[GRASS-SVN] r69865 - grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.randomforest
svn_grass at osgeo.org
svn_grass at osgeo.org
Mon Nov 21 22:35:34 PST 2016
Author: spawley
Date: 2016-11-21 22:35:34 -0800 (Mon, 21 Nov 2016)
New Revision: 69865
'update to r.randomforest to add spatial cross-validation and simplify options'
Modified: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.randomforest/Makefile
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.randomforest/Makefile 2016-11-21 20:59:01 UTC (rev 69864)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.randomforest/Makefile 2016-11-22 06:35:34 UTC (rev 69865)
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
PGM = r.randomforest
+ETCFILES = ml_classifiers ml_utils
include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Script.make
+include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Python.make
default: script
Added: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.randomforest/ml_classifiers.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.randomforest/ml_classifiers.py (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.randomforest/ml_classifiers.py 2016-11-22 06:35:34 UTC (rev 69865)
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
+from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
+from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis
+from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
+from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier, DecisionTreeRegressor
+from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier, RandomForestRegressor
+from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier
+from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor
+from sklearn.svm import SVC
+def model_classifiers(estimator, random_state, class_weight,
+ C, max_depth, max_features,
+ min_samples_split, min_samples_leaf,
+ n_estimators, subsample, learning_rate):
+ classifiers = {
+ 'SVC': SVC(C=C, probability=True, random_state=random_state),
+ 'LogisticRegression': LogisticRegression(C=C, class_weight=class_weight,
+ random_state=random_state),
+ 'DecisionTreeClassifier': DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=max_depth,
+ max_features=max_features,
+ min_samples_split=min_samples_split,
+ min_samples_leaf=min_samples_leaf,
+ random_state=random_state,
+ class_weight=class_weight),
+ 'DecisionTreeRegressor': DecisionTreeRegressor(max_features=max_features,
+ min_samples_split=min_samples_split,
+ min_samples_leaf=min_samples_leaf,
+ random_state=random_state),
+ 'RandomForestClassifier': RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=n_estimators,
+ class_weight=class_weight,
+ max_features=max_features,
+ min_samples_split=min_samples_split,
+ random_state=random_state,
+ n_jobs=-1,
+ oob_score=True),
+ 'RandomForestRegressor': RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=n_estimators,
+ max_features=max_features,
+ min_samples_split=min_samples_split,
+ random_state=random_state,
+ n_jobs=-1,
+ oob_score=True),
+ 'GradientBoostingClassifier': GradientBoostingClassifier(learning_rate=learning_rate,
+ n_estimators=n_estimators,
+ max_depth=max_depth,
+ min_samples_split=min_samples_split,
+ min_samples_leaf=min_samples_leaf,
+ subsample=subsample,
+ max_features=max_features,
+ random_state=random_state),
+ 'GradientBoostingRegressor': GradientBoostingRegressor(learning_rate=learning_rate,
+ n_estimators=n_estimators,
+ max_depth=max_depth,
+ min_samples_split=min_samples_split,
+ min_samples_leaf=min_samples_leaf,
+ subsample=subsample,
+ max_features=max_features,
+ random_state=random_state),
+ 'GaussianNB': GaussianNB(),
+ 'LinearDiscriminantAnalysis': LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(),
+ 'QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis': QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis(),
+ }
+ SVCOpts = {'C': [1, 10, 100], 'shrinking': [True, False]}
+ LogisticRegressionOpts = {'C': [1, 10, 100, 1000]}
+ DecisionTreeOpts = {'max_depth': [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20],
+ 'max_features': ['sqrt', 'log2', None],
+ 'min_samples_split': [2, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25]}
+ RandomForestOpts = {'max_features': ['sqrt', 'log2', None]}
+ GradientBoostingOpts = {'learning_rate': [0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1],
+ 'max_depth': [3, 4, 6, 10],
+ 'max_features': ['sqrt', 'log2', None],
+ 'n_estimators': [50, 100, 150, 250, 500]}
+ param_grids = {
+ 'SVC': SVCOpts,
+ 'LogisticRegression': LogisticRegressionOpts,
+ 'DecisionTreeClassifier': DecisionTreeOpts,
+ 'DecisionTreeRegressor': DecisionTreeOpts,
+ 'RandomForestClassifier': RandomForestOpts,
+ 'RandomForestRegressor': RandomForestOpts,
+ 'GradientBoostingClassifier': GradientBoostingOpts,
+ 'GradientBoostingRegressor': GradientBoostingOpts,
+ 'GaussianNB': {},
+ 'LinearDiscriminantAnalysis': {},
+ 'QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis': {},
+ }
+ # define classifier
+ clf = classifiers[estimator]
+ params = param_grids[estimator]
+ # classification or regression
+ if estimator == 'LogisticRegression' \
+ or estimator == 'DecisionTreeClassifier' \
+ or estimator == 'RandomForestClassifier' \
+ or estimator == 'GradientBoostingClassifier' \
+ or estimator == 'GaussianNB' \
+ or estimator == 'LinearDiscriminantAnalysis' \
+ or estimator == 'QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis' \
+ or estimator == 'SVC':
+ mode = 'classification'
+ else:
+ mode = 'regression'
+ return (clf, params, mode)
Added: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.randomforest/ml_utils.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.randomforest/ml_utils.py (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.randomforest/ml_utils.py 2016-11-22 06:35:34 UTC (rev 69865)
@@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
+import os
+import numpy as np
+import grass.script as grass
+from grass.pygrass.raster import RasterRow
+from grass.pygrass.gis.region import Region
+from grass.pygrass.raster.buffer import Buffer
+from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
+from sklearn import metrics
+from sklearn.model_selection import GroupKFold
+from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
+from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
+from sklearn import preprocessing
+from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest
+from sklearn.feature_selection import f_classif
+from sklearn.utils import shuffle
+from sklearn.externals import joblib
+from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import raster as r
+from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
+def save_training_data(X, y, groups, file):
+ """
+ Saves any extracted training data to a csv file
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ X: Numpy array containing predictor values
+ y: Numpy array containing labels
+ groups: Numpy array of group labels
+ file: Path to a csv file to save data to
+ """
+ # if there are no group labels, create a nan filled array
+ if groups is None:
+ groups = np.empty((y.shape[0]))
+ groups[:] = np.nan
+ training_data = np.zeros((y.shape[0], X.shape[1]+2))
+ training_data[:, 0:X.shape[1]] = X
+ training_data[:, X.shape[1]] = y
+ training_data[:, X.shape[1]+1] = groups
+ np.savetxt(file, training_data, delimiter=',')
+def load_training_data(file):
+ """
+ Loads training data and labels from a csv file
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ file: Path to a csv file to save data to
+ Returns
+ -------
+ X: Numpy array containing predictor values
+ y: Numpy array containing labels
+ groups: Numpy array of group labels, or None
+ """
+ training_data = np.loadtxt(file, delimiter=',')
+ # check to see if last column contains group labels or nans
+ lastcol = training_data[:, training_data.shape[1]-1]
+ if np.isnan(lastcol).all() is True:
+ n_features = training_data.shape[1]-1
+ groups = lastcol
+ else:
+ n_features = training_data.shape[1]
+ groups = None
+ # retreave X and y
+ X = training_data[:, 0:n_features-1]
+ y = training_data[:, n_features-1]
+ return(X, y, groups)
+def sample_predictors(response, predictors, shuffle_data=True, random_state=1):
+ """
+ Samples a list of GRASS rasters using a labelled raster
+ Per raster sampling
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ response: String; GRASS raster with labelled pixels
+ predictors: List of GRASS rasters containing explanatory variables
+ Returns
+ -------
+ training_data: Numpy array of extracted raster values
+ training_labels: Numpy array of labels
+ y_indexes: Row and Columns of label positions
+ """
+ # open response raster as rasterrow and read as np array
+ if RasterRow(response).exist() is True:
+ roi_gr = RasterRow(response)
+ roi_gr.open('r')
+ response_np = np.array(roi_gr)
+ else:
+ grass.fatal("GRASS response raster does not exist.... exiting")
+ # determine number of predictor rasters
+ n_features = len(predictors)
+ # check to see if all predictors exist
+ for i in range(n_features):
+ if RasterRow(predictors[i]).exist() is not True:
+ grass.fatal("GRASS raster " + predictors[i] +
+ " does not exist.... exiting")
+ # check if any of those pixels are labelled (not equal to nodata)
+ # can use even if roi is FCELL because nodata will be nan
+ is_train = np.nonzero(response_np > -2147483648)
+ training_labels = response_np[is_train]
+ n_labels = np.array(is_train).shape[1]
+ # Create a zero numpy array of len training labels
+ training_data = np.zeros((n_labels, n_features))
+ # Loop through each raster and sample pixel values at training indexes
+ for f in range(n_features):
+ predictor_gr = RasterRow(predictors[f])
+ predictor_gr.open('r')
+ feature_np = np.array(predictor_gr)
+ training_data[0:n_labels, f] = feature_np[is_train]
+ predictor_gr.close()
+ # convert any CELL maps no datavals to NaN in the training data
+ for i in range(n_features):
+ training_data[training_data[:, i] == -2147483648] = np.nan
+ # convert indexes of training pixels from tuple to n*2 np array
+ is_train = np.array(is_train).T
+ # Remove nan rows from training data
+ X = training_data[~np.isnan(training_data).any(axis=1)]
+ y = training_labels[~np.isnan(training_data).any(axis=1)]
+ y_indexes = is_train[~np.isnan(training_data).any(axis=1)]
+ roi_gr.close()
+ # shuffle the training data
+ if shuffle_data is True:
+ X, y, y_indexes = shuffle(X, y, y_indexes, random_state=random_state)
+ return(X, y, y_indexes)
+def prediction(clf, labels, predictors, scaler, class_probabilities,
+ rowincr, output, mode):
+ """
+ Prediction on list of GRASS rasters using a fitted scikit learn model
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ clf: Scikit learn estimator object
+ labels: Numpy array of the labels used for the classification
+ predictors: List of GRASS rasters
+ scaler: Scaler for predictors, or None
+ output: Name of GRASS raster to output classification results
+ rowincr: Integer of raster rows to process at one time
+ class_probabilties: Predict class probabilities
+ mode: String, classification or regression mode
+ """
+ # create a list of rasterrow objects for predictors
+ n_features = len(predictors)
+ nclasses = len(labels)
+ rasstack = [0] * n_features
+ for i in range(n_features):
+ rasstack[i] = RasterRow(predictors[i])
+ if rasstack[i].exist() is True:
+ rasstack[i].open('r')
+ else:
+ grass.fatal("GRASS raster " + predictors[i] +
+ " does not exist.... exiting")
+ # use grass.pygrass.gis.region to get information about the current region
+ current = Region()
+ # create a imagery mask
+ # the input rasters might have different dimensions and non-value pixels.
+ # r.series used to automatically create a mask by propagating the nulls
+ grass.run_command("r.series", output='tmp_clfmask',
+ input=predictors, method='count', flags='n',
+ overwrite=True)
+ mask_raster = RasterRow('tmp_clfmask')
+ mask_raster.open('r')
+ # create and open RasterRow objects for classification
+ classification = RasterRow(output)
+ if mode == 'classification':
+ ftype = 'CELL'
+ nodata = -2147483648
+ else:
+ ftype = 'FCELL'
+ nodata = np.nan
+ classification.open('w', ftype, overwrite=True)
+ # create and open RasterRow objects for probabilities if enabled
+ if class_probabilities is True:
+ prob_out_raster = [0] * nclasses
+ prob = [0] * nclasses
+ for iclass in range(nclasses):
+ prob_out_raster[iclass] = output + \
+ '_classPr' + str(int(labels[iclass]))
+ prob[iclass] = RasterRow(prob_out_raster[iclass])
+ prob[iclass].open('w', 'FCELL', overwrite=True)
+ """
+ Prediction using row blocks
+ """
+ for rowblock in range(0, current.rows, rowincr):
+ # check that the row increment does not exceed the number of rows
+ if rowblock+rowincr > current.rows:
+ rowincr = current.rows - rowblock
+ img_np_row = np.zeros((rowincr, current.cols, n_features))
+ mask_np_row = np.zeros((rowincr, current.cols))
+ # loop through each row, and each band
+ # and add these values to the 2D array img_np_row
+ for row in range(rowblock, rowblock+rowincr, 1):
+ mask_np_row[row-rowblock, :] = np.array(mask_raster[row])
+ for band in range(n_features):
+ img_np_row[row-rowblock, :, band] = \
+ np.array(rasstack[band][row])
+ mask_np_row[mask_np_row == -2147483648] = np.nan
+ nanmask = np.isnan(mask_np_row) # True in the mask means invalid data
+ # reshape each row-band matrix into a n*m array
+ nsamples = rowincr * current.cols
+ flat_pixels = img_np_row.reshape((nsamples, n_features))
+ # remove NaN values
+ flat_pixels = np.nan_to_num(flat_pixels)
+ # rescale
+ if scaler is not None:
+ flat_pixels = scaler.transform(flat_pixels)
+ # perform prediction
+ result = clf.predict(flat_pixels)
+ result = result.reshape((rowincr, current.cols))
+ # replace NaN values so that the prediction does not have a border
+ result = np.ma.masked_array(result, mask=nanmask, fill_value=-99999)
+ # return a copy of result, with masked values filled with a value
+ result = result.filled([nodata])
+ # for each row we can perform computation, and write the result into
+ for row in range(rowincr):
+ newrow = Buffer((result.shape[1],), mtype=ftype)
+ newrow[:] = result[row, :]
+ classification.put_row(newrow)
+ # same for probabilities
+ if class_probabilities is True and mode is 'classification':
+ result_proba = clf.predict_proba(flat_pixels)
+ for iclass in range(result_proba.shape[1]):
+ result_proba_class = result_proba[:, iclass]
+ result_proba_class = result_proba_class.reshape(
+ (rowincr, current.cols))
+ result_proba_class = np.ma.masked_array(
+ result_proba_class, mask=nanmask, fill_value=np.nan)
+ result_proba_class = result_proba_class.filled([np.nan])
+ for row in range(rowincr):
+ newrow = Buffer((
+ result_proba_class.shape[1],), mtype='FCELL')
+ newrow[:] = result_proba_class[row, :]
+ prob[iclass].put_row(newrow)
+ classification.close()
+ mask_raster.close()
+ if class_probabilities is True and mode is 'classification':
+ for iclass in range(nclasses):
+ prob[iclass].close()
+def cross_val_classification(clf, X, y, group_ids, cv, rstate):
+ """
+ Stratified Kfold cross-validation
+ Generates several scoring_metrics
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ clf: Scikit learn estimator object
+ X: Numpy array containing predictor values
+ y: Numpy array containing labels
+ group_ids: Numpy array containing group labels for samples
+ cv: Integer of cross-validation folds
+ rstate: Seed to pass to the random number generator
+ Returns
+ -------
+ scores: Dictionary of global accuracy measures per fold
+ y_test_agg: Aggregated test responses
+ y_pred_agg: Aggregated predicted responses
+ """
+ # dicts of lists to store metrics
+ scores = {
+ 'accuracy': [],
+ 'auc': [],
+ 'r2': []
+ }
+ # generate Kfold indices
+ if group_ids is None:
+ k_fold = StratifiedKFold(
+ n_splits=cv, shuffle=False, random_state=rstate).split(X, y)
+ else:
+ n_groups = len(np.unique(group_ids))
+ if cv > n_groups:
+ grass.message(
+ "Number of cv folds cannot be larger than the number of groups in the zonal raster, using n_groups")
+ cv = n_groups
+ k_fold = GroupKFold(n_splits=cv).split(X, y, groups=group_ids)
+ y_test_agg = []
+ y_pred_agg = []
+ # loop through each fold
+ for train_indices, test_indices in k_fold:
+ X_train, X_test = X[train_indices], X[test_indices]
+ y_train, y_test = y[train_indices], y[test_indices]
+ # fit the model on the training data and predict the test data
+ fit = clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
+ y_pred = fit.predict(X_test)
+ y_test_agg = np.append(y_test_agg, y_test)
+ y_pred_agg = np.append(y_pred_agg, y_pred)
+ # calculate metrics
+ scores['accuracy'] = np.append(
+ scores['accuracy'], metrics.accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred))
+ scores['r2'] = np.append(
+ scores['r2'], metrics.r2_score(y_test, y_pred))
+ # test for if binary and classes equal 0,1
+ if len(np.unique(y)) == 2 and all([0, 1] == np.unique(y)):
+ try:
+ y_pred_proba = fit.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1]
+ scores['auc'] = np.append(
+ scores['auc'], metrics.roc_auc_score(y_test, y_pred_proba))
+ except:
+ pass
+ return(scores, y_test_agg, y_pred_agg)
+def tune_split(X, y, Id, estimator, params, test_size, random_state):
+ if Id is None:
+ X, X_devel, y, y_devel = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=test_size,
+ random_state=random_state)
+ Id_devel = None
+ else:
+ X, X_devel, y, y_devel, Id, Id_devel = train_test_split(X, y, Id, test_size=test_size,
+ random_state=random_state, stratify=Id)
+ clf = GridSearchCV(estimator=estimator, cv=3, param_grid=params,
+ scoring="accuracy", n_jobs=-1)
+ clf.fit(X_devel, y_devel)
+ return (X, X_devel, y, y_devel, Id, Id_devel, clf)
+def feature_importances(clf, X, y):
+ min_max_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()
+ try:
+ clfimp = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(
+ clf.feature_importances_.reshape(-1, 1))
+ except:
+ try:
+ clfimp = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(
+ abs(clf.coef_.T).reshape(-1, 1))
+ except:
+ sk = SelectKBest(f_classif, k='all')
+ sk_fit = sk.fit(X, y)
+ clfimp = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(
+ sk_fit.scores_.reshape(-1, 1))
+ return (clfimp)
+def sample_training_data(roi, maplist, cv, cvtype, model_load, model_save, load_training, save_training, random_state):
+ # load the model or training data
+ if model_load != '':
+ clf = joblib.load(model_load)
+ X, y, Id = load_training_data(
+ model_load.replace('.pkl', '.csv'))
+ else:
+ clf = None
+ if load_training != '':
+ X, y, Id = load_training_data(load_training)
+ else:
+ # create clumped roi for spatial cross validation
+ if cv > 1 and cvtype == 'clumped':
+ r.clump(input=roi, output='tmp_roi_clumped', overwrite=True, quiet=True)
+ maplist2 = maplist
+ maplist2.append('tmp_roi_clumped')
+ X, y, sample_coords = sample_predictors(response=roi,
+ predictors=maplist2,
+ shuffle_data=False)
+ # take Id from last column
+ Id = X[:, X.shape[1]-1]
+ # remove Id column from predictors
+ X = X[:, 0:X.shape[1]]
+ else:
+ # query predictor rasters with training features
+ Id = None
+ X, y, sample_coords = sample_predictors(
+ roi, maplist, shuffle_data=True, random_state=random_state)
+ if save_training != '':
+ save_training_data(X, y, Id, save_training)
+ if model_save != '':
+ save_training_data(X, y, Id, model_save + ".csv")
+ # perform kmeans clustering on point coordinates
+ if cv > 1 and cvtype == 'kmeans':
+ clusters = KMeans(
+ n_clusters=cv, random_state=random_state, n_jobs=-1)
+ clusters.fit(sample_coords)
+ Id = clusters.labels_
+ return (X, y, Id, clf)
+def classifier_comparision(classifiers, X, y, cv, scoring_metric, param_grids=None):
+ import pandas as pd
+ from sklearn import cross_validation
+ # compare multiple models with parameter grid search
+ # lists and pandas dataframes to store model and accuracy results
+ n_models = len(classifiers)
+ model = [0] * n_models
+ cmstats = [0] * n_models
+ comparison_df = pd.DataFrame(index=range(n_models), columns=['Model',
+ 'mean_score',
+ 'min_score',
+ 'max_score',
+ 'std_score',
+ 'scores'])
+ # perform cross validation on each classifer and param_grid in list
+ for clfm, i in zip(classifiers, range(n_models)):
+ # use nested cross validation with parameter tuning
+ if param_grids is not None:
+ model[i], cmstats[i] = (
+ nested_cross_val(classifiers[clfm], X, y, param_grids[clfm],
+ cv=cv, scoring_metric=scoring_metric))
+ # or use default classifier settings with no tuning
+ else:
+ cmstats[i] = cross_validation.cross_val_score(
+ classifiers[clfm], X, y, scoring=scoring_metric, cv=cv)
+ comparison_df.iloc[i, 0] = clfm
+ comparison_df.iloc[i, 1] = cmstats[i].mean()
+ comparison_df.iloc[i, 2] = cmstats[i].min()
+ comparison_df.iloc[i, 3] = cmstats[i].max()
+ comparison_df.iloc[i, 4] = cmstats[i].std()
+ comparison_df.iloc[i, 5] = cmstats[i]
+ return (comparison_df)
Modified: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.randomforest/r.randomforest.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.randomforest/r.randomforest.py 2016-11-21 20:59:01 UTC (rev 69864)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.randomforest/r.randomforest.py 2016-11-22 06:35:34 UTC (rev 69865)
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
-# MODULE: r.randomforest
-# AUTHOR: Steven Pawley
-# PURPOSE: Supervised classification and regression of GRASS rasters using the
-# python scikit-learn package
+# MODULE: r.randomforest
+# AUTHOR: Steven Pawley
+# PURPOSE: Supervised classification and regression of GRASS rasters
+# using the python scikit-learn package
# COPYRIGHT: (c) 2016 Steven Pawley, and the GRASS Development Team
# This program is free software under the GNU General Public
@@ -49,169 +49,113 @@
#% label: Classifier
#% description: Supervised learning model to use
#% answer: RandomForestClassifier
-#% options: LogisticRegression,LinearDiscriminantAnalysis,QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis,DecisionTreeClassifier,DecisionTreeRegressor,RandomForestClassifier,RandomForestRegressor,GradientBoostingClassifier,GradientBoostingRegressor,GaussianNB
+#% options: LogisticRegression,LinearDiscriminantAnalysis,QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis,GaussianNB,DecisionTreeClassifier,DecisionTreeRegressor,RandomForestClassifier,RandomForestRegressor,GradientBoostingClassifier,GradientBoostingRegressor,SVC
-# Logistic regression options
#%option double
-#% key: c_lr
-#% description: Inverse of regularization strength
+#% key: c
+#% description: Inverse of regularization strength (logistic regresson and SVC)
#% answer: 1.0
-#% guisection: Logistic Regression
+#% guisection: Classifier Parameters
-#% key: i
-#% description: Fit intercept in logistic regression
-#% guisection: Logistic Regression
+#% key: max_features
+#% type: integer
+#% description: Number of features to consider during splitting for tree-based classifiers. Default -1 is sqrt(n_features) for classification, and n_features for regression
+#% answer: -1
+#% guisection: Classifier Parameters
-# Decision tree options
-#%option string
-#% key: splitter_dt
-#% description: The strategy used to choose the split at each node
-#% answer: best
-#% options: best,random
-#% guisection: Decision Tree
-#% key: m_features_dt
+#% key: max_depth
#% type: integer
-#% description: The number of features to consider when looking for the best split. Default -1 is sqrt(n_features) for classification, and n_features for regression
+#% description: Maximum tree depth for tree-based classifiers. Value of -1 uses classifier defaults
#% answer: -1
-#% guisection: Decision Tree
+#% guisection: Classifier Parameters
-#% key: min_samples_split_dt
+#% key: min_samples_split
#% type: integer
-#% description: The minimum number of samples required to split an internal node
+#% description: The minimum number of samples required to split an internal node for tree-based classifiers
#% answer: 2
-#% guisection: Decision Tree
+#% guisection: Classifier Parameters
-#% key: min_samples_leaf_dt
+#% key: min_samples_leaf
#% type: integer
-#% description: The minimum number of samples required to be at a leaf node
+#% description: The minimum number of samples required to be at a leaf node for tree-based classifiers
#% answer: 1
-#% guisection: Decision Tree
+#% guisection: Classifier Parameters
-#% key: min_weight_fraction_leaf_dt
+#% key: n_estimators
#% type: integer
-#% description: The minimum weighted fraction of the input samples required to be at a leaf node
-#% answer: 0
-#% guisection: Decision Tree
-# Random Forest Options
-#% key: ntrees_rf
-#% type: integer
-#% description: Number of trees in the forest
+#% description: Number of estimators for tree-based classifiers
#% answer: 500
-#% guisection: Random Forest
+#% guisection: Classifier Parameters
-#% key: m_features_rf
-#% type: integer
-#% description: The number of features allowed at each split. Default -1 is sqrt(n_features) for classification, and n_features for regression
-#% answer: -1
-#% guisection: Random Forest
+#% key: learning_rate
+#% type: double
+#% description: learning rate for gradient boosting
+#% answer: 0.1
+#% guisection: Classifier Parameters
-#% key: minsplit_rf
-#% type: integer
-#% description: The minimum number of samples required to split a node
-#% answer: 2
-#% guisection: Random Forest
+#% key: subsample
+#% type: double
+#% description: The fraction of samples to be used for fitting for gradient boosting
+#% answer: 1.0
+#% guisection: Classifier Parameters
-# Gradient tree boosting options
+# General options
-#% key: learning_rate_gtb
-#% type: double
-#% description: learning rate shrinks the contribution of each tree
-#% answer: 0.1
-#% guisection: Gradient Boosted Trees
+#% key: g
+#% label: Print as a shell style script
+#% guisection: Optional
-#% key: n_estimators_gtb
-#% type: integer
-#% description: The number of boosting stages to perform
-#% answer: 100
-#% guisection: Gradient Boosted Trees
-#% key: max_depth_gtb
-#% type: integer
-#% description: The maximum depth limits the number of nodes in the tree
-#% answer: 3
-#% guisection: Gradient Boosted Trees
+#% key: n
+#% label: Normalization
+#% guisection: Optional
-#% key: min_samples_split_gtb
+#% key: cv
#% type: integer
-#% description: The minimum number of samples required to split an internal node
-#% answer: 2
-#% guisection: Gradient Boosted Trees
-#% key: min_samples_leaf_gtb
-#% type: integer
-#% description: The minimum number of samples required to be at a leaf node
+#% description: Number of cross-validation folds to perform in cv > 1
#% answer: 1
-#% guisection: Gradient Boosted Trees
+#% guisection: Optional
-#% key: min_weight_fraction_leaf_gtb
-#% type: double
-#% description: The minimum weighted fraction of the input samples required to be at a leaf node
-#% answer: 0.
-#% guisection: Gradient Boosted Trees
+#%option string
+#% key: cvtype
+#% required: no
+#% label: Non-spatial or spatial cross-validation
+#% description: Non-spatial, clumped or clustered k-fold cross-validation
+#% answer: Non-spatial
+#% options: non-spatial,clumped,kmeans
-#% key: subsample_gtb
-#% type: double
-#% description: The fraction of samples to be used for fitting the individual base learners
-#% answer: 1.0
-#% guisection: Gradient Boosted Trees
-#% key: max_features_gtb
-#% type: integer
-#% description: The number of features to consider during splitting. Default -1 is sqrt(n_features) for classification mode, and n_features for regression mode
-#% answer: -1
-#% guisection: Gradient Boosted Trees
-# General options
-#% key: cv
-#% type: integer
-#% description: Use k-fold cross-validation when cv > 1
-#% answer: 1
+#%option G_OPT_F_OUTPUT
+#% key: errors_file
+#% label: Save cross-validation global accuracy results to csv
+#% required: no
#% guisection: Optional
-#% key: randst
+#% key: random_state
#% type: integer
#% description: Seed to pass onto the random state for reproducible results
#% answer: 1
@@ -226,14 +170,6 @@
#% guisection: Optional
-#% key: ncores
-#% type: integer
-#% description: Number of processing cores. Default -1 is all cores
-#% answer: -1
-#% guisection: Optional
#% key: p
#% label: Output class membership probabilities
@@ -248,934 +184,336 @@
#% key: f
-#% description: Output feature importances for ensemble tree-based models
+#% description: Calculate feature importances using bagging or univariate methods
#% guisection: Optional
+#%option G_OPT_F_OUTPUT
+#% key: fimp_file
+#% label: Save feature importances to csv
+#% required: no
+#% guisection: Optional
#% key: b
-#% description: Balance number of observations by weighting for logistic regression and tree-based classifiers
+#% description: Balance number of observations by weighting for logistic regression, CART and RF methods
#% guisection: Optional
-#% key: l
-#% description: Low memory version - samples predictors row-by-row (slower)
+#% key: h
+#% description: Perform parameter tuning on a split of the training data
#% guisection: Optional
+#% key: ratio
+#% type: double
+#% description: Percentage of training data to use for model development and tuning
+#% answer: 0.25
+#% guisection: Optional
#%option G_OPT_F_OUTPUT
-#% key: savefile
-#% label: Save model from file
+#% key: save_training
+#% label: Save training data to csv
#% required: no
#% guisection: Optional
#%option G_OPT_F_INPUT
-#% key: loadfile
-#% label: Load model from file
+#% key: load_training
+#% label: Load training data from csv
#% required: no
#% guisection: Optional
#%option G_OPT_F_OUTPUT
-#% key: save_training
-#% label: Save training data to csv file
+#% key: save_model
+#% label: Save model from file
#% required: no
#% guisection: Optional
#%option G_OPT_F_INPUT
-#% key: load_training
-#% label: Load training data from file
+#% key: load_model
+#% label: Load model from file
#% required: no
#% guisection: Optional
-#% exclusive: roi,loadfile
-#% exclusive: roi,load_training
+#% exclusive: roi,load_model
#% exclusive: save_training,load_training
# import standard modules
-import atexit, random, string, re, os
+import atexit
+import os
import numpy as np
from subprocess import PIPE
import grass.script as grass
-from grass.pygrass.raster import RasterRow
-from grass.pygrass.gis.region import Region
-from grass.pygrass.raster.buffer import Buffer
from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import imagery as im
+from grass.pygrass.utils import set_path
+from ml_utils import *
+from ml_classifiers import model_classifiers
+ import pandas as pd
+ grass.fatal("Pandas not installed")
-def cleanup():
+ import sklearn
+ from sklearn.externals import joblib
+ from sklearn import metrics
+ from sklearn import preprocessing
- grass.run_command("g.remove", name='clfmasktmp', flags="f",
- type="raster", quiet=True)
+ grass.fatal("Scikit learn is not installed")
+# check for sklearn version
+if (sklearn.__version__) < 0.18:
+ grass.fatal("Scikit learn 0.18 or newer is required")
-def sample_predictors_byrow(response, predictors):
+def cleanup():
- """
- Samples a list of GRASS rasters using a labelled raster
- Row-by-row sampling
- Parameters
- ----------
- response: String; GRASS raster with labelled pixels
- predictors: List of GRASS rasters containing explanatory variables
+ grass.run_command("g.remove", name='tmp_clfmask',
+ flags="f", type="raster", quiet=True)
+ grass.run_command("g.remove", name='tmp_roi_clumped',
+ flags="f", type="raster", quiet=True)
- Returns
- -------
- training_data: Numpy array of extracted raster values
- training_labels: Numpy array of labels
- """
- # create response rasterrow and open
- roi_raster = RasterRow(response)
- roi_raster.open('r')
- # create a list of rasterrow objects
- # Then each GRASS rasterrow can be referred to by rastack[band][row]:
- n_features = len(predictors)
- rasstack = [0] * n_features
- for i in range(n_features):
- rasstack[i] = RasterRow(predictors[i])
- if rasstack[i].exist() == True:
- rasstack[i].open('r')
- else:
- grass.fatal("GRASS raster " + maplist[i] +
- " does not exist.... exiting")
- # use grass.pygrass.gis.region to get information about the current region
- current = Region()
+def main():
- # determine cell storage type of training roi raster
- roi_type = grass.read_command("r.info", map=response, flags='g')
- roi_list = str(roi_type).split(os.linesep)
- dtype = roi_list[9].split('=')[1]
- # Count number of labelled pixels
- roi_stats = str(grass.read_command("r.univar", flags=("g"), map=response))
- roi_stats = roi_stats.split(os.linesep)[0]
- nlabel_pixels = int(str(roi_stats).split('=')[1])
- # Create a zero numpy array with the dimensions of the number of columns
- # and the number of bands plus an additional band to attach the labels
- tindex = 0
- training_labels = []
- training_data = np.zeros((nlabel_pixels, n_features+1))
- training_data[:] = np.NAN
- # Loop through each row of the raster
- for row in range(current.rows):
- # get the pixels from that row in the ROI raster
- roi_row_np = roi_raster[row]
- # check if any of those pixels are labelled (not equal to nodata)
- # can use even if roi is FCELL because nodata will be nan and this is
- # not returned anyway
- is_train = np.nonzero(roi_row_np > -2147483648)
- training_labels = np.append(training_labels, roi_row_np[is_train])
- nlabels_in_row = np.array(is_train).shape[1]
- # if there are any labelled pixels
- # loop through each imagery band for that row and put the data into
- # the img_row_band_np array
- if np.isnan(roi_row_np).all() != True:
- for band in range(n_features):
- imagerow_np = rasstack[band][row]
- # attach the label values onto the last column
- training_data[tindex : tindex+nlabels_in_row, band] =\
- imagerow_np[is_train]
- tindex = tindex + nlabels_in_row
- # attach training label values onto last dimension of numpy array
- training_data[0:nlabel_pixels, n_features] = training_labels
- # convert any CELL maps no data vals to NaN in the training data
- for i in range(n_features):
- training_data[training_data[:, i] == -2147483648] = np.nan
- # Remove nan rows from training data
- training_data = training_data[~np.isnan(training_data).any(axis=1)]
- # Split the numpy array into training_labels and training_data arrays
- training_labels = training_data[:, n_features]
- training_data = training_data[:, 0:n_features]
- # close maps
- roi_raster.close()
- for i in range(n_features):
- rasstack[i].close()
- return(training_data, training_labels)
-def sample_predictors(response, predictors):
- Samples a list of GRASS rasters using a labelled raster
- Per raster sampling
- Parameters
- ----------
- response: String; GRASS raster with labelled pixels
- predictors: List of GRASS rasters containing explanatory variables
- Returns
- -------
- training_data: Numpy array of extracted raster values
- training_labels: Numpy array of labels
- """
- # open response raster as rasterrow and read as np array
- if RasterRow(response).exist() == True:
- roi_gr = RasterRow(response)
- roi_gr.open('r')
- response_np = np.array(roi_gr)
- else:
- grass.fatal("GRASS response raster does not exist.... exiting")
- # check to see if all predictors exist
- n_features = len(predictors)
- for i in range(n_features):
- if RasterRow(predictors[i]).exist() != True:
- grass.fatal("GRASS raster " + predictors[i]
- + " does not exist.... exiting")
- # check if any of those pixels are labelled (not equal to nodata)
- # can use even if roi is FCELL because nodata will be nan and this is not
- # returned anyway
- is_train = np.nonzero(response_np > -2147483648)
- training_labels = response_np[is_train]
- n_labels = np.array(is_train).shape[1]
- # Create a zero numpy array of len training labels and n_features+1 for y
- training_data = np.zeros((n_labels, n_features+1))
- # Loop through each raster and sample pixel values at training indexes
- for f in range(n_features):
- predictor_gr = RasterRow(predictors[f])
- predictor_gr.open('r')
- feature_np = np.array(predictor_gr)
- training_data[0:n_labels, f] = feature_np[is_train]
- predictor_gr.close()
- # attach training labels to last column
- training_data[0:n_labels, n_features] = training_labels
- # convert any CELL maps no datavals to NaN in the training data
- for i in range(n_features):
- training_data[training_data[:, i] == -2147483648] = np.nan
- # Remove nan rows from training data
- training_data = training_data[~np.isnan(training_data).any(axis=1)]
- roi_gr.close()
- # return X and y data
- return(training_data[:, 0:n_features], training_data[:, n_features])
-def prediction(clf, predictors, class_probabilities,
- rowincr, output, mode):
- """
- Prediction on list of GRASS rasters using a fitted scikit learn model
- Parameters
- ----------
- clf: Scikit learn estimator object
- predictors: List of paths to GDAL rasters that represent the predictor variables
- output: Name of GRASS raster to output classification results
- rowincr: Integer of raster rows to process at one time
- class_probabilties: Boolean of whether probabilities of each class should also be predicted
- mode: String, classification or regression mode
- labels: Numpy array of the labels used for the classification
- """
- # create a list of rasterrow objects for predictors
- n_features = len(predictors)
- rasstack = [0] * n_features
- for i in range(n_features):
- rasstack[i] = RasterRow(predictors[i])
- if rasstack[i].exist() == True:
- rasstack[i].open('r')
- else:
- grass.fatal("GRASS raster " + maplist[i]
- + " does not exist.... exiting")
- # use grass.pygrass.gis.region to get information about the current region
- current = Region()
- # create a imagery mask
- # the input rasters might have different dimensions and non-value pixels.
- # r.series used to automatically create a mask by propagating the nulls
- clfmask = 'clfmasktmp'
- grass.run_command("r.series", output=clfmask,
- input=predictors, method='count', flags='n')
- mask_raster = RasterRow(clfmask)
- mask_raster.open('r')
- # create and open RasterRow objects for classification
- classification = RasterRow(output)
- if mode == 'classification':
- ftype = 'CELL'
- nodata = -2147483648
- else:
- ftype = 'FCELL'
- nodata = np.nan
- classification.open('w', ftype, overwrite=True)
- # create and open RasterRow objects for probabilities if enabled
- if class_probabilities == True:
- prob_out_raster = [0] * nclasses
- prob = [0] * nclasses
- for iclass in range(nclasses):
- prob_out_raster[iclass] = output + \
- '_classPr' + str(int(class_list[iclass]))
- prob[iclass] = RasterRow(prob_out_raster[iclass])
- prob[iclass].open('w', 'FCELL', overwrite=True)
- """
- Prediction using row blocks
- """
- for rowblock in range(0, current.rows, rowincr):
- # check that the row increment does not exceed the number of rows
- if rowblock+rowincr > current.rows:
- rowincr = current.rows - rowblock
- img_np_row = np.zeros((rowincr, current.cols, n_features))
- mask_np_row = np.zeros((rowincr, current.cols))
- # loop through each row, and each band
- # and add these values to the 2D array img_np_row
- for row in range(rowblock, rowblock+rowincr, 1):
- mask_np_row[row-rowblock, :] = np.array(mask_raster[row])
- for band in range(n_features):
- img_np_row[row-rowblock, :, band] = \
- np.array(rasstack[band][row])
- mask_np_row[mask_np_row == -2147483648] = np.nan
- nanmask = np.isnan(mask_np_row) # True in the mask means invalid data
- # reshape each row-band matrix into a list
- nsamples = rowincr * current.cols
- flat_pixels = img_np_row.reshape((nsamples, n_features))
- # remove NaN values and perform the prediction
- flat_pixels = np.nan_to_num(flat_pixels)
- result = clf.predict(flat_pixels)
- result = result.reshape((rowincr, current.cols))
- # replace NaN values so that the prediction does not have a border
- result = np.ma.masked_array(result, mask=nanmask, fill_value=np.nan)
- # return a copy of result, with masked values filled with a value
- result = result.filled([nodata])
- # for each row we can perform computation, and write the result into
- for row in range(rowincr):
- newrow = Buffer((result.shape[1],), mtype=ftype)
- newrow[:] = result[row, :]
- classification.put_row(newrow)
- # same for probabilities
- if class_probabilities == True and mode == 'classification':
- result_proba = clf.predict_proba(flat_pixels)
- for iclass in range(result_proba.shape[1]):
- result_proba_class = result_proba[:, iclass]
- result_proba_class = \
- result_proba_class.reshape((rowincr, current.cols))
- result_proba_class = \
- np.ma.masked_array(result_proba_class,
- mask=nanmask, fill_value=np.nan)
- result_proba_class = result_proba_class.filled([np.nan])
- for row in range(rowincr):
- newrow = Buffer((result_proba_class.shape[1],),
- mtype='FCELL')
- newrow[:] = result_proba_class[row, :]
- prob[iclass].put_row(newrow)
- classification.close()
- mask_raster.close()
- if class_probabilities == True and mode == 'classification':
- for iclass in range(nclasses): prob[iclass].close()
-def shuffle_data(X, y, rstate):
- """
- Uses scikit learn to shuffle data
- Parameters
- ----------
- X: Numpy array containing predictor values
- y: Numpy array containing labels
- rstate: Seed for random generator
- Returns
- -------
- X: Numpy array containing predictor values
- y: Numpy array containing labels
- """
- from sklearn.utils import shuffle
- # combine XY data into a single numpy array
- XY = np.empty((X.shape[0], X.shape[1]+1))
- XY[:,0] = y
- XY[:,1:] = X
- XY = shuffle(XY, random_state=rstate)
- # split XY into train_xs and train_y
- X = XY[:,1:]
- y = XY[:,0]
- return(X, y)
-def cross_val_classification(clf, X, y, cv, rstate):
- """
- Stratified Kfold cross-validation
- Generates several scoring_metrics without the need to repeatedly use cross_val_score
- Also produces by-class scores
- Parameters
- ----------
- clf: Scikit learn estimator object
- X: Numpy array containing predictor values
- y: Numpy array containing labels
- cv: Integer of cross-validation folds
- rstate: Seed to pass to the random number generator
- Returns
- -------
- cmstats: Dictionary of global accuracy measures per fold
- byclass_metrics: Dictionary of by-class accuracy measures per fold
- """
- from sklearn import cross_validation, metrics
- class_list = np.unique(y)
- nclasses = len(np.unique(y))
- # Store performance measures per class
- byclass_metrics = {
- 'precision': np.zeros((nclasses, cv)),
- 'recall': np.zeros((nclasses, cv)),
- 'f1': np.zeros((nclasses, cv))
- }
- # generate Kfold indices
- k_fold = cross_validation.StratifiedKFold(y, n_folds=cv,
- shuffle=False,
- random_state=rstate)
- # dictionary of lists to store metrics
- cmstats = {
- 'accuracy': [],
- 'precision': [],
- 'recall': [],
- 'f1': [],
- 'kappa': [],
- 'auc': []
- }
- # loop through each fold
- fold=0
- for train_indices, test_indices in k_fold:
- X_train, X_test = X[train_indices], X[test_indices]
- y_train, y_test = y[train_indices], y[test_indices]
- # fit the model on the training data and predict the test data
- fit = clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
- y_pred = fit.predict(X_test)
- # calculate metrics
- cmstats['accuracy'] = np.append(cmstats['accuracy'],
- metrics.accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred))
- cmstats['precision'] = np.append(cmstats['precision'],
- metrics.precision_score(y_test,
- y_pred,
- average='weighted'))
- cmstats['recall'] = np.append(cmstats['recall'],
- metrics.recall_score(y_test, y_pred,
- average='weighted'))
- cmstats['f1'] = np.append(cmstats['f1'],
- metrics.f1_score(y_test, y_pred,
- average='weighted'))
- cmstats['kappa'] = np.append(cmstats['kappa'],
- metrics.cohen_kappa_score(y_test, y_pred))
- # test for if binary and classes equal 0,1
- if len(np.unique(y)) == 2 and all ([0,1] == np.unique(y)):
- stat_method = "binary"
- y_pred_proba = fit.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1]
- cmstats['auc'] = np.append(cmstats['auc'],
- metrics.roc_auc_score(y_test,
- y_pred_proba))
- else:
- stat_method = "micro"
- # Get performance measures by class
- for cindex in range(nclasses):
- byclass_metrics['recall'][cindex, fold] = \
- metrics.recall_score(y_test, y_pred, labels =
- [class_list[cindex]],
- pos_label=class_list[cindex], average = stat_method)
- byclass_metrics['precision'][cindex, fold] = \
- metrics.precision_score(y_test, y_pred, labels =
- [class_list[cindex]],
- pos_label=class_list[cindex], average = stat_method)
- byclass_metrics['f1'][cindex, fold] = \
- metrics.f1_score(y_test, y_pred, labels =
- [class_list[cindex]],
- pos_label=class_list[cindex], average = stat_method)
- fold+=1
- return(cmstats, byclass_metrics)
-def save_training_data(X, y, file):
- """
- Saves any extracted training data to a csv file
- Parameters
- ----------
- X: Numpy array containing predictor values
- y: Numpy array containing labels
- file: Path to a csv file to save data to
- """
- training_data = np.zeros((y.shape[0], X.shape[1]+1))
- training_data[:, 0:X.shape[1]] = X
- training_data[:, X.shape[1]] = y
- np.savetxt(file, training_data, delimiter = ',')
-def load_training_data(file):
- """
- Loads training data and labels from a csv file
- Parameters
- ----------
- file: Path to a csv file to save data to
- Returns
- -------
- X: Numpy array containing predictor values
- y: Numpy array containing labels
- """
- training_data = np.loadtxt(file, delimiter = ',')
- n_features = training_data.shape[1]
- X = training_data[:, 0:n_features-1]
- y = training_data[:, n_features-1]
- return(X, y)
-def main():
- """
GRASS options and flags
# General options and flags
igroup = options['igroup']
roi = options['roi']
output = options['output']
model = options['model']
+ norm_data = flags['n']
cv = int(options['cv'])
+ cvtype = options['cvtype']
modelonly = flags['m']
- class_probabilities = flags['p']
+ probability = flags['p']
rowincr = int(options['lines'])
- randst = int(options['randst'])
- model_save = options['savefile']
- model_load = options['loadfile']
- save_training = options['save_training']
+ random_state = int(options['random_state'])
+ model_save = options['save_model']
+ model_load = options['load_model']
load_training = options['load_training']
+ save_training = options['save_training']
importances = flags['f']
- weighting = flags['b']
- lowmem = flags['l']
- ncores = int(options['ncores'])
+ tuning = flags['h']
+ shell = flags['g']
+ ratio = float(options['ratio'])
+ errors_file = options['errors_file']
+ fimp_file = options['fimp_file']
- # logistic regression
- c_lr = float(options['c_lr'])
- fi = flags['i']
- # decision trees
- splitter_dt = options['splitter_dt']
- m_features_dt = int(options['m_features_dt'])
- min_samples_split_dt = int(options['min_samples_split_dt'])
- min_samples_leaf_dt = int(options['min_samples_leaf_dt'])
- min_weight_fraction_leaf_dt = float(options['min_weight_fraction_leaf_dt'])
- # random forests
- ntrees_rf = int(options['ntrees_rf'])
- m_features_rf = int(options['m_features_rf'])
- minsplit_rf = int(options['minsplit_rf'])
- # gradient tree boosting
- learning_rate_gtb = float(options['learning_rate_gtb'])
- n_estimators_gtb = int(options['n_estimators_gtb'])
- max_depth_gtb = int(options['max_depth_gtb'])
- min_samples_split_gtb = int(options['min_samples_split_gtb'])
- min_samples_leaf_gtb = int(options['min_samples_leaf_gtb'])
- min_weight_fraction_leaf_gtb = float(options['min_weight_fraction_leaf_gtb'])
- subsample_gtb = float(options['subsample_gtb'])
- max_features_gtb = int(options['max_features_gtb'])
- # classification or regression
- if model == 'LogisticRegression' \
- or model == 'DecisionTreeClassifier' \
- or model == 'RandomForestClassifier' \
- or model == 'GradientBoostingClassifier' \
- or model == 'GaussianNB' \
- or model == 'LinearDiscriminantAnalysis' \
- or model == 'QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis':
- mode = 'classification'
+ if flags['b'] is True:
+ class_weight = 'balanced'
- mode = 'regression'
+ class_weight = None
+ # classifier options
+ C = float(options['c'])
+ min_samples_split = int(options['min_samples_split'])
+ min_samples_leaf = int(options['min_samples_leaf'])
+ n_estimators = int(options['n_estimators'])
+ learning_rate = float(options['learning_rate'])
+ subsample = float(options['subsample'])
+ max_depth = int(options['max_depth'])
+ max_features = int(options['max_features'])
+ if max_features == -1:
+ max_features = str('auto')
+ if max_depth == -1:
+ max_depth = None
- Error checking for valid input parameters
- -----------------------------------------
- """
- # decision trees
- if model == 'DecisionTreeClassifier' or model == 'DecisionTreeRegressor':
- if m_features_dt == -1:
- m_features_dt = str('auto')
- if m_features_dt == 0:
- grass.fatal("m_features_dt must be greater than zero, or -1 which uses the sqrt(nfeatures)...exiting")
- if min_samples_split_dt < 1:
- grass.fatal("min_samples_split_dt must be >=1.....exiting")
- if min_samples_leaf_dt < 1:
- grass.fatal("min_samples_leaf_dt must be >=1.....exiting")
- # random forests
- if model == 'RandomForestClassifier' or model == 'RandomForestRegressor':
- if m_features_rf == -1:
- m_features_rf = str('auto')
- if m_features_rf == 0:
- grass.fatal("mfeatures must be greater than zero, or -1 which uses the sqrt(nfeatures)...exiting")
- if minsplit_rf < 1:
- grass.fatal("minsplit must be greater than zero.....exiting")
- if ntrees_rf < 1:
- grass.fatal("ntrees must be greater than zero.....exiting")
- # gradient tree boosting
- if model == 'GradientBoostingClassifier' or model == 'GradientBoostingRegressor':
- if n_estimators_gtb < 1:
- grass.fatal("n_estimators_gtb must be greater than zero...exiting")
- if max_depth_gtb < 1:
- grass.fatal("max_depth_gtb must be greater than zero...exiting")
- if min_samples_split_gtb < 1:
- grass.fatal("min_samples_split_gtb must be greater than zero...exiting")
- if min_samples_leaf_gtb < 1:
- grass.fatal("min_samples_leaf_gtb must be greater than zero...exiting")
- if max_features_gtb == -1:
- max_features_gtb = str('auto')
- if max_features_gtb == 0:
- grass.fatal("max_features_gtb must be greater than zero, or -1 which uses the sqrt(nfeatures)...exiting")
- # general options
- if rowincr <= 0:
- grass.fatal("rowincr must be greater than zero....exiting")
- if model_save != '' and model_load != '':
- grass.fatal("Cannot save and load a model at the same time.....exiting")
- if model_load == '' and roi == '':
- grass.fatal("Require labelled pixels regions of interest.....exiting")
- if weighting == True:
- weighting = 'balanced'
- else:
- weighting = None
- """
Obtain information about GRASS rasters to be classified
+ Id = None
# fetch individual raster names from group
groupmaps = im.group(group=igroup, flags="g",
- quiet = True, stdout_=PIPE).outputs.stdout
+ quiet=True, stdout_=PIPE).outputs.stdout
maplist = groupmaps.split(os.linesep)
maplist = maplist[0:len(maplist)-1]
n_features = len(maplist)
- # use grass.pygrass.gis.region to get information about the current region
- current = Region()
+ # Error checking for m_features settings
+ if max_features > n_features:
+ max_features = n_features
- # lazy import of sklearn
- try:
- from sklearn.externals import joblib
- import warnings
- warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")
- except:
- grass.fatal("Scikit-learn python module is not installed...exiting")
Sample training data using training ROI
- # load the model or training data
- if model_load != '':
- clf = joblib.load(model_load)
- else:
- if load_training != '':
- X, y = load_training_data(load_training)
- else:
- # query predictor rasters with training features
- if lowmem != True:
- X, y = sample_predictors(roi, maplist)
- else:
- X, y = sample_predictors_byrow(roi, maplist)
- # shuffle the training data
- X, y = shuffle_data(X, y, rstate=randst)
- # use GRASS option to save the training data
- if save_training != '': save_training_data(X, y, save_training)
- # determine the number of class labels using np.unique
- nclasses = len(np.unique(y))
- class_list = np.unique(y)
- # Error checking for m_features settings
- if m_features_dt > n_features: m_features_dt = n_features
- if m_features_rf > n_features: m_features_rf = n_features
- if max_features_gtb > n_features: max_features_gtb = n_features
+ # load or sample training data
+ X, y, Id, clf = sample_training_data(roi, maplist, cv, cvtype, model_load,
+ model_save, load_training,
+ save_training, random_state)
+ # determine the number of class labels using np.unique
+ labels = np.unique(y)
+ Data preprocessing
+ --------------------
+ """
+ if norm_data is True:
+ scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(X)
+ X = scaler.transform(X)
+ else:
+ scaler = None
+ """
Train the classifier
# define classifier unless model is to be loaded from file
if model_load == '':
- # classifiers
- from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
- from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
- from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
- from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier
- from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
- from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
- from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis
- from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor
- from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
- from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
- from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor
- classifiers = {
- 'LogisticRegression': LogisticRegression(C=c_lr, fit_intercept=fi, n_jobs=ncores, class_weight=weighting),
- 'DecisionTreeClassifier': DecisionTreeClassifier(splitter=splitter_dt,
- max_features=m_features_dt,
- min_samples_split=min_samples_split_dt,
- min_samples_leaf=min_samples_leaf_dt,
- min_weight_fraction_leaf=min_weight_fraction_leaf_dt,
- random_state=randst,
- class_weight=weighting),
- 'DecisionTreeRegressor': DecisionTreeRegressor(splitter=splitter_dt,
- max_features=m_features_dt,
- min_samples_split=min_samples_split_dt,
- min_samples_leaf=min_samples_leaf_dt,
- min_weight_fraction_leaf=min_weight_fraction_leaf_dt,
- random_state=randst),
- 'RandomForestClassifier': RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=ntrees_rf,
- oob_score=True,
- max_features=m_features_rf,
- min_samples_split=minsplit_rf,
- random_state=randst,
- n_jobs=ncores,
- class_weight=weighting),
- 'RandomForestRegressor': RandomForestRegressor(n_jobs=ncores,
- n_estimators=ntrees_rf,
- oob_score=False,
- max_features=m_features_rf,
- min_samples_split=minsplit_rf,
- random_state=randst),
- 'GradientBoostingClassifier': GradientBoostingClassifier(learning_rate=learning_rate_gtb,
- n_estimators=n_estimators_gtb,
- max_depth=max_depth_gtb,
- min_samples_split=min_samples_split_gtb,
- min_samples_leaf=min_samples_leaf_gtb,
- min_weight_fraction_leaf=min_weight_fraction_leaf_gtb,
- subsample=subsample_gtb,
- max_features=max_features_gtb,
- random_state=randst),
- 'GradientBoostingRegressor': GradientBoostingRegressor(learning_rate=learning_rate_gtb,
- n_estimators=n_estimators_gtb,
- max_depth=max_depth_gtb,
- min_samples_split=min_samples_split_gtb,
- min_samples_leaf=min_samples_leaf_gtb,
- min_weight_fraction_leaf=min_weight_fraction_leaf_gtb,
- subsample=subsample_gtb,
- max_features=max_features_gtb,
- random_state=randst),
- 'GaussianNB': GaussianNB(),
- 'LinearDiscriminantAnalysis': LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(),
- 'QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis': QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis(),
- }
- # define classifier
- clf = classifiers[model]
- # train classifier
- clf.fit(X, y)
- grass.message(_("Model built with: " + model))
+ grass.message("Model=" + model)
+ clf, param_grid, mode =\
+ model_classifiers(model, random_state,
+ class_weight, C, max_depth,
+ max_features, min_samples_split,
+ min_samples_leaf, n_estimators,
+ subsample, learning_rate)
+ # data splitting for automatic parameter tuning
+ if tuning is True:
+ X, X_devel, y, y_devel, Id, Id_devel, clf = \
+ tune_split(X, y, Id, clf, param_grid, ratio, random_state)
+ if shell is False:
+ grass.message('\n')
+ grass.message('Searched parameters:')
+ grass.message(str(clf.param_grid))
+ grass.message('\n')
+ grass.message('Best parameters:')
+ grass.message(str(clf.best_params_))
+ clf = clf.best_estimator_
Cross Validation
- # output internal performance measures for random forests
- if model == 'RandomForestClassifier':
- grass.message(_("\r\n"))
- grass.message(_('RF OOB prediction accuracy: \t %0.3f' %
- (clf.oob_score_ * 100)))
- if model == 'RandomForestRegressor':
- grass.message(_("\r\n"))
- grass.message(_('Coefficient of determination R^2: \t %0.3f' %
- (clf.score(X=training_data, y=training_labels))))
# If cv > 1 then use cross-validation to generate performance measures
if cv > 1:
- from sklearn.cross_validation import cross_val_predict, cross_val_score
- from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
- grass.message(_('\r\n'))
- grass.message(_("Cross validation global performance measures......:"))
+ grass.message('\r\n')
+ grass.message(
+ "Cross validation global performance measures......:")
+ # get metrics from kfold cross validation
+ scores, y_test, y_pred = cross_val_classification(
+ clf, X, y, Id, cv, random_state)
if mode == 'classification':
- # get metrics from kfold cross validation
- cmstats, byclass_stats = cross_val_classification(clf, X, y, cv, randst)
- grass.message(_("Accuracy :\t%0.2f\t+/-SD\t%0.2f" \
- %(cmstats['accuracy'].mean(), cmstats['accuracy'].std())))
- grass.message(_("Kappa :\t%0.2f\t+/-SD\t%0.2f" \
- % (cmstats['kappa'].mean(), cmstats['kappa'].std())))
- grass.message(_("Precision weighted average:\t%0.2f\t+/-SD\t%0.2f" \
- % (cmstats['precision'].mean(), cmstats['precision'].std())))
- grass.message(_("Recall weighted average :\t%0.2f\t+/-SD\t%0.2f" \
- % (cmstats['recall'].mean(), cmstats['recall'].std())))
- grass.message(_("f1 weighted average :\t%0.2f\t+/-SD\t%0.2f" \
- % (cmstats['f1'].mean(), cmstats['f1'].std())))
+ grass.message(
+ "Accuracy:\t%0.2f\t+/-SD\t%0.2f" %
+ (scores['accuracy'].mean(), scores['accuracy'].std()))
# test for if binary and classes equal 0,1
- if len(np.unique(y)) == 2 and all ([0,1] == np.unique(y)):
- grass.message(_("ROC AUC :\t%0.2f\t+/-SD\t%0.2f"\
- % (cmstats['auc'].mean(), cmstats['auc'].std())))
- # calculate scores by class
- grass.message(_("\r\n"))
- grass.message(_("Performance measures by class......:"))
- grass.message(_("Cla\tRecall\t2SD \tPrecision\t2SD\tf1 \tSD"))
+ if len(np.unique(y)) == 2 and all([0, 1] == np.unique(y)):
+ grass.message(
+ "ROC AUC :\t%0.2f\t+/-SD\t%0.2f" %
+ (scores['auc'].mean(), scores['auc'].std()))
- byclass_scores = ['recall', 'precision', 'f1']
- for i in range(nclasses):
- row = str(int(class_list[i])) + '\t'
- for method in byclass_scores:
- row += ('%.2f' % byclass_stats[method][i, :].mean() ) +\
- '\t' + ('%.2f' % byclass_stats[method][i, :].std() ) + '\t'
- grass.message(_(row))
+ # classification report
+ grass.message("\n")
+ grass.message("Classification report:")
+ grass.message(metrics.classification_report(y_test, y_pred))
+ if errors_file != '':
+ errors = pd.DataFrame({'accuracy': scores['accuracy']})
+ errors.to_csv(errors_file, mode='w')
- r2 = cross_val_score(clf, X, y, cv=cv, scoring='r2', n_jobs=ncores)
- grass.message(_("R2:\t%0.2f\t+/-\t%0.2f" % (r2.mean(), r2.std() * 2)))
- # diagnostics
- if importances == True:
- if (model == 'RandomForestClassifier' or
- model == 'GradientBoostingClassifier' or
- model == 'RandomForestRegressor' or
- model == 'GradientBoostingRegressor' or
- model == 'DecisionTreeClassifier' or
- model == 'DecisionTreeRegressor'):
- clfimp = clf.feature_importances_
- grass.message(_("\r\n"))
- grass.message(_("Feature importances"))
- grass.message(_("id" + "\t" + "Raster" + "\t" + "Importance"))
- for i in range(len(clfimp)):
- grass.message(_(str(i) + "\t" + maplist[i]
- + "\t" + str(round(clfimp[i], 4))))
- # save the model
+ grass.message("R2:\t%0.2f\t+/-\t%0.2f" %
+ (scores['r2'].mean(), scores['r2'].std()))
+ if errors_file != '':
+ errors = pd.DataFrame({'r2': scores['accuracy']})
+ errors.to_csv(errors_file, mode='w')
+ # train classifier
+ clf.fit(X, y)
+ y_pred = clf.predict(X)
+ # check that all classes can be predicted
+ # otherwise update labels with only predictable classes
+ # otherwise the predicted probabilties will fail
+ test = len(np.unique(y_pred)) == len(labels)
+ if test is False:
+ labels = np.unique(y_pred)
+ """
+ Feature Importances
+ -------------------
+ """
+ if importances is True:
+ clfimp = feature_importances(clf, X, y)
+ # output to GRASS message
+ grass.message("\r\n")
+ grass.message("Normalized feature importances")
+ grass.message("id" + "\t" + "Raster" + "\t" + "Importance")
+ for i in range(len(clfimp)):
+ grass.message(
+ str(i) + "\t" + maplist[i] +
+ "\t" + str(round(clfimp[i], 4)))
+ if fimp_file != '':
+ fimp_output = pd.DataFrame(
+ {'grass raster': maplist, 'importance': clfimp})
+ fimp_output.to_csv(
+ path_or_buf=fimp_file,
+ header=['grass raster', 'importance'])
+ """
+ Save the fitted model
+ ---------------------
+ """
if model_save != '':
joblib.dump(clf, model_save + ".pkl")
- if modelonly == True:
+ if modelonly is True:
grass.fatal("Model built and now exiting")
Prediction on the rest of the GRASS rasters in the imagery group
- prediction(clf, maplist, class_probabilities, rowincr, output, mode)
+ prediction(clf, labels, maplist, scaler, probability,
+ rowincr, output, mode)
if __name__ == "__main__":
options, flags = grass.parser()
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