[GRASS-SVN] r59323 - in grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis: . libmodis r.modis.download r.modis.import

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Tue Mar 25 03:45:09 PDT 2014

Author: lucadelu
Date: 2014-03-25 03:45:07 -0700 (Tue, 25 Mar 2014)
New Revision: 59323

r.modis: update pymodis library; update documentation; add metadata information during import

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/convertmodis.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/convertmodis.py	2014-03-25 08:19:25 UTC (rev 59322)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/convertmodis.py	2014-03-25 10:45:07 UTC (rev 59323)
@@ -35,19 +35,19 @@
        confile = the full path to the paramater file
-       mrtpath = the full path to mrt directory where inside you have bin and
+       mrtpath = the full path to mrt directory which contains the bin and
        data directories
     # check if the hdf file exists
     if os.path.exists(hdfname):
       self.name = hdfname
-      raise IOError('%s not exists' % hdfname)
+      raise IOError('%s does not exist' % hdfname)
     # check if confile exists
     if os.path.exists(confile):
       self.conf = confile
-      raise IOError('%s not exists' % confile)
+      raise IOError('%s does not exist' % confile)
     # check if mrtpath and subdirectories exists and set environment variables
     if os.path.exists(mrtpath):
       if os.path.exists(os.path.join(mrtpath,'bin')):
@@ -55,14 +55,14 @@
         os.environ['PATH'] = "%s:%s" % (os.environ['PATH'],os.path.join(mrtpath,
-        raise IOError('The path %s not exists' % os.path.join(mrtpath,'bin'))
+        raise IOError('The path %s does not exist' % os.path.join(mrtpath,'bin'))
       if os.path.exists(os.path.join(mrtpath,'data')):
         self.mrtpathdata = os.path.join(mrtpath,'data')
         os.environ['MRTDATADIR'] = os.path.join(mrtpath,'data')
-        raise IOError('The path %s not exists' % os.path.join(mrtpath,'data'))
+        raise IOError('The path %s does not exist' % os.path.join(mrtpath,'data'))
-      raise IOError('The path %s not exists' % mrtpath)
+      raise IOError('The path %s does not exist' % mrtpath)
   def executable(self):
     """Return the executable of resample MRT software
@@ -79,11 +79,11 @@
     import subprocess
     execut = self.executable()
     if not os.path.exists(execut):
-      raise IOError('The path %s not exists, could be an erroneus path or '\
+      raise IOError('The path %s does not exist: it could be an erroneus path or '\
                     + 'software') % execut
-    return "The hdf file %s was converted" % self.name
+    return "The hdf file %s was converted successfully" % self.name
 class createMosaic:
@@ -112,16 +112,16 @@
         os.environ['PATH'] = "%s:%s" % (os.environ['PATH'],os.path.join(mrtpath,
-        raise IOError('The path %s not exists' % os.path.join(mrtpath,'bin'))
+        raise IOError('The path %s does not exist' % os.path.join(mrtpath,'bin'))
       if os.path.exists(os.path.join(mrtpath,'data')):
         self.mrtpathdata = os.path.join(mrtpath,'data')
         os.environ['MRTDATADIR'] = os.path.join(mrtpath,'data')
-        raise IOError('The path %s not exists' % os.path.join(mrtpath,'data'))
+        raise IOError('The path %s does not exist' % os.path.join(mrtpath,'data'))
-      raise IOError('The path %s not exists' % mrtpath)
+      raise IOError('The path %s does not exist' % mrtpath)
     self.out = os.path.join(self.basepath, outprefix + '.hdf')
-    self.outxml = os.path.join(self.basepath, self.out + '.xml')
+    self.outxml = self.out + '.xml'
     self.subset = subset
   def write_mosaic_xml(self):
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
     listHDF = []
     for i in self.HDFfiles:
       if i.find(self.basepath) == -1 and i.find('.hdf.xml') == -1:
-        print "Attection maybe you have the not full path in the HDF file list"
+        print "Attention: maybe you do not have the full path in the HDF file list"
         self.tmplistfiles.write("%s\n" % os.path.join(self.basepath,i.strip()))
       elif i.find('.hdf.xml') == -1:
@@ -149,14 +149,14 @@
         return os.path.join(self.mrtpathbin,'mrtmosaic')
     elif sys.platform.count('win32'):
       if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.mrtpathbin,'mrtmosaic.exe')):
-        return os.path.join(self.mrtpath,'mrtmosaic.exe')
+        return os.path.join(self.mrtpathbin,'mrtmosaic.exe')
   def run(self):
     """Exect the mosaic process"""
     import subprocess
     execut = self.executable()
     if not os.path.exists(execut):
-      raise IOError('The path %s not exists, could be an erroneus path or '\
+      raise IOError('The path %s does not exist, it could be an erroneus path or '\
                     + 'software') % execut
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
                         stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
-    return "The mosaic file %s is created" % self.out
+    return "The mosaic file %s has been created" % self.out
 class processModis:
@@ -179,19 +179,19 @@
     """Initialization function :
        hdfname = the full path to the hdf file
        confile = the full path to the paramater file
-       mrtpath = the full path to mrt directory where inside you have bin and 
+       mrtpath = the full path to mrt directory which contains the bin and 
                  data directories
     # check if the hdf file exists
     if os.path.exists(hdfname):
       self.name = hdfname
-      raise IOError('%s not exists' % hdfname)
+      raise IOError('%s does not exist' % hdfname)
     # check if confile exists
     if os.path.exists(confile):
       self.conf = confile
-      raise IOError('%s not exists' % confile)
+      raise IOError('%s does not exist' % confile)
     # check if mrtpath and subdirectories exists and set environment variables
     if os.path.exists(mrtpath):
       if os.path.exists(os.path.join(mrtpath,'bin')):
@@ -199,14 +199,14 @@
         os.environ['PATH'] = "%s:%s" % (os.environ['PATH'],os.path.join(mrtpath,
-        raise IOError('The path %s not exists' % os.path.join(mrtpath,'bin'))
+        raise IOError('The path %s does not exist' % os.path.join(mrtpath,'bin'))
       if os.path.exists(os.path.join(mrtpath,'data')):
         self.mrtpathdata = os.path.join(mrtpath,'data')
         os.environ['MRTDATADIR'] = os.path.join(mrtpath,'data')
-        raise IOError('The path %s not exists' % os.path.join(mrtpath,'data'))
+        raise IOError('The path %s does not exist' % os.path.join(mrtpath,'data'))
-      raise IOError('The path %s not exists' % mrtpath)
+      raise IOError('The path %s does not exist' % mrtpath)
   def executable(self):
     """Return the executable of resample MRT software
@@ -216,15 +216,15 @@
         return os.path.join(self.mrtpathbin,'swath2grid')
     elif sys.platform.count('win32') != -1:
       if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.mrtpathbin,'swath2grid.exe')):
-        return os.path.join(self.mrtpath,'swath2grid.exe')
+        return os.path.join(self.mrtpathbin,'swath2grid.exe')
   def run(self):
     """Exec the convertion process"""
     import subprocess
     execut = self.executable()
     if not os.path.exists(execut):
-      raise IOError('The path %s not exists, could be an erroneus path or '\
+      raise IOError('The path %s does not exist, it could be an erroneus path or '\
                     + 'software') % execut
       subprocess.call([execut,'-pf=%s' % self.conf])
-    return "The hdf file %s was converted" % self.name
+    return "The hdf file %s has been converted" % self.name

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/downmodis.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/downmodis.py	2014-03-25 08:19:25 UTC (rev 59322)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/downmodis.py	2014-03-25 10:45:07 UTC (rev 59323)
@@ -19,427 +19,740 @@
-from datetime import *
+from datetime import date, timedelta
 import os
 import glob
 import logging
 import socket
 from ftplib import FTP
 import ftplib
+    import requests
+    pass
+import urllib2
+from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
+import re
+    import osgeo.gdal as gdal
+except ImportError:
+    try:
+        import gdal
+    except ImportError:
+        raise('Python GDAL library not found, please install python-gdal')
+def urljoin(*args):
+    """
+    Joins given arguments into a url. Trailing but not leading slashes are
+    stripped for each argument.
+    http://stackoverflow.com/a/11326230
+    """
+    return "/".join(map(lambda x: str(x).rstrip('/'), args))
+def getNewerVersion(oldFile, newFile):
+    """ Return newer version of a file
+        oldFile = one of the two similar file
+        newFile = one of the two similar file
+    """
+    oldFileSplit = oldFile.split('.')
+    newFileSplit = newFile.split('.')
+    if oldFileSplit[4] > newFileSplit[4]:
+        return oldFile
+    else:
+        return newFile
+def str2date(strin):
+    """Return a date object from a string
+       string = text string to return date (2012-10-04)
+    """
+    todaySplit = strin.split('-')
+    return date(int(todaySplit[0]), int(todaySplit[1]), int(todaySplit[2]))
+class modisHtmlParser(HTMLParser):
+    """A class to parse HTML"""
+    def __init__(self, fh):
+        """
+        {fh} must be astring returned by requests.content or
+             urllib2.urlopen().read()
+        """
+        HTMLParser.__init__(self)
+        self.fileids = []
+        self.feed(fh)
+    def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
+        if tag == 'a':
+            attrD = dict(attrs)
+            self.fileids.append(attrD['href'].replace('/', ''))
+    def get_all(self):
+        """ Return everything """
+        return self.fileids
+    def get_dates(self):
+        """ Return a list of directories with date """
+        regex = re.compile('(\d{4})[/.-](\d{2})[/.-](\d{2})$')
+        return [elem for elem in self.fileids if regex.match(elem)]
+    def get_tiles(self, prod, tiles, jpeg=False):
+        """ Return a list of file to download """
+        finalList = []
+        for i in self.fileids:
+            name = i.split('.')
+            # distinguish jpeg files from hdf files by the number of index
+            # where find the tile index
+            if not name.count(prod):
+                continue
+            if not tiles and not (name.count('jpg') or name.count('BROWSE')):
+                finalList.append(i)
+            #is a jpeg of tiles number
+            if tiles:
+                if tiles.count(name[3]) == 1 and jpeg:
+                    finalList.append(i)
+            #is a hdf of tiles number
+                elif tiles.count(name[2]) == 1:
+                    finalList.append(i)
+        return finalList
 class downModis:
-  """A class to download MODIS data from NASA FTP repository"""
-  def __init__(self,
-                password,
+    """A class to download MODIS data from NASA FTP repository"""
+    def __init__(self,
+                password=None,
-                url="e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov",
+                url="http://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov",
-                path="MOLT/MOD11A1.005",
+                path="MOLT",
+                product="MOD11A1.005",
-                debug=False
+                debug=False,
+                timeout=30
-    """Initialization function :
+        """Initialization function :
-        password = is your password, usually your email address
+            destinationFolder = where the files will be stored
-        destinationFolder = where the files will be stored
+            password = the password, it should be your email address to
+                       connect to a FTP server.
+                       Do not use this variable if the server is a HTTP server
-        user = your username, by default anonymous
+            user = the user name, by default 'anonymous', used to connect
+                       to a FTP server.
+                       Do not use this variable if the server is a HTTP server
-        url = the url where to download the MODIS data
+            url = the url from where to download the MODIS data, it can be FTP or
+                  HTTP and it has to start with http:// or ftp://
-        path = the directory where the data that you want to download are
-               stored on the ftp server
+            path = the directory where the data that you want to download are
+                   stored on the FTP server
-        tiles = a list of tiles that you want to download, None == all tiles
+            product = the code of product to download, the code should be
+                      idential to the one of the url
-        today = the day to start downloading; in order to pass a date different
-                from today use the format YYYY-MM-DD
+            tiles = a list of tiles to be downloaded, None == all tiles
-        delta = timelag i.e. the number of days starting from today
-                (backwards
+            today = the day to start downloading; in order to pass a date
+                    different from today use the format YYYY-MM-DD
-        Creates a ftp instance, connects user to ftp server and goes into the
-        directory where the MODIS data are stored
-    """
+            enddate = the day to end downloading; in order to pass a date
+                      use the format YYYY-MM-DD
-    # url modis
-    self.url = url
-    # user for download
-    self.user = user
-    # password for download
-    self.password = password
-    # directory where data are collected
-    self.path = path
-    # tiles to downloads
-    if tiles:
-        self.tiles = tiles.split(',')
-    else:
-        self.tiles = tiles
-    # set destination folder
-    if os.access(destinationFolder, os.W_OK):
-      self.writeFilePath = destinationFolder
-    else:
-      raise IOError("Folder to store downloaded files does not exist or is not" \
-    + "writeable")
-    # return the name of product
-    if len(self.path.split('/')) == 2:
-      self.product = self.path.split('/')[1]
-    elif len(self.path.split('/')) == 3:
-      self.product = self.path.split('/')[2]
-    # write a file with the name of file downloaded
-    self.filelist = open(os.path.join(self.writeFilePath, 'listfile' \
-    + self.product + '.txt'), 'w')
-    # set jpg download
-    self.jpeg = jpg
-    # today
-    self.today = today
-    # force the last day
-    self.enday = enddate
-    # delta of days
-    self.delta = delta
-    # status of tile download
-    self.status = True
-    # for debug, you can download only xml files
-    self.debug = debug
-    # for logging
-    LOG_FILENAME = os.path.join(self.writeFilePath, 'modis' \
-    + self.product + '.log')
-    LOGGING_FORMAT = '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
-    logging.basicConfig(filename=LOG_FILENAME, level=logging.DEBUG, \
-    format=LOGGING_FORMAT)
-    self.nconnection = 0
+            delta = timelag i.e. the number of days starting from today
+                    backwards
-  def removeEmptyFiles(self):
-    """Check if some file has size ugual 0"""
-    year = str(date.today().year)
-    pref = self.product.split('.')[0]
-    files = glob.glob1(self.writeFilePath, '%s.A%s*' % (pref, year))
-    for f in files:
-        fil = os.path.join(self.writeFilePath, f)
-        if os.path.getsize(fil) == 0:
-            os.remove(fil)
+            jpeg = set to True if you want to download also the JPG overview file
-  def connectFTP(self, ncon=20):
-    """ Set connection to ftp server, move to path where data are stored
-    and create a list of directories for all days
+            debug = set to True if you want to obtain debug information
-    ncon = number maximum of test to connection at the ftp server
-    """
-    self.nconnection += 1
-    try:
-      # connect to ftp server
-      self.ftp = FTP(self.url)
-      self.ftp.login(self.user, self.password)
-      # enter in directory
-      self.ftp.cwd(self.path)
-      self.dirData = []
-      # return data inside directory
-      self.ftp.dir(self.dirData.append)
-      # reverse order of data for have first the nearest to today
-      self.dirData.reverse()
-      # check if dirData contain only directory, delete all files
-      self.dirData = [elem.split()[-1] for elem in self.dirData if elem.startswith("d")]
-      if self.debug==True:
-        logging.debug("Open connection %s" % self.url)
-    except (EOFError, ftplib.error_perm), e:
-      logging.error('Error in connection: %s' % e)
-      if self.nconnection <= ncon:
-        self.connectFTP()
+            timeout = Timeout value for HTTP server
+        """
-  def closeFTP(self):
-    """ Close ftp connection """
-    self.ftp.quit()
-    self.filelist.close()
-    if self.debug == True:
-      logging.debug("Close connection %s" % self.url)
+        # url modis
+        if 'ftp' in url:
+            self.url = url.replace('ftp://', '').rstrip('/')
+            self.urltype = 'ftp'
+        elif 'http' in url:
+            self.url = url
+            self.urltype = 'http'
+        else:
+            raise IOError("The url should contain 'ftp://' or 'http://'")
+        # user for download using ftp
+        self.user = user
+        # password for download using ftp
+        self.password = password
+        # the product
+        self.product = product
+        self.product_code = product.split('.')[0]
+        # directory where data are collected
+        self.path = urljoin(path, self.product)
+        # tiles to downloads
+        if tiles:
+            self.tiles = tiles.split(',')
+        else:
+            self.tiles = tiles
+        # set destination folder
+        if os.access(destinationFolder, os.W_OK):
+            self.writeFilePath = destinationFolder
+        else:
+            raise IOError("Folder to store downloaded files does not exist" \
+                          + " or is not writeable")
+        # return the name of product
+        if len(self.path.split('/')) == 2:
+            self.product = self.path.split('/')[1]
+        elif len(self.path.split('/')) == 3:
+            self.product = self.path.split('/')[2]
+        # write a file with the name of file downloaded
+        self.filelist = open(os.path.join(self.writeFilePath, 'listfile' \
+                                          + self.product + '.txt'), 'w')
+        # set jpg download
+        self.jpeg = jpg
+        # today
+        self.today = today
+        # force the last day
+        self.enday = enddate
+        # delta of days
+        self.delta = delta
+        # status of tile download
+        self.status = True
+        # for debug, you can download only xml files
+        self.debug = debug
+        # for logging
+        log_filename = os.path.join(self.writeFilePath, 'modis' \
+        + self.product + '.log')
+        log_format = '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
+        logging.basicConfig(filename=log_filename, level=logging.DEBUG, \
+        format=log_format)
+        self.nconnection = 0
+        self.timeout = timeout
+        self.fileInPath = []
+        # add all files in the directory where we will save new modis data
+        for f in os.listdir(self.writeFilePath):
+            if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.writeFilePath, f)):
+                self.fileInPath.append(f)
+        gdal.UseExceptions()
+        gdalDriver = gdal.GetDriverByName('HDF4')
+        if not gdalDriver:
+            raise IOError("GDAL installation has no support for HDF4, please update GDAL")
-  def setDirectoryIn(self, day):
-    """ Enter in the directory of the day """
-    try:
-      self.ftp.cwd(day)
-    except (ftplib.error_reply, socket.error), e:
-      logging.error("Error %s entering in directory %s" % e, day)
-      self.setDirectoryIn(day)
+    def removeEmptyFiles(self):
+        """Check if some file has size equal to 0"""
+        year = str(date.today().year)
+        pref = self.product.split('.')[0]
+        files = glob.glob1(self.writeFilePath, '%s.A%s*' % (pref, year))
+        for f in files:
+            fil = os.path.join(self.writeFilePath, f)
+            if os.path.getsize(fil) == 0:
+                os.remove(fil)
-  def setDirectoryOver(self):
-    """ Come back to old path """
-    try:
-      self.ftp.cwd('..')
-    except (ftplib.error_reply, socket.error), e:
-      logging.error("Error %s when try to come back" % e)
-      self.setDirectoryOver()
+    def connect(self, ncon=20):
+        """Connect to the server and fill the dirData variable
-  def _str2date(self, strin):
-      """Return a date object from a string
+           ncon = maximum number of attempts to connect to the HTTP server
+                  before failing
+        """
+        if self.urltype == 'ftp':
+            self._connectFTP(ncon)
+        elif self.urltype == 'http':
+            self._connectHTTP(ncon)
-      string = text string to return date (2012-10-04)
-      """
-      todaySplit = strin.split('-')
-      return date(int(todaySplit[0]), int(todaySplit[1]), int(todaySplit[2]))
+    def _connectHTTP(self, ncon=20):
+        """ Connect to HTTP server, create a list of directories for all days
-  def _getToday(self):
-    """Return the first day for start to download"""
-    if self.today == None:
-      # set today variable to today
-      self.today = date.today()
-    else:
-      # set today variable to data pass from user
-      self.today = self._str2date(self.today)
-      # set enday variable to data
-    if self.enday != None:
-      self.enday = self._str2date(self.enday)
+            ncon = maximum number of attempts to connect to the HTTP server
+                   before failing
+        """
+        self.nconnection += 1
+        try:
+            try:
+                http = requests.get(urljoin(self.url, self.path),
+                                    timeout=self.timeout)
+                self.dirData = modisHtmlParser(http.content).get_dates()
+            except:
+                http = urllib2.urlopen(urljoin(self.url, self.path),
+                                       timeout=self.timeout)
+                self.dirData = modisHtmlParser(http.read()).get_dates()
+            self.dirData.reverse()
+        except:
+            logging.error('Error in connection')
+            if self.nconnection <= ncon:
+                self._connectHTTP()
-  def getListDays(self):
-      """Return a list of all selected days"""
-      self._getToday()
+    def _connectFTP(self, ncon=20):
+        """ Set connection to ftp server, move to path where data are stored
+            and create a list of directories for all days
-      today_s = self.today.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")
-      # dirData is reverse sorted
-      for i, d in enumerate(self.dirData):
-        if d <= today_s:
-          today_index = i
-          break
-      else:
-        logging.error("No data available for requested days")
-        import sys
-        sys.exit()
-      days = self.dirData[today_index:][:self.delta]
-      # this is useful for 8/16 days data, delta could download more images
-      # that you want
-      if self.enday != None:
-        enday_s = self.enday.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")
-        delta = 0
-        # it make a for cicle from the last value and find the internal delta
-        #to remove file outside temporaly range
-        for i in range(-(len(days)), 0):
-          if days[i] < enday_s:
-            break
-          else:
-            delta = delta + 1
-        # remove days outside new delta
-        days = days[:delta]
-      return days
+            ncon = maximum number of attempts to connect to the FTP server
+                   before failing
-  def getAllDays(self):
-    """Return a list of all days"""
-    return self.dirData
+        """
+        self.nconnection += 1
+        try:
+            # connect to ftp server
+            self.ftp = FTP(self.url)
+            self.ftp.login(self.user, self.password)
+            # enter in directory
+            self.ftp.cwd(self.path)
+            self.dirData = []
+            # return data inside directory
+            self.ftp.dir(self.dirData.append)
+            # reverse order of data for have first the nearest to today
+            self.dirData.reverse()
+            # check if dirData contain only directory, delete all files
+            self.dirData = [elem.split()[-1] for elem in self.dirData if elem.startswith("d")]
+            if self.debug == True:
+                logging.debug("Open connection %s" % self.url)
+        except (EOFError, ftplib.error_perm), e:
+            logging.error('Error in connection: %s' % e)
+            if self.nconnection <= ncon:
+                self._connectFTP()
-  def getFilesList(self):
-    """ Create a list of files to download, it is possible choose to download
-    also the jpeg files or only the hdf files"""
-    def cicle_file(jpeg=False, tile=True):
-      finalList = []
-      for i in self.listfiles:
-        File = i.split('.')
-        # distinguish jpeg files from hdf files by the number of index
-        # where find the tile index
-        if not tile and not (File.count('jpg') or File.count('BROWSE')):
-          finalList.append(i)
-        if tile and self.tiles.count(File[3]) == 1 and jpeg: #is a jpeg of tiles number
-          finalList.append(i)
-        if tile and self.tiles.count(File[2]) == 1: #is a hdf of tiles number
-          finalList.append(i)
-      return finalList
+    def closeFTP(self):
+        """ Close ftp connection """
+        self.ftp.quit()
+        self.closeFilelist()
+        if self.debug == True:
+            logging.debug("Close connection %s" % self.url)
+    def closeFilelist(self):
+        """ Function to close the file where write the downloaded files """
+        self.filelist.close()
+    def setDirectoryIn(self, day):
+        """ Enter in the directory of the day """
+        try:
+            self.ftp.cwd(day)
+        except (ftplib.error_reply, socket.error), e:
+            logging.error("Error %s entering in directory %s" % e, day)
+            self.setDirectoryIn(day)
+    def setDirectoryOver(self):
+        """ Come back to old path """
+        try:
+            self.ftp.cwd('..')
+        except (ftplib.error_reply, socket.error), e:
+            logging.error("Error %s when try to come back" % e)
+            self.setDirectoryOver()
+    def _getToday(self):
+        """Return the first day for start to download"""
+        if self.today == None:
+            # set today variable to today
+            self.today = date.today()
+        else:
+            # set today variable to data pass from user
+            self.today = str2date(self.today)
+            # set enday variable to data
+        if self.enday != None:
+            self.enday = str2date(self.enday)
+        if self.today and self.enday:
+            if self.today < self.enday:
+                raise IOError("The first day should be newer then end date")
+            D = self.today - self.enday
+            self.delta = D.days
+    def getListDays(self):
+        """Return a list of all selected days"""
+        self._getToday()
+        today_s = self.today.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")
+        # dirData is reverse sorted
+        for i, d in enumerate(self.dirData):
+            if d <= today_s:
+                today_index = i
+                break
+#            else:
+#                logging.error("No data available for requested days")
+#                import sys
+#                sys.exit()
+        days = self.dirData[today_index:][:self.delta]
+        # this is useful for 8/16 days data, delta could download more images
+        # that you want
+        if self.enday != None:
+            enday_s = self.enday.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")
+            delta = 0
+            # it make a for cicle from the last value and find the internal
+            # delta to remove file outside temporaly range
+            for i in range(-(len(days)), 0):
+                if days[i] < enday_s:
+                    break
+                else:
+                    delta = delta + 1
+            # remove days outside new delta
+            days = days[:delta]
+        return days
+    def getAllDays(self):
+        """Return a list of all days"""
+        return self.dirData
+    def getFilesList(self, day=None):
+        """ Creates a list of files to download, it is possible to choose to
+            download also the JPG overview files or only the HDF files
+            day = the date of data
+        """
+        if self.urltype == 'http':
+            return self._getFilesListHTTP(day)
+        elif self.urltype == 'ftp':
+            return self._getFilesListFTP()
+    def _getFilesListHTTP(self, day):
+        """ Creates a list of files to download from http server, it is
+            possible to choose to download also the JPG overview files or
+            only the HDF files
+            day = the date of data
+        """
     # return the file's list inside the directory of each day
-    try:
-      self.listfiles = self.ftp.nlst()
-      # download also jpeg
-      if self.jpeg:
-        # finallist is ugual to all file with jpeg file
-        if not self.tiles:
-          finalList = self.listfiles
-        # finallist is ugual to tiles file with jpeg file
+        try:
+            url = urljoin(self.url, self.path, day)
+            if self.debug == True:
+                logging.debug("The url is: %s" % url)
+            try:
+                http = modisHtmlParser(requests.get(url,
+                                       timeout=self.timeout).content)
+            except:
+                http = modisHtmlParser(urllib2.urlopen(url,
+                                       timeout=self.timeout).read())
+            # download also jpeg
+            if self.jpeg:
+                # finallist is ugual to all file with jpeg file
+                if not self.tiles:
+                    finalList = http.get_all()
+                # finallist is ugual to tiles file with jpeg file
+                else:
+                    finalList = http.get_tiles(self.product_code,
+                                               self.tiles, jpeg=True)
+            # not download jpeg
+            else:
+                finalList = http.get_tiles(self.product_code, self.tiles)
+            if self.debug == True:
+                logging.debug("The number of file to download is: %i" % len(finalList))
+            return finalList
+        except (socket.error), e:
+            logging.error("Error %s when try to receive list of files" % e)
+            self._getFilesListHTTP(day)
+    def _getFilesListFTP(self):
+        """ Create a list of files to download from FTP server, it is possible
+            choose to download also the JPG overview files or only the HDF files
+        """
+        def cicle_file(jpeg=False):
+            """Check the type of file"""
+            finalList = []
+            for i in self.listfiles:
+                name = i.split('.')
+                # distinguish jpeg files from hdf files by the number of index
+                # where find the tile index
+                if not self.tiles and not (name.count('jpg') or
+                                           name.count('BROWSE')):
+                    finalList.append(i)
+                #is a jpeg of tiles number
+                if self.tiles:
+                    if self.tiles.count(name[3]) == 1 and jpeg:
+                        finalList.append(i)
+                #is a hdf of tiles number
+                    elif self.tiles.count(name[2]) == 1:
+                        finalList.append(i)
+            return finalList
+        # return the file's list inside the directory of each day
+        try:
+            self.listfiles = self.ftp.nlst()
+            # download also jpeg
+            if self.jpeg:
+                # finallist is ugual to all file with jpeg file
+                if not self.tiles:
+                    finalList = self.listfiles
+                # finallist is ugual to tiles file with jpeg file
+                else:
+                    finalList = cicle_file(jpeg=True)
+            # not download jpeg
+            else:
+                finalList = cicle_file()
+            if self.debug == True:
+                logging.debug("The number of file to download is: %i" % len(finalList))
+            return finalList
+        except (ftplib.error_reply, socket.error), e:
+            logging.error("Error %s when trying to receive list of files" % e)
+            self._getFilesListFTP()
+    def checkDataExist(self, listNewFile, move=0):
+        """ Check if a file already exists in the directory of download
+            listNewFile = list of all files, returned by getFilesList function
+            move = it is useful to know if a function is called from download
+                   or move function
+        """
+        # different return if this method is used from downloadsAllDay() or
+        # moveFile()
+        if move == 0:
+            listOfDifferent = list(set(listNewFile) - set(self.fileInPath))
+        elif move == 1:
+            listOfDifferent = list(set(self.fileInPath) - set(listNewFile))
+        return listOfDifferent
+    def checkFile(self, filHdf):
+        """Check by using GDAL to be sure that the download went ok
+        filHdf = name of the HDF file to check
+        """
+        try:
+            gdal.Open(filHdf)
+            return 0
+        except (RuntimeError), e:
+            logging.error(e)
+            return 1
+    def downloadFile(self, filDown, filHdf, day):
+        """Download the single file
+        filDown = name of the file to download
+        filHdf = name of the file to write to
+        day = the day in format YYYY.MM.DD
+        """
+        if self.urltype == 'http':
+            self._downloadFileHTTP(filDown, filHdf, day)
+        elif self.urltype == 'ftp':
+            self._downloadFileFTP(filDown, filHdf)
+    def _downloadFileHTTP(self, filDown, filHdf, day):
+        """Download the single file from http server
+        filDown = name of the file to download
+        filSave = name of the file to write to
+        day = the day in format YYYY.MM.DD
+        """
+        filSave = open(filHdf, "wb")
+        orig_size = None
+        try:
+            try:
+                http = requests.get(urljoin(self.url, self.path, day, filDown))
+                orig_size = http.headers['content-length']
+                filSave.write(http.content)
+            except:
+                http = urllib2.urlopen(urljoin(self.url, self.path, day,
+                                               filDown))
+                orig_size = http.headers['content-length']
+                filSave.write(http.read())
+            filSave.close()
+        #if it have an error it try to download again the file
+        except:
+            logging.error("Cannot download %s. Retrying.." % filDown)
+            filSave.close()
+            os.remove(filSave.name)
+            self._downloadFileHTTP(filDown, filHdf, day)
+        transf_size = os.path.getsize(filSave.name)
+        if orig_size and int(orig_size) == int(transf_size):
+            if filHdf.find('.xml') == -1:
+                if self.checkFile(filHdf):
+                    os.remove(filSave.name)
+                    self._downloadFileHTTP(filDown, filHdf, day)
+                else:
+                    self.filelist.write("%s\n" % filDown)
+                    if self.debug == True:
+                        logging.debug("File %s downloaded correctly" % filDown)
+                    return 0
+            else:
+                self.filelist.write("%s\n" % filDown)
+                if self.debug == True:
+                    logging.debug("File %s downloaded correctly" % filDown)
+                return 0
-          finalList = cicle_file(jpeg=True)
-      # not download jpeg
-      else:
-        if not self.tiles:
-          finalList = cicle_file(tile=False)
+            if not orig_size:
+                logging.warning("Different size for file %s - original data:"\
+                                " None, downloaded: %s" % (filDown, 
+                                                           transf_size))
+            else:
+                logging.warning("Different size for file %s - original data:"\
+                                " %s, downloaded: %s" % (filDown, orig_size,
+                                                         transf_size))
+            os.remove(filSave.name)
+            self._downloadFileHTTP(filDown, filHdf, day)
+    def _downloadFileFTP(self, filDown, filHdf):
+        """Download the single file from ftp server
+           filDown = name of the file to download
+           filSave = name of the file to write to
+        """
+        filSave = open(filHdf, "wb")
+        try:
+            self.ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + filDown, filSave.write)
+            self.filelist.write("%s\n" % filDown)
+            if self.debug == True:
+                logging.debug("File %s downloaded" % filDown)
+        #if it have an error it try to download again the file
+        except (ftplib.error_reply, socket.error, ftplib.error_temp, EOFError), e:
+            logging.error("Cannot download %s, the error was '%s'. Retrying..." % (
+                          filDown, e))
+            filSave.close()
+            os.remove(filSave.name)
+            try:
+                self.ftp.pwd()
+            except (ftplib.error_temp, EOFError), e:
+                self._connectFTP()
+            self._downloadFileFTP(filDown, filHdf)
+        filSave.close()
+        orig_size = self.ftp.size(filDown)
+        transf_size = os.path.getsize(filSave.name)
+        if orig_size == transf_size:
+            return 0
-          finalList = cicle_file()
-      if self.debug == True:
-        logging.debug("The number of file to download is: %i" % len(finalList))
-      return finalList
-    except (ftplib.error_reply, socket.error), e:
-      logging.error("Error %s when try to receive list of files" % e)
-      self.getFilesList()
+            logging.warning("Different size for file %s - original data: %s," \
+                            " downloaded: %s" % (filDown, orig_size,
+                                                 transf_size))
+            os.remove(filSave.name)
+            self._downloadFileFTP(filDown, filHdf)
-  def checkDataExist(self,listNewFile, move = 0):
-    """ Check if a file already exists in the directory of download
+    def dayDownload(self, day, listFilesDown):
+        """ Downloads tiles are in files_hdf_consider
-    listNewFile = list of all files, returned by getFilesList function
+        listFilesDown = list of the files to download, returned by
+                        checkDataExist function
+        """
+        # for each file in files' list
+        for i in listFilesDown:
+            fileSplit = i.split('.')
+            filePrefix = "%s.%s.%s.%s" % (fileSplit[0], fileSplit[1],
+                                          fileSplit[2], fileSplit[3])
-    move = it is useful to know if a function is called from download or move function
-    """
-    fileInPath = []
-    # add all files in the directory where we will save new modis data
-    for f in os.listdir(self.writeFilePath):
-      if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.writeFilePath, f)):
-        fileInPath.append(f)
-    # different return if this method is used from downloadsAllDay() or
-    # moveFile()
-    if move == 0:
-      listOfDifferent = list(set(listNewFile) - set(fileInPath))
-    elif move == 1:
-      listOfDifferent = list(set(fileInPath) - set(listNewFile))
-    return listOfDifferent
+            # check data exists in the return directory
+            oldFile = glob.glob1(self.writeFilePath, filePrefix + "*" \
+            + fileSplit[-1])
+            numFiles = len(oldFile)
+            if numFiles == 0:
+                file_hdf = os.path.join(self.writeFilePath, i)
+            elif numFiles == 1:
+                # check the version of file
+                fileDown = getNewerVersion(oldFile[0], i)
+                if fileDown != oldFile[0]:
+                    os.remove(os.path.join(self.writeFilePath, oldFile[0]))
+                    file_hdf = os.path.join(self.writeFilePath, fileDown)
+            elif numFiles > 1:
+                logging.error("There are to many files for %s" % i)
+            if numFiles == 0 or (numFiles == 1 and fileDown != oldFile[0]):
+                self.downloadFile(i, file_hdf, day)
-  def getNewerVersion(self, oldFile, newFile):
-    """ Return newer version of a file
-    oldFile = one of the two similar file
-    newFile = one of the two similar file
-    """
-    oldFileSplit = oldFile.split('.')
-    newFileSplit = newFile.split('.')
-    if oldFileSplit[4] > newFileSplit[4]:
-      return oldFile
-    else:
-      return newFile
+    def downloadsAllDay(self, clean=False, allDays=False):
+        """Download the single file
-  def _downloadFile(self, filDown, filHdf):
-    """Download the single file
-    filDown = name of the file to download
-    filSave = name of the file to write
-    """
-    filSave = open(filHdf, "wb")
-    try:
-      self.ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + filDown, filSave.write)
-      self.filelist.write("%s\n" % filDown)
-      if self.debug==True:
-        logging.debug("File %s downloaded" % filDown)
-    #if it have an error it try to download again the file
-    except (ftplib.error_reply, socket.error, ftplib.error_temp, EOFError), e:
-      logging.error("Cannot download %s, retry.." % filDown)
-      filSave.close()
-      os.remove(filSave.name)
-      try:
-          self.ftp.pwd()
-      except (ftplib.error_temp, EOFError), e:
-          self.connectFTP()
-      self._downloadFile(filDown, filHdf)
-    filSave.close()
-    orig_size = self.ftp.size(filDown)
-    transf_size = os.path.getsize(filSave.name)
-    if orig_size == transf_size:
-      return 0
-    else:
-      logging.warning("Different size for file %s - original data: %s, downloaded: %s" %
-                      (filDown, orig_size, transf_size))
-      os.remove(filSave.name)
-      self._downloadFile(filDown,filHdf)
+        filDown = name of the file to download
-  def dayDownload(self, listFilesDown):
-    """ Downloads tiles are in files_hdf_consider
+        filSave = name of the file to write to
+        """
+        #return the days to download
+        if clean:
+            self.removeEmptyFiles()
+        if allDays:
+            days = self.getAllDays()
+        else:
+            days = self.getListDays()
+        if self.debug == True:
+            logging.debug("The number of days to download is: %i" % len(days))
+        if self.urltype == 'http':
+            self._downloadsAllDayHTTP(days)
+        elif self.urltype == 'ftp':
+            self._downloadAllDayFTP(days)
-    listFilesDown = list of the files to download, returned by checkDataExist function
-    """
-    # for each file in files' list
-    for i in listFilesDown:
-        fileSplit = i.split('.')
-        filePrefix = fileSplit[0] + '.' + fileSplit[1] + '.' + fileSplit[2] \
-        + '.' + fileSplit[3]
-        #for debug, download only xml
-        if (self.debug and fileSplit[-1] == 'xml') or not self.debug:
-          # check data exists in the return directory, if it doesn't exists
-          oldFile = glob.glob1(self.writeFilePath, filePrefix + "*" \
-          + fileSplit[-1])
-          numFiles = len(oldFile)
-          if numFiles == 0:
-            file_hdf = os.path.join(self.writeFilePath, i)
-          elif numFiles == 1:
-            # check the version of file  
-            fileDown = self.getNewerVersion(oldFile[0], i)
-            if fileDown != oldFile[0]:
-              os.remove(os.path.join(self.writeFilePath, oldFile[0]))
-              file_hdf = os.path.join(self.writeFilePath, fileDown)
-          elif numFiles > 1:
-            logging.error("There are to much files for %s" % i)
-            #raise EOFError("There are to much file with the same prefix")
-          if numFiles == 0 or (numFiles == 1 and fileDown != oldFile[0]):
-            self._downloadFile(i, file_hdf)
+    def _downloadsAllDayHTTP(self, days):
+        """ Downloads all the tiles considered from HTTP server"""
-  def downloadsAllDay(self, clean=False, allDays=False):
-    """ Downloads all the tiles considered """
-    #return the days to download
-    if clean:
-        self.removeEmptyFiles()
-    if allDays:
-        days = self.getAllDays()
-    else:
-        days = self.getListDays()
-    if self.debug == True:
-      logging.debug("The number of days to download is: %i" % len(days))
-    #for each day
-    for day in days:
-      #enter in the directory of day
-      self.setDirectoryIn(day)
-      #obtain list of all files
-      listAllFiles = self.getFilesList()
-      #obtain list of files to download
-      listFilesDown = self.checkDataExist(listAllFiles)
-      #download files for a day
-      self.dayDownload(listFilesDown)
-      self.setDirectoryOver()
-    self.closeFTP()
-    if self.debug == True:
-      logging.debug("Download terminated")
-    return 0
+        #for each day
+        for day in days:
+            #obtain list of all files
+            listAllFiles = self.getFilesList(day)
+            #obtain list of files to download
+            listFilesDown = self.checkDataExist(listAllFiles)
+            #download files for a day
+            self.dayDownload(day, listFilesDown)
+        self.closeFilelist()
+        if self.debug == True:
+            logging.debug("Download terminated")
+        return 0
-  def debugLog(self):
-    """Function to create the debug file"""
-    # create logger
-    logger = logging.getLogger("PythonLibModis debug")
-    logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
-    # create console handler and set level to debug
-    ch = logging.StreamHandler()
-    ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
-    # create formatter
-    formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(name)s - " \
-                + "%(levelname)s - %(message)s")
-    # add formatter to ch
-    ch.setFormatter(formatter)
-    # add ch to logger
-    logger.addHandler(ch)
-    return logger
+    def _downloadsAllDayFTP(self, days):
+        """ Downloads all the tiles considered from FTP server"""
+        #for each day
+        for day in days:
+            #enter in the directory of day
+            self.setDirectoryIn(day)
+            #obtain list of all files
+            listAllFiles = self.getFilesList()
+            #obtain list of files to download
+            listFilesDown = self.checkDataExist(listAllFiles)
+            #download files for a day
+            self.dayDownload(day, listFilesDown)
+            self.setDirectoryOver()
+        self.closeFTP()
+        if self.debug == True:
+            logging.debug("Download terminated")
+        return 0
-  def debugDays(self):
-    """This function is useful to debug the number of days"""
-    logger = debugLog()
-    days = self.getListDays()
-    # if lenght of list of days and the delta of day they are different
-    if len(days) != self.delta:
-      # for each day
-      for i in range(1,self.delta+1):
-        # calculate the current day
-        delta = timedelta(days = i)
-        day = self.today - delta
-        day = day.strftime("%Y.%m.%d") 
-        # check if day is in the days list
-        if day not in days:
-          logger.critical("This day %s is not present on list" % day)
-    # the lenght of list of days and delta are ugual
-    else:
-      logger.info("All right!!")
+    def debugLog(self):
+        """Function to create the debug file"""
+        # create logger
+        logger = logging.getLogger("PythonLibModis debug")
+        logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+        # create console handler and set level to debug
+        ch = logging.StreamHandler()
+        ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+        # create formatter
+        formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(name)s - " \
+                    + "%(levelname)s - %(message)s")
+        # add formatter to ch
+        ch.setFormatter(formatter)
+        # add ch to logger
+        logger.addHandler(ch)
+        return logger
-  def debugMaps(self):
-    """This function is useful to debug the number of maps to download for
-    each day"""
-    logger = debugLog()
-    days = self.getListDays()
-    for day in days:
-      self.setDirectoryIn(day)
-      listAllFiles = self.getFilesList()
-      string = day + ": " + str(len(listAllFiles)) + "\n"
-      logger.debug(string)
-      self.setDirectoryOver()
\ No newline at end of file
+    def debugDays(self):
+        """This function is useful to debug the number of days"""
+        logger = self.debugLog()
+        days = self.getListDays()
+        # if lenght of list of days and the delta of day they are different
+        if len(days) != self.delta:
+            # for each day
+            for i in range(1, self.delta + 1):
+                # calculate the current day
+                delta = timedelta(days=i)
+                day = self.today - delta
+                day = day.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")
+                # check if day is in the days list
+                if day not in days:
+                    logger.critical("This day %s is not present on list" % day)
+        # the lenght of list of days and delta are ugual
+        else:
+            logger.info("All right!!")
+    def debugMaps(self):
+        """This function is useful to debug the number of maps to download for
+        each day"""
+        logger = self.debugLog()
+        days = self.getListDays()
+        for day in days:
+            listAllFiles = self.getFilesList(day)
+            string = day + ": " + str(len(listAllFiles)) + "\n"
+            logger.debug(string)

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/parsemodis.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/parsemodis.py	2014-03-25 08:19:25 UTC (rev 59322)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/parsemodis.py	2014-03-25 10:45:07 UTC (rev 59323)
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 class parseModis:
-  """Class to parse MODIS xml files, it also can create the parameter
+  """Class to parse MODIS xml files, it can also create the parameter
      configuration file for resampling MODIS DATA with the MRT software or
      convertmodis Module
@@ -53,13 +53,13 @@
       # hdf name
       self.hdfname = filename
-      raise IOError('%s not exists' % self.hdfname)
+      raise IOError('%s does not exist' % filename)
     if os.path.exists(self.hdfname + '.xml'):
       # xml hdf name
       self.xmlname = self.hdfname + '.xml'
-      raise IOError('%s not exists' % self.hdfname + '.xml')
+      raise IOError('%s does not exist' % self.hdfname + '.xml')
     # tif name for the output file for resample MRT software
     self.tifname = self.hdfname.replace('.hdf', '.tif')
@@ -253,9 +253,9 @@
     """Create the parameter file to use with resample MRT software to create
-    tif file
+    tif (geotiff) file
-        spectral = the spectral subset to be used, look the product table to
+        spectral = the spectral subset to be used, see the product table to
         understand the layer that you want use. For example:
             - NDVI ( 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) copy only layer NDVI, EVI
@@ -265,10 +265,10 @@
         res = the resolution for the output file, it must be set in the map
         unit of output projection system. The software will use the
-        original resolution of input file if res it isn't set
+        original resolution of input file if res not set
-        output = the output name, if it doesn't set will use the prefix name
-        of input hdf file
+        output = the output name, if not set if not set the prefix name
+        of input hdf file will be used
         utm = the UTM zone if projection system is UTM
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@
     """Create the parameter file to use with resample MRT software to create
-       tif file
+       tif (geotiff) file
         sds = Name of band/s (Science Data Set) to resample
@@ -385,10 +385,10 @@
         res = the resolution for the output file, it must be set in the map
         unit of output projection system. The software will use the
-        original resolution of input file if res it isn't set
+        original resolution of input file if res not set
-        output = the output name, if it doesn't set will use the prefix name
-        of input hdf file
+        output = the output name, if not set the prefix name
+        of input hdf file will be used
         sphere = Output sphere number. Valid options are:
             - 0=Clarke 1866

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/rmodislib.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/rmodislib.py	2014-03-25 08:19:25 UTC (rev 59322)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/rmodislib.py	2014-03-25 10:45:07 UTC (rev 59323)
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
     def __init__(self, value=None):
         # url to download products
-        urlbase = 'e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov'
-        usrsnow = 'n4ftl01u.ecs.nasa.gov'
+        urlbase = 'http://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov'
+        usrsnow = 'ftp://n4ftl01u.ecs.nasa.gov'
         ### values of lst product:
         lst_spec = '( 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 )'
         lst_specqa = '( 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 )'
@@ -88,83 +88,96 @@
                      '.sur_refl_b07': '.sur_refl_qc_500m'}
         self.prod = value
-        lst = {'lst_aqua_daily_1000': {'url': urlbase, 
-                                       'folder': 'MOLA/MYD11A1.005',
+        lst = {'lst_aqua_daily_1000': {'url': urlbase,
+                                       'folder': 'MOLA/',
+                                       'prod': 'MYD11A1.005',
                                        'spec': lst_spec, 'spec_qa': lst_specqa,
                                        'suff': lst1km_suff, 'res': 1000,
                                        'color': lst_color
-              'lst_terra_daily_1000': {'url': urlbase, 
-                                       'folder': 'MOLT/MOD11A1.005',
+              'lst_terra_daily_1000': {'url': urlbase,
+                                       'folder': 'MOLT/',
+                                       'prod': 'MOD11A1.005',
                                        'spec': lst_spec, 'spec_qa': lst_specqa,
                                        'suff': lst1km_suff, 'res': 1000,
                                        'color': lst_color
-              'lst_terra_eight_1000': {'url': urlbase, 
-                                       'folder': 'MOLT/MOD11A2.005',
+              'lst_terra_eight_1000': {'url': urlbase,
+                                       'folder': 'MOLT/',
+                                       'prod': 'MOD11A2.005',
                                        'spec': lst_spec, 'spec_qa': lst_specqa,
                                        'suff': lst1km_suff, 'res': 1000,
                                        'color': lst_color
-              'lst_aqua_eight_1000': {'url': urlbase, 
-                                      'folder': 'MOLA/MYD11A2.005',
+              'lst_aqua_eight_1000': {'url': urlbase,
+                                      'folder': 'MOLA/',
+                                      'prod': 'MYD11A2.005',
                                       'spec': lst_spec, 'spec_qa': lst_specqa,
                                       'suff': lst1km_suff, 'res': 1000,
                                       'color': lst_color
-              'lst_terra_daily_6000': {'url': urlbase, 
-                                       'folder': 'MOLT/MOD11B1.005',
+              'lst_terra_daily_6000': {'url': urlbase,
+                                       'folder': 'MOLT/',
+                                       'prod': 'MOD11B1.005',
                                        'spec': lst_spec, 'spec_qa': lst_specqa,
                                        'suff': lst6km_suff, 'res': 6000,
                                        'color': lst_color
-              'lst_aqua_daily_6000': {'url': urlbase, 
-                                      'folder': 'MOLA/MYD11B1.005',
+              'lst_aqua_daily_6000': {'url': urlbase,
+                                      'folder': 'MOLA/',
+                                      'prod': 'MYD11B1.005',
                                       'spec': lst_spec, 'spec_qa': lst_specqa,
                                       'suff': lst6km_suff, 'res': 6000,
                                       'color': lst_color
-        vi = {'ndvi_terra_sixteen_250': {'url': urlbase, 
-                                         'folder': 'MOLT/MOD13Q1.005',
+        vi = {'ndvi_terra_sixteen_250': {'url': urlbase,
+                                         'folder': 'MOLT/',
+                                         'prod': 'MOD13Q1.005',
                                          'spec': vi_spec, 'spec_qa': vi_specqa,
                                          'suff': vi250m_suff, 'res': 250,
                                          'color': vi_color
-              'ndvi_aqua_sixteen_250': {'url': urlbase, 
-                                        'folder': 'MOLA/MYD13Q1.005',
+              'ndvi_aqua_sixteen_250': {'url': urlbase,
+                                        'folder': 'MOLA/',
+                                        'prod': 'MYD13Q1.005',
                                         'spec': vi_spec, 'spec_qa': vi_specqa,
                                         'suff': vi250m_suff, 'res': 250,
                                         'color': vi_color
-              'ndvi_terra_sixteen_500': {'url': urlbase, 
-                                         'folder': 'MOLT/MOD13A1.005',
+              'ndvi_terra_sixteen_500': {'url': urlbase,
+                                         'folder': 'MOLT/',
+                                         'prod': 'MOD13A1.005',
                                          'spec': vi_spec, 'spec_qa': vi_specqa,
                                          'suff': vi1km_suff, 'res': 500,
                                          'color': vi_color
-              'ndvi_aqua_sixteen_500': {'url': urlbase, 
-                                        'folder': 'MOLA/MYD13A1.005',
+              'ndvi_aqua_sixteen_500': {'url': urlbase,
+                                        'folder': 'MOLA/',
+                                        'prod': 'MYD13A1.005',
                                         'spec': vi_spec, 'spec_qa': vi_specqa,
                                         'suff': vi500m_suff, 'res': 500,
                                         'color': vi_color
-              'ndvi_terra_sixteen_1000': {'url': urlbase, 
-                                          'folder': 'MOLT/MOD13A2.005',
+              'ndvi_terra_sixteen_1000': {'url': urlbase,
+                                          'folder': 'MOLT/',
+                                          'prod': 'MOD13A2.005',
                                           'spec': vi_spec, 'spec_qa': vi_specqa,
                                           'suff': vi500m_suff, 'res': 1000,
                                           'color': vi_color
-              'ndvi_aqua_sixteen_1000': {'url': urlbase, 
-                                         'folder': 'MOLA/MYD13A2.005',
+              'ndvi_aqua_sixteen_1000': {'url': urlbase,
+                                         'folder': 'MOLA/',
+                                         'prod': 'MYD13A2.005',
                                          'spec': vi_spec, 'spec_qa': vi_specqa,
                                          'suff': vi1km_suff, 'res': 1000,
                                          'color': vi_color
         surf_refl = {'surfreflec_terra_eight_500': {'url': urlbase,
-                                                    'folder': 'MOLT/MOD09A1.005',
+                                                    'folder': 'MOLT/',
+                                                    'prod': 'MOD09A1.005',
                                                     'spec': surf_spec,
                                                     'spec_qa': surf_specqa,
                                                     'res': 500,
@@ -172,38 +185,42 @@
                                                     'suff': surf_suff
                      'surfreflec_aqua_eight_500': {'url': urlbase,
-                                                   'folder': 'MOLA/MYD09A1.005',
+                                                   'folder': 'MOLA/',
+                                                   'prod': 'MYD09A1.005',
                                                    'spec': surf_spec,
                                                    'spec_qa': surf_specqa,
                                                    'res': 500,
                                                    'color': snow_color,
                                                    'suff': surf_suff
         snow = {'snow_terra_daily_500': {'url': usrsnow,
-                                         'folder': 'SAN/MOST/MOD10A1.005',
+                                         'folder': 'SAN/MOST/',
+                                         'prod': 'MOD10A1.005',
                                          'spec': snow1_spec,
                                          'spec_qa': snow1_specqa,
                                          'color': snow_color,
                                          'suff': snow1_suff, 'res': 500
                'snow_aqua_daily_500': {'url': usrsnow,
-                                       'folder':  'SAN/MOSA/MYD10A1.005',
-                                       'spec' : snow1_spec,
+                                       'folder': 'SAN/MOSA/',
+                                       'prod': 'MYD10A1.005',
+                                       'spec': snow1_spec,
                                        'spec_qa': snow1_specqa,
-                                       'color' : snow_color,
+                                       'color': snow_color,
                                        'suff' : snow1_suff, 'res' : 500
                'snow_terra_eight_500': {'url': usrsnow,
-                                        'folder': 'SAN/MOST/MOD10A2.005',
+                                        'folder': 'SAN/MOST/',
+                                        'prod': 'MOD10A2.005',
                                         'spec': snow8_spec,
                                         'spec_qa': None,
                                         'color': snow_color,
                                         'suff': snow8_suff, 'res' : 500
                 'snow_aqua_eight_500' : {'url': usrsnow,
-                                         'folder': 'SAN/MOSA/MYD10A2.005',
+                                         'folder': 'SAN/MOSA/',
+                                         'prod': 'MYD10A2.005',
                                          'spec': snow8_spec,
                                          'spec_qa': None,
                                          'color': snow_color,
@@ -216,10 +233,12 @@
         self.products_swath = {'lst_terra_daily': {'url': urlbase,
-                                                   'folder': 'MOLT/MOD11_L2.005',
+                                                   'folder': 'MOLT/',
+                                                   'prod': 'MOD11_L2.005',
                                                    'spec': lstL2_spec},
                                'lst_aqua_daily': {'url': urlbase,
-                                                  'folder': 'MOLA/MYD11_L2.005',
+                                                  'folder': 'MOLA/',
+                                                  'prod': 'MYD11_L2.005',
                                                   'spec': lstL2_spec}
@@ -235,10 +254,10 @@
     def fromcode(self, code):
         import string
         for k, v in self.products.iteritems():
-            if string.find(v['folder'], code) != -1:
+            if string.find(v['prod'], code) != -1:
                 return self.products[k]
         for k, v in self.products_swath.iteritems():
-            if string.find(v['folder'], code) != -1:
+            if string.find(v['prod'], code) != -1:
                 return self.products_swath[k]
         grass.fatal(_("The code insert is not supported yet. Consider to " \
                       "ask on the grass-dev mailing list for future support"))
@@ -270,7 +289,8 @@
     def __init__(self, value):
         self.code = value
-        self.resampling = {'nearest': 'NEAREST_NEIGHBOR', 'bilinear': 'BILINEAR',
+        self.resampling = {'nearest': 'NEAREST_NEIGHBOR',
+                           'bilinear': 'BILINEAR',
                            'cubic': 'CUBIC CONVOLUTION'}
     def returned(self):

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/r.modis.download/r.modis.download.html
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/r.modis.download/r.modis.download.html	2014-03-25 08:19:25 UTC (rev 59322)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/r.modis.download/r.modis.download.html	2014-03-25 10:45:07 UTC (rev 59323)
@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@
 As alternative, the user can pass the values from standard input.
+From 2013 NASA use HTTP protocol for some of the MODIS repositories so
+the password it is no more necessary. If you are sure about the protocol
+you can escape to set the password.
 <b>Warning</b>: The NASA policy does not permit to open more then ten
 connections in parallel with their FTP server. Hence no more than ten
@@ -24,7 +28,7 @@
 By default the downloaded files are stored in the path where the setting
 file is saved. The user can change this directory with <em>folder</em>
-option. The user has <!-- NOT?? --> to set the <em>folder</em> option if
+option. The user has to set the <em>folder</em> option if
 user and password are sent by standard input.
 The time for the download depends on the number of requested tiles, days

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/r.modis.download/r.modis.download.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/r.modis.download/r.modis.download.py	2014-03-25 08:19:25 UTC (rev 59322)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/r.modis.download/r.modis.download.py	2014-03-25 10:45:07 UTC (rev 59323)
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
 #% gisprompt: old,file,input
 #% label: Full path to settings file
 #% description: "-" to pass the parameter from stdin
-#% answer: -
 #% guisection: Define
@@ -215,7 +214,7 @@
               destinationFolder=fold, tiles=tiles, path=prod['folder'],
               today=firstday, enddate=finalday, delta=delta, debug=debug_opt)
         # connect to ftp
-        modisOgg.connectFTP()
+        modisOgg.connect()
         if modisOgg.nconnection <= 20:
             # download tha tiles
             grass.message(_("Downloading MODIS product <%s>..." % produ))

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/r.modis.html
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/r.modis.html	2014-03-25 08:19:25 UTC (rev 59322)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/r.modis.html	2014-03-25 10:45:07 UTC (rev 59323)
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 The <em>r.modis</em> suite is a toolset to import MODIS satellite data in GRASS GIS. 
-It uses the <a href="http://gis.cri.fmach.it/development/pyModis">pyModis</a>
+It uses the <a href="http://pymodis.fem-environment.eu">pyModis</a>
 library and the <a
 href="https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/lpdaac/tools/modis_reprojection_tool"> MODIS
 Reprojection Tool</a> software to convert, mosaik and process MODIS data.
 It requires the <a
 Reprojection Tool</a> to be installed while <a
-href="http://gis.cri.fmach.it/development/pyModis">pyModis</a> is
+href="http://pymodis.fem-environment.eu">pyModis</a> is
 included in the <em>r.modis</em> suite.
 The suite offers three modules as interface with MODIS data. Each modules
 is dedicated to for a specific operation. The module <em>r.modis.download</em>

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/r.modis.import/r.modis.import.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/r.modis.import/r.modis.import.py	2014-03-25 08:19:25 UTC (rev 59322)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/r.modis.import/r.modis.import.py	2014-03-25 10:45:07 UTC (rev 59323)
@@ -36,12 +36,8 @@
 #% key: q
-#% description: Ignore the QA map layer, do not use with "r" flag
+#% description: Ignore the QA map layer
-#% key: r
-#% description: Do not rescale the output map values to destination units
 #% key: mrtpath
 #% type: string
@@ -96,13 +92,11 @@
 from datetime import date
 from grass.pygrass.functions import get_lib_path
 path = get_lib_path(modname='r.modis', libname='libmodis')
 if path is None:
     grass.fatal("Not able to find the modis library directory.")
 # try to import pymodis (modis) and some classes for r.modis.download
 from rmodislib import resampling, product, projection
 from convertmodis  import convertModis, createMosaic
@@ -131,7 +125,7 @@
             # for mosaic create a list of hdf files for each day
             elif string.find(line, 'xml') == -1 and mosaik == True:
                 day = line.split('/')[-1].split('.')[1]
-                if filelist.has_key(day):
+                if day in filelist:
                     filelist[day] = [line]
@@ -210,8 +204,35 @@
         return None
-def import_tif(out, basedir, rem, write, target=None):
+def metadata(pars, mapp):
+    """ Set metadata to the imported files """
+    # metadata
+    grass.run_command('r.support', quiet=True, map=mapp, source1="MODIS NASA",
+                      hist="Imported with r.modis.import")
+    # timestamp
+    rangetime = pars.retRangeTime()
+    data = rangetime['RangeBeginningDate'].split('-')
+    dataobj = date(int(data[0]), int(data[1]), int(data[2]))
+    grass.run_command('r.timestamp', map=mapp, quiet=True,
+                      date=dataobj.strftime("%d %b %Y"))
+    return 0
+    # color
+#    if string.find(mapp, 'QC') != -1 or string.find(mapp, 'Quality') != -1 or \
+#    string.find(mapp, 'QA') != -1:
+#        grass.run_command('r.colors', quiet=True, map=mapp, color=coll)
+#    elif string.find(mapp, 'NDVI') != -1:
+#        grass.run_command('r.colors', quiet=True, map=mapp, color=coll[0])
+#    elif string.find(mapp, 'EVI') != -1:
+#        grass.run_command('r.colors', quiet=True, map=mapp, color=coll[1])
+#    elif string.find(mapp, 'LST') != -1:
+#        grass.run_command('r.colors', quiet=True, map=mapp, color=coll[0])
+#    elif string.find(mapp, 'Snow') != -1:
+#        grass.run_command('r.colors', quiet=True, map=mapp, color=coll[0])
+def import_tif(out, basedir, rem, write, pm, target=None):
     """Import TIF files"""
+    print "start import"
     # list of tif files
     tifiles = glob.glob1(basedir, "*.tif")
     if not tifiles:
@@ -245,6 +266,7 @@
             grass.warning(_('Error during import of %s' % basename))
+        metadata(pm, basename)
         if rem:
         if target:
@@ -261,115 +283,10 @@
         grass.warning(_("Raster map <%s> not found") % (pref + suff))
-def metadata(pars, mapp, coll):
-    """ Set metadata to the imported files """
-    # metadata
-    meta = pars.metastring()
-    grass.run_command('r.support', quiet=True, map=mapp, hist=meta)
-    # timestamp
-    rangetime = pars.retRangeTime()
-    data = rangetime['RangeBeginningDate'].split('-')
-    dataobj = date(int(data[0]), int(data[1]), int(data[2]))
-    grass.run_command('r.timestamp', map=mapp, quiet=True,
-                      date=dataobj.strftime("%d %b %Y"))
-    # color
-    if string.find(mapp, 'QC') != -1 or string.find(mapp, 'Quality') != -1 or \
-    string.find(mapp, 'QA') != -1:
-        grass.run_command('r.colors', quiet=True, map=mapp, color=coll)
-    elif string.find(mapp, 'NDVI') != -1:
-        grass.run_command('r.colors', quiet=True, map=mapp, color=coll[0])
-    elif string.find(mapp, 'EVI') != -1:
-        grass.run_command('r.colors', quiet=True, map=mapp, color=coll[1])
-    elif string.find(mapp, 'LST') != -1:
-        grass.run_command('r.colors', quiet=True, map=mapp, color=coll[0])
-    elif string.find(mapp, 'Snow') != -1:
-        grass.run_command('r.colors', quiet=True, map=mapp, color=coll[0])
-def analyze(pref, an, cod, parse, write):
-    """ Analyze the MODIS data using QA if present """
-    if pref.find('.tif') != -1:
-        pref = pref.rstrip('.tif') 
-    prod = product().fromcode(cod)
-    if not prod['spec_qa']:
-        grass.warning(_("There is no QA layer, analysis and filtering will be skipped"))
-        an = 'noqa'
-    pat = prod['pattern']
-    suf = prod['suff']
-    col = prod['color']
-    val = []
-    qa = []
-    for v, q in suf.iteritems():
-        val.append(findfile(pref, v))
-        if q:
-            qa.append(findfile(pref, q))
-    for n in range(len(val)):
-        if val[n] == None:
-            grass.warning(_("Some error occur"))
-            continue
-        valname = val[n]['name']
-        valfull = val[n]['fullname']
-        grass.run_command('g.region', rast=valfull)
-        grass.run_command('r.null', map=valfull, setnull=0)
-        if string.find(cod, '13Q1') >= 0 or string.find(cod, '13A2') >= 0:
-            mapc = "%s.2 = %s / 10000." % (valname, valfull)
-        elif string.find(cod, '11A1') >= 0 or string.find(cod, '11A2') >= 0 \
-        or string.find(cod, '11B1') >= 0:
-            mapc = "%s.2 = (%s * 0.0200) - 273.15" % (valname, valfull)
-        grass.mapcalc(mapc)
-        if an == 'noqa':
-            #grass.run_command('g.remove', quiet=True, rast = valfull)
-            try:
-                grass.run_command('g.rename', quiet=True, overwrite=write,
-                                  rast=(valname, valname + '.orig'))
-                grass.run_command('g.rename', quiet=True, overwrite=write,
-                                  rast=(valname + '.2', valname))
-            except:
-                pass
-            metadata(parse, valname, col)
-            metadata(parse, valname, col)
-            metadata(parse, valname, 'byr')
-        if an == 'all':
-            if len(qa) != len(val):
-                grass.fatal(_("The number of QA and value maps is different,"\
-                              " something is wrong"))
-            qaname = qa[n]['name']
-            qafull = qa[n]['fullname']
-            finalmap = "%s.3=if(" % valname
-            first_map = 1
-            for key, value in prod['pattern'].iteritems():
-                for v in value:
-                    outpat = "%s.%i.%i" % (qaname, key, v)
-                    grass.run_command('r.bitpattern', quiet=True, input=valname, 
-                                      output=outpat, pattern=key, patval=v)
-                    if first_map:
-                        first_map = 0
-                        finalmap += "%s == 0 " % outpat
-                    else:
-                        finalmap += "&& %s == 0 " % outpat
-            if string.find(cod, '13Q1') >= 0 or string.find(cod, '13A2') >= 0:
-                    finalmap += "&& %s.2 <= 1.000" % valname
-            finalmap += ",%s.2, null() )" % valname
-            # grass.message("mapc finalmap: %s" % finalmap)
-            grass.mapcalc(finalmap)
-            grass.run_command('g.rename', quiet=True, overwrite=write,
-                              rast=(valname, valname + '.orig'))
-            grass.run_command('g.remove', quiet=True, rast=(valname + '.2'))
-            grass.run_command('g.mremove', flags="f", quiet=True,
-                              rast=("%s.*" % qaname))
-            grass.run_command('g.rename', quiet=True, overwrite=write,
-                              rast=(valname + '.3', valname))
-            metadata(parse, valname, col)
-            metadata(parse, valname, col)
-            metadata(parse, valname, 'byr')
 def single(options, remove, an, ow):
     """Convert the HDF file to TIF and import it
     listfile, basedir = list_files(options)
-    pid = str(os.getpid())
     # for each file
     for i in listfile:
         if os.path.exists(i):
@@ -390,19 +307,8 @@
         if not output:
             output = os.path.split(hdf)[1].rstrip('.hdf')
         # import tif files
-        maps_import = import_tif(output, basedir, remove, ow)
-        if an and len(maps_import) != 0:
-            grass.run_command('g.region', save='oldregion.%s' % pid)
-            try:
-                cod = os.path.split(pm.hdfname)[1].split('.')[0]
-                analyze(output, an, cod, pm, ow)
-            except:
-                grass.run_command('g.region', region='oldregion.%s' % pid)
-                grass.run_command('g.remove', quiet=True, 
-                                  region='oldregion.%s' % pid)
-#            cod = os.path.split(pm.hdfname)[1].split('.')[0]
-#            analyze(output, an, cod, pm, ow)
-        #os.remove(confname)
+        import_tif(output, basedir, remove, ow, pm)
+        os.remove(confname)
 def mosaic(options, remove, an, ow):
@@ -441,30 +347,13 @@
             # remove hdf
             if remove:
                 # import tif files
-                maps_import = import_tif(outname, basedir, remove, ow)
-                if an:
-                    grass.run_command('g.region', save='oldregion.%s' % pid)
-                    try:
-                        cod = os.path.split(pm.hdfname)[1].split('.')[0]
-                        analyze(outname, an, cod, pm, ow)
-                    except:
-                        grass.run_command('g.region', region='oldregion.%s' % pid)
-                        grass.run_command('g.remove', quiet=True,
-                                          region='oldregion.%s' % pid)
+                import_tif(outname, basedir, remove, ow, pm)
                 os.remove(hdf + '.xml')
             # or move the hdf and hdf.xml to the dir where are the original files
                 # import tif files
-                import_tif(outname, basedir, remove, ow, targetdir)
-                if an and len(maps_import) != 0:
-                    grass.run_command('g.region', save='oldregion.%s' % pid)
-                    try:
-                        cod = os.path.split(pm.hdfname)[1].split('.')[0]
-                        analyze(outname, an, cod, pm, ow)
-                    except:
-                        grass.run_command('g.region', region='oldregion.%s' % pid)
-                        grass.run_command('g.remove', region='oldregion.%s' % pid)
+                import_tif(outname, basedir, remove, ow, pm, targetdir)
                     shutil.move(hdf, targetdir)
                     shutil.move(hdf + '.xml', targetdir)
@@ -509,12 +398,10 @@
         over = False
     # check if do check quality, rescaling and setting of colors
-    if flags['r']:
-        analyze = None
-    elif flags['q']:
-        analyze = 'noqa'
+    if flags['q']:
+        analyze = False
-        analyze = 'all'
+        analyze = True
     # check if import simple file or mosaic
     if flags['m'] and options['dns'] != '':
         grass.fatal(_('It is not possible to create a mosaic with a single HDF file'))
@@ -527,4 +414,3 @@
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     options, flags = grass.parser()

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