = Polygon(list(zip([0], [0])), animated=True)
@@ -3815,8 +2701,6 @@
 +        self.zoom_rect.set_visible(False)
 +        self.axes.add_patch(self.zoom_rect)
-+        self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas)
 +    def ZoomToExtend(self):
 +        if self.full_extend:
 +            self.axes.axis(self.full_extend)
@@ -3827,12 +2711,26 @@
 +        if mode == 'zoom':
 +            self.ciddscroll = self.canvas.mpl_connect('scroll_event', self.ZoomWheel)
 +            self.mode = 'zoom'
++        elif mode == 'zoom_extend':
++            self.mode = 'zoom_extend'
 +        elif mode == 'pan':
-+            #self.toolbar.pan()
 +            self.mode = 'pan'
 +        elif mode:
 +            self.polygon_drawer.SetMode(mode)
++    def SetSelectionPolygonMode(self, activate):
++        self.polygon_drawer.SetSelectionPolygonMode(activate)
++    def _deactivateMode(self):
++        self.mode  = None
++        self.polygon_drawer.SetMode(None)
++        if self.ciddscroll:
++            self.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.ciddscroll)
++        self.zoom_rect.set_visible(False)
++        self._stopCategoryEdit()
 +    def GetCoords(self):
 +        coords = self.polygon_drawer.GetCoords()
@@ -3850,21 +2748,6 @@
 +    def SetEmpty(self):
 +        return self.polygon_drawer.SetEmpty()
-+    def _deactivateMode(self):
-+        #TODO do own pan
-+        #if self.toolbar._active == "PAN":
-+        self.mode  = None
-+        if self.toolbar._active == "ZOOM":
-+            self.toolbar.zoom()
-+        if self.ciddscroll:
-+            self.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.ciddscroll)
-+        self.zoom_rect.set_visible(False)
-+        self._stopCategoryEdit()
 +    def OnRelease(self, event):
 +        if not self.mode == "zoom": return
 +        self.zoom_rect.set_visible(False)
@@ -3875,7 +2758,9 @@
 +        'on button press we will see if the mouse is over us and store some data'
 +        if not event.inaxes:
 +            return
++        if self.mode == "zoom_extend":
++            self.ZoomToExtend()
 +        if event.xdata and event.ydata:
 +            self.zoom_wheel_coords = { 'x' : event.xdata, 'y' : event.ydata}
 +            self.zoom_rect_coords = { 'x' : event.xdata, 'y' : event.ydata}
@@ -3896,7 +2781,6 @@
 +        self.main_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
 +        self.main_sizer.Add(self.canvas, 1, wx.LEFT | wx.TOP | wx.GROW)
-+        #self.main_sizer.Add(self.toolbar, 0, wx.EXPAND)        
 +        self.SetSizer(self.main_sizer)
 +        self.main_sizer.Fit(self)
@@ -3921,11 +2805,12 @@
 +        p.join()
 +        self.axes.clear()
++        self.axes.axis('equal')
 +        img = imshow(self.axes, merged_img,
 +                     origin = 'lower',
-+                     extent = self.full_extend, 
 +                     interpolation='nearest',
-+                     aspect = "auto")
++                     aspect = "equal")
 +        callafter_list.append([self.axes.draw_artist, [img]])
 +        callafter_list.append([grass.try_remove, [merged_img.filename]])
@@ -4013,16 +2898,13 @@
 +        cur_ylim = self.axes.get_ylim()
 +        x1, y1 = event.xdata, event.ydata
-+        x2 = self.zoom_rect_coords['x']
-+        y2 = self.zoom_rect_coords['y']
++        x2 = deepcopy(self.zoom_rect_coords['x'])
++        y2 = deepcopy(self.zoom_rect_coords['y'])
-+        dx = abs(x1 - x2)
-+        dy = abs(y1 - y2)
++        self.axes.set_xlim(x1, x2)#, auto = True)
++        self.axes.set_ylim(y1, y2)#, auto = True)
++        self.canvas.draw()
-+        self.axes.set_xlim(x1, x2)
-+        self.axes.set_ylim(y1, y2)
 +    def Motion(self, event):
 +        self.PanMotion(event)
 +        self.ZoomRectMotion(event)
@@ -4064,7 +2946,7 @@
 +        self.zoom_rect.xy = ((x1, y1), (x1, y2), (x2, y2), (x2, y1), (x1, y1))
-+        self.axes.draw_artist(self.zoom_rect)
++        #self.axes.draw_artist(self.zoom_rect)
 +        self.canvas.draw()
 +class ScatterPlotContextMenu:
@@ -4122,7 +3004,7 @@
 +        self.mode = None
 +        if self.empty_pol:
-+            self.Show(False)
++            self._show(False)
 +        #self.canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', self.draw_callback)
 +        self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.OnButtonPressed)
@@ -4133,6 +3015,19 @@
 +    def SetMode(self, mode):
 +        self.mode = mode
++    def SetSelectionPolygonMode(self, activate):
++        self.Show(activate)
++        if not activate and self.mode:
++            self.SetMode(None) 
++    def Show(self, show):
++        if show:
++            if not self.empty_pol:
++                self._show(True)
++        else:
++            self._show(False)
 +    def GetCoords(self):
 +        if self.empty_pol:
 +            return None
@@ -4145,9 +3040,9 @@
 +    def _setEmptyPol(self, empty_pol):
 +        self.empty_pol = empty_pol
-+        self.Show(not empty_pol)
++        self._show(not empty_pol)
-+    def Show(self, show):
++    def _show(self, show):
 +        self.show = show
@@ -4225,7 +3120,7 @@
 +        if len(self.pol.xy) <= 2:
 +            self.empty_pol = True
-+            self.Show(False)
++            self._show(False)
 +            return
 +        coords = []
@@ -4270,7 +3165,7 @@
 +        if self.empty_pol:
 +            pt = (event.xdata, event.ydata)
 +            self.pol.xy = np.array([pt, pt])
-+            self.Show(True)
++            self._show(True)
 +            self.empty_pol = False
 +        else:
 +            self.pol.xy = np.array(
@@ -4525,7 +3420,7 @@
 --- gui/wxpython/scatt_plot/controllers.py	(revision 0)
 +++ gui/wxpython/scatt_plot/controllers.py	(working copy)
-@@ -0,0 +1,686 @@
+@@ -0,0 +1,685 @@
 + at package scatt_plot.controllers
@@ -4819,6 +3714,11 @@
 +    def ActivateSelectionPolygonMode(self, activate):
 +        self.pol_sel_mode[0] = activate
++        for scatt in self.plots.itervalues():
++            scatt.SetSelectionPolygonMode(activate)
++            if not activate and self.plot_mode not in ['zoom', 'pan', 'zoom_extend']:
++                self.SetPlotsMode(None)
 +        self.RenderScattPlts()
 +        return activate
@@ -4861,12 +3761,6 @@
 +                        scatts_pols = scatts_polygons,
 +                        value = value)
-+    def SetPlotsEditingMode(self, mode):
-+        self.pol_sel_mode[1] = mode
-+        for scatt in self.plots.itervalues():
-+            scatt.SetEditingMode(mode)
 +    def SetEditCatDataDone(self, event):
 +        if event.exception:
@@ -5215,7 +4109,7 @@
 \ No newline at end of file
 Index: gui/wxpython/Makefile
---- gui/wxpython/Makefile	(revision 57599)
+--- gui/wxpython/Makefile	(revision 57601)
 +++ gui/wxpython/Makefile	(working copy)
 @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
  	$(wildcard animation/* core/*.py dbmgr/* gcp/*.py gmodeler/* \
@@ -5237,38 +4131,9 @@
  DSTDIRS := $(patsubst %,$(ETCDIR)/%,icons scripts xml)
  default: $(DSTFILES)
-Index: gui/wxpython/vdigit/toolbars.py
---- gui/wxpython/vdigit/toolbars.py	(revision 57599)
-+++ gui/wxpython/vdigit/toolbars.py	(working copy)
-@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
- import wx
- from grass.script import core as grass
-+from grass.pydispatch.signal import Signal
- from gui_core.toolbars  import BaseToolbar, BaseIcons
- from gui_core.dialogs   import CreateNewVector
-@@ -42,6 +43,8 @@
-         self.digit         = None
-         self._giface       = giface
-+        self.editingStarted = Signal("VDigitToolbar.editingStarted")
-         # currently selected map layer for editing (reference to MapLayer instance)
-         self.mapLayer = None
-         # list of vector layers from Layer Manager (only in the current mapset)
-@@ -860,6 +863,7 @@
-             alpha = int(opacity * 255)
-             self.digit.GetDisplay().UpdateSettings(alpha = alpha)
-+        self.editingStarted.emit(vectMap = mapLayer.GetName(), digit = self.digit)
-         return True
-     def StopEditing(self):
 Index: gui/wxpython/vdigit/wxdigit.py
---- gui/wxpython/vdigit/wxdigit.py	(revision 57599)
+--- gui/wxpython/vdigit/wxdigit.py	(revision 57601)
 +++ gui/wxpython/vdigit/wxdigit.py	(working copy)
 @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
  (and NumPy would be an excellent candidate for acceleration via
@@ -5786,64 +4651,1209 @@
          return 1
      def GetLineCats(self, line):
-Index: gui/wxpython/mapdisp/toolbars.py
+Index: gui/wxpython/vdigit/toolbars.py
---- gui/wxpython/mapdisp/toolbars.py	(revision 57599)
-+++ gui/wxpython/mapdisp/toolbars.py	(working copy)
-@@ -239,7 +239,8 @@
-                       (MapIcons["scatter"],     self.parent.OnScatterplot),
-                       (MapIcons["histogram"],   self.parent.OnHistogramPyPlot),
-                       (BaseIcons["histogramD"], self.parent.OnHistogram),
--                      (MapIcons["vnet"],        self.parent.OnVNet)))
-+                      (MapIcons["vnet"],        self.parent.OnVNet),
-+                      (MapIcons["scatter"],     self.parent.OnScatterplot2)))
+--- gui/wxpython/vdigit/toolbars.py	(revision 57601)
++++ gui/wxpython/vdigit/toolbars.py	(working copy)
+@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
+ import wx
+ from grass.script import core as grass
++from grass.pydispatch.signal import Signal
+ from gui_core.toolbars  import BaseToolbar, BaseIcons
+ from gui_core.dialogs   import CreateNewVector
+@@ -42,6 +43,8 @@
+         self.digit         = None
+         self._giface       = giface
-     def OnDecoration(self, event):
-         """!Decorations overlay menu
-Index: gui/wxpython/mapdisp/frame.py
++        self.editingStarted = Signal("VDigitToolbar.editingStarted")
+         # currently selected map layer for editing (reference to MapLayer instance)
+         self.mapLayer = None
+         # list of vector layers from Layer Manager (only in the current mapset)
+@@ -860,6 +863,7 @@
+             alpha = int(opacity * 255)
+             self.digit.GetDisplay().UpdateSettings(alpha = alpha)
++        self.editingStarted.emit(vectMap = mapLayer.GetName(), digit = self.digit)
+         return True
+     def StopEditing(self):
+Index: lib/vector/Vlib/open.c
---- gui/wxpython/mapdisp/frame.py	(revision 57599)
-+++ gui/wxpython/mapdisp/frame.py	(working copy)
-@@ -225,6 +225,7 @@
-         #
-         self.dialogs = {}
-         self.dialogs['attributes'] = None
-+        self.dialogs['scatt_plot'] = None
-         self.dialogs['category'] = None
-         self.dialogs['barscale'] = None
-         self.dialogs['legend'] = None
-@@ -1168,6 +1169,19 @@
-         """!Returns toolbar with zooming tools"""
-         return self.toolbars['map']
-+    def OnScatterplot2(self, event):
-+        """!Init interactive scatterplot tools
-+        """
-+        if self.dialogs['scatt_plot']:
-+            self.dialogs['scatt_plot'].Raise()
-+            return
+--- lib/vector/Vlib/open.c	(revision 57601)
++++ lib/vector/Vlib/open.c	(working copy)
+@@ -240,7 +240,9 @@
+         }
+         else {
+             char file_path[GPATH_MAX];
++            /* reduce to current mapset if search path was set */
++            if(strcmp(Map->mapset, "") == 0)
++                Map->mapset = G_store(G_mapset());
+             /* temporary map: reduce to current mapset if search path
+              * was set */
+             if (strcmp(Map->mapset, "") == 0)
+Index: lib/imagery/scatt_sccats.c
+--- lib/imagery/scatt_sccats.c	(revision 0)
++++ lib/imagery/scatt_sccats.c	(working copy)
+@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
++   \file lib/imagery/scatt_cat_rast.c
-+        from scatt_plot.dialogs import ScattPlotMainDialog
-+        self.dialogs['scatt_plot'] = ScattPlotMainDialog(parent=self, giface=self._giface)
++   \brief Imagery library - functions for manipulation with scatter plot structs.
++   Copyright (C) 2013 by the GRASS Development Team
++   This program is free software under the GNU General Public License
++   (>=v2).  Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS for details.
++   \author Stepan Turek <stepan.turek at seznam.cz> (Mentor: Martin Landa)
++ */
++#include <grass/raster.h>
++#include <grass/imagery.h>
++#include <grass/gis.h>
++#include <stdio.h>
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#include <math.h>
++#include <string.h>
++   \brief Compute band ids from scatter plot id.
++    Scatter plot id describes which bands defines the scatter plot.
++    Let say we have 3 bands, their ids are 0, 1 and 2.
++    Scatter plot with id 0 consists of band 1 (b_1_id) 0 and  band 2 (b_2_id) 1.
++    All scatter plots:
++    scatt_id b_1_id b_2_id
++    0        0      1
++    1        0      2
++    2        1      2
++   \param scatt_id scatter plot id
++   \param n_bands number of bands
++   \param [out] b_1_id id of band1
++   \param[out] b_2_id id of band2
++   \return 0
++ */
++int I_id_scatt_to_bands(const int scatt_id, const int n_bands, int * b_1_id, int * b_2_id)
++    int n_b1 = n_bands - 1;
++    * b_1_id = (int) ((2 * n_b1 + 1 - sqrt((double)((2 * n_b1 + 1) * (2 * n_b1 + 1) - 8 * scatt_id))) / 2);
++    * b_2_id = scatt_id - ((* b_1_id) * (2 * n_b1 + 1) - (* b_1_id) * (* b_1_id)) / 2 + (* b_1_id) + 1;
++    return 0;
++   \brief Compute scatter plot id from band ids.
++    See also I_id_scatt_to_bands().
++   \param n_bands number of bands
++   \param b_1_id id of band1
++   \param b_1_id id of band2
++   \param [out] scatt_id scatter plot id
++   \return 0
++ */
++int I_bands_to_id_scatt(const int b_1_id, const int b_2_id, const int n_bands, int * scatt_id)
++    int n_b1 = n_bands - 1;
++    * scatt_id = (b_1_id * (2 * n_b1 + 1) - b_1_id * b_1_id) / 2 + b_2_id - b_1_id - 1;
++    return 0;
++   \brief Initialize structure for storing scatter plots data.
++   \param cats pointer to scCats struct 
++   \param n_bands number of bands
++   \param type SC_SCATT_DATA - stores scatter plots 
++   \param type SC_SCATT_CONDITIONS - stores selected areas in scatter plots
++ */
++void I_sc_init_cats(struct scCats * cats, int n_bands, int type)
++    int i_cat;
++    cats->type = type;
++    cats->n_cats = 100;
++    cats->n_a_cats = 0;
++    cats->n_bands = n_bands;
++    cats->n_scatts = (n_bands - 1) * n_bands / 2;
++    cats->cats_arr = (struct scScatts **) G_malloc(cats->n_cats * sizeof(struct scScatts *));
++    memset(cats->cats_arr, 0, cats-> n_cats * sizeof(struct scScatts *));
++    cats->cats_ids = (int *)  G_malloc(cats->n_cats * sizeof(int));
++    cats->cats_idxs =(int *)  G_malloc(cats->n_cats * sizeof(int));
++    for(i_cat = 0; i_cat < cats->n_cats; i_cat++)
++        cats->cats_idxs[i_cat] = -1;
++    return;
++   \brief Free data of struct scCats, the structure itself remains alocated.
++   \param cats pointer to existing scCats struct
++ */
++void I_sc_free_cats(struct scCats * cats)
++    int i_cat;
++    for(i_cat = 0; i_cat < cats->n_a_cats; i_cat++)
++    {        
++        if(cats->cats_arr[i_cat])
++        {   
++            G_free(cats->cats_arr[i_cat]->scatt_idxs);
++            G_free(cats->cats_arr[i_cat]->scatts_bands);
++            G_free(cats->cats_arr[i_cat]->scatts_arr);
++            G_free(cats->cats_arr[i_cat]);
++        }
++    }
++    G_free(cats->cats_ids);
++    G_free(cats->cats_idxs);
++    G_free(cats->cats_arr);
++    cats->n_cats = 0;
++    cats->n_a_cats = 0;
++    cats->n_bands = 0;
++    cats->n_scatts = 0;
++    cats->type = -1;
++    return;
++#if 0
++void I_sc_get_active_categories(int * a_cats_ids, int * n_a_cats, struct scCats * cats)
++    a_cats_ids = cats->cats_ids;
++    * n_a_cats = cats->n_a_cats;
++   \brief Add category.
++    Category represents group of scatter plots.
++   \param cats pointer to scCats struct
++   \return assigned category id (starts with 0)
++   \return -1 if maximum nuber of categories was reached
++ */
++int I_sc_add_cat(struct scCats * cats)
++    int i_scatt, i_cat_id, cat_id;
++    int n_a_cats = cats->n_a_cats;
++    if(cats->n_a_cats >= cats->n_cats)
++        return -1;
++    for(i_cat_id = 0; i_cat_id < cats->n_cats; i_cat_id++)
++        if(cats->cats_idxs[i_cat_id] < 0) {
++            cat_id = i_cat_id;
++            break;
++        }
++    cats->cats_ids[n_a_cats] = cat_id;
++    cats->cats_idxs[cat_id] = n_a_cats;
++    cats->cats_arr[n_a_cats] = (struct scScatts *) G_malloc(sizeof(struct scScatts));
++    cats->cats_arr[n_a_cats]->scatts_arr = (struct scdScattData **) G_malloc(cats->n_scatts * sizeof(struct scdScattData *));
++    memset((cats->cats_arr[n_a_cats]->scatts_arr), 0, cats->n_scatts * sizeof(struct scdScattData *));
++    cats->cats_arr[n_a_cats]->n_a_scatts = 0;
++    cats->cats_arr[n_a_cats]->scatts_bands = (int *) G_malloc(cats->n_scatts * 2 * sizeof(int));
++    cats->cats_arr[n_a_cats]->scatt_idxs = (int *) G_malloc(cats->n_scatts * sizeof(int));
++    for(i_scatt = 0; i_scatt < cats->n_scatts; i_scatt++)
++        cats->cats_arr[n_a_cats]->scatt_idxs[i_scatt] = -1;
++    ++cats->n_a_cats;
++    return cat_id;
++#if 0
++int I_sc_delete_cat(struct scCats * cats, int cat_id)
++    int cat_idx, i_cat;
++    if(cat_id < 0 || cat_id >= cats->n_cats)
++        return -1;
++    cat_idx = cats->cats_idxs[cat_id];
++    if(cat_idx < 0)
++        return -1;
++    G_free(cats->cats_arr[cat_idx]->scatt_idxs);
++    G_free(cats->cats_arr[cat_idx]->scatts_bands);
++    G_free(cats->cats_arr[cat_idx]->scatts_arr);
++    G_free(cats->cats_arr[cat_idx]);
++    for(i_cat = cat_idx; i_cat < cats->n_a_cats - 1; i_cat++)
++    {
++        cats->cats_arr[i_cat] = cats->cats_arr[i_cat + 1];
++        cats->cats_ids[i_cat] = cats->cats_ids[i_cat + 1];
++    }
++    cats->cats_idxs[cat_id] = -1; 
++    --cats->n_a_cats;
++    return 0;
++   \brief Insert scatter plot data .
++    Inserted scatt_data struct must have same type as cats struct (SC_SCATT_DATA or SC_SCATT_CONDITIONS).
++   \param cats pointer to scCats struct
++   \param cat_id id number of category.
++   \param scatt_id id number of scatter plot.
++   \return  0 on success
++   \return -1 on failure
++ */
++int I_sc_insert_scatt_data(struct scCats * cats, struct scdScattData * scatt_data, int cat_id, int scatt_id)
++    int band_1, band_2, cat_idx, n_a_scatts;
++    struct scScatts * scatts;
++    if(cat_id < 0 || cat_id >= cats->n_cats)
++        return -1;
++    cat_idx = cats->cats_idxs[cat_id];
++    if(cat_idx < 0)
++        return -1;
++    if(scatt_id < 0 && scatt_id >= cats->n_scatts)
++        return -1;
++    scatts = cats->cats_arr[cat_idx];
++    if(scatts->scatt_idxs[scatt_id] >= 0)
++        return -1;
++    if(!scatt_data->b_conds_arr && cats->type == SC_SCATT_CONDITIONS)
++        return -1;
++    if(!scatt_data->scatt_vals_arr && cats->type == SC_SCATT_DATA)
++        return -1;
++    n_a_scatts = scatts->n_a_scatts;
++    scatts->scatt_idxs[scatt_id] = n_a_scatts;
++    I_id_scatt_to_bands(scatt_id, cats->n_bands, &band_1, &band_2);
++    scatts->scatts_bands[n_a_scatts * 2] = band_1;
++    scatts->scatts_bands[n_a_scatts * 2 + 1] = band_2;
++    scatts->scatts_arr[n_a_scatts] = scatt_data;
++    ++scatts->n_a_scatts;
++    return 0;
++#if 0
++int I_sc_remove_scatt_data(struct scCats * cats, struct scdScattData * scatt_data, int cat_id, int scatt_id)
++    int cat_idx, scatt_idx, n_init_scatts, i_scatt;
++    struct scScatts * scatts;
++    if(cat_id < 0 && cat_id >= cats->n_cats)
++        return -1;
++    cat_idx = cats->cats_idxs[cat_id];
++    if(cat_idx < 0)
++        return -1;
++    if(scatt_id < 0 || scatt_id >= cats->n_scatts)
++        return -1;
++    scatts = cats->cats_arr[cat_idx];
++    if(scatts->scatt_idxs[scatt_id] < 0)
++        return -1;
++    scatt_data = scatts->scatts_arr[scatt_idx];
++    for(i_scatt = scatt_idx; i_scatt < scatts->n_a_scatts - 1; i_scatt++)
++    {
++        scatts->scatts_arr[i_scatt] = scatts->scatts_arr[i_scatt + 1];
++        scatts->scatts_bands[i_scatt * 2] = scatts->scatts_bands[(i_scatt + 1)* 2];
++        scatts->scatts_bands[i_scatt * 2 + 1] = scatts->scatts_bands[(i_scatt + 1) * 2 + 1];
++    }
++    scatts->scatts_arr[scatts->n_a_scatts] = NULL;
++    scatts->scatt_idxs[scatt_id] = -1;
++    scatt_data = scatts->scatts_arr[scatt_id];
++    scatts->n_a_scatts--;
++    return 0;
++int I_sc_set_value(struct scCats * cats, int cat_id, int scatt_id, int value_idx, int value)
++    int n_a_scatts = cats->cats_arr[cat_id]->n_a_scatts;
++    int cat_idx, scatt_idx, ret;
++    cat_idx = cats->cats_idxs[cat_id];
++    if(cat_idx < 0)
++        return -1;
++    if(cats->cats_arr[cat_idx]->scatt_idxs[scatt_id] < 0)
++        return -1;
++    cat_idx = cats->cats_idxs[cat_id];
++    scatt_idx = cats->cats_arr[cat_idx]->scatt_idxs[scatt_id];
++    I_scd_set_value(cats->cats_arr[cat_idx]->scatts_arr[scatt_idx], value_idx, value);
++    return 0;
++   \brief Insert scatter plot data.
++   \param scatt_data pointer to existing struct scdScattData
++   \param type SC_SCATT_DATA for scatter plots or SC_SCATT_CONDITIONS for selected areas in scatter plot
++   \param n_vals number of data values
++   \param data array of values (unsigned char for SC_SCATT_CONDITIONS, unsigned int for SC_SCATT_DATA)
++ */
++void I_scd_init_scatt_data(struct scdScattData * scatt_data, int type, int n_vals, void * data)
++    scatt_data->n_vals = n_vals;
++    if(type == SC_SCATT_DATA)
++    {   
++        if(data)
++            scatt_data->scatt_vals_arr = (unsigned int *) data;
++        else {
++            scatt_data->scatt_vals_arr = (unsigned int *) G_malloc(n_vals * sizeof(unsigned int));
++            memset(scatt_data->scatt_vals_arr, 0, n_vals * sizeof(unsigned int)); 
++        }
++        scatt_data->b_conds_arr = NULL;
++    }
++    else if(type == SC_SCATT_CONDITIONS)
++    {
++        if(data)
++            scatt_data->b_conds_arr = (unsigned char *) data;
++        else {
++            scatt_data->b_conds_arr = (unsigned char *) G_malloc(n_vals * sizeof(unsigned char));
++            memset(scatt_data->b_conds_arr, 0, n_vals * sizeof(unsigned char));
++        }
++        scatt_data->scatt_vals_arr = NULL;
++    }
++    return;
++#if 0
++void I_scd_get_range_min_max(struct scdScattData * scatt_data, CELL * band_1_min, CELL * band_1_max, CELL * band_2_min, CELL * band_2_max)
++    Rast_get_range_min_max(&(scatt_data->band_1_range), band_1_min, band_2_min);
++    Rast_get_range_min_max(&(scatt_data->band_2_range), band_2_min, band_2_max);
++    return;
++void * I_scd_get_data_ptr(struct scdScattData * scatt_data)
++    if(!scatt_data->b_conds_arr)
++        return scatt_data->b_conds_arr;
++    else if(!scatt_data->scatt_vals_arr)
++        return scatt_data->scatt_vals_arr;
++    return NULL;
++int I_scd_set_value(struct scdScattData * scatt_data, unsigned int val_idx, unsigned int val)
++    if(val_idx < 0 && val_idx >  scatt_data->n_vals)
++        return -1;
++    if(scatt_data->b_conds_arr)
++        scatt_data->b_conds_arr[val_idx] = val;
++    else if(scatt_data->scatt_vals_arr)
++        scatt_data->scatt_vals_arr[val_idx] = val;
++    else
++        return -1;
++    return 0;
+Index: lib/imagery/scatt.c
+--- lib/imagery/scatt.c	(revision 0)
++++ lib/imagery/scatt.c	(working copy)
+@@ -0,0 +1,746 @@
++   \file lib/imagery/scatt.c
++   \brief Imagery library - functions for wx Scatter Plot Tool.
++   Low level functions used by wx Scatter Plot Tool.
++   Copyright (C) 2013 by the GRASS Development Team
++   This program is free software under the GNU General Public License
++   (>=v2).  Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS for details.
++   \author Stepan Turek <stepan.turek at seznam.cz> (Mentor: Martin Landa)
++ */
++#include <grass/raster.h>
++#include <grass/imagery.h>
++#include <grass/gis.h>
++#include <grass/glocale.h>
++#include <stdio.h>
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#include <math.h>
++#include <string.h>
++struct rast_row
++    CELL * row;
++    char * null_row;
++    struct Range rast_range; /*Range of whole raster.*/
++   \brief Create pgm header.
++   Scatter plot internally generates pgm files. These pgms have header in format created by this function.
++   \param region region to be pgm header generated for 
++   \param [out] header header of pgm file
++ */
++static int get_cat_rast_header(struct Cell_head * region, char * header){
++    return sprintf(header, "P5\n%d\n%d\n1\n", region->cols, region->rows);
++   \brief Create category raster conditions file.
++   \param cat_rast_region region to be file generated for
++   \param cat_rast path of generated category raster file
++ */
++int I_create_cat_rast(struct Cell_head * cat_rast_region,  const char * cat_rast)
++    FILE * f_cat_rast;
++    char cat_rast_header[1024];//TODO magic number 
++    int i_row, i_col;
++    int head_nchars;
++    unsigned char * row_data;
++    f_cat_rast = fopen(cat_rast, "wb");
++    if(!f_cat_rast) {
++        G_warning("Unable to create category raster condition file <%s>.", cat_rast);
++        return -1;
++    }
++    head_nchars = get_cat_rast_header(cat_rast_region, cat_rast_header);
++    fwrite(cat_rast_header, sizeof(char), head_nchars/sizeof(char), f_cat_rast);
++    if (ferror(f_cat_rast)){
++        fclose(f_cat_rast);
++        G_warning(_("Unable to write header into category raster condition file <%s>."), cat_rast);
++        return -1;
++    }
++    row_data = (unsigned char *) G_malloc(cat_rast_region->cols * sizeof(unsigned char));
++    for(i_col = 0; i_col < cat_rast_region->cols; i_col++)
++        row_data[i_col] = 0 & 255;
++    for(i_row = 0; i_row < cat_rast_region->rows; i_row++) {
++        fwrite(row_data, sizeof(unsigned char), (cat_rast_region->cols)/sizeof(unsigned char), f_cat_rast);
++        if (ferror(f_cat_rast))
++        {
++            fclose(f_cat_rast);
++            G_warning(_("Unable to write into category raster condition file <%s>."), cat_rast);
++            return -1;
++        }
++    }
++    fclose(f_cat_rast);
++    return 0;
++static int print_reg(struct Cell_head * intersec, const char * pref, int dbg_level)
++    G_debug(dbg_level, "%s:\n n:%f\ns:%f\ne:%f\nw:%f\nns_res:%f\new_res:%f", pref, intersec->north, intersec->south, 
++               intersec->east, intersec->west, intersec->ns_res, intersec->ew_res);
++   \brief Find intersection region of two regions.
++   \param A pointer to intersected region
++   \param B pointer to intersected region
++   \param [out] intersec pointer to intersection region of regions A B (relevant params of the region are: south, north, east, west)
++   \return  0 if interection exists
++   \return -1 if regions does not intersect
++ */
++static int regions_intersecion(struct Cell_head * A, struct Cell_head * B, struct Cell_head * intersec)
++    if(B->north < A->south) return -1;
++    else if(B->north > A->north) intersec->north = A->north;
++    else intersec->north = B->north;
++    if(B->south > A->north) return -1;
++    else if(B->south < A->south) intersec->south = A->south;
++    else intersec->south = B->south;
++    if(B->east < A->west) return -1;
++    else if(B->east > A->east) intersec->east = A->east;
++    else intersec->east = B->east;
++    if(B->west > A->east) return -1;
++    else if(B->west < A->west) intersec->west = A->west;
++    else intersec->west = B->west;
++    if(intersec->north == intersec->south) return -1;
++    if(intersec->east == intersec->west) return -1;
++    return 0;
++   \brief Get rows and cols numbers, which defines intersection of the regions.
++   \param A pointer to intersected region
++   \param B pointer to intersected region (A and B must have same resolution)
++   \param [out] A_bounds rows and cols numbers of A stored in south, north, east, west, which defines intersection of A and B
++   \param [out] B_bounds rows and cols numbers of B stored in south, north, east, west, which defines intersection of A and B
++   \return  0 if interection exists
++   \return -1 if regions do not intersect
++   \return -2 resolution of regions is not same 
++static int get_rows_and_cols_bounds(struct Cell_head * A,  struct Cell_head * B, struct Cell_head * A_bounds,  struct Cell_head * B_bounds)
++    float ns_res, ew_res;
++    struct Cell_head intersec;
++    /* TODO is it right check? */
++    if(abs(A->ns_res - B->ns_res) > GRASS_EPSILON) {
++        G_debug(0, "'get_rows_and_cols_bounds' ns_res does not fit, A->ns_res: %f B->ns_res: %f", A->ns_res, B->ns_res);
++        return -2;
++    }
++    if(abs(A->ew_res - B->ew_res) > GRASS_EPSILON) {
++        G_debug(0, "'get_rows_and_cols_bounds' ew_res does not fit, A->ew_res: %f B->ew_res: %f", A->ew_res, B->ew_res);
++        return -2;
++    }
++    ns_res = A->ns_res;
++    ew_res = A->ew_res;
++    if(regions_intersecion(A, B, &intersec) == -1)
++        return -1;
++    A_bounds->north = ceil((A->north - intersec.north - ns_res * 0.5) / ns_res);
++    A_bounds->south = ceil((A->north - intersec.south - ns_res * 0.5) / ns_res);
++    A_bounds->east = ceil((intersec.east - A->west - ew_res * 0.5) / ew_res);
++    A_bounds->west = ceil((intersec.west - A->west - ew_res * 0.5) / ew_res);
++    B_bounds->north = ceil((B->north - intersec.north - ns_res * 0.5) / ns_res);
++    B_bounds->south = ceil((B->north - intersec.south - ns_res * 0.5) / ns_res);
++    B_bounds->east = ceil((intersec.east - B->west - ew_res * 0.5) / ew_res);
++    B_bounds->west = ceil((intersec.west - B->west - ew_res * 0.5) / ew_res);
++    return 0;
++   \brief Insert raster map patch into pgm file.
++   \param patch_rast name of raster map
++   \param cat_rast_region region of category raster file
++   \param cat_rast path to category raster file
++   \return  0 on success
++   \return -1 on failure
++int I_insert_patch_to_cat_rast(const char * patch_rast, struct Cell_head * cat_rast_region,  const char * cat_rast)
++    FILE * f_cat_rast;
++    struct Cell_head patch_region, patch_bounds, cat_rast_bounds;
++    char cat_rast_header[1024];//TODO magic number 
++    int i_row, i_col, ncols, nrows, cat_rast_col, patch_col, val;
++    int head_nchars, ret;
++    int fd_patch_rast, init_shift, step_shift;
++    unsigned char * patch_data;
++    char * null_chunk_row;
++    const char *mapset;
++    struct Cell_head patch_lines, cat_rast_lines;
++    unsigned char * row_data;
++    f_cat_rast = fopen(cat_rast, "rb+");
++    if(!f_cat_rast) {
++        G_warning(_("Unable to open category raster condtions file <%s>."), cat_rast);
++        return -1;
++    }
++    head_nchars = get_cat_rast_header(cat_rast_region, cat_rast_header);
++    if ((mapset = G_find_raster(patch_rast,"")) == NULL) {
++        fclose(f_cat_rast);
++        G_warning(_("Unable to find patch raster <%s>."), patch_rast);
++        return -1;
++    }
++    Rast_get_cellhd(patch_rast, mapset, &patch_region);
++    Rast_set_window(&patch_region);
++    if ((fd_patch_rast = Rast_open_old(patch_rast, mapset)) < 0) {
++        fclose(f_cat_rast);
++        return -1;
++    }
++    ret = get_rows_and_cols_bounds(cat_rast_region, &patch_region, &cat_rast_bounds, &patch_bounds);
++    if(ret == -2) { 
++        G_warning(_("Resolutions of patch <%s> and patched file <%s> are not same."), patch_rast, cat_rast);
++        Rast_close(fd_patch_rast);
++        fclose(f_cat_rast);
++        return -1;
++    }
++    else if (ret == -1){
++        Rast_close(fd_patch_rast);
++        fclose(f_cat_rast);
++        return 0;
++    }
++    ncols = cat_rast_bounds.east - cat_rast_bounds.west;
++    nrows = cat_rast_bounds.south - cat_rast_bounds.north;
++    patch_data = (unsigned char *) G_malloc(ncols * sizeof(unsigned char));
++    init_shift = head_nchars + cat_rast_region->cols * cat_rast_bounds.north + cat_rast_bounds.west;
++    if(fseek(f_cat_rast, init_shift, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
++        G_warning(_("Corrupted  category raster conditions file <%s> (fseek failed)"), cat_rast);
++        Rast_close(fd_patch_rast);
++        G_free(null_chunk_row);
++        fclose(f_cat_rast);
++        return -1;
++    }
++    step_shift = cat_rast_region->cols - ncols;
++    null_chunk_row =  Rast_allocate_null_buf();
++    for(i_row = 0; i_row < nrows; i_row++) {
++        Rast_get_null_value_row (fd_patch_rast, null_chunk_row, i_row + patch_bounds.north);
++        for(i_col = 0; i_col < ncols; i_col++) {
++            patch_col = patch_bounds.west + i_col;
++            if(null_chunk_row[patch_col] != 1) 
++                patch_data[i_col] = 1 & 255;
++            else {
++                patch_data[i_col] = 0 & 255;
++            }
++        }
++        fwrite(patch_data, sizeof(unsigned char), (ncols)/sizeof(unsigned char), f_cat_rast);
++        if (ferror(f_cat_rast))
++        {
++            G_warning(_("Unable to write into category raster conditions file <%s>"), cat_rast);
++            Rast_close(fd_patch_rast);
++            G_free(null_chunk_row);
++            fclose(f_cat_rast);
++            return -1;
++        }
++        if(fseek(f_cat_rast, step_shift, SEEK_CUR) != 0) {
++            G_warning(_("Corrupted  category raster conditions file <%s> (fseek failed)"), cat_rast);
++            Rast_close(fd_patch_rast);
++            G_free(null_chunk_row);
++            fclose(f_cat_rast);
++            return -1;
++        }
++    }
++    Rast_close(fd_patch_rast);
++    G_free(null_chunk_row);
++    fclose(f_cat_rast);
++    return 0;
++   \brief Updates scatter plots data in category by pixels which meets category conditions.
++   \param bands_rows data represents data describig one row from raster band
++   \param belongs_pix array which defines which pixels belongs to category (1 value) and which not (0 value)
++   \param [out] scatts pointer to scScatts struct of type SC_SCATT_DATA, which are modified according to values in belongs_pix
++static inline void update_cat_scatt_plts(struct rast_row * bands_rows, unsigned short * belongs_pix, struct scScatts * scatts)
++    int band_axis_1, band_axis_2, i_scatt, array_idx, cat_idx, i_chunk_rows_pix, max_arr_idx;
++    CELL * b_1_row;
++    CELL * b_2_row;
++    char * b_1_null_row,* b_2_null_row;
++    struct rast_row b_1_rast_row, b_2_rast_row;
++    struct Range b_1_range, b_2_range;
++    int b_1_range_size;
++    int row_size = Rast_window_cols();
++    int * scatts_bands = scatts->scatts_bands;
++    for(i_scatt = 0; i_scatt < scatts->n_a_scatts; i_scatt++)
++    {   
++        b_1_rast_row = bands_rows[scatts_bands[i_scatt * 2]];
++        b_2_rast_row = bands_rows[scatts_bands[i_scatt * 2 + 1]];
++        b_1_row = b_1_rast_row.row;
++        b_2_row = b_2_rast_row.row;
++        b_1_null_row =  b_1_rast_row.null_row;
++        b_2_null_row =  b_2_rast_row.null_row;
++        b_1_range = b_1_rast_row.rast_range;
++        b_2_range = b_2_rast_row.rast_range;
-+        self.dialogs['scatt_plot'].CenterOnScreen()
-+        self.dialogs['scatt_plot'].Show()
++        b_1_range_size = b_1_range.max - b_1_range.min + 1;
++        max_arr_idx = (b_1_range.max -  b_1_range.min + 1) * (b_2_range.max -  b_2_range.min + 1);
-     def OnVNet(self, event):
-         """!Dialog for v.net* modules 
-         """
-Index: gui/icons/grass/polygon.png
-Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
-svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
-Index: gui/icons/grass/polygon.png
---- gui/icons/grass/polygon.png	(revision 57599)
-+++ gui/icons/grass/polygon.png	(working copy)
-Property changes on: gui/icons/grass/polygon.png
-Added: svn:mime-type
-## -0,0 +1 ##
-\ No newline at end of property
++        for(i_chunk_rows_pix = 0; i_chunk_rows_pix < row_size; i_chunk_rows_pix++)
++        {
++            /* pixel does not belongs to scatter plot or has null value in one of the bands */
++            if(!belongs_pix[i_chunk_rows_pix] || 
++                b_1_null_row[i_chunk_rows_pix] == 1 || 
++                b_2_null_row[i_chunk_rows_pix] == 1)                
++                continue;
++            /* index in scatter plot array */
++            array_idx = b_1_row[i_chunk_rows_pix] - b_1_range.min + (b_2_row[i_chunk_rows_pix] - b_2_range.min) * b_1_range_size;
++            if(array_idx < 0 || array_idx >= max_arr_idx) {
++                        G_warning ("Data inconsistent. Value computed for scatter plot is out of initialized range.");
++                continue;
++            }
++            /* increment scatter plot value */
++            ++scatts->scatts_arr[i_scatt]->scatt_vals_arr[array_idx];
++        }
++    }
++   \brief Computes scatter plots data from chunk_rows.
++   \param scatts pointer to scScatts struct of type SC_SCATT_DATA, where are computed scatter plots stored
++   \param scatt_conds pointer to scScatts struct of type SC_SCATT_CONDITIONS, where are selected areas (condtitions)stored
++   \param chunk_rows data arrays of chunk_rows from analyzed raster bands (all data in chunk_rows, null_chunk_rows and belongs_pix arrays represents same region)
++   \param null_chunk_rows null data arrays of chunk_rows from analyzed raster bands
++   \param row_size size of data in chunk_rows, null_chunk_rows and belongs_pix arrays
++   \param f_cats_rasts_conds file which stores selected areas (conditions) from mapwindow see I_create_cat_rast() and I_pa
++   \param fd_cats_rasts array of openedraster maps which represents all selected pixels for category
++   \param region analysis region
++   \return  0 on success
++   \return -1 on failure
++static inline int compute_scatts_from_chunk_row(struct Cell_head *region, struct scCats * scatt_conds, 
++                                                FILE ** f_cats_rasts_conds, struct rast_row * bands_rows, 
++                                                struct scCats * scatts, int * fd_cats_rasts)
++    int i_rows_pix, i_cat, i_scatt, n_a_scatts, n_pixs;
++    int cat_id, scatt_plts_cat_idx, array_idx, max_arr_idx;
++    char * b_1_null_row,* b_2_null_row;
++    struct rast_row b_1_rast_row, b_2_rast_row;
++    CELL * cat_rast_row;
++    struct scScatts * scatts_conds;
++    struct scScatts * scatts_scatt_plts;
++    struct scdScattData * conds;
++    struct Range b_1_range, b_2_range;
++    int b_1_range_size;
++    int * scatts_bands;
++    struct scdScattData ** scatts_arr;
++    CELL * b_1_row;
++    CELL * b_2_row;
++    unsigned char * i_scatt_conds;
++    int row_size = Rast_window_cols();
++    unsigned short * belongs_pix = (unsigned short *) G_malloc(row_size * sizeof(unsigned short)); 
++    unsigned char * rast_pixs = (unsigned char *) G_malloc(row_size * sizeof(unsigned char));
++    cat_rast_row =  Rast_allocate_c_buf();
++    for(i_cat = 0; i_cat < scatt_conds->n_a_cats; i_cat++)
++    {
++        scatts_conds = scatt_conds->cats_arr[i_cat];
++        cat_id = scatt_conds->cats_ids[i_cat];
++        scatt_plts_cat_idx = scatts->cats_idxs[cat_id];
++        if(scatt_plts_cat_idx < 0)
++            continue;
++        scatts_scatt_plts = scatts->cats_arr[scatt_plts_cat_idx];
++        G_zero(belongs_pix, row_size * sizeof(unsigned short));
++        /* if category has no conditions defined, scatter plots without any constraint are computed (default scatter plots) */
++        if(!scatts_conds->n_a_scatts && !f_cats_rasts_conds[i_cat]) {
++            for(i_scatt = 0; i_scatt < scatts_scatt_plts->n_a_scatts; i_scatt++)
++            {       
++                /* all pixels belongs */
++                for(i_rows_pix = 0; i_rows_pix < row_size; i_rows_pix++)                
++                    belongs_pix[i_rows_pix] = 1;
++            }
++        }
++        /* compute belonging pixels for defined conditions */
++        else
++        {
++            scatts_bands = scatts_conds->scatts_bands;
++            /* check conditions from category raster condtitions file */
++            if(f_cats_rasts_conds[i_cat]) {
++                n_pixs = fread(rast_pixs, sizeof(unsigned char), (row_size)/sizeof(unsigned char), f_cats_rasts_conds[i_cat]);
++                if (ferror(f_cats_rasts_conds[i_cat]))
++                {
++                    G_free(rast_pixs);
++                    G_free(belongs_pix);
++                    G_warning(_("Unable to read from category raster condtition file."));
++                    return -1;
++                }
++                if (n_pixs != n_pixs) {
++                    G_free(rast_pixs);
++                    G_free(belongs_pix);
++                    G_warning(_("Invalid size of category raster conditions file."));
++                    return -1;
++                }
++                for(i_rows_pix = 0; i_rows_pix < row_size; i_rows_pix++)
++                {
++                    if(rast_pixs[i_rows_pix] != 0 & 255)
++                        belongs_pix[i_rows_pix] = 1;
++                }
++            }
++            /* check condtions defined in scatter plots*/
++            for(i_scatt = 0; i_scatt < scatts_conds->n_a_scatts; i_scatt++)
++            {   
++                b_1_rast_row = bands_rows[scatts_bands[i_scatt * 2]];
++                b_2_rast_row = bands_rows[scatts_bands[i_scatt * 2 + 1]];
++                b_1_row = b_1_rast_row.row;
++                b_2_row = b_2_rast_row.row;
++                b_1_null_row =  b_1_rast_row.null_row;
++                b_2_null_row =  b_2_rast_row.null_row;
++                b_1_range = b_1_rast_row.rast_range;
++                b_2_range = b_2_rast_row.rast_range;
++                b_1_range_size = b_1_range.max - b_1_range.min + 1;
++                max_arr_idx = (b_1_range.max -  b_1_range.min + 1) * (b_2_range.max -  b_2_range.min + 1);
++                i_scatt_conds = scatts_conds->scatts_arr[i_scatt]->b_conds_arr;
++                for(i_rows_pix = 0; i_rows_pix < row_size; i_rows_pix++)
++                {
++                    /* pixels already belongs to category from category raster conditions file or contains null value in one of the bands */
++                    if(belongs_pix[i_rows_pix] || 
++                       b_1_null_row[i_rows_pix] == 1 || 
++                       b_2_null_row[i_rows_pix] == 1)
++                        continue;
++                    array_idx = b_1_row[i_rows_pix] - b_1_range.min + (b_2_row[i_rows_pix] - b_2_range.min) * b_1_range_size;
++                    if(array_idx < 0 || array_idx >= max_arr_idx) {
++                        G_warning ("Data inconsistent. Value computed for scatter plot is out of initialized range.");
++                        continue;
++                    }
++                    /* pixels meets condtion defined in scatter plot */
++                    if(i_scatt_conds[array_idx])
++                        belongs_pix[i_rows_pix] = 1;
++                }                
++            }
++        }
++        /* update category raster with belonging pixels */
++        if(fd_cats_rasts[i_cat] >= 0) {
++            Rast_set_null_value(cat_rast_row, Rast_window_cols(), CELL_TYPE); 
++            for(i_rows_pix = 0; i_rows_pix < row_size; i_rows_pix++)
++                if(belongs_pix[i_rows_pix])
++                    cat_rast_row[i_rows_pix] = belongs_pix[i_rows_pix];
++            Rast_put_c_row (fd_cats_rasts[i_cat], cat_rast_row); 
++        }
++        /* update scatter plots with belonging pixels */
++        update_cat_scatt_plts(bands_rows, belongs_pix, scatts_scatt_plts);
++    }
++    G_free(cat_rast_row);
++    G_free(rast_pixs);
++    G_free(belongs_pix);
++    return 0;
++   \brief Get list if bands needed to be opened for analysis from scCats struct.
++static void get_needed_bands(struct scCats * cats, int * b_needed_bands)
++    // results in b_needed_bands - array of bools - if item has value 1, band (defined by item index) is needed to be opened
++    int i_cat, i_scatt, cat_id;
++    for(i_cat = 0;  i_cat < cats->n_a_cats; i_cat++)
++    {   
++        for(i_scatt = 0;  i_scatt < cats->cats_arr[i_cat]->n_a_scatts; i_scatt++)
++        {   
++            G_debug(3, "Active scatt %d in catt %d", i_scatt, i_cat);
++            b_needed_bands[cats->cats_arr[i_cat]->scatts_bands[i_scatt * 2]] = 1;
++            b_needed_bands[cats->cats_arr[i_cat]->scatts_bands[i_scatt * 2 + 1]] = 1;
++        }
++    }
++    return;
++   \brief Helper function for clean up.
++static void free_compute_scatts_data(int * fd_bands, struct rast_row * bands_rows, int n_a_bands, int * bands_ids, 
++                                     int * fd_cats_rasts, FILE ** f_cats_rasts_conds, int n_a_cats)
++    int i, band_id;
++    for(i = 0; i < n_a_bands; i++)
++    {   
++        band_id = bands_ids[i];
++        if(band_id >= 0) {
++            Rast_close(fd_bands[i]);
++            G_free(bands_rows[band_id].row);
++            G_free(bands_rows[band_id].null_row);
++        }
++    }
++    if(f_cats_rasts_conds)
++        for(i = 0; i < n_a_cats; i++)
++            if(f_cats_rasts_conds[i])
++                fclose(f_cats_rasts_conds[i]);
++    if(fd_cats_rasts)
++        for(i = 0; i < n_a_cats; i++)
++            if(fd_cats_rasts[i] >= 0)
++                Rast_close(fd_cats_rasts[i]);
++   \brief Compute scatter plots data.
++    If category has not defined no category raster condition file and no scatter plot with consdtion,
++    default scatter plot is computed.
++   \param region analysis region, beaware that all input data must be prepared for this region (bands (their ranges), cats_rasts_conds rasters...)
++   \param region function calls Rast_set_window for this region
++   \param scatt_conds pointer to scScatts struct of type SC_SCATT_CONDITIONS, where are stored selected areas (conditions) in scatter plots
++   \param cats_rasts_conds paths to category raster conditions files representing selected areas (conditions) in rasters for every category 
++   \param cats_rasts_conds index in array represents corresponding category id
++   \param cats_rasts_conds for manupulation with category raster conditions file see also I_id_scatt_to_bands() and I_insert_patch_to_cat_rast()
++   \param bands names of analyzed bands, order of bands is defined by their id
++   \param n_bands number of bands
++   \param [out] scatts pointer to scScatts struct of type SC_SCATT_DATA, where are computed scatter plots stored
++   \param [out] cats_rasts array of raster maps names where will be stored all selected pixels for every category
++   \return  0 on success
++   \return -1 on failure
++int I_compute_scatts(struct Cell_head *region, struct scCats * scatt_conds, const char ** cats_rasts_conds,
++                     const char ** bands, int n_bands, struct scCats * scatts, const char ** cats_rasts) 
++    const char *mapset;
++    char header[1024];
++    int fd_cats_rasts[scatt_conds->n_a_cats];
++    FILE * f_cats_rasts_conds[scatt_conds->n_a_cats];
++    struct rast_row bands_rows[n_bands];
++    RASTER_MAP_TYPE data_type;
++    int nrows, i_band, n_a_bands, band_id, 
++        i, i_row, head_nchars, i_cat, id_cat;
++    int fd_bands[n_bands];
++    int bands_ids[n_bands];
++    int b_needed_bands[n_bands];  
++    Rast_set_window(region);
++    for(i_band = 0; i_band < n_bands; i_band++)
++        fd_bands[i_band] = -1;
++    for(i_band = 0; i_band < n_bands; i_band++)
++        bands_ids[i_band] = -1;
++    if (n_bands != scatts->n_bands ||
++        n_bands != scatt_conds->n_bands)
++        return -1;
++    memset(b_needed_bands, 0, (size_t)n_bands * sizeof(int));
++    get_needed_bands(scatt_conds, &b_needed_bands[0]);
++    get_needed_bands(scatts, &b_needed_bands[0]);
++    n_a_bands = 0;
++    /* open band rasters, which are needed for computation */
++    for(band_id = 0; band_id < n_bands; band_id++)
++    {
++        if(b_needed_bands[band_id])
++        {
++            G_debug(3, "Opening raster no. %d with name: %s", band_id, bands[band_id]);
++            if ((mapset = G_find_raster2(bands[band_id],"")) == NULL) {
++                free_compute_scatts_data(fd_bands, bands_rows, n_a_bands, 
++                                         bands_ids, NULL, NULL, scatt_conds->n_a_cats);
++                G_warning(_("Unbale to read find raster <%s>"), bands[band_id]);
++                return -1;
++            }
++            if ((fd_bands[n_a_bands] = Rast_open_old(bands[band_id], mapset)) < 0) {
++                free_compute_scatts_data(fd_bands, bands_rows, n_a_bands, 
++                                         bands_ids, NULL, NULL, scatt_conds->n_a_cats);
++                G_warning(_("Unbale to open raster <%s>"), bands[band_id]);
++                return -1;
++            }
++            data_type = Rast_get_map_type(fd_bands[n_a_bands]);
++            if(data_type != CELL_TYPE) {
++                G_warning(_("Raster <%s> type is not <%s>"), bands[band_id], "CELL");
++                return -1;
++            }
++            bands_rows[band_id].row =  Rast_allocate_c_buf();
++            bands_rows[band_id].null_row =  Rast_allocate_null_buf();
++            if(Rast_read_range(bands[band_id], mapset, &bands_rows[band_id].rast_range) != 1){
++                free_compute_scatts_data(fd_bands, bands_rows, n_a_bands, 
++                                         bands_ids, NULL, NULL, scatt_conds->n_a_cats);
++                G_warning(_("Unable to read range of raster <%s>"), bands[band_id]);
++                return -1;
++            }      
++            bands_ids[n_a_bands] = band_id;
++            ++n_a_bands;
++        }
++    }
++    /* open category rasters condition files and category rasters */
++    for(i_cat = 0; i_cat < scatts->n_a_cats; i_cat++)
++    {
++        id_cat = scatts->cats_ids[i_cat];
++        if(cats_rasts[id_cat]) {
++            fd_cats_rasts[i_cat] = Rast_open_new(cats_rasts[id_cat], CELL_TYPE);   
++        }
++        else
++            fd_cats_rasts[i_cat] = -1;
++        if(cats_rasts_conds[id_cat]) {
++            f_cats_rasts_conds[i_cat] = fopen(cats_rasts_conds[id_cat], "r");
++            if(!f_cats_rasts_conds[i_cat]) {
++                free_compute_scatts_data(fd_bands, bands_rows, n_a_bands, bands_ids, 
++                                         f_cats_rasts_conds, f_cats_rasts_conds, scatt_conds->n_a_cats);
++                G_warning(_("Unable to open category raster condtition file <%s>"), bands[band_id]);
++                return -1;
++            }
++        }
++        else
++            f_cats_rasts_conds[i_cat] = NULL;
++    }
++    head_nchars =  get_cat_rast_header(region, header);
++    for(i_cat = 0; i_cat < scatt_conds->n_a_cats; i_cat++)
++        if(f_cats_rasts_conds[i_cat])
++            if( fseek(f_cats_rasts_conds[i_cat] , head_nchars, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
++                G_warning(_("Corrupted category raster conditions file (fseek failed)"));
++                return -1;
++            }
++    nrows = Rast_window_rows();
++    /* analyze bands by rows */
++    for (i_row = 0; i_row < nrows; i_row++)
++    {
++        for(i_band = 0; i_band < n_a_bands; i_band++)
++        {   
++            band_id = bands_ids[i_band];
++            Rast_get_c_row(fd_bands[i_band], bands_rows[band_id].row, i_row);
++            Rast_get_null_value_row (fd_bands[i_band], bands_rows[band_id].null_row, i_row);
++        }
++        if(compute_scatts_from_chunk_row(region, scatt_conds, f_cats_rasts_conds, bands_rows, scatts, fd_cats_rasts) == -1) 
++        {
++            free_compute_scatts_data(fd_bands, bands_rows, n_a_bands, bands_ids, fd_cats_rasts, 
++                                     f_cats_rasts_conds, scatt_conds->n_a_cats);
++            return -1;
++        }
++    }
++    free_compute_scatts_data(fd_bands, bands_rows, n_a_bands, bands_ids, 
++                             fd_cats_rasts, f_cats_rasts_conds, scatt_conds->n_a_cats); 
++    return 0;    
+\ No newline at end of file

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