[GRASS-git] [OSGeo/grass] 60a893: ci: Ignore paths in CodeQL (#1778)

Vaclav Petras noreply at github.com
Fri Aug 6 07:35:23 PDT 2021

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/OSGeo/grass
  Commit: 60a89346e5d16a16ba4d1d5c940cd047c2315fff
  Author: Vaclav Petras <wenzeslaus at gmail.com>
  Date:   2021-08-06 (Fri, 06 Aug 2021)

  Changed paths:
    A .github/codeql/codeql-config.yml
    M .github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml
    M .gitignore

  Log Message:
  ci: Ignore paths in CodeQL (#1778)

* Do not run CodeQL on PR when only HTML, Markdown, or txt is changed.
* Ignore bin and dist dir in the CodeQL analysis.
* Ignore testsuite dirs and PyGRASS in-package tests.
* Add custom CodeQL config to have paths-ignore settings.
* Ignore node_modules dir also in Git.

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