Hello, one and all. We have a fence diagram.

Don Newcomb don at q-aais.navo.navy.mil
Tue Dec 17 09:30:23 EST 1991

Hello GRASS programmers. Gus Michel of our group has written a routine
to draw vertical profiles (fence diagrams) along a horizontal line
given several layers that represent depth profiles. We are using it
with geophysical data where the layers represent depth to a given
sound velocity layer. It would probably also be useful for depth
to a geologic formation of archeologic time horizon.
The command line interface permits the user to control the chart
layout and the profile is filled using the colors from the GRASS
color tables.

We will post the code as soon as Gus cleans it up an writes the
man pages.

 Donald R. Newcomb                       * I have not been authorized to
 U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office         * issue or modify contracts or 
 Stennis Space Center, MS 39522          * purchase orders, speak for the
 (601) 688-5998                          * Navy in any official capacity
 newcomb at pops.navo.navy.mil              * or even have an opinion.

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