ULTRIX GRASS 4.0 Installation

Joe Vaughan jkv at fire.atmo.arizona.edu
Thu Dec 19 17:37:59 EST 1991

Greetings Grass Programmers,
  I am interested in contacts with people who are in ULTRIX environments and 
installing or using GRASS.  I have just installed GRASS after much fiddling
around-- and am just starting to experiment with its use.  Anyone interested 
in exchanging tips on use in the ULTRIX setting?? Please contact me--

               Joseph K. Vaughan
               University of Arizona
               Institute of Atmospheric Physics
               PAS Bldg, Rm 470
               Tucson, AZ    85721

I can be reached by return mail or at jkv at fire.atmo.arizona.edu or
by phone at 602/621-9663.

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