[GRASS-SVN] r67041 - grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.biodiversity
svn_grass at osgeo.org
svn_grass at osgeo.org
Wed Dec 9 01:21:40 PST 2015
Author: pvanbosgeo
Date: 2015-12-09 01:21:40 -0800 (Wed, 09 Dec 2015)
New Revision: 67041
Change name to r.series.diversity to better reflect what this addon does (and thus also better distinguish this from r.diversity)
Modified: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.biodiversity/Makefile
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.biodiversity/Makefile 2015-12-08 23:54:17 UTC (rev 67040)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.biodiversity/Makefile 2015-12-09 09:21:40 UTC (rev 67041)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-PGM = r.biodiversity
+PGM = r.series.diversity
include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Script.make
Deleted: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.biodiversity/r.biodiversity.html
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.biodiversity/r.biodiversity.html 2015-12-08 23:54:17 UTC (rev 67040)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.biodiversity/r.biodiversity.html 2015-12-09 09:21:40 UTC (rev 67041)
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-<em>r.biodiversity</em> computes one or more biodiversity indices
-based on 2 or more input layers. Each layer should represents a
-species (or other categories being used), and its raster values the
-category count/value. The name of the output layers will consist of
-the base name provided by the user. Currently implemented are the
-Renyi entropy index and a number of specialized cases of the Renyi
-enthropy, viz.the species richness, the Shannon index, the Shannon
-based effective number of species (ENS), the Simpson index (inverse
-and gini variants), pielou's eveness (Legendre & Legendre, 1998).
-<h4>The Renyi enthropy</h4>
-This index quantify the diversity, uncertainty, or randomness of a
-system. The user can define the order of diversity by setting the
-order (<i>alpha</i>) value. The order of a diversity indicates its
-sensitivity to common and rare species. The diversity of order zero
-( <i>alpha = 0</i>) is completely insensitive to species
-frequencies and is better known as species richness. Increasing the
-order diminishes the relative weights of rare species in the
-resulting index (Jost 2006, Legendre & Legendre 1998). The name of
-the output layer is composed of the basename + renyi + alpha.
-<h4>Species richness</h4>
-The species richness is simply the count of the number of layers.
-It is a special case of the Reny enthropy: <i>S = exp(R0)</i>,
-whereby <i>S</i> is the species richness <i>R0</i> the renyi index
-for <i>alpha=0</i>. The name of the output layer is composed of the
-basename + richness.
-<h4>Shannon index</h4>
-The Shannon (also called the Shannon-Weaver or Shannon-Wiener)
-index is defined as <i>H' = -sum(p_i x log(p_i))</i>, where <i>p_i
-</i> is the proportional abundance of species <i>i</i>. The function
-uses the natural logarithm (one can also use other bases for the
-log, but that is currently not implemented, and doesn't make a real
-difference). Note the Shannon index is a special case of the Renyi
-enthropy for <i>alpha = 2</i>. The name of the output layer is
-composed of the basename + shannon.
-<h4>Effective number of species (ENS)</h4>
-This option gives the Shannon index, converted to into equivalent
-or effective numbers of species (also known as Hill numbers) (Lou
-Jost, 2006). The Shannon index, and other indice, can be converted
-so they represent the number of equally abundant species necessary
-to produce the observed value of diversity (an analogue the concept
-of effective population size in genetics). An advantage of the ENS
-is a more intuitive behavious, e.g., if two communities with equally
-abundant but totally distinct species are combined, the ENS of the
-combined community is twice that of the original communities. See
-for an explanation and examples this
-<a href="http://www.loujost.com/Statistics%20and%20Physics/Diversity%20and%20Similarity/EffectiveNumberOfSpecies.htm">blog post</a>
-or <a href="http://jonlefcheck.net/2012/10/23/diversity-as-effective-numbers">this one</a>.
-The name of the output layer is composed of the
-basename + ens.
-<h4>Pielou's eveness (equitability) index</h4>
-Species evenness refers to how close in numbers each species in
-an environment are. The evenness of a community can be represented
-by Pielou's evenness index, which is defined as <i>H' / Hmax</i>. H'
-is the Shannon diversity index and Hmax the maximum value of H',
-equal to log(species richness). Note that a weakness of this index
-is its dependence on species counts, and more specifically that it
-is a ratio of a relatively stable index, H', and one that is
-strongly dependent on sample size, S. The name of the output layer
-is composed of the basename + pielou.
-<h4>Inverse Simpson index (Simpson's Reciprocal Index)</h4>
-The Simpson's index is defined as <i>D = sum p_i^2</i>. This is
-equivalent to <i>-1 * 1 / exp(R2)</i>, with <i>R2</i> the renyi
-index for <i>alpha=2</i>. With this index, 0 represents infinite
-diversity and 1, no diversity. This is counterintuitive behavior for
-a diversity index. An alternative is the inverse Simpson index is
-defined as <i>ID = 1 / D)</i>. The index represents the probability
-that two individuals randomly selected from a sample will belong to
-different species. The value ranges between 0 and 1, with greater
-values representing greater sample diversity. The name of the output
-layer is composed of the basename + invsimpson.
-<h4>Gini-Simpson index</h4>
-An alternative way to overcome the problem of the
-counter-intuitive nature of Simpson's Index is to use <i>1 - D)</i>.
-The lowest value of this index is 1 and represent a community
-containing only one species. The higher the value, the greater the
-diversity. The maximum value is the number of species in the sample.
-The name of the output layer is composed of the basename +
-Note that if you are interested in the landscape diversity, you
-should have a look at the
-<a href="https://grass.osgeo.org/grass70/manuals/addons/r.diversity.html">r.diversity</a>
-addon or the various related r.li.* addons (see
-below). These functions requires one input layer and compute the
-diversity using a moving window.
-Suppose we have five layers, each representing number of
-individuals of a different species. To keep it simple, let's assume
-individuals of all five species are homogeneous distributed, with
-respectively 60, 10, 25, 1 and 4 individuals / raster cell densities.
-<div class="code"><pre>
-r.mapcalc "spec1 = 60"
-r.mapcalc "spec2 = 10"
-r.mapcalc "spec3 = 25"
-r.mapcalc "spec4 = 1"
-r.mapcalc "spec5 = 4"
-<p>Now we can calculate the renyi index for alpha is 0, 1 and 2
-(this should be 1.61, 1.06 and 0.83 respectively)
-<div class="code"><pre>
-r.biodiversity -r in=spec1,spec2,spec3,spec4,spec5 out=renyi alpha=0,1,2
-r.info -r map=renyi_Renyi_0_0
-r.info -r map=renyi_Renyi_1_0
-r.info -r map=renyi_Renyi_2_0
-<p>You can also compute the species richness, shannon, inverse
-simpson and gini-simpson indices
-<div class="code"><pre>
-r.biodiversity -s -h -p -g in=spec1,spec2,spec3,spec4,spec5 out=biodiversity
-<p>The species richness you get should of course be 5. The shannon
-index is the same as the renyi index with alpha=1 (1.06). The
-inverse simpson and gini-simpson should be 2.3 and 0.57
-respectively. Let's check:
-<div class="code"><pre>
-r.info -r map=biodiversity_richness
-r.info -r map=biodiversity_shannon
-r.info -r map=biodiversity_invsimpson
-r.info -r map=biodiversity_ginisimpson
-<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="r.li.html">r.li</a>,
-<a href="r.li.pielou.html">r.li.pielou</a>,
-<a href="r.li.renyi.html">r.li.renyi</a>,
-<a href="r.li.shannon.html">r.li.shannon</a>,
-<a href="r.li.simpson.html">r.li.simpson</a>
-<li>Jost L. 2006. Entropy and diversity. Oikos 113:363-75</li>
-<li>Legendre P, Legendre L. 1998. Numerical Ecology. Second English edition. Elsevier, Amsterdam</li>
-Paulo van Breugel, paulo at ecodiv.org
-<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
Deleted: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.biodiversity/r.biodiversity.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.biodiversity/r.biodiversity.py 2015-12-08 23:54:17 UTC (rev 67040)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.biodiversity/r.biodiversity.py 2015-12-09 09:21:40 UTC (rev 67041)
@@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# MODULE: r.biodiversity
-# AUTHOR(S): Paulo van Breugel <p.vanbreugel AT gmail.com>
-# PURPOSE: Compute biodiversity indici over input layers
-# COPYRIGHT: (C) 2014 Paulo van Breugel
-# http://ecodiv.org
-# http://pvanb.wordpress.com/
-# This program is free software under the GNU General Public
-# License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
-# for details.
-#% description: Compute biodiversity indici over input layers
-#% keyword: raster
-#% keyword: diversity index
-#% keyword: renyi entrophy
-#% keyword: shannon
-#% keyword: simpson
-#% keyword: richness
-#% keyword: biodiversity
-#% keyword: eveness
-#% key: input
-#% type: string
-#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
-#% description: input layers
-#% label: input layers
-#% key_desc: name
-#% required: yes
-#% multiple: yes
-#% key: output
-#% type: string
-#% gisprompt: new,cell,raster
-#% description: prefix name output layer
-#% key_desc: name
-#% required: yes
-#% multiple: no
-#% key: r
-#% description: Renyi enthropy index
-#% guisection: Indices
-#% key: alpha
-#% type: double
-#% description: Order of generalized entropy
-#% key_desc: number(s)
-#% multiple: yes
-#% options: 0.0-*
-#% guisection: Indices
-#% collective: -r,alpha
-#% key: s
-#% description: Richness index
-#% guisection: Indices
-#% key: h
-#% description: Shannon index
-#% guisection: Indices
-#% key: p
-#% description: Reversed Simpson index
-#% guisection: Indices
-#% key: g
-#% description: Gini-Simpson index
-#% guisection: Indices
-#% key: e
-#% description: Pielou's evenness index
-#% guisection: Indices
-#% key: n
-#% description: Shannon effective number of species
-#% guisection: Indices
-#% required: -r,-s,-h,-e,-p,-g,-n
-# Standard
-# import libraries
-import os
-import sys
-import uuid
-import atexit
-import string
-import grass.script as grass
-if not os.environ.has_key("GISBASE"):
- grass.message( "You must be in GRASS GIS to run this program." )
- sys.exit(1)
-# Functions
-# create set to store names of temporary maps to be deleted upon exit
-clean_rast = set()
-def cleanup():
- for rast in clean_rast:
- grass.run_command("g.remove",
- type="rast", name = rast, quiet = True)
-def CheckLayer(envlay):
- for chl in xrange(len(envlay)):
- ffile = grass.find_file(envlay[chl], element = 'cell')
- if ffile['fullname'] == '':
- grass.fatal("The layer " + envlay[chl] + " does not exist.")
-# Create temporary name
-def tmpname(name):
- tmpf = name + "_" + str(uuid.uuid4())
- tmpf = string.replace(tmpf, '-', '_')
- clean_rast.add(tmpf)
- return tmpf
-# main function
-def main():
- #options = {"input":"spec1,spec2,spec3,spec4,spec5", "output":"AAA9", "alpha":"4"}
- #flags = {"r":"False", "s":True, "h":True, "e":True, "p":True, "n":True, "g":True}
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Variables
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Layers
- OUT = options['output']
- IN = options['input']
- IN = IN.split(',')
- CheckLayer(IN)
- # Diversity indici
- flag_r = flags['r']
- flag_s = flags['s']
- flag_h = flags['h']
- flag_e = flags['e']
- flag_p = flags['p']
- flag_g = flags['g']
- flag_n = flags['n']
- if options['alpha']:
- Q = map(float, options['alpha'].split(','))
- else:
- Q = map(float, [])
- Qoriginal = list(Q)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Create list of what need to be computed
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if not flag_r:
- flag_r = []
- if flag_s and not 0.0 in Q:
- Q.append(0.0)
- if flag_h and not 1.0 in Q:
- Q.append(1.0)
- if flag_e and not 0.0 in Q:
- Q.append(0.0)
- if flag_e and not 1.0 in Q:
- Q.append(1.0)
- if flag_p and not 2.0 in Q:
- Q.append(2.0)
- if flag_g and not 2.0 in Q:
- Q.append(2.0)
- if flag_n and not 1.0 in Q:
- Q.append(1.0)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Renyi entropy
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- tmpt = tmpname("sht")
- clean_rast.add(tmpt)
- grass.run_command("r.series", quiet=True, output=tmpt,
- input=IN, method="sum")
- for n in xrange(len(Q)):
- Qn = str(Q[n])
- Qn = Qn.replace('.', '_')
- out_renyi = OUT + "_Renyi_" + Qn
- tmpl = []
- if Q[n] == 1:
- # If alpha = 1
- for i in xrange(len(IN)):
- tmpi = tmpname('shi' + str(i) + "_")
- tmpl.append(tmpi)
- clean_rast.add(tmpi)
- grass.mapcalc("$tmpi = ($inl/$tmpt) * log(($inl/$tmpt))",
- tmpi=tmpi,
- inl=IN[i],
- tmpt=tmpt,
- quiet=True)
- tmpta = tmpname("sht")
- clean_rast.add(tmpta)
- grass.run_command("r.series", output=tmpta, input=tmpl,
- method="sum", quiet=True)
- grass.mapcalc("$outl = -1 * $tmpta",
- outl=out_renyi,
- tmpta=tmpta,
- overwrite=True,
- quiet=True)
- grass.run_command("g.remove", type="raster",
- name=tmpta, flags="f")
- else:
- # If alpha != 1
- for i in xrange(len(IN)):
- tmpi = tmpname('reni')
- tmpl.append(tmpi)
- grass.mapcalc("$tmpi = if($inl==0,0,pow($inl/$tmpt,$alpha))",
- tmpi=tmpi,
- tmpt=tmpt,
- inl=IN[i],
- alpha=Q[n],
- quiet=True)
- tmpta = tmpname("sht")
- clean_rast.add(tmpta)
- grass.run_command("r.series", output=tmpta, input=tmpl,
- method="sum", quiet=True)
- grass.mapcalc("$outl = (1/(1-$alpha)) * log($tmpta)",
- outl=out_renyi,
- tmpta=tmpta,
- alpha=Q[n],
- quiet=True)
- grass.run_command("g.remove", type="raster",
- name=tmpta, flags="f", quiet=True)
- grass.run_command("g.remove", type="raster",
- name=tmpl, flags="f", quiet=True)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Species richness
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if flag_s:
- out_div = OUT + "_richness"
- in_div = OUT + "_Renyi_0_0"
- grass.mapcalc("$out_div = exp($in_div)",
- out_div=out_div,
- in_div=in_div,
- quiet=True)
- if 0.0 not in Qoriginal and not flag_e:
- grass.run_command("g.remove", flags="f", type="raster",
- name=in_div, quiet=True)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Shannon index
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if flag_h:
- out_div = OUT + "_shannon"
- in_div = OUT + "_Renyi_1_0"
- if 1.0 in Qoriginal or flag_e or flag_n:
- grass.run_command("g.copy", raster=(in_div,out_div), quiet=True)
- else:
- grass.run_command("g.rename", raster=(in_div,out_div), quiet=True)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Shannon Effective Number of Species (ENS)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if flag_n:
- out_div = OUT + "_ens"
- in_div = OUT + "_Renyi_1_0"
- grass.mapcalc("$out_div = exp($in_div)",
- out_div=out_div,
- in_div=in_div,
- quiet=True)
- if 1.0 not in Qoriginal and not flag_e:
- grass.run_command("g.remove", flags="f", type="raster",
- name=in_div, quiet=True)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Eveness
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if flag_e:
- out_div = OUT + "_eveness"
- in_div1 = OUT + "_Renyi_0_0"
- in_div2 = OUT + "_Renyi_1_0"
- grass.mapcalc("$out_div = $in_div2 / $in_div1",
- out_div=out_div,
- in_div1=in_div1,
- in_div2=in_div2,
- quiet=True)
- if 0.0 not in Qoriginal:
- grass.run_command("g.remove", flags="f", type="raster",
- name=in_div1, quiet=True)
- if 1.0 not in Qoriginal:
- grass.run_command("g.remove", flags="f", type="raster",
- name=in_div2, quiet=True)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Inversed Simpson index
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if flag_p:
- out_div = OUT + "_invsimpson"
- in_div = OUT + "_Renyi_2_0"
- grass.mapcalc("$out_div = exp($in_div)",
- out_div=out_div,
- in_div=in_div,
- quiet=True)
- if 2.0 not in Qoriginal and not flag_g:
- grass.run_command("g.remove", flags="f", type="raster",
- name=in_div, quiet=True)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Gini Simpson index
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if flag_g:
- out_div = OUT + "_ginisimpson"
- in_div = OUT + "_Renyi_2_0"
- grass.mapcalc("$out_div = 1.0 - (1.0 / exp($in_div))",
- out_div=out_div,
- in_div=in_div,
- quiet=True)
- if 2.0 not in Qoriginal:
- grass.run_command("g.remove", flags="f", type="raster",
- name=in_div, quiet=True)
- # Clean up temporary files
- grass.run_command("g.remove", type="raster", name=tmpt,
- flags="f", quiet=True)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- options, flags = grass.parser()
- atexit.register(cleanup)
- sys.exit(main())
Copied: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.biodiversity/r.series.diversity.html (from rev 67040, grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.biodiversity/r.biodiversity.html)
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.biodiversity/r.series.diversity.html (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.biodiversity/r.series.diversity.html 2015-12-09 09:21:40 UTC (rev 67041)
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+<em>r.biodiversity</em> computes one or more biodiversity indices
+based on 2 or more input layers. Each layer should represents a
+species (or other categories being used), and its raster values the
+category count/value. The name of the output layers will consist of
+the base name provided by the user. Currently implemented are the
+Renyi entropy index and a number of specialized cases of the Renyi
+enthropy, viz.the species richness, the Shannon index, the Shannon
+based effective number of species (ENS), the Simpson index (inverse
+and gini variants), pielou's eveness (Legendre & Legendre, 1998).
+<h4>The Renyi enthropy</h4>
+This index quantify the diversity, uncertainty, or randomness of a
+system. The user can define the order of diversity by setting the
+order (<i>alpha</i>) value. The order of a diversity indicates its
+sensitivity to common and rare species. The diversity of order zero
+( <i>alpha = 0</i>) is completely insensitive to species
+frequencies and is better known as species richness. Increasing the
+order diminishes the relative weights of rare species in the
+resulting index (Jost 2006, Legendre & Legendre 1998). The name of
+the output layer is composed of the basename + renyi + alpha.
+<h4>Species richness</h4>
+The species richness is simply the count of the number of layers.
+It is a special case of the Reny enthropy: <i>S = exp(R0)</i>,
+whereby <i>S</i> is the species richness <i>R0</i> the renyi index
+for <i>alpha=0</i>. The name of the output layer is composed of the
+basename + richness.
+<h4>Shannon index</h4>
+The Shannon (also called the Shannon-Weaver or Shannon-Wiener)
+index is defined as <i>H' = -sum(p_i x log(p_i))</i>, where <i>p_i
+</i> is the proportional abundance of species <i>i</i>. The function
+uses the natural logarithm (one can also use other bases for the
+log, but that is currently not implemented, and doesn't make a real
+difference). Note the Shannon index is a special case of the Renyi
+enthropy for <i>alpha = 2</i>. The name of the output layer is
+composed of the basename + shannon.
+<h4>Effective number of species (ENS)</h4>
+This option gives the Shannon index, converted to into equivalent
+or effective numbers of species (also known as Hill numbers) (Lou
+Jost, 2006). The Shannon index, and other indice, can be converted
+so they represent the number of equally abundant species necessary
+to produce the observed value of diversity (an analogue the concept
+of effective population size in genetics). An advantage of the ENS
+is a more intuitive behavious, e.g., if two communities with equally
+abundant but totally distinct species are combined, the ENS of the
+combined community is twice that of the original communities. See
+for an explanation and examples this
+<a href="http://www.loujost.com/Statistics%20and%20Physics/Diversity%20and%20Similarity/EffectiveNumberOfSpecies.htm">blog post</a>
+or <a href="http://jonlefcheck.net/2012/10/23/diversity-as-effective-numbers">this one</a>.
+The name of the output layer is composed of the
+basename + ens.
+<h4>Pielou's eveness (equitability) index</h4>
+Species evenness refers to how close in numbers each species in
+an environment are. The evenness of a community can be represented
+by Pielou's evenness index, which is defined as <i>H' / Hmax</i>. H'
+is the Shannon diversity index and Hmax the maximum value of H',
+equal to log(species richness). Note that a weakness of this index
+is its dependence on species counts, and more specifically that it
+is a ratio of a relatively stable index, H', and one that is
+strongly dependent on sample size, S. The name of the output layer
+is composed of the basename + pielou.
+<h4>Inverse Simpson index (Simpson's Reciprocal Index)</h4>
+The Simpson's index is defined as <i>D = sum p_i^2</i>. This is
+equivalent to <i>-1 * 1 / exp(R2)</i>, with <i>R2</i> the renyi
+index for <i>alpha=2</i>. With this index, 0 represents infinite
+diversity and 1, no diversity. This is counterintuitive behavior for
+a diversity index. An alternative is the inverse Simpson index is
+defined as <i>ID = 1 / D)</i>. The index represents the probability
+that two individuals randomly selected from a sample will belong to
+different species. The value ranges between 0 and 1, with greater
+values representing greater sample diversity. The name of the output
+layer is composed of the basename + invsimpson.
+<h4>Gini-Simpson index</h4>
+An alternative way to overcome the problem of the
+counter-intuitive nature of Simpson's Index is to use <i>1 - D)</i>.
+The lowest value of this index is 1 and represent a community
+containing only one species. The higher the value, the greater the
+diversity. The maximum value is the number of species in the sample.
+The name of the output layer is composed of the basename +
+Note that if you are interested in the landscape diversity, you
+should have a look at the
+<a href="https://grass.osgeo.org/grass70/manuals/addons/r.diversity.html">r.diversity</a>
+addon or the various related r.li.* addons (see
+below). These functions requires one input layer and compute the
+diversity using a moving window.
+Suppose we have five layers, each representing number of
+individuals of a different species. To keep it simple, let's assume
+individuals of all five species are homogeneous distributed, with
+respectively 60, 10, 25, 1 and 4 individuals / raster cell densities.
+<div class="code"><pre>
+r.mapcalc "spec1 = 60"
+r.mapcalc "spec2 = 10"
+r.mapcalc "spec3 = 25"
+r.mapcalc "spec4 = 1"
+r.mapcalc "spec5 = 4"
+<p>Now we can calculate the renyi index for alpha is 0, 1 and 2
+(this should be 1.61, 1.06 and 0.83 respectively)
+<div class="code"><pre>
+r.biodiversity -r in=spec1,spec2,spec3,spec4,spec5 out=renyi alpha=0,1,2
+r.info -r map=renyi_Renyi_0_0
+r.info -r map=renyi_Renyi_1_0
+r.info -r map=renyi_Renyi_2_0
+<p>You can also compute the species richness, shannon, inverse
+simpson and gini-simpson indices
+<div class="code"><pre>
+r.biodiversity -s -h -p -g in=spec1,spec2,spec3,spec4,spec5 out=biodiversity
+<p>The species richness you get should of course be 5. The shannon
+index is the same as the renyi index with alpha=1 (1.06). The
+inverse simpson and gini-simpson should be 2.3 and 0.57
+respectively. Let's check:
+<div class="code"><pre>
+r.info -r map=biodiversity_richness
+r.info -r map=biodiversity_shannon
+r.info -r map=biodiversity_invsimpson
+r.info -r map=biodiversity_ginisimpson
+<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
+<a href="r.li.html">r.li</a>,
+<a href="r.li.pielou.html">r.li.pielou</a>,
+<a href="r.li.renyi.html">r.li.renyi</a>,
+<a href="r.li.shannon.html">r.li.shannon</a>,
+<a href="r.li.simpson.html">r.li.simpson</a>
+<li>Jost L. 2006. Entropy and diversity. Oikos 113:363-75</li>
+<li>Legendre P, Legendre L. 1998. Numerical Ecology. Second English edition. Elsevier, Amsterdam</li>
+Paulo van Breugel, paulo at ecodiv.org
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
Copied: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.biodiversity/r.series.diversity.py (from rev 67040, grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.biodiversity/r.biodiversity.py)
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.biodiversity/r.series.diversity.py (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.biodiversity/r.series.diversity.py 2015-12-09 09:21:40 UTC (rev 67041)
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# MODULE: r.biodiversity
+# AUTHOR(S): Paulo van Breugel <p.vanbreugel AT gmail.com>
+# PURPOSE: Compute biodiversity indici over input layers
+# COPYRIGHT: (C) 2014 Paulo van Breugel
+# http://ecodiv.org
+# http://pvanb.wordpress.com/
+# This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+# License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+# for details.
+#% description: Compute biodiversity indici over input layers
+#% keyword: raster
+#% keyword: diversity index
+#% keyword: renyi entrophy
+#% keyword: shannon
+#% keyword: simpson
+#% keyword: richness
+#% keyword: biodiversity
+#% keyword: eveness
+#% key: input
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
+#% description: input layers
+#% label: input layers
+#% key_desc: name
+#% required: yes
+#% multiple: yes
+#% key: output
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: new,cell,raster
+#% description: prefix name output layer
+#% key_desc: name
+#% required: yes
+#% multiple: no
+#% key: r
+#% description: Renyi enthropy index
+#% guisection: Indices
+#% key: alpha
+#% type: double
+#% description: Order of generalized entropy
+#% key_desc: number(s)
+#% multiple: yes
+#% options: 0.0-*
+#% guisection: Indices
+#% collective: -r,alpha
+#% key: s
+#% description: Richness index
+#% guisection: Indices
+#% key: h
+#% description: Shannon index
+#% guisection: Indices
+#% key: p
+#% description: Reversed Simpson index
+#% guisection: Indices
+#% key: g
+#% description: Gini-Simpson index
+#% guisection: Indices
+#% key: e
+#% description: Pielou's evenness index
+#% guisection: Indices
+#% key: n
+#% description: Shannon effective number of species
+#% guisection: Indices
+#% required: -r,-s,-h,-e,-p,-g,-n
+# Standard
+# import libraries
+import os
+import sys
+import uuid
+import atexit
+import string
+import grass.script as grass
+if not os.environ.has_key("GISBASE"):
+ grass.message( "You must be in GRASS GIS to run this program." )
+ sys.exit(1)
+# Functions
+# create set to store names of temporary maps to be deleted upon exit
+clean_rast = set()
+def cleanup():
+ for rast in clean_rast:
+ grass.run_command("g.remove",
+ type="rast", name = rast, quiet = True)
+def CheckLayer(envlay):
+ for chl in xrange(len(envlay)):
+ ffile = grass.find_file(envlay[chl], element = 'cell')
+ if ffile['fullname'] == '':
+ grass.fatal("The layer " + envlay[chl] + " does not exist.")
+# Create temporary name
+def tmpname(name):
+ tmpf = name + "_" + str(uuid.uuid4())
+ tmpf = string.replace(tmpf, '-', '_')
+ clean_rast.add(tmpf)
+ return tmpf
+# main function
+def main():
+ #options = {"input":"spec1,spec2,spec3,spec4,spec5", "output":"AAA9", "alpha":"4"}
+ #flags = {"r":"False", "s":True, "h":True, "e":True, "p":True, "n":True, "g":True}
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Variables
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Layers
+ OUT = options['output']
+ IN = options['input']
+ IN = IN.split(',')
+ CheckLayer(IN)
+ # Diversity indici
+ flag_r = flags['r']
+ flag_s = flags['s']
+ flag_h = flags['h']
+ flag_e = flags['e']
+ flag_p = flags['p']
+ flag_g = flags['g']
+ flag_n = flags['n']
+ if options['alpha']:
+ Q = map(float, options['alpha'].split(','))
+ else:
+ Q = map(float, [])
+ Qoriginal = list(Q)
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Create list of what need to be computed
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if not flag_r:
+ flag_r = []
+ if flag_s and not 0.0 in Q:
+ Q.append(0.0)
+ if flag_h and not 1.0 in Q:
+ Q.append(1.0)
+ if flag_e and not 0.0 in Q:
+ Q.append(0.0)
+ if flag_e and not 1.0 in Q:
+ Q.append(1.0)
+ if flag_p and not 2.0 in Q:
+ Q.append(2.0)
+ if flag_g and not 2.0 in Q:
+ Q.append(2.0)
+ if flag_n and not 1.0 in Q:
+ Q.append(1.0)
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Renyi entropy
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ tmpt = tmpname("sht")
+ clean_rast.add(tmpt)
+ grass.run_command("r.series", quiet=True, output=tmpt,
+ input=IN, method="sum")
+ for n in xrange(len(Q)):
+ Qn = str(Q[n])
+ Qn = Qn.replace('.', '_')
+ out_renyi = OUT + "_Renyi_" + Qn
+ tmpl = []
+ if Q[n] == 1:
+ # If alpha = 1
+ for i in xrange(len(IN)):
+ tmpi = tmpname('shi' + str(i) + "_")
+ tmpl.append(tmpi)
+ clean_rast.add(tmpi)
+ grass.mapcalc("$tmpi = ($inl/$tmpt) * log(($inl/$tmpt))",
+ tmpi=tmpi,
+ inl=IN[i],
+ tmpt=tmpt,
+ quiet=True)
+ tmpta = tmpname("sht")
+ clean_rast.add(tmpta)
+ grass.run_command("r.series", output=tmpta, input=tmpl,
+ method="sum", quiet=True)
+ grass.mapcalc("$outl = -1 * $tmpta",
+ outl=out_renyi,
+ tmpta=tmpta,
+ overwrite=True,
+ quiet=True)
+ grass.run_command("g.remove", type="raster",
+ name=tmpta, flags="f")
+ else:
+ # If alpha != 1
+ for i in xrange(len(IN)):
+ tmpi = tmpname('reni')
+ tmpl.append(tmpi)
+ grass.mapcalc("$tmpi = if($inl==0,0,pow($inl/$tmpt,$alpha))",
+ tmpi=tmpi,
+ tmpt=tmpt,
+ inl=IN[i],
+ alpha=Q[n],
+ quiet=True)
+ tmpta = tmpname("sht")
+ clean_rast.add(tmpta)
+ grass.run_command("r.series", output=tmpta, input=tmpl,
+ method="sum", quiet=True)
+ grass.mapcalc("$outl = (1/(1-$alpha)) * log($tmpta)",
+ outl=out_renyi,
+ tmpta=tmpta,
+ alpha=Q[n],
+ quiet=True)
+ grass.run_command("g.remove", type="raster",
+ name=tmpta, flags="f", quiet=True)
+ grass.run_command("g.remove", type="raster",
+ name=tmpl, flags="f", quiet=True)
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Species richness
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if flag_s:
+ out_div = OUT + "_richness"
+ in_div = OUT + "_Renyi_0_0"
+ grass.mapcalc("$out_div = exp($in_div)",
+ out_div=out_div,
+ in_div=in_div,
+ quiet=True)
+ if 0.0 not in Qoriginal and not flag_e:
+ grass.run_command("g.remove", flags="f", type="raster",
+ name=in_div, quiet=True)
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Shannon index
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if flag_h:
+ out_div = OUT + "_shannon"
+ in_div = OUT + "_Renyi_1_0"
+ if 1.0 in Qoriginal or flag_e or flag_n:
+ grass.run_command("g.copy", raster=(in_div,out_div), quiet=True)
+ else:
+ grass.run_command("g.rename", raster=(in_div,out_div), quiet=True)
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Shannon Effective Number of Species (ENS)
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if flag_n:
+ out_div = OUT + "_ens"
+ in_div = OUT + "_Renyi_1_0"
+ grass.mapcalc("$out_div = exp($in_div)",
+ out_div=out_div,
+ in_div=in_div,
+ quiet=True)
+ if 1.0 not in Qoriginal and not flag_e:
+ grass.run_command("g.remove", flags="f", type="raster",
+ name=in_div, quiet=True)
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Eveness
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if flag_e:
+ out_div = OUT + "_eveness"
+ in_div1 = OUT + "_Renyi_0_0"
+ in_div2 = OUT + "_Renyi_1_0"
+ grass.mapcalc("$out_div = $in_div2 / $in_div1",
+ out_div=out_div,
+ in_div1=in_div1,
+ in_div2=in_div2,
+ quiet=True)
+ if 0.0 not in Qoriginal:
+ grass.run_command("g.remove", flags="f", type="raster",
+ name=in_div1, quiet=True)
+ if 1.0 not in Qoriginal:
+ grass.run_command("g.remove", flags="f", type="raster",
+ name=in_div2, quiet=True)
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Inversed Simpson index
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if flag_p:
+ out_div = OUT + "_invsimpson"
+ in_div = OUT + "_Renyi_2_0"
+ grass.mapcalc("$out_div = exp($in_div)",
+ out_div=out_div,
+ in_div=in_div,
+ quiet=True)
+ if 2.0 not in Qoriginal and not flag_g:
+ grass.run_command("g.remove", flags="f", type="raster",
+ name=in_div, quiet=True)
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Gini Simpson index
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if flag_g:
+ out_div = OUT + "_ginisimpson"
+ in_div = OUT + "_Renyi_2_0"
+ grass.mapcalc("$out_div = 1.0 - (1.0 / exp($in_div))",
+ out_div=out_div,
+ in_div=in_div,
+ quiet=True)
+ if 2.0 not in Qoriginal:
+ grass.run_command("g.remove", flags="f", type="raster",
+ name=in_div, quiet=True)
+ # Clean up temporary files
+ grass.run_command("g.remove", type="raster", name=tmpt,
+ flags="f", quiet=True)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ options, flags = grass.parser()
+ atexit.register(cleanup)
+ sys.exit(main())
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