[GRASS-SVN] r59257 - in grass/trunk: raster/r.carve raster/r.flow raster/r.terraflow raster/r.watershed/front raster/simwe/r.sim.sediment raster/simwe/r.sim.water scripts/r.fillnulls vector/v.surf.rst vector/v.vol.rst

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sat Mar 15 07:08:41 PDT 2014

Author: annakrat
Date: 2014-03-15 07:08:40 -0700 (Sat, 15 Mar 2014)
New Revision: 59257

fix links pointing to skagit

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.carve/README
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.carve/README	2014-03-15 13:00:33 UTC (rev 59256)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.carve/README	2014-03-15 14:08:40 UTC (rev 59257)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 Terrain modeling and Soil Erosion Simulations for Fort Hood and Fort Polk
 test areas
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 r.carve does not create a depressionless DEM because many depressions are in
 flat areas and not in the streams.
 The program will take the vector stream data, transform them to raster, and
 subtracts a defaultdepth + additionaldepth from the DEM. If the given 

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.carve/r.carve.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.carve/r.carve.html	2014-03-15 13:00:33 UTC (rev 59256)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.carve/r.carve.html	2014-03-15 14:08:40 UTC (rev 59257)
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
-<a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/reports/cerl99/rep99.html">Terrain
+<a href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/gmslab/reports/cerl99/rep99.html">Terrain
 modeling and Soil Erosion Simulations for Fort Hood and Fort Polk test
 areas</a>, by Helena Mitasova, Lubos Mitas, William M. Brown, Douglas
 M.  Johnston, GMSL (Report for CERL 1999)

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.flow/r.flow.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.flow/r.flow.html	2014-03-15 13:00:33 UTC (rev 59256)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.flow/r.flow.html	2014-03-15 14:08:40 UTC (rev 59257)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 This program generates flowlines using a combined raster-vector
-approach (see <a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/papers/hmg.rev1.ps">Mitasova and
-Hofierka 1993</a> and <a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/papers/ijgis.html">Mitasova et
+approach (see <a href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/gmslab/papers/hmg.rev1.ps">Mitasova and
+Hofierka 1993</a> and <a href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/gmslab/papers/ijgis.html">Mitasova et
 al. 1995</a>) from an input elevation raster map <b>elevation</b>
 (integer or floating point), and optionally an input aspect raster map
 <b>aspect</b> and/or an input barrier raster map <b>barrier</b>. There are
@@ -143,11 +143,11 @@
 <p>Mitasova, H., L. Mitas, 1993, Interpolation by regularized spline with
 tension : I. Theory and implementation. Mathematical Geology 25, p. 641-655.
-(<a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/papers/lmg.rev1.ps">online</a>)
+(<a href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/gmslab/papers/lmg.rev1.ps">online</a>)
 <p>Mitasova and Hofierka 1993 : Interpolation by Regularized Spline with
 Tension: II. Application to Terrain Modeling and Surface Geometry Analysis.
-Mathematical Geology 25(6), 657-669. (<a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/papers/hmg.rev1.ps">online</a>)
+Mathematical Geology 25(6), 657-669. (<a href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/gmslab/papers/hmg.rev1.ps">online</a>)
 <p>Mitasova, H., Mitas, L., Brown, W.M., Gerdes, D.P., Kosinovsky, I.,
 Baker, T., 1995: Modeling spatially and temporally distributed phenomena:
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
 <p><i>The current version of the program (adapted for GRASS5.0)</i>:
 <br>Joshua Caplan, Mark Ruesink, Helena Mitasova, University of Illinois
 at Urbana-Champaign with support from USA CERL.<br>
-<a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/">GMSL/University of Illinois at 
+<a href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/gmslab/">GMSL/University of Illinois at 
 <p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.terraflow/r.terraflow.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.terraflow/r.terraflow.html	2014-03-15 13:00:33 UTC (rev 59256)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.terraflow/r.terraflow.html	2014-03-15 14:08:40 UTC (rev 59257)
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
   <dt>Porting for GRASS, 2002:
     <dd> <a href="http://www.daimi.au.dk/~large/">Lars Arge</a>,
-	     <a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/index.html">Helena Mitasova,</a>
+	     <a href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/index.html">Helena Mitasova,</a>
 		 <a href="http://www.bowdoin.edu/~ltoma/">Laura Toma</a>. 
 	<dt>Contact: <a href="mailto:ltoma at bowdoin.edu "> Laura Toma</a></dt>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.watershed/front/r.watershed.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.watershed/front/r.watershed.html	2014-03-15 13:00:33 UTC (rev 59256)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.watershed/front/r.watershed.html	2014-03-15 14:08:40 UTC (rev 59257)
@@ -462,8 +462,8 @@
 <i>GIS-based Stream Network Analysis for The Chagres River Basin,
 Republic of Panama</i>. <b>The Rio Chagres: A Multidisciplinary Profile of
 a Tropical Watershed</b>, R. Harmon (Ed.), Springer/Kluwer, p.83-95.<br>
-URL: <a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/%7Ehelena/measwork/panama/panama.html">
+URL: <a href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/measwork/panama/panama.html">
 McCool et al. (1987). <i>Revised Slope Steepness Factor for the Universal

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/simwe/r.sim.sediment/r.sim.sediment.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/simwe/r.sim.sediment/r.sim.sediment.html	2014-03-15 13:00:33 UTC (rev 59256)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/simwe/r.sim.sediment/r.sim.sediment.html	2014-03-15 14:08:40 UTC (rev 59257)
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
-<a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/papers/II.6.8_Mitasova_044.pdf">
+<a href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/gmslab/papers/II.6.8_Mitasova_044.pdf">
 Mitasova, H., Thaxton, C., Hofierka, J., McLaughlin, R., Moore, A., Mitas L., 2004,</a>
 Path sampling method for modeling overland water flow, sediment transport
 and short term terrain evolution in Open Source GIS.
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
 Proceedings of the XVth International Conference on Computational Methods in Water
 Resources (CMWR XV), June 13-17 2004, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, Elsevier, pp. 1479-1490.
-<a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/gisc00/duality.html">
+<a href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/gmslab/gisc00/duality.html">
 Mitasova H, Mitas, L., 2000, Modeling spatial processes in multiscale framework: 
 exploring duality between particles and fields, </a>
 plenary talk at GIScience2000 conference, Savannah, GA.
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
 Mitas, L., and Mitasova, H., 1998, Distributed soil erosion simulation
 for effective erosion prevention. Water Resources Research, 34(3), 505-516.
-<a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/papers/LLEmiterev1.pdf">
+<a href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/gmslab/papers/LLEmiterev1.pdf">
  Mitasova, H., Mitas, L., 2001, Multiscale soil erosion simulations for land use management, </a>
 In: Landscape erosion and landscape evolution modeling, Harmon R. and Doe W. eds.,
 Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, pp. 321-347.

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/simwe/r.sim.water/r.sim.water.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/simwe/r.sim.water/r.sim.water.html	2014-03-15 13:00:33 UTC (rev 59256)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/simwe/r.sim.water/r.sim.water.html	2014-03-15 14:08:40 UTC (rev 59257)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 predefined direction of flow, map algebra can be used to replace terrain-derived
 partial derivatives with pre-defined partial derivatives in selected grid cells such 
 as man-made channels, ditches or culverts. Equations (2) and (3) from 
-<a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/reports/cerl99/rep99.html">this report</a>
+<a href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/gmslab/reports/cerl99/rep99.html">this report</a>
 can be used to compute partial derivates of the predefined flow using its direction given
 by aspect and slope.
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
 <li> Mitasova, H., Thaxton, C., Hofierka, J., McLaughlin, R., Moore, A., Mitas L., 2004,
-<a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/papers/II.6.8_Mitasova_044.pdf">
+<a href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/gmslab/papers/II.6.8_Mitasova_044.pdf">
 Path sampling method for modeling overland water flow, sediment transport 
 and short term terrain evolution in Open Source GIS.</a>  
 In: C.T. Miller, M.W. Farthing, V.G. Gray, G.F. Pinder eds., 
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
 Resources (CMWR XV), June 13-17 2004, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, Elsevier, pp. 1479-1490.
 <li> Mitasova H, Mitas, L., 2000,
-<a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/gisc00/duality.html">Modeling spatial
+<a href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/gmslab/gisc00/duality.html">Modeling spatial
 processes in multiscale framework: exploring duality between particles and fields,</a>
 plenary talk at GIScience2000 conference, Savannah, GA. 
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
 for effective erosion prevention. Water Resources Research, 34(3), 505-516.
 <li> Mitasova, H., Mitas, L., 2001,
-<a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/papers/LLEmiterev1.pdf">
+<a href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/gmslab/papers/LLEmiterev1.pdf">
 Multiscale soil erosion simulations for land use management,</a>
 In: Landscape erosion and landscape evolution modeling, Harmon R. and Doe W. eds., 
 Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, pp. 321-347.

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/r.fillnulls/r.fillnulls.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/r.fillnulls/r.fillnulls.html	2014-03-15 13:00:33 UTC (rev 59256)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/r.fillnulls/r.fillnulls.html	2014-03-15 14:08:40 UTC (rev 59257)
@@ -91,11 +91,11 @@
 GIS</i>, 9 (4), special issue on Integrating GIS and Environmental modeling,
-<li><a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/papers/lmg.rev1.ps">Mitasova H.
+<li><a href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/gmslab/papers/lmg.rev1.ps">Mitasova H.
 and Mitas L. 1993</a>: Interpolation by Regularized Spline with Tension: I.
 Theory and Implementation, <i>Mathematical Geology</i> 25, 641-655.
-<li><a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/papers/hmg.rev1.ps">Mitasova H.
+<li><a href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/gmslab/papers/hmg.rev1.ps">Mitasova H.
 and Hofierka L. 1993</a>: Interpolation by Regularized Spline with Tension:
 II. Application to Terrain Modeling and Surface Geometry Analysis,
 <i>Mathematical Geology</i> 25, 657-667.

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.surf.rst/v.surf.rst.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.surf.rst/v.surf.rst.html	2014-03-15 13:00:33 UTC (rev 59256)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.surf.rst/v.surf.rst.html	2014-03-15 14:08:40 UTC (rev 59257)
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
 function so that the important relationships between these parameters
 are preserved. The equations for computation of these parameters and
 their interpretation is described in
-<a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/papers/hmg.rev1.ps">Mitasova and Hofierka, 1993</a>
+<a href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/gmslab/papers/hmg.rev1.ps">Mitasova and Hofierka, 1993</a>
 or Neteler and Mitasova, 2004).
 Slopes and aspect are computed in degrees (0-90 and 1-360 respectively).
 The aspect raster map has value 0 assigned to flat areas (with slope less
@@ -324,12 +324,12 @@
 <h2> REFERENCES</h2>
-  <li><a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/papers/IEEEGRSL2005.pdf">
+  <li><a href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/gmslab/papers/IEEEGRSL2005.pdf">
       Mitasova, H., Mitas, L. and Harmon, R.S., 2005,</a> 
     Simultaneous spline approximation and topographic analysis for
     lidar elevation data in open source GIS, IEEE GRSL 2 (4), 375- 379.</li>
   <li>Hofierka, J., 2005, Interpolation of Radioactivity Data Using Regularized Spline with Tension. Applied GIS, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 16-01 to 16-13. DOI: 10.2104/ag050016</li>
-  <li><a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/papers/TGIS2002_Hofierka_et_al.pdf">
+  <li><a href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/gmslab/papers/TGIS2002_Hofierka_et_al.pdf">
       Hofierka J., Parajka J., Mitasova H., Mitas L., 2002,</a> Multivariate
     Interpolation of Precipitation Using Regularized Spline with Tension.
     Transactions in GIS 6(2), pp. 135-150.</li>
@@ -337,15 +337,15 @@
     spatially and temporally distributed phenomena: New methods and tools for
     GRASS GIS. International Journal of GIS, 9 (4), special issue on Integrating
     GIS and Environmental modeling, 433-446.</li>
-  <li><a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/papers/MG-I-93.pdf">
+  <li><a href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/gmslab/papers/MG-I-93.pdf">
       Mitasova, H. and Mitas, L., 1993</a>: 
     Interpolation by Regularized Spline with Tension: 
     I. Theory and Implementation, Mathematical Geology ,25, 641-655.</li>
-  <li><a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/papers/MG-II-93.pdf">
+  <li><a href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/gmslab/papers/MG-II-93.pdf">
       Mitasova, H. and Hofierka, J., 1993</a>: Interpolation
     by Regularized Spline with Tension: II. Application to Terrain Modeling
     and Surface Geometry Analysis, Mathematical Geology 25, 657-667.</li>
-  <li><a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/papers/CMA1988.pdf">
+  <li><a href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/gmslab/papers/CMA1988.pdf">
       Mitas, L., and Mitasova H., 1988, </a> General variational approach to the approximation
     problem, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, v.16, p. 983-992.</li>
   <li><a href="http://www.grassbook.org">
@@ -368,8 +368,8 @@
 For examples of applications see
-<a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/">GRASS4 implementation</a> and
-<a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/">GRASS5 and GRASS6 implementation</a>.
+<a href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/gmslab/">GRASS4 implementation</a> and
+<a href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/">GRASS5 and GRASS6 implementation</a>.

Modified: grass/trunk/vector/v.vol.rst/v.vol.rst.html
--- grass/trunk/vector/v.vol.rst/v.vol.rst.html	2014-03-15 13:00:33 UTC (rev 59256)
+++ grass/trunk/vector/v.vol.rst/v.vol.rst.html	2014-03-15 14:08:40 UTC (rev 59257)
@@ -230,13 +230,13 @@
 Interpolation of Precipitation Using Regularized Spline with Tension.
 Transactions in
 GIS  6, pp. 135-150. 
-<p><a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/%7Ehelena/gmslab/">Mitas, L.,
+<p><a href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/gmslab/">Mitas, L.,
 Mitasova, H.</a>, 1999, Spatial Interpolation. In: P.Longley, M.F.
 Goodchild, D.J. Maguire, D.W.Rhind (Eds.), Geographical Information
 Systems: Principles, Techniques, Management and Applications, Wiley,
 <p>Mitas L., Brown W. M., Mitasova H., 1997, <a
- href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/%7Ehelena/gmslab/lcgfin/cg-mitas.html">Role
+ href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/gmslab/lcgfin/cg-mitas.html">Role
 of dynamic cartography in simulations of landscape processes based on
 multi-variate fields.</a> Computers and Geosciences, Vol. 23, No. 4,
 pp. 437-446 (includes CDROM and WWW: www.elsevier.nl/locate/cgvis) 
@@ -248,15 +248,15 @@
 special issue on Integrating GIS and Environmental modeling, 433-446. 
 <p> Mitasova, H., Mitas, L., Brown, B., Kosinovsky, I., Baker, T.,
 Gerdes, D. (1994): <a
- href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/%7Ehelena/gmslab/viz/ches.html">Multidimensional
+ href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/gmslab/viz/ches.html">Multidimensional
 interpolation and visualization in GRASS GIS</a> 
- href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/%7Ehelena/gmslab/papers/lmg.rev1.ps">Mitasova
+ href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/gmslab/papers/lmg.rev1.ps">Mitasova
 H. and Mitas L. 1993</a>: Interpolation by Regularized Spline with
 Tension: I. Theory and Implementation, <i>Mathematical Geology</i> 25,
- href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/%7Ehelena/gmslab/papers/hmg.rev1.ps">Mitasova
+ href="http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hmitaso/gmslab/papers/hmg.rev1.ps">Mitasova
 H. and Hofierka J. 1993</a>: Interpolation by Regularized Spline with
 Tension: II. Application to Terrain Modeling and Surface Geometry
 Analysis, <i>Mathematical Geology</i> 25, 657-667. 

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