[GRASS-SVN] r67889 - in grass-addons/grass7/imagery: . i.segment.uspo
svn_grass at osgeo.org
svn_grass at osgeo.org
Fri Feb 19 06:37:05 PST 2016
Author: mlennert
Date: 2016-02-19 06:37:05 -0800 (Fri, 19 Feb 2016)
New Revision: 67889
New addon i.segment.uspo for unsupervised segmentation parameter optimization
Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.segment.uspo/Makefile
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.segment.uspo/Makefile (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.segment.uspo/Makefile 2016-02-19 14:37:05 UTC (rev 67889)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+PGM = i.segment.uspo
+include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Script.make
+default: script
Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.segment.uspo/i.segment.uspo.html
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.segment.uspo/i.segment.uspo.html (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.segment.uspo/i.segment.uspo.html 2016-02-19 14:37:05 UTC (rev 67889)
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+<p><em>i.segment.uspo</em> provides unsupervised segmentation parameter
+optimization for <em><a href="i.segment.html">i.segment</a></em>. It runs
+segmentation across a user defined set of thresholds and minimum segment sizes
+and then selects the parameters providing the highest values of a given
+optimization function. The number of parameter sets to provide to the user is
+defined by <b>number_best</b>.
+<p>The user provides an imagery <b>group</b> and the name of an <b>output</b>
+text file where parameter and optimization values for all tested segmentations
+are stored. The user can either give a list of thresholds and minimum sizes, or
+provides start, stop and step values for each. In addition, the user can provide
+a list of named <b>regions</b> for which to test the segmentation. This allows
+to not test the entire image, but rather to test specific areas in the image
+that might be characterstic for specific types of land cover.
+<p>Two optimization functions are available via the <b>optimization_function</b>
+parameter: A simple sum of the normalized criteria values as defined by
+Espindola et al (2006), or the F-function as defined by Johnson et al (2015).
+The optimization functions use intra-segment variance and inter-segment spatial
+autocorrelation. For the latter, the user can chose to use either <a
+href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moran%27s_I">Moran's I</a> or <a
+href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geary%27s_C">Geary's C</a>.
+<p> The user can chose between hierarchical and non-hierarchical segmentation
+using the <b>n</b> flag within a given minimum segment size. The former uses <a
+href="https://grass.osgeo.org/grass70/manuals/addons/i.segment.hierarchical.html">i.segment.hierarchical</a> which uses
+each segmentation at a given threshold level as seed for the segmentation at the
+next threshold level. <p> The <b>segment_map</b> parameter allows to provide a
+basename for keeping the <b>number_best</b> best segmentations for each given
+<b>region</b> according to the optimization function. The resulting map names
+will be a combination of this basename, the region, the threshold and the
+minsize value.
+<p> The module uses high-level parallelisation (running different segmentations
+in parallel and then running the collection of parameter values in parallel).
+The parameter <b>processes</b> allows to define how many processes should be run
+in parallel.
+<p> The <b>k</b> flag allows to keep all segmentation maps created during the
+The module depends on two other addons to be installed:
+<a href="https://grass.osgeo.org/grass70/manuals/addons/i.segment.hierarchical.html">i.segment.hierarchical</a>
+ and
+ <a href="https://grass.osgeo.org/grass70/manuals/addons/r.neighborhoodmatrix.html">r.neighborhoodmatrix</a>
+<p> Any unsupervised optimization can at best be a support to the user. Visual
+and other types of validation of the results, possibly comparing several of the
+"best" solutions, remain necessary.
+<p> In hierarchical segmentation mode, the processes are divided between
+different calls to <a
+href="https://grass.osgeo.org/grass70/manuals/addons/i.segment.hierarchical.html">i.segment.hierarchical</a>. This
+means that when some of these calls are much longer than others, the work load
+is not evenly divided between cores. This is especially true if one explores a
+large number of thresholds with minsizes of significantly different levels.
+<div class="code"><pre>
+g.region -au n=220767 s=220392 w=638129 e=638501 res=1 save=region1
+g.region -au n=222063 s=221667 w=637659 e=638058 res=1 save=region2
+i.group ortho input=ortho_2001_t792_1m
+i.segment.uspo group=ortho regions=region1,region2 \
+ output=ortho_parameters.csv segment_map=ortho_uspo \
+ threshold_start=0.02 threshold_stop=0.21 threshold_step=0.02 \
+ minsizes=5,10,15 number_best=5 processes=4 memory=4000
+G. M. Espindola , G. Camara , I. A. Reis , L. S. Bins , A. M. Monteiroi (2006),
+Parameter selection for region-growing image segmentation algorithms using
+spatial autocorrelation, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 27, Iss.
+14, pp. 3035-3040, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080%2f01431160600617194
+B. A. Johnson, M. Bragais, I. Endo, D. B. Magcale-Macandog, P. B. M. Macandog (2015),
+Image Segmentation Parameter Optimization Considering Within- and
+Between-Segment Heterogeneity at Multiple Scale Levels: Test Case for Mapping
+Residential Areas Using Landsat Imagery, ISPRS International Journal of
+Geo-Information, 4(4), pp. 2292-2305, http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijgi4042292
+<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
+<a href="i.segment.html">i.segment</a>,<br>
+<a href="https://grass.osgeo.org/grass70/manuals/addons/i.segment.hierarchical.html">i.segment.hierarchical</a>,<br>
+<a href="https://grass.osgeo.org/grass70/manuals/addons/r.neighborhoodmatrix.html">r.neighborhoodmatrix</a><br>
+<h2>AUTHOR</h2> Moritz Lennert
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date: 2015-11-11 18:14:17 +0100 (mer 11 nov 2015) $</i>
Added: grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.segment.uspo/i.segment.uspo.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.segment.uspo/i.segment.uspo.py (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/imagery/i.segment.uspo/i.segment.uspo.py 2016-02-19 14:37:05 UTC (rev 67889)
@@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# MODULE: i.segment.variance
+# AUTHOR(S): Moritz Lennert
+# PURPOSE: Calculate variation of variance by variation of
+# segmentation threshold
+# COPYRIGHT: (C) 1997-2016 by the GRASS Development Team
+# This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+# License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+# for details.
+# References:
+#% description: Analyzes variation of variance with variation of segmentation threshold
+#% keyword: imagery
+#% keyword: variance
+#% keyword: segmentation
+#% keyword: threshold
+#%option G_OPT_I_GROUP
+#% description: Group to use for segmentation
+#% required : yes
+#%option G_OPT_R_MAPS
+#% key: maps
+#% description: Raster band(s) for which to calculate variance (default: all group members)
+#% required : no
+#%option G_OPT_F_OUTPUT
+#% description: Name for output file (- for standard output)
+#%option G_OPT_R_OUTPUT
+#% key: segment_map
+#% description: Prefix for "best" output segmentation map per region
+#% required : no
+#%option G_OPT_M_REGION
+#% key: regions
+#% description: Regions in which to analyze the variance
+#% required: yes
+#% multiple: yes
+#% key: thresholds
+#% type: double
+#% description: Thresholds to test
+#% required: no
+#% multiple: yes
+#% key: threshold_start
+#% type: double
+#% description: Lowest threshold to test
+#% required: no
+#% key: threshold_stop
+#% type: double
+#% description: Threshold at which to stop (not included)
+#% required: no
+#% key: threshold_step
+#% type: double
+#% description: Step to use between thresholds
+#% required: no
+#% key: minsizes
+#% type: integer
+#% description: Minimum number of cells in a segment
+#% multiple: yes
+#% required: no
+#% key: minsize_start
+#% type: integer
+#% description: Lowest minimum segment size to test
+#% required: no
+#% key: minsize_stop
+#% type: integer
+#% description: Value for minimum segment size at which to stop (not included)
+#% required: no
+#% key: minsize_step
+#% type: integer
+#% description: Step to use between thresholds
+#% required: no
+#% key: autocorrelation_indicator
+#% type: string
+#% description: Indicator for measuring inter-segment heterogeneity
+#% required: no
+#% options: morans,geary
+#% answer: morans
+#% key: optimization_function
+#% type: string
+#% description: Optimization function used to determine "best" parameters
+#% required: no
+#% options: sum,f
+#% answer: sum
+#% key: f_function_alpha
+#% type: double
+#% description: Alpha value used for F-measure optimization function
+#% required: no
+#% answer: 1
+#% key: number_best
+#% type: integer
+#% description: Number of desired best parameter values and maps
+#% required: no
+#% answer: 1
+#% key: memory
+#% type: integer
+#% description: Total memory to allocate (will be divided by processes)
+#% required: yes
+#% answer: 300
+#% key: processes
+#% type: integer
+#% description: Number of processes to run in parallel
+#% required: yes
+#% answer: 1
+#% key: k
+#% description: Keep all segmented maps
+#% key: n
+#% description: Non-hierarchical segmentation
+#% required: thresholds,threshold_start
+#% excludes: thresholds,threshold_start,threshold_stop,threshold_step
+#% collective: threshold_start,threshold_stop,threshold_step
+#% required: minsizes,minsize_start
+#% excludes: minsizes,minsize_start,minsize_stop,minsize_step
+#% collective: minsize_start,minsize_stop,minsize_step
+import grass.script as gscript
+import sys
+import os
+import atexit
+from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, current_process
+def cleanup():
+ """ Delete temporary maps """
+ if not keep:
+ gscript.run_command('g.remove',
+ flags='f',
+ type='raster',
+ pat=temp_segment_map+"*",
+ quiet=True)
+ gscript.run_command('g.remove',
+ flags='f',
+ type='raster',
+ name=temp_variance_map,
+ quiet=True)
+ if gscript.find_file(temp_vector_map, element='vector')['name']:
+ gscript.run_command('g.remove',
+ flags='f',
+ type='vector',
+ name=temp_vector_map,
+ quiet=True)
+def drange(start, stop, step):
+ """ xrange for floats """
+ r = start
+ while r < stop:
+ yield r
+ r += step
+def hier_worker(region, thresholds, minsize_queue, done_queue):
+ """ Launch parallel processes for hierarchical segmentation """
+ try:
+ for minsize in iter(minsize_queue.get, 'STOP'):
+ hierarchical_seg(region, thresholds, minsize)
+ done_queue.put("%s_%d ok" % (region, minsize))
+ except:
+ done_queue.put("%s: %s_%d failed" % (current_process().name, region,
+ minsize))
+ return True
+def nonhier_worker(region, parameter_queue, done_queue):
+ """ Launch parallel processes for non-hierarchical segmentation """
+ try:
+ for threshold, minsize in iter(parameter_queue.get, 'STOP'):
+ non_hierarchical_seg(region, threshold, minsize)
+ done_queue.put("%s_%f_%d ok" % (region, threshold, minsize))
+ except:
+ done_queue.put("%s: %s_%f_%d failed" % (current_process().name, region,
+ threshold, minsize))
+ return True
+def hierarchical_seg(region, thresholds, minsize):
+ """ Do hierarchical segmentation for a vector of thresholds and a specific minsize"""
+ outputs_prefix = temp_segment_map + "_%s" % region
+ outputs_prefix += "__%.2f"
+ outputs_prefix += "__%d" % minsize
+ gscript.run_command('i.segment.hierarchical',
+ group=group,
+ thresholds=thresholds,
+ minsizes=minsize,
+ output=temp_segment_map,
+ outputs_prefix=outputs_prefix,
+ memory=memory,
+ quiet=True)
+def non_hierarchical_seg(region, threshold, minsize):
+ """ Do non-hierarchical segmentation for a specific threshold and minsize"""
+ temp_segment_map_thresh = temp_segment_map + "_%s" % region
+ temp_segment_map_thresh += "__%.2f" % threshold
+ temp_segment_map_thresh += "__%d" % minsize
+ gscript.run_command('i.segment',
+ group=group,
+ threshold=threshold,
+ minsize=minsize,
+ output=temp_segment_map_thresh,
+ memory=memory,
+ quiet=True,
+ overwrite=True)
+def variable_worker(region, parameter_queue, result_queue):
+ """ Launch parallel processes for calculating optimization criteria """
+ for threshold, minsize in iter(parameter_queue.get, 'STOP'):
+ temp_segment_map_thresh = temp_segment_map + "_%s" % region
+ temp_segment_map_thresh += "__%.2f" % threshold
+ temp_segment_map_thresh += "__%d" % minsize
+ variance_per_raster = []
+ autocor_per_raster = []
+ neighbordict = get_nb_matrix(temp_segment_map_thresh)
+ for raster in rasters:
+ var = get_variance(temp_segment_map_thresh, raster)
+ variance_per_raster.append(var)
+ autocor = get_autocorrelation(temp_segment_map_thresh, raster,
+ neighbordict, indicator)
+ autocor_per_raster.append(autocor)
+ mean_lv = sum(variance_per_raster) / len(variance_per_raster)
+ mean_autocor = sum(autocor_per_raster) / len(autocor_per_raster)
+ result_queue.put([temp_segment_map_thresh, mean_lv, mean_autocor,
+ threshold, minsize])
+def get_variance(mapname, raster):
+ """ Calculate intra-segment variance of the values of the given raster"""
+ temp_map = temp_variance_map + current_process().name.replace('-', '_')
+ gscript.run_command('r.stats.zonal',
+ base=mapname,
+ cover=raster,
+ method='variance',
+ output=temp_map,
+ overwrite=True,
+ quiet=True)
+ univar = gscript.parse_command('r.univar',
+ map_=temp_map,
+ flags='g',
+ quiet=True)
+ var = float(univar['mean'])
+ gscript.run_command('g.remove',
+ type_='raster',
+ name=temp_map,
+ flags='f',
+ quiet=True)
+ return var
+def get_nb_matrix (mapname):
+ """ Create a dictionary with neighbors per segment"""
+ res = gscript.read_command('r.neighborhoodmatrix',
+ input_=mapname,
+ output='-',
+ sep='comma',
+ quiet=True)
+ neighbordict = {}
+ for line in res.splitlines():
+ n1=line.split(',')[0]
+ n2=line.split(',')[1]
+ if n1 in neighbordict:
+ neighbordict[n1].append(n2)
+ else:
+ neighbordict[n1] = [n2]
+ return neighbordict
+def get_autocorrelation (mapname, raster, neighbordict, indicator):
+ """ Calculate either Moran's I or Geary's C for values of the given raster """
+ raster_vars = gscript.parse_command('r.univar',
+ map_=raster,
+ flags='g',
+ quiet=True)
+ global_mean = float(raster_vars['mean'])
+ univar_res = gscript.read_command('r.univar',
+ flags='t',
+ map_=raster,
+ zones=mapname,
+ out='-',
+ sep='comma',
+ quiet=True)
+ means = {}
+ mean_diffs = {}
+ firstline = True
+ for line in univar_res.splitlines():
+ l = line.split(',')
+ if firstline:
+ i = l.index('mean')
+ firstline = False
+ else:
+ means[l[0]] = float(l[i])
+ mean_diffs[l[0]] = float(l[i]) - global_mean
+ sum_sq_mean_diffs = sum(x**2 for x in mean_diffs.values())
+ total_nb_neighbors = 0
+ for region in neighbordict:
+ total_nb_neighbors += len(neighbordict[region])
+ N = len(means)
+ sum_products = 0
+ sum_squared_differences = 0
+ for region in neighbordict:
+ region_value = means[region] - global_mean
+ neighbors = neighbordict[region]
+ nb_neighbors = len(neighbors)
+ for neighbor in neighbors:
+ neighbor_value = means[neighbor] - global_mean
+ sum_products += region_value * neighbor_value
+ sum_squared_differences = ( means[region] - means[neighbor] ) ** 2
+ if indicator == 'morans':
+ autocor = ( ( float(N) / total_nb_neighbors ) * (float(sum_products) / sum_sq_mean_diffs ) )
+ elif indicator == 'geary':
+ autocor = ( float(N - 1) / ( 2 * total_nb_neighbors ) ) * ( float(sum_squared_differences) / sum_sq_mean_diffs )
+ return autocor
+def normalize_criteria (crit_list, direction):
+ """ Normalize the optimization criteria """
+ maxval = max(crit_list)
+ minval = min(crit_list)
+ if direction == 'low':
+ normlist = [float(maxval - x) / float(maxval - minval) for x in crit_list]
+ else:
+ normlist = [float(x - minval) / float(maxval - minval) for x in crit_list]
+ return normlist
+def create_optimization_list(variancelist, autocorlist, opt_function, alpha, direction):
+ """ Create list of optimization function value for each parameter combination """
+ normvariance = normalize_criteria(variancelist, 'low')
+ normautocor = normalize_criteria(autocorlist, direction)
+ if opt_function == 'sum':
+ optlist = [normvariance[x] + normautocor[x] for x in range(len(normvariance))]
+ if opt_function == 'f':
+ optlist = [( 1 + alpha**2 ) * ( ( normvariance[x] * normautocor[x] ) / float( alpha**2 * normautocor[x] + normvariance[x] ) ) for x in range(len(normvariance))]
+ return optlist
+def find_optimal_value_indices(optlist, nb_best):
+ """ Find the nb_best values in the list of optimization function values and return their indices """
+ sorted_list = sorted(optlist, reverse=True)
+ opt_indices = []
+ for best in range(nb_best):
+ opt_indices.append(optlist.index(sorted_list[best]))
+ return opt_indices
+def main():
+ global group
+ group = options['group']
+ output = options['output']
+ global indicator
+ indicator = options['autocorrelation_indicator']
+ opt_function = options['optimization_function']
+ alpha = float(options['f_function_alpha'])
+ # which is "better", higher or lower ?
+ directions = {'morans': 'low', 'geary': 'high'}
+ if options['segment_map']:
+ segmented_map = options['segment_map']
+ else:
+ segmented_map = None
+ # If no list of rasters is given we take all members of the group
+ global rasters
+ if options['maps']:
+ rasters = options['maps'].split(',')
+ else:
+ list_rasters = gscript.read_command('i.group',
+ group=group,
+ flags='gl',
+ quiet=True)
+ rasters = list_rasters.split('\n')[:-1]
+ if options['thresholds']:
+ thresholds = [float(x) for x in options['thresholds'].split(',')]
+ else:
+ step = float(options['threshold_step'])
+ start = float(options['threshold_start'])
+ stop = float(options['threshold_stop'])
+ iter_thresh = drange(start,stop,step)
+ # We want to keep a specific precision, so we go through string
+ # representation and back to float
+ thresholds = [float(y) for y in ["%.2f" % x for x in iter_thresh]]
+ if options['minsizes']:
+ minsizes = [int(x) for x in options['minsizes'].split(',')]
+ else:
+ step = int(options['minsize_step'])
+ start = int(options['minsize_start'])
+ stop = int(options['minsize_stop'])
+ minsizes = range(start,stop,step)
+ if options['regions']:
+ regions = options['regions'].split(',')
+ else:
+ regions = False
+ nb_best = int(options['number_best'])
+ global memory
+ memory = int(options['memory'])
+ processes = int(options['processes'])
+ memory /= processes
+ global keep
+ keep = False
+ if flags['k']:
+ keep = True
+ global temp_segment_map, temp_variance_map, temp_vector_map
+ temp_segment_map = "segment_uspo_temp_segment_map_%d" % os.getpid()
+ temp_variance_map = "segment_uspo_temp_variance_map_%d" % os.getpid()
+ temp_vector_map = "segment_uspo_temp_vector_map_%d" % os.getpid()
+ # Don't change general mapset region settings when switching regions
+ gscript.use_temp_region()
+ regiondict = {}
+ best_values = {}
+ maps_to_keep = []
+ for region in regions:
+ gscript.message("Working on region %s\n" % region)
+ gscript.run_command('g.region',
+ region=region,
+ quiet=True)
+ # Launch segmentation in parallel processes
+ processes_list = []
+ done_queue = Queue()
+ if not flags['n']:
+ minsize_queue = Queue()
+ for minsize in minsizes:
+ minsize_queue.put(minsize)
+ for p in xrange(processes):
+ proc = Process(target=hier_worker, args=(region, thresholds,
+ minsize_queue, done_queue))
+ proc.start()
+ processes_list.append(proc)
+ minsize_queue.put('STOP')
+ for p in processes_list:
+ p.join()
+ done_queue.put('STOP')
+ else:
+ parameter_queue = Queue()
+ for threshold in thresholds:
+ for minsize in minsizes:
+ parameter_queue.put([threshold, minsize])
+ for p in xrange(processes):
+ proc = Process(target=nonhier_worker, args=(region,
+ parameter_queue, done_queue))
+ proc.start()
+ processes_list.append(proc)
+ parameter_queue.put('STOP')
+ for p in processes_list:
+ p.join()
+ done_queue.put('STOP')
+ # Launch calculation of optimization values in parallel processes
+ processes_list = []
+ parameter_queue = Queue()
+ result_queue=Queue()
+ for threshold in thresholds:
+ for minsize in minsizes:
+ parameter_queue.put([threshold, minsize])
+ for p in xrange(processes):
+ proc = Process(target=variable_worker, args=(region,
+ parameter_queue, result_queue))
+ proc.start()
+ processes_list.append(proc)
+ parameter_queue.put('STOP')
+ for p in processes_list:
+ p.join()
+ result_queue.put('STOP')
+ # Construct result lists
+ maplist = []
+ threshlist = []
+ minsizelist = []
+ variancelist = []
+ autocorlist = []
+ for segmap, lv, autocor, threshold, minsize in iter(result_queue.get, 'STOP'):
+ maplist.append(segmap)
+ variancelist.append(lv)
+ autocorlist.append(autocor)
+ threshlist.append(threshold)
+ minsizelist.append(minsize)
+ # Calculate optimization function values and get indices of best values
+ optlist = create_optimization_list(variancelist,
+ autocorlist,
+ opt_function,
+ alpha,
+ directions[indicator])
+ regiondict[region] = zip(threshlist, minsizelist, variancelist, autocorlist, optlist)
+ optimal_indices = find_optimal_value_indices(optlist, nb_best)
+ best_values[region] = []
+ for optind in optimal_indices:
+ best_values[region].append([threshlist[optind], minsizelist[optind], optlist[optind]])
+ maps_to_keep.append(maplist[optind])
+ # Create output
+ # Output of results of all attempts
+ header_string = "region,threshold,minsize,variance,spatial_autocorrelation,optimization criteria\n"
+ if output == '-':
+ sys.stdout.write(header_string)
+ for region, resultslist in regiondict.iteritems():
+ for result in resultslist:
+ output_string = "%s," % region
+ output_string += ",".join(map(str, result))
+ output_string += "\n"
+ sys.stdout.write(output_string)
+ else:
+ of = open(output, 'w')
+ of.write(header_string)
+ for region, resultslist in regiondict.iteritems():
+ for result in resultslist:
+ output_string = "%s," % region
+ print region, ",".join(map(str, result))
+ output_string += ",".join(map(str, result))
+ output_string += "\n"
+ of.write(output_string)
+ of.close()
+ # Output of best values found
+ msg = "Best values:\n"
+ msg += "Region\tThresh\tMinsize\tOptimization\n"
+ for region, resultlist in best_values.iteritems():
+ for result in resultlist:
+ msg += "%s\t" % region
+ msg += "\t".join(map(str, result))
+ msg += "\n"
+ gscript.message(msg)
+ # Keep copies of segmentation results with best values
+ if segmented_map:
+ for bestmap in maps_to_keep:
+ outputmap = bestmap.replace(temp_segment_map, segmented_map)
+ gscript.run_command('g.copy',
+ raster=[bestmap,outputmap],
+ quiet=True)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ options, flags = gscript.parser()
+ atexit.register(cleanup)
+ main()
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