[GRASS-SVN] r65504 - grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.kriging

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sat Jun 20 04:32:18 PDT 2015

Author: evas
Date: 2015-06-20 04:32:18 -0700 (Sat, 20 Jun 2015)
New Revision: 65504

v.kriging: kd-tree (PCL library) replaced by R-tree (GRASS GIS) and 2D kriging enabled (currently: inaccurate results for sparse and spatially heterogeneous data)

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.kriging/geostat.c
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.kriging/geostat.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.kriging/geostat.c	2015-06-20 11:32:18 UTC (rev 65504)
@@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
+#include "local_proto.h"
+/* experimental variogram 
+ * based on  2D variogram (alghalandis.com/?page_id=463)) */
+  void E_variogram(int type, struct int_par *xD, struct points *pnts, struct reg_par *reg, struct var_par *pars)
+  // Variogram properties
+  struct parameters *var_pars, *var_par_hz, *var_par_vert;
+  double max_dist, max_dist_vert; // max distance of interpolated points
+  double radius, radius_vert;     // radius of interpolation in the horizontal plane
+  switch (type) {
+  case 0: // horizontal variogram
+    var_pars = &pars->hz;   // 0: horizontal variogram
+    break;
+  case 1: // vertica variogram
+    var_pars = &pars->vert; // 1: vertical variogram    
+    break;
+  case 2: // bivariate variogram
+    var_pars = &pars->fin;
+    max_dist = var_pars->horizontal.max_dist;
+    max_dist_vert = var_pars->vertical.max_dist;
+    radius_vert = SQUARE(max_dist_vert);
+    break;
+  case 3: //anisotropic variogram
+    var_pars = &pars->fin;  // default: final variogram
+    max_dist = max_dist_vert = var_pars->max_dist;
+    radius = radius_vert = SQUARE(max_dist);
+    break;  
+  }
+  if (type < 2) {
+    max_dist = var_pars->max_dist;
+  }
+  radius = SQUARE(max_dist);
+  // Local variables
+  int n = pnts->n;                  // # of input points
+  double *pnts_r = pnts->r;         // xyz coordinates of input points
+  double *r;                        // pointer to xyz coordinates
+  double *vals = pnts->invals;      // values to be used for interpolation
+  int i3 = xD->i3;
+  int phase = xD->phase;            // phase: initial / middle / final
+  int function = var_pars->function; // type of theoretical variogram
+  int nLag;                         // # of horizontal bins
+  int nLag_vert;                    // # of vertical bins
+  double *vert;                     // pointer to vertical bins
+  double dir = var_pars->dir;        // azimuth
+  double td = var_pars->td;          // angle tolerance
+  double lag = var_pars->lag;        // size of horizontal bin
+  double lag_vert;
+  if (type == 2) { // bivariate variogram
+    nLag = var_pars->horizontal.nLag;
+    nLag_vert = var_pars->vertical.nLag;
+    dir = var_pars->dir;
+    td = var_pars->td;
+    lag = var_pars->horizontal.lag;
+    lag_vert = var_pars->vertical.lag;
+  }
+  else { // univariate variogram 
+    nLag = var_pars->nLag;
+    dir = var_pars->dir;
+    td = var_pars->td;
+    lag = var_pars->lag;
+  }
+  // depend on variogram type: 
+  int k; // index of variogram to be computed
+  int nrows = nLag;
+  int ncols = type == 2 ? nLag_vert : 1;
+  struct write *report = &xD->report;
+  // Variogram processing variables
+  int s;        // index of horizontal segment
+  int b;        // index of verical segment (bivariate only)
+  int i, j;     // indices of the input points
+  int err0=0;   // number of invalid values
+  double *dr;   // coordinate differences of each couple
+  double *h;    // distance of boundary of the horizontal segment
+  double tv;    // bearing of the line between the couple of the input points
+  double ddir;  // the azimuth of computing variogram
+  double rv;    // radius of the couple of points
+  double drv;   // distance between the points
+  double rvh;   // difference between point distance and the horizontal segment boundary
+  double dv;    // difference of the values to be interpolated that are located on the couple of points
+  struct ilist *list;  // list of selected nearest neighbours
+  int n_vals;          // # of selected NN
+  double *i_vals, *j_vals; // values located on the point couples
+  int n1 = n+1;     // number of points + 1
+  int *ii;     // difference of indices between rellevant input points
+  double gamma_lag;    // sum of dissimilarities in one bin
+  double cpls;         // # of dissimilarities in one bin
+  double gamma_E;      // average of dissimilarities in one bin (element of gamma matrix)
+  mat_struct *gamma_M; // gamma matrix (hz, vert or bivar)
+  mat_struct *c_M;     // matrix of # of dissimilarities
+  double *gamma;       // pointer to gamma matrix
+  double *c;           // pointer to c matrix
+  unsigned int percents = 50;
+  double gamma_sum;  // sum of gamma elements (non-nan)
+  int gamma_n;       // # of gamma elements (non-nan)
+  double gamma_sill; // sill
+  /* Allocated vertices and matrices:
+   * --------------------------------
+   * dr - triple of coordinate differences (e.g. dx, dy, dz)
+   * h - vector of length pieces [nL x 1]
+   * vert - vector of vertical pieces [nZ x 1] (3D only)
+   * c - matrix containing number of points in each sector defined by h (and vert) [nL x nZ; in 2D nZ = 1]
+   * gama - matrix of values of experimental variogram
+  */
+  // allocate:
+  dr = (double *) G_malloc(3 * sizeof(double));   // vector of coordinate differences
+  if (type != 2) {
+    var_pars->h = (double *) G_malloc(nLag * sizeof(double)); // vector of bins
+  }
+  if (type == 2) {
+    var_pars->horizontal.h = (double *) G_malloc(nLag * sizeof(double)); // vector of bins
+    var_pars->vertical.h = (double *) G_malloc(nLag_vert * sizeof(double)); // vector of bins
+  }
+  // control initialization:
+  if (dr == NULL || var_pars->h == NULL || (type == 2 && var_pars->vert == NULL)) {
+    if (xD->report.write2file == TRUE) { // close report file
+      fprintf(xD->report.fp, "Error (see standard output). Process killed...");
+      fclose(xD->report.fp);
+    }
+    G_fatal_error(_("Memory allocation failed..."));
+  }
+  // initialize:
+  c_M = G_matrix_init(nrows, ncols, nrows);     // temporal matrix of counts
+  gamma_M = G_matrix_init(nrows, ncols, nrows); // temporal matrix (vector) of gammas
+  if (c_M == NULL || gamma_M == NULL) {
+    if (xD->report.write2file == TRUE) { // close report file
+      fprintf(xD->report.fp, "Error (see standard output). Process killed...");
+      fclose(xD->report.fp);
+    }
+    G_fatal_error(_("Memory allocation failed..."));
+  }
+  // set up pointers
+  c = &c_M->vals[0];
+  gamma = &gamma_M->vals[0];
+  // set up starting values
+  gamma_sum = 0.;
+  gamma_n = 0;
+  if (percents) {
+    G_percent_reset();
+  }
+  if (type == 2) {
+    vert = &var_pars->vertical.h[0]; 
+  }
+  /* *** Experimental variogram computation *** */
+  for (b = 0; b < ncols; b++) {      // for each vertical lag...
+    if (type == 2) {                 // just in case that the variogram is vertical
+      *vert = (b+1) * lag_vert;      // lag distance
+    }
+    h = type == 2 ? &var_pars->horizontal.h[0] : &var_pars->h[0];              // ... horizontal lags
+    for (s = 0; s < nrows; s++) {    // for each horizontal lag (isotrophy!!!)...
+      *h = (s+1) * lag;              // lag distance
+      r = &pnts->r[0];               // pointer to the input coordinates
+      // for every bs cycle ...
+      i_vals = &vals[0];             // pointer to input values to be interpolated 
+      gamma_lag = 0.;                // gamma in dir direction and h distance
+      cpls = 0.;                     // count of couples in dir direction and h distance     
+      /* Compute variogram for points in relevant neighbourhood */
+      for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++) {    // for each input point...	
+       	switch (type) { // find NNs according to variogram type
+	case 0: // horizontal variogram
+	  list = find_NNs_within(2, i, pnts, max_dist, -1);
+	  break;
+	case 1: // vertical variogram
+	  list = find_NNs_within(1, i, pnts, -1, max_dist);
+	  break;
+	default: // anisotropic or bivariate variogram    
+	  list = find_NNs_within(3, i, pnts, max_dist, max_dist_vert);
+	  break;
+	}
+	n_vals = list->n_values;            // # of input values located on NN
+	if (n_vals > 0) {
+	  correct_indices(i3, list, r, pnts, var_pars);
+	  ii = &list->value[0];             // indices of these input values (note: increased by 1)
+	  j_vals = &vals[*ii];                // pointer to input values
+	  for (j = 1; j < n_vals; j++) {      // for each point within overlapping rectangle
+	    if (*ii > i) {                    // use the points just once
+	      coord_diff(i, *ii, pnts_r, dr); // compute coordinate differences 
+	      // Variogram processing
+	      if (type == 1) {                    // vertical variogram:
+		tv = 0.5 * PI - zenith_angle(dr); // compute zenith angle instead of bearing
+		td = 0.5 * PI; // todo: repair, 0.25 usually
+	      }
+	      else {                           // hz / aniso / bivar variogram: 
+		tv = atan2(*(dr+1), *dr);      // bearing
+	      }
+	      ddir = tv - dir;                 // difference between bearing and azimuth
+	      if (fabsf(ddir) <= td) {         // angle test: compare the diff with critical value
+		// test squared distance: vertical variogram => 0., ...
+		rv = type == 1 ? 0. : radius_hz_diff(dr); // ... otherwise horizontal distance
+		if (type == 1 || type == 3) {  // vertical or anisotropic variogram:
+		  rv += SQUARE(*(dr+2));         // consider also vertical direction
+		}
+		rvh = sqrt(rv) - *h;           // the difference between distance and lag
+		if (rv <= radius && fabsf(rvh) <= lag) { // distance test: compare the distance with critical value and find out if the j-point is located within i-lag
+		  if (type == 2) {             // vertical test for bivariate variogram:
+		    rvh = *(dr+2) - *vert;     // compare vertical
+		    if (fabsf(rvh) <= lag_vert) { // elevation test: vertical lag
+		      goto delta_V;
+		    }
+		    else {
+		      goto end;
+		    }
+		  }
+		delta_V:
+		  dv = *j_vals - *i_vals;    // difference of values located on pair of points i, j
+		  gamma_lag += SQUARE(dv);   // sum of squared differences
+		  cpls += 1.;                // count of elements
+		} // end distance test: rv <= radius ^ |rvh| <= lag
+	      } // end angle test: |ddir| <= td
+	    } // end i test: *ii > i
+	  end:
+	    ii++;                    // go to the next index
+	    j_vals += *ii - *(ii-1); // go to the next value 
+	    } // end j for loop: points within overlapping rectangles
+	  } // end test: n_vals > 0
+	else {
+	  if (report->name) { // close report file
+	    fprintf(report->fp, "Error (see standard output). Process killed...");
+	    fclose(report->fp);
+	  }
+	  G_fatal_error(_("This point does not have neighbours in given radius...")); 
+	}
+	r += 3;   // go to the next search point
+	i_vals++; // and to its value
+      } // end for loop i: variogram computation for each i-th search point
+      if (isnan(gamma_lag) || cpls == 0.0) { // empty lags:
+	err0++;                              // error indicator
+	goto gamma_isnan;
+      }
+      *gamma = 0.5 * gamma_lag / cpls;       // element of gamma matrix     
+      *c = cpls;                             // # of values that have been used to compute gamma_e
+      gamma_sum += *gamma;                  // sum of gamma elements (non-nan)
+      gamma_n++;                             // # of gamma elements (non-nan)
+    gamma_isnan: // there are no available point couples to compute the dissimilarities in the lag:
+      h++;
+      c++;
+      gamma++;
+    } // end for loop s
+    if (type == 2) { // vertical variogram:
+      vert++;
+    }
+  } // end for loop b
+  if (err0 == nLag) { // todo> kedy nie je riesitelny teoreticky variogram?
+    if (report->write2file == TRUE) { // close report file
+      fprintf(report->fp, "Error (see standard output). Process killed...");
+      fclose(report->fp);
+    }
+    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to compute experimental variogram...")); 
+  } // end error
+  var_pars->gamma = G_matrix_copy(gamma_M);
+  var_pars->gamma_sum = gamma_sum;
+  var_pars->gamma_n = gamma_n; 
+  plot_experimental_variogram(xD, var_pars);
+  if (phase < 2) { // initial and middle phase:
+    sill(var_pars); // compute sill
+  }
+  if (report->write2file == TRUE) { // report file available: 
+    write2file_variogram_E(xD, var_pars, c_M); // write to file
+  }
+  write_temporary2file(xD, var_pars);
+  G_free_ilist(list);       // free list memory
+  G_matrix_free(c_M);
+  G_matrix_free(gamma_M);
+/* theoretical variogram */
+void T_variogram(int type, int i3, struct opts opt, struct parameters *var_pars, struct write *report)
+  char *variogram;
+  // report
+  if (report->write2file = TRUE) { // report file available:
+    time(&report->now); // write down time of start
+    if (type != 1) {
+      fprintf(report->fp, "\nComputation of theoretical variogram started on %s\n", ctime(&report->now));    
+    }  
+  }
+  // set up:
+  var_pars->type = type;   // hz / vert / bivar / aniso
+  var_pars->const_val = 0; // input values are not constants
+  switch (type) {
+  case 0: // horizontal variogram
+    if (i3 == TRUE) { // 3D interpolation (middle phase)
+      variogram = opt.function_var_hz->answer; // function type available:
+      if (strcmp(variogram, "linear") != 0) { // nonlinear
+	var_pars->nugget = atof(opt.nugget_hz->answer);
+	var_pars->h_range = atof(opt.range_hz->answer);
+	if (opt.sill_hz->answer) {
+	  var_pars->sill = atof(opt.sill_hz->answer);
+	}
+      }
+      else { // function type not available:
+	linear_variogram(var_pars, report);
+      }      
+    }
+    else { // 2D interpolation (final phase)
+      variogram = opt.function_var_final->answer; // function type available:
+      if (strcmp(variogram, "linear") != 0) { // nonlinear
+	var_pars->nugget = atof(opt.nugget_final->answer);
+	var_pars->h_range = atof(opt.range_final->answer);
+	if (opt.sill_final->answer) {
+	  var_pars->sill = atof(opt.sill_final->answer);
+	}
+      }
+      else { // function type not available:
+	linear_variogram(var_pars, report);
+      }      
+    }
+    if (report->name) {
+      fprintf(report->fp, "Parameters of horizontal variogram:\n");
+      fprintf(report->fp, "Nugget effect: %f\n", var_pars->nugget);
+      fprintf(report->fp, "Sill:          %f\n", var_pars->sill);
+      fprintf(report->fp, "Range:         %f\n", var_pars->h_range);
+    }
+    break;
+  case 1: // vertical variogram
+    var_pars->nugget = atof(opt.nugget_vert->answer);
+    var_pars->h_range = atof(opt.range_vert->answer);
+    if (opt.sill_vert->answer) {
+      var_pars->sill = atof(opt.sill_vert->answer);
+    }
+    variogram = opt.function_var_vert->answer;
+    if (report->name) {
+      fprintf(report->fp, "Parameters of vertical variogram:\n");
+      fprintf(report->fp, "Nugget effect: %f\n", var_pars->nugget);
+      fprintf(report->fp, "Sill:          %f\n", var_pars->sill);
+      fprintf(report->fp, "Range:         %f\n", var_pars->h_range);
+    }
+    break;
+  case 2: // bivariate variogram (just final phase)
+    if (!(opt.function_var_final->answer && opt.function_var_final_vert->answer) || strcmp(opt.function_var_final->answer, "linear") == 0) { // planar function:
+      var_pars->function = 5; // planar variogram (3D)
+      linear_variogram(var_pars, report);
+    }
+    else { // function type was set up by the user:
+      var_pars->horizontal.nugget = atof(opt.nugget_final->answer);
+      var_pars->horizontal.h_range = atof(opt.range_final->answer);
+      if (opt.sill_final->answer) {
+	var_pars->horizontal.sill = atof(opt.sill_final->answer);
+      }
+      var_pars->vertical.nugget = atof(opt.nugget_final_vert->answer);
+      var_pars->vertical.h_range = atof(opt.range_final_vert->answer); 
+      if (opt.sill_final_vert->answer) {
+	var_pars->vertical.sill = atof(opt.sill_final_vert->answer);
+      }
+      var_pars->horizontal.function = set_function(opt.function_var_final->answer, report);
+      var_pars->vertical.function = set_function(opt.function_var_final_vert->answer, report);
+      if (report->name) {
+	fprintf(report->fp, "Parameters of bivariate variogram:\n");
+	fprintf(report->fp, "Nugget effect (hz):   %f\n", var_pars->horizontal.nugget);
+	fprintf(report->fp, "Sill (hz):            %f\n", var_pars->horizontal.sill);
+	fprintf(report->fp, "Range (hz):           %f\n", var_pars->horizontal.h_range);
+	fprintf(report->fp, "Function: %s\n\n", opt.function_var_hz->answer);
+	fprintf(report->fp, "Nugget effect (vert): %f\n", var_pars->vertical.nugget);
+	fprintf(report->fp, "Sill (vert):          %f\n", var_pars->vertical.sill);
+	fprintf(report->fp, "Range (vert):         %f\n", var_pars->vertical.h_range);
+	fprintf(report->fp, "Function: %s\n", opt.function_var_vert->answer);
+      }
+    }
+    plot_var(i3, TRUE, var_pars); // Plot variogram using gnuplot
+    break;
+  case 3: // univariate (just final phase)
+    variogram = opt.function_var_final->answer;
+    if (strcmp(variogram, "linear") != 0) { // nonlinear variogram:
+      var_pars->nugget = atof(opt.nugget_final->answer);
+      var_pars->h_range = atof(opt.range_final->answer);
+      if (opt.sill_final->answer) {
+	var_pars->sill = atof(opt.sill_final->answer);
+      }
+      variogram = opt.function_var_final->answer;
+      if (report->write2file == TRUE) {
+	if (i3 == TRUE) { // 3D interpolation:
+	  fprintf(report->fp, "Parameters of anisotropic variogram:\n");
+	}
+	else {
+	  fprintf(report->fp, "Parameters of 2D variogram:\n");
+	}
+	fprintf(report->fp, "Nugget effect: %f\n", var_pars->nugget);
+	fprintf(report->fp, "Sill:          %f\n", var_pars->sill);
+	fprintf(report->fp, "Range:         %f\n", var_pars->h_range);
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      linear_variogram(var_pars, report);
+    }
+    break;
+  }
+  if (type != 2) {
+    var_pars->function = set_function(variogram, report);
+    plot_var(i3, FALSE, var_pars); // Plot variogram using gnuplot
+  }
+void ordinary_kriging(struct int_par *xD, struct reg_par *reg, struct points *pnts, struct var_par *pars, struct output *out)
+  // Local variables
+  int i3 = xD->i3;
+  int n = pnts->n;                      // number of input points
+  double *r = pnts->r;                  // xyz coordinates of input points
+  double *vals = pnts->invals;          // values to be used for interpolation
+  struct write *report = &xD->report;
+  struct write *crossvalid = &xD->crossvalid;
+  struct parameters *var_par = &pars->fin;
+  int type = var_par->type;
+  double max_dist = type == 2 ? var_par->horizontal.max_dist : var_par->max_dist;
+  double max_dist_vert = type == 2 ? var_par->vertical.max_dist : var_par->max_dist;
+  double ratio = var_par->type == 3 ? xD->aniso_ratio : 1.;
+  unsigned int passed=0;      // number of successfully interpolated valuesy
+  unsigned int percents=50;   // counter
+  unsigned int nrcd;          // number of cells/voxels
+  unsigned int row, col, dep; // indices of cells/voxels
+  double rslt_OK;     // interpolated value located on r0
+  int i, j;
+  unsigned int n1;
+  pnts->max_dist = var_par->lag;
+  struct ilist *list;
+  int n_vals;
+  double *r0;         // xyz coordinates of cell/voxel centre
+  mat_struct *GM;
+  mat_struct *GM_sub; // submatrix of selected points
+  mat_struct *GM_Inv; // inverted GM (GM_sub) matrix
+  mat_struct *g0;     // diffences between known and unknown values = theor_var(dist)
+  mat_struct *w0;     // weights of values located on the input points 
+  // Cell/voxel center coords (location of interpolated value)
+  r0 = (double *) G_malloc(3 * sizeof(double));   
+  FILE *fp;
+  if (report->name) {  // report file available:
+    report->write2file = TRUE;
+    report->fp = fopen(report->name, "a");
+    time(&report->now);
+    fprintf(report->fp, "Interpolating values started on %s\n\n", ctime(&report->now));
+  }
+  G_message(_("Interpolating unknown values..."));
+  if (percents) {
+    G_percent_reset();
+  }
+  open_layer(xD, reg, out);      // open 2D/3D raster
+  if (var_par->const_val == 1) { // input values are constant:
+    goto constant_voxel_centre;
+  }
+  GM = set_up_G(pnts, var_par, &xD->report); // set up matrix of dissimilarities of input points
+  var_par->GM = G_matrix_copy(GM);           // copy matrix because of cross validation
+  // perform cross validation...
+  if (crossvalid->name) { // ... if desired
+    crossvalidation(xD, pnts, var_par);
+  }
+  constant_voxel_centre:
+  for (dep=0; dep < reg->ndeps; dep++) {
+    if (xD->i3 == TRUE) {
+      if (percents) {
+	G_percent(dep, reg->ndeps, 1);
+      }
+    }
+    for (row=0; row < reg->nrows; row++) {
+      if (xD->i3 == FALSE) {
+	if (percents) {
+	  G_percent(row, reg->nrows, 1);
+	}
+      }
+      //#pragma omp parallel for private(col, r0, cellCent, ind, sqDist, n1, GM, GM_Inv, g0, w0, rslt_OK)
+      for (col=0; col < reg->ncols; col++) {
+	if (var_par->const_val == 1) { // constant input values
+	  goto constant_voxel_val;
+	}
+	cell_centre(col, row, dep, xD, reg, r0, var_par); // coords of output point
+	// add cell centre to the R-tree
+	list = G_new_ilist();            // create list of overlapping rectangles
+	if (i3 == TRUE) { // 3D kriging:
+	  list = find_NNs_within(3, i, pnts, max_dist, max_dist_vert);
+	}
+	else { // 2D kriging:
+	  list = find_NNs_within(2, i, pnts, max_dist, max_dist_vert);
+	}
+	n_vals = list->n_values;         // # of selected points
+	if (n_vals > 0) { // positive # of selected points: 
+	  correct_indices(i3, list, r0, pnts, var_par);
+	  GM_sub = submatrix(list, GM, report); // make submatrix for selected points
+	  GM_Inv = G_matrix_inverse(GM_sub);    // invert submatrix
+	  G_matrix_free(GM_sub);
+	  g0 = set_up_g0(xD, pnts, list, r0, var_par); // Diffs inputs - unknowns (incl. cond. 1))
+	  w0 = G_matrix_product(GM_Inv, g0); // Vector of weights, condition SUM(w) = 1 in last row
+	  G_matrix_free(GM_Inv); 
+	  G_matrix_free(g0);
+	  rslt_OK = result(pnts, list, w0); // Estimated cell/voxel value rslt_OK = w x inputs
+  	  // Create output
+	constant_voxel_val: 
+	  if (var_par->const_val == 1) { // constant input values:
+	    rslt_OK = (double) *vals; // setup input as output
+	  }
+	  // write output to the (3D) raster layer
+	  if (write2layer(xD, reg, out, col, row, dep, rslt_OK) == 0) {
+	    if (report->name) { // report file available
+	      fprintf(report->fp, "Error (see standard output). Process killed...");
+	      fclose(report->fp); // close report file
+	    }
+	    G_fatal_error(_("Error writing result into output layer..."));
+	  }
+	  G_free_ilist(list);    // free list memory
+	} // end if searchRadius
+	else { // no selected points:
+	  if (report->name) { // report file available:
+	    fprintf(report->fp, "Error (see standard output). Process killed...");
+	    fclose(report->fp);
+	  }
+	  G_fatal_error(_("This point does not have neighbours in given radius..."));
+	} // end else: error
+      } // end col
+    } // end row 
+  } // end dep
+  if (report->name) {
+    fprintf(report->fp, "\n************************************************\n\n");    
+    time(&report->now);
+    fprintf(report->fp, "v.kriging completed on %s", ctime(&report->now));
+    fclose(report->fp);
+  }
+  switch (xD->i3) {
+  case TRUE:
+    Rast3d_close(out->fd_3d); // Close 3D raster map
+    break;
+  case FALSE:
+    Rast_close(out->fd_2d); // Close 2D raster map
+    break;
+  }   

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.kriging/getval.c
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.kriging/getval.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.kriging/getval.c	2015-06-20 11:32:18 UTC (rev 65504)
@@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
+#include "local_proto.h"
+#ifndef MAX
+#define MIN(a,b)      ((a<b) ? a : b)
+#define MAX(a,b)      ((a>b) ? a : b)
+/* get array of values from attribute column (function based on part of v.buffer2 (Radim Blazek, Rosen Matev)) */
+double *get_col_values(struct Map_info *map, struct int_par *xD, struct points *pnts, int field, const char *column, int detrend)
+  struct select *in_reg = &pnts->in_reg;
+  int i, n, nrec, type, ctype;
+  struct field_info *Fi;
+  dbCatValArray cvarr;
+  dbDriver *Driver;
+  int *index;
+  double *values, *vals;
+  int save;
+  if (xD == NULL) {
+    save = 0;
+  }
+  else {
+    save = 1;
+  }
+  G_message(_("Reading values from attribute column <%s>..."), column);
+  db_CatValArray_init(&cvarr);	/* array of categories and values initialised */
+  Fi = Vect_get_field(map, field);	/* info about call of DB */
+  if (Fi == NULL) {
+    if (save == 1 && xD->report.write2file == TRUE) { // close report file
+      fprintf(xD->report.fp, "Error (see standard output). Process killed...");
+      fclose(xD->report.fp);
+    }
+    G_fatal_error(_("Database connection not defined for layer %d"), field);
+  }
+  Driver = db_start_driver_open_database(Fi->driver, Fi->database);	/* started connection to DB */
+  if (Driver == NULL) {
+    if (save == 1 && xD->report.write2file == TRUE) { // close report file
+      fprintf(xD->report.fp, "Error (see standard output). Process killed...");
+      fclose(xD->report.fp);
+    }
+    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open database <%s> by driver <%s>"),
+		  Fi->database, Fi->driver);
+  }
+  /* Note do not check if the column exists in the table because it may be expression */
+  /* TODO: only select values we need instead of all in column */
+  /* Select pairs key/value to array, values are sorted by key (must be integer) */
+  nrec = db_select_CatValArray(Driver, Fi->table, Fi->key, column, NULL, &cvarr);
+  if (nrec < 0) {
+    if (save == 1 && xD->report.write2file == TRUE) { // close report file
+      fprintf(xD->report.fp, "Error (see standard output). Process killed...");
+      fclose(xD->report.fp);
+    }
+    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to select data from table <%s>"), Fi->table);
+  }
+  ctype = cvarr.ctype;
+  if (ctype != DB_C_TYPE_INT && ctype != DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE) {
+    if (save == 1 && xD->report.write2file == TRUE) { // close report file
+      fprintf(xD->report.fp, "Error (see standard output). Process killed...");
+      fclose(xD->report.fp);
+    }
+    G_fatal_error(_("Column must be numeric"));
+  }
+  db_close_database_shutdown_driver(Driver);
+  G_free(Fi);
+  /* Output cats/values list */
+  switch (in_reg->out) {
+  case 0:
+    index = NULL;
+    n = cvarr.n_values;
+    break;
+  default:
+    index = &in_reg->indices[0];
+    n = in_reg->n;
+    break;
+  }
+  values = (double *) G_malloc(n * sizeof(double));
+  vals = &values[0];
+  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+    /* TODO: Only for point data:
+     * - store indexes of skipped points in read_points and compare them with database
+     */
+    if (index == NULL || (index != NULL && *index == i)) {
+      if (ctype == DB_C_TYPE_INT) 
+	*vals = (double) cvarr.value[i].val.i;
+      else if (ctype == DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE) {
+	*vals = cvarr.value[i].val.d;
+      }
+      vals++;
+      if (index != NULL)
+	index++;
+    }
+  }
+  if (detrend == 1) {
+    double *x, *y, *z;
+    x = (double *) G_malloc(n * sizeof(double));
+    y = (double *) G_malloc(n * sizeof(double));
+    z = (double *) G_malloc(n * sizeof(double));
+    mat_struct *A, *gR, *T, *res;
+    x = &pnts->r[0];
+    y = &pnts->r[1];
+    z = &pnts->r[2];
+    vals = &values[0];
+    // Number of columns of design matrix A
+    A = G_matrix_init(n, 2, n); // initialise design matrix, normal grav: 7
+    gR = G_matrix_init(n, 1, n); // initialise vector of observations
+    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+      G_matrix_set_element(A, i, 0, *x);
+      G_matrix_set_element(A, i, 1, *y);
+      G_matrix_set_element(gR, i, 0, *vals);
+      x+=3;
+      y+=3;
+      z+=3;
+      vals++;
+    }
+    T = LSM(A, gR); // Least Square Method
+    res = G_matrix_product(A,T);
+    FILE *fp;
+    x = &pnts->r[0];
+    y = &pnts->r[1];
+    z = &pnts->r[2];
+    fp = fopen("trend.txt","w");
+    vals = &values[0];
+    double *resid;
+    resid = &res->vals[0];
+    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+      *vals = *vals - *resid;
+      fprintf(fp,"%f %f %f %f\n", *x, *y, *z, *vals);
+      x+=3;
+      y+=3;
+      z+=3;
+      vals++;
+      resid++;
+    }
+    fclose(fp);
+    //G_debug(0,"a=%f b=%f c=%f d=%f", T->vals[0], T->vals[1], T->vals[2], T->vals[3]);
+    pnts->trend = T;
+  }
+  if (xD->phase == 0 && xD->report.name) {
+    write2file_values(&xD->report, column);
+    test_normality(n, values, &xD->report);
+  }
+  db_CatValArray_free(&cvarr);	// free memory of the array of categories and values
+  return values;
+/* get coordinates of input points */
+void read_points(struct Map_info *map, struct reg_par *reg, struct points *point, struct int_par *xD, const char *zcol, int field, struct write *report)
+  int type;         // check elements of vector layer
+  int i3 = xD->i3;   // 2D / 3D interpolation
+  int n;            // # of all elements in vector layer
+  int nskipped;     // # of skipped elements (all except points)
+  int n_in_reg = 0; // # of points within a region
+  int out_reg = 0;  // # of points out of region
+  double *z_attr;   // vertical coordinate from attribute value
+  struct line_pnts *Points; // structures to hold line *Points (map)
+  // create spatial index R-tree
+  point->Rtree_hz = RTreeCreateTree(-1, 0, 2);     // create 2D spatial index
+  if (i3 == TRUE) { // 3D:
+    point->R_tree = RTreeCreateTree(-1, 0, 3);     // create 3D spatial index
+    point->Rtree_vert = RTreeCreateTree(-1, 0, 1); // create 1D spatial index
+  }
+  int i;
+  int sid=0;        // id of the rectangle (will be increased by 1)
+  double *rx, *ry, *rz, *r; // pointers to coordinates
+  int ind = 0;      // index of the point     
+  int *indices;     // indices of the points within the region
+  int *index;       // pointer to the vector of indices
+  G_message(_("Reading coordinates..."));
+  Points = Vect_new_line_struct(); // Make point structure  
+  n = Vect_get_num_primitives(map, GV_POINT); // Number of points - topology required
+  point->r = (double *) G_malloc(n * 3 * sizeof(double)); // coords: x0 y0 z0 ... xn yn zn
+  indices = (int *) G_malloc(n * sizeof(int));     // indices of pts within region
+  point->r_min = (double *) G_malloc(3 * sizeof(double)); // minimum
+  point->r_max = (double *) G_malloc(3 * sizeof(double)); // maximum
+  rx = &point->r[0];          // pointer to x coordinate
+  ry = &point->r[1];          // pointer to y coordinate
+  rz = &point->r[2];          // pointer to z coordinate
+  index = &indices[0]; // pointer to indices
+  // Get 3rd coordinate of 2D points from attribute column -> 3D interpolation
+  if (xD->v3 == FALSE && zcol != NULL) {
+    z_attr = get_col_values(map, NULL, point, field, zcol, FALSE);
+  }
+  nskipped = 0; // # of skipped elements (lines, areas)
+  // Read points and set them into the structures
+  while (TRUE) {
+    type = Vect_read_next_line(map, Points, NULL);
+    if (type == -1) {
+      if (report->write2file == TRUE) { // close report file
+	fprintf(report->fp, "Error (see standard output). Process killed...");
+	fclose(report->fp);
+      }
+      G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read vector map"));
+    }
+    if (type == -2) {
+      break;
+    }
+    // skip everything except points
+    if (type != GV_POINT) {
+      nskipped++;
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (isnan(Points->x[0]) || isnan(Points->y[0]) || isnan(Points->z[0])) {
+      if (report->write2file == TRUE) { // close report file
+	fprintf(report->fp, "Error (see standard output). Process killed...");
+	fclose(report->fp);
+      }
+      G_fatal_error(_("Input coordinates must be a number. Check point no. %d..."), ind);
+    }
+    // take every point in region...
+    if ((reg->west <= Points->x[0] && Points->x[0] <= reg->east) && (reg->south <= Points->y[0] && Points->y[0] <= reg->north)) {
+      *rx = Points->x[0]; // set up x coordinate
+      *ry = Points->y[0]; // set up y coordinate
+      insert_rectangle(2, sid, point); // R-tree node 2D (2D and 3D kriging)
+      if (i3 == TRUE) { // 3D interpolation:
+	if (reg->bot <= Points->z[0] && Points->z[0] <= reg->top) {
+	  if (zcol == NULL) { // 3D layer:
+	    *rz = Points->z[0];     // set up z coordinate
+	    if (*rz != Points->z[0]) {
+	      if (report->write2file == TRUE) { // close report file
+		fprintf(report->fp, "Error (see standard output). Process killed...");
+		fclose(report->fp);
+	      }
+	      G_fatal_error(_("Error reading input coordinates z..."));
+	    }
+	  }
+	  else { // 2D layer with z-column:
+	    *rz = *z_attr; // set up x coordinate
+	  } // end else (2,5D layer)
+	  insert_rectangle(3, sid, point); // R-tree node 3D (just 3D kriging)
+	  insert_rectangle(1, sid, point); // R-tree node 1D (just 3D kriging)
+	} // end if rb, rt
+	else { // point is out of region:
+	  goto out_of_region;
+	}
+      } // end if 3D interpolation
+      else { // 2D interpolation:
+	*rz = 0.;     // set up z coordinate
+      }
+      // Find extends	
+      if (n_in_reg == 0) {
+	triple(*rx, *ry, *rz, point->r_min);
+	triple(*rx, *ry, *rz, point->r_max);
+      }
+      else {
+	triple(MIN(*point->r_min, *rx), MIN(*(point->r_min+1), *ry), MIN(*(point->r_min+2), *rz), point->r_min);
+	triple(MAX(*point->r_max, *rx), MAX(*(point->r_max+1), *ry), MAX(*(point->r_max+2), *rz), point->r_max);
+      } // end else (extent test)
+      n_in_reg++;   // # of points in region 
+      *index = ind; // store index of point within the region
+      index++;      // go to next index
+      rx += 3;      // go to new x coordinate
+      ry += 3;      // go to new y coordinate
+      rz += 3;      // go to new z coordinate
+      sid++;        // go to new ID for spatial indexing
+      goto finish;
+    } // end in region
+  out_of_region:
+      out_reg++;
+      continue;
+  finish:
+      if (zcol != NULL) {
+	z_attr++;
+      }
+      ind++;
+  } // end while (TRUE)
+  point->in_reg.total = n;
+  point->in_reg.n = n_in_reg;
+  point->in_reg.out = out_reg;
+  point->n = n_in_reg;
+  point->in_reg.indices = (int *) G_malloc(n_in_reg * sizeof(int));
+  memcpy(point->in_reg.indices, indices, n_in_reg * sizeof(int));
+  G_free(indices);
+  if (nskipped > 0) {
+    G_warning(_("%d features skipped, only points are accepted"), nskipped);
+  }
+  Vect_destroy_line_struct(Points);
+  if (n_in_reg == 0) {
+    if (report->write2file == TRUE) { // close report file
+      fprintf(report->fp, "Error (see standard output). Process killed...");
+      fclose(report->fp);
+    }
+    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read coordinates of point layer (all points are out of region)"));
+  }
+  if (xD->phase == 0) { // initial phase:
+    write2file_vector(xD, point);  // describe properties
+  }
+void get_region_pars(struct int_par *xD, struct reg_par *reg)
+  /* Get extent and resolution of output raster 2D/3D */
+  if (xD->i3 == FALSE) { /* 2D region */
+    /* Get database region parameters */
+    Rast_get_window(&reg->reg_2d);	/* stores the current default window in region */
+    reg->west = reg->reg_2d.west;
+    reg->east = reg->reg_2d.east;
+    reg->north = reg->reg_2d.north;
+    reg->south = reg->reg_2d.south;
+    reg->ew_res = reg->reg_2d.ew_res;
+    reg->ns_res = reg->reg_2d.ns_res;
+    reg->nrows = reg->reg_2d.rows;
+    reg->ncols = reg->reg_2d.cols;
+    reg->ndeps = 1;
+  }
+  if (xD->i3 == TRUE) { /* 3D region */
+    Rast3d_init_defaults();
+    /* Get database region parameters */
+    Rast3d_get_window(&reg->reg_3d);	/* stores the current default window in region */
+    if (reg->reg_3d.bottom == 0 && (reg->reg_3d.tb_res == 0 || reg->reg_3d.depths == 0)) {
+      if (xD->report.write2file == TRUE) { // close report file
+	fprintf(xD->report.fp, "Error (see standard output). Process killed...");
+	fclose(xD->report.fp);
+      }
+      G_fatal_error("To process 3D interpolation, please set 3D region settings.");
+    }
+    reg->west = reg->reg_3d.west;
+    reg->east = reg->reg_3d.east;
+    reg->north = reg->reg_3d.north;
+    reg->south = reg->reg_3d.south;
+    reg->bot = reg->reg_3d.bottom; /* output 3D raster */
+    reg->top = reg->reg_3d.top; /* output 3D raster */
+    reg->ew_res = reg->reg_3d.ew_res;
+    reg->ns_res = reg->reg_3d.ns_res;
+    reg->bt_res = reg->reg_3d.tb_res;
+    reg->nrows = reg->reg_3d.rows;
+    reg->ncols = reg->reg_3d.cols;
+    reg->ndeps = xD->i3 == TRUE ? reg->reg_3d.depths : 1; /* 2D/3D interpolation */
+  }
+  reg->nrcd = reg->nrows * reg->ncols * reg->ndeps; /* number of cells */
+// read values from temporary files
+void read_tmp_vals(const char *file_name, struct parameters *var_par, struct int_par *xD)
+  FILE *fp;
+  int j, nLag_vert;
+  double lag_vert, max_dist_vert;
+  double *v_elm, *g_elm, *c_elm;
+  double sill_hz, sill_vert;
+  fp = fopen(file_name, "r");
+  if (fp == NULL) {
+    G_fatal_error(_("File is missing..."));
+  }
+  else { // file exists:
+    int i, type;
+    int nLag;
+    double lag, max_dist, td_hz, sill;
+    double *h, *h_elm, *c, *gamma;
+    int function;
+    int file, file_length;
+    for (i=0; i<2; i++) {
+      if (fscanf(fp, "%d", &file_length) == 0) { // filename length
+	G_fatal_error(_("Nothing to scan..."));
+      }
+      if (file_length > 3) {
+	if (fscanf(fp, "%d", &file) == 0) {
+	  G_fatal_error(_("Nothing to scan..."));
+	}
+	if (file == 9) { // filetype code (9 - report, 8 - crossval)
+	  xD->report.name = (char *) G_malloc(file_length * sizeof(char));
+	  if (fscanf(fp, "%s", xD->report.name) == 0) { // filename
+	    G_fatal_error(_("Nothing to scan..."));
+	  }
+	  continue;
+	}
+	else if (file == 8) {
+	  xD->crossvalid.name = (char *) G_malloc(file_length * sizeof(char));
+	  if (fscanf(fp, "%s", xD->crossvalid.name) == 0) {
+	    G_fatal_error(_("Nothing to scan..."));
+	  }
+	  continue;
+	}
+      }
+      else {
+	type = file_length;
+	goto no_file;
+      }
+    } // todo: test without report and crossval
+    if (fscanf(fp, "%d", &type) == 0) { // read type
+      G_fatal_error(_("Nothing to scan..."));
+    }  
+  no_file:
+    switch (type) {
+    case 2: // bivariate variogram
+      var_par->type = type;
+      if (fscanf(fp, "%d %lf %lf %d %lf %lf %lf", &nLag_vert, &lag_vert, &max_dist_vert, &nLag, &lag, &max_dist, &td_hz) < 7) {
+	G_fatal_error(_("Nothing to scan..."));
+      }
+      var_par->horizontal.h = (double *) G_malloc(nLag * sizeof(double));
+      h_elm = &var_par->horizontal.h[0];      
+      for (i=0; i<nLag; i++) {
+	if (fscanf(fp, "%lf", h_elm) == 0) {
+	  G_fatal_error(_("Nothing to scan..."));
+	}
+	h_elm++;
+      }
+      var_par->vertical.h = (double *) G_malloc(nLag_vert * sizeof(double));
+      v_elm = &var_par->vertical.h[0];      
+      for (i=0; i<nLag_vert; i++) {
+	if (fscanf(fp, "%lf", v_elm) == 0) {
+	  G_fatal_error(_("Nothing to scan..."));
+	}
+	v_elm++;
+      }
+      var_par->gamma = G_matrix_init(nLag, nLag_vert, nLag);
+      g_elm = &var_par->gamma->vals[0];
+      for (i=0; i<nLag_vert; i++) {
+	for (j=0; j<nLag; j++) {
+	  if (fscanf(fp, "%lf", g_elm) == 0) {
+	    G_fatal_error(_("Nothing to scan..."));
+	  }
+	  g_elm++;
+	}
+      }
+      if (fscanf(fp, "%lf %lf", &sill_hz, &sill_vert) < 2) {
+	G_fatal_error(_("Nothing to scan..."));
+      }
+      var_par->vertical.nLag = nLag_vert;
+      var_par->vertical.lag = lag_vert;
+      var_par->vertical.max_dist = max_dist_vert;
+      var_par->vertical.sill = sill_vert;
+      var_par->horizontal.nLag = nLag;
+      var_par->horizontal.lag = lag;
+      var_par->horizontal.max_dist = max_dist;
+      var_par->horizontal.sill = sill_hz;
+      break;
+    default:
+      if (type == 3) { // anisotropic variogram:
+	if (fscanf(fp, "%lf", &xD->aniso_ratio) == 0) { // anisotropic ratio
+	  G_fatal_error(_("Nothing to scan..."));
+	}
+      }
+      if (fscanf(fp, "%d %lf %lf", &nLag, &lag, &max_dist) < 3) {
+	G_fatal_error(_("Nothing to scan..."));
+      }
+      if (type != 1) {
+	if (fscanf(fp, "%lf", &td_hz) == 0) {
+	  G_fatal_error(_("Nothing to scan..."));
+	}
+      }
+      var_par->h = (double *) G_malloc(nLag * sizeof(double));
+      h_elm = &var_par->h[0];
+      var_par->gamma = G_matrix_init(nLag, 1, nLag);
+      gamma = &var_par->gamma->vals[0];    
+      for (i=0; i<nLag; i++) {
+	if (fscanf(fp, "%lf %lf", h_elm, gamma) < 2) {
+	  G_fatal_error(_("Nothing to scan..."));
+	}
+	h_elm++;
+	gamma++;
+      }
+      if (fscanf(fp, "%lf", &sill) == 0) {
+	G_fatal_error(_("Nothing to scan..."));
+      }
+      var_par->sill = sill;
+      break;
+    }
+    if (type != 2) {
+      var_par->type = type;
+      var_par->nLag = nLag;
+      var_par->lag = lag;
+      var_par->max_dist = max_dist;
+      var_par->td = td_hz;
+    }
+  } 
+  fclose(fp);

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.kriging/quantile.c
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.kriging/quantile.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.kriging/quantile.c	2015-06-20 11:32:18 UTC (rev 65504)
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+#include "local_proto.h"
+/* These functions are taken from the module r.quantile (Clemens, G.) */
+struct bin
+  unsigned long origin;
+  double minimum, maximum;
+  int base, count;
+static double minimum, maximum;
+static int num_quants;
+static double *quants;
+static int num_slots;
+static unsigned int *slots;
+static double slot_size;
+static unsigned long total;
+static int num_values;
+static unsigned short *slot_bins;
+static int num_bins;
+static struct bin *bins;
+static double *values;
+static inline int get_slot(double c)
+    int i = (int) floor((c - minimum) / slot_size);
+    if (i < 0)
+	i = 0;
+    if (i > num_slots - 1)
+	i = num_slots - 1;
+    return i;
+static inline double get_quantile(int n)
+  return (double)total * quants[n]; // # of lower values
+static void get_slot_counts(int n, double *data)
+  int i;
+  total = 0;
+  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+    int j;
+    // todo nan
+    j = get_slot(data[i]);
+    slots[j]++; // rise value of j-th slot
+    total++;
+  }
+  //G_percent(i, n, 2);
+static void initialize_bins(void)
+  int slot;    // index of slot
+  double next; // percentile
+  int bin = 0; // adjacent bin
+  unsigned long accum = 0;
+  int quant = 0; // index of percentile
+  num_values = 0;
+  next = get_quantile(quant); // # of lower values
+  for (slot = 0; slot < num_slots; slot++) {
+    unsigned int count = slots[slot]; // assign # of elements in each slots to the count
+    unsigned long accum2 = accum + count; // total # of elements
+    if (accum2 > next) { // # of values is greater than percentile
+      struct bin *b = &bins[bin]; // make bin
+      slot_bins[slot] = ++bin;
+      b->origin = accum; // origin of bin = total # of elements
+      b->base = num_values;
+      b->count = 0;
+      b->minimum = minimum + slot_size * slot;
+      b->maximum = minimum + slot_size * (slot + 1);
+      while (accum2 > next)
+	next = get_quantile(++quant);
+      num_values += count;
+    }
+    accum = accum2;
+  }
+  num_bins = bin; 
+static void fill_bins(int n, double *data)
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+    int j, bin;
+    struct bin *b;
+    // todo nan
+    j = get_slot(data[i]);
+    if (!slot_bins[j])
+      continue;
+    bin = slot_bins[j] - 1;
+    b = &bins[bin];
+    values[b->base + b->count++] = data[i];
+  }
+  //G_percent(i, n, 2);
+static int compare(const void *aa, const void *bb)
+    double a = *(const double *)aa;
+    double b = *(const double *)bb;
+    if (a < b)
+	return -1;
+    if (a > b)
+	return 1;
+    return 0;
+static void sort_bins(void)
+    int bin;
+    for (bin = 0; bin < num_bins; bin++) {
+	struct bin *b = &bins[bin];
+	qsort(&values[b->base], b->count, sizeof(double), compare);
+	//G_percent(bin, num_bins, 2);
+    }
+    //G_percent(bin, num_bins, 2);
+static void compute_quantiles(int recode, double *quantile, struct write *report)
+    int bin = 0;
+    double prev_v = minimum;
+    int quant;
+    for (quant = 0; quant < num_quants; quant++) {
+	struct bin *b;
+	double next = get_quantile(quant);
+	double k, v;
+	int i0, i1;
+	for (; bin < num_bins; bin++) {
+	  b = &bins[bin];
+	  if (b->origin + b->count >= next)
+	    break;
+	}
+	if (bin < num_bins) {
+	    k = next - b->origin;
+	    i0 = (int)floor(k);
+	    i1 = (int)ceil(k);
+	    if (i1 > b->count - 1)
+		i1 = b->count - 1;
+	    v = (i0 == i1)
+		? values[b->base + i0]
+		: values[b->base + i0] * (i1 - k) +
+		  values[b->base + i1] * (k - i0);
+	}
+	else
+	    v = maximum;
+	*quantile = v;
+	prev_v = v;
+	if (report != NULL && report->write2file == TRUE)
+	  fprintf(report->fp, "%f:%f:%f\n", prev_v, v, quants[quant]);
+    }
+double quantile(double q, int n, double *data, struct write *report)
+  int i, recode=FALSE;
+  double quantile;
+  num_slots = 1000000; // # of slots
+  num_quants = 1;
+  quants = (double *) G_malloc(num_quants * sizeof(double));
+  quants[0] = q; // compute quantile for 0.05
+  // initialize list of slots
+  slots = (unsigned int *) G_calloc(num_slots, sizeof(unsigned int));
+  slot_bins = (unsigned short *) G_calloc(num_slots, sizeof(unsigned short));
+  // get min and max of the data
+  minimum = data[0];
+  maximum = data[0];
+  for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
+    minimum = MIN(data[i], minimum);
+    maximum = MAX(data[i], maximum);      
+  }
+  slot_size = (maximum - minimum) / num_slots;
+  get_slot_counts(n, data); // # of data in each slot 
+  bins = (struct bin *) G_calloc(num_quants, sizeof(struct bin));
+  initialize_bins();
+  G_free(slots);
+  values = (double *) G_calloc(num_values, sizeof(double));
+  fill_bins(n, data);
+  G_free(slot_bins);
+  sort_bins();
+  compute_quantiles(recode, &quantile, report);
+  return quantile;

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.kriging/stat.c
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.kriging/stat.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.kriging/stat.c	2015-06-20 11:32:18 UTC (rev 65504)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#include "local_proto.h"
+void test_normality(int n, double *data, struct write *report)
+  int i;
+  double *elm;
+  double sum_data = 0.;
+  double res;
+  double sum_res2, sum_res3, sum_res4;
+  double tmp;
+  double mean, skewness, kurtosis;
+  double limit5, limit1;
+  // compute mean
+  elm = &data[0];
+  for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
+    sum_data += *elm;
+    elm++;
+  }
+  mean = sum_data / n;
+  // compute skewness and curtosis
+  elm = &data[0];
+  sum_res2 = sum_res3 = sum_res4 = 0.;
+  for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
+    res = *elm - mean;
+    sum_res2 += SQUARE(res);
+    sum_res3 += POW3(res);
+    sum_res4 += POW4(res);
+    elm++;
+  }
+  tmp = sum_res2 / (n-1);
+  skewness = (sum_res3 / (n-1)) / sqrt(POW3(tmp)); 
+  kurtosis = (sum_res4 / (n-1)) / SQUARE(tmp) - 3.;
+  // expected RMSE
+  limit5 = sqrt(6./n);
+  limit1 = sqrt(24./n);
+  fprintf(report->fp,"\n");
+  fprintf(report->fp,"Test of normality\n");
+  fprintf(report->fp,"-----------------\n");
+  fprintf(report->fp,"Test statistics | Value\n");
+  fprintf(report->fp,"skewness | %f\n", skewness);
+  fprintf(report->fp,"kurtosis | %f\n", kurtosis);
+  fprintf(report->fp,"\n");
+  fprintf(report->fp,"Level of confidence | Critical value\n");
+  fprintf(report->fp," 0.05 | %f\n", limit5);
+  fprintf(report->fp," 0.01 | %f\n", limit1);
+  fprintf(report->fp,"-----------------\n\n");

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.kriging/utils.c
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.kriging/utils.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.kriging/utils.c	2015-06-20 11:32:18 UTC (rev 65504)
@@ -0,0 +1,852 @@
+#include "local_proto.h"
+#define GNUPLOT "gnuplot -persist"
+int cmpVals(const void *v1, const void *v2)
+  {
+    int *p1, *p2;
+    p1 = (int *)v1;
+    p2 = (int *)v2;
+    if (p1[0] > p2[0])
+      return 1;
+    else if (p1[0] < p2[0])
+      return -1;
+    else
+      return 0;
+  }
+void correct_indices(int i3, struct ilist *list, double *r0, struct points *pnts, struct parameters *var_pars)
+  int i;
+  int n = list->n_values;
+  int *vals = list->value;
+  double *pnt = pnts->r;
+  int type = var_pars->type;
+  double sqDist = type == 2 ? SQUARE(var_pars->horizontal.max_dist) : SQUARE(var_pars->max_dist);
+  int n_new = 0;
+  int *newvals;
+  newvals = (int *) G_malloc(n * sizeof(int));
+  double *r;
+  for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
+    *vals -= 1;
+    r = &pnt[3 * *vals];
+    if (type != 2 && SQUARE(*r - *r0) + SQUARE(*(r+1) - *(r0+1)) + SQUARE(*(r+2) - *(r0+2)) <= sqDist) { 
+      *newvals = *vals;
+      n_new++;
+      newvals++;
+    }
+    vals++;
+  }
+  if (type != 2 && n_new < n) {
+    list->n_values = n_new;
+    G_realloc(list->value, n_new);
+    G_realloc(newvals, n_new);
+    memcpy(list->value, newvals, n_new * sizeof(int)); 
+  }
+// make coordinate triples xyz
+void triple(double x, double y, double z, double *triple)
+  double *t;
+  t = &triple[0];
+  *t = x;
+  *(t+1) = y;
+  *(t+2) = z;
+// compute coordinate differences
+void coord_diff(int i, int j, double *r, double *dr)
+  int k = 3*i, l = 3*j;
+  double *rk, *rl, zi, zj, *drt;
+  rk = &r[k];
+  rl = &r[l];
+  drt = &dr[0];
+  if ((*rk == 0.) && (*(rk+1) == 0.) && (*(rk+2) == 0.)) {
+    G_fatal_error(_("Coordinates of point no. %d are zeros."),i);
+  }
+  *drt = *rl - *rk; // dx
+  *(drt+1) = *(rl+1) - *(rk+1); // dy
+  *(drt+2) = *(rl+2) - *(rk+2); // dz
+// compute horizontal radius from coordinate differences
+double radius_hz_diff(double *dr)
+  double rds;
+  rds = SQUARE(dr[0]) + SQUARE(dr[1]);
+  return rds;
+// compute zenith angle
+double zenith_angle(double dr[3])
+  double zenith;
+  zenith = atan2(dr[2], sqrt(SQUARE(dr[0]) + SQUARE(dr[1])));
+  return zenith;
+// compute size of the lag
+double lag_size(int direction, struct int_par *xD, struct points *pnts, struct parameters *var_pars, struct write *report)
+  // local variables
+  int n = pnts->n;                             // # of input points
+  double *r = pnts->r;                         // xyz of input points
+  int fction = var_pars->function;
+  int type = var_pars->type;
+  double max_dist = type == 2 ? var_pars->horizontal.max_dist : var_pars->max_dist; // maximum horizontal distance (or vertical for vertical variogram)
+  double max_dist_vert = type == 2 ? var_pars->vertical.max_dist : var_pars->max_dist; // maximum vertical distance (just for bivariate variogram)
+  int i, j, k;                     // loop indices
+  int n_vals;                      // number of the nearest neighbors (NN)
+  int *j_vals;                     // indices of NN (NOT sorted by distance)
+  struct ilist *list;              // list of NN
+  double dr[3];                    // coordinate differences
+  double d_min = SQUARE(max_dist) + SQUARE(max_dist_vert); // the shortest distance of the 5%-th NN
+  double lagNN;                    // square root of d_min -> lag
+  double dist2;                    // square of the distances between search point and NN
+  int perc5;                       // 5% from total number of NN
+  int add_ident;                   // number of identical points to add to perc5
+  for (i=0; i < n; i++) { // for each input point...
+    add_ident = 0;        // number of points identical to search point equals to zero
+    switch (direction) {
+    case 12: // horizontal variogram
+      list = find_NNs_within(2, i, pnts, max_dist, -1); 
+      break;
+    case 3: // vertical variogram
+      list = find_NNs_within(1, i, pnts, max_dist, max_dist_vert);    
+      break;
+    default: // anisotropic and bivariate variogram  
+      list = find_NNs_within(3, i, pnts, max_dist, max_dist_vert);   
+      break;
+    }
+    n_vals = list->n_values;                 // number of overlapping rectangles
+    // find number of points identical to the search point
+    if (n_vals > 0) { 
+      j_vals = &list->value[0];              // indices of overlapping rectangles (note: increased by 1)
+      for (j=0; j < n_vals; j++) { // for each overlapping rectangle:
+	coord_diff(i, (*j_vals-1), pnts->r, dr); // compute coordinate differences
+	switch (direction) {                 // and count those which equal to zero
+	case 12: // horizontal
+	  if (dr[0] == 0. && dr[1] == 0.) {
+	    add_ident++;
+	  }
+	  break;
+	case 3:  // vertical
+	  if (dr[2] == 0.) {
+	    add_ident++;
+	  }
+	  break;
+	default:  // aniso / bivar
+	  if(dr[0] == 0. && dr[1] == 0. && dr[2] == 0.) {
+	    add_ident++;
+	  }
+	  break;
+	} // end switch: test direction
+	j_vals++; // index of the next NN
+      } // end j for loop
+    } //end if: n_vals > 0
+    else {
+      if (report->write2file == TRUE) { // close report file
+	fprintf(report->fp, "Error (see standard output). Process killed...");
+	fclose(report->fp);
+      }
+      G_fatal_error(_("Error: There are no nearest neighbours of point %d..."), i);
+    } // end error
+    perc5 = (int) round(0.05 * n) + add_ident; // set up 5% increased by number of identical points
+    coord_diff(i, perc5, pnts->r, dr); // coordinate differences of search point and 5%th NN      
+    switch (direction) {               // compute squared distance for particular direction
+    case 12: // horizontal
+      dist2 = SQUARE(dr[0]) + SQUARE(dr[1]);
+      break;
+    case 3:  // vertical
+      dist2 = SQUARE(dr[2]);
+      break;
+    default:  // aniso / bivar
+      dist2 = SQUARE(dr[0]) + SQUARE(dr[1]) + SQUARE(dr[2]);
+      break;
+    }
+    if (dist2 != 0.) { // and compare it with minimum distance between search point and 5% NN
+      d_min = MIN(d_min, dist2);  
+    }  
+    r += 3; // go to next search point  
+  } // end i for loop: distance of i-th search pt and 5%-th NN 
+  G_free_ilist(list); // free list memory 
+  lagNN = sqrt(d_min);
+  return lagNN;
+double linear(double x, double a, double b)
+  double y;
+  y = a * x + b;
+  return y;
+double exponential(double x, double nugget, double part_sill, double h_range)
+  double y;
+  y = nugget + part_sill * (1. - exp(- 3. * x/h_range)); // practical
+  return y; 
+double spherical(double x, double a, double b, double c)
+  double y;
+  double ratio;
+  if (x < c) {
+    ratio = x / c;
+    y = a + b * (1.5 * ratio - 0.5 * POW3(ratio));
+  }
+  else
+    y = a + b;
+  return y;
+double gaussian(double x, double a, double b, double c)
+  double y;
+  double c2 = SQUARE(c);
+  double ratio;
+  ratio = x / c2;
+  y = a + b * (1 - exp(-3. * ratio));
+  return y;
+// compute # of lags
+int lag_number(double lag, double *varpar_max)
+  int n; // number of lags
+  n = (int) round(*varpar_max / lag); // compute number of lags
+  *varpar_max = n * lag; // set up modified maximum distance (to not have empty lags)
+  return n;
+// maximal horizontal and vertical distance to restrict variogram computing
+void variogram_restricts(struct int_par *xD, struct points *pnts, struct parameters *var_pars)
+  int n = pnts->n;       // # of points
+  double *r = pnts->r;   // xyz of points
+  struct write *report = &xD->report;
+  int i;
+  double *min, *max;     // extend
+  double dr[3];          // coordinate differences
+  double h_maxG;         // modify maximum distance (to not have empty lags)
+  int dimension;         // dimension: hz / vert / aniso
+  char type[12];
+  variogram_type(var_pars->type, type); // set up: 0 - "hz", 1 - "vert", 2 - "bivar", 3 - "aniso"
+  // Find extent
+  G_message(_("Computing %s variogram properties..."), type);
+  min = &pnts->r_min[0]; // set up pointer to minimum xyz
+  max = &pnts->r_max[0]; // set up pointer to maximum xyz
+  dr[0] = *max - *min;         // x range
+  dr[1] = *(max+1) - *(min+1); // y range
+  dr[2] = *(max+2) - *(min+2); // z range
+  switch (var_pars->type) {
+  case 1: // vertical variogram
+    var_pars->max_dist = dr[2]; // zmax - zmin
+    var_pars->radius = SQUARE(var_pars->max_dist); // anisotropic distance (todo: try also dz)
+    break;
+  default:
+    var_pars->radius = radius_hz_diff(dr) / 9.;   // horizontal radius (1/9)
+    var_pars->max_dist = sqrt(var_pars->radius);   // 1/3 max horizontal dist (Surfer, Golden SW)
+    break;
+  }
+  if (report->write2file == TRUE) { // report name available:
+    write2file_varSetsIntro(var_pars->type, report); // describe properties
+  }
+  // set up code according to type
+  switch (var_pars->type) {
+  case 0: // horizontal
+    dimension = 12;
+    break;
+  case 1: // vertical
+    dimension = 3;
+    break;
+  case 3: // anisotropic
+    dimension = 0;
+    break;
+  }
+  if (var_pars->type == 2) { // bivariate variogram
+    // horizontal direction: 
+    var_pars->lag = lag_size(12, xD, pnts, var_pars, report);  // lag distance
+    var_pars->nLag = lag_number(var_pars->lag, &var_pars->max_dist); // number of lags
+    var_pars->max_dist = var_pars->nLag * var_pars->lag;             // maximum distance
+    // vertical direction
+    var_pars->lag_vert = lag_size(3, xD, pnts, var_pars, report);             // lag distance
+    var_pars->nLag_vert = lag_number(var_pars->lag_vert, &var_pars->max_dist_vert); // # of lags
+    var_pars->max_dist_vert = var_pars->nLag_vert * var_pars->lag_vert;             // max distance
+  }
+  else { // univariate variograms (hz / vert / aniso)
+    var_pars->lag = lag_size(dimension, xD, pnts, var_pars, report); // lag size
+    var_pars->nLag = lag_number(var_pars->lag, &var_pars->max_dist);   // # of lags
+    var_pars->max_dist = var_pars->nLag * var_pars->lag;               // maximum distance
+  }
+  if (report->write2file == TRUE) { // report name available:
+    write2file_varSets(report, var_pars); // describe properties
+  }
+void geometric_anisotropy(struct int_par *xD, struct points *pnts)
+  int i;
+  double ratio = xD->aniso_ratio;
+  if (ratio <= 0.) { // ratio is negative or zero:
+    if (xD->report.name) { // close report file
+      fprintf(xD->report.fp, "Error (see standard output). Process killed...");
+      fclose(xD->report.fp);
+    }
+    G_fatal_error(_("Anisotropy ratio must be greater than zero..."));
+  }
+  double *r;
+  r = &pnts->r[0];
+  struct RTree *R_tree;         // spatial index for input
+  struct RTree_Rect *rect;
+  R_tree = RTreeCreateTree(-1, 0, 3); // create 3D spatial index
+  for (i=0; i < pnts->n; i++) {
+    *(r+2) = ratio * *(r+2);
+    rect = RTreeAllocRect(R_tree);
+    RTreeSetRect3D(rect, R_tree, *r, *r, *(r+1), *(r+1), *(r+2), *(r+2));
+    RTreeInsertRect(rect, i+1, R_tree);
+    r += 3;
+  }
+  pnts->R_tree = R_tree;
+// Least Squares Method
+mat_struct *LSM(mat_struct *A, mat_struct *x)
+  int i, nr, nc;
+  mat_struct *AT, *ATA, *ATA_Inv, *ATx, *T;
+  /* A[nr x nc] */
+  nr = A->rows;
+  nc = A->cols;
+  /* LMS */
+  AT = G_matrix_transpose(A);	/* Transposed design matrix */
+  ATA = G_matrix_product(AT, A);	/* AT*A */
+  ATA_Inv = G_matrix_inverse(ATA);	/* (AT*A)^-1 */
+  ATx = G_matrix_product(AT, x);	/* AT*x */
+  T = G_matrix_product(ATA_Inv, ATx);	/* theta = (AT*A)^(-1)*AT*x */
+  return T;
+// set up type of function according to GUI (user)
+int set_function(char *variogram, struct write *report)
+  int function;
+  if (strcmp(variogram, "linear") == 0) {
+    function = 0;
+  }
+  else if (strcmp(variogram, "parabolic") == 0) {
+    function = 1;
+  }
+  else if (strcmp(variogram, "exponential") == 0) {
+    function = 2;
+  }
+  else if (strcmp(variogram, "spherical") == 0) {
+    function = 3;
+  }
+  else if (strcmp(variogram, "gaussian") == 0) {
+    function = 4;
+  }
+  else if (strcmp(variogram, "bivariate") == 0) {
+    function = 5;
+  }
+  else {
+    if (report->write2file == TRUE) { // close report file
+      fprintf(report->fp, "Error (see standard output). Process killed...");
+      fclose(report->fp);
+    }
+    G_fatal_error(_("Set up correct name of variogram function..."));
+  }
+  return function;
+// set up terminal and format of output plot
+void set_gnuplot(char *fileformat, struct parameters *var_pars)
+  if (strcmp(fileformat,"cdr") == 0) {
+    strcpy(var_pars->term, "corel");
+    strcpy(var_pars->ext, "cdr");
+  }
+  if (strcmp(fileformat,"dxf") == 0) {
+    strcpy(var_pars->term, "dxf");
+    strcpy(var_pars->ext, "dxf");
+  }
+  if (strcmp(fileformat,"eps") == 0) {
+    strcpy(var_pars->term, "postscript");
+    strcpy(var_pars->ext, "eps");
+  }
+  if (strcmp(fileformat,"pdf") == 0) {
+    strcpy(var_pars->term, "pdfcairo");
+    strcpy(var_pars->ext, "pdf");
+  }
+  if (strcmp(fileformat,"png") == 0) {
+    strcpy(var_pars->term, "png");
+    strcpy(var_pars->ext, "png");
+  }
+  if (strcmp(fileformat,"svg") == 0) {
+    strcpy(var_pars->term, "svg");
+    strcpy(var_pars->ext, "svg");
+  } 
+// plot experimental variogram
+void plot_experimental_variogram(struct int_par *xD, struct parameters *var_par)
+  int bivar = var_par->type == 2 ? TRUE : FALSE;
+  int i, j;             // indices
+  int nr, nc;           // # of rows, cols
+  double *h;            // pointer to horizontal or anisotropic bins
+  double *vert;
+  mat_struct *gamma_M = var_par->gamma;      // pointer to gamma matrix
+  FILE *gp;             // pointer to file
+  nr = gamma_M->rows; // # of rows of gamma matrix
+  nc = gamma_M->cols; // # of cols of gamma matrix
+  double *gamma;
+  gamma = &gamma_M->vals[0]; // values of gamma matrix
+  gp = fopen("dataE.dat","w"); // open file to write experimental variogram
+  if (access("dataE.dat", W_OK) < 0) {
+    G_fatal_error(_("Something went wrong opening tmp file..."));
+  }
+  /* 3D experimental variogram */  
+  if (bivar == TRUE) {
+    vert = &var_par->vertical.h[0];
+    for (i=0; i < nc+1; i++) {   // for each row (nZ)
+      h = &var_par->horizontal.h[0];
+      for (j=0; j < nr+1; j++) { // for each col (nL)
+	if (i == 0 && j == 0) {
+	  fprintf(gp, "%d ", nr); // write to file count of columns
+	}
+	else if (i == 0 && j != 0) { // 1st row
+	  fprintf(gp, "%f", *h); // write h to 1st row of the file
+	  h++;
+	  if (j < nr) {
+	    fprintf(gp, " "); // spaces between elements
+	  }	  
+	} // end 1st row setting
+	else {
+	  if (j == 0 && i != 0) // 1st column
+	    fprintf(gp, "%f ", *vert);// write vert to 1st column of the file
+	  else {
+	    if (isnan(*gamma)) {
+	      fprintf(gp, "NaN"); // write other elements
+	    }
+	    else {
+	      fprintf(gp, "%f", *gamma); // write other elements
+	    }
+	    if (j != nr) {
+	      fprintf(gp, " "); // spaces between elements
+	    }
+	    gamma++;
+	  }
+	} // end columns settings
+      } // end j
+      fprintf(gp, "\n");
+      if (i!=0) { // vert must not increase in the 1st loop 
+      	vert++;
+      }
+    } // end i
+  } // end 3D
+  /* 2D experimental variogram */
+  else {
+    h = &var_par->h[0];
+    for (i=0; i < nr; ++i) {
+      if (isnan(*gamma)) {
+	fprintf(gp, "%f NaN\n", *h);
+      }
+      else {
+	fprintf(gp, "%f %f\n", *h, *gamma);
+      }
+      h++;
+      gamma++;
+    }
+  }    
+  fclose(gp);
+  gp = popen(GNUPLOT, "w"); /* open file to create plots */
+  if (gp == NULL)
+    G_message("Unable to plot variogram");
+  fprintf(gp, "set terminal wxt %d size 800,450\n", var_par->type);
+  if (bivar == TRUE) { // bivariate variogram
+    fprintf(gp, "set title \"Experimental variogram (3D) of <%s>\"\n", var_par->name);
+    fprintf(gp, "set xlabel \"h interval No\"\n");
+    fprintf(gp, "set ylabel \"dz interval No\"\n");
+    fprintf(gp, "set zlabel \"gamma(h,dz) [units^2]\" rotate by 90 left\n");
+    fprintf(gp, "set key below\n");
+    fprintf(gp, "set key box\n");
+    fprintf(gp, "set dgrid3d %d,%d\n", nc, nr);
+    fprintf(gp, "splot 'dataE.dat' every ::1:1 matrix title \"experimental variogram\"\n");
+  }
+  else { // univariate variogram
+    char dim[6], dist[2];
+    if (xD->i3 == TRUE) { // 3D
+      if (var_par->type == 0) {
+	strcpy(dim,"hz");
+      }
+      if (var_par->type == 1) {
+	strcpy(dim, "vert");
+      }
+      if (var_par->type == 3) {
+	strcpy(dim, "aniso");
+      }
+      fprintf(gp, "set title \"Experimental variogram (3D %s) of <%s>\"\n", dim, var_par->name);
+    }
+    else { // 2D  
+      fprintf(gp, "set title \"Experimental variogram (2D) of <%s>\"\n", var_par->name);
+    }
+    fprintf(gp, "set xlabel \"h [m]\"\n");
+    fprintf(gp, "set ylabel \"gamma(h) [units^2]\"\n");
+    fprintf(gp, "set key bottom right\n");
+    fprintf(gp, "set key box\n");
+    fprintf(gp, "plot 'dataE.dat' using 1:2 title \"experimental variogram\" pointtype 5\n");
+  }
+  fclose(gp);
+// plot experimental and theoretical variogram
+void plot_var(int i3, int bivar, struct parameters *var_pars)
+  int function, func_h, func_v;
+  double nugget, nugget_h, nugget_v;
+  double sill, sill_h, sill_v;
+  double h_range, h_range_h, h_range_v;
+  double *T;
+  // setup theoretical variogram parameters
+  switch (bivar) {
+  case FALSE: // univariate variogram
+    function = var_pars->function;
+    if (function > 0) { // nonlinear variogram
+      nugget = var_pars->nugget;
+      sill = var_pars->sill - nugget;
+      h_range = var_pars->h_range;
+    }   
+    else {
+      T = &var_pars->T->vals[0];
+    } 
+    break;
+  case TRUE:  // bivariate variogram
+    if (var_pars->function != 5) {
+      func_h = var_pars->horizontal.function;
+      func_v = var_pars->vertical.function;
+      nugget_h = var_pars->horizontal.nugget;
+      sill_h = var_pars->horizontal.sill - nugget_h;
+      h_range_h = var_pars->horizontal.h_range;
+      nugget_v = var_pars->vertical.nugget;
+      sill_v = var_pars->vertical.sill - nugget_v;
+      h_range_v = var_pars->vertical.h_range;
+    }
+    else {
+      T = &var_pars->T->vals[0];
+    } 
+    break;
+  }
+  int i, j;     // indices
+  int nr, nc;   // # of rows, cols
+  int type = var_pars->type;
+  double *h;    // pointer to horizontal or anisotropic bins
+  double *vert; // pointer to vertical bins
+  double h_ratio;
+  double g_teor;
+  double *gamma_var; // pointer to gamma matrix
+  FILE *gp; // pointer to file  
+  nr = var_pars->gamma->rows; // # of rows of gamma matrix
+  nc = var_pars->gamma->cols; // # of cols of gamma matrix
+  gamma_var = &var_pars->gamma->vals[0]; // values of gamma matrix
+  if (type != 2) { // univariate variogram
+    gp = fopen("dataE.dat","w"); // open file to write experimental variogram
+    if (access("dataE.dat", W_OK) < 0) {
+    G_fatal_error(_("Something went wrong opening tmp file..."));
+  }
+    if (gp == NULL) {
+      G_fatal_error(_("Error writing file"));
+    }
+    h = &var_pars->h[0];
+    for (i=0; i < nr; i++) {
+      if (isnan(*gamma_var)) {
+	fprintf(gp, "%f NaN\n", *h); // write other elements
+      }
+      else {
+	fprintf(gp, "%f %f\n", *h, *gamma_var);
+      }
+      h++;
+      gamma_var++;
+    }  
+  }
+  else { // bivariate variogram
+    gp = fopen("dataE.dat","r"); // open file to read experimental variogram
+    if (access("dataE.dat", F_OK) < 0) {
+      G_fatal_error(_("You have probably deleted dataE.dat - process middle phase again, please."));
+    }
+  }
+  if (fclose(gp) != 0) {
+    G_fatal_error(_("Error closing file..."));
+  }
+  /* Theoretical variogram */
+  gp = fopen("dataT.dat","w"); // open file to write theoretical variogram
+  if (access("dataT.dat", W_OK) < 0) {
+    G_fatal_error(_("Something went wrong opening tmp file..."));
+  }
+  double dd;
+  double hh;
+  double hv[2];
+  h = type == 2 ? &var_pars->horizontal.h[0] : &var_pars->h[0];  
+  // Compute theoretical variogram
+  switch (bivar) {
+  case 0: // Univariate variogram:
+    for (i=0; i <= nr; i++) {
+      hh = i==0 ? 0. : *h;
+      switch (function) {
+      case 0: // linear
+	dd = *T * hh + *(T+1);	
+	break;
+      case 1: // parabolic
+	dd = *T * SQUARE(hh) + *(T+1);
+	break;
+      case 2: // exponential
+	dd = nugget + sill * (1 - exp(- 3. * hh/h_range)); // practical
+	break;
+      case 3: // spherical
+	if (hh < h_range) {
+	  h_ratio = hh / h_range;
+	  dd = nugget + sill * (1.5 * h_ratio - 0.5 * POW3(h_ratio));
+	}
+	else {
+	  dd = sill + nugget;
+	}
+	break;
+      case 4: // Gaussian
+	h_ratio = SQUARE(hh) / SQUARE(h_range);
+	dd = nugget + sill * (1 - exp(-3. * h_ratio));
+	break;
+      }
+      fprintf(gp, "%f %f\n", hh, dd);
+      if (i > 0) {
+	h++;
+      }
+    } // end i for cycle
+    break;
+  case 1: // bivariate (3D) 
+    // Coefficients of theoretical variogram
+    T = &var_pars->T->vals[0]; // values 
+    vert = &var_pars->vertical.h[0];
+    for (i=0; i < nc+1; i++) {   // for each row
+      h = &var_pars->horizontal.h[0];
+      for (j=0; j < nr+1; j++) { // for each col
+	if (i == 0 && j == 0) {  // the 0-th element...
+	  fprintf(gp, "%d ", nr); // ... is number of columns
+	}
+	else if (i == 0 && j != 0) { // for the other elements in 1st row...
+	  fprintf(gp, "%f", *h); // ... write h
+	  if (j < nr) {
+	    fprintf(gp, " "); // ... write a space
+	  }
+	  h++; // go to next h
+	}
+	else { // other rows
+	  if (j == 0 && i != 0)  {// write vert to 1st column
+	    fprintf(gp, "%f ", *vert);
+	  }
+	  else { // fill the other columns with g_teor
+	    hv[0] = *h;
+	    hv[1] = *vert;
+	    g_teor = variogram_fction(var_pars, hv);
+	    fprintf(gp, "%f", g_teor);
+	    if (j != nr) {
+	      fprintf(gp, " ");
+	    }
+	    h++;
+	  } // end else: fill the other columns
+	} // end fill the other rows
+      } //end j
+      if (i != 0 && j != 0) {
+	vert++;
+      }
+      fprintf(gp, "\n");
+    } //end i
+    break;
+  }
+  if (fclose(gp) == EOF) {
+    G_fatal_error(_("Error closing file..."));
+  }
+  gp = popen(GNUPLOT, "w"); // open file to create plots 
+  if (gp == NULL) {
+    G_message(_("Unable to plot variogram"));
+  }
+  if (strcmp(var_pars->term," ") != 0) {
+    fprintf(gp, "set terminal %s size 750,450\n", var_pars->term);
+    switch (var_pars->type) {
+    case 0: // horizontal component of bivariate variogram
+      if (var_pars->function == 5) { // component of 3D bivariate
+	fprintf(gp, "set output \"variogram_bivar.%s\"\n", var_pars->ext);
+      }
+      else { // horizontal variogram
+	fprintf(gp, "set output \"variogram_hz.%s\"\n", var_pars->ext);
+      }
+      break;
+    case 1: // vertical variogram
+      fprintf(gp, "set output \"variogram_vertical.%s\"\n", var_pars->ext);
+      break;
+    case 2: // bivariate variogram
+      if (bivar == TRUE) {
+	fprintf(gp, "set output \"variogram_bivariate.%s\"\n", var_pars->ext);
+      }
+      break;
+    case 3: // anisotropic variogram
+      fprintf(gp, "set output \"variogram_final.%s\"\n", var_pars->ext);
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    G_warning("\nVariogram output> If you wish some special file format, please set it at the beginning.\n");
+    fprintf(gp, "set terminal wxt %d size 800,450\n", var_pars->type);
+  }
+  if (bivar == TRUE) { // bivariate variogram
+    fprintf(gp, "set title \"Experimental and theoretical variogram (3D) of <%s>\"\n", var_pars->name);
+    fprintf(gp, "set xlabel \"h interval No\"\n");
+    fprintf(gp, "set ylabel \"dz interval No\"\n");
+    fprintf(gp, "set zlabel \"gamma(h,dz) [units^2]\" rotate by 90 left\n");
+    fprintf(gp, "set key below\n");
+    fprintf(gp, "set key box\n");
+    fprintf(gp, "set dgrid3d %d,%d\n", nc, nr);
+    fprintf(gp, "splot 'dataE.dat' every ::1:1 matrix title \"experimental variogram\", 'dataT.dat' every ::1:1 matrix with lines title \"theoretical variogram\" palette\n");
+  }
+  else { // univariate variogram
+    if (i3 == TRUE) { // 3D
+      if (var_pars->type == 0) { // horizontal variogram
+	fprintf(gp, "set title \"Experimental and theoretical variogram (3D hz) of <%s>\"\n", var_pars->name);
+	//fprintf(gp, "set label \"linear: gamma(h) = %f*h + %f\" at screen 0.30,0.90\n", var_par->T->vals[0], var_par->T->vals[1]);
+      }
+      else if (var_pars->type == 1) { // vertical variogram
+	fprintf(gp, "set title \"Experimental and theoretical variogram (3D vert) of <%s>\"\n", var_pars->name);
+	//fprintf(gp, "set label \"linear: gamma(h) = %f*h + %f\" at screen 0.30,0.90\n", var_par->T->vals[0], var_par->T->vals[1]);
+      }
+      else if (var_pars->type == 3) // anisotropic variogram
+	fprintf(gp, "set title \"Experimental and theoretical variogram (3D) of <%s>\"\n", var_pars->name);
+    }
+    else { // 2D  
+      fprintf(gp, "set title \"Experimental and theoretical variogram (2D) of <%s>\"\n", var_pars->name);
+    }
+    if (var_pars->type == 2) {
+      switch (var_pars->function) {
+      case 0: // linear
+	fprintf(gp, "set label \"linear: gamma(h) = %f*h + %f\" at screen 0.30,0.90\n", var_pars->T->vals[0], var_pars->T->vals[1]);
+	break;
+      case 1: // parabolic
+	fprintf(gp, "set label \"parabolic: gamma(h) = %f*h^2 + %f\" at screen 0.25,0.90\n", var_pars->T->vals[0], var_pars->T->vals[1]);
+	break;
+      case 2: // exponential
+	fprintf(gp, "set rmargin 5\n");
+	fprintf(gp, "set label \"exponential: gamma(h) = %f + %f * (1 - exp(-3*h / %f))\" at screen 0.10,0.90\n", var_pars->nugget, var_pars->sill - var_pars->nugget, var_pars->h_range);
+	break;
+      case 3: // spherical
+	fprintf(gp, "set rmargin 5\n");
+	fprintf(gp, "set label \"spherical: gamma(h) = %f+%f*(1.5*h/%f-0.5*(h/%f)^3)\" at screen 0.05,0.90\n", var_pars->nugget, var_pars->sill - var_pars->nugget, var_pars->h_range, var_pars->h_range);
+	break;
+      case 4: // gaussian
+	fprintf(gp, "set label \"gaussian: gamma(h) = %f + %f * (1 - exp(-3*(h / %f)^2))\" at screen 0.10,0.90\n", var_pars->nugget, var_pars->sill - var_pars->nugget, var_pars->h_range);
+	break;
+      }
+    }
+    fprintf(gp, "set xlabel \"h [m]\"\n");
+    fprintf(gp, "set ylabel \"gamma(h) [units^2]\"\n");
+    fprintf(gp, "set key bottom right\n");
+    fprintf(gp, "set key box\n");
+    fprintf(gp, "plot 'dataE.dat' using 1:2 title \"experimental variogram\" pointtype 5, 'dataT.dat' using 1:2 title \"theoretical variogram\" with linespoints\n");
+  }
+  fclose(gp);
+  remove("dataE.dat");
+  remove("dataT.dat");

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.kriging/utils_kriging.c
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.kriging/utils_kriging.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.kriging/utils_kriging.c	2015-06-20 11:32:18 UTC (rev 65504)
@@ -0,0 +1,686 @@
+#include "local_proto.h"
+ __inline double square(double x)
+  {
+    return x*x;
+  }
+void linear_variogram(struct parameters *var_par, struct write *report)
+  int nZ, nL;                // # of gamma matrix rows and columns
+  int nr, nc;                // # of plan matrix rows and columns
+  int i, j;                  // indices
+  double *h, *vert, *gamma;
+  mat_struct *gR;      
+  nL = var_par->gamma->rows;        // # of cols (horizontal bins)
+  nZ = var_par->gamma->cols;        // # of rows (vertical bins)
+  gamma = &var_par->gamma->vals[0]; // pointer to experimental variogram
+  // Test length of design matrix
+  nr = 0; // # of rows of design matrix A - depend on # of non-nan gammas
+  for (i = 0; i < nZ; i++) {
+    for (j = 0; j < nL; j++) {
+      if (!isnan(*gamma)) { // todo: upgrade: !isnan(*c) L434 too
+	nr++;
+      }
+      gamma++;
+    } // end j
+  } // end i
+  // Number of columns of design matrix A
+  nc = var_par->function == 5 ? 3 : 2; 
+  var_par->A = G_matrix_init(nr, nc, nr); // initialise design matrix
+  gR = G_matrix_init(nr, 1, nr); // initialise vector of observations
+  // Set design matrix A
+  nr = 0;                           // index of matrix row
+  gamma = &var_par->gamma->vals[0]; // pointer to experimental variogram
+  if (var_par->function == 5) {     // in case of bivariate variogram
+    vert = &var_par->vertical.h[0]; // vertical direction
+  }
+  for (i = 0; i < nZ; i++) {
+    h = var_par->function == 5 ? &var_par->horizontal.h[0] : &var_par->h[0];
+    for (j = 0; j < nL; j++) {
+      if (!isnan(*gamma)) { // write to matrix - each valid element of gamma
+	switch (var_par->function) { // function of theoretical variogram
+	case 5: // bivariate planar
+	  G_matrix_set_element(var_par->A, nr, 0, *h);
+	  G_matrix_set_element(var_par->A, nr, 1, *vert);
+	  G_matrix_set_element(var_par->A, nr, 2, 1.);
+	  G_matrix_set_element(gR, nr, 0, *gamma);
+	  break;
+	default:
+	  G_matrix_set_element(var_par->A, nr, 0, *h);
+	  G_matrix_set_element(var_par->A, nr, 1, 1.);
+	  G_matrix_set_element(gR, nr, 0, *gamma);
+	  break;
+	} // end switch variogram fuction
+	nr++; // length of vector of valid elements (not null)		
+      } // end test if !isnan(*gamma)
+      h++;
+      gamma++;
+    } // end j
+    if (var_par->function == 5) {
+      vert++;
+    }
+  } // end i
+ end_loop:
+  // Estimate theoretical variogram coefficients 
+  var_par->T = LSM(var_par->A, gR); // Least Square Method
+  // Test of theoretical variogram estimation 
+  if (var_par->T->vals == NULL) { // NULL values of theoretical variogram
+    if (report->write2file == TRUE) { // close report file
+      fprintf(report->fp, "Error (see standard output). Process killed...");
+      fclose(report->fp);
+    }
+    G_fatal_error("Unable to compute 3D theoretical variogram..."); 
+  } // error
+  // constant raster
+  if (var_par->T->vals[0] == 0. && var_par->T->vals[1] == 0.) { //to do: otestuj pre 2d
+    var_par->const_val = 1;
+    G_message(_("Input values to be interpolated are constant."));
+  } // todo: cnstant raster for exponential etc.
+  // coefficients of theoretical variogram (linear)
+  if (report->name) {
+    fprintf(report->fp, "Parameters of bivariate variogram:\n");
+    fprintf(report->fp, "Function: linear\n\n");
+    fprintf(report->fp, "gamma(h, vert) = %f * h + %f * vert + %f\n", var_par->T->vals[0], var_par->T->vals[1], var_par->T->vals[2]);
+  }
+double bivar_sill(int direction, mat_struct *gamma)
+  int i, j, k;
+  int n;                 // # of lags
+  int n_gamma = 0;       // # of real gammas
+  double gamma_i;        // each real gamma
+  double sum_gamma = 0.; // sum of real gammas
+  double sill;           // variogram sill
+  switch (direction) { // direction is:
+  case 12: // horizontal
+    n = gamma->rows;   // use 1st column of experimental variogram matrix
+    break;
+  case 3: // vertical
+    n = gamma->cols;   // use 1st row of experimental variogram matrix 
+    break;
+  }
+  for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
+    switch (direction) { // direction is:
+    case 12: // horizontal
+      j = i;             // row index is increasing
+      k = 0;             // column index is constant
+      break;
+    case 3: // vertical
+      j = 0;             // row index is constant
+      k = i;             // column index is increasing
+      break;
+    }
+    gamma_i = G_matrix_get_element(gamma, j, k);
+    if (!isnan(gamma_i)) {  // gamma is real:
+      sum_gamma += gamma_i; // sum all real elements of the matrix
+      n_gamma++;            // count them
+    } // end if
+  } // end for
+  sill = sum_gamma / n_gamma;
+  return sill;
+// Compute sill
+void sill(struct parameters *var_par)
+  // Local variables
+  int type = var_par->type;
+  mat_struct *gamma = var_par->gamma;
+  int nrows = gamma->rows;
+  int ncols = gamma->cols;
+  char var_type[12];
+  switch (type) {     
+  case 2: // bivariate variogram
+    var_par->horizontal.sill = bivar_sill(12, gamma);
+    var_par->vertical.sill = bivar_sill(3, gamma);
+    break;
+  default: // hz / vert / aniso variogram
+    var_par->sill = var_par->gamma_sum / var_par->gamma_n; // mean of gamma elements
+    variogram_type(var_par->type, var_type); // describe code by string
+    G_message(_("Default sill of %s variogram: %f"), var_type, var_par->sill);
+    break;
+  } // end switch: variogram type
+// compare sills
+int sill_compare(struct int_par *xD, struct flgs *flg, struct var_par *var_par, struct points *pnts)
+  // local variables
+  double sill_hz = var_par->hz.sill;     // sill in horizontal direction
+  double sill_vert = var_par->vert.sill; // sill in vertical direction
+  double diff_sill_05, diff_sill;
+  diff_sill_05 = sill_hz > sill_vert ? 0.05 * sill_hz : 0.05 * sill_vert; // critical value as 5% from bigger sill
+  diff_sill = fabsf(sill_hz - sill_vert);                                 // difference between the sills
+  if (xD->bivar == TRUE || (!flg->univariate->answer && diff_sill > diff_sill_05)) { // zonal anisotropy
+    var_par->fin.type = 2;                               // code for bivariate variogram
+    var_par->fin.td = var_par->hz.td;                    // azimuth limit
+    var_par->fin.horizontal.max_dist = var_par->hz.max_dist;        // maximum dist in hz direction
+    var_par->fin.horizontal.nLag = var_par->hz.nLag;
+    var_par->fin.horizontal.lag = var_par->hz.lag;
+    var_par->fin.vertical.max_dist = var_par->vert.max_dist; // maximum dist in vert direction
+    var_par->fin.vertical.nLag = var_par->vert.nLag;
+    var_par->fin.vertical.lag = var_par->vert.lag;
+  }
+  else if (xD->univar == TRUE || (!flg->bivariate->answer && diff_sill <= diff_sill_05)) { // geometric anisotropy 
+    var_par->fin.type = 3;                                          // variogram type: anisotropic
+    var_par->fin.max_dist = var_par->hz.max_dist;                   // maximum distance: hz
+    var_par->fin.td = var_par->hz.td;                               // azimuth: hz     
+    xD->aniso_ratio = var_par->hz.h_range / var_par->vert.h_range;  // anisotropic ratio
+    geometric_anisotropy(xD, pnts);                                 // exaggerate z coords and build a new spatial index 
+  }
+// formulation of variogram functions
+double variogram_fction(struct parameters *var_par, double *dr) 
+  // Local variables
+  int i;
+  int variogram = var_par->function; // function of theoretical variogram
+  int type = var_par->type;          // hz / vert / bivar / aniso
+  double nugget;
+  double part_sill;
+  double h_range;
+  double *T;
+  if (type == 2 || var_par->function == 0) { // bivariate variogram: 
+    T = &var_par->T->vals[0]; // coefficients of theoretical variogram
+  }
+  double radius;   // square distance of the point couple
+  double h;
+  double vert;
+  double h_ratio;
+  double teor_var, result = 0.; // estimated value of the theoretical variogram
+  int n_cycles = (type == 2 && var_par->function != 5) ? 2 : 1; // # of cycles (bivariate (not linear) or univariate)
+  for (i=0; i < n_cycles; i++) {
+    if (n_cycles == 2) { // bivariate variogram
+      variogram = i==0 ? var_par->horizontal.function : var_par->vertical.function;
+      h = i==0 ? dr[0] : dr[1];
+      radius = SQUARE(h);
+      nugget = i==0 ? var_par->horizontal.nugget : var_par->vertical.nugget;	
+      part_sill = i==0 ? var_par->horizontal.sill - nugget : var_par->vertical.sill - nugget;
+      h_range = i==0 ? var_par->horizontal.h_range : var_par->vertical.h_range;	
+    }
+    else { // univariate variogram or linear bivariate
+      variogram = var_par->function;
+      if (variogram == 5) {
+	h = dr[0];
+	vert = dr[1];
+      }
+      else { // univariate variogram
+	radius = SQUARE(dr[0]) + SQUARE(dr[1]) + SQUARE(dr[2]); // weighted dz
+	h = sqrt(radius);
+	nugget = var_par->nugget;	
+	part_sill = var_par->sill - nugget;
+	h_range = var_par->h_range;
+      }	
+    }
+    switch (variogram) {
+    case 0: // linear function   
+      teor_var = linear(h, *T, *(T+1));
+      break;
+    case 1: // parabolic function TODO: delete
+      teor_var = *T * radius + *(T+1);
+      break;
+    case 2: // exponential function
+      teor_var = exponential(h, nugget, part_sill, h_range);     
+      break;
+    case 3: // spherical function
+      teor_var = spherical(h, nugget, part_sill, h_range);
+      break;
+    case 4: // Gaussian function
+      teor_var = gaussian(radius, nugget, part_sill, h_range);
+      break;
+    case 5:
+      teor_var = *T * h + *(T+1) * vert + *(T+2);
+      break;
+    } // end switch (variogram)
+    result += teor_var;
+  }
+  if (type == 2 && var_par->function != 5) {
+    result -= 0.5 * (var_par->horizontal.sill - nugget + var_par->vertical.sill - nugget);
+  }
+  return result;
+// compute coordinates of reference point - cell centre
+void cell_centre(unsigned int col, unsigned int row, unsigned int dep, struct int_par *xD, struct reg_par *reg, double *r0, struct parameters *var_par)
+  // Local variables
+  int i3 = xD->i3;
+  r0[0] = reg->west + (col + 0.5) * reg->ew_res;  // x0
+  r0[1] = reg->north - (row + 0.5) * reg->ns_res; // y0
+  if (i3 == TRUE) { // 3D interpolation
+    switch (var_par->function) {
+    case 5: // bivariate variogram
+      r0[2] = reg->bot + (dep + 0.5) * reg->bt_res; // z0
+      break;
+    default: // univariate (anisotropic) function
+      r0[2] = xD->aniso_ratio * (reg->bot + (dep + 0.5) * reg->bt_res); // z0
+      break;
+    } // end switch
+  } // end if
+  else { // 2D interpolation
+    r0[2] = 0.;
+  }
+// set up elements of G matrix
+mat_struct *set_up_G(struct points *pnts, struct parameters *var_par, struct write *report)
+  // Local variables
+  int n = pnts->n;          // # of input points
+  double *r = pnts->r;      // xyz coordinates of input points
+  int type = var_par->type; // hz / vert / aniso / bivar
+  int i, j;                 // indices of matrix rows/cols
+  int  n1 = n+1;            // # of matrix rows/cols
+  double theor_var;         // GM element = theor_var(distance)
+  double *dr;               // dx, dy, dz between point couples
+  mat_struct *GM;           // GM matrix
+  dr = (double *) G_malloc(3 * sizeof(double));
+  GM = G_matrix_init(n1, n1, n1);    // G[n1][n1] matrix
+  doublereal *md, *mu, *ml, *dbu, *dbl, *m1r, *m1c;
+  dbu = &GM->vals[0];       // upper matrix elements
+  dbl = &GM->vals[0];       // lower matrix elements
+  md = &GM->vals[0];        // diagonal matrix elements
+  m1r = &GM->vals[n1-1];    // GM - last matrix row
+  m1c = &GM->vals[n1*n];    // GM - last matrix col
+  // G[n;n]
+  for (i = 0; i < n1; i++) { // for elements in each row
+    dbu += n1;              // new row of the U
+    dbl++;                  // new col of the L
+    mu = dbu;               // 1st element in the new U row
+    ml = dbl;               // 1st element in the new L col
+    for (j = i; j < n1; j++) { // elements in cols of upper matrix
+      if (i != j && i != n && j != n) { // non-diagonal elements except last row/col
+	coord_diff(i, j, r, dr); // compute coordinate differences
+	if (type == 2) { // bivariate variogram
+	  dr[0] = sqrt(radius_hz_diff(dr));
+	  dr[1] = dr[2];
+	}
+	theor_var = variogram_fction(var_par, dr); // compute GM element
+	if (isnan(theor_var)) { // not a number:
+	  if (report->name) {
+	    fprintf(report->fp, "Error (see standard output). Process killed...");
+	    fclose(report->fp);
+	  }
+	  G_fatal_error(_("Theoretical variogram is NAN..."));
+	}
+	*mu = *ml = (doublereal) theor_var; // set the value to the matrix
+	mu += n1; // go to next element in the U row
+	ml++;     // go to next element in the L col
+      } // end non-diagonal elements condition
+    } // end j loop
+    // go to the diagonal element in the next row
+    dbu++;      // U
+    dbl += n1;  // L
+    *md = 0.0; // set diagonal
+    md += n1+1;
+    // Set ones
+    if (i<n1-1) { // all elements except the last one...
+      *m1r = *m1c = 1.0; // ... shall be 1
+      m1r += n1; // go to next col in last row
+      m1c++; // go to next row in last col
+    } // end "last 1" condition
+  } // end i loop
+  free(dr);
+  return GM;
+// make G submatrix for rellevant points
+mat_struct *submatrix(struct ilist *index, mat_struct *GM_all, struct write *report)
+  // Local variables
+  int n = index->n_values;       // # of selected points
+  mat_struct *GM = GM_all;       // whole G matrix
+  int i, j, k, N1 = GM->rows, n1 = n+1, *dinR, *dini, *dinj;
+  doublereal *dbo, *dbx, *dbu, *dbl, *md, *mu, *ml, *m1r, *m1c;
+  mat_struct *sub;               // new submatrix
+  sub = G_matrix_init(n1, n1, n1); 
+  if (sub == NULL) {
+    if (report->name) { // close report file
+      fprintf(report->fp, "Error (see standard output). Process killed...");
+      fclose(report->fp);
+    }
+    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to initialize G-submatrix..."));
+  }
+  // Initialize indexes: GM[0;1]
+  // - cols
+  dini = &index->value[0];  // i   - set processing column
+  // initialize new col
+  dinR = &index->value[1];   // return to first processing row - lower GM
+  dbo = &GM->vals[*dini * N1 + *dinR]; // 1st value in GM_all
+  md = &sub->vals[0];   // GM - diagonal
+  dbu = &sub->vals[n1]; // GM - upper
+  dbl = &sub->vals[1];  // GM - lower
+  m1r = &sub->vals[n1-1]; // GM - last row
+  m1c = &sub->vals[n1*n]; // GM - last col
+  for (i=0; i<=n; i++) { // set up cols of submatrix
+    // original matrix
+    dbx = dbo; // new col in GM_all
+    dinj = dinR;   // orig: inicialize element (row) in (col) - upper matrix
+    // submatrix
+    mu = dbu;  // sub: start new column
+    ml = dbl;  // sub: start new row
+    for (j=i+1; j<n; j++) { // for rows 
+      //submatrix
+      *mu = *ml = *dbx; // general elements
+      mu += n1; // go to element in next column
+      ml++;     // go to element in next row
+      // Original matrix      
+      dinj++; // set next ind
+      dbx += *dinj - *(dinj-1);   
+    } // end j
+    // Original matrix
+    dini++;    // set next ind
+    dbu += n1+1; // new col in GM
+    dbl += n1+1; // new row in GM
+    dinR++;
+    dbo += (*dini - *(dini-1)) * N1 + (*dinR - *(dinR-1));
+    // Set ones     
+    *m1r = *m1c = 1.0;  
+    m1r += n1;  
+    m1c++;
+    // Set diagonals
+    *md = 0.0; 
+    md += n1+1;
+  } // end i
+  return sub;
+// set up g0 vector
+mat_struct *set_up_g0(struct int_par *xD, struct points *pnts, struct ilist *index, double *r0, struct parameters *var_par)
+  // Local variables
+  int i3 = xD->i3;             // interpolation: 2D or 3D
+  int bivar = xD->bivar;       // variogram: uni- or bivariate
+  int type = var_par->type;    // variogram: hz / vert / aniso / bivar 
+  double *r;                   // xyz coordinates of input points
+  int n;                       // # of points (all or selected)
+  int n_ind = index->n_values; // # of selected points
+  int *lind;                   // pointer to indices of selected points
+  if (n_ind == 0) { // no selected points:
+    n = pnts->n;               // use all points
+    r = &pnts->r[0];
+  }
+  else { // any selected points: 
+    n = n_ind;                 // reduce # of input points
+    lind = &index->value[0];
+    r = &pnts->r[*lind * 3]; 
+  }
+  int n1 = n + 1;
+  int i;           // index of elements and length of g0 vector
+  double teor_var; // estimated value based on theoretical variogram and distance of the input points
+  double *dr;      // coordinate differences dx, dy, dz between couples of points
+  mat_struct *g0;  // vector of estimated differences between known and unknown values 
+  dr = (double *) G_malloc(3 * sizeof(double)); // Coordinate differences
+  g0 = G_matrix_init(n1,1,n1);
+  doublereal *g = g0->vals;
+  for (i=0; i<n; i++) { // count of input points
+    // Coord diffs (input points and cell/voxel center)
+    dr[0] = *r - *r0; // dx
+    dr[1] = *(r+1) - *(r0+1); // dy
+    switch (i3) {
+    case FALSE: 
+      // Cell value diffs estimation using linear variogram
+      dr[2] = 0.0; // !!! optimalize - not to be necessary to use this line
+      break;
+    case TRUE:
+      dr[2] = *(r+2) - *(r0+2); // dz
+      break;
+    }
+    if (type == 2) { // bivariate variogram
+      dr[0] = sqrt(radius_hz_diff(dr));
+      dr[1] = dr[2];
+    }
+    *g = variogram_fction(var_par, dr); // compute GM element using theoretical variogram function
+    g++;
+    if (n_ind == 0) { // no selected points:
+      r += 3;         // use each point
+    }
+    else {            // selected points:
+      lind++;         // go to the next index
+      r += 3 * (*lind - *(lind-1)); // use next selected point
+    }
+  } // end i loop
+  // condition: sum of weights = 1
+  *g = 1.0; // g0 [n1x1]
+  return g0;
+// compute result to be located on reference point
+double result(struct points *pnts, struct ilist *index, mat_struct *w0)
+  // local variables
+  int n;                        // # of points
+  double *vo;                   // pointer to input values
+  int n_ind = index->n_values;  // # of selected points
+  int *indo;                    // pointer to indices of selected pt
+  // Setup n depending on NN points selection
+  n = n_ind == 0 ? pnts->n : n_ind;
+  int i;
+  mat_struct *ins, *w, *rslt_OK;
+  doublereal *vt, *wo, *wt;
+  ins = G_matrix_init(n, 1, n); // matrix of selected vals
+  w = G_matrix_init(1, n, 1);   // matrix of selected weights
+  if (n_ind == 0) { // there are no selected points:
+    vo = &pnts->invals[0]; // use all input values
+  }
+  else {            // there are selected points:
+    indo = &index->value[0];        // original indexes
+    vo = &pnts->invals[*indo];  // original input values
+  }
+  wo = &w0->vals[0];    // pointer to weights of input vals
+  vt = &ins->vals[0];   // pointer to selected inputs values
+  wt = &w->vals[0];     // pointer to weights without the last one
+  for (i=0; i<n; i++) { // for each input point:
+    *vt = *vo;          // subval = selected original
+    *wt = *wo;          // sub weight = selected original
+    // go to the next:
+    if (n_ind == 0) { // use all points:
+      vo++;                    // input value
+    }
+    else {            // use selected points:
+      indo++;                  // index of selected point
+      vo += *indo - *(indo-1); // selected input value
+    }
+    vt++;                      // element of value matrix
+    wo++;                      // weight of the value 
+    wt++;                      // element of weight matrix
+  } // end i for loop
+  rslt_OK = G_matrix_product(w,ins); // interpolated value
+  G_matrix_free(w);
+  G_matrix_free(ins);
+  return rslt_OK->vals[0];
+// validation
+void crossvalidation(struct int_par *xD, struct points *pnts, struct parameters *var_par)
+  int n = pnts->n;                     // # of input points
+  double *r = pnts->r;                 // coordinates of points
+  int i3 = xD->i3;
+  double *vals = pnts->invals;         // input values
+  int type = var_par->type;
+  double ratio = type == 3 ? xD->aniso_ratio : 1.;    // anisotropic ratio
+  mat_struct *GM = var_par->GM;        // GM = theor_var(distances)
+  int i, j;
+  int n_vals;
+  int n1;
+  double max_dist = type == 2 ? var_par->horizontal.max_dist : var_par->max_dist;
+  double max_dist_vert = type == 2 ? var_par->vertical.max_dist : var_par->max_dist;
+  struct ilist *list;
+  struct RTree_Rect *r_cell;
+  mat_struct *GM_sub;
+  mat_struct *GM_Inv, *g0, *w0;
+  double rslt_OK;
+  struct write *crossvalid = &xD->crossvalid;
+  struct write *report = &xD->report;
+  double *normal, *absval, *norm, *av;
+  normal = (double *) G_malloc(n * sizeof(double));
+  absval = (double *) G_malloc(n * sizeof(double));
+  norm = &normal[0];
+  av = &absval[0];
+  FILE *fp;
+  if (crossvalid->name) { // CV report file available:
+    fp = fopen(crossvalid->name, "w");
+  }
+  for (i=0; i<n; i++) {   // for each input point [r0]:
+    list = G_new_ilist();                  // create list of overlapping rectangles
+    if (i3 == TRUE) {
+      list = find_NNs_within(3, i, pnts, max_dist, max_dist_vert);
+    }
+    else {
+      list = find_NNs_within(2, i, pnts, max_dist, max_dist_vert);
+    }
+    n_vals = list->n_values;               // # of overlapping rectangles
+    if (n_vals > 0 ) { // if positive:
+      correct_indices(i3, list, r, pnts, var_par);
+      GM_sub = submatrix(list, GM, &xD->report); // create submatrix using indices  
+      GM_Inv = G_matrix_inverse(GM_sub);         // inverse matrix
+      G_matrix_free(GM_sub);
+      g0 = set_up_g0(xD, pnts, list, r, var_par); // Diffs inputs - unknowns (incl. cond. 1)) 
+      w0 = G_matrix_product(GM_Inv, g0); // Vector of weights, condition SUM(w) = 1 in last row
+      G_matrix_free(g0);
+      G_matrix_free(GM_Inv);
+      rslt_OK = result(pnts, list, w0); // Estimated cell/voxel value rslt_OK = w x inputs
+      G_matrix_free(w0);
+      //Create output 
+      *norm = *vals - rslt_OK;          // differences between input and interpolated values
+      *av = fabsf(*norm);               // absolute values of the differences (quantile computation)
+      if (xD->i3 == TRUE) { // 3D interpolation:
+	fprintf(fp,"%d %.3f %.3f %.2f %f %f %f\n", i, *r, *(r+1), *(r+2) / ratio, pnts->invals[i], rslt_OK, *norm);
+      }
+      else { // 2D interpolation:
+	fprintf(fp,"%d %.3f %.3f %f %f %f\n", i, *r, *(r+1), *vals, rslt_OK, *norm);
+      }
+    } // end if: n_vals > 0
+    else { // n_vals == 0:
+      fprintf(fp,"%d. point does not have neighbours in given radius\n", i);
+    }
+    r += 3; // next rectangle
+    vals++;
+    norm++;
+    av++;
+    G_free_ilist(list);     // free list memory
+  } // end i for loop
+  fclose(fp);
+  G_message(_("Cross validation results have been written into <%s>"), crossvalid->name);
+  if (report->name) {
+    double quant05, quant10, quant25, quant50, quant75, quant90, quant95;
+    fprintf(report->fp, "\n************************************************\n");
+    fprintf(report->fp, "*** Cross validation results ***\n");
+    test_normality(n, normal, report);
+    fprintf(report->fp, "Quantile of absolute values\n");
+    quant95 = quantile(0.95, n, absval, report); 
+    //quant90 = quantile(0.90, n, absval, report);
+    //quant75 = quantile(0.75, n, absval, report);
+    //quant50 = quantile(0.50, n, absval, report); 
+    //quant25 = quantile(0.25, n, absval, report);
+    //quant10 = quantile(0.10, n, absval, report);
+    //quant05 = quantile(0.05, n, absval, report);
+  }

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.kriging/utils_raster.c
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.kriging/utils_raster.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.kriging/utils_raster.c	2015-06-20 11:32:18 UTC (rev 65504)
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+#include "local_proto.h"
+/* open raster layer */
+void open_layer(struct int_par *xD, struct reg_par *reg, struct output *out)
+  struct write *report = &xD->report;
+  /* 2D Raster layer */
+  if (xD->i3 == FALSE) {
+    out->dcell = (DCELL *) Rast_allocate_buf(DCELL_TYPE);
+    out->fd_2d = Rast_open_new(out->name, DCELL_TYPE);	/* open output raster */
+    if (out->fd_2d < 0) {
+      if (report->write2file == TRUE) { // close report file
+	fprintf(report->fp, "Error (see standard output). Process killed...");
+	fclose(report->fp);
+      }
+      G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create 2D raster <%s>"), out->name);
+    }
+  }
+  /* 3D Raster layer */
+  if (xD->i3 == TRUE) {
+    out->fd_3d = (RASTER3D_Map *) Rast3d_open_cell_new(out->name, DCELL_TYPE, RASTER3D_USE_CACHE_XYZ, &reg->reg_3d); // initialize pointer to 3D region
+    if (out->fd_3d == NULL) {
+      if (report->write2file == TRUE) { // close report file
+	fprintf(report->fp, "Error (see standard output). Process killed...");
+	fclose(report->fp);
+      }
+      G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create 3D raster <%s>"), out->name);
+    }
+  }
+int write2layer(struct int_par *xD, struct reg_par *reg, struct output *out, unsigned int col, unsigned int row, unsigned int dep, double rslt_OK)
+  // Local variables
+  int i3 = xD->i3;
+  struct write *report = &xD->report;
+  int pass = 0; /* Number of processed cells */
+  switch (i3) {
+  case FALSE: /* set value to cell (2D) */
+    out->dcell[col] = (DCELL) (rslt_OK); 
+    pass++;
+    if (col == reg->ncols-1)
+      Rast_put_row(out->fd_2d, out->dcell, DCELL_TYPE);
+    break;
+  case TRUE: /* set value to voxel (based on part of r3.gwflow (Soeren Gebbert)) */
+    if (Rast3d_put_double(out->fd_3d, col, row, dep, rslt_OK) == 0) {
+      if (report->write2file == TRUE) { // close report file
+	fprintf(report->fp, "Error (see standard output). Process killed...");
+	fclose(report->fp);
+      }
+      G_fatal_error(_("Error writing cell (%d,%d,%d) with value %f, nrows = %d"), row, col, dep, rslt_OK, reg->nrows);
+    }
+    pass++;
+    break;
+  }
+  return pass;

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.kriging/utils_write.c
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.kriging/utils_write.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.kriging/utils_write.c	2015-06-20 11:32:18 UTC (rev 65504)
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+#include "local_proto.h"
+void variogram_type(int code, char *type)
+  switch (code) {
+  case 0:
+    strcpy(type, "horizontal");
+    break;
+  case 1:
+    strcpy(type, "vertical");
+    break;
+  case 2:
+    strcpy(type, "bivariate");
+    break;
+  case 3:
+    strcpy(type, "anisotropic");
+    break;
+  }
+void write2file_basics(struct int_par *xD, struct opts *opt)
+  struct write *report = &xD->report;
+  fprintf(report->fp, "************************************************\n");
+  fprintf(report->fp, "*** Input ***\n\n");
+  fprintf(report->fp, "- vector layer: %s\n", opt->input->answer);
+  switch (xD->v3) {
+  case TRUE:
+    fprintf(report->fp, "- is 3D: yes\n");
+    break;
+  case FALSE:
+    fprintf(report->fp, "- is 3D: no\n");
+    break;
+  }
+  // todo: move to end
+  fprintf(report->fp, "\n");
+  fprintf(report->fp, "*** Output *** \n\n");
+  switch (xD->i3) {
+  case FALSE:
+    fprintf(report->fp, "- raster layer: %s\n", opt->output->answer);
+    fprintf(report->fp, "- is 3D: no\n");
+    break;
+  case TRUE:
+    fprintf(report->fp, "- volume layer: %s\n", opt->output->answer);
+    fprintf(report->fp, "- is 3D: yes\n");
+    break;
+  }    
+void write2file_vector( struct int_par *xD, struct points *pnts)
+  struct select in_reg = pnts->in_reg;
+  struct write *report = &xD->report;
+  fprintf(report->fp, "\n");
+  fprintf(report->fp, "************************************************\n");
+  fprintf(report->fp, "*** Input vector layer properties ***\n\n");
+  fprintf(report->fp, "# of points (total): %d\n", in_reg.total);
+  fprintf(report->fp, "# of points (in region): %d\n", in_reg.n);
+  fprintf(report->fp, "# of points (out of region): %d\n\n", in_reg.out);
+  fprintf(report->fp, "- extent:\n");
+  switch (xD->i3) {
+  case TRUE:
+    fprintf(report->fp, "xmin=%f   ymin=%f   zmin=%f\n", pnts->r_min[0], pnts->r_min[1], pnts->r_min[2]);
+    fprintf(report->fp, "xmax=%f   ymax=%f   zmax=%f\n", pnts->r_max[0], pnts->r_max[1], pnts->r_max[2]);
+    break;
+  case FALSE:
+    fprintf(report->fp, "xmin=%f   ymin=%f\n", pnts->r_min[0], pnts->r_min[1]);
+    fprintf(report->fp, "xmax=%f   ymax=%f\n", pnts->r_max[0], pnts->r_max[1]);
+    break;
+  }
+void write2file_values(struct write *report, const char *column)
+  fprintf(report->fp, "\n");
+  fprintf(report->fp, "************************************************\n");
+  fprintf(report->fp, "*** Values to be interpolated ***\n\n");
+  fprintf(report->fp, "- attribute column: %s\n", column); 
+void write2file_varSetsIntro(int code, struct write *report)
+  char type[12];
+  variogram_type(code, type);
+  fprintf(report->fp, "\n************************************************\n");
+  fprintf(report->fp, "*** Variogram settings - %s ***\n\n", type); 
+void write2file_varSets(struct write *report, struct parameters *var_pars)
+  char type[12];
+  variogram_type(var_pars->type, type);
+  fprintf(report->fp, "- number of lags in %s direction: %d\n", type, var_pars->nLag);
+  fprintf(report->fp, "- lag distance (%s): %f\n", type, var_pars->lag);
+  if (var_pars->type == 2) {
+    fprintf(report->fp, "- number of lags in vertical direction: %d\n", var_pars->nLag_vert);
+    fprintf(report->fp, "- lag distance (vertical): %f\n", var_pars->lag);
+  }  
+  fprintf(report->fp, "- azimuth: %f°\n", RAD2DEG(var_pars->dir));
+  fprintf(report->fp, "- angular tolerance: %f°\n", RAD2DEG(var_pars->td));
+  switch (var_pars->type) {
+  case 2:
+    fprintf(report->fp, "- maximum distance in horizontal direction (1/3): %f\n", var_pars->max_dist);
+    break;
+  default:
+    fprintf(report->fp, "- maximum distance (1/3): %f\n", var_pars->max_dist);
+    break;
+  }
+void write2file_variogram_E(struct int_par *xD, struct parameters *var_pars, mat_struct *c_M)
+  int i, j;
+  int n_h;
+  double *h, *vert;
+  double *c;
+  double *gamma;
+  struct write *report = &xD->report;
+  char type[12];
+  variogram_type(var_pars->type, type);
+  c = &c_M->vals[0];
+  gamma = &var_pars->gamma->vals[0];
+  fprintf(report->fp, "\n************************************************\n");
+  fprintf(report->fp, "*** Experimental variogram - %s ***\n\n", type);
+  if (var_pars->type == 2) { // bivariate variogram:
+    vert = &var_pars->vertical.h[0];
+    for (i=0; i<var_pars->vertical.nLag; i++) { // write header - verts
+      if (i == 0) {
+	fprintf(report->fp, "  lagV  ||"); // column for h
+      }
+      fprintf(report->fp, " %f ||", *vert);
+      vert++;
+    }
+    fprintf(report->fp, "\n");
+    for (i=0; i < var_pars->vertical.nLag; i++) { // write header - h c gamma
+      if (i == 0) {
+	fprintf(report->fp, "  lagHZ ||"); // column for h
+      }
+      fprintf(report->fp, " c | ave ||");
+    }
+    fprintf(report->fp, "\n");
+    for (i=0; i<var_pars->vertical.nLag; i++) { // write header - h c gamma
+      if (i == 0) {
+	fprintf(report->fp, "--------||"); // column for h
+      }
+      fprintf(report->fp, "-----------");
+    }
+    fprintf(report->fp, "\n");
+  }
+  else { // univariate variogram
+    fprintf(report->fp, " lag ||  # of pairs | average\n");
+    fprintf(report->fp, "------------------------------------\n");
+  }
+  // Write values
+  h = var_pars->type == 2 ? &var_pars->horizontal.h[0] : &var_pars->h[0];
+  n_h = var_pars->type == 2 ? var_pars->horizontal.nLag : var_pars->nLag;
+  for (i=0; i < n_h; i++) {
+    fprintf(report->fp, "%f ||", *h);
+    if (var_pars->type == 2) { // bivariate variogram
+      for (j=0; j<var_pars->vertical.nLag; j++) {
+	fprintf(report->fp, " %d | %f ||", (int) *c, *gamma);	  
+	c++;
+	gamma++;
+      } // end for j
+      fprintf(report->fp, "\n");
+      for (j=0; j<var_pars->vertical.nLag; j++) {
+	fprintf(report->fp, "-----------");	
+      }  
+      fprintf(report->fp, "\n");
+    }
+    else { // univariate variogram
+      fprintf(report->fp, " %d | %f\n", (int) *c, *gamma);
+      c++;
+      gamma++;
+    }
+    h++;
+    }
+  fprintf(report->fp, "------------------------------------\n");
+void write2file_variogram_T(struct write *report)
+  fprintf(report->fp, "\n");
+  fprintf(report->fp, "************************************************\n");
+  fprintf(report->fp, "*** Theoretical variogram ***\n\n");
+void write_temporary2file(struct int_par *xD, struct parameters *var_pars)
+  // local variables
+  int type = var_pars->type;
+  int nLag = type == 2 ? var_pars->horizontal.nLag : var_pars->nLag;
+  int nLag_vert = type == 2 ? var_pars->vertical.nLag : var_pars->nLag;
+  double *h = type == 2 ? var_pars->horizontal.h: var_pars->h;
+  double *vert = type == 2 ? var_pars->vertical.h: var_pars->h;;
+  double *gamma = var_pars->gamma->vals;
+  double sill = var_pars->sill;
+  int i, j; // index
+  FILE *fp;
+  int file_length;
+  /* Introduction */
+  switch (type) {
+  case 0: // horizontal variogram
+    fp = fopen("variogram_hz_tmp.txt", "w");
+    if (xD->report.name) { // write name of report file
+      file_length = strlen(xD->report.name);
+      if (file_length < 4) { // 4 types of variogram
+	G_fatal_error(_("File name must contain more than 2 characters...")); // todo: error
+      }
+      fprintf(fp, "%d 9 %s\n", file_length, xD->report.name);
+    }
+    fprintf(fp,"%d\n", var_pars->type); // write # of lags
+    break;
+  case 1: // vertical variogram
+    fp = fopen("variogram_vert_tmp.txt", "w");
+    if (xD->report.write2file == TRUE) { // write name of report file
+      file_length = strlen(xD->report.name);
+      if (file_length < 3) {
+	G_fatal_error(_("File name must contain more than 2 characters...")); // todo: error
+      }
+      fprintf(fp, "%d 9 %s\n", file_length, xD->report.name);
+    }
+    fprintf(fp,"%d\n", var_pars->type); // write type
+    break;
+  case 2: // bivariate variogram
+    fp = fopen("variogram_final_tmp.txt", "w");
+    if (xD->report.write2file == TRUE) { // write name of report file
+      file_length = strlen(xD->report.name);
+      if (file_length < 4) { // 4 types of variogram
+	G_fatal_error(_("File name must contain more than 2 characters...")); // todo: error
+      }
+      fprintf(fp, "%d 9 %s\n", file_length, xD->report.name);
+    }
+    fprintf(fp,"%d\n", var_pars->type);              // write type
+    fprintf(fp,"%d\n", var_pars->vertical.nLag);     // write # of lags
+    fprintf(fp,"%f\n", var_pars->vertical.lag);      // write size of lag
+    fprintf(fp,"%f\n", var_pars->vertical.max_dist); // write maximum distance
+    fprintf(fp,"%d\n", var_pars->horizontal.nLag);     // write # of lags
+    fprintf(fp,"%f\n", var_pars->horizontal.lag);      // write size of lag
+    fprintf(fp,"%f\n", var_pars->horizontal.max_dist); // write maximum distance
+    break;
+  case 3: // anisotropic variogram
+    fp = fopen("variogram_final_tmp.txt", "w");
+    if (xD->report.name) { // write name of report file
+      file_length = strlen(xD->report.name);
+      if (file_length < 4) { // 4 types of variogram
+	G_fatal_error(_("File name must contain more than 4 characters...")); // todo: error
+      }
+      fprintf(fp, "%d 9 %s\n", file_length, xD->report.name);
+    }
+    fprintf(fp,"%d\n", var_pars->type); // write type
+    fprintf(fp,"%f\n", xD->aniso_ratio); // write ratio of anisotropy 
+    break;
+  }
+  if (type != 2) {
+    fprintf(fp,"%d\n", nLag);              // write # of lags
+    fprintf(fp,"%f\n", var_pars->lag);      // write size of lag
+    fprintf(fp,"%f\n", var_pars->max_dist); // write maximum distance
+  }
+  if (type != 1) {
+    fprintf(fp,"%f\n", var_pars->td); // write maximum distance
+  }
+  switch (type) {
+  case 2: // bivariate variogram
+    nLag = var_pars->horizontal.nLag;
+    nLag_vert = var_pars->vertical.nLag;
+    // write h
+    for (i=0; i<nLag; i++) { // write experimental variogram
+      fprintf(fp,"%f\n", *h);
+      h++;
+    }
+    // write vert
+    for (i=0; i<nLag_vert; i++) { // write experimental variogram
+      fprintf(fp,"%f\n", *vert);
+      vert++;
+    }
+    // write gamma
+    for (i=0; i<nLag * nLag_vert; i++) { // write experimental variogram
+      fprintf(fp,"%f\n", *gamma);
+      gamma++;
+    }
+    fprintf(fp,"%f\n", var_pars->horizontal.sill);// write sill
+    fprintf(fp,"%f\n", var_pars->vertical.sill);// write sill
+    break;
+  default:
+    for (i=0; i<nLag; i++) { // write experimental variogram
+      fprintf(fp,"%f %f\n", *h, *gamma);
+      h++;
+      gamma++;
+    }
+    fprintf(fp,"%f", sill);// write sill
+    break;
+  }
+  fclose(fp);

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