[GRASS-SVN] r66431 - grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.stream.variables
svn_grass at osgeo.org
svn_grass at osgeo.org
Wed Oct 7 14:17:46 PDT 2015
Author: martinl
Date: 2015-10-07 14:17:46 -0700 (Wed, 07 Oct 2015)
New Revision: 66431
r.stream.variables: python script must have .py extension
Deleted: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.stream.variables/r.stream.variables
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.stream.variables/r.stream.variables 2015-10-07 21:15:44 UTC (rev 66430)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.stream.variables/r.stream.variables 2015-10-07 21:17:46 UTC (rev 66431)
@@ -1,391 +0,0 @@
-# MODULE: r.stream.watersheds
-# AUTHOR(S): Giuseppe Amatulli & Sami Domisch
-# based on "Domisch, S., Amatulli, G., Jetz, W. (in review)
-# Near-global freshwater-specific environmental variables for
-# biodiversity analyses in 1km resolution. Scientific Data"
-# PURPOSE: Calculation of contiguous stream-specific variables that account
-# for the upstream environment (based on r.stream.watersheds).
-# COPYRIGHT: (C) 2001-2012 by the GRASS Development Team
-# This program is free software under the GNU General Public
-# License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
-# for details.
-#% description: Calculation of contiguous stream-specific variables that account for the upstream environment (based on r.stream.watersheds).
-#% keywords: drainage, stream, hydrology
-#% key: variable
-#% type: string
-#% key_desc: name
-#% description: Name of raster to be converted into a stream-specific variable
-#% required : yes
-#% key: area
-#% type: string
-#% key_desc: string
-#% multiple: no
-#% options: watershed,stream
-#% description: Area of aggregation: across the sub-watersheds or only across sub-streams
-#% required : yes
-#% key: folder
-#% type: string
-#% key_desc: name
-#% description: Provide the full folder path (same as for r.stream.watersheds)
-#% required:no
-#% answer: GISDBASE/folder_structure
-#% key: out_folder
-#% type: string
-#% key_desc: name
-#% description: Provide the full folder path for the output stream-specific variable
-#% required:no
-#% answer: GISDBASE/stream-specific_variables
-#% key: output
-#% type: string
-#% key_desc: method
-#% multiple: yes
-#% options: cells,min,max,range,mean,stddev,coeff_var,sum
-#% description: Provide the output aggregation method for the stream-specific variable: upstream cells numbers, minimum, maximum, range, mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, sum. Output datatype is Int32
-#% required:yes
-#% key: scale
-#% type: double
-#% key_desc: value
-#% description: Provide a scale factor to multiply or divide the final stream-specific variable (e.g if input raster values are between -1 and 1, use scale=1000 to inicrease the number of decimals - all outputs will be rounded to integers)
-#% answer: 1
-#% required:no
-#% key: cpu
-#% type: double
-#% description: Number of CPUs used for the parallel computation
-#% answer: 1
-#% required:no
-if [ -z "$GISBASE" ] ; then
- echo "You must be in GRASS GIS to run this program." >&2
- exit 1
-if [ "$1" != "@ARGS_PARSED@" ] ; then
- exec g.parser "$0" "$@"
-#### check if we have awk
-if [ ! -x "`which awk`" ] ; then
- g.message -e "awk required, please install awk or gawk first"
- exit 1
-# setting environment, so that awk works properly in all languages
-unset LC_ALL
-export LC_NUMERIC
-if [ -z "$GIS_OPT_VARIABLE" ] ; then
- g.message "Please provide the name of raster to be converted into a stream-specific variable."
-exit 1
-if [ -z "$GIS_OPT_AREA" ] ; then
- g.message "Please provide area of aggregation: across the sub-watersheds or only across sub-streams."
-exit 1
-if [ -z "$GIS_OPT_OUTPUT" ] ; then
- g.message "Please provide the output aggregation method for the stream-specific variable: upstream min, max, range, mean, stddev, coeff_var, sum"
-exit 1
-#check if drainage and stream file exists
-eval `g.findfile element=cell file="$GIS_OPT_VARIABLE"`
-if [ ! "$file" ] ; then
- g.message -e "<$GIS_OPT_VARIABLE> does not exist! Aborting."
- exit 1
-export GISDBASE=$(g.gisenv get=GISDBASE separator=space)
-export LOCATION_NAME=$(g.gisenv get=LOCATION_NAME separator=space)
-export GIS_OPT_AREA
-if [ ${GIS_OPT_FOLDER} = "GISDBASE/folder_structure" ] ; then
- export GIS_OPT_FOLDER=$GISDBASE"/folder_structure"
-if [ ${GIS_OPT_OUT_FOLDER} = "GISDBASE/stream-specific_variables" ] ; then
- export GIS_OPT_OUT_FOLDER=$GISDBASE"/stream-specific_variables"
-mkdir $GIS_OPT_OUT_FOLDER 2> /dev/null
-# what to do in case of user break:
-echo ""
-g.message -e 'Process aborted by user. All intermediate files have been deleted!'
-# reset in the permanent mapset
-g.gisenv set="MAPSET=PERMANENT"
-g.gisenv set="GISDBASE=$GISDBASE"
-# delete intermediate files
-find $GIS_OPT_FOLDER/ -maxdepth 1 -name '*.txt' -delete
-find $GIS_OPT_FOLDER/ -maxdepth 1 -name '*.tif' -delete
-rm -fr $GIS_OPT_FOLDER/blockfile/stat_*.txt
-exit 1
-# shell check for user break (signal list: trap -l)
-trap "exitprocedure" 2 3 9 15 19
-echo ""
-echo "##########################################################################"
-echo "Stream-specific variable calculation based on the sub-watersheds and sub-streams"
-echo ""
-echo "Citation: Domisch, S., Amatulli, G., Jetz, W. (in review)"
-echo "Near-global freshwater-specific environmental variables for"
-echo "biodiversity analyses in 1km resolution. Scientific Data"
-echo "##########################################################################"
-echo ""
-export GISRC_def=$GISRC
-echo Using $( ls $GIS_OPT_FOLDER/blockfile/blockfile* | wc -l ) blocks in $GIS_OPT_FOLDER/blockfile/
-for file in $GIS_OPT_FOLDER/*digit4/*digit3/*digit2/*digit1/blockfile*_sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}.tar.gz ; do
- export DIRNAME=$(dirname $file )
- filename=$(basename $file )
- tar -xf $file
- export BLKID=$(echo $filename | awk -v GIS_OPT_AREA=${GIS_OPT_AREA} '{ gsub("0000", "") ; gsub("blockfile","") ; gsub("_sub_","") ; gsub("GIS_OPT_AREA","") ; gsub(".tar.gz","") ; print }')
- export dir4d=${BLKID: -4:1} ; if [ -z $dir4d ] ; then dir4d=0 ; fi
- export dir3d=${BLKID: -3:1} ; if [ -z $dir3d ] ; then dir3d=0 ; fi
- export dir2d=${BLKID: -2:1} ; if [ -z $dir2d ] ; then dir2d=0 ; fi
- export dir1d=${BLKID: -1:1} ; if [ -z $dir1d ] ; then dir1d=0 ; fi
-g.gisenv set="GISDBASE=$GISDBASE"
-g.gisenv set="MAPSET=PERMANENT"
-echo "Start the stream-specific variable aggregation for block $file"
-ls $DIRNAME/sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID*.tif | awk '{ if (NR>0) { print $1 , NR} }' | xargs -n 2 -P $GIS_OPT_CPU bash -c $'
-filename=$(basename $file .tif )
-if [ $GIS_OPT_AREA = "watershed" ] ; then ID=${filename:15:99}; fi
-if [ $GIS_OPT_AREA = "stream" ] ; then ID=${filename:12:99}; fi
-if [ $( expr $( expr $NR + 1 ) / 100) -eq $( expr $NR / 100 + 1 ) ] ; then
-echo -en "\r$(expr $NR / 100 + 1 )% done"
-# replicate the start-GISRC in a uniq GISRC
-cp $GISRC_def $HOME/.grass7/rc$ID
-export GISRC=$HOME/.grass7/rc$ID
-g.mapset -c mapset=sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID$ID location=$LOCATION_NAME dbase=$GISDBASE --quiet
-export GISBASE=$( grep gisbase $(which grass70) | awk \'{ if(NR==2) { gsub ("\\"","" ) ; print $3 } }\' )
-export PATH=$PATH:$GISBASE/bin:$GISBASE/scripts
-# echo Load $DIRNAME/sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID}.tif
-r.in.gdal input=$DIRNAME/sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID}.tif output=sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID} --q
-g.region rast=sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID}@sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID} zoom=sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID}@sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID} --q
-r.mapcalc "sub_$GIS_OPT_VARIABLE = if ( sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID} == 1 , $GIS_OPT_VARIABLE at PERMANENT , null())" --o --q
-echo $ID"|"$( r.univar -t --q map=sub_$GIS_OPT_VARIABLE | awk \'{ if (NR==2 ) print}\' ) > $DIRNAME/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_ID$ID.txt
-FULL=$(awk -F "|" \'{if (NF==13) {print 1 } else {print 0} }\' $DIRNAME/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_ID$ID.txt)
-if [ $FULL -eq 0 ] ; then
-rm -f $DIRNAME/sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID}.tif
-' _
-g.gisenv set="MAPSET=PERMANENT"
-g.gisenv set="GISDBASE=$GISDBASE"
-echo -en "\r100% done"
-echo ""
-echo "Check for missing files due to RAM overload"
-if ls $DIRNAME/sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID*.tif 1> /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
-echo $(ls $DIRNAME/sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID*.tif | wc -l ) files had RAM issues
-ls $DIRNAME/sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID*.tif | awk '{ if (NR>0) { print $1 , NR} }' | xargs -n 2 -P 1 bash -c $'
-filename=$(basename $file .tif )
-echo Fix missing file $file using only 1 CPU
-if [ $GIS_OPT_AREA = "watershed" ] ; then ID=${filename:15:99}; fi
-if [ $GIS_OPT_AREA = "stream" ] ; then ID=${filename:12:99}; fi
-if [ ! -f $DIRNAME/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_ID$ID.txt ] ; then
-if [ $( expr $( expr $NR + 1 ) / 100) -eq $( expr $NR / 100 + 1 ) ] ; then
-echo -en "\r$(expr $NR / 100 + 1 )% done"
-# replicate the start-GISRC in a uniq GISRC
-cp $GISRC_def $HOME/.grass7/rc$ID
-export GISRC=$HOME/.grass7/rc$ID
-g.mapset -c mapset=sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID$ID location=$LOCATION_NAME dbase=$GISDBASE --quiet
-export GISBASE=$( grep gisbase $(which grass70) | awk \'{ if(NR==2) { gsub ("\\"","" ) ; print $3 } }\' )
-export PATH=$PATH:$GISBASE/bin:$GISBASE/scripts
-# echo Load $DIRNAME/sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID}.tif
-r.in.gdal input=$DIRNAME/sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID}.tif output=sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID} --q
-rm -f $DIRNAME/sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID}.tif
-g.region rast=sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID}@sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID} zoom=sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID}@sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID} --q
-r.mapcalc "sub_$GIS_OPT_VARIABLE = if ( sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID} == 1 , $GIS_OPT_VARIABLE at PERMANENT , null())" --o --q
-echo $ID"|"$( r.univar -t --q map=sub_$GIS_OPT_VARIABLE | awk \'{ if (NR==2 ) print}\' ) > $DIRNAME/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_ID$ID.txt
-FULL=$(awk -F "|" \'{if (NF==13) {print 1 } else {print 0} }\' $DIRNAME/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_ID$ID.txt)
-if [ $FULL -eq 0 ] ; then rm $DIRNAME/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_ID$ID.txt ; fi
-' _
-echo 0 files had RAM issues
-rm -f $DIRNAME/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_ID*.txt
-echo "Aggregating the final table to reclassify the raster ID"
-echo "ID|non_null_cells|null_cells|min|max|range|mean|mean_of_abs|stddev|variance|coeff_var|sum|sum_abs" > $GIS_OPT_FOLDER/blockfile/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}.txt
-cat $GIS_OPT_FOLDER/*digit4/*digit3/*digit2/*digit1/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}.txt >> $GIS_OPT_FOLDER/blockfile/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}.txt
-rm -f $GIS_OPT_FOLDER/*digit4/*digit3/*digit2/*digit1/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}.txt
-echo Reclass the grid_id for the following output ${GIS_OPT_OUTPUT//","/" "}
-echo ${GIS_OPT_OUTPUT//","/" "} | xargs -n 1 -P $GIS_OPT_CPU bash -c $'
-if [ $1 = "cells" ] ; then col=2 ; fi
-if [ $1 = "min" ] ; then col=4 ; fi
-if [ $1 = "max" ] ; then col=5 ; fi
-if [ $1 = "range" ] ; then col=6 ; fi
-if [ $1 = "mean" ] ; then col=7 ; fi
-if [ $1 = "stddev" ] ; then col=9 ; fi
-if [ $1 = "coeff_var" ] ; then col=11 ; fi
-if [ $1 = "sum" ] ; then col=12 ; fi
-awk -F "|" -v col=$col -v scale=$GIS_OPT_SCALE \' { if (NR>1 ) {gsub("-nan","0",$col); gsub("inf","0",$col); print $1" = "int($col * scale) }}\' $GIS_OPT_FOLDER/blockfile/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}.txt > $GIS_OPT_FOLDER/blockfile/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_$1.txt
-' _
-echo ${GIS_OPT_OUTPUT//","/" "} | xargs -n 1 -P 1 bash -c $'
-if [ $1 = "cells" ] ; then col=2 ; fi
-if [ $1 = "min" ] ; then col=4 ; fi
-if [ $1 = "max" ] ; then col=5 ; fi
-if [ $1 = "range" ] ; then col=6 ; fi
-if [ $1 = "mean" ] ; then col=7 ; fi
-if [ $1 = "stddev" ] ; then col=9 ; fi
-if [ $1 = "coeff_var" ] ; then col=11 ; fi
-if [ $1 = "sum" ] ; then col=12 ; fi
-echo Create stream-specific variable: $GIS_OPT_VARIABLE $1
-r.reclass input=grid_ID output=${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_$1 rules=$GIS_OPT_FOLDER/blockfile/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_${1}.txt --overwrite --q
-# rm -f $GIS_OPT_FOLDER/blockfile/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_${1}.txt
-r.out.gdal -c input=${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_${1} nodata=-9999 output=$GIS_OPT_OUT_FOLDER/${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_${1}.tif type=Int32 -c createopt="COMPRESS=LZW,ZLEVEL=9" --o --q 2> /dev/null
-if test -f "$GIS_OPT_FOLDER/blockfile/${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_${1}.tif"; then echo "$GIS_OPT_FOLDER/blockfile/${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_${1}.tif has been created!";fi
-#echo "$GIS_OPT_OUT_FOLDER/blockfile/${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_${1}.tif has been created!"
-' _
-echo "The full stream variable calculation has been done!"
-echo "To list the stream-specific output variables: ls $GIS_OPT_OUT_FOLDER/*.tif"
Copied: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.stream.variables/r.stream.variables.py (from rev 66429, grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.stream.variables/r.stream.variables)
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.stream.variables/r.stream.variables.py (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.stream.variables/r.stream.variables.py 2015-10-07 21:17:46 UTC (rev 66431)
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+# MODULE: r.stream.watersheds
+# AUTHOR(S): Giuseppe Amatulli & Sami Domisch
+# based on "Domisch, S., Amatulli, G., Jetz, W. (in review)
+# Near-global freshwater-specific environmental variables for
+# biodiversity analyses in 1km resolution. Scientific Data"
+# PURPOSE: Calculation of contiguous stream-specific variables that account
+# for the upstream environment (based on r.stream.watersheds).
+# COPYRIGHT: (C) 2001-2012 by the GRASS Development Team
+# This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+# License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+# for details.
+#% description: Calculation of contiguous stream-specific variables that account for the upstream environment (based on r.stream.watersheds).
+#% keywords: drainage, stream, hydrology
+#% key: variable
+#% type: string
+#% key_desc: name
+#% description: Name of raster to be converted into a stream-specific variable
+#% required : yes
+#% key: area
+#% type: string
+#% key_desc: string
+#% multiple: no
+#% options: watershed,stream
+#% description: Area of aggregation: across the sub-watersheds or only across sub-streams
+#% required : yes
+#% key: folder
+#% type: string
+#% key_desc: name
+#% description: Provide the full folder path (same as for r.stream.watersheds)
+#% required:no
+#% answer: GISDBASE/folder_structure
+#% key: out_folder
+#% type: string
+#% key_desc: name
+#% description: Provide the full folder path for the output stream-specific variable
+#% required:no
+#% answer: GISDBASE/stream-specific_variables
+#% key: output
+#% type: string
+#% key_desc: method
+#% multiple: yes
+#% options: cells,min,max,range,mean,stddev,coeff_var,sum
+#% description: Provide the output aggregation method for the stream-specific variable: upstream cells numbers, minimum, maximum, range, mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, sum. Output datatype is Int32
+#% required:yes
+#% key: scale
+#% type: double
+#% key_desc: value
+#% description: Provide a scale factor to multiply or divide the final stream-specific variable (e.g if input raster values are between -1 and 1, use scale=1000 to inicrease the number of decimals - all outputs will be rounded to integers)
+#% answer: 1
+#% required:no
+#% key: cpu
+#% type: double
+#% description: Number of CPUs used for the parallel computation
+#% answer: 1
+#% required:no
+if [ -z "$GISBASE" ] ; then
+ echo "You must be in GRASS GIS to run this program." >&2
+ exit 1
+if [ "$1" != "@ARGS_PARSED@" ] ; then
+ exec g.parser "$0" "$@"
+#### check if we have awk
+if [ ! -x "`which awk`" ] ; then
+ g.message -e "awk required, please install awk or gawk first"
+ exit 1
+# setting environment, so that awk works properly in all languages
+unset LC_ALL
+export LC_NUMERIC
+if [ -z "$GIS_OPT_VARIABLE" ] ; then
+ g.message "Please provide the name of raster to be converted into a stream-specific variable."
+exit 1
+if [ -z "$GIS_OPT_AREA" ] ; then
+ g.message "Please provide area of aggregation: across the sub-watersheds or only across sub-streams."
+exit 1
+if [ -z "$GIS_OPT_OUTPUT" ] ; then
+ g.message "Please provide the output aggregation method for the stream-specific variable: upstream min, max, range, mean, stddev, coeff_var, sum"
+exit 1
+#check if drainage and stream file exists
+eval `g.findfile element=cell file="$GIS_OPT_VARIABLE"`
+if [ ! "$file" ] ; then
+ g.message -e "<$GIS_OPT_VARIABLE> does not exist! Aborting."
+ exit 1
+export GISDBASE=$(g.gisenv get=GISDBASE separator=space)
+export LOCATION_NAME=$(g.gisenv get=LOCATION_NAME separator=space)
+export GIS_OPT_AREA
+if [ ${GIS_OPT_FOLDER} = "GISDBASE/folder_structure" ] ; then
+ export GIS_OPT_FOLDER=$GISDBASE"/folder_structure"
+if [ ${GIS_OPT_OUT_FOLDER} = "GISDBASE/stream-specific_variables" ] ; then
+ export GIS_OPT_OUT_FOLDER=$GISDBASE"/stream-specific_variables"
+mkdir $GIS_OPT_OUT_FOLDER 2> /dev/null
+# what to do in case of user break:
+echo ""
+g.message -e 'Process aborted by user. All intermediate files have been deleted!'
+# reset in the permanent mapset
+g.gisenv set="MAPSET=PERMANENT"
+g.gisenv set="GISDBASE=$GISDBASE"
+# delete intermediate files
+find $GIS_OPT_FOLDER/ -maxdepth 1 -name '*.txt' -delete
+find $GIS_OPT_FOLDER/ -maxdepth 1 -name '*.tif' -delete
+rm -fr $GIS_OPT_FOLDER/blockfile/stat_*.txt
+exit 1
+# shell check for user break (signal list: trap -l)
+trap "exitprocedure" 2 3 9 15 19
+echo ""
+echo "##########################################################################"
+echo "Stream-specific variable calculation based on the sub-watersheds and sub-streams"
+echo ""
+echo "Citation: Domisch, S., Amatulli, G., Jetz, W. (in review)"
+echo "Near-global freshwater-specific environmental variables for"
+echo "biodiversity analyses in 1km resolution. Scientific Data"
+echo "##########################################################################"
+echo ""
+export GISRC_def=$GISRC
+echo Using $( ls $GIS_OPT_FOLDER/blockfile/blockfile* | wc -l ) blocks in $GIS_OPT_FOLDER/blockfile/
+for file in $GIS_OPT_FOLDER/*digit4/*digit3/*digit2/*digit1/blockfile*_sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}.tar.gz ; do
+ export DIRNAME=$(dirname $file )
+ filename=$(basename $file )
+ tar -xf $file
+ export BLKID=$(echo $filename | awk -v GIS_OPT_AREA=${GIS_OPT_AREA} '{ gsub("0000", "") ; gsub("blockfile","") ; gsub("_sub_","") ; gsub("GIS_OPT_AREA","") ; gsub(".tar.gz","") ; print }')
+ export dir4d=${BLKID: -4:1} ; if [ -z $dir4d ] ; then dir4d=0 ; fi
+ export dir3d=${BLKID: -3:1} ; if [ -z $dir3d ] ; then dir3d=0 ; fi
+ export dir2d=${BLKID: -2:1} ; if [ -z $dir2d ] ; then dir2d=0 ; fi
+ export dir1d=${BLKID: -1:1} ; if [ -z $dir1d ] ; then dir1d=0 ; fi
+g.gisenv set="GISDBASE=$GISDBASE"
+g.gisenv set="MAPSET=PERMANENT"
+echo "Start the stream-specific variable aggregation for block $file"
+ls $DIRNAME/sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID*.tif | awk '{ if (NR>0) { print $1 , NR} }' | xargs -n 2 -P $GIS_OPT_CPU bash -c $'
+filename=$(basename $file .tif )
+if [ $GIS_OPT_AREA = "watershed" ] ; then ID=${filename:15:99}; fi
+if [ $GIS_OPT_AREA = "stream" ] ; then ID=${filename:12:99}; fi
+if [ $( expr $( expr $NR + 1 ) / 100) -eq $( expr $NR / 100 + 1 ) ] ; then
+echo -en "\r$(expr $NR / 100 + 1 )% done"
+# replicate the start-GISRC in a uniq GISRC
+cp $GISRC_def $HOME/.grass7/rc$ID
+export GISRC=$HOME/.grass7/rc$ID
+g.mapset -c mapset=sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID$ID location=$LOCATION_NAME dbase=$GISDBASE --quiet
+export GISBASE=$( grep gisbase $(which grass70) | awk \'{ if(NR==2) { gsub ("\\"","" ) ; print $3 } }\' )
+export PATH=$PATH:$GISBASE/bin:$GISBASE/scripts
+# echo Load $DIRNAME/sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID}.tif
+r.in.gdal input=$DIRNAME/sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID}.tif output=sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID} --q
+g.region rast=sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID}@sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID} zoom=sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID}@sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID} --q
+r.mapcalc "sub_$GIS_OPT_VARIABLE = if ( sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID} == 1 , $GIS_OPT_VARIABLE at PERMANENT , null())" --o --q
+echo $ID"|"$( r.univar -t --q map=sub_$GIS_OPT_VARIABLE | awk \'{ if (NR==2 ) print}\' ) > $DIRNAME/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_ID$ID.txt
+FULL=$(awk -F "|" \'{if (NF==13) {print 1 } else {print 0} }\' $DIRNAME/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_ID$ID.txt)
+if [ $FULL -eq 0 ] ; then
+rm -f $DIRNAME/sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID}.tif
+' _
+g.gisenv set="MAPSET=PERMANENT"
+g.gisenv set="GISDBASE=$GISDBASE"
+echo -en "\r100% done"
+echo ""
+echo "Check for missing files due to RAM overload"
+if ls $DIRNAME/sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID*.tif 1> /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+echo $(ls $DIRNAME/sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID*.tif | wc -l ) files had RAM issues
+ls $DIRNAME/sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID*.tif | awk '{ if (NR>0) { print $1 , NR} }' | xargs -n 2 -P 1 bash -c $'
+filename=$(basename $file .tif )
+echo Fix missing file $file using only 1 CPU
+if [ $GIS_OPT_AREA = "watershed" ] ; then ID=${filename:15:99}; fi
+if [ $GIS_OPT_AREA = "stream" ] ; then ID=${filename:12:99}; fi
+if [ ! -f $DIRNAME/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_ID$ID.txt ] ; then
+if [ $( expr $( expr $NR + 1 ) / 100) -eq $( expr $NR / 100 + 1 ) ] ; then
+echo -en "\r$(expr $NR / 100 + 1 )% done"
+# replicate the start-GISRC in a uniq GISRC
+cp $GISRC_def $HOME/.grass7/rc$ID
+export GISRC=$HOME/.grass7/rc$ID
+g.mapset -c mapset=sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID$ID location=$LOCATION_NAME dbase=$GISDBASE --quiet
+export GISBASE=$( grep gisbase $(which grass70) | awk \'{ if(NR==2) { gsub ("\\"","" ) ; print $3 } }\' )
+export PATH=$PATH:$GISBASE/bin:$GISBASE/scripts
+# echo Load $DIRNAME/sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID}.tif
+r.in.gdal input=$DIRNAME/sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID}.tif output=sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID} --q
+rm -f $DIRNAME/sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID}.tif
+g.region rast=sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID}@sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID} zoom=sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID}@sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID} --q
+r.mapcalc "sub_$GIS_OPT_VARIABLE = if ( sub_${GIS_OPT_AREA}ID${ID} == 1 , $GIS_OPT_VARIABLE at PERMANENT , null())" --o --q
+echo $ID"|"$( r.univar -t --q map=sub_$GIS_OPT_VARIABLE | awk \'{ if (NR==2 ) print}\' ) > $DIRNAME/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_ID$ID.txt
+FULL=$(awk -F "|" \'{if (NF==13) {print 1 } else {print 0} }\' $DIRNAME/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_ID$ID.txt)
+if [ $FULL -eq 0 ] ; then rm $DIRNAME/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_ID$ID.txt ; fi
+' _
+echo 0 files had RAM issues
+rm -f $DIRNAME/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_ID*.txt
+echo "Aggregating the final table to reclassify the raster ID"
+echo "ID|non_null_cells|null_cells|min|max|range|mean|mean_of_abs|stddev|variance|coeff_var|sum|sum_abs" > $GIS_OPT_FOLDER/blockfile/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}.txt
+cat $GIS_OPT_FOLDER/*digit4/*digit3/*digit2/*digit1/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}.txt >> $GIS_OPT_FOLDER/blockfile/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}.txt
+rm -f $GIS_OPT_FOLDER/*digit4/*digit3/*digit2/*digit1/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}.txt
+echo Reclass the grid_id for the following output ${GIS_OPT_OUTPUT//","/" "}
+echo ${GIS_OPT_OUTPUT//","/" "} | xargs -n 1 -P $GIS_OPT_CPU bash -c $'
+if [ $1 = "cells" ] ; then col=2 ; fi
+if [ $1 = "min" ] ; then col=4 ; fi
+if [ $1 = "max" ] ; then col=5 ; fi
+if [ $1 = "range" ] ; then col=6 ; fi
+if [ $1 = "mean" ] ; then col=7 ; fi
+if [ $1 = "stddev" ] ; then col=9 ; fi
+if [ $1 = "coeff_var" ] ; then col=11 ; fi
+if [ $1 = "sum" ] ; then col=12 ; fi
+awk -F "|" -v col=$col -v scale=$GIS_OPT_SCALE \' { if (NR>1 ) {gsub("-nan","0",$col); gsub("inf","0",$col); print $1" = "int($col * scale) }}\' $GIS_OPT_FOLDER/blockfile/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}.txt > $GIS_OPT_FOLDER/blockfile/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_$1.txt
+' _
+echo ${GIS_OPT_OUTPUT//","/" "} | xargs -n 1 -P 1 bash -c $'
+if [ $1 = "cells" ] ; then col=2 ; fi
+if [ $1 = "min" ] ; then col=4 ; fi
+if [ $1 = "max" ] ; then col=5 ; fi
+if [ $1 = "range" ] ; then col=6 ; fi
+if [ $1 = "mean" ] ; then col=7 ; fi
+if [ $1 = "stddev" ] ; then col=9 ; fi
+if [ $1 = "coeff_var" ] ; then col=11 ; fi
+if [ $1 = "sum" ] ; then col=12 ; fi
+echo Create stream-specific variable: $GIS_OPT_VARIABLE $1
+r.reclass input=grid_ID output=${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_$1 rules=$GIS_OPT_FOLDER/blockfile/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_${1}.txt --overwrite --q
+# rm -f $GIS_OPT_FOLDER/blockfile/stat_${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_${1}.txt
+r.out.gdal -c input=${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_${1} nodata=-9999 output=$GIS_OPT_OUT_FOLDER/${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_${1}.tif type=Int32 -c createopt="COMPRESS=LZW,ZLEVEL=9" --o --q 2> /dev/null
+if test -f "$GIS_OPT_FOLDER/blockfile/${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_${1}.tif"; then echo "$GIS_OPT_FOLDER/blockfile/${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_${1}.tif has been created!";fi
+#echo "$GIS_OPT_OUT_FOLDER/blockfile/${GIS_OPT_VARIABLE}_${1}.tif has been created!"
+' _
+echo "The full stream variable calculation has been done!"
+echo "To list the stream-specific output variables: ls $GIS_OPT_OUT_FOLDER/*.tif"
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