[GRASS-SVN] r60185 - grass/trunk/mswindows/external/rbatch

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sun May 11 12:41:33 PDT 2014

Author: hellik
Date: 2014-05-11 12:41:32 -0700 (Sun, 11 May 2014)
New Revision: 60185

R-batch files update to rev 149 - step 1

Deleted: grass/trunk/mswindows/external/rbatch/R.bat
--- grass/trunk/mswindows/external/rbatch/R.bat	2014-05-11 19:02:35 UTC (rev 60184)
+++ grass/trunk/mswindows/external/rbatch/R.bat	2014-05-11 19:41:32 UTC (rev 60185)
@@ -1,587 +0,0 @@
- at Echo OFF 
-:: Software and documentation is (c) 2013 GKX Associates Inc. and 
-:: licensed under [GPL 2.0](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html).
-:: Help is at bottom of script or just run script with single argument: help
-:: can optionally uncomment and change these to force certain values. This
-:: is normally unnecessary. Rather one can usually rely on the heuristics to
-:: set them.
-:: set R_CMD=R
-:: set R_HOME=%ProgramFiles%\R\R-2.14.0
-:: set R_ARCH=64
-:: set R_MIKTEX_PATH=%ProgramFiles%\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin
-:: set R_TOOLS=C:\Rtools
-:: set MYSQL_HOME=%ProgramFiles%\MySQL\MysQL Server 5.1
-:: 1 means read registry and 0 means ignore registry
-if not defined R_REGISTRY set R_REGISTRY=1
-set CYGWIN=nodosfilewarning
-SetLocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion 
-:: R_CMD
-:: 1. if 1st arg is CMD then set R_CMD to R
-:: 2. else if 1st arg is Rshow, Rpath, Rgui, Rcmd, R or Rscript set R_CMD to it
-::    and remove it from args
-:: 3. else use R_CMD if set
-:: 4. else use %0
-set args=%*
-set cmd=
-if /i "%~1"=="cd" set cmd=Rcd
-if /i "%~1"=="CMD" set cmd=Rcmd
-if /i "%~1"=="dir" set cmd=Rdir
-if /i "%~1"=="ls" set cmd=Rdir
-if /i "%~1"=="gui" set cmd=Rgui
-if /i "%~1"=="help" goto:Rhelp
-if /i "%~1"=="path" set cmd=Rpath
-if /i "%~1"=="R" set cmd=R
-if /i "%~1"=="script" set cmd=Rscript
-if /i "%~1"=="show" set cmd=RShow
-if /i "%~1"=="SetReg" set cmd=RSetReg
-if /i "%~1"=="tools" set cmd=Rtools
-if /i "%~1"=="touch" set cmd=Rtouch
-if "%cmd%"=="" goto:R_CMD_cont
-if "%2"=="" (set args=) && goto:R_CMD_cont
-set args=xxx%*
-call set args=%%args:xxx%1=%%
-if defined cmd set R_CMD=%cmd%
-if not defined R_CMD set R_CMD=%0
-set R_CMD=%R_CMD:.bat=%
-if /i "%R_CMD%"=="#Rscript" set R_CMD=Rscript
-rem echo R_CMD:%R_CMD% args=[%args%]
-:: 1. If .\Rgui.exe exist use implied R_PATH and skip remaining points.
-:: 2. If .\{x64,i386}\Rgui.exe or .\bin\{x64,i386}\Rgui.exe exists use implied R_HOME.
-:: 3. if R_HOME defined then derive any of R_ROOT and R_VER that 
-::    are not already defined.
-:: 4. if R_PATH defined then derive any of R_ROOT, R_HOME, R_VER and R_ARCH that
-::    are not already defined.
-:: 4a. If R_REGISTRY=1 and R found in registry derive any of R_HOME, R_ROOT and 
-::     R_VER that are not already defined.
-:: 5. If R_ROOT not defined try %ProgramFiles%\R\*, %ProgramFiles(x86)%\R\*
-::    and then %SystemRoot%\R else error
-:: 6. If R_VER not defined use last directory in cd %R_ROOT% & dir /od
-:: 7. if R_ARCH not defined try %R_ROOT%\%R_VER%\bin\x64\Rgui.exe and then
-::    %R_ROOT%\%R_VER%\bin\i386\Rgui.exe
-:: 8. If R_ROOT, R_VER and R_ARCH defined skip remaining points.
-:: 9. If Rgui.exe found on PATH use implied R_PATH.
-:: 1
-if exist Rgui.exe (
-    pushd ..\..
-    set R_HOME=!CD!
-    popd
-   goto:R_exe_end
-:: 2
-if exist x64\Rgui.exe (
-    pushd ..
-    set R_PATH=!CD!\bin\x64
-    popd
-    goto:R_exe_end
-if exist i386\Rgui.exe (
-    pushd ..
-    set R_PATH=!CD!\bin\i386
-    popd
-    goto:R_exe_end
-if exist bin\x64\Rgui.exe set R_PATH=%CD%\bin\x64 & goto:R_exe_end
-if exist bin\i386\Rgui.exe set R_PATH=%CD%\bin\i386
-:: 3
-if defined R_HOME (
-    pushd
-    cd %R_HOME%
-    if not defined R_VER for /f "delims=" %%a in ("!CD!") do set R_VER=%%~na
-    cd ..
-    if not defined R_ROOT set R_ROOT=!CD!
-    popd
-:: 4
-if defined R_PATH (
-    pushd
-    cd %R_PATH%
-    if not defined R_ARCH for /f "delims=" %%a in ("!CD!") do set R_ARCH=%%~na
-    cd ..\..
-    if not defined R_HOME set R_HOME=!CD!
-    if not defined R_VER for /f "delims=" %%a in ("!CD!") do set R_VER=%%~na
-    cd ..
-    if not defined R_ROOT set R_ROOT=!CD!
-    popd
-:: 4a
-if not defined R_HOME for /f "tokens=2*" %%a in (
-    'reg query hklm\software\wow6432Node\r-core\r /v InstallPath 2^>NUL ^| findstr InstallPath'
-    ) do set R_HOME=%%~b
-if not defined R_HOME for /f "tokens=2*" %%a in (
-    'reg query hklm\software\R-core\R /v InstallPath 2^>NUL ^| findstr InstallPath'
-    ) do set R_HOME=%%~b
-if defined R_HOME (
-    if not defined R_ROOT (
-	pushd
-	cd %R_HOME%
-	cd ..
-	set R_ROOT=!CD!
-        popd
-    )
-    if not defined R_VER (
-        for /f "delims=" %%a in ("%R_HOME%") do set R_VER=%%~nxa
-    )
-:: 5
-if defined R_ROOT goto:R_ROOT_end
-if exist "%ProgramFiles%\R" set R_ROOT=%ProgramFiles%\R
-if defined R_ROOT goto:R_ROOT_end
-if exist %SystemDrive%\R set R_ROOT=%SystemDrive%\R
-:: 6
-if defined R_VER goto:R_VER_end
-for /f "delims=" %%a in (
-    'dir /b /od /ad "%R_ROOT%" 2^>NUL'
-) do set R_VER=%%a
-:: do we need this?
-if defined R_ROOT if defined R_VER set R_HOME=%R_ROOT%\%R_VER%
-:: 7
-if defined R_ARCH goto:R_ARCH_cont
-set R_ARCH=i386
-if exist "%R_HOME%\bin\x64" set R_ARCH=x64
-if exist "%R_ROOT%\%R_VER%\bin\x64" set R_ARCH=x64
-if "%R_ARCH%"=="64" set R_ARCH=x64
-if "%R_ARCH%"=="32" set R_ARCH=i386
-if "%R_ARCH%"=="386" set R_ARCH=i386
-:: 8
-if not defined R_ROOT goto:where
-if not defined R_VER goto:where
-if not defined R_ARCH goto:where
-set R_PATH=%R_ROOT%\%R_VER%\bin\%R_ARCH%
-echo "R not found" & exit /b 1
-:: 9
-where Rgui.exe 1>NUL 2>NUL
-if not errorlevel 1 for /f "delims=" %%a in ('where Rgui.exe') do set R_PATH=%%~pa
-:: 1. use R_TOOLS if defined. If not
-:: 2. check if ls.exe, rsync.exe and gcc.exe are on PATH. If not
-:: 3. check if Rtools found in registry. If not
-:: 4. check if C:\Rtools exists. If not
-:: 5. R_TOOLS not found.
-if defined R_TOOLS goto:RtoolsEnd
-where ls.exe 1> NUL 2> NUL
-if errorlevel 1 goto:RtoolsNotOnPATH
-where rsync.exe 1> NUL 2> NUL
-if errorlevel 1 goto:RtoolsNotOnPATH
-where gcc.exe 1> NUL 2> NUL
-if errorlevel 1 goto:RtoolsNotOnPATH
-for /f "delims=" %%a in ('where rsync.exe') do set R_TOOLS=%%~pa
-pushd %R_TOOLS%
-cd ..
-set R_TOOLS=%CD%
-if not defined R_TOOLS for /f "tokens=2*" %%a in (
- 'reg query hklm\software\R-core\Rtools /v InstallPath 2^>NUL ^| findstr InstallPath'
- ) do set R_TOOLS=%%~b
-if not defined R_TOOLS for /f "tokens=2*" %%a in (
- 'reg query hklm\software\wow6432Node\Rtools /v InstallPath 2^>NUL ^| findstr InstallPath'
-  ) do set R_TOOLS=%%~b
-if exist "C:\Rtools" set R_TOOLS=C:\Rtools
-:: Extract path from: %R_TOOLS%\unins000.dat
-if defined R_TOOLS call :extract_string {app} %R_TOOLS%\unins000.dat
-call set R_TOOLS_PATH=%%final:{app}=%R_TOOLS%%%
-call :trimPath:R_TOOLS_PATH
-if defined R_TOOLS for /f "tokens=3" %%a in (%R_TOOLS%\Version.txt) do set R_TOOLS_VERSION=%%a
-:: If R_MIKTEX defined use that
-:: else if pdflatex.exe on PATH use that else
-:: check %ProgramFiles%\miktex* else
-:: check %ProgramFiles(x86)%\miktex* else
-:: check %SystemDrive%\miktex*
-if defined R_MIKTEX_PATH goto:miktex_end
-:: if pdflatex.exe found in PATH use implied path
-where pdflatex.exe 1>NUL 2>NUL
-if errorlevel 1 goto:miktex_continue
-for /f "delims=" %%a in ('where pdflatex.exe') do set R_MIKTEX_PATH=%%~pa
-:: remove trailing \, if any
-if not defined R_MIKTEX_PATH for /f "delims=" %%a in (
-    'dir /b /on "%ProgramFiles%"\miktex* 2^>NUL'
-) do set R_MIKTEX_PATH=%ProgramFiles%\%%a\miktex\bin
-if not defined R_MIKTEX_PATH for /f "delims=" %%a in (
-    'dir /b /on "%ProgramFiles(x86)%"\miktex* 2^>NUL'
-) do set R_MIKTEX_PATH=%ProgramFiles%\%%a\miktex\bin
-if not defined R_MIKTEX_PATH for /f "delims=" %%a in (
-    'dir /b /on %SystemDrive%:\miktex* 2^>NUL'
-) do set R_MIKTEX_PATH=%SystemDrive%:\%%a\mixtex\bin
-:: MySQL
-:: If MYSQL_HOME defined use that else
-:: check %ProgramFiles%\MySQL\* else
-:: check %SystemDrive%:\MySQL\*
-:: if not defined MYSQL_HOME for /f "delims=" %%a in (
-::    'dir /b /on "%ProgramFiles%"\MySQL\* 2^>NUL'
-:: ) do set MYSQL_HOME=%ProgramFiles%\MySQL\%%a
-:: if not defined MYSQL_HOME for /f "delims=" %%a in (
-::    'dir /b /on %SystemDrive%:\MySQL* 2^>NUL'
-:: ) do set R_MIKTEX=%SystemDrive%:\MySQL\%%a
-:: get name by which program was called - $0
-:: or use R_CMD environment variable if that was defined (mainly for testing)
-if not defined R_CMD (set R_CMD=%0)
-for %%i in (%R_CMD%) do set R_CMD=%%~ni
-if /i "%R_CMD%"=="dir" goto:Rdir
-if /i "%R_CMD%"=="cd" goto:Rcd
-if /i "%R_CMD%"=="touch" goto:Rtouch
-if /i "%R_CMD%"=="Rversions" goto:RSetReg
-:: add MiKTeX to PATH if not already on it
-if not defined R_MIKTEX_PATH goto :miktex_add_path_end
-echo %PATH% | findstr /i miktex 1>NUL 2>NUL
-if errorlevel 1 path %R_MIKTEX_PATH%;%PATH%
-:: add Rtools paths to PATH if not already on it
-if not defined R_TOOLS_PATH goto :Rtools_add_path_end
-echo %PATH% | findstr /i Rtools 1>NUL 2>NUL
-if errorlevel 1 path %R_TOOLS_PATH%;%PATH%
-if /i "%R_CMD%"=="Rpath" goto:Rpath
-if /i "%R_CMD%"=="Rtools" goto:Rtools
-if /i "%R_CMD%"=="Rcd" goto:Rcd
-if /i "%R_CMD%"=="Rdir" goto:Rdir
-if /i "%R_CMD%"=="Rshow" goto:Rshow
-if /i "%R_CMD%"=="Rtouch" goto:Rtouch
-if /i "%R_CMD%"=="RSetReg" goto:RSetReg
-if /i not "%R_CMD%"=="Rgui" goto:notRgui
-start "Rgui.exe" "%R_PATH%\Rgui.exe" %args%
-"%R_PATH%\%R_CMD%.exe" %args%
-:: output the set statements
-if defined R_PATH (
-    set old=%CD%
-    cd %R_PATH%
-    for /f "delims=" %%a in ("!CD!") do set R_ARCH=%%~nxa
-    cd ..\..
-    set R_HOME=!CD!
-    for /f "delims=" %%a in ("!CD!") do set R_VER=%%~nxa
-    cd ..
-    set R_ROOT=!CD!
-    cd !old!
-:: echo set R_PATH=%R_PATH%
-:: echo set R_HOME=%R_HOME%
-:: echo set R_ROOT=%R_ROOT%
-:; echo set R_VER=%R_VER%
-:: echo set R_ARCH=%R_ARCH%
-:: echo set R_TOOLS=%R_TOOLS%
-:: echo set R_TOOLS_PATH=%R_TOOLS_PATH%
-:: :: echo set MYSQL_HOME=%MYSQL_HOME%
-set R
-endlocal & cd %R_ROOT%
-dir/od "%R_ROOT%"
-cd %R_PATH%
-RSetReg %args%
-:: if not XP then check if running with Admin privs. If not give msg and exit.
-ver | findstr XP >NUL
-if not errorlevel 1 goto:Rtouch_next
-if not exist "%ProgramFiles%\R" goto:Rtouch_next
-reg query "HKU\S-1-5-19" >NUL 2>&1 && ( goto Rtouch_next ) || ( 
-        echo Please run this as Administator.
-        goto :eof
-if not defined R_HOME set R_HOME=%R_ROOT%\%R_VER%
-pushd %R_HOME%
-echo > dummy.txt
-del dummy.txt
-:: set path 
-endlocal & PATH %PATH%;%R_PATH%
-endlocal & PATH %PATH%
-:: list R versions
-if defined args goto:Rversions_cont
-pushd %R_HOME%
-cd ..
-echo R packages found. Most recent (last listed) is default:
-for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir/b /od') do echo %%~fa
-set args=###%args%
-set args=%args:### =%
-set args=%args:###=%
-pushd %R_HOME%
-cd ..
-(for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /od') do echo %%~fa) | findstr /L /C:"%args%" 1>NUL 2>NUL
-if errorlevel 1 echo %args% not found & goto:eof
-echo Run the following command (may need an elevated cmd window):
-for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /on ^| findstr /L /C:"%args%"') do @echo echo ^> "%%~fa\dummy.txt" /Y
-:: list registry entries
-reg query hklm\software\R-core\R /v InstallPath 2>NUL | findstr InstallPath
-reg query hklm\software\wow6432Node\r-core\r /v InstallPath 2>NUL | findstr InstallPath
-:: Extract text from file:
-::   %1 = input string that starts text
-::   %2 = input file
-::   final = output variable holding text from and including %1 until 
-::    binary data encountered
-:: Needs: SetLocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion 
-:: Example:  
-::      call :extract_string {app} C:\Rtools\unins000.dat
-::      echo %final%
-::   where {app} is the string that starts extraction and 
-::         C:\Rtoolsiunins000.dat is the file
-:: Based on code by Frank Westlake, https://github.com/FrankWestlake
-   :extract_string
-   setlocal
-   Set "string=%1" 
-   Set "file=%2"
-   For /F "delims=" %%a in ( 
-       'findstr /C:"%string%" "%file%"^|MORE' 
-     ) Do ( 
-     Set "$=%%~a" 
-     If /I "!$:~0,5!" EQU "%string%" ( 
-       Set $=!$:;=" "! 
-       For %%b in ("!$!") Do ( 
-         Set "#=%%~b" 
-         If "!#:~0,5!" EQU "%string%" ( 
-           CALL :work "!#!"
-         ) 
-       ) 
-     ) 
-   ) 
-   endlocal & set final=%final%
-   Goto :EOF 
-   :work 
-   set final=%final%!#!;
-   Goto :EOF 
- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 
-  :trimPath:<variable to trim> [segment to add] 
-  :: Eliminates redundant path segments from the variable and 
-  :: optionally adds new segmants. 
-  :: Example: CALL :trimPath:PATH 
-  :: Example: CALL :trimPath:PATH "C:\A & B" C:\a\b\c 
-  :: 
-  :: Note that only a colon separates the subroutine name and 
-  :: the name of the variable to be edited. 
-  :: - Frank Westlake, https://github.com/FrankWestlake
-  SetLocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion 
-  For /F "tokens=2 delims=:" %%a in ("%0") Do ( 
-    For %%a in (%* !%%a!) Do ( 
-      Set "#=%%~a" 
-      For %%b in (!new!) Do If /I "!#!" EQU "%%~b" Set "#=" 
-      If DEFINED # ( 
-        If DEFINED new (Set "new=!new!;!#!") Else ( Set "new=!#!") 
-      ) 
-    ) 
-  ) 
-  EndLocal & For /F "tokens=2 delims=:" %%a in ("%0") Do Set "%%a=%new%" 
-  Goto :EOF 
-echo (c) 2013 G. Grothendieck 
-echo License: GPL 2.0 ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html )
-echo Launch script for R and associated functions.  
-echo Usage:  R.bat [subcommand] [arguments]
-echo Subcommands where (0) means takes no arguments; (A) means may need Admin priv
-echo   cd - cd to R_ROOT, typically to C:\Program Files\R (0)
-echo   cmd - Run Rcmd.exe
-echo   dir - List contents of R_ROOT in chronological order showing R versions (0)
-echo   gui - Run Rgui.exe
-echo   help - Help info (0)
-echo   path - Add R_TOOLS, R_MIKTEX ^& R_PATH to path for this cmd line session (0)
-echo   R - Run R.exe (0)
-echo   script - Run Rscript.exe
-echo   show - Show R_ variable values used. R_PATH, etc. (0)
-echo   SetReg - Run RSetReg; see 2.17 in R FAQ for Windows (A)
-echo   tools - Add R_TOOLS and R_MIKTEX to path for this cmd line session (0)
-echo   touch - Change date on R_HOME to now (0) (A)
-echo Examples
-echo   R     -- invoke R.exe                R gui -- invoke Rgui.exe
-echo   R dir -- show R versions             R show -- show R_ variables
-echo   R CMD build mypkg -- builds mypkg
-echo   cmd /c set R_VER=R-2.14.0 ^& R gui -- run indicated Rgui version
-echo   cmd /c set R_ARCH=32 ^^^& R gui -- run 32 bit Rgui
-echo   cmd /c R_VER=R-2.14.0 ^^^& R setreg - make 2.14.0 current in registry
-echo   cmd /c R_VER=R-2.14.0 ^^^& R.bat touch - change date on R-2.14.0 dir to now
-echo Run Rgui using a different version of R.  R_HOME only affects R session
-echo but not cmd line session.
-echo   cmd /c set R_HOME=%ProgramFiles%\R\R-2.14.0 ^& R gui
-echo Launch a new cmd line window in which R_HOME is as set and launch R:
-echo   start set R_HOME=%ProgramFiles%\R\R-2.14.0 ^& R gui
-echo ==Customization by renaming==
-echo If the optional first argument is missing then it uses the value of 
-echo the environment variable R_CMD or if that is not set it uses the name of 
-echo the script file as the default first argument.  The idea is one could have 
-echo multiple versions of the script called R.bat, Rgui.bat, etc. which invoke
-echo the corresponding functionality without having to specify first argument.
-echo ==Customization by setting environment variables at top of script==
-echo It can be customized by setting any of R_CMD, R_HOME, R_ARCH, 
-echo R_MIKTEX_PATH, R_TOOLS after the @echo off command at the top of the 
-echo script.  R_CMD will be used as the default first argument (instead of the 
-echo script name).  
-echo e.g. use the following after @echo off to force 32-bit
-echo set R_ARCH=32
-echo e.g.  use the following after @echo off to force a particular version of 
-echo R to be used
-echo set R_HOME=%ProgramFiles%\R\R-2.14.0
-echo e.g. use the following after @echo off to change the default command to 
-echo Rgui even if the script is called myRgui.bat, say:
-echo set R_CMD=Rgui
-echo ==Installation==
-echo The script is self contained so just place it anywhere on your Windows
-echo PATH.  (From the Windows cmd line the command PATH shows your current
-echo Windows path.)  You may optionally make copies of this script with names 
-echo like R.bat, Rscript.bat, Rcmd.bat so that each has a different default.

Modified: grass/trunk/mswindows/external/rbatch/README.grass
--- grass/trunk/mswindows/external/rbatch/README.grass	2014-05-11 19:02:35 UTC (rev 60184)
+++ grass/trunk/mswindows/external/rbatch/README.grass	2014-05-11 19:41:32 UTC (rev 60185)
@@ -33,4 +33,15 @@
 at svn-revision 144 (2013-11-04)
\ No newline at end of file
+Files (R.bat, R.pathset.bat) updated from
+svn checkout http://batchfiles.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/
+at svn-revision 144 (2014-04-30)

Deleted: grass/trunk/mswindows/external/rbatch/Rpathset.bat
--- grass/trunk/mswindows/external/rbatch/Rpathset.bat	2014-05-11 19:02:35 UTC (rev 60184)
+++ grass/trunk/mswindows/external/rbatch/Rpathset.bat	2014-05-11 19:41:32 UTC (rev 60185)
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-:: Software and documentation is (c) 2013 GKX Associates Inc. and 
-:: licensed under [GPL 2.0](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html).
-:: Purpose: setup path to use R, Rtools and other utilities from cmd line.
-:: Makes no permanent system changes.  Does not read or write registry.
-:: Temporarily prepends to PATH and sets environment variables for current 
-:: Windows cmd line session only.
-:: Use: Run this each time you launch cmd.exe and want to use R or Rtools.
-:: Can also use it like this:  Rpathset Rgui
-:: where Rgui may be replaced with R, Rscript, etc.
-:: Install: Modify set statements appropriately for your installation.
-:: and then place this batch script anywhre on your existing path.
-:: (The Windows commandline command PATH shows the current PATH.)
-:: In many cases no changes are needed at all in this file.
-:: R_HOME and R_ARCH are the most likely that may need to be changed.
-:: Report bugs to:
-:: ggrothendieck at gmail.com
-:: License: GPL 2.0
-:: Go into R and issue this command: normalizePath(R.home())
-:: and use its output as the value here.  If you upgrade R to another
-:: version R_HOME will change.
-:: R is available from: http://www.r-project.org
-set R_HOME=C:\Program Files\R\R-2.15.3
-:: 32 or 64 bit version of R.  
-:: (If you wish to use both versions of R make two versions of this file.)
-:: set R_ARCH=i386
-set R_ARCH=x64
-:: If in future R changes where it puts its executables then change accordingly
-set R_PATH=%R_HOME%\bin\%R_ARCH%
-:: directory path where Rtools was installed.  Usually best to use default
-:: which is the one shown below.  Note that different versions of R may 
-:: require different versions of Rtools.
-:: Rtools is available from: http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/
-set R_TOOLS=C:\Rtools
-:: If in future Rtools changes the required paths then modify accordingly.  
-:: To check, run the following findstr command which lists the R_TOOLS_PATH 
-:: (plus some garbage):
-::   findstr {app} %R_TOOLS%\unins000.dat
-set R_TOOLS_PATH=%R_TOOLS%\bin;%R_TOOLS%\gcc-4.6.3\bin
-:: From within R, the R_USER directory path can be viewed like this:
-::    cat(normalizePath('~'))
-:: It contains your personal .Rprofile, if any, and unless set otherwise 
-:: %R_USER%\R\win-library contains your personal R library of packages 
-:: (from CRAN and elsewhere).
-set R_USER=%userprofile%\Documents
-:: This reduces the verbosity of certain Cygwin tools
-:: (Unfortunately, it seems to have no effect on some Windows systems.)
-set CYGWIN=nodosfilewarning
-:: Displays Rtools version in use
-type %R_TOOLS%\version.txt
-:: MiKTeX path.  Used to build R packages from source.
-:: This is the directory containing pdflatex.exe
-:: MiKTeX is available from http://miktex.org
-set R_MIKTEX_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin
-:: This is only needed when building RMySQL package from source
-:: It is not needed to run RMySQL once its built.
-:: set MYSQL_HOME=C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1
-:: This is only needed to run JGR and Deducer.
-:: R_LIBS is the system library.
-:: If you have installed at least one package (at which point R will ask to 
-::  set up a personal library -- which you should allow) then R_LIBS_USER
-::  is similar to output of .libPaths() with first comnponent being your
-::  personal library and second compnent being library holding packages that 
-::  come with R.  
-:: Be sure NOT to store the packages that you downloaded from CRAN
-::  in the %R_HOME%\library directory.
-:: set R_LIBS=%R_USER%\R\win-library\2.15
-:: set R_LIBS_USER=%R_LIBS%;%R_HOME%\library
-:: adds directory to path for the remainder of current cmd line session
-:: if there are no arguments we are done; else run the argument
-if "%1"=="" goto:eof

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