[GRASS-SVN] r62923 - grass/trunk/scripts/r.tileset

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Tue Nov 25 02:30:11 PST 2014

Author: lucadelu
Date: 2014-11-25 02:30:11 -0800 (Tue, 25 Nov 2014)
New Revision: 62923

r.tileset: added some check for possible errors, PEP8 cleanup

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/r.tileset/r.tileset.py
--- grass/trunk/scripts/r.tileset/r.tileset.py	2014-11-25 09:39:42 UTC (rev 62922)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/r.tileset/r.tileset.py	2014-11-25 10:30:11 UTC (rev 62923)
@@ -108,13 +108,13 @@
 # A projection - [0] is proj.4 text, [1] is scale
 import sys
-import subprocess
 import tempfile
 import math
 from grass.script.utils import separator
 from grass.script import core as grass
 def bboxToPoints(bbox):
     """Make points that are the corners of a bounding box"""
     points = []
@@ -122,9 +122,10 @@
     points.append((bbox['w'], bbox['n']))
     points.append((bbox['e'], bbox['n']))
     points.append((bbox['e'], bbox['s']))
     return points
 def pointsToBbox(points):
     bbox = {}
     min_x = min_y = max_x = max_y = None
@@ -133,7 +134,7 @@
             min_x = max_x = point[0]
         if not min_y:
             min_y = max_y = point[1]
         if min_x > point[0]:
             min_x = point[0]
         if max_x < point[0]:
@@ -142,49 +143,55 @@
             min_y = point[1]
         if max_y < point[1]:
             max_y = point[1]
     bbox['n'] = max_y
     bbox['s'] = min_y
     bbox['w'] = min_x
     bbox['e'] = max_x
     return bbox
 def project(file, source, dest):
     """Projects point (x, y) using projector"""
+    errors = 0
     points = []
     ret = grass.read_command('m.proj',
-                             quiet = True,
-                             flags = 'd',
-                             proj_in = source['proj'],
-                             proj_out = dest['proj'],
-                             sep = ';',
-                             input = file)
+                             quiet=True,
+                             flags='d',
+                             proj_in=source['proj'],
+                             proj_out=dest['proj'],
+                             sep=';',
+                             input=file)
     if not ret:
         grass.fatal(cs2cs + ' failed')
     for line in ret.splitlines():
-        p_x2, p_y2, p_z2 = map(float, line.split(';'))
-        points.append((p_x2 / dest['scale'], p_y2 / dest['scale']))
-    return points
+        if "*" in line:
+            errors += 1
+        else:
+            p_x2, p_y2, p_z2 = map(float, line.split(';'))
+            points.append((p_x2 / dest['scale'], p_y2 / dest['scale']))
+    return points, errors
 def projectPoints(points, source, dest):
     """Projects a list of points"""
     dest_points = []
     input = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="wt")
     for point in points:
-        input.file.write('%f;%f\n' % \
-                             (point[0] * source['scale'],
-                              point[1] * source['scale']))
+        input.file.write('%f;%f\n' % (point[0] * source['scale'],
+                                      point[1] * source['scale']))
-    dest_points = project(input.name, source, dest)
-    return dest_points
+    dest_points, errors = project(input.name, source, dest)
+    return dest_points, errors
 def sideLengths(points, xmetric, ymetric):
     """Find the length of sides of a set of points from one to the next"""
     ret = []
@@ -197,10 +204,10 @@
         sl_y = (points[j][1] - points[i][1]) * ymetric
         sl_d = math.sqrt(sl_x * sl_x + sl_y * sl_y)
-    return { 'x' : (ret[1], ret[3]),
-             'y' : (ret[0], ret[2]) }
+    return {'x': (ret[1], ret[3]), 'y': (ret[0], ret[2])}
 def bboxesIntersect(bbox_1, bbox_2):
     """Determine if two bounding boxes intersect"""
     bi_a1 = (bbox_1['w'], bbox_1['s'])
@@ -210,37 +217,46 @@
     cin = [False, False]
     for i in (0, 1):
         if (bi_a1[i] <= bi_b1[i] and bi_a2[i] >= bi_b1[i]) or \
-               (bi_a1[i] <= bi_b1[i] and bi_a2[i] >= bi_b2[i]) or \
-               (bi_b1[i] <= bi_a1[i] and bi_b2[i] >= bi_a1[i]) or \
-               (bi_b1[i] <= bi_a1[i] and bi_b2[i] >= bi_a2[i]):
+           (bi_a1[i] <= bi_b1[i] and bi_a2[i] >= bi_b2[i]) or \
+           (bi_b1[i] <= bi_a1[i] and bi_b2[i] >= bi_a1[i]) or \
+           (bi_b1[i] <= bi_a1[i] and bi_b2[i] >= bi_a2[i]):
             cin[i] = True
     if cin[0] and cin[1]:
         return True
     return False
 def main():
     # Take into account those extra pixels we'll be a addin'
     max_cols = int(options['maxcols']) - int(options['overlap'])
     max_rows = int(options['maxrows']) - int(options['overlap'])
+    if max_cols == 0:
+        grass.fatal(_("It is not possibile to set 'maxcols=%s' and "
+                      "'overlap=%s'. Please set maxcols>overlap" %
+                      (options['maxcols'], options['overlap'])))
+    elif max_rows == 0:
+        grass.fatal(_("It is not possibile to set 'maxrows=%s' and "
+                      "'overlap=%s'. Please set maxrows>overlap" %
+                      (options['maxrows'], options['overlap'])))
     # destination projection
     if not options['destproj']:
         dest_proj = grass.read_command('g.proj',
-                                       quiet = True,
-                                       flags = 'jf').rstrip('\n')
+                                       quiet=True,
+                                       flags='jf').rstrip('\n')
         if not dest_proj:
             grass.fatal(_('g.proj failed'))
         dest_proj = options['destproj']
     grass.debug("Getting destination projection -> '%s'" % dest_proj)
     # projection scale
     if not options['destscale']:
         ret = grass.parse_command('g.proj',
-                                 quiet = True,
-                                 flags = 'j')
+                                  quiet=True,
+                                  flags='j')
         if not ret:
             grass.fatal(_('g.proj failed'))
@@ -252,17 +268,16 @@
         dest_scale = options['destscale']
     grass.debug('Getting destination projection scale -> %s' % dest_scale)
     # set up the projections
-    srs_source = { 'proj' : options['sourceproj'],
-                   'scale' : float(options['sourcescale']) }
-    srs_dest   = { 'proj' : dest_proj,
-                   'scale' : float(dest_scale) }   
+    srs_source = {'proj': options['sourceproj'],
+                  'scale': float(options['sourcescale'])}
+    srs_dest = {'proj': dest_proj, 'scale': float(dest_scale)}
     if options['region']:
-                          quiet = True,
-                          region = options['region'])
+                          quiet=True,
+                          region=options['region'])
     dest_bbox = grass.region()
     grass.debug('Getting destination region')
@@ -272,52 +287,57 @@
     # project the destination region into the source:
     grass.verbose('Projecting destination region into source...')
     dest_bbox_points = bboxToPoints(dest_bbox)
-    dest_bbox_source_points = projectPoints(dest_bbox_points,
-                                            source = srs_dest,
-                                            dest = srs_source)
+    dest_bbox_source_points, errors_dest = projectPoints(dest_bbox_points,
+                                                         source=srs_dest,
+                                                         dest=srs_source)
+    if len(dest_bbox_source_points) == 0:
+        grass.fatal(_("There are no tiles available. Probably the output "
+                      "projection system it is not compatible with the "
+                      "projection of the current location"))
     source_bbox = pointsToBbox(dest_bbox_source_points)
     grass.verbose('Projecting source bounding box into destination...')
     source_bbox_points = bboxToPoints(source_bbox)
-    source_bbox_dest_points = projectPoints(source_bbox_points,
-                                            source = srs_source,
-                                            dest = srs_dest)
+    source_bbox_dest_points, errors_source = projectPoints(source_bbox_points,
+                                                            source=srs_source,
+                                                            dest=srs_dest)
     x_metric = 1 / dest_bbox['ewres']
     y_metric = 1 / dest_bbox['nsres']
     grass.verbose('Computing length of sides of source bounding box...')
     source_bbox_dest_lengths = sideLengths(source_bbox_dest_points,
                                            x_metric, y_metric)
     # Find the skewedness of the two directions.
     # Define it to be greater than one
     # In the direction (x or y) in which the world is least skewed (ie north south in lat long)
     # Divide the world into strips. These strips are as big as possible contrained by max_
     # In the other direction do the same thing.
     # Theres some recomputation of the size of the world that's got to come in here somewhere.
     # For now, however, we are going to go ahead and request more data than is necessary.
     # For small regions far from the critical areas of projections this makes very little difference
     # in the amount of data gotten.
     # We can make this efficient for big regions or regions near critical points later.
     bigger = []
     maxdim = (max_cols, max_rows)
     # Compute the number and size of tiles to use in each direction
     # I'm making fairly even sized tiles
     # They differer from each other in height and width only by one cell
     # I'm going to make the numbers all simpler and add this extra cell to
     # every tile.
     grass.message(_('Computing tiling...'))
     tiles = [-1, -1]
     tile_base_size = [-1, -1]
@@ -326,62 +346,70 @@
     tileset_size = [-1, -1]
     tile_size_overlap = [-1, -1]
     for i in range(len(bigger)):
-	# make these into integers.
-	# round up
-	bigger[i] = int(bigger[i] + 1)
-	tiles[i] = int((bigger[i] / maxdim[i]) + 1)
+        # make these into integers.
+        # round up
+        bigger[i] = int(bigger[i] + 1)
+        tiles[i] = int((bigger[i] / maxdim[i]) + 1)
         tile_size[i] = tile_base_size[i] = int(bigger[i] / tiles[i])
-	tiles_extra_1[i] = int(bigger[i] % tiles[i])
-	# This is adding the extra pixel (remainder) to all of the tiles:
+        tiles_extra_1[i] = int(bigger[i] % tiles[i])
+        # This is adding the extra pixel (remainder) to all of the tiles:
         if tiles_extra_1[i] > 0:
             tile_size[i] = tile_base_size[i] + 1
         tileset_size[i] = int(tile_size[i] * tiles[i])
-	# Add overlap to tiles (doesn't effect tileset_size
+        # Add overlap to tiles (doesn't effect tileset_size
         tile_size_overlap[i] = tile_size[i] + int(options['overlap'])
-    grass.verbose("There will be %d by %d tiles each %d by %d cells" % \
+    grass.verbose("There will be %d by %d tiles each %d by %d cells" %
                   (tiles[0], tiles[1], tile_size[0], tile_size[1]))
     ximax = tiles[0]
     yimax = tiles[1]
     min_x = source_bbox['w']
     min_y = source_bbox['s']
     max_x = source_bbox['e']
     max_y = source_bbox['n']
     span_x = (max_x - min_x)
     span_y = (max_y - min_y)
     xi = 0
-    tile_bbox = { 'w' : -1, 's': -1, 'e' : -1, 'n' : -1 }
+    tile_bbox = {'w': -1, 's': -1, 'e': -1, 'n': -1}
+    if errors_dest > 0:
+        grass.warning(_("During computation %i tiles could not be created" %
+                        errors_dest))
     while xi < ximax:
         tile_bbox['w'] = float(min_x) + (float(xi) * float(tile_size[0]) / float(tileset_size[0])) * float(span_x)
         tile_bbox['e'] = float(min_x) + (float(xi + 1) * float(tile_size_overlap[0]) / float(tileset_size[0])) * float(span_x)
-	yi = 0
+        yi = 0
         while yi < yimax:
             tile_bbox['s'] = float(min_y) + (float(yi) * float(tile_size[1]) / float(tileset_size[1])) * float(span_y)
             tile_bbox['n'] = float(min_y) + (float(yi + 1) * float(tile_size_overlap[1]) / float(tileset_size[1])) * float(span_y)
             tile_bbox_points = bboxToPoints(tile_bbox)
-            tile_dest_bbox_points = projectPoints(tile_bbox_points,
-                                                  source = srs_source,
-                                                  dest = srs_dest)
+            tile_dest_bbox_points, errors = projectPoints(tile_bbox_points,
+                                                          source=srs_source,
+                                                          dest=srs_dest)
             tile_dest_bbox = pointsToBbox(tile_dest_bbox_points)
             if bboxesIntersect(tile_dest_bbox, dest_bbox):
                 if flags['w']:
                     print "bbox=%s,%s,%s,%s&width=%s&height=%s" % \
-                          (tile_bbox['w'], tile_bbox['s'], tile_bbox['e'], tile_bbox['n'],
-                           tile_size_overlap[0], tile_size_overlap[1])
+                          (tile_bbox['w'], tile_bbox['s'], tile_bbox['e'],
+                           tile_bbox['n'], tile_size_overlap[0],
+                           tile_size_overlap[1])
                 elif flags['g']:
                     print "w=%s;s=%s;e=%s;n=%s;cols=%s;rows=%s" % \
-                          (tile_bbox['w'], tile_bbox['s'], tile_bbox['e'], tile_bbox['n'],
-                           tile_size_overlap[0], tile_size_overlap[1])
+                          (tile_bbox['w'], tile_bbox['s'], tile_bbox['e'],
+                           tile_bbox['n'], tile_size_overlap[0],
+                           tile_size_overlap[1])
                     print "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s" % \
-                          (tile_bbox['w'], fs, tile_bbox['s'], fs, tile_bbox['e'], fs, tile_bbox['n'], fs,
+                          (tile_bbox['w'], fs, tile_bbox['s'], fs,
+                           tile_bbox['e'], fs, tile_bbox['n'], fs,
                            tile_size_overlap[0], fs, tile_size_overlap[1])
             yi += 1
         xi += 1
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     cs2cs = 'cs2cs'
     options, flags = grass.parser()

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