[GRASS-SVN] r66526 - in grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis: libmodis r.modis.download r.modis.import

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Mon Oct 19 06:43:18 PDT 2015

Author: lucadelu
Date: 2015-10-19 06:43:18 -0700 (Mon, 19 Oct 2015)
New Revision: 66526

r.modis: several updates, r.modis.import to be tested

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/Makefile
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/Makefile	2015-10-19 01:03:34 UTC (rev 66525)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/Makefile	2015-10-19 13:43:18 UTC (rev 66526)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Other.make
 include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Python.make
-MODULES = downmodis rmodislib convertmodis parsemodis
+MODULES = downmodis rmodislib convertmodis parsemodis convertmodis_gdal
 ETCDIR = $(ETC)/r.modis

Added: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/convertmodis_gdal.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/convertmodis_gdal.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/convertmodis_gdal.py	2015-10-19 13:43:18 UTC (rev 66526)
@@ -0,0 +1,710 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+#  class to convert/process modis data using gdal
+#  Some code is coming from GDAL/OGR Test Suite
+#  Copyright (c) 2008, Andrey Kiselev <dron16 at ak4719.spb.edu>
+#  Copyright (c) 2008-2014, Even Rouault <even dot rouault at mines-paris dot org>
+#  http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/browser/trunk/autotest/alg/warp.py#L782
+#  (c) Copyright Luca Delucchi 2014
+#  Authors: Luca Delucchi
+#  Email: luca dot delucchi at iasma dot it
+#  This MODIS Python class is licensed under the terms of GNU GPL 2.
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+#  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+#  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even implied warranty of
+#  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+"""Convert MODIS HDF file using GDAL Python bindings. It can create GeoTiff
+file (or other GDAL supported formats) or HDF mosaic file for several tiles.
+* :class:`file_info`
+* :class:`createMosaicGDAL`
+* :class:`convertModisGDAL`
+* :func:`getResampling`
+* :func:`raster_copy`
+* :func:`raster_copy_with_nodata`
+from __future__ import print_function
+from types import ListType, StringType
+    import osgeo.gdal as gdal
+except ImportError:
+    try:
+        import gdal
+    except ImportError:
+        raise ImportError('Python GDAL library not found, please install '
+                          'python-gdal')
+    import osgeo.osr as osr
+except ImportError:
+    try:
+        import osr
+    except ImportError:
+        raise ImportError('Python GDAL library not found, please install '
+                          'python-gdal')
+              'MODE', 'NEAREST_NEIGHBOR']
+SINU_WKT = 'PROJCS["Sinusoidal_Sanson_Flamsteed",GEOGCS["GCS_Unknown",' \
+           'DATUM["D_unknown",SPHEROID["Unknown",6371007.181,"inf"]],' \
+           'PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]]' \
+           ',PROJECTION["Sinusoidal"],PARAMETER["central_meridian",0],' \
+           'PARAMETER["false_easting",0],PARAMETER["false_northing",0]' \
+           ',UNIT["Meter",1]]'
+def getResampling(res):
+    """Return the GDAL resampling method
+       :param str res: the string of resampling method
+    """
+    if res == 'AVERAGE':
+        return gdal.GRA_Average
+    elif res == 'BILINEAR' or res == 'BICUBIC':
+        return gdal.GRA_Bilinear
+    elif res == 'LANCZOS':
+        return gdal.GRA_Lanczos
+    elif res == 'MODE':
+        return gdal.GRA_Mode
+    elif res == 'NEAREST_NEIGHBOR':
+        return gdal.GRA_NearestNeighbour
+    elif res == 'CUBIC_CONVOLUTION' or res == 'CUBIC':
+        return gdal.GRA_Cubic
+    elif res == 'CUBIC_SPLINE':
+        return gdal.GRA_CubicSpline
+class convertModisGDAL:
+    """A class to convert modis data from hdf to GDAL formats using GDAL
+       :param str hdfname: name of input data
+       :param str prefix: prefix for output data
+       :param str subset: the subset to consider
+       :param int res: output resolution
+       :param str outformat: output format, it is possible to use all the
+                             supported GDAL format
+       :param int epsg: the EPSG code for the reprojection of output file
+       :param str wkt: the WKT string for the reprojection of output file
+       :param str resampl: the resampling method to use
+       :param bool vrt: True to read GDAL VRT file created with
+                        createMosaicGDAL
+    """
+    def __init__(self, hdfname, prefix, subset, res, outformat="GTiff",
+                 epsg=None, wkt=None, resampl='NEAREST_NEIGHBOR', vrt=False):
+        """Function for the initialize the object"""
+        # Open source dataset
+        self.in_name = hdfname
+        self.src_ds = gdal.Open(self.in_name)
+        self.layers = self.src_ds.GetSubDatasets()
+        self.output_pref = prefix
+        self.resolution = res
+        if epsg:
+            self.dst_srs = osr.SpatialReference()
+            self.dst_srs.ImportFromEPSG(int(epsg))
+            self.dst_wkt = self.dst_srs.ExportToWkt()
+        elif wkt:
+            try:
+                f = open(wkt)
+                self.dst_wkt = f.read()
+                f.close()
+            except:
+                self.dst_wkt = wkt
+        else:
+            raise Exception('You have to set one of the following option: '
+                            '"epsg", "wkt"')
+        # error threshold the same value as gdalwarp
+        self.error_threshold = 0.125
+        self.resampling = getResampling(resampl)
+        if type(subset) == ListType:
+            self.subset = subset
+        elif type(subset) == StringType:
+            self.subset = subset.replace('(', '').replace(')',
+                                                          '').strip().split()
+        else:
+            raise Exception('Type for subset parameter not supported')
+        self.driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(outformat)
+        self.vrt = vrt
+        if self.driver is None:
+            raise Exception('Format driver %s not found, pick a supported '
+                            'driver.' % outformat)
+    def _boundingBox(self, src):
+        """Obtain the bounding box of raster in the new coordinate system
+           :param src: a GDAL dataset object
+           :return: a bounding box value in lists
+        """
+        src_gtrn = src.GetGeoTransform(can_return_null=True)
+        src_bbox_cells = ((0., 0.), (0, src.RasterYSize), (src.RasterXSize, 0),
+                          (src.RasterXSize, src.RasterYSize))
+        geo_pts_x = []
+        geo_pts_y = []
+        for x, y in src_bbox_cells:
+            x2 = src_gtrn[0] + src_gtrn[1] * x + src_gtrn[2] * y
+            y2 = src_gtrn[3] + src_gtrn[4] * x + src_gtrn[5] * y
+            geo_pts_x.append(x2)
+            geo_pts_y.append(y2)
+        return ((min(geo_pts_x), min(geo_pts_y)), (max(geo_pts_x),
+                                                   max(geo_pts_y)))
+    def _calculateRes(self, minn, maxx, res):
+        """Calculate the number of pixel from extent and resolution
+           :param float minn: minimum value of extent
+           :param float maxx: maximum value of extent
+           :param int res: resolution of output raster
+           :return: integer number with the number of pixels
+        """
+        return int(round((maxx - minn) / res))
+    def _createWarped(self, raster):
+        """Create a warped VRT file to fetch default values for target raster
+        dimensions and geotransform
+        :param str raster: the name of raster, for HDF have to be one subset
+        """
+        src = gdal.Open(raster)
+        tmp_ds = gdal.AutoCreateWarpedVRT(src, SINU_WKT,
+                                          self.dst_wkt, self.resampling,
+                                          self.error_threshold)
+        if not self.resolution:
+            self.dst_xsize = tmp_ds.RasterXSize
+            self.dst_ysize = tmp_ds.RasterYSize
+            self.dst_gt = tmp_ds.GetGeoTransform()
+        else:
+            bbox = self._boundingBox(tmp_ds)
+            self.dst_xsize = self._calculateRes(bbox[0][0], bbox[1][0],
+                                                self.resolution)
+            self.dst_ysize = self._calculateRes(bbox[0][1], bbox[1][1],
+                                                self.resolution)
+            if self.dst_xsize == 0:
+                raise Exception('Invalid number of pixel 0 for X size. The '
+                                'problem could be in an invalid value of '
+                                'resolution')
+                return 0
+            elif self.dst_ysize == 0:
+                raise Exception('Invalid number of pixel 0 for Y size. The '
+                                'problem could be in an invalid value of '
+                                'resolution')
+                return 0
+            self.dst_gt = [bbox[0][0], self.resolution, 0.0, bbox[1][1], 0.0,
+                           -self.resolution]
+        tmp_ds = None
+        src = None
+        return 0
+    def _progressCallback(self, pct, message, user_data):
+        """For the progress status"""
+        return 1  # 1 to continue, 0 to stop
+    def _reprojectOne(self, l):
+        """Reproject a single subset of MODIS product
+        l = complete name of input dataset
+        """
+        l_src_ds = gdal.Open(l)
+        meta = l_src_ds.GetMetadata()
+        band = l_src_ds.GetRasterBand(1)
+        if '_FillValue' in meta.keys():
+            fill_value = meta['_FillValue']
+        elif band.GetNoDataValue():
+            fill_value = band.GetNoDataValue()
+        else:
+            fill_value = None
+        datatype = band.DataType
+        try:
+            l_name = l.split(':')[-1]
+            out_name = "{pref}_{lay}.tif".format(pref=self.output_pref,
+                                                 lay=l_name)
+        except:
+            out_name = "{pref}.tif".format(pref=self.output_pref)
+        if self.vrt:
+            out_name = "{pref}.tif".format(pref=self.output_pref)
+        try:
+            dst_ds = self.driver.Create(out_name, self.dst_xsize,
+                                        self.dst_ysize, 1, datatype)
+        except:
+            raise Exception('Not possibile to create dataset %s' % out_name)
+            return 0
+        dst_ds.SetProjection(self.dst_wkt)
+        dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(self.dst_gt)
+        if fill_value:
+            dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetNoDataValue(float(fill_value))
+            dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1).Fill(float(fill_value))
+        cbk = self._progressCallback
+        # value for last parameter of above self._progressCallback
+        cbk_user_data = None
+        try:
+            gdal.ReprojectImage(l_src_ds, dst_ds, SINU_WKT, self.dst_wkt,
+                                self.resampling, 0, self.error_threshold, cbk,
+                                cbk_user_data)
+            print("Layer {name} reprojected".format(name=l))
+        except:
+            raise Exception('Not possibile to reproject dataset '
+                            '{name}'.format(name=l))
+            return 0
+        dst_ds.SetMetadata(meta)
+        dst_ds = None
+        l_src_ds = None
+        return 0
+    def run_vrt_separated(self):
+        """Reproject VRT created by createMosaicGDAL, function write_vrt with
+        sepatated=True
+        """
+        self._createWarped(self.in_name)
+        self._reprojectOne(self.in_name)
+        print("Dataset '{name}' reprojected".format(name=self.in_name))
+    def run(self):
+        """Reproject all the subset of choosen layer"""
+        if self.vrt:
+            self.run_vrt_separated()
+            return
+        else:
+            self._createWarped(self.layers[0][0])
+            n = 0
+            for i in self.subset:
+                if str(i) == '1':
+                    self._reprojectOne(self.layers[n][0])
+                n = n + 1
+            print("All layer for dataset '{name}' "
+                  "reprojected".format(name=self.in_name))
+# =============================================================================
+def raster_copy(s_fh, s_xoff, s_yoff, s_xsize, s_ysize, s_band_n,
+                t_fh, t_xoff, t_yoff, t_xsize, t_ysize, t_band_n,
+                nodata=None):
+    """Copy a band of raster into the output file.
+       Function copied from gdal_merge.py
+    """
+    if nodata is not None:
+        return raster_copy_with_nodata(s_fh, s_xoff, s_yoff, s_xsize, s_ysize,
+                                       s_band_n, t_fh, t_xoff, t_yoff, t_xsize,
+                                       t_ysize, t_band_n, nodata)
+    s_band = s_fh.GetRasterBand(s_band_n)
+    t_band = t_fh.GetRasterBand(t_band_n)
+    data = s_band.ReadRaster(s_xoff, s_yoff, s_xsize, s_ysize,
+                             t_xsize, t_ysize, t_band.DataType)
+    t_band.WriteRaster(t_xoff, t_yoff, t_xsize, t_ysize, data, t_xsize,
+                       t_ysize, t_band.DataType)
+    return 0
+def raster_copy_with_nodata(s_fh, s_xoff, s_yoff, s_xsize, s_ysize, s_band_n,
+                            t_fh, t_xoff, t_yoff, t_xsize, t_ysize, t_band_n,
+                            nodata):
+    """Copy a band of raster into the output file with nodata values.
+       Function copied from gdal_merge.py
+    """
+    try:
+        import numpy as Numeric
+    except ImportError:
+        import Numeric
+    s_band = s_fh.GetRasterBand(s_band_n)
+    t_band = t_fh.GetRasterBand(t_band_n)
+    data_src = s_band.ReadAsArray(s_xoff, s_yoff, s_xsize, s_ysize,
+                                  t_xsize, t_ysize)
+    data_dst = t_band.ReadAsArray(t_xoff, t_yoff, t_xsize, t_ysize)
+    nodata_test = Numeric.equal(data_src, nodata)
+    to_write = Numeric.choose(nodata_test, (data_src, data_dst))
+    t_band.WriteArray(to_write, t_xoff, t_yoff)
+    return 0
+class file_info:
+    """A class holding information about a GDAL file.
+       Class copied from gdal_merge.py
+       :param str filename: Name of file to read.
+       :return: 1 on success or 0 if the file can't be opened.
+    """
+    def init_from_name(self, filename):
+        """Initialize file_info from filename"""
+        fh = gdal.Open(filename)
+        if fh is None:
+            return 0
+        self.filename = filename
+        self.bands = fh.RasterCount
+        self.xsize = fh.RasterXSize
+        self.ysize = fh.RasterYSize
+        self.band_type = fh.GetRasterBand(1).DataType
+        self.block_size = fh.GetRasterBand(1).GetBlockSize()
+        self.projection = fh.GetProjection()
+        self.geotransform = fh.GetGeoTransform()
+        self.ulx = self.geotransform[0]
+        self.uly = self.geotransform[3]
+        self.lrx = self.ulx + self.geotransform[1] * self.xsize
+        self.lry = self.uly + self.geotransform[5] * self.ysize
+        meta = fh.GetMetadata()
+        if '_FillValue' in meta.keys():
+            self.fill_value = meta['_FillValue']
+        else:
+            self.fill_value = None
+        ct = fh.GetRasterBand(1).GetRasterColorTable()
+        if ct is not None:
+            self.ct = ct.Clone()
+        else:
+            self.ct = None
+        return 1
+    def copy_into(self, t_fh, s_band=1, t_band=1, nodata_arg=None):
+        """Copy this files image into target file.
+        This method will compute the overlap area of the file_info objects
+        file, and the target gdal.Dataset object, and copy the image data
+        for the common window area.  It is assumed that the files are in
+        a compatible projection. no checking or warping is done.  However,
+        if the destination file is a different resolution, or different
+        image pixel type, the appropriate resampling and conversions will
+        be done (using normal GDAL promotion/demotion rules).
+        :param t_fh: gdal.Dataset object for the file into which some or all
+                     of this file may be copied.
+        :param s_band:
+        :param t_band:
+        :param nodata_arg:
+        :return: 1 on success (or if nothing needs to be copied), and zero one
+                 failure.
+        """
+        t_geotransform = t_fh.GetGeoTransform()
+        t_ulx = t_geotransform[0]
+        t_uly = t_geotransform[3]
+        t_lrx = t_geotransform[0] + t_fh.RasterXSize * t_geotransform[1]
+        t_lry = t_geotransform[3] + t_fh.RasterYSize * t_geotransform[5]
+        # figure out intersection region
+        tgw_ulx = max(t_ulx, self.ulx)
+        tgw_lrx = min(t_lrx, self.lrx)
+        if t_geotransform[5] < 0:
+            tgw_uly = min(t_uly, self.uly)
+            tgw_lry = max(t_lry, self.lry)
+        else:
+            tgw_uly = max(t_uly, self.uly)
+            tgw_lry = min(t_lry, self.lry)
+        # do they even intersect?
+        if tgw_ulx >= tgw_lrx:
+            return 1
+        if t_geotransform[5] < 0 and tgw_uly <= tgw_lry:
+            return 1
+        if t_geotransform[5] > 0 and tgw_uly >= tgw_lry:
+            return 1
+        # compute target window in pixel coordinates.
+        tw_xoff = int((tgw_ulx - t_geotransform[0]) / t_geotransform[1] + 0.1)
+        tw_yoff = int((tgw_uly - t_geotransform[3]) / t_geotransform[5] + 0.1)
+        tw_xsize = int((tgw_lrx - t_geotransform[0]) / t_geotransform[1] + 0.5) - tw_xoff
+        tw_ysize = int((tgw_lry - t_geotransform[3]) / t_geotransform[5] + 0.5) - tw_yoff
+        if tw_xsize < 1 or tw_ysize < 1:
+            return 1
+        # Compute source window in pixel coordinates.
+        sw_xoff = int((tgw_ulx - self.geotransform[0]) / self.geotransform[1])
+        sw_yoff = int((tgw_uly - self.geotransform[3]) / self.geotransform[5])
+        sw_xsize = int((tgw_lrx - self.geotransform[0])
+                       / self.geotransform[1] + 0.5) - sw_xoff
+        sw_ysize = int((tgw_lry - self.geotransform[3])
+                       / self.geotransform[5] + 0.5) - sw_yoff
+        if sw_xsize < 1 or sw_ysize < 1:
+            return 1
+        # Open the source file, and copy the selected region.
+        s_fh = gdal.Open(self.filename)
+        return \
+            raster_copy(s_fh, sw_xoff, sw_yoff, sw_xsize, sw_ysize, s_band,
+                        t_fh, tw_xoff, tw_yoff, tw_xsize, tw_ysize, t_band,
+                        nodata_arg)
+class createMosaicGDAL:
+    """A class to mosaic modis data from hdf to GDAL formats using GDAL
+       :param list hdfnames: a list containing the name of tile to mosaic
+       :param str subset: the subset of layer to consider
+       :param str outformat: the output format to use, this parameter is
+                             not used for the VRT output, supported values
+                             are HDF4Image, GTiff, HFA, and maybe something
+                             else not tested.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, hdfnames, subset, outformat="HDF4Image"):
+        """Function for the initialize the object"""
+        # Open source dataset
+        self.in_names = hdfnames
+        # #TODO use resolution into mosaic.
+        # self.resolution = res
+        if not subset:
+            self.subset = None
+        elif type(subset) == ListType:
+            self.subset = subset
+        elif type(subset) == StringType:
+            self.subset = subset.replace('(', '').replace(')',
+                                                          '').strip().split()
+        else:
+            raise Exception('Type for subset parameter not supported')
+        self.driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(outformat)
+        if self.driver is None:
+            raise Exception('Format driver %s not found, pick a supported '
+                            'driver.' % outformat)
+        driverMD = self.driver.GetMetadata()
+        if 'DCAP_CREATE' not in driverMD:
+            raise Exception('Format driver %s does not support creation and'
+                            ' piecewise writing.\nPlease select a format that'
+                            ' does, such as GTiff (the default) or HFA (Erdas'
+                            ' Imagine).' % format)
+        self._initLayers()
+        self._getUsedLayers()
+        self._names_to_fileinfos()
+    def _initLayers(self):
+        """Set up the variable self.layers as dictionary for each choosen
+        subset"""
+        if type(self.in_names) == ListType:
+            src_ds = gdal.Open(self.in_names[0])
+        else:
+            raise Exception("The input value should be a list of HDF files")
+        layers = src_ds.GetSubDatasets()
+        self.layers = {}
+        n = 0
+        if not self.subset:
+            self.subset = [1 for i in range(len(layers))]
+        for i in self.subset:
+            if str(i) == '1':
+                name = layers[n][0].split(':')[-1]
+                self.layers[name] = []
+            n = n + 1
+    def _getUsedLayers(self):
+        """Add each subset to the correct list for each input layers"""
+        for name in self.in_names:
+            src_ds = gdal.Open(name)
+            layers = src_ds.GetSubDatasets()
+            n = 0
+            for i in self.subset:
+                if str(i) == '1':
+                    name = layers[n][0].split(':')[-1]
+                    self.layers[name].append(layers[n][0])
+                n = n + 1
+    def _names_to_fileinfos(self):
+        """Translate a list of GDAL filenames, into file_info objects.
+        Returns a list of file_info objects. There may be less file_info
+        objects than names if some of the names could not be opened as GDAL
+        files.
+        """
+        self.file_infos = {}
+        for k, v in self.layers.iteritems():
+            self.file_infos[k] = []
+            for name in v:
+                fi = file_info()
+                if fi.init_from_name(name) == 1:
+                    self.file_infos[k].append(fi)
+        self.file_infos
+    def _calculateNewSize(self):
+        """Return the new size of output raster
+           :return: X size, Y size and geotransform parameters
+        """
+        values = self.file_infos.values()
+        l1 = values[0][0]
+        ulx = l1.ulx
+        uly = l1.uly
+        lrx = l1.lrx
+        lry = l1.lry
+        for fi in self.file_infos[self.file_infos.keys()[0]]:
+            ulx = min(ulx, fi.ulx)
+            uly = max(uly, fi.uly)
+            lrx = max(lrx, fi.lrx)
+            lry = min(lry, fi.lry)
+        psize_x = l1.geotransform[1]
+        psize_y = l1.geotransform[5]
+        geotransform = [ulx, psize_x, 0, uly, 0, psize_y]
+        xsize = int((lrx - ulx) / geotransform[1] + 0.5)
+        ysize = int((lry - uly) / geotransform[5] + 0.5)
+        return xsize, ysize, geotransform
+    def write_mosaic_xml(self, prefix):
+        """Write the XML metadata file for MODIS mosaic
+           :param str prefix: the prefix for the XML file containing metadata
+        """
+        from parsemodis import parseModisMulti
+        import os
+        listHDF = []
+        for i in self.in_names:
+            listHDF.append(os.path.realpath(i.strip()))
+        pmm = parseModisMulti(listHDF)
+        pmm.writexml("%s.xml" % prefix)
+    def run(self, output):
+        """Create the mosaik
+           :param str output: the name of output file
+        """
+        values = self.file_infos.values()
+        l1 = values[0][0]
+        xsize, ysize, geotransform = self._calculateNewSize()
+        t_fh = self.driver.Create(output, xsize, ysize,
+                                  len(self.file_infos.keys()), l1.band_type)
+        if t_fh is None:
+            raise Exception('Not possibile to create dataset %s' % output)
+            return
+        t_fh.SetGeoTransform(geotransform)
+        t_fh.SetProjection(l1.projection)
+        i = 1
+        for names in self.file_infos.values():
+            fill = None
+            if names[0].fill_value:
+                fill = float(names[0].fill_value)
+                t_fh.GetRasterBand(i).SetNoDataValue(fill)
+                t_fh.GetRasterBand(i).Fill(fill)
+            for n in names:
+                n.copy_into(t_fh, 1, i, fill)
+            i = i + 1
+        self.write_mosaic_xml(output)
+        t_fh = None
+    def _calculateOffset(self, fileinfo, geotransform):
+        """Return the offset between main origin and the origin of current
+        file
+        :param fileinfo: a file_info object
+        :param geotransform: the geotransform parameters to keep x and y origin
+        """
+        x = abs(int((geotransform[0] - fileinfo.ulx) / geotransform[1]))
+        y = abs(int((geotransform[3] - fileinfo.uly) / geotransform[5]))
+        return x, y
+    def write_vrt(self, output, separate=True):
+        """Write VRT file
+        :param str output: the prefix of output file
+        :param bool separate: True to write a VRT file for each band, False to
+                              write an unique file
+        """
+        def write_complex(outfile, f, geot):
+            """Write a complex source to VRT file"""
+            out.write('\t\t<ComplexSource>\n')
+            out.write('\t\t\t<SourceFilename relativeToVRT="0">{name}'
+                      '</SourceFilename>\n'.format(name=f.filename.replace('"', '')))
+            out.write('\t\t\t<SourceBand>1</SourceBand>\n')
+            out.write('\t\t\t<SourceProperties RasterXSize="{x}" '
+                      'RasterYSize="{y}" DataType="{typ}" '
+                      'BlockXSize="{bx}" BlockYSize="{by}" />'
+                      '\n'.format(x=f.xsize, y=f.ysize,
+                                  typ=f.band_type, bx=f.block_size[0],
+                                  by=f.block_size[1]))
+            out.write('\t\t\t<SrcRect xOff="0" yOff="0" xSize="{x}" '
+                      'ySize="{y}" />\n'.format(x=f.xsize, y=f.ysize))
+            xoff, yoff = self._calculateOffset(f, geot)
+            out.write('\t\t\t<DstRect xOff="{xoff}" yOff="{yoff}" '
+                      'xSize="{x}" ySize="{y}" />'
+                      '\n'.format(xoff=xoff, yoff=yoff, x=f.xsize,
+                                  y=f.ysize))
+            if l1.fill_value:
+                out.write('\t\t\t<NODATA>{va}</NODATA>'
+                          '\n'.format(va=f.fill_value))
+            out.write('\t\t</ComplexSource>\n')
+        xsize, ysize, geot = self._calculateNewSize()
+        if separate:
+            for k in self.file_infos.keys():
+                l1 = self.file_infos[k][0]
+                out = open("{pref}_{band}.vrt".format(pref=output, band=k),
+                           'w')
+                out.write('<VRTDataset rasterXSize="{x}" rasterYSize="{y}">'
+                          '\n'.format(x=xsize, y=ysize))
+                out.write('\t<SRS>{proj}</SRS>\n'.format(proj=l1.projection))
+                out.write('\t<GeoTransform>{geo0}, {geo1}, {geo2}, {geo3},'
+                          ' {geo4}, {geo5}</GeoTransform>'
+                          '\n'.format(geo0=geot[0], geo1=geot[1], geo2=geot[2],
+                                      geo3=geot[3], geo4=geot[4],
+                                      geo5=geot[5]))
+                gtype = gdal.GetDataTypeName(l1.band_type)
+                out.write('\t<VRTRasterBand dataType="{typ}" band="1"'
+                          '>\n'.format(typ=gtype))
+                if l1.fill_value:
+                    out.write('\t\t<NoDataValue>{val}</NoDataValue'
+                              '>\n'.format(val=l1.fill_value))
+                out.write('<ColorInterp>Gray</ColorInterp>\n')
+                for f in self.file_infos[k]:
+                    write_complex(out, f, geot)
+                out.write('\t</VRTRasterBand>\n')
+                out.write('</VRTDataset>\n')
+                out.close()
+        else:
+            values = self.file_infos.values()
+            l1 = values[0][0]
+            band = 1  # the number of band
+            out = open("{pref}.vrt".format(pref=output), 'w')
+            out.write('<VRTDataset rasterXSize="{x}" rasterYSize="{y}">'
+                      '\n'.format(x=xsize, y=ysize))
+            out.write('\t<SRS>{proj}</SRS>\n'.format(proj=l1.projection))
+            out.write('\t<GeoTransform>{geo0}, {geo1}, {geo2}, {geo3},'
+                      ' {geo4}, {geo5}</GeoTransform>\n'.format(geo0=geot[0],
+                      geo1=geot[1], geo2=geot[2], geo3=geot[3], geo4=geot[4],
+                      geo5=geot[5]))
+            for k in self.file_infos.keys():
+                l1 = self.file_infos[k][0]
+                out.write('\t<VRTRasterBand dataType="{typ}" band="{n}"'
+                          '>\n'.format(typ=gdal.GetDataTypeName(l1.band_type),
+                                       n=band))
+                if l1.fill_value:
+                    out.write('\t\t<NoDataValue>{val}</NoDataValue>\n'.format(
+                              val=l1.fill_value))
+                out.write('\t\t<ColorInterp>Gray</ColorInterp>\n')
+                for f in self.file_infos[k]:
+                    write_complex(out, f, geot)
+                out.write('\t</VRTRasterBand>\n')
+                band += 1
+            out.write('</VRTDataset>\n')
+            out.close()

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/downmodis.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/downmodis.py	2015-10-19 01:03:34 UTC (rev 66525)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/downmodis.py	2015-10-19 13:43:18 UTC (rev 66526)
@@ -2,8 +2,11 @@
 #  class to download modis data
 #  (c) Copyright Luca Delucchi 2010
+#  (c) Copyright Logan C Byers 2014
 #  Authors: Luca Delucchi
+#           Logan C Byers
 #  Email: luca dot delucchi at iasma dot it
+#         loganbyers at ku.edu
@@ -18,8 +21,25 @@
 #  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+"""Module to download MODIS HDF files from NASA repository.
+It supports both FTP and HTTP repositories
-from datetime import date, timedelta
+* :class:`modisHtmlParser`
+* :class:`downModis`
+* :func:`urljoin`
+* :func:`getNewerVersion`
+* :func:`str2date`
+from __future__ import print_function
+from datetime import date
+from datetime import timedelta
 import os
 import glob
 import logging
@@ -28,64 +48,82 @@
 import ftplib
     import requests
-    pass
-import urllib2
+except ImportError:
+    import urllib2
 from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
 import re
+global GDAL
     import osgeo.gdal as gdal
+    GDAL = True
 except ImportError:
         import gdal
+        GDAL = True
     except ImportError:
-        raise('Python GDAL library not found, please install python-gdal')
+        GDAL = False
+        print('WARNING: Python GDAL library not found, please install it to'
+              ' check data downloaded with pyModis')
+# setup gdal
+if GDAL:
+    gdal.UseExceptions()
+    gdalDriver = gdal.GetDriverByName('HDF4')
+    if not gdalDriver:
+        GDAL = False
+        print("GDAL installation has no support for HDF4, please update GDAL")
 def urljoin(*args):
-    """
-    Joins given arguments into a url. Trailing but not leading slashes are
+    """Joins given arguments into a url. Trailing but not leading slashes are
     stripped for each argument.
+    :return: a string
     return "/".join(map(lambda x: str(x).rstrip('/'), args))
 def getNewerVersion(oldFile, newFile):
-    """ Return newer version of a file
+    """Check two files to determine which is newer
-        oldFile = one of the two similar file
+       :param str oldFile: one of the two similar files
+       :param str newFile: one of the two similar files
-        newFile = one of the two similar file
+       :return: the name of newer file
-    oldFileSplit = oldFile.split('.')
-    newFileSplit = newFile.split('.')
-    if oldFileSplit[4] > newFileSplit[4]:
+    # get the processing date (YYYYDDDHHMMSS) from the file strings
+    if oldFile.split('.')[4] > newFile.split('.')[4]:
         return oldFile
         return newFile
-def str2date(strin):
-    """Return a date object from a string
+def str2date(datestring):
+    """Convert to datetime.date object from a string
-       string = text string to return date (2012-10-04)
+       :param str datestring string with format (YYYY-MM-DD)
+       :return: a datetime.date object representing datestring
-    todaySplit = strin.split('-')
-    return date(int(todaySplit[0]), int(todaySplit[1]), int(todaySplit[2]))
+    if '-' in datestring:
+        stringSplit = datestring.split('-')
+    elif '.' in datestring:
+        stringSplit = datestring.split('.')
+    elif ' ' in datestring:
+        stringSplit = datestring.split(' ')
+    return date(int(stringSplit[0]), int(stringSplit[1]), int(stringSplit[2]))
 class modisHtmlParser(HTMLParser):
-    """A class to parse HTML"""
+    """A class to parse HTML
+       :param fh: content of http request
+    """
     def __init__(self, fh):
-        """
-        {fh} must be astring returned by requests.content or
-             urllib2.urlopen().read()
-        """
+        """Function to initialize the object"""
         self.fileids = []
@@ -96,96 +134,92 @@
             self.fileids.append(attrD['href'].replace('/', ''))
     def get_all(self):
-        """ Return everything """
+        """Return everything"""
         return self.fileids
     def get_dates(self):
-        """ Return a list of directories with date """
+        """Return a list of directories with date"""
         regex = re.compile('(\d{4})[/.-](\d{2})[/.-](\d{2})$')
         return [elem for elem in self.fileids if regex.match(elem)]
     def get_tiles(self, prod, tiles, jpeg=False):
-        """ Return a list of file to download """
+        """Return a list of files to download
+           :param str prod: the code of MODIS product that we are going to
+                            analyze
+           :param list tiles: the list of tiles to consider
+           :param bool jpeg: True to also check for jpeg data
+        """
         finalList = []
         for i in self.fileids:
+            # distinguish jpg from hdf by where the tileID is within the string
+            # jpgs have the tileID at index 3, hdf have tileID at index 2
             name = i.split('.')
-            # distinguish jpeg files from hdf files by the number of index
-            # where find the tile index
+            # if product is not in the filename, move to next filename in list
             if not name.count(prod):
+            # if tiles are not specified and the file is not a jpg, add to list
             if not tiles and not (name.count('jpg') or name.count('BROWSE')):
-            #is a jpeg of tiles number
+            # if tiles are specified
             if tiles:
+                # if a tileID is at index 3 and jpgs are to be downloaded
                 if tiles.count(name[3]) == 1 and jpeg:
-            #is a hdf of tiles number
+                # if a tileID is at in index 2, it is known to be HDF
                 elif tiles.count(name[2]) == 1:
         return finalList
 class downModis:
-    """A class to download MODIS data from NASA FTP repository"""
-    def __init__(self,
-                destinationFolder,
-                password=None,
-                user="anonymous",
-                url="http://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov",
-                tiles=None,
-                path="MOLT",
-                product="MOD11A1.005",
-                today=None,
-                enddate=None,
-                delta=10,
-                jpg=False,
-                debug=False,
-                timeout=30
-              ):
-        """Initialization function :
+    """A class to download MODIS data from NASA FTP or HTTP repositories
-            destinationFolder = where the files will be stored
+       :param str destinationFolder: where the files will be stored
+       :param str password: the password, it should be your email address
+                            to connect to a FTP server. Do not use this
+                            variable if the server is an HTTP server
+       :param str user: the user name, by default 'anonymous', used to
+                        connect to an FTP server. Do not use this variable
+                        if the server is an HTTP server
+       :param str url: the base url from where to download the MODIS data,
+                       it can be FTP or HTTP but it has to start with
+                       'ftp://' or 'http://'
+       :param str path: the directory where the data that you want to
+                        download are stored on the FTP server. For HTTP
+                        requests, this is the part of the url between the 'url'
+                        parameter and the 'product' parameter.
+       :param str product: the code of the product to download, the code
+                           should be idential to the one of the url
+       :param str tiles: a set of tiles to be downloaded, None == all tiles.
+                         This can be passed as a string of tileIDs separated
+                         by commas, or as a list of individual tileIDs
+       :param str today: the day to start downloading; in order to pass a
+                         date different from today use the format YYYY-MM-DD
+       :param str enddate: the day to end downloading; in order to pass a
+                           date use the format YYYY-MM-DD. This day must be
+                           before the 'today' parameter. Downloading happens
+                           in reverse order (currently)
+       :param int delta: timelag i.e. the number of days starting from
+                         today backwards. Will be overwritten if
+                         'enddate' is specifed during instantiation
+       :param bool jpeg: set to True if you want to download the JPG overview
+                         file in addition to the HDF
+       :param bool debug: set to True if you want to obtain debug information
+       :param int timeout: Timeout value for HTTP server (seconds)
+       :param bool checkgdal: variable to set the GDAL check
+    """
+    def __init__(self, destinationFolder, password=None, user="anonymous",
+                 url="http://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov", tiles=None, path="MOLT",
+                 product="MOD11A1.005", today=None, enddate=None, delta=10,
+                 jpg=False, debug=False, timeout=30, checkgdal=True):
+        """Function to initialize the object"""
-            password = the password, it should be your email address to
-                       connect to a FTP server.
-                       Do not use this variable if the server is a HTTP server
-            user = the user name, by default 'anonymous', used to connect
-                       to a FTP server.
-                       Do not use this variable if the server is a HTTP server
-            url = the url from where to download the MODIS data, it can be FTP or
-                  HTTP and it has to start with http:// or ftp://
-            path = the directory where the data that you want to download are
-                   stored on the FTP server
-            product = the code of product to download, the code should be
-                      idential to the one of the url
-            tiles = a list of tiles to be downloaded, None == all tiles
-            today = the day to start downloading; in order to pass a date
-                    different from today use the format YYYY-MM-DD
-            enddate = the day to end downloading; in order to pass a date
-                      use the format YYYY-MM-DD
-            delta = timelag i.e. the number of days starting from today
-                    backwards
-            jpeg = set to True if you want to download also the JPG overview file
-            debug = set to True if you want to obtain debug information
-            timeout = Timeout value for HTTP server
-        """
-        # url modis
-        if 'ftp' in url:
+        # prepare the base url and set the url type (ftp/http)
+        if 'ftp://' in url:
             self.url = url.replace('ftp://', '').rstrip('/')
             self.urltype = 'ftp'
-        elif 'http' in url:
+        elif 'http://' in url:
             self.url = url
             self.urltype = 'http'
@@ -194,65 +228,71 @@
         self.user = user
         # password for download using ftp
         self.password = password
-        # the product
+        # the product (product_code.004 or product_cod.005)
         self.product = product
         self.product_code = product.split('.')[0]
-        # directory where data are collected
+        # url directory where data are located
         self.path = urljoin(path, self.product)
         # tiles to downloads
-        if tiles:
+        if type(tiles) == str:
             self.tiles = tiles.split(',')
-        else:
+        else:  # tiles are list, tuple, or None
             self.tiles = tiles
         # set destination folder
         if os.access(destinationFolder, os.W_OK):
             self.writeFilePath = destinationFolder
-            raise IOError("Folder to store downloaded files does not exist" \
-                          + " or is not writeable")
+            raise Exception("Folder to store downloaded files does not exist"
+                            " or is not writeable")
         # return the name of product
         if len(self.path.split('/')) == 2:
             self.product = self.path.split('/')[1]
         elif len(self.path.split('/')) == 3:
             self.product = self.path.split('/')[2]
-        # write a file with the name of file downloaded
-        self.filelist = open(os.path.join(self.writeFilePath, 'listfile' \
-                                          + self.product + '.txt'), 'w')
-        # set jpg download
+        # write a file with the name of file to be downloaded
+        self.filelist = open(os.path.join(self.writeFilePath,
+                                          'listfile{pro}.txt'.format(pro=self.product)),
+                                          'w')
+        # set if to download jpgs
         self.jpeg = jpg
-        # today
+        # today, or the last day in the download series chronologically
         self.today = today
-        # force the last day
+        # chronologically the first day in the download series
         self.enday = enddate
-        # delta of days
+        # default number of days to consider if enddate not specified
         self.delta = delta
         # status of tile download
         self.status = True
         # for debug, you can download only xml files
         self.debug = debug
         # for logging
-        log_filename = os.path.join(self.writeFilePath, 'modis' \
-        + self.product + '.log')
+        log_filename = os.path.join(self.writeFilePath,
+                                    'modis{pro}.log'.format(pro=self.product))
         log_format = '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
-        logging.basicConfig(filename=log_filename, level=logging.DEBUG, \
-        format=log_format)
+        logging.basicConfig(filename=log_filename, level=logging.DEBUG,
+                            format=log_format)
+        # global connection attempt counter
         self.nconnection = 0
+        # timeout for HTTP connection before failing (seconds)
         self.timeout = timeout
+        # files within the directory where data will be saved
         self.fileInPath = []
-        # add all files in the directory where we will save new modis data
         for f in os.listdir(self.writeFilePath):
             if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.writeFilePath, f)):
-        gdal.UseExceptions()
-        gdalDriver = gdal.GetDriverByName('HDF4')
-        if not gdalDriver:
-            raise IOError("GDAL installation has no support for HDF4, please update GDAL")
+        global GDAL
+        if not GDAL and checkgdal:
+            logging.warning("WARNING: Python GDAL library is not found")
+        elif GDAL and not checkgdal:
+            GDAL = False
     def removeEmptyFiles(self):
-        """Check if some file has size equal to 0"""
+        """Function to remove files in the download directory that have
+           filesize equal to 0
+        """
         year = str(date.today().year)
-        pref = self.product.split('.')[0]
-        files = glob.glob1(self.writeFilePath, '%s.A%s*' % (pref, year))
+        prefix = self.product.split('.')[0]
+        files = glob.glob1(self.writeFilePath, '%s.A%s*' % (prefix, year))
         for f in files:
             fil = os.path.join(self.writeFilePath, f)
             if os.path.getsize(fil) == 0:
@@ -261,19 +301,23 @@
     def connect(self, ncon=20):
         """Connect to the server and fill the dirData variable
-           ncon = maximum number of attempts to connect to the HTTP server
-                  before failing
+           :param int ncon: maximum number of attempts to connect to the HTTP
+                            server before failing
         if self.urltype == 'ftp':
         elif self.urltype == 'http':
+        if len(self.dirData) == 0:
+            raise Exception("There are some troubles with the server. "
+                            "The directory seems to be empty")
     def _connectHTTP(self, ncon=20):
-        """ Connect to HTTP server, create a list of directories for all days
+        """Connect to HTTP server, create a list of directories for all days
-            ncon = maximum number of attempts to connect to the HTTP server
-                   before failing
+           :param int ncon: maximum number of attempts to connect to the HTTP
+                            server before failing. If ncon < 0, connection
+                            attempts are unlimited in number
         self.nconnection += 1
@@ -288,15 +332,15 @@
             logging.error('Error in connection')
-            if self.nconnection <= ncon:
+            if self.nconnection <= ncon or ncon < 0:
     def _connectFTP(self, ncon=20):
-        """ Set connection to ftp server, move to path where data are stored
-            and create a list of directories for all days
+        """Set connection to ftp server, move to path where data are stored,
+           and create a list of directories for all days
-            ncon = maximum number of attempts to connect to the FTP server
-                   before failing
+           :param int ncon: maximum number of attempts to connect to the FTP
+                            server before failing.
         self.nconnection += 1
@@ -311,58 +355,63 @@
             # reverse order of data for have first the nearest to today
-            # check if dirData contain only directory, delete all files
+            # ensure dirData contains only directories, remove all references to files
             self.dirData = [elem.split()[-1] for elem in self.dirData if elem.startswith("d")]
-            if self.debug == True:
-                logging.debug("Open connection %s" % self.url)
+            if self.debug:
+                logging.debug("Open connection {url}".format(url=self.url))
         except (EOFError, ftplib.error_perm), e:
-            logging.error('Error in connection: %s' % e)
+            logging.error('Error in connection: {err}'.format(err=e))
             if self.nconnection <= ncon:
     def closeFTP(self):
-        """ Close ftp connection """
+        """Close ftp connection and close the file list document"""
-        if self.debug == True:
-            logging.debug("Close connection %s" % self.url)
+        if self.debug:
+            logging.debug("Close connection {url}".format(url=self.url))
     def closeFilelist(self):
-        """ Function to close the file where write the downloaded files """
+        """Function to close the file list of where the files are downloaded"""
     def setDirectoryIn(self, day):
-        """ Enter in the directory of the day """
+        """Enter into the file directory of a specified day
+           :param str day: a string representing a day in format YYYY.MM.DD
+        """
         except (ftplib.error_reply, socket.error), e:
-            logging.error("Error %s entering in directory %s" % e, day)
+            logging.error("Error {err} entering in directory "
+                          "{name}".format(err=e, name=day))
     def setDirectoryOver(self):
-        """ Come back to old path """
+        """Move up within the file directory"""
         except (ftplib.error_reply, socket.error), e:
-            logging.error("Error %s when try to come back" % e)
+            logging.error("Error {err} when trying to come back".format(err=e))
     def _getToday(self):
-        """Return the first day for start to download"""
-        if self.today == None:
-            # set today variable to today
+        """Set the dates for the start and end of downloading"""
+        if self.today is None:
+            # set today variable from datetime.date method
             self.today = date.today()
-        else:
-            # set today variable to data pass from user
+        elif type(self.today) == str:
+            # set today variable from string data passed by user
             self.today = str2date(self.today)
-            # set enday variable to data
-        if self.enday != None:
+        # set enday variable to data passed by user
+        if type(self.enday) == str:
             self.enday = str2date(self.enday)
+        # set delta
         if self.today and self.enday:
             if self.today < self.enday:
-                raise IOError("The first day should be newer then end date")
-            D = self.today - self.enday
-            self.delta = D.days
+                self.today, self.enday = self.enday, self.today
+            delta = self.today - self.enday
+            self.delta = abs(delta.days) + 1
     def getListDays(self):
         """Return a list of all selected days"""
@@ -381,12 +430,13 @@
         days = self.dirData[today_index:][:self.delta]
         # this is useful for 8/16 days data, delta could download more images
         # that you want
-        if self.enday != None:
+        if self.enday is not None:
             enday_s = self.enday.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")
             delta = 0
+            # make a full cycle from the last index and find
             # it make a for cicle from the last value and find the internal
             # delta to remove file outside temporaly range
-            for i in range(-(len(days)), 0):
+            for i in range(0, len(days)):
                 if days[i] < enday_s:
@@ -400,11 +450,13 @@
         return self.dirData
     def getFilesList(self, day=None):
-        """ Creates a list of files to download, it is possible to choose to
-            download also the JPG overview files or only the HDF files
+        """Returns a list of files to download. HDF and XML files are
+           downloaded by default. JPG files will be downloaded if
+           self.jpeg == True.
-            day = the date of data
+           :param str day: the date of data in format YYYY.MM.DD
+           :return: a list of files to download for the day
         if self.urltype == 'http':
             return self._getFilesListHTTP(day)
@@ -412,46 +464,47 @@
             return self._getFilesListFTP()
     def _getFilesListHTTP(self, day):
-        """ Creates a list of files to download from http server, it is
-            possible to choose to download also the JPG overview files or
-            only the HDF files
+        """Returns a list of files to download from http server, which will
+           be HDF and XML files, and optionally JPG files if specified by
+           self.jpeg
-            day = the date of data
+           :param str day: the date of data in format YYYY.MM.DD
-    # return the file's list inside the directory of each day
+        # return the files list inside the directory of each day
             url = urljoin(self.url, self.path, day)
-            if self.debug == True:
-                logging.debug("The url is: %s" % url)
+            if self.debug:
+                logging.debug("The url is: {url}".format(url=url))
                 http = modisHtmlParser(requests.get(url,
                 http = modisHtmlParser(urllib2.urlopen(url,
-            # download also jpeg
+            # download JPG files also
             if self.jpeg:
-                # finallist is ugual to all file with jpeg file
+                # if tiles not specified, download all files
                 if not self.tiles:
                     finalList = http.get_all()
-                # finallist is ugual to tiles file with jpeg file
+                # if tiles specified, download all files with jpegs
                     finalList = http.get_tiles(self.product_code,
                                                self.tiles, jpeg=True)
-            # not download jpeg
+            # if JPG files should not be downloaded, get only HDF and XML
                 finalList = http.get_tiles(self.product_code, self.tiles)
-            if self.debug == True:
-                logging.debug("The number of file to download is: %i" % len(finalList))
+            if self.debug:
+                logging.debug("The number of file to download is: "
+                              "{num}".format(num=len(finalList)))
             return finalList
         except (socket.error), e:
-            logging.error("Error %s when try to receive list of files" % e)
+            logging.error("Error {err} when try to receive list of "
+                          "files".format(err=e))
     def _getFilesListFTP(self):
-        """ Create a list of files to download from FTP server, it is possible
-            choose to download also the JPG overview files or only the HDF files
+        """Create a list of files to download from FTP server, it is possible
+           choose to download also the JPG overview files or only the HDF files
         def cicle_file(jpeg=False):
             """Check the type of file"""
@@ -463,11 +516,11 @@
                 if not self.tiles and not (name.count('jpg') or
-                #is a jpeg of tiles number
+                # is a jpeg of tiles number
                 if self.tiles:
                     if self.tiles.count(name[3]) == 1 and jpeg:
-                #is a hdf of tiles number
+                # is a hdf of tiles number
                     elif self.tiles.count(name[2]) == 1:
             return finalList
@@ -486,33 +539,38 @@
             # not download jpeg
                 finalList = cicle_file()
-            if self.debug == True:
-                logging.debug("The number of file to download is: %i" % len(finalList))
+            if self.debug:
+                logging.debug("The number of file to download is: "
+                              "{num}".format(num=len(finalList)))
             return finalList
         except (ftplib.error_reply, socket.error), e:
-            logging.error("Error %s when trying to receive list of files" % e)
+            logging.error("Error {err} when trying to receive list of "
+                          "files".format(err=e))
-    def checkDataExist(self, listNewFile, move=0):
-        """ Check if a file already exists in the directory of download
+    def checkDataExist(self, listNewFile, move=False):
+        """Check if a file already exists in the local download directory
-            listNewFile = list of all files, returned by getFilesList function
-            move = it is useful to know if a function is called from download
-                   or move function
+           :param list listNewFile: list of all files, returned by getFilesList
+                                    function
+           :param bool move: it is useful to know if a function is called from
+                             download or move function
+           :return: list of files to download
         # different return if this method is used from downloadsAllDay() or
         # moveFile()
-        if move == 0:
+        if not move:
             listOfDifferent = list(set(listNewFile) - set(self.fileInPath))
-        elif move == 1:
+        elif move:
             listOfDifferent = list(set(self.fileInPath) - set(listNewFile))
         return listOfDifferent
     def checkFile(self, filHdf):
         """Check by using GDAL to be sure that the download went ok
-        filHdf = name of the HDF file to check
+           :param str filHdf: name of the HDF file to check
+           :return: 0 if file is correct, 1 for error
@@ -522,13 +580,11 @@
             return 1
     def downloadFile(self, filDown, filHdf, day):
-        """Download the single file
+        """Download a single file
-        filDown = name of the file to download
-        filHdf = name of the file to write to
-        day = the day in format YYYY.MM.DD
+           :param str filDown: name of the file to download
+           :param str filHdf: name of the file to write to
+           :param str day: the day in format YYYY.MM.DD
         if self.urltype == 'http':
             self._downloadFileHTTP(filDown, filHdf, day)
@@ -536,78 +592,80 @@
             self._downloadFileFTP(filDown, filHdf)
     def _downloadFileHTTP(self, filDown, filHdf, day):
-        """Download the single file from http server
+        """Download a single file from the http server
-        filDown = name of the file to download
-        filSave = name of the file to write to
-        day = the day in format YYYY.MM.DD
+           :param str filDown: name of the file to download
+           :param str filHdf: name of the file to write to
+           :param str day: the day in format YYYY.MM.DD
         filSave = open(filHdf, "wb")
-        orig_size = None
-        try:
-            try:
+        try:  # download and write the file
+            try:  # use request module
                 http = requests.get(urljoin(self.url, self.path, day, filDown))
                 orig_size = http.headers['content-length']
-            except:
+            except:  # use urllib2 module
                 http = urllib2.urlopen(urljoin(self.url, self.path, day,
                 orig_size = http.headers['content-length']
-            filSave.close()
-        #if it have an error it try to download again the file
+        # if local file has an error, try to download the file again
-            logging.error("Cannot download %s. Retrying.." % filDown)
+            logging.error("Cannot download {name}. "
+                          "Retrying..".format(name=filDown))
             self._downloadFileHTTP(filDown, filHdf, day)
+        filSave.close()
         transf_size = os.path.getsize(filSave.name)
-        if orig_size and int(orig_size) == int(transf_size):
+        if int(orig_size) == int(transf_size):
+            # if no xml file, delete the HDF and redownload
             if filHdf.find('.xml') == -1:
-                if self.checkFile(filHdf):
+                test = False
+                if GDAL:
+                    test = self.checkFile(filHdf)
+                if test:
                     self._downloadFileHTTP(filDown, filHdf, day)
-                    self.filelist.write("%s\n" % filDown)
-                    if self.debug == True:
-                        logging.debug("File %s downloaded correctly" % filDown)
+                    self.filelist.write("{name}\n".format(name=filDown))
+                    if self.debug:
+                        logging.debug("File {name} downloaded "
+                                      "correctly".format(name=filDown))
                     return 0
-            else:
-                self.filelist.write("%s\n" % filDown)
-                if self.debug == True:
-                    logging.debug("File %s downloaded correctly" % filDown)
+            else:  # xml exists
+                self.filelist.write("{name}\n".format(name=filDown))
+                if self.debug:
+                    logging.debug("File {name} downloaded "
+                                  "correctly".format(name=filDown))
                 return 0
+        # if filesizes are different, delete and try again
-            if not orig_size:
-                logging.warning("Different size for file %s - original data:"\
-                                " None, downloaded: %s" % (filDown, 
-                                                           transf_size))
-            else:
-                logging.warning("Different size for file %s - original data:"\
-                                " %s, downloaded: %s" % (filDown, orig_size,
-                                                         transf_size))
+            logging.warning("Different size for file {name} - original data: "
+                            "{orig}, downloaded: {down}".format(name=filDown,
+                                                                orig=orig_size,
+                                                                down=transf_size))
             self._downloadFileHTTP(filDown, filHdf, day)
     def _downloadFileFTP(self, filDown, filHdf):
-        """Download the single file from ftp server
+        """Download a single file from ftp server
-           filDown = name of the file to download
-           filSave = name of the file to write to
+           :param str filDown: name of the file to download
+           :param str filHdf: name of the file to write to
         filSave = open(filHdf, "wb")
-        try:
+        try:  # transfer file from ftp
             self.ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + filDown, filSave.write)
-            self.filelist.write("%s\n" % filDown)
-            if self.debug == True:
-                logging.debug("File %s downloaded" % filDown)
-        #if it have an error it try to download again the file
-        except (ftplib.error_reply, socket.error, ftplib.error_temp, EOFError), e:
-            logging.error("Cannot download %s, the error was '%s'. Retrying..." % (
-                          filDown, e))
+            self.filelist.write("{name}\n".format(name=filDown))
+            if self.debug:
+                logging.debug("File {name} downloaded".format(name=filDown))
+        # if error during download process, try to redownload the file
+        except (ftplib.error_reply, socket.error, ftplib.error_temp,
+                EOFError), e:
+            logging.error("Cannot download {name}, the error was '{err}'. "
+                          "Retrying...".format(name=filDown, err=e))
@@ -621,98 +679,116 @@
         if orig_size == transf_size:
             return 0
-            logging.warning("Different size for file %s - original data: %s," \
-                            " downloaded: %s" % (filDown, orig_size,
-                                                 transf_size))
+            logging.warning("Different size for file {name} - original data: "
+                            "{orig}, downloaded: {down}".format(name=filDown,
+                                                                orig=orig_size,
+                                                                down=transf_size))
             self._downloadFileFTP(filDown, filHdf)
     def dayDownload(self, day, listFilesDown):
-        """ Downloads tiles are in files_hdf_consider
+        """Downloads tiles for the selected day
-        listFilesDown = list of the files to download, returned by
-                        checkDataExist function
+           :param str day: the day in format YYYY.MM.DD
+           :param list listFilesDown: list of the files to download, returned
+                                      by checkDataExist function
         # for each file in files' list
         for i in listFilesDown:
             fileSplit = i.split('.')
-            filePrefix = "%s.%s.%s.%s" % (fileSplit[0], fileSplit[1],
-                                          fileSplit[2], fileSplit[3])
+            filePrefix = "{a}.{b}.{c}.{d}".format(a=fileSplit[0],
+                                                  b=fileSplit[1],
+                                                  c=fileSplit[2],
+                                                  d=fileSplit[3])
-            # check data exists in the return directory
-            oldFile = glob.glob1(self.writeFilePath, filePrefix + "*" \
-            + fileSplit[-1])
+            # check if this file already exists in the save directory
+            oldFile = glob.glob1(self.writeFilePath, filePrefix + "*"
+                                 + fileSplit[-1])
             numFiles = len(oldFile)
+            # if it doesn't exist
             if numFiles == 0:
                 file_hdf = os.path.join(self.writeFilePath, i)
+            # if one does exist
             elif numFiles == 1:
-                # check the version of file
+                # check the version of file, delete local file if it is older
                 fileDown = getNewerVersion(oldFile[0], i)
                 if fileDown != oldFile[0]:
                     os.remove(os.path.join(self.writeFilePath, oldFile[0]))
                     file_hdf = os.path.join(self.writeFilePath, fileDown)
             elif numFiles > 1:
-                logging.error("There are to many files for %s" % i)
+                logging.error("There are to many files for "
+                              "{name}".format(name=i))
             if numFiles == 0 or (numFiles == 1 and fileDown != oldFile[0]):
                 self.downloadFile(i, file_hdf, day)
     def downloadsAllDay(self, clean=False, allDays=False):
-        """Download the single file
+        """Download all requested days
-        filDown = name of the file to download
-        filSave = name of the file to write to
+           :param bool clean: if True remove the empty files, they could have
+                              some problems in the previous download
+           :param bool allDays: download all passable days
-        #return the days to download
         if clean:
+        # get the days to download
         if allDays:
             days = self.getAllDays()
             days = self.getListDays()
-        if self.debug == True:
-            logging.debug("The number of days to download is: %i" % len(days))
+        # log the days to download
+        if self.debug:
+            logging.debug("The number of days to download is: "
+                          "{num}".format(num=len(days)))
+        # download the data
         if self.urltype == 'http':
-            self._downloadsAllDayHTTP(days)
+            self._downloadAllDaysHTTP(days)
         elif self.urltype == 'ftp':
-            self._downloadAllDayFTP(days)
+            self._downloadAllDaysFTP(days)
-    def _downloadsAllDayHTTP(self, days):
-        """ Downloads all the tiles considered from HTTP server"""
+    def _downloadAllDaysHTTP(self, days):
+        """Downloads all the tiles considered from HTTP server
-        #for each day
+           :param list days: the list of days to download
+        """
+        # for each day
         for day in days:
-            #obtain list of all files
+            # obtain list of all files
             listAllFiles = self.getFilesList(day)
-            #obtain list of files to download
+            # filter files based on local files in save directory
             listFilesDown = self.checkDataExist(listAllFiles)
-            #download files for a day
+            # download files for a day
             self.dayDownload(day, listFilesDown)
-        if self.debug == True:
+        if self.debug:
             logging.debug("Download terminated")
         return 0
-    def _downloadsAllDayFTP(self, days):
-        """ Downloads all the tiles considered from FTP server"""
-        #for each day
+    def _downloadAllDaysFTP(self, days):
+        """Downloads all the tiles considered from FTP server
+           :param list days: the list of days to download
+        """
+        # for each day
         for day in days:
-            #enter in the directory of day
+            # enter in the directory of day
-            #obtain list of all files
+            # obtain list of all files
             listAllFiles = self.getFilesList()
-            #obtain list of files to download
+            # filter files based on local files in save directory
             listFilesDown = self.checkDataExist(listAllFiles)
-            #download files for a day
+            # download files for a day
             self.dayDownload(day, listFilesDown)
-        if self.debug == True:
+        if self.debug:
             logging.debug("Download terminated")
         return 0
     def debugLog(self):
-        """Function to create the debug file"""
+        """Function to create the debug file
+        :return: a Logger object to use to write debug info
+        """
         # create logger
         logger = logging.getLogger("PythonLibModis debug")
@@ -720,11 +796,11 @@
         ch = logging.StreamHandler()
         # create formatter
-        formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(name)s - " \
-                    + "%(levelname)s - %(message)s")
-        # add formatter to ch
+        formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(name)s - "
+                                      "%(levelname)s - %(message)s")
+        # add formatter to console handler
-        # add ch to logger
+        # add console handler to logger
         return logger
@@ -732,24 +808,25 @@
         """This function is useful to debug the number of days"""
         logger = self.debugLog()
         days = self.getListDays()
-        # if lenght of list of days and the delta of day they are different
+        # if length of list of days and the delta of days are different
         if len(days) != self.delta:
             # for each day
             for i in range(1, self.delta + 1):
-                # calculate the current day
+                # calculate the current day using datetime.timedelta
                 delta = timedelta(days=i)
                 day = self.today - delta
                 day = day.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")
                 # check if day is in the days list
                 if day not in days:
-                    logger.critical("This day %s is not present on list" % day)
-        # the lenght of list of days and delta are ugual
+                    logger.critical("This day {day} is not present on "
+                                    "list".format(day=day))
+        # the length of list of days and delta are equal
-            logger.info("All right!!")
+            logger.info("debugDays() : getListDays() and self.delta are same "
+                        "length")
     def debugMaps(self):
-        """This function is useful to debug the number of maps to download for
-        each day"""
+        """ Prints the files to download to the debug stream"""
         logger = self.debugLog()
         days = self.getListDays()
         for day in days:

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/parsemodis.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/parsemodis.py	2015-10-19 01:03:34 UTC (rev 66525)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/parsemodis.py	2015-10-19 13:43:18 UTC (rev 66526)
@@ -18,15 +18,24 @@
 #  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+"""Simple class to parse MODIS metadata file, it can also write the XML
+metadata file for a mosaic.
-from datetime import *
+* :class:`parseModis`
+* :class:`parseModisMulti`
+from __future__ import print_function
 import string
 import os
-## lists of parameters accepted by resample MRT software
+# lists of parameters accepted by resample MRT software
 # projections
-PROJ_LIST = ['AEA','GEO', 'HAM', 'IGH', 'ISIN', 'LA', 'LCC', 'MOL', 'PS',
-             'SIN','TM', 'UTM', 'MERCAT']
+PROJ_LIST = ['AEA', 'GEO', 'HAM', 'IGH', 'ISIN', 'LA', 'LCC', 'MOL', 'PS',
+             'SIN', 'TM', 'UTM', 'MERCAT']
 # resampling
@@ -38,820 +47,908 @@
 class parseModis:
-  """Class to parse MODIS xml files, it can also create the parameter
-     configuration file for resampling MODIS DATA with the MRT software or
-     convertmodis Module
-  """
+    """Class to parse MODIS xml files, it can also create the parameter
+       configuration file for resampling MODIS DATA with the MRT software or
+       convertmodis Module
-  def __init__(self, filename):
-    """Initialization function :
-       filename = the name of MODIS hdf file
+       :param str filename: the name of MODIS hdf file
-    from xml.etree import ElementTree
-    if os.path.exists(filename):
-      # hdf name
-      self.hdfname = filename
-    else:
-      raise IOError('%s does not exist' % filename)
-    if os.path.exists(self.hdfname + '.xml'):
-      # xml hdf name
-      self.xmlname = self.hdfname + '.xml'
-    else:
-      raise IOError('%s does not exist' % self.hdfname + '.xml')
+    def __init__(self, filename):
+        """Function to initialize the object"""
+        from xml.etree import ElementTree
+        if os.path.exists(filename):
+            # hdf name
+            self.hdfname = filename
+        else:
+            raise Exception('{name} does not exist'.format(name=filename))
-    # tif name for the output file for resample MRT software
-    self.tifname = self.hdfname.replace('.hdf', '.tif')
-    with open(self.xmlname) as f:
-      self.tree = ElementTree.parse(f)
-    # return the code of tile for conf file
-    self.code = os.path.split(self.hdfname)[1].split('.')[-2]
-    self.path = os.path.split(self.hdfname)[0]
+        if os.path.exists(self.hdfname + '.xml'):
+            # xml hdf name
+            self.xmlname = self.hdfname + '.xml'
+        else:
+            raise Exception('{name}.xml does not exist'.format(name=self.hdfname))
-  def __str__(self):
-    """Print the file without xml tags"""
-    retString = ""
-    try:
-      for node in self.tree.iter():
-        if node.text.strip() != '':
-          retString = "%s = %s\n" % (node.tag, node.text)
-    except:
-      for node in self.tree.getiterator():
-        if node.text.strip() != '':
-          retString = "%s = %s\n" % (node.tag, node.text)
-    return retString
+        # tif name for the output file for resample MRT software
+        self.tifname = self.hdfname.replace('.hdf', '.tif')
+        with open(self.xmlname) as f:
+            self.tree = ElementTree.parse(f)
+        # return the code of tile for conf file
+        self.code = os.path.split(self.hdfname)[1].split('.')[-2]
+        self.path = os.path.split(self.hdfname)[0]
-  def getRoot(self):
-    """Set the root element"""
-    self.rootree = self.tree.getroot()
+    def __str__(self):
+        """Print the file without xml tags"""
+        retString = ""
+        try:
+            for node in self.tree.iter():
+                if node.text.strip() != '':
+                    retString = "{tag} = {val}\n".format(tag=node.tag,
+                                                         val=node.text)
+        except:
+            for node in self.tree.getiterator():
+                if node.text.strip() != '':
+                    retString = "{tag} = {val}\n".format(tag=node.tag,
+                                                         val=node.text)
+        return retString
-  def retDTD(self):
-    """Return the DTDVersion element"""
-    self.getRoot()
-    return self.rootree.find('DTDVersion').text
+    def getRoot(self):
+        """Set the root element"""
+        self.rootree = self.tree.getroot()
-  def retDataCenter(self):
-    """Return the DataCenterId element"""
-    self.getRoot()
-    return self.rootree.find('DataCenterId').text
+    def retDTD(self):
+        """Return the DTDVersion element"""
+        self.getRoot()
+        return self.rootree.find('DTDVersion').text
-  def getGranule(self):
-    """Set the GranuleURMetaData element"""
-    self.getRoot()
-    self.granule = self.rootree.find('GranuleURMetaData')
+    def retDataCenter(self):
+        """Return the DataCenterId element"""
+        self.getRoot()
+        return self.rootree.find('DataCenterId').text
-  def retGranuleUR(self):
-    """Return the GranuleUR element"""
-    self.getGranule()
-    return self.granule.find('GranuleUR').text
+    def getGranule(self):
+        """Set the GranuleURMetaData element"""
+        self.getRoot()
+        self.granule = self.rootree.find('GranuleURMetaData')
-  def retDbID(self):
-    """Return the DbID element"""
-    self.getGranule()
-    return self.granule.find('DbID').text
+    def retGranuleUR(self):
+        """Return the GranuleUR element"""
+        self.getGranule()
+        return self.granule.find('GranuleUR').text
-  def retInsertTime(self):
-    """Return the InsertTime element"""
-    self.getGranule()
-    return self.granule.find('InsertTime').text
+    def retDbID(self):
+        """Return the DbID element"""
+        self.getGranule()
+        return self.granule.find('DbID').text
-  def retLastUpdate(self):
-    """Return the LastUpdate element"""
-    self.getGranule()
-    return self.granule.find('LastUpdate').text
+    def retInsertTime(self):
+        """Return the InsertTime element"""
+        self.getGranule()
+        return self.granule.find('InsertTime').text
-  def retCollectionMetaData(self):
-    """Return the CollectionMetaData element as dictionary"""
-    self.getGranule()
-    collect = {}
-    for i in self.granule.find('CollectionMetaData').getiterator():
-      if i.text.strip() != '':
-        collect[i.tag] = i.text
-    return collect
+    def retLastUpdate(self):
+        """Return the LastUpdate element"""
+        self.getGranule()
+        return self.granule.find('LastUpdate').text
-  def retDataFiles(self):
-    """Return the DataFiles element as dictionary"""
-    self.getGranule()
-    collect = {}
-    datafiles = self.granule.find('DataFiles')
-    for i in datafiles.find('DataFileContainer').getiterator():
-      if i.text.strip() != '':
-        collect[i.tag] = i.text
-    return collect
+    def retCollectionMetaData(self):
+        """Return the CollectionMetaData element as dictionary"""
+        self.getGranule()
+        collect = {}
+        for i in self.granule.find('CollectionMetaData').getiterator():
+            if i.text.strip() != '':
+                collect[i.tag] = i.text
+        return collect
-  def retDataGranule(self):
-    """Return the ECSDataGranule elements as dictionary"""
-    self.getGranule()
-    datagran = {}
-    for i in self.granule.find('ECSDataGranule').getiterator():
-      if i.text.strip() != '':
-        datagran[i.tag] = i.text
-    return datagran
+    def retDataFiles(self):
+        """Return the DataFiles element as dictionary"""
+        self.getGranule()
+        collect = {}
+        datafiles = self.granule.find('DataFiles')
+        for i in datafiles.find('DataFileContainer').getiterator():
+            if i.text.strip() != '':
+                collect[i.tag] = i.text
+        return collect
-  def retPGEVersion(self):
-    """Return the PGEVersion element"""
-    self.getGranule()
-    return self.granule.find('PGEVersionClass').find('PGEVersion').text
+    def retDataGranule(self):
+        """Return the ECSDataGranule elements as dictionary"""
+        self.getGranule()
+        datagran = {}
+        for i in self.granule.find('ECSDataGranule').getiterator():
+            if i.text.strip() != '':
+                datagran[i.tag] = i.text
+        return datagran
-  def retRangeTime(self):
-    """Return the RangeDateTime elements as dictionary
-    """
-    self.getGranule()
-    rangeTime = {}
-    for i in self.granule.find('RangeDateTime').getiterator():
-      if i.text.strip() != '':
-        rangeTime[i.tag] = i.text
-    return rangeTime
+    def retPGEVersion(self):
+        """Return the PGEVersion element"""
+        self.getGranule()
+        return self.granule.find('PGEVersionClass').find('PGEVersion').text
-  def retBoundary(self):
-    """Return the maximum extend (Bounding Box) of the MODIS file as
-    dictionary"""
-    self.getGranule()
-    self.boundary = []
-    lat = []
-    lon = []
-    spatialContainer = self.granule.find('SpatialDomainContainer')
-    horizontal = spatialContainer.find('HorizontalSpatialDomainContainer')
-    boundary = horizontal.find('GPolygon').find('Boundary')
-    for i in boundary.findall('Point'):
-      la = float(i.find('PointLongitude').text)
-      lo = float(i.find('PointLatitude').text)
-      lon.append(la)
-      lat.append(lo)
-      self.boundary.append({'lat': la, 'lon': lo})
-    extent = {'min_lat': min(lat), 'max_lat': max(lat), 'min_lon': min(lon),
-              'max_lon': max(lon)}
-    return extent
+    def retRangeTime(self):
+        """Return the RangeDateTime elements as dictionary"""
+        self.getGranule()
+        rangeTime = {}
+        for i in self.granule.find('RangeDateTime').getiterator():
+            if i.text.strip() != '':
+                rangeTime[i.tag] = i.text
+        return rangeTime
-  def retMeasure(self):
-    """Return statistics of QA as dictionary"""
-    value = {}
-    self.getGranule()
-    mes = self.granule.find('MeasuredParameter')
-    mespc = mes.find('MeasuredParameterContainer')
-    value['ParameterName'] = mespc.find('ParameterName').text
-    meStat = mespc.find('QAStats')
-    qastat = {}
-    for i in meStat.getiterator():
-      if i.tag != 'QAStats':
-        qastat[i.tag] = i.text
-    value['QAStats'] = qastat
-    meFlag = mespc.find('QAFlags')
-    flagstat = {}
-    for i in meFlag.getiterator():
-      if i.tag != 'QAFlags':
-        flagstat[i.tag] = i.text
-    value['QAFlags'] = flagstat
-    return value
+    def retBoundary(self):
+        """Return the maximum extend (Bounding Box) of the MODIS file as
+           dictionary"""
+        self.getGranule()
+        self.boundary = []
+        lat = []
+        lon = []
+        spatialContainer = self.granule.find('SpatialDomainContainer')
+        horizontal = spatialContainer.find('HorizontalSpatialDomainContainer')
+        boundary = horizontal.find('GPolygon').find('Boundary')
+        for i in boundary.findall('Point'):
+            la = float(i.find('PointLongitude').text)
+            lo = float(i.find('PointLatitude').text)
+            lon.append(la)
+            lat.append(lo)
+            self.boundary.append({'lat': la, 'lon': lo})
+        extent = {'min_lat': min(lat), 'max_lat': max(lat),
+                  'min_lon': min(lon), 'max_lon': max(lon)}
+        return extent
-  def retPlatform(self):
-    """Return the platform values as dictionary."""
-    value = {}
-    self.getGranule()
-    plat = self.granule.find('Platform')
-    value['PlatformShortName'] = plat.find('PlatformShortName').text
-    instr = plat.find('Instrument')
-    value['InstrumentShortName'] = instr.find('InstrumentShortName').text
-    sensor = instr.find('Sensor')
-    value['SensorShortName'] = sensor.find('SensorShortName').text
-    return value
+    def retMeasure(self):
+        """Return statistics of QA as dictionary"""
+        value = {}
+        self.getGranule()
+        mes = self.granule.find('MeasuredParameter')
+        mespc = mes.find('MeasuredParameterContainer')
+        value['ParameterName'] = mespc.find('ParameterName').text
+        meStat = mespc.find('QAStats')
+        qastat = {}
+        for i in meStat.getiterator():
+            if i.tag != 'QAStats':
+                qastat[i.tag] = i.text
+        value['QAStats'] = qastat
+        meFlag = mespc.find('QAFlags')
+        flagstat = {}
+        for i in meFlag.getiterator():
+            if i.tag != 'QAFlags':
+                flagstat[i.tag] = i.text
+        value['QAFlags'] = flagstat
+        return value
-  def retPSA(self):
-    """Return the PSA values as dictionary, the PSAName is the key and
-       and PSAValue is the value
-    """
-    value = {}
-    self.getGranule()
-    psas = self.granule.find('PSAs')
-    for i in psas.findall('PSA'):
-      value[i.find('PSAName').text] = i.find('PSAValue').text
-    return value
+    def retPlatform(self):
+        """Return the platform values as dictionary."""
+        value = {}
+        self.getGranule()
+        plat = self.granule.find('Platform')
+        value['PlatformShortName'] = plat.find('PlatformShortName').text
+        instr = plat.find('Instrument')
+        value['InstrumentShortName'] = instr.find('InstrumentShortName').text
+        sensor = instr.find('Sensor')
+        value['SensorShortName'] = sensor.find('SensorShortName').text
+        return value
-  def retInputGranule(self):
-    """Return the input files (InputGranule) used to process the considered
-    file"""
-    value = []
-    self.getGranule()
-    for i in self.granule.find('InputGranule').getiterator():
-      if i.tag != 'InputGranule':
-        value.append(i.text)
-    return value
+    def retPSA(self):
+        """Return the PSA values as dictionary, the PSAName is the key and
+        and PSAValue is the value
+        """
+        value = {}
+        self.getGranule()
+        psas = self.granule.find('PSAs')
+        for i in psas.findall('PSA'):
+            value[i.find('PSAName').text] = i.find('PSAValue').text
+        return value
-  def retBrowseProduct(self):
-    """Return the BrowseProduct element"""
-    self.getGranule()
-    try:
-        value = self.granule.find('BrowseProduct').find('BrowseGranuleId').text
-    except:
-        value = None
-    return value
+    def retInputGranule(self):
+        """Return the input files (InputGranule) used to process the considered
+        file"""
+        value = []
+        self.getGranule()
+        for i in self.granule.find('InputGranule').getiterator():
+            if i.tag != 'InputGranule':
+                value.append(i.text)
+        return value
-  def confResample(self, spectral, res=None, output=None, datum='WGS84',
-                  resample='NEAREST_NEIGHBOR', projtype='GEO',  utm=None,
-                  projpar='( 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 )',
-                  bound=None
-                  ):
-    """Create the parameter file to use with resample MRT software to create
-    tif (geotiff) file
+    def retBrowseProduct(self):
+        """Return the BrowseProduct element"""
+        self.getGranule()
+        try:
+            value = self.granule.find('BrowseProduct').find('BrowseGranuleId').text
+        except:
+            value = None
+        return value
-        spectral = the spectral subset to be used, see the product table to
-        understand the layer that you want use. For example:
+    def confResample(self, spectral, res=None, output=None, datum='WGS84',
+                     resample='NEAREST_NEIGHBOR', projtype='GEO', utm=None,
+                     projpar='( 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 '
+                     '0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 )', bound=None):
+        """Create the parameter file to use with resample MRT software to
+        create tif (geotiff) file
-            - NDVI ( 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) copy only layer NDVI, EVI
-              and QA VI the other layers are not used
-            - LST ( 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) copy only layer daily and
-              nightly temperature and QA
+        :param str spectral: the spectral subset to be used, see the product
+                             table to understand the layer that you want use.
+                             For example:
-        res = the resolution for the output file, it must be set in the map
-        unit of output projection system. The software will use the
-        original resolution of input file if res not set
+                             * NDVI ( 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) copy only layer
+                               NDVI, EVI and QA VI the other layers are not used
+                             * LST ( 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) copy only layer
+                               daily and nightly temperature and QA
-        output = the output name, if not set if not set the prefix name
-        of input hdf file will be used
+        :param int res: the resolution for the output file, it must be set in
+                        the map unit of output projection system. The software
+                        will use the original resolution of input file if res
+                        not set
-        utm = the UTM zone if projection system is UTM
+        :param str output: the output name, if not set if not set the prefix
+                           name of input hdf file will be used
-        resample = the type of resampling, the valid values are:
-            - NN (nearest neighbor)
-            - BI (bilinear)
-            - CC (cubic convolution)
+        :param utm: the UTM zone if projection system is UTM
-        projtype = the output projection system, the valid values are:
-            - AEA (Albers Equal Area)
-            - ER (Equirectangular)
-            - GEO (Geographic Latitude/Longitude)
-            - HAM (Hammer)
-            - ISIN (Integerized Sinusoidal)
-            - IGH (Interrupted Goode Homolosine)
-            - LA (Lambert Azimuthal)
-            - LCC (LambertConformal Conic)
-            - MERCAT (Mercator)
-            - MOL (Mollweide)
-            - PS (Polar Stereographic)
-            - SIN (Sinusoidal)
-            - UTM (Universal TransverseMercator)
+        :param str resample: the type of resampling, the valid values are:
-        datum = the datum to use, the valid values are:
-            - NAD27
-            - NAD83
-            - WGS66
-            - WGS76
-            - WGS84
-            - NODATUM
+                             * NN (nearest neighbor)
+                             * BI (bilinear)
+                             * CC (cubic convolution)
-        projpar = a list of projection parameters, for more info check the
-        Appendix C of MODIS reprojection tool user manual
-        https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/content/download/4831/22895/file/mrt41_usermanual_032811.pdf
+        :param str projtype: the output projection system, valid values are:
-        bound = dictionary with the following keys:
-            - max_lat
-            - max_lon
-            - min_lat
-            - min_lon
+                             * AEA (Albers Equal Area)
+                             * ER (Equirectangular)
+                             * GEO (Geographic Latitude/Longitude)
+                             * HAM (Hammer)
+                             * ISIN (Integerized Sinusoidal)
+                             * IGH (Interrupted Goode Homolosine)
+                             * LA (Lambert Azimuthal)
+                             * LCC (LambertConformal Conic)
+                             * MERCAT (Mercator)
+                             * MOL (Mollweide)
+                             * PS (Polar Stereographic)
+                             * SIN (Sinusoidal)
+                             * UTM (Universal TransverseMercator)
+        :param str datum: the datum to use, the valid values are:
+                          * NAD27
+                          * NAD83
+                          * WGS66
+                          * WGS76
+                          * WGS84
+                          * NODATUM
+        :param str projpar: a list of projection parameters, for more info
+                            check the Appendix C of MODIS reprojection tool
+                            user manual https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/content/download/4831/22895/file/mrt41_usermanual_032811.pdf
+        :param dict bound: dictionary with the following keys:
+                           * max_lat
+                           * max_lon
+                           * min_lat
+                           * min_lon
-    #check if spectral it's write with correct construct ( value )
-    if string.find(spectral, '(') == -1 or  string.find(spectral, ')') == -1:
-      raise IOError('ERROR: The spectral string should be similar to: ( 1 0 )')
-    # output name
-    if not output:
-      fileout = self.tifname
-    else:
-      fileout = output
-    # the name of the output parameters files for resample MRT software
-    filename = os.path.join(self.path, '%s_mrt_resample.conf' % self.code)
-    # if the file already exists it remove it 
-    if os.path.exists(filename):
-      os.remove(filename)
-    # open the file
-    conFile = open(filename, 'w')
-    conFile.write("INPUT_FILENAME = %s\n" % self.hdfname)
-    conFile.write("SPECTRAL_SUBSET = %s\n" % spectral)
-    conFile.write("SPATIAL_SUBSET_TYPE = INPUT_LAT_LONG\n")
-    if not bound:
-      # return the boundary from the input xml file
-      bound = self.retBoundary()
-    else:
-      if 'max_lat' not in bound or 'min_lat' not in bound  or \
-      'min_lon' not in bound or 'max_lon' not in bound:
-          raise IOError('bound variable is a dictionary with the following ' \
-                        'keys: max_lat, min_lat, min_lon, max_lon')
-    # Order:  UL: N W  - LR: S E
-    conFile.write("SPATIAL_SUBSET_UL_CORNER = ( %f %f )\n" % (bound['max_lat'],
-                                                              bound['min_lon']))
-    conFile.write("SPATIAL_SUBSET_LR_CORNER = ( %f %f )\n" % (bound['min_lat'],
-                                                              bound['max_lon']))
-    conFile.write("OUTPUT_FILENAME = %s\n" % fileout)
-    # if resample is in resam_list set the parameter otherwise return an error
-    if resample in RESAM_LIST:
-      conFile.write("RESAMPLING_TYPE = %s\n" % resample)
-    else:
-      raise IOError('The resampling type %s is not supportet.\n' \
-                   'The resampling type supported are %s' % (resample,
-                                                             RESAM_LIST))
-    # if projtype is in proj_list set the parameter otherwise return an error
-    if projtype in PROJ_LIST:
-      conFile.write("OUTPUT_PROJECTION_TYPE = %s\n" % projtype)
-    else:
-      raise IOError('The projection type %s is not supported.\n' \
-                   'The projections supported are %s' % (projtype, PROJ_LIST))
-    conFile.write("OUTPUT_PROJECTION_PARAMETERS = %s\n" % projpar)
-    # if datum is in datum_list set the parameter otherwise return an error
-    if datum in DATUM_LIST:
-      conFile.write("DATUM = %s\n" % datum)
-    else:
-      raise IOError('The datum %s is not supported.\n' \
-                   'The datum supported are %s' % (datum, DATUM_LIST))
-    # if utm is not None write the UTM_ZONE parameter in the file
-    if utm:
-      conFile.write("UTM_ZONE = %s\n" % utm)
-    # if res is not None write the OUTPUT_PIXEL_SIZE parameter in the file
-    if res:
-      conFile.write("OUTPUT_PIXEL_SIZE = %i\n" % res)
-    conFile.close()
-    return filename
+        # check if spectral it's write with correct construct ( value )
+        if string.find(spectral, '(') == -1 or  string.find(spectral, ')') == -1:
+            raise Exception('ERROR: The spectral string should be similar to:'
+                            ' ( 1 0 )')
+        # output name
+        if not output:
+            fileout = self.tifname
+        else:
+            fileout = output
+        # the name of the output parameters files for resample MRT software
+        filename = os.path.join(self.path, '{cod}_mrt_resample.conf'.format(cod=self.code))
+        # if the file already exists it remove it
+        if os.path.exists(filename):
+            os.remove(filename)
+        # open the file
+        conFile = open(filename, 'w')
+        conFile.write("INPUT_FILENAME = {name}\n".format(name=self.hdfname))
+        conFile.write("SPECTRAL_SUBSET = {spec}\n".format(spec=spectral))
+        conFile.write("SPATIAL_SUBSET_TYPE = INPUT_LAT_LONG\n")
+        if not bound:
+            # return the boundary from the input xml file
+            bound = self.retBoundary()
+        else:
+            if 'max_lat' not in bound or 'min_lat' not in bound or \
+               'min_lon' not in bound or 'max_lon' not in bound:
+                raise Exception('bound variable is a dictionary with the '
+                                'following keys: max_lat, min_lat, min_lon,'
+                                ' max_lon')
+        # Order:  UL: N W  - LR: S E
+        conFile.write("SPATIAL_SUBSET_UL_CORNER = ( {mala} {milo} )"
+                      "\n".format(mala=bound['max_lat'], milo=bound['min_lon']))
+        conFile.write("SPATIAL_SUBSET_LR_CORNER = ( {mila} {malo} )"
+                      "\n".format(mila=bound['min_lat'], malo=bound['max_lon']))
+        conFile.write("OUTPUT_FILENAME = {out}\n".format(out=fileout))
+        # if resample is in resam_list set it otherwise return an error
+        if resample in RESAM_LIST:
+            conFile.write("RESAMPLING_TYPE = {res}\n".format(res=resample))
+        else:
+            raise Exception('The resampling type {res} is not supportet.\n'
+                            'The resampling type supported are '
+                            '{reslist}'.format(res=resample, reslist=RESAM_LIST))
+        # if projtype is in proj_list set it otherwise return an error
+        if projtype in PROJ_LIST:
+            conFile.write("OUTPUT_PROJECTION_TYPE = {typ}\n".format(typ=projtype))
+        else:
+            raise Exception('The projection type {typ} is not supported.\n'
+                            'The projections supported are '
+                            '{proj}'.format(typ=projtype, proj=PROJ_LIST))
+        conFile.write("OUTPUT_PROJECTION_PARAMETERS = {proj}\n".format(proj=projpar))
+        # if datum is in datum_list set the parameter otherwise return an error
+        if datum in DATUM_LIST:
+            conFile.write("DATUM = {dat}\n".format(dat=datum))
+        else:
+            raise Exception('The datum {dat} is not supported.\n'
+                            'The datum supported are '
+                            '{datum}'.format(dat=datum, datum=DATUM_LIST))
+        # if utm is not None write the UTM_ZONE parameter in the file
+        if utm:
+            conFile.write("UTM_ZONE = {zone}\n".format(zone=utm))
+        # if res is not None write the OUTPUT_PIXEL_SIZE parameter in the file
+        if res:
+            conFile.write("OUTPUT_PIXEL_SIZE = {pix}\n".format(pix=res))
+        conFile.close()
+        return filename
-  def confResample_swath(self, sds, geoloc, res, output=None, 
-                  sphere='8', resample='NN', projtype='GEO',  utm=None,
-                  projpar='0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0',
-                  bound=None
-                  ):
-    """Create the parameter file to use with resample MRT software to create
-       tif (geotiff) file
+    def confResample_swath(self, sds, geoloc, res, output=None,
+                           sphere='8', resample='NN', projtype='GEO', utm=None,
+                           projpar='0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 '
+                           '0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0', bound=None):
+        """Create the parameter file to use with resample MRT software to
+           create tif (geotiff) file
-        sds = Name of band/s (Science Data Set) to resample
+        :param str sds: Name of band/s (Science Data Set) to resample
+        :param str geoloc: Name geolocation file (example MOD3, MYD3)
+        :param int res: the resolution for the output file, it must be set in
+                        the map unit of output projection system. The software
+                        will use the original resolution of input file if res
+                        not set
-        geoloc = Name geolocation file (example MOD3, MYD3)
+        :param str output: the output name, if not set the prefix name of
+                           input hdf file will be used
-        res = the resolution for the output file, it must be set in the map
-        unit of output projection system. The software will use the
-        original resolution of input file if res not set
+        :param int sphere: Output sphere number. Valid options are:
-        output = the output name, if not set the prefix name
-        of input hdf file will be used
+                           * 0=Clarke 1866
+                           * 1=Clarke 1880
+                           * 2=Bessel
+                           * 3=International 1967
+                           * 4=International 1909
+                           * 5=WGS 72
+                           * 6=Everest
+                           * 7=WGS 66
+                           * 8=GRS1980/WGS 84
+                           * 9=Airy
+                           * 10=Modified Everest
+                           * 11=Modified Airy
+                           * 12=Walbeck
+                           * 13=Southeast Asia
+                           * 14=Australian National
+                           * 15=Krassovsky
+                           * 16=Hough
+                           * 17=Mercury1960
+                           * 18=Modified Mercury1968
+                           * 19=Sphere 19 (Radius 6370997)
+                           * 20=MODIS Sphere (Radius 6371007.181)
-        sphere = Output sphere number. Valid options are:
-            - 0=Clarke 1866
-            - 1=Clarke 1880
-            - 2=Bessel
-            - 3=International 1967
-            - 4=International 1909
-            - 5=WGS 72
-            - 6=Everest
-            - 7=WGS 66
-            - 8=GRS1980/WGS 84
-            - 9=Airy
-            - 10=Modified Everest
-            - 11=Modified Airy
-            - 12=Walbeck
-            - 13=Southeast Asia
-            - 14=Australian National
-            - 15=Krassovsky
-            - 16=Hough
-            - 17=Mercury1960
-            - 18=Modified Mercury1968
-            - 19=Sphere 19 (Radius 6370997)
-            - 20=MODIS Sphere (Radius 6371007.181)
+        :param str resample: the type of resampling, the valid values are:
-        resample = the type of resampling, the valid values are:
-            - NN (nearest neighbor)
-            - BI (bilinear)
-            - CC (cubic convolution)
+                             * NN (nearest neighbor)
+                             * BI (bilinear)
+                             * CC (cubic convolution)
-        projtype = the output projection system, the valid values are:
-            - AEA (Albers Equal Area)
-            - ER (Equirectangular)
-            - GEO (Geographic Latitude/Longitude)
-            - HAM (Hammer)
-            - ISIN (Integerized Sinusoidal)
-            - IGH (Interrupted Goode Homolosine)
-            - LA (Lambert Azimuthal)
-            - LCC (LambertConformal Conic)
-            - MERCAT (Mercator)
-            - MOL (Mollweide)
-            - PS (Polar Stereographic),
-            - SIN ()Sinusoidal)
-            - UTM (Universal TransverseMercator)
+        :param str projtype: the output projection system, valid values are:
-        utm = the UTM zone if projection system is UTM
+                             * AEA (Albers Equal Area)
+                             * ER (Equirectangular)
+                             * GEO (Geographic Latitude/Longitude)
+                             * HAM (Hammer)
+                             * ISIN (Integerized Sinusoidal)
+                             * IGH (Interrupted Goode Homolosine)
+                             * LA (Lambert Azimuthal)
+                             * LCC (LambertConformal Conic)
+                             * MERCAT (Mercator)
+                             * MOL (Mollweide)
+                             * PS (Polar Stereographic),
+                             * SIN ()Sinusoidal)
+                             * UTM (Universal TransverseMercator)
-        projpar = a list of projection parameters, for more info check
-        the Appendix C of MODIS reprojection tool user manual
-        https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/content/download/4831/22895/file/mrt41_usermanual_032811.pdf
+        :param utm: the UTM zone if projection system is UTM
-        bound = dictionary with the following keys:
-            - max_lat
-            - max_lon
-            - min_lat
-            - min_lon
+        :param str projpar: a list of projection parameters, for more info
+                            check the Appendix C of MODIS reprojection tool
+                            user manual https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/content/download/4831/22895/file/mrt41_usermanual_032811.pdf
+        :param dict bound: dictionary with the following keys:
+                           * max_lat
+                           * max_lon
+                           * min_lat
+                           * min_lon
-    # output name
-    if not output:
-      fileout = self.tifname
-    else:
-      fileout = output
-    # the name of the output parameters files for resample MRT software
-    filename = os.path.join(self.path, '%s_mrt_resample.prm' % self.code)
-    # if the file already exists it remove it 
-    if os.path.exists(filename):
-      os.remove(filename)
-    # open the file
-    conFile = open(filename, 'w')
-    conFile.write("INPUT_FILENAME = %s\n" % self.hdfname)
-    conFile.write("GEOLOCATION_FILENAME = %s\n" % geoloc)
-    conFile.write("INPUT_SDS_NAME = %s\n" % sds)
-    if not bound:
-      # return the boundary from the input xml file
-      bound = self.retBoundary()
-    else:
-      if 'max_lat' not in bound or 'min_lat' not in bound  or \
-      'min_lon' not in bound or 'max_lon' not in bound:
-          raise IOError('bound variable is a dictionary with the following ' \
-                        'keys: max_lat, min_lat, min_lon, max_lon')
-    # Order:  UL: N W  - LR: S E
-    conFile.write("OUTPUT_SPACE_UPPER_LEFT_CORNER (LONG LAT) = %f %f\n" % (bound['max_lat'],
-                                                              bound['min_lon']))
-    conFile.write("OUTPUT_SPACE_LOWER_RIGHT_CORNER (LONG LAT) = %f %f\n" % (bound['min_lat'],
-                                                              bound['max_lon']))
-    conFile.write("OUTPUT_FILENAME = %s\n" % fileout)
-    conFile.write("OUTPUT_FILE_FORMAT = GEOTIFF_FMT\n")
-    # if resample is in resam_list set the parameter otherwise return an error
-    if resample in RESAM_LIST_SWATH:
-      conFile.write("KERNEL_TYPE (CC/BI/NN) = %s\n" % resample)
-    else:
-      raise IOError('The resampling type %s is not supportet.\n' \
-                   'The resampling type supported are %s' % (resample,
-                                                             RESAM_LIST_SWATH))
-    # if projtype is in proj_list set the parameter otherwise return an error
-    if projtype in PROJ_LIST:
-      conFile.write("OUTPUT_PROJECTION_NUMBER = %s\n" % projtype)
-    else:
-      raise IOError('The projection type %s is not supported.\n' \
-                   'The projections supported are %s' % (projtype, PROJ_LIST))
-    conFile.write("OUTPUT_PROJECTION_PARAMETER = %s\n" % projpar)
-    # if sphere is in sphere_list set the parameter otherwise return an error
-    if int(sphere) in SPHERE_LIST:
-      conFile.write("OUTPUT_PROJECTION_SPHERE = %s\n" % sphere)
-    else:
-      raise IOError('The sphere %s is not supported.\n' \
-                   'The spheres supported are %s' % (sphere, SPHERE_LIST))
-    # if utm is not None write the UTM_ZONE parameter in the file
-    if utm:
-      if utm < '-60' or utm > '60':
-        raise IOError('The valid UTM zone are -60 to 60')
-      else:
-        conFile.write("OUTPUT_PROJECTION_ZONE = %s\n" % utm)
-    # if res is not None write the OUTPUT_PIXEL_SIZE parameter in the file
-    if res:
-      conFile.write("OUTPUT_PIXEL_SIZE = %f\n" % res)
-    conFile.close()
-    return filename
+        # output name
+        if not output:
+            fileout = self.tifname
+        else:
+            fileout = output
+        # the name of the output parameters files for resample MRT software
+        filename = os.path.join(self.path,
+                                '{cod}_mrt_resample.prm'.format(cod=self.code))
+        # if the file already exists it remove it
+        if os.path.exists(filename):
+            os.remove(filename)
+        # open the file
+        conFile = open(filename, 'w')
+        conFile.write("INPUT_FILENAME = {name}\n".format(name=self.hdfname))
+        conFile.write("GEOLOCATION_FILENAME = {name}\n".format(name=geoloc))
+        conFile.write("INPUT_SDS_NAME = {name}\n".format(name=sds))
+        conFile.write("OUTPUT_SPATIAL_SUBSET_TYPE = LAT_LONG\n")
+        if not bound:
+            # return the boundary from the input xml file
+            bound = self.retBoundary()
+        else:
+            if 'max_lat' not in bound or 'min_lat' not in bound or \
+               'min_lon' not in bound or 'max_lon' not in bound:
+                raise Exception('bound variable is a dictionary with the '
+                                'following keys: max_lat, min_lat, min_lon,'
+                                ' max_lon')
+        # Order:  UL: N W  - LR: S E
+        conFile.write("OUTPUT_SPACE_UPPER_LEFT_CORNER (LONG LAT) = {milo} "
+                      "{mala}\n".format(mala=bound['max_lat'],
+                                        milo=bound['min_lon']))
+        conFile.write("OUTPUT_SPACE_LOWER_RIGHT_CORNER (LONG LAT) = {mila} "
+                      "{malo}\n".format(mila=bound['min_lat'],
+                                        malo=bound['max_lon']))
+        conFile.write("OUTPUT_FILENAME = {name}\n".format(name=fileout))
+        conFile.write("OUTPUT_FILE_FORMAT = GEOTIFF_FMT\n")
+        # if resample is in resam_list set it otherwise return an error
+        if resample in RESAM_LIST_SWATH:
+            conFile.write("KERNEL_TYPE (CC/BI/NN) = {res}"
+                          "\n".format(res=resample))
+        else:
+            raise Exception('The resampling type {typ} is not supportet.\n'
+                            'The resampling type supported are '
+                            '{swa}'.format(typ=resample, swa=RESAM_LIST_SWATH))
+        # if projtype is in proj_list set it otherwise return an error
+        if projtype in PROJ_LIST:
+            conFile.write("OUTPUT_PROJECTION_NUMBER = {typ}\n".format(typ=projtype))
+        else:
+            raise Exception('The projection type {typ} is not supported.\n'
+                            'The projections supported are '
+                            '{proj}'.format(typ=projtype, proj=PROJ_LIST))
+        conFile.write("OUTPUT_PROJECTION_PARAMETER = {prj}\n".format(prj=projpar))
+        # if sphere is in sphere_list set it otherwise return an error
+        if int(sphere) in SPHERE_LIST:
+            conFile.write("OUTPUT_PROJECTION_SPHERE = {sph}\n".format(sph=sphere))
+        else:
+            raise Exception('The sphere {sph} is not supported.\nThe spheres'
+                            'supported are {sphere}'.format(sph=sphere,
+                                                            sphere=SPHERE_LIST))
+        # if utm is not None write the UTM_ZONE parameter in the file
+        if utm:
+            if utm < '-60' or utm > '60':
+                raise Exception('The valid UTM zone are -60 to 60')
+            else:
+                conFile.write("OUTPUT_PROJECTION_ZONE = {utm}\n".format(utm=utm))
+        # if res is not None write the OUTPUT_PIXEL_SIZE parameter in the file
+        if res:
+            conFile.write("OUTPUT_PIXEL_SIZE = {res}\n".format(res=res))
+        conFile.close()
+        return filename
 class parseModisMulti:
-  """A class to obtain some variables for the xml file of several MODIS tiles.
-     It can also create the xml file
-  """
+    """A class to obtain some variables for the xml file of several MODIS
+       tiles. It can also create the xml file
-  def __init__(self, hdflist):
-    """hdflist = python list containing the hdf files"""
-    from xml.etree import ElementTree
-    self.ElementTree = ElementTree
-    self.hdflist = hdflist
-    self.parModis = []
-    self.nfiles = 0
-    # for each hdf files create a parseModis object
-    for i in hdflist:
-      self.parModis.append(parseModis(i))
-      self.nfiles += 1
+       :param list hdflist: python list containing the hdf files
+    """
+    def __init__(self, hdflist):
+        """Function to initialize the object"""
+        from xml.etree import ElementTree
+        self.ElementTree = ElementTree
+        self.hdflist = hdflist
+        self.parModis = []
+        self.nfiles = 0
+        # for each hdf files create a parseModis object
+        for i in hdflist:
+            self.parModis.append(parseModis(i))
+            self.nfiles += 1
-  def _most_common(self, lst):
-    """Return the most common value of a list"""
-    return max(set(lst), key=lst.count)
+    def _most_common(self, lst):
+        """Return the most common value of a list"""
+        return max(set(lst), key=lst.count)
+    def _checkval(self, vals):
+        """Internal function to return values from list
-  def _checkval(self, vals):
-    """Internal function to return values from list
+        :param list vals: list of values
+        """
+        if vals.count(vals[0]) == self.nfiles:
+            return [vals[0]]
+        else:
+            outvals = []
+            for i in vals:
+                if outvals.count(i) == 0:
+                    outvals.append(i)
+        return outvals
-    vals = list of values
-    """
-    if vals.count(vals[0]) == self.nfiles:
-      return [vals[0]]
-    else:
-      outvals = []
-      for i in vals:
-        if outvals.count(i) == 0:
-          outvals.append(i)
-      return outvals
+    def _checkvaldict(self, vals):
+        """Internal function to return values from dictionary
-  def _checkvaldict(self, vals):
-    """Internal function to return values from dictionary
+        :param dict vals: dictionary of values
+        """
+        keys = vals[0].keys()
+        outvals = {}
+        for k in keys:
+            valtemp = []
+            for v in vals:
+                valtemp.append(v[k])
+            if valtemp.count(valtemp[0]) == self.nfiles:
+                outvals[k] = valtemp[0]
+            elif len(valtemp) == self.nfiles:
+                outvals[k] = self._most_common(valtemp)
+            else:
+                raise Exception('Something wrong reading XML files')
-    vals = dictionary of values
-    """
-    keys = vals[0].keys()
-    outvals = {}
-    for k in keys:
-      valtemp = []
-      for v in vals:
-        valtemp.append(v[k])
-      if valtemp.count(valtemp[0]) == self.nfiles:
-        outvals[k] = valtemp[0]
-      elif len(valtemp) == self.nfiles:
-        outvals[k] = self._most_common(valtemp)
-      else:
-        raise IOError('Something wrong reading XML files')
+        return outvals
-    return outvals
+    def _minval(self, vals):
+        """Internal function to return the minimum value
-  def _minval(self, vals):
-    """Internal function to return the minimum value
+        :param list vals: list of values
+        """
+        outval = vals[0]
+        for i in range(1, len(vals)):
+            if outval > i:
+                outval = i
+        return outval
-    vals = list of values
-    """
-    outval = vals[0]
-    for i in range(1, len(vals)):
-      if outval > i:
-        outval = i
-    return outval
+    def _maxval(self, vals):
+        """Internal function to return the maximum value
-  def _maxval(self, vals):
-    """Internal function to return the maximum value
+        :param list vals: list of values
+        """
+        outval = vals[0]
+        for i in range(1, len(vals)):
+            if outval < i:
+                outval = i
+        return outval
-    vals = list of values   
-    """
-    outval = vals[0]
-    for i in range(1, len(vals)):
-      if outval < i:
-        outval = i
-    return outval
+    def _cicle_values(self, obj, values):
+        """Internal function to add values from a dictionary
-  def _cicle_values(self, obj, values):
-    """Internal function to add values from a dictionary
+        :param obj: element to add values
-    obj = element to add values
+        :param values: dictionary containing keys and values
+        """
+        for k, v in values.iteritems():
+            elem = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, k)
+            elem.text = v
-    values = dictionary containing keys and values
-    """
-    for k,v in values.iteritems():
-      elem = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, k)
-      elem.text = v
+    def _addPoint(self, obj, lon, lat):
+        """Internal function to add a point in boundary xml tag
-  def _addPoint(self, obj, lon, lat):
-    """Internal function to add a point in boundary xml tag
+        :param obj: element to add point
+        :param lon: longitude of point
+        :param lat: latitude of point
+        """
+        pt = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'Point')
+        ptlon = self.ElementTree.SubElement(pt, 'PointLongitude')
+        ptlon.text = str(self.boundary[lon])
+        ptlat = self.ElementTree.SubElement(pt, 'PointLatitude')
+        ptlat.text = str(self.boundary[lat])
-    obj = element to add point
+    def valDTD(self, obj):
+        """Function to add DTDVersion
-    lon = longitude of point
+        :param obj: element to add DTDVersion
+        """
+        values = []
+        for i in self.parModis:
+            values.append(i.retDTD())
+        for i in self._checkval(values):
+            dtd = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'DTDVersion')
+            dtd.text = i
-    lat = latitude of point
-    """
-    pt = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'Point')
-    ptlon = self.ElementTree.SubElement(pt, 'PointLongitude')
-    ptlon.text = str(self.boundary[lon])
-    ptlat = self.ElementTree.SubElement(pt, 'PointLatitude')
-    ptlat.text = str(self.boundary[lat])
+    def valDataCenter(self, obj):
+        """Function to add DataCenter
-  def valDTD(self, obj):
-    """Function to add DTDVersion
+        :param obj: element to add DataCenter
+        """
+        values = []
+        for i in self.parModis:
+            values.append(i.retDataCenter())
+        for i in self._checkval(values):
+            dci = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'DataCenterId')
+            dci.text = i
-    obj = element to add DTDVersion
-    """
-    values = []
-    for i in self.parModis:
-      values.append(i.retDTD())
-    for i in self._checkval(values):
-      dtd = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'DTDVersion')
-      dtd.text = i
+    def valGranuleUR(self, obj):
+        """Function to add GranuleUR
-  def valDataCenter(self, obj):
-    """Function to add DataCenter
+        :param obj: element to add GranuleUR
+        """
+        values = []
+        for i in self.parModis:
+            values.append(i.retGranuleUR())
+        for i in self._checkval(values):
+            gur = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'GranuleUR')
+            gur.text = i
-    obj = element to add DataCenter
-    """
-    values = []
-    for i in self.parModis:
-      values.append(i.retDataCenter())
-    for i in self._checkval(values):
-      dci = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'DataCenterId')
-      dci.text = i
+    def valDbID(self, obj):
+        """Function to add DbID
-  def valGranuleUR(self, obj):
-    """Function to add GranuleUR
+        :param obj: element to add DbID
+        """
+        values = []
+        for i in self.parModis:
+            values.append(i.retDbID())
+        for i in self._checkval(values):
+            dbid = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'DbID')
+            dbid.text = i
-    obj = element to add GranuleUR
-    """
-    values = []
-    for i in self.parModis:
-      values.append(i.retGranuleUR())
-    for i in self._checkval(values):
-      gur = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'GranuleUR')
-      gur.text = i
+    def valInsTime(self, obj):
+        """Function to add the minimum of InsertTime
-  def valDbID(self, obj):
-    """Function to add DbID
+        :param obj: element to add InsertTime
+        """
+        values = []
+        for i in self.parModis:
+            values.append(i.retInsertTime())
+        obj.text = self._minval(values)
-    obj = element to add DbID
-    """
-    values = []
-    for i in self.parModis:
-      values.append(i.retDbID())
-    for i in self._checkval(values):
-      dbid = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'DbID')
-      dbid.text = i
+    def valCollectionMetaData(self, obj):
+        """Function to add CollectionMetaData
-  def valInsTime(self, obj):
-    """Function to add the minimum of InsertTime
+        :param obj: element to add CollectionMetaData
+        """
+        values = []
+        for i in self.parModis:
+            values.append(i.retCollectionMetaData())
+        self._cicle_values(obj, self._checkvaldict(values))
-    obj = element to add InsertTime
-    """
-    values = []
-    for i in self.parModis:
-      values.append(i.retInsertTime())
-    obj.text = self._minval(values)
+    def valDataFiles(self, obj):
+        """Function to add DataFileContainer
-  def valCollectionMetaData(self, obj):
-    """Function to add CollectionMetaData
+        :param obj: element to add DataFileContainer
+        """
+        values = []
+        for i in self.parModis:
+            values.append(i.retDataFiles())
+        for i in values:
+            dfc = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'DataFileContainer')
+            self._cicle_values(dfc, i)
-    obj = element to add CollectionMetaData
-    """
-    values = []
-    for i in self.parModis:
-      values.append(i.retCollectionMetaData())
-    self._cicle_values(obj, self._checkvaldict(values))
+    def valPGEVersion(self, obj):
+        """Function to add PGEVersion
-  def valDataFiles(self, obj):
-    """Function to add DataFileContainer
+        :param obj: element to add PGEVersion
+        """
+        values = []
+        for i in self.parModis:
+            values.append(i.retPGEVersion())
+        for i in self._checkval(values):
+            pge = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'PGEVersion')
+            pge.text = i
-    obj = element to add DataFileContainer
-    """
-    values = []
-    for i in self.parModis:
-      values.append(i.retDataFiles())
-    for i in values:
-      dfc = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'DataFileContainer')
-      self._cicle_values(dfc, i)
+    def valRangeTime(self, obj):
+        """Function to add RangeDateTime
-  def valPGEVersion(self, obj):
-    """Function to add PGEVersion
-    obj = element to add PGEVersion
-    """
-    values = []
-    for i in self.parModis:
-      values.append(i.retPGEVersion())
-    for i in self._checkval(values):
-      pge = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'PGEVersion')
-      pge.text = i
+        :param obj: element to add RangeDateTime
+        """
+        values = []
+        for i in self.parModis:
+            values.append(i.retRangeTime())
+        self._cicle_values(obj, self._checkvaldict(values))
-  def valRangeTime(self, obj):
-    """Function to add RangeDateTime
+    def valBound(self):
+        """Function return the Bounding Box of mosaic"""
+        boundary = self.parModis[0].retBoundary()
+        for i in range(1, len(self.parModis)):
+            bound = self.parModis[i].retBoundary()
+            if bound['min_lat'] < boundary['min_lat']:
+                boundary['min_lat'] = bound['min_lat']
+            if bound['min_lon'] < boundary['min_lon']:
+                boundary['min_lon'] = bound['min_lon']
+            if bound['max_lat'] > boundary['max_lat']:
+                boundary['max_lat'] = bound['max_lat']
+            if bound['max_lon'] > boundary['max_lon']:
+                boundary['max_lon'] = bound['max_lon']
+        self.boundary = boundary
-    obj = element to add RangeDateTime
-    """
-    values = []
-    for i in self.parModis:
-      values.append(i.retRangeTime())
-    self._cicle_values(obj, self._checkvaldict(values))
+    def valMeasuredParameter(self, obj):
+        """Function to add ParameterName
-  def valBound(self):
-    """Function return the Bounding Box of mosaic
-    """
-    boundary = self.parModis[0].retBoundary()
-    for i in range(1, len(self.parModis)):
-      bound = self.parModis[i].retBoundary()
-      if bound['min_lat'] < boundary['min_lat']:
-        boundary['min_lat'] = bound['min_lat']
-      if bound['min_lon'] < boundary['min_lon']:
-        boundary['min_lon'] = bound['min_lon']
-      if bound['max_lat'] > boundary['max_lat']:
-        boundary['max_lat'] = bound['max_lat']
-      if bound['max_lon'] > boundary['max_lon']:
-        boundary['max_lon'] = bound['max_lon']
-    self.boundary = boundary
+        :param obj: element to add ParameterName
+        """
+        valuesQAStats = []
+        valuesQAFlags = []
+        valuesParameter = []
+        for i in self.parModis:
+            valuesQAStats.append(i.retMeasure()['QAStats'])
+            valuesQAFlags.append(i.retMeasure()['QAFlags'])
+            valuesParameter.append(i.retMeasure()['ParameterName'])
+        for i in self._checkval(valuesParameter):
+            pn = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'ParameterName')
+            pn.text = i
-  def valMeasuredParameter(self, obj):
-    """Function to add ParameterName
+    def valInputPointer(self, obj):
+        """Function to add InputPointer
-    obj = element to add ParameterName
-    """
-    valuesQAStats = []
-    valuesQAFlags = []
-    valuesParameter = []
-    for i in self.parModis:
-      valuesQAStats.append(i.retMeasure()['QAStats'])
-      valuesQAFlags.append(i.retMeasure()['QAFlags'])
-      valuesParameter.append(i.retMeasure()['ParameterName'])
-    for i in self._checkval(valuesParameter):
-      pn = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'ParameterName')
-      pn.text = i
+        :param obj: element to add InputPointer
+        """
+        for i in self.parModis:
+            for v in i.retInputGranule():
+                ip = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'InputPointer')
+                ip.text = v
-  def valInputPointer(self, obj):
-    """Function to add InputPointer
+    def valPlatform(self, obj):
+        """Function to add Platform elements
-    obj = element to add InputPointer
-    """
-    for i in self.parModis:
-      for v in i.retInputGranule():
-        ip = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'InputPointer')
-        ip.text = v
+        :param obj: element to add Platform elements
+        """
+        valuesSName = []
+        valuesInstr = []
+        valuesSensor = []
+        for i in self.parModis:
+            valuesSName.append(i.retPlatform()['PlatformShortName'])
+            valuesInstr.append(i.retPlatform()['InstrumentShortName'])
+            valuesSensor.append(i.retPlatform()['SensorShortName'])
+        for i in self._checkval(valuesSName):
+            pn = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'PlatformShortName')
+            pn.text = i
-  def valPlatform(self, obj):
-    """Function to add Platform elements
+        valInstr = self._checkval(valuesInstr)
+        valSens = self._checkval(valuesSensor)
-    obj = element to add Platform elements
-    """
-    valuesSName = []
-    valuesInstr = []
-    valuesSensor = []
-    for i in self.parModis:
-        valuesSName.append(i.retPlatform()['PlatformShortName'])
-        valuesInstr.append(i.retPlatform()['InstrumentShortName'])
-        valuesSensor.append(i.retPlatform()['SensorShortName'])
-    for i in self._checkval(valuesSName):
-      pn = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'PlatformShortName')
-      pn.text = i
+        if len(valInstr) != len(valSens):
+            raise Exception('Something wrong reading XML files')
+        else:
+            for i in range(len(valInstr)):
+                ins = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'Instrument')
+                pn = self.ElementTree.SubElement(ins, 'InstrumentShortName')
+                pn.text = valInstr[i]
+                sens = self.ElementTree.SubElement(ins, 'Sensor')
+                ps = self.ElementTree.SubElement(sens, 'SensorShortName')
+                ps.text = valSens[i]
-    valInstr = self._checkval(valuesInstr)
-    valSens = self._checkval(valuesSensor)
+    def valInsertTime(self, obj):
+        """Function to add InsertTime elements
-    if len(valInstr) != len(valSens):
-      raise IOError('Something wrong reading XML files')
-    else:
-      for i in range(len(valInstr)):
-        ins = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'Instrument')
-        pn = self.ElementTree.SubElement(ins, 'InstrumentShortName')
-        pn.text = valInstr[i]
-        sens = self.ElementTree.SubElement(ins, 'Sensor')
-        ps = self.ElementTree.SubElement(sens, 'SensorShortName')
-        ps.text = valSens[i]
+        :param obj: element to add InsertTime elements
+        """
+        values = []
+        for i in self.parModis:
+            values.append(i.retInsertTime())
+        for i in self._checkval(values):
+            gur = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'InsertTime')
+            gur.text = i
-  def writexml(self, outputname):
-    """Write a xml file for a mosaic
+    def valLastUpdate(self, obj):
+        """Function to add LastUpdate elements
-    outputname = the name of xml file
-    """
-    # the root element
-    granule = self.ElementTree.Element('GranuleMetaDataFile')
-    # add DTDVersion
-    self.valDTD(granule)
-    # add DataCenterId
-    self.valDataCenter(granule)
-    # add GranuleURMetaData
-    gurmd = self.ElementTree.SubElement(granule, 'GranuleURMetaData')
-    # add GranuleUR
-    self.valGranuleUR(gurmd)
-    # add dbID
-    self.valDbID(gurmd)
+        :param obj: element to add LastUpdate elements
+        """
+        values = []
+        for i in self.parModis:
+            values.append(i.retLastUpdate())
+        for i in self._checkval(values):
+            gur = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'LastUpdate')
+            gur.text = i
-    # TODO ADD InsertTime LastUpdate
+    def valDataGranule(self, obj):
+        """Function to add DataFileContainer
-    # add CollectionMetaData
-    cmd = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd, 'CollectionMetaData')
-    self.valCollectionMetaData(cmd)
-    # add DataFiles
-    df = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd, 'DataFiles')
-    self.valDataFiles(df)
+        :param obj: element to add DataFileContainer
+        """
+        values = []
+        for i in self.parModis:
+            values.append(i.retDataGranule())
+        for i in values:
+            dfc = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'ECSDataGranule')
+            self._cicle_values(dfc, i)
-    # TODO ADD ECSDataGranule
+    def valBrowseProduct(self, obj):
+        """Function to add BrowseGranuleId
-    # add PGEVersionClass
-    pgevc = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd, 'PGEVersionClass')
-    self.valPGEVersion(pgevc)
-    # add RangeDateTime
-    rdt = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd, 'RangeDateTime')
-    self.valRangeTime(rdt)
-    # SpatialDomainContainer
-    sdc = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd, 'SpatialDomainContainer')
-    hsdc = self.ElementTree.SubElement(sdc, 'HorizontalSpatialDomainContainer')
-    gp = self.ElementTree.SubElement(hsdc, 'GPolygon')
-    bound = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gp, 'Boundary')
-    self.valBound()
-    self._addPoint(bound, 'min_lon', 'max_lat')
-    self._addPoint(bound, 'max_lon', 'max_lat')
-    self._addPoint(bound, 'min_lon', 'min_lat')
-    self._addPoint(bound, 'max_lon', 'min_lat')
-    # add MeasuredParameter
-    mp = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd, 'MeasuredParameter')
-    mpc = self.ElementTree.SubElement(mp, 'MeasuredParameterContainer')
-    self.valMeasuredParameter(mpc)
-    # Platform
-    pl = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd, 'Platform')
-    self.valPlatform(pl)
+        :param obj: element to add BrowseGranuleId
+        """
+        values = []
+        for i in self.parModis:
+            values.append(i.retBrowseProduct())
+        for i in self._checkval(values):
+            dfc = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'BrowseGranuleId')
+            dfc.text = i
-    # add PSAs
-    psas = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd, 'PSAs')
-    # TODO ADD all PSA
+    def valPSA(self, obj):
+        """Function to add PSA
-    # add InputGranule and InputPointer
-    ig = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd, 'InputGranule')
-    self.valInputPointer(ig)
-    # TODO ADD BrowseProduct
-    output = open(outputname, 'w')
-    output.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>')
-    output.write('<!DOCTYPE GranuleMetaDataFile SYSTEM "http://ecsinfo.gsfc.' \
-    'nasa.gov/ECSInfo/ecsmetadata/dtds/DPL/ECS/ScienceGranuleMetadata.dtd">')
-    output.write(self.ElementTree.tostring(granule))
-    output.close()
+        :param obj: element to add PSA
+        """
+        values = []
+        for i in self.parModis:
+            values.append(i.retPSA())
+        for k in sorted(values[0].keys()):
+            psa = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'PSA')
+            psaname = self.ElementTree.SubElement(psa, 'PSAName')
+            psaname.text = k
+            for s in values:
+                psaval = self.ElementTree.SubElement(psa, 'PSAValue')
+                psaval.text = s[k]
+    def writexml(self, outputname, pretty=True):
+        """Write a xml file for a mosaic
+        :param str outputname: the name of output xml file
+        :param bool pretty: write prettyfy output, by default true
+        """
+        # the root element
+        granule = self.ElementTree.Element('GranuleMetaDataFile')
+        # add DTDVersion
+        self.valDTD(granule)
+        # add DataCenterId
+        self.valDataCenter(granule)
+        # add GranuleURMetaData
+        gurmd = self.ElementTree.SubElement(granule, 'GranuleURMetaData')
+        # add GranuleUR
+        self.valGranuleUR(gurmd)
+        # add dbID
+        self.valDbID(gurmd)
+        # add InsertTime
+        self.valInsertTime(gurmd)
+        # add LastUpdate
+        self.valLastUpdate(gurmd)
+        # add CollectionMetaData
+        cmd = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd, 'CollectionMetaData')
+        self.valCollectionMetaData(cmd)
+        # add DataFiles
+        df = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd, 'DataFiles')
+        self.valDataFiles(df)
+        # add ECSDataGranule
+        self.valDataGranule(gurmd)
+        # add PGEVersionClass
+        pgevc = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd, 'PGEVersionClass')
+        self.valPGEVersion(pgevc)
+        # add RangeDateTime
+        rdt = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd, 'RangeDateTime')
+        self.valRangeTime(rdt)
+        # add SpatialDomainContainer
+        sdc = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd, 'SpatialDomainContainer')
+        hsdc = self.ElementTree.SubElement(sdc, 'HorizontalSpatialDomainContainer')
+        gp = self.ElementTree.SubElement(hsdc, 'GPolygon')
+        bound = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gp, 'Boundary')
+        self.valBound()
+        self._addPoint(bound, 'min_lon', 'max_lat')
+        self._addPoint(bound, 'max_lon', 'max_lat')
+        self._addPoint(bound, 'min_lon', 'min_lat')
+        self._addPoint(bound, 'max_lon', 'min_lat')
+        # add MeasuredParameter
+        mp = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd, 'MeasuredParameter')
+        mpc = self.ElementTree.SubElement(mp, 'MeasuredParameterContainer')
+        self.valMeasuredParameter(mpc)
+        # add Platform
+        pl = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd, 'Platform')
+        self.valPlatform(pl)
+        # add PSAs
+        psas = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd, 'PSAs')
+        # add all PSA
+        self.valPSA(psas)
+        # add InputGranule and InputPointer
+        ig = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd, 'InputGranule')
+        self.valInputPointer(ig)
+        # add BrowseProduct
+        bp = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd, 'BrowseProduct')
+        self.valBrowseProduct(bp)
+        output = open(outputname, 'w')
+        output.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>')
+        output.write('<!DOCTYPE GranuleMetaDataFile SYSTEM "http://ecsinfo.'
+                     'gsfc.nasa.gov/ECSInfo/ecsmetadata/dtds/DPL/ECS/'
+                     'ScienceGranuleMetadata.dtd">')
+        if pretty:
+            import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
+            reparsed = minidom.parseString(self.ElementTree.tostring(granule))
+            output.write(reparsed.toprettyxml(indent="\t"))
+        else:
+            output.write(self.ElementTree.tostring(granule))
+        output.close()

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/rmodislib.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/rmodislib.py	2015-10-19 01:03:34 UTC (rev 66525)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/libmodis/rmodislib.py	2015-10-19 13:43:18 UTC (rev 66526)
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 # interface to g.proj -p
-def get_proj():
+def get_proj(flag='p'):
     """!Returns the output from running "g.proj -p" plus towgs84 parameter
     (g.proj -d), as a dictionary. Example:
@@ -31,17 +31,20 @@
     @return dictionary of projection values
-    gproj = grass.read_command('g.proj', flags='p')
-    listproj = gproj.split('\n')
-    listproj.remove('-PROJ_INFO-------------------------------------------------')
-    listproj.remove('-PROJ_UNITS------------------------------------------------')
-    listproj.remove('')
-    proj = {}
-    for i in listproj:
-        ilist = i.split(':')
-        proj[ilist[0].strip()] = ilist[1].strip()
-    proj.update(grass.parse_command('g.proj', flags='j'))
-    return proj
+    gproj = grass.read_command('g.proj', flags=flag)
+    if flag == 'p':
+        listproj = gproj.split('\n')
+        listproj.remove('-PROJ_INFO-------------------------------------------------')
+        listproj.remove('-PROJ_UNITS------------------------------------------------')
+        listproj.remove('')
+        proj = {}
+        for i in listproj:
+            ilist = i.split(':')
+            proj[ilist[0].strip()] = ilist[1].strip()
+        proj.update(grass.parse_command('g.proj', flags='j'))
+        return proj
+    elif flag == 'w':
+        return gproj.replace('\n', '').replace('    ', '')
 class product:
@@ -83,7 +86,7 @@
         surf_specqa = '( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 )'
         surf_suff = {'.sur_refl_b01': '.sur_refl_qc_500m', '.sur_refl_b02':
                      '.sur_refl_qc_500m', '.sur_refl_b03': '.sur_refl_qc_500m',
-                     '.sur_refl_b04': '.sur_refl_qc_500m', '.sur_refl_b05': 
+                     '.sur_refl_b04': '.sur_refl_qc_500m', '.sur_refl_b05':
                      '.sur_refl_qc_500m', '.sur_refl_b06': '.sur_refl_qc_500m',
                      '.sur_refl_b07': '.sur_refl_qc_500m'}

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/r.modis.download/r.modis.download.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/r.modis.download/r.modis.download.py	2015-10-19 01:03:34 UTC (rev 66525)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/r.modis.download/r.modis.download.py	2015-10-19 13:43:18 UTC (rev 66526)
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@
 #% key: g
 #% description: Return the name of file containing the list of HDF tiles downloaded in shell script style
+#% key: c
+#% description: Does not perform GDAL check on downloaded images
 #%option G_OPT_F_INPUT
 #% key: settings
 #% label: Full path to settings file
@@ -73,6 +77,7 @@
 #% required: no
 # import library
 import os
 import sys
@@ -116,10 +121,11 @@
         lastSplit = second.split('-')
         lastDay = date(int(lastSplit[0]), int(lastSplit[1]), int(lastSplit[2]))
+        if firstDay < lastDay:
+            grass.fatal(_("End day has to be bigger then start day"))
         delta = firstDay - lastDay
         valueDelta = int(delta.days)
         return valueDay, second, valueDelta
     # no set start and end day
     if options['startday'] == '' and options['endday'] == '':
         return None, None, 10
@@ -204,13 +210,17 @@
         debug_opt = True
         debug_opt = False
+    if flags['c']:
+        checkgdal = False
+    else:
+        checkgdal = True
     for produ in products:
         prod = product(produ).returned()
         #start modis class
         modisOgg = downModis(url=prod['url'], user=user, password=passwd,
               destinationFolder=fold, tiles=tiles, path=prod['folder'],
-              today=firstday, enddate=finalday, delta=delta, debug=debug_opt)
+              today=firstday, enddate=finalday, delta=delta, debug=debug_opt,
+              checkgdal=checkgdal)
         # connect to ftp
         if modisOgg.nconnection <= 20:

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/r.modis.import/r.modis.import.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/r.modis.import/r.modis.import.py	2015-10-19 01:03:34 UTC (rev 66525)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.modis/r.modis.import/r.modis.import.py	2015-10-19 13:43:18 UTC (rev 66526)
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 #% key_desc: path
 #% description: Full path to MRT directory
 #% gisprompt: old,dir,input
-#% required: yes
+#% required: no
 #% key: dns
@@ -98,8 +98,9 @@
 # try to import pymodis (modis) and some classes for r.modis.download
-from rmodislib import resampling, product, projection
-from convertmodis  import convertModis, createMosaic
+from rmodislib import resampling, product, projection, get_proj
+from convertmodis import convertModis, createMosaic
+from convertmodis_gdal import createMosaicGDAL, convertModisGDAL
 from parsemodis import parseModis
@@ -120,10 +121,10 @@
             filelist = []
         # append hdf files
         for line in listoffile:
-            if string.find(line, 'xml') == -1 and mosaik == False:
+            if string.find(line, 'xml') == -1 and mosaik is False:
             # for mosaic create a list of hdf files for each day
-            elif string.find(line, 'xml') == -1 and mosaik == True:
+            elif string.find(line, 'xml') == -1 and mosaik is True:
                 day = line.split('/')[-1].split('.')[1]
                 if day in filelist:
@@ -188,7 +189,7 @@
         res = None
         conf = pm.confResample(spectr, res, pref, dat, resampl,
-                                proj, zone, projpar)
+                               proj, zone, projpar)
         return conf
     except IOError, e:
@@ -256,8 +257,8 @@
         filesize = int(os.path.getsize(name))
         if filesize < 1000:
-            grass.warning(_('Probably some error occur during the conversion' \
-            + 'for file <%s>. Escape import' % name))
+            grass.warning(_('Probably some error occur during the conversion'
+                            'for file <%s>. Escape import' % name))
             grass.run_command('r.in.gdal', input=name, output=basename,
@@ -297,11 +298,26 @@
             if not os.path.exists(hdf):
                 grass.warning(_("%s not found" % i))
-        # create conf file fro mrt tools
-        pm = parseModis(hdf)
-        confname = confile(pm, options, an)
-        # create convertModis class and convert it in tif file
-        execmodis = convertModis(hdf, confname, options['mrtpath'])
+        if options['mrtpath']:
+            # create conf file fro mrt tools
+            pm = parseModis(hdf)
+            confname = confile(pm, options, an)
+            # create convertModis class and convert it in tif file
+            execmodis = convertModis(hdf, confname, options['mrtpath'])
+        else:
+            projwkt = get_proj('w')
+            projObj = projection()
+            pref = listfile[0].split('/')[-1]
+            prod = product().fromcode(pref.split('.')[0])
+            spectr = spectral(options, prod, an)
+            if projObj.returned() != 'GEO':
+                res = int(prod['res']) * int(projObj.proj['meters'])
+            else:
+                res = None
+            prod = product().fromcode(pref.split('.')[0])
+            outname = "%s.%s.mosaic" % (pref.split('.')[0], pref.split('.')[1])
+            execmodis = convertModisGDAL(hdf, outname, spectr, res,
+                                         wkt=projwkt)
         output = prefix(options)
         if not output:
@@ -318,31 +334,47 @@
     pid = str(os.getpid())
     # for each day
     for dat, listfiles in dictfile.iteritems():
-        # create the file with the list of name
-        tempfile = open(os.path.join(targetdir, pid), 'w')
-        tempfile.writelines(listfiles)
-        tempfile.close()
-        # basedir of tempfile, where hdf files are write
-        basedir = os.path.split(tempfile.name)[0]
-        outname = "%s.%s.mosaic" % (listfiles[0].split('/')[-1].split('.')[0],
-                                    listfiles[0].split('/')[-1].split('.')[1])
-        # return the spectral subset in according mrtmosaic tool format
-        prod = product().fromcode(listfiles[0].split('/')[-1].split('.')[0])
+        pref = listfiles[0].split('/')[-1]
+        prod = product().fromcode(pref.split('.')[0])
         spectr = spectral(options, prod, an)
         spectr = spectr.lstrip('( ').rstrip(' )')
+        outname = "%s.%s.mosaic" % (pref.split('.')[0], pref.split('.')[1])
         # create mosaic
-        cm = createMosaic(tempfile.name, outname, options['mrtpath'], spectr)
-        cm.run()
+        if options['mrtpath']:
+            # create the file with the list of name
+            tempfile = open(os.path.join(targetdir, pid), 'w')
+            tempfile.writelines(listfiles)
+            tempfile.close()
+            # basedir of tempfile, where hdf files are write
+            basedir = os.path.split(tempfile.name)[0]
+            # return the spectral subset in according mrtmosaic tool format
+            cm = createMosaic(tempfile.name, outname, options['mrtpath'],
+                              spectr)
+            cm.run()
+        else:
+            basedir = targetdir
+            cm = createMosaicGDAL(listfiles, spectr)
+            cm.write_vrt(outname)
         # list of hdf files
         hdfiles = glob.glob1(basedir, outname + "*.hdf")
         for i in hdfiles:
             # the full path to hdf file
             hdf = os.path.join(basedir, i)
-            # create conf file fro mrt tools
-            pm = parseModis(hdf)
-            confname = confile(pm, options, an, True)
             # create convertModis class and convert it in tif file
-            execmodis = convertModis(hdf, confname, options['mrtpath'])
+            if options['mrtpath']:
+                # create conf file fro mrt tools
+                pm = parseModis(hdf)
+                confname = confile(pm, options, an, True)
+                execmodis = convertModis(hdf, confname, options['mrtpath'])
+            else:
+                projwkt = get_proj('w')
+                projObj = projection()
+                if projwkt.returned() != 'GEO':
+                    res = int(prod['res']) * int(projObj.proj['meters'])
+                else:
+                    res = None
+                execmodis = convertModisGDAL(hdf, outname, res, wkt=projwkt,
+                                             vrt=True)
             # remove hdf
             if remove:
@@ -350,7 +382,7 @@
                 import_tif(outname, basedir, remove, ow, pm)
                 os.remove(hdf + '.xml')
-            # or move the hdf and hdf.xml to the dir where are the original files
+            # move the hdf and hdf.xml to the dir where are the original files
                 # import tif files
                 import_tif(outname, basedir, remove, ow, pm, targetdir)
@@ -373,14 +405,15 @@
         return 0
     # return an error if q and spectral are set
     if not flags['q'] and options['spectral'] != '':
-        grass.warning(_('If no QA layer chosen in the "spectral" option'\
-        + ' the command will report an error'))
+        grass.warning(_('If no QA layer chosen in the "spectral" option'
+                        ' the command will report an error'))
     # return an error if both dns and files option are set or not
     if options['dns'] == '' and options['files'] == '':
         grass.fatal(_('Choose one of "dns" or "files" options'))
         return 0
     elif options['dns'] != '' and options['files'] != '':
-        grass.fatal(_('It is not possible set "dns" and "files" options together'))
+        grass.fatal(_('It is not possible set "dns" and "files"'
+                      ' options together'))
         return 0
     # check the version
     version = grass.core.version()
@@ -404,7 +437,8 @@
         analyze = True
     # check if import simple file or mosaic
     if flags['m'] and options['dns'] != '':
-        grass.fatal(_('It is not possible to create a mosaic with a single HDF file'))
+        grass.fatal(_('It is not possible to create a mosaic with a single'
+                      ' HDF file'))
         return 0
     elif flags['m']:
         mosaic(options, remove, analyze, over)

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