[GRASS-SVN] r66976 - grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.in.natura2000

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sat Nov 28 13:58:29 PST 2015

Author: hellik
Date: 2015-11-28 13:58:29 -0800 (Sat, 28 Nov 2015)
New Revision: 66976

v.in.natura2000: svn propset - step 3

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.in.natura2000/Makefile
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.in.natura2000/Makefile	2015-11-28 21:54:09 UTC (rev 66975)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.in.natura2000/Makefile	2015-11-28 21:58:29 UTC (rev 66976)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-PGM = v.in.natura2000
-include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Script.make
-default: script
+PGM = v.in.natura2000
+include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Script.make
+default: script

Property changes on: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.in.natura2000/Makefile
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/x-makefile
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.in.natura2000/v.in.natura2000.html
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.in.natura2000/v.in.natura2000.html	2015-11-28 21:54:09 UTC (rev 66975)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.in.natura2000/v.in.natura2000.html	2015-11-28 21:58:29 UTC (rev 66976)
@@ -1,86 +1,86 @@
-<em>v.in.natura2000</em> imports  <a href="http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/ds_resolveuid/52E54BF3-ACDB-4959-9165-F3E4469BE610">Natura 2000 protected areas</a>. 
-The tool is implemented for the sqlite/spatialite version of this data 
-(size > 1 GB). Listing und import operations of <em>v.in.natura2000</em> 
-may be slow due to the huge data file size. Listing (already availabe 
-layers, biogeographic regions, EU member states codes, habitat codes, 
-species codes, protected area site types) and importing (all data, 
-protected areas of a defined habitat/species/member states/biogeographic 
-region) is limited to some small selection of  wide range of possible 
-<h3>Important notes</h3>
-Topological correctness of the input data is not guaranteed, overlapping 
-of (many) polygones may occur. According to GRASS GIS topological model, 
-imported data may have more layers in case of overlapping polygones . 
-The sqlite/spatialite data is shipped in EPSG:3035 projection.
-<div class="code">
- <pre>
-# list spatial layer(s) already availabe in the sqlite/spatialite database 
-v.in.natura2000 -l input=C:\data\Natura2000_end2014_Spatialite\Natura2000_end2014.sqlite
-# import already available spatial layer
-v.in.natura2000 input=C:\data\Natura2000_end2014_Spatialite\Natura2000_end2014.sqlite /
-# list biogeographic regions
-v.in.natura2000 -b input=C:\data\Natura2000_end2014_Spatialite\Natura2000_end2014.sqlite
-# list EU member states codes
-v.in.natura2000 -m input=C:\data\Natura2000_end2014_Spatialite\Natura2000_end2014.sqlite
-# list habitats of community interest
-v.in.natura2000 -h input=C:\data\Natura2000_end2014_Spatialite\Natura2000_end2014.sqlite
-# list species of community interest
-v.in.natura2000 -s input=C:\data\Natura2000_end2014_Spatialite\Natura2000_end2014.sqlite
-# list protected area site types
-v.in.natura2000 -t input=C:\data\Natura2000_end2014_Spatialite\Natura2000_end2014.sqlite
-# import protected areas of type A
-v.in.natura2000 input=C:\data\Natura2000_end2014_Spatialite\Natura2000_end2014.sqlite /
-output=pa_typeA sitetype=A
-# import protected areas with habitat 3230
-v.in.natura2000 input=C:\data\Natura2000_end2014_Spatialite\Natura2000_end2014.sqlite /
-output=pa_habitat3230 habitat_code=3230
-# import protected areas with species 1800
-v.in.natura2000 input=C:\data\Natura2000_end2014_Spatialite\Natura2000_end2014.sqlite /
-output=pa_species1800 species_code=1800
-# import protected areas within the Alpine biogeographical region
-v.in.natura2000 input=C:\data\Natura2000_end2014_Spatialite\Natura2000_end2014.sqlite /
-output=pa_alpineregion biogeographic_region=Alpine
-# import protected areas of member state Austria
-v.in.natura2000 input=C:\data\Natura2000_end2014_Spatialite\Natura2000_end2014.sqlite /
-output=pa_austria member_state=AT
- </pre>
-<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="v.import.html">v.import</a>
-<a href="v.in.ogr.html">v.in.ogr</a>
-<a href="v.proj.html">v.proj</a>
-Helmut Kudrnovsky
-<i>Last changed: $Date: 2015-08-28 18:13:57 +0200 (Fr, 28 Aug 2015) $</i>
+<em>v.in.natura2000</em> imports  <a href="http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/ds_resolveuid/52E54BF3-ACDB-4959-9165-F3E4469BE610">Natura 2000 protected areas</a>. 
+The tool is implemented for the sqlite/spatialite version of this data 
+(size > 1 GB). Listing und import operations of <em>v.in.natura2000</em> 
+may be slow due to the huge data file size. Listing (already availabe 
+layers, biogeographic regions, EU member states codes, habitat codes, 
+species codes, protected area site types) and importing (all data, 
+protected areas of a defined habitat/species/member states/biogeographic 
+region) is limited to some small selection of  wide range of possible 
+<h3>Important notes</h3>
+Topological correctness of the input data is not guaranteed, overlapping 
+of (many) polygones may occur. According to GRASS GIS topological model, 
+imported data may have more layers in case of overlapping polygones . 
+The sqlite/spatialite data is shipped in EPSG:3035 projection.
+<div class="code">
+ <pre>
+# list spatial layer(s) already availabe in the sqlite/spatialite database 
+v.in.natura2000 -l input=C:\data\Natura2000_end2014_Spatialite\Natura2000_end2014.sqlite
+# import already available spatial layer
+v.in.natura2000 input=C:\data\Natura2000_end2014_Spatialite\Natura2000_end2014.sqlite /
+# list biogeographic regions
+v.in.natura2000 -b input=C:\data\Natura2000_end2014_Spatialite\Natura2000_end2014.sqlite
+# list EU member states codes
+v.in.natura2000 -m input=C:\data\Natura2000_end2014_Spatialite\Natura2000_end2014.sqlite
+# list habitats of community interest
+v.in.natura2000 -h input=C:\data\Natura2000_end2014_Spatialite\Natura2000_end2014.sqlite
+# list species of community interest
+v.in.natura2000 -s input=C:\data\Natura2000_end2014_Spatialite\Natura2000_end2014.sqlite
+# list protected area site types
+v.in.natura2000 -t input=C:\data\Natura2000_end2014_Spatialite\Natura2000_end2014.sqlite
+# import protected areas of type A
+v.in.natura2000 input=C:\data\Natura2000_end2014_Spatialite\Natura2000_end2014.sqlite /
+output=pa_typeA sitetype=A
+# import protected areas with habitat 3230
+v.in.natura2000 input=C:\data\Natura2000_end2014_Spatialite\Natura2000_end2014.sqlite /
+output=pa_habitat3230 habitat_code=3230
+# import protected areas with species 1800
+v.in.natura2000 input=C:\data\Natura2000_end2014_Spatialite\Natura2000_end2014.sqlite /
+output=pa_species1800 species_code=1800
+# import protected areas within the Alpine biogeographical region
+v.in.natura2000 input=C:\data\Natura2000_end2014_Spatialite\Natura2000_end2014.sqlite /
+output=pa_alpineregion biogeographic_region=Alpine
+# import protected areas of member state Austria
+v.in.natura2000 input=C:\data\Natura2000_end2014_Spatialite\Natura2000_end2014.sqlite /
+output=pa_austria member_state=AT
+ </pre>
+<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
+<a href="v.import.html">v.import</a>
+<a href="v.in.ogr.html">v.in.ogr</a>
+<a href="v.proj.html">v.proj</a>
+Helmut Kudrnovsky
+<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.in.natura2000/v.in.natura2000.html
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/html
Added: svn:keywords
   + Author Date Id
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.in.natura2000/v.in.natura2000.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.in.natura2000/v.in.natura2000.py	2015-11-28 21:54:09 UTC (rev 66975)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.in.natura2000/v.in.natura2000.py	2015-11-28 21:58:29 UTC (rev 66976)
@@ -1,368 +1,368 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-MODULE:    v.in.natura2000
-AUTHOR(S): Helmut Kudrnovsky <alectoria AT gmx at>
-PURPOSE:   Imports Natura 2000 spatial data of protected areas
-COPYRIGHT: (C) 2015 by the GRASS Development Team
-           This program is free software under the GNU General Public
-           License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
-           for details.
-#% description: importing of Natura 2000 spatial data of protected areas
-#% keyword: vector
-#% keyword: geometry
-#%option G_OPT_F_BIN_INPUT
-#% key: input
-#% required: yes
-#%option G_OPT_V_OUTPUT
-#% key: output
-#% description: name of imported spatial data set
-#% required : no
-#% guisection: output
-#%option sitetype
-#% key: sitetype
-#% description: Select site type of input (A, B or C)
-#% required : no
-#% guisection: selection
-#%option habitat_code
-#% key: habitat_code
-#% description: Select habitat code of input
-#% required : no
-#% guisection: selection
-#%option species_code
-#% key: species_code
-#% description: Select species of input
-#% required : no
-#% guisection: selection
-#%option biogeographic_region
-#% key: biogeographic_region
-#% description: Select biogeographic region of input
-#% required : no
-#% guisection: selection
-#%option member_state
-#% key: member_state
-#% description: Select member state of input
-#% required : no
-#% guisection: selection
-#%option existing_layer
-#% key: existing_layer
-#% description: Import of existing layer
-#% required : no
-#% guisection: layer
-#% key: l
-#% description: Print available layer
-#% guisection: layer
-#% key: b
-#% description: Print list of biogeographic regions
-#% guisection: print
-#% key: m
-#% description: Print list of EU member states codes
-#% guisection: print
-#% key: h
-#% description: Print list of habitats of community interest
-#% guisection: print
-#% key: s
-#% description: Print list of species of community interest
-#% guisection: print
-#% key: t
-#% description: Print list of protected area site types
-#% guisection: print
-import sys
-import os
-import csv
-import math
-import shutil
-import tempfile
-import pyspatialite.dbapi2 as db
-import grass.script as grass
-if not os.environ.has_key("GISBASE"):
-    grass.message( "You must be in GRASS GIS to run this program." )
-    sys.exit(1)
-def main():
-    n2k_input = options['input']
-    n2k_output = options['output']
-    pa_sitetype_input = options['sitetype']
-    habitat_code_input = options['habitat_code']
-    species_code_input = options['species_code']
-    biogeoreg_long = options['biogeographic_region']
-    biogeoreg_long2 = biogeoreg_long.replace(" ", "_")
-    biogeoreg_long_quoted = '"'+biogeoreg_long+'"'
-    habitat_view = 'v'+habitat_code_input
-    habitat_spatial_view = 'sv'+habitat_code_input
-    species_view = 'v'+species_code_input
-    species_spatial_view = 'sv'+species_code_input
-    biogeoreg_view = 'v'+biogeoreg_long2
-    biogeoreg_spatial_view = 'sv'+biogeoreg_long2
-    ms_input = options['member_state']
-    layer_exist = options['existing_layer']
-    list_n2k_layer = flags['l']
-    list_bg_reg = flags['b']
-    list_ms =  flags['m']
-    list_habitats = flags['h']
-    list_species = flags['s']
-    list_site_type = flags['t']
-    global tmp	 
-    if list_n2k_layer :
-        grass.message( "Available data layer(s):" )
-        grass.message( "may take some time ..." )
-        grass.message( "..." )		
-        grass.run_command("v.in.ogr", input = n2k_input,
-                                     flags = 'l')
-    if list_bg_reg :
-        grass.message( "Biogeographic regions:" )
-        conn = db.connect("%s" % n2k_input)
-        c = conn.cursor()
-                grass.message( row )
-        conn.close()							 
-    if list_ms :
-        grass.message( "EU member states:" )
-        conn = db.connect("%s" % n2k_input)
-        c = conn.cursor()
-        for row in c.execute('SELECT MS FROM Natura2000polygon GROUP BY MS'):		
-                grass.message( row )
-        conn.close()
-    if list_habitats :
-        grass.message( "habitat codes of EU community interest:" )
-        conn = db.connect("%s" % n2k_input)
-        c = conn.cursor()
-                grass.message( row )
-        conn.close()
-    if list_species :
-        grass.message( "species codes of EU community interest:" )
-        conn = db.connect("%s" % n2k_input)
-        c = conn.cursor()
-                grass.message( row )
-        conn.close()
-    if list_site_type :
-        grass.message( "site types:" )
-        conn = db.connect("%s" % n2k_input)
-        c = conn.cursor()
-        for row in c.execute('SELECT SITETYPE FROM NATURA2000SITES GROUP BY SITETYPE'):	
-                grass.message( row )
-        conn.close()
-    if pa_sitetype_input :
-        grass.message( "importing protected areas of site type: %s" % pa_sitetype_input )
-        grass.message( "may take some time ..." )
-        grass.run_command( "v.in.ogr", input = "%s" % (n2k_input),
-								layer = "natura2000polygon",
-								output = n2k_output,
-								where = "SITETYPE = '%s'" % (pa_sitetype_input),
-								quiet = False)	
-    if ms_input :
-        grass.message( "importing protected areas of member state: %s" % ms_input )
-        grass.message( "may take some time ..." )
-        grass.run_command( "v.in.ogr", input = "%s" % (n2k_input),
-								layer = "natura2000polygon",
-								output = n2k_output,
-								where = "MS = '%s'" % (ms_input),
-								quiet = False)								
-    if habitat_code_input :
-       grass.message( "importing protected areas with habitat (code): %s" % habitat_code_input )
-       grass.message( "preparing (spatial) views in the sqlite/spatialite database:" )
-       conn = db.connect("%s" % n2k_input)
-       c = conn.cursor()
-       # create view of defined habitat   
-       grass.message( "view: %s" % habitat_view )
-       sqlhabitat = 'CREATE VIEW "%s" AS ' % (habitat_view)
-       sqlhabitat += 'SELECT * FROM HABITATS '
-       sqlhabitat += 'WHERE HABITATCODE = "%s" ' % (habitat_code_input) 
-       sqlhabitat += 'ORDER BY "SITECODE"'
-       grass.message ( sqlhabitat )
-       c.execute( sqlhabitat )	 
-       # create spatial view of defined habitat - part 1
-       grass.message( "spatial view: %s" % habitat_spatial_view )
-       sqlhabitatspatial1 = 'CREATE VIEW "%s" AS ' % (habitat_spatial_view)
-       sqlhabitatspatial1 += 'SELECT "a"."ROWID" AS "ROWID", "a"."PK_UID" AS "PK_UID", '
-       sqlhabitatspatial1 += '"a"."SITECODE" AS "SITECODE", "a"."SITENAME" AS "SITENAME", '
-       sqlhabitatspatial1 += '"a"."RELEASE_DA" AS "RELEASE_DA", "a"."MS" AS "MS", '
-       sqlhabitatspatial1 += '"a"."SITETYPE" AS "SITETYPE", "a"."Geometry" AS "Geometry", '
-       sqlhabitatspatial1 += '"b"."SITECODE" AS "SITECODE_1", "b"."HABITATCODE" AS "HABITATCODE", "b"."DESCRIPTION" AS "DESCRIPTION", '
-       sqlhabitatspatial1 += '"b"."COVER_HA" AS "COVER_HA", "b"."CAVES" AS "CAVES", "b"."REPRESENTATIVITY" AS "REPRESENTATIVITY", '  
-       sqlhabitatspatial1 += '"b"."RELSURFACE" AS "RELSURFACE", "b"."CONSERVATION" AS "CONSERVATION", '
-       sqlhabitatspatial1 += '"b"."GLOBAL_ASSESMENT" AS "GLOBAL_ASSESMENT", "b"."DATAQUALITY" AS "DATAQUALITY", '
-       sqlhabitatspatial1 += '"b"."PERCENTAGE_COVER" AS "PERCENTAGE_COVER" '
-       sqlhabitatspatial1 += 'FROM "Natura2000polygon" AS "a" '  
-       sqlhabitatspatial1 += 'JOIN %s AS "b" USING ("SITECODE") ' % (habitat_view)   
-       sqlhabitatspatial1 += 'ORDER BY "a"."SITECODE";'	   
-       grass.message ( sqlhabitatspatial1 )
-       c.execute( sqlhabitatspatial1 )   
-       # create spatial view of defined habitat - part 2	   
-       sqlhabitatspatial2 = 'INSERT INTO views_geometry_columns '
-       sqlhabitatspatial2 += '(view_name, view_geometry, view_rowid, f_table_name, f_geometry_column, read_only) '
-       sqlhabitatspatial2 += 'VALUES ("%s", "geometry", "rowid", "natura2000polygon", "geometry", 1);' % (habitat_spatial_view.lower()) 
-       grass.message ( sqlhabitatspatial2 )	 	   
-       # execute spatial vieww	     
-       c.execute( sqlhabitatspatial2 )
-       conn.commit()	   
-       conn.close()
-       # import spatial view
-       grass.message ( "importing data..." )
-       grass.message ( "may take some time..." )	   
-       grass.run_command( "v.in.ogr", input = "%s" % (n2k_input),
-                                   layer = "%s" % (habitat_spatial_view),
-                                   output = n2k_output,
-                                   quiet = False)	   
-    if species_code_input :
-       grass.message( "importing protected areas with species (code): %s" % species_code_input )
-       grass.message( "preparing (spatial) views in the sqlite/spatialite database:" )
-       conn = db.connect("%s" % n2k_input)
-       c = conn.cursor()
-       # create view of defined species
-       grass.message( "view: %s" % species_view )
-       sqlspecies = 'CREATE VIEW "%s" AS ' % (species_view)
-       sqlspecies += 'SELECT * FROM SPECIES '
-       sqlspecies += 'WHERE SPECIESCODE = "%s" ' % (species_code_input) 
-       sqlspecies += 'ORDER BY "SITECODE"'
-       grass.message ( sqlspecies )
-       c.execute( sqlspecies )	 
-       # create spatial view of defined species - part 1
-       grass.message( "spatial view: %s" % species_spatial_view )
-       sqlspeciesspatial1 = 'CREATE VIEW "%s" AS ' % (species_spatial_view)
-       sqlspeciesspatial1 += 'SELECT "a"."ROWID" AS "ROWID", "a"."PK_UID" AS "PK_UID", '
-       sqlspeciesspatial1 += '"a"."SITECODE" AS "SITECODE", "a"."SITENAME" AS "SITENAME", '
-       sqlspeciesspatial1 += '"a"."RELEASE_DA" AS "RELEASE_DA", "a"."MS" AS "MS", '
-       sqlspeciesspatial1 += '"a"."SITETYPE" AS "SITETYPE", "a"."Geometry" AS "Geometry", '
-       sqlspeciesspatial1 += '"b"."COUNTRY_CODE" AS "COUNTRY_CODE", "b"."SITECODE" AS "SITECODE_1", '
-       sqlspeciesspatial1 += '"b"."SPECIESNAME" AS "SPECIESNAME", "b"."SPECIESCODE" AS "SPECIESCODE", '  
-       sqlspeciesspatial1 += '"b"."REF_SPGROUP" AS "REF_SPGROUP", "b"."SPGROUP" AS "SPGROUP", '
-       sqlspeciesspatial1 += '"b"."SENSITIVE" AS "SENSITIVE", "b"."NONPRESENCEINSITE" AS "NONPRESENCEINSITE", '
-       sqlspeciesspatial1 += '"b"."POPULATION_TYPE" AS "POPULATION_TYPE", "b"."LOWERBOUND" AS "LOWERBOUND", '
-       sqlspeciesspatial1 += '"b"."UPPERBOUND" AS "UPPERBOUND", "b"."COUNTING_UNIT" AS "COUNTING_UNIT", '
-       sqlspeciesspatial1 += '"b"."ABUNDANCE_CATEGORY" AS "ABUNDANCE_CATEGORY", '
-       sqlspeciesspatial1 += '"b"."DATAQUALITY" AS "DATAQUALITY", "b"."POPULATION" AS "POPULATION", '
-       sqlspeciesspatial1 += '"b"."CONSERVATION" AS "CONSERVATION", "b"."ISOLATION" AS "ISOLATION", '
-       sqlspeciesspatial1 += '"b"."GLOBAL" AS "GLOBAL" '
-       sqlspeciesspatial1 += 'FROM "Natura2000polygon" AS "a" '  
-       sqlspeciesspatial1 += 'JOIN %s AS "b" USING ("SITECODE") ' % (species_view)   
-       sqlspeciesspatial1 += 'ORDER BY "a"."SITECODE";'	   
-       grass.message ( sqlspeciesspatial1 )
-       c.execute( sqlspeciesspatial1 )	   
-       # create spatial view of defined habitat - part 2	   
-       sqlspeciesspatial2 = 'INSERT INTO views_geometry_columns '
-       sqlspeciesspatial2 += '(view_name, view_geometry, view_rowid, f_table_name, f_geometry_column, read_only) '
-       sqlspeciesspatial2 += 'VALUES ("%s", "geometry", "rowid", "natura2000polygon", "geometry", 1);' % (species_spatial_view.lower()) 
-       grass.message ( sqlspeciesspatial2 )	 	   
-       # execute spatial view	     
-       c.execute( sqlspeciesspatial2 )
-       conn.commit()	   
-       conn.close()
-       # import spatial view
-       grass.message ( "importing data..." )
-       grass.message ( "may take some time..." )	   
-       grass.run_command( "v.in.ogr", input = "%s" % (n2k_input),
-                        layer = "%s" % (species_spatial_view),
-                        output = n2k_output,
-                        quiet = False)	
-    if biogeoreg_long :
-       grass.message( "importing protected areas of biogeographic region: %s" % biogeoreg_long )
-       grass.message( "preparing (spatial) views in the sqlite/spatialite database:" )
-       conn = db.connect("%s" % n2k_input)
-       c = conn.cursor()
-       # create view of defined biogeographic region
-       grass.message( "view: %s" % biogeoreg_view )
-       sqlbioreg = 'CREATE VIEW "%s" AS ' % (biogeoreg_view)
-       sqlbioreg += 'SELECT * FROM BIOREGION '
-       sqlbioreg += 'WHERE BIOGEFRAPHICREG = "%s" ' % (biogeoreg_long) 
-       sqlbioreg += 'ORDER BY "SITECODE"'
-       grass.message ( sqlbioreg )
-       c.execute( sqlbioreg )
-       # create spatial view of defined biogeographical region - part 1
-       grass.message( "spatial view: %s" % biogeoreg_spatial_view )
-       sqlbioregspatial1 = 'CREATE VIEW "%s" AS ' % (biogeoreg_spatial_view)
-       sqlbioregspatial1 += 'SELECT "a"."ROWID" AS "ROWID", "a"."PK_UID" AS "PK_UID", '
-       sqlbioregspatial1 += '"a"."RELEASE_DA" AS "RELEASE_DA", "a"."MS" AS "MS", '
-       sqlbioregspatial1 += '"a"."SITETYPE" AS "SITETYPE", "a"."Geometry" AS "Geometry", '
-       sqlbioregspatial1 += '"b"."SITECODE" AS "SITECODE_1", "b"."BIOGEFRAPHICREG" AS "BIOGEFRAPHICREG", '
-       sqlbioregspatial1 += '"b"."PERCENTAGE" AS "PERCENTAGE" '
-       sqlbioregspatial1 += 'FROM "Natura2000polygon" AS "a" '
-       sqlbioregspatial1 += 'JOIN %s AS "b" USING ("SITECODE") ' % (biogeoreg_view)
-       sqlbioregspatial1 += 'ORDER BY "a"."SITECODE";'	
-       grass.message ( sqlbioregspatial1 )
-       c.execute( sqlbioregspatial1)   	   
-       # create spatial view of defined biogeographical region - part 2
-       sqlbioregspatial2 = 'INSERT INTO views_geometry_columns '
-       sqlbioregspatial2 += '(view_name, view_geometry, view_rowid, f_table_name, f_geometry_column, read_only) '
-       sqlbioregspatial2 += 'VALUES ("%s", "geometry", "rowid", "natura2000polygon", "geometry", 1);' % (biogeoreg_spatial_view.lower()) 
-       grass.message ( sqlbioregspatial2 )	 	   
-       # execute spatial view	     
-       c.execute( sqlbioregspatial2 )
-       conn.commit()	   
-       conn.close()
-       # import spatial view
-       grass.message ( "importing data..." )
-       grass.message ( "may take some time..." )	   
-       grass.run_command( "v.in.ogr", input = "%s" % (n2k_input),
-                        layer = "%s" % (biogeoreg_spatial_view),
-                        output = n2k_output,
-                        quiet = False)	   
-    if layer_exist :
-       grass.message( "importing existing spatial layer %s of the dataset" % layer_exist )
-       grass.run_command( "v.in.ogr", input = "%s" % (n2k_input),
-                        layer = "%s" % (layer_exist),
-                        output = n2k_output,
-                        quiet = False)	
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    options, flags = grass.parser()
-    sys.exit(main())
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+MODULE:    v.in.natura2000
+AUTHOR(S): Helmut Kudrnovsky <alectoria AT gmx at>
+PURPOSE:   Imports Natura 2000 spatial data of protected areas
+COPYRIGHT: (C) 2015 by the GRASS Development Team
+           This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+           License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+           for details.
+#% description: importing of Natura 2000 spatial data of protected areas
+#% keyword: vector
+#% keyword: geometry
+#%option G_OPT_F_BIN_INPUT
+#% key: input
+#% required: yes
+#%option G_OPT_V_OUTPUT
+#% key: output
+#% description: name of imported spatial data set
+#% required : no
+#% guisection: output
+#%option sitetype
+#% key: sitetype
+#% description: Select site type of input (A, B or C)
+#% required : no
+#% guisection: selection
+#%option habitat_code
+#% key: habitat_code
+#% description: Select habitat code of input
+#% required : no
+#% guisection: selection
+#%option species_code
+#% key: species_code
+#% description: Select species of input
+#% required : no
+#% guisection: selection
+#%option biogeographic_region
+#% key: biogeographic_region
+#% description: Select biogeographic region of input
+#% required : no
+#% guisection: selection
+#%option member_state
+#% key: member_state
+#% description: Select member state of input
+#% required : no
+#% guisection: selection
+#%option existing_layer
+#% key: existing_layer
+#% description: Import of existing layer
+#% required : no
+#% guisection: layer
+#% key: l
+#% description: Print available layer
+#% guisection: layer
+#% key: b
+#% description: Print list of biogeographic regions
+#% guisection: print
+#% key: m
+#% description: Print list of EU member states codes
+#% guisection: print
+#% key: h
+#% description: Print list of habitats of community interest
+#% guisection: print
+#% key: s
+#% description: Print list of species of community interest
+#% guisection: print
+#% key: t
+#% description: Print list of protected area site types
+#% guisection: print
+import sys
+import os
+import csv
+import math
+import shutil
+import tempfile
+import pyspatialite.dbapi2 as db
+import grass.script as grass
+if not os.environ.has_key("GISBASE"):
+    grass.message( "You must be in GRASS GIS to run this program." )
+    sys.exit(1)
+def main():
+    n2k_input = options['input']
+    n2k_output = options['output']
+    pa_sitetype_input = options['sitetype']
+    habitat_code_input = options['habitat_code']
+    species_code_input = options['species_code']
+    biogeoreg_long = options['biogeographic_region']
+    biogeoreg_long2 = biogeoreg_long.replace(" ", "_")
+    biogeoreg_long_quoted = '"'+biogeoreg_long+'"'
+    habitat_view = 'v'+habitat_code_input
+    habitat_spatial_view = 'sv'+habitat_code_input
+    species_view = 'v'+species_code_input
+    species_spatial_view = 'sv'+species_code_input
+    biogeoreg_view = 'v'+biogeoreg_long2
+    biogeoreg_spatial_view = 'sv'+biogeoreg_long2
+    ms_input = options['member_state']
+    layer_exist = options['existing_layer']
+    list_n2k_layer = flags['l']
+    list_bg_reg = flags['b']
+    list_ms =  flags['m']
+    list_habitats = flags['h']
+    list_species = flags['s']
+    list_site_type = flags['t']
+    global tmp	 
+    if list_n2k_layer :
+        grass.message( "Available data layer(s):" )
+        grass.message( "may take some time ..." )
+        grass.message( "..." )		
+        grass.run_command("v.in.ogr", input = n2k_input,
+                                     flags = 'l')
+    if list_bg_reg :
+        grass.message( "Biogeographic regions:" )
+        conn = db.connect("%s" % n2k_input)
+        c = conn.cursor()
+                grass.message( row )
+        conn.close()							 
+    if list_ms :
+        grass.message( "EU member states:" )
+        conn = db.connect("%s" % n2k_input)
+        c = conn.cursor()
+        for row in c.execute('SELECT MS FROM Natura2000polygon GROUP BY MS'):		
+                grass.message( row )
+        conn.close()
+    if list_habitats :
+        grass.message( "habitat codes of EU community interest:" )
+        conn = db.connect("%s" % n2k_input)
+        c = conn.cursor()
+                grass.message( row )
+        conn.close()
+    if list_species :
+        grass.message( "species codes of EU community interest:" )
+        conn = db.connect("%s" % n2k_input)
+        c = conn.cursor()
+                grass.message( row )
+        conn.close()
+    if list_site_type :
+        grass.message( "site types:" )
+        conn = db.connect("%s" % n2k_input)
+        c = conn.cursor()
+        for row in c.execute('SELECT SITETYPE FROM NATURA2000SITES GROUP BY SITETYPE'):	
+                grass.message( row )
+        conn.close()
+    if pa_sitetype_input :
+        grass.message( "importing protected areas of site type: %s" % pa_sitetype_input )
+        grass.message( "may take some time ..." )
+        grass.run_command( "v.in.ogr", input = "%s" % (n2k_input),
+								layer = "natura2000polygon",
+								output = n2k_output,
+								where = "SITETYPE = '%s'" % (pa_sitetype_input),
+								quiet = False)	
+    if ms_input :
+        grass.message( "importing protected areas of member state: %s" % ms_input )
+        grass.message( "may take some time ..." )
+        grass.run_command( "v.in.ogr", input = "%s" % (n2k_input),
+								layer = "natura2000polygon",
+								output = n2k_output,
+								where = "MS = '%s'" % (ms_input),
+								quiet = False)								
+    if habitat_code_input :
+       grass.message( "importing protected areas with habitat (code): %s" % habitat_code_input )
+       grass.message( "preparing (spatial) views in the sqlite/spatialite database:" )
+       conn = db.connect("%s" % n2k_input)
+       c = conn.cursor()
+       # create view of defined habitat   
+       grass.message( "view: %s" % habitat_view )
+       sqlhabitat = 'CREATE VIEW "%s" AS ' % (habitat_view)
+       sqlhabitat += 'SELECT * FROM HABITATS '
+       sqlhabitat += 'WHERE HABITATCODE = "%s" ' % (habitat_code_input) 
+       sqlhabitat += 'ORDER BY "SITECODE"'
+       grass.message ( sqlhabitat )
+       c.execute( sqlhabitat )	 
+       # create spatial view of defined habitat - part 1
+       grass.message( "spatial view: %s" % habitat_spatial_view )
+       sqlhabitatspatial1 = 'CREATE VIEW "%s" AS ' % (habitat_spatial_view)
+       sqlhabitatspatial1 += 'SELECT "a"."ROWID" AS "ROWID", "a"."PK_UID" AS "PK_UID", '
+       sqlhabitatspatial1 += '"a"."SITECODE" AS "SITECODE", "a"."SITENAME" AS "SITENAME", '
+       sqlhabitatspatial1 += '"a"."RELEASE_DA" AS "RELEASE_DA", "a"."MS" AS "MS", '
+       sqlhabitatspatial1 += '"a"."SITETYPE" AS "SITETYPE", "a"."Geometry" AS "Geometry", '
+       sqlhabitatspatial1 += '"b"."SITECODE" AS "SITECODE_1", "b"."HABITATCODE" AS "HABITATCODE", "b"."DESCRIPTION" AS "DESCRIPTION", '
+       sqlhabitatspatial1 += '"b"."COVER_HA" AS "COVER_HA", "b"."CAVES" AS "CAVES", "b"."REPRESENTATIVITY" AS "REPRESENTATIVITY", '  
+       sqlhabitatspatial1 += '"b"."RELSURFACE" AS "RELSURFACE", "b"."CONSERVATION" AS "CONSERVATION", '
+       sqlhabitatspatial1 += '"b"."GLOBAL_ASSESMENT" AS "GLOBAL_ASSESMENT", "b"."DATAQUALITY" AS "DATAQUALITY", '
+       sqlhabitatspatial1 += '"b"."PERCENTAGE_COVER" AS "PERCENTAGE_COVER" '
+       sqlhabitatspatial1 += 'FROM "Natura2000polygon" AS "a" '  
+       sqlhabitatspatial1 += 'JOIN %s AS "b" USING ("SITECODE") ' % (habitat_view)   
+       sqlhabitatspatial1 += 'ORDER BY "a"."SITECODE";'	   
+       grass.message ( sqlhabitatspatial1 )
+       c.execute( sqlhabitatspatial1 )   
+       # create spatial view of defined habitat - part 2	   
+       sqlhabitatspatial2 = 'INSERT INTO views_geometry_columns '
+       sqlhabitatspatial2 += '(view_name, view_geometry, view_rowid, f_table_name, f_geometry_column, read_only) '
+       sqlhabitatspatial2 += 'VALUES ("%s", "geometry", "rowid", "natura2000polygon", "geometry", 1);' % (habitat_spatial_view.lower()) 
+       grass.message ( sqlhabitatspatial2 )	 	   
+       # execute spatial vieww	     
+       c.execute( sqlhabitatspatial2 )
+       conn.commit()	   
+       conn.close()
+       # import spatial view
+       grass.message ( "importing data..." )
+       grass.message ( "may take some time..." )	   
+       grass.run_command( "v.in.ogr", input = "%s" % (n2k_input),
+                                   layer = "%s" % (habitat_spatial_view),
+                                   output = n2k_output,
+                                   quiet = False)	   
+    if species_code_input :
+       grass.message( "importing protected areas with species (code): %s" % species_code_input )
+       grass.message( "preparing (spatial) views in the sqlite/spatialite database:" )
+       conn = db.connect("%s" % n2k_input)
+       c = conn.cursor()
+       # create view of defined species
+       grass.message( "view: %s" % species_view )
+       sqlspecies = 'CREATE VIEW "%s" AS ' % (species_view)
+       sqlspecies += 'SELECT * FROM SPECIES '
+       sqlspecies += 'WHERE SPECIESCODE = "%s" ' % (species_code_input) 
+       sqlspecies += 'ORDER BY "SITECODE"'
+       grass.message ( sqlspecies )
+       c.execute( sqlspecies )	 
+       # create spatial view of defined species - part 1
+       grass.message( "spatial view: %s" % species_spatial_view )
+       sqlspeciesspatial1 = 'CREATE VIEW "%s" AS ' % (species_spatial_view)
+       sqlspeciesspatial1 += 'SELECT "a"."ROWID" AS "ROWID", "a"."PK_UID" AS "PK_UID", '
+       sqlspeciesspatial1 += '"a"."SITECODE" AS "SITECODE", "a"."SITENAME" AS "SITENAME", '
+       sqlspeciesspatial1 += '"a"."RELEASE_DA" AS "RELEASE_DA", "a"."MS" AS "MS", '
+       sqlspeciesspatial1 += '"a"."SITETYPE" AS "SITETYPE", "a"."Geometry" AS "Geometry", '
+       sqlspeciesspatial1 += '"b"."COUNTRY_CODE" AS "COUNTRY_CODE", "b"."SITECODE" AS "SITECODE_1", '
+       sqlspeciesspatial1 += '"b"."SPECIESNAME" AS "SPECIESNAME", "b"."SPECIESCODE" AS "SPECIESCODE", '  
+       sqlspeciesspatial1 += '"b"."REF_SPGROUP" AS "REF_SPGROUP", "b"."SPGROUP" AS "SPGROUP", '
+       sqlspeciesspatial1 += '"b"."SENSITIVE" AS "SENSITIVE", "b"."NONPRESENCEINSITE" AS "NONPRESENCEINSITE", '
+       sqlspeciesspatial1 += '"b"."POPULATION_TYPE" AS "POPULATION_TYPE", "b"."LOWERBOUND" AS "LOWERBOUND", '
+       sqlspeciesspatial1 += '"b"."UPPERBOUND" AS "UPPERBOUND", "b"."COUNTING_UNIT" AS "COUNTING_UNIT", '
+       sqlspeciesspatial1 += '"b"."ABUNDANCE_CATEGORY" AS "ABUNDANCE_CATEGORY", '
+       sqlspeciesspatial1 += '"b"."DATAQUALITY" AS "DATAQUALITY", "b"."POPULATION" AS "POPULATION", '
+       sqlspeciesspatial1 += '"b"."CONSERVATION" AS "CONSERVATION", "b"."ISOLATION" AS "ISOLATION", '
+       sqlspeciesspatial1 += '"b"."GLOBAL" AS "GLOBAL" '
+       sqlspeciesspatial1 += 'FROM "Natura2000polygon" AS "a" '  
+       sqlspeciesspatial1 += 'JOIN %s AS "b" USING ("SITECODE") ' % (species_view)   
+       sqlspeciesspatial1 += 'ORDER BY "a"."SITECODE";'	   
+       grass.message ( sqlspeciesspatial1 )
+       c.execute( sqlspeciesspatial1 )	   
+       # create spatial view of defined habitat - part 2	   
+       sqlspeciesspatial2 = 'INSERT INTO views_geometry_columns '
+       sqlspeciesspatial2 += '(view_name, view_geometry, view_rowid, f_table_name, f_geometry_column, read_only) '
+       sqlspeciesspatial2 += 'VALUES ("%s", "geometry", "rowid", "natura2000polygon", "geometry", 1);' % (species_spatial_view.lower()) 
+       grass.message ( sqlspeciesspatial2 )	 	   
+       # execute spatial view	     
+       c.execute( sqlspeciesspatial2 )
+       conn.commit()	   
+       conn.close()
+       # import spatial view
+       grass.message ( "importing data..." )
+       grass.message ( "may take some time..." )	   
+       grass.run_command( "v.in.ogr", input = "%s" % (n2k_input),
+                        layer = "%s" % (species_spatial_view),
+                        output = n2k_output,
+                        quiet = False)	
+    if biogeoreg_long :
+       grass.message( "importing protected areas of biogeographic region: %s" % biogeoreg_long )
+       grass.message( "preparing (spatial) views in the sqlite/spatialite database:" )
+       conn = db.connect("%s" % n2k_input)
+       c = conn.cursor()
+       # create view of defined biogeographic region
+       grass.message( "view: %s" % biogeoreg_view )
+       sqlbioreg = 'CREATE VIEW "%s" AS ' % (biogeoreg_view)
+       sqlbioreg += 'SELECT * FROM BIOREGION '
+       sqlbioreg += 'WHERE BIOGEFRAPHICREG = "%s" ' % (biogeoreg_long) 
+       sqlbioreg += 'ORDER BY "SITECODE"'
+       grass.message ( sqlbioreg )
+       c.execute( sqlbioreg )
+       # create spatial view of defined biogeographical region - part 1
+       grass.message( "spatial view: %s" % biogeoreg_spatial_view )
+       sqlbioregspatial1 = 'CREATE VIEW "%s" AS ' % (biogeoreg_spatial_view)
+       sqlbioregspatial1 += 'SELECT "a"."ROWID" AS "ROWID", "a"."PK_UID" AS "PK_UID", '
+       sqlbioregspatial1 += '"a"."RELEASE_DA" AS "RELEASE_DA", "a"."MS" AS "MS", '
+       sqlbioregspatial1 += '"a"."SITETYPE" AS "SITETYPE", "a"."Geometry" AS "Geometry", '
+       sqlbioregspatial1 += '"b"."SITECODE" AS "SITECODE_1", "b"."BIOGEFRAPHICREG" AS "BIOGEFRAPHICREG", '
+       sqlbioregspatial1 += '"b"."PERCENTAGE" AS "PERCENTAGE" '
+       sqlbioregspatial1 += 'FROM "Natura2000polygon" AS "a" '
+       sqlbioregspatial1 += 'JOIN %s AS "b" USING ("SITECODE") ' % (biogeoreg_view)
+       sqlbioregspatial1 += 'ORDER BY "a"."SITECODE";'	
+       grass.message ( sqlbioregspatial1 )
+       c.execute( sqlbioregspatial1)   	   
+       # create spatial view of defined biogeographical region - part 2
+       sqlbioregspatial2 = 'INSERT INTO views_geometry_columns '
+       sqlbioregspatial2 += '(view_name, view_geometry, view_rowid, f_table_name, f_geometry_column, read_only) '
+       sqlbioregspatial2 += 'VALUES ("%s", "geometry", "rowid", "natura2000polygon", "geometry", 1);' % (biogeoreg_spatial_view.lower()) 
+       grass.message ( sqlbioregspatial2 )	 	   
+       # execute spatial view	     
+       c.execute( sqlbioregspatial2 )
+       conn.commit()	   
+       conn.close()
+       # import spatial view
+       grass.message ( "importing data..." )
+       grass.message ( "may take some time..." )	   
+       grass.run_command( "v.in.ogr", input = "%s" % (n2k_input),
+                        layer = "%s" % (biogeoreg_spatial_view),
+                        output = n2k_output,
+                        quiet = False)	   
+    if layer_exist :
+       grass.message( "importing existing spatial layer %s of the dataset" % layer_exist )
+       grass.run_command( "v.in.ogr", input = "%s" % (n2k_input),
+                        layer = "%s" % (layer_exist),
+                        output = n2k_output,
+                        quiet = False)	
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    options, flags = grass.parser()
+    sys.exit(main())

Property changes on: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.in.natura2000/v.in.natura2000.py
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/x-python
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

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