V.digit out of memory on 386i

W. Fredrick Limp fred at kirk.uark.edu
Wed Apr 15 11:51:50 EDT 1992

This posting is for John Knoerl NPS who does not have net access---

John reports that he has a Sun 386i (!) with 8 meg and running 4.0.  In
v.digit when he is digitizing a fairly small polygon, he zooms in and then
later wants to widen the view (using mouse), when he clicks on widen
view he gets

Out of Memory! _allo_points returned error requested 8 83886081 previous 2000

None of us here have any experience with the 386i -- any help for John
would be appreciated.

W. Fredrick Limp                          Tel: (501) 575-6159
(Fred)                                    FAX: (501) 575-3846
Director                                  INTERNET fred at wrasse.uark.edu
Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies   - or -  fred at kirk.uark.edu 
12 Ozark Hall                             BITNET  flimp at uafsysb.bitnet
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville AR 72701

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