[GRASS-git] [OSGeo/grass] 5afcea: Integrate band references into portable signature ...

Māris Nartišs noreply at github.com
Fri Aug 6 00:26:30 PDT 2021

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/OSGeo/grass
  Commit: 5afcea7f95202f9e384d83cb4c0425605abb5669
  Author: Māris Nartišs <maris.gis at gmail.com>
  Date:   2021-08-06 (Fri, 06 Aug 2021)

  Changed paths:
    M .github/workflows/build_centos.sh
    M gui/wxpython/gui_core/forms.py
    M gui/wxpython/gui_core/gselect.py
    M gui/wxpython/iclass/dialogs.py
    M gui/wxpython/iclass/frame.py
    M imagery/i.cca/i.cca.html
    M imagery/i.cca/main.c
    M imagery/i.cluster/global.h
    M imagery/i.cluster/i.cluster.html
    M imagery/i.cluster/main.c
    M imagery/i.cluster/open_files.c
    M imagery/i.gensig/files.h
    M imagery/i.gensig/get_train.c
    M imagery/i.gensig/i.gensig.html
    M imagery/i.gensig/main.c
    M imagery/i.gensig/openfiles.c
    M imagery/i.gensig/parms.h
    M imagery/i.gensig/parse.c
    M imagery/i.gensig/write_sig.c
    M imagery/i.gensigset/get_train.c
    M imagery/i.gensigset/i.gensigset.html
    M imagery/i.gensigset/main.c
    M imagery/i.gensigset/openfiles.c
    M imagery/i.gensigset/parms.h
    M imagery/i.gensigset/parse.c
    M imagery/i.gensigset/subcluster.c
    M imagery/i.gensigset/write_sig.c
    M imagery/i.maxlik/i.maxlik.html
    M imagery/i.maxlik/main.c
    M imagery/i.maxlik/open.c
    M imagery/i.smap/bouman.h
    M imagery/i.smap/i.smap.html
    M imagery/i.smap/main.c
    M imagery/i.smap/openfiles.c
    M imagery/i.smap/parse.c
    R imagery/i.smap/read_sig.c
    M imagery/imageryintro.html
    M include/grass/defs/imagery.h
    M include/grass/imagery.h
    M lib/imagery/find.c
    M lib/imagery/iclass_signatures.c
    A lib/imagery/manage_signatures.c
    M lib/imagery/sig.c
    M lib/imagery/sigfile.c
    M lib/imagery/sigset.c
    M lib/imagery/sigsetfile.c
    A lib/imagery/testsuite/test_imagery_find.py
    A lib/imagery/testsuite/test_imagery_sigfile.py
    A lib/imagery/testsuite/test_imagery_signature_management.py
    A lib/imagery/testsuite/test_imagery_sigsetfile.py

  Log Message:
  Integrate band references into portable signature files (#1501)

Imagery: untie signature files from groups

Thus far signature files have been living inside an imagery group. Mapping between individual raster maps of a group and signature values was implicit. This old design made impossible to safely re-use signatures of one imagery group to classify other group(s). The new approach is to have raster band references written inside a signature file to store mapping of signature values to rasters they represent. This change allows to safely use signature file for classification of other imagery groups as long as they contain rasters of the same semantic content (e.g. different image form the same satellite).

* On signature file creation write out raster band references
* On signature file reading compare group and signature file band references for a match
* Signature files now live outside of groups in a dedicated folder with subfolders for each signature file type
* All imagery modules are adjusted to use new signature handling functions

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