request for help getting postscript files out of grass4.0

John E. Parks john at
Fri Feb 21 00:47:53 EST 1992

> Just a side note: if your image is better printed in landscape mode, you can
> rotate the ppm file 90 degrees before running ppmtops instead of sending
> commands to the printer.  An easy way to rotate the ppm is to insert 
>  pnmflip -rotate90 |   into the pipe stream between xwdtopnm and ppmtops as
> described in (1), or to run  pnmflip -r90 paint.ppm   before running ppmtops 
> as described in (2).  The ppm software works very well, from my experience.
Just another side note: Theres yet another one to use... pnmrotate 90.
  Like Chris said, just insert it "into the pipe stream between xwdtopnm
  and ppmtops".  I too think the "ppm software works very well..."

    __                   __ 
   /  )      /          /  )     Research Specialist
  /   / _   /_  _      /__/      Ctr for Advanced Spatial Technologies
  (__/_(_)_/ /_/ )_   /   _      National Ctr for Resource Innovations
    /                            12 Ozark Hall, Univ. of Arkansas
   /                             Fayetteville, AR  72701
John E. Parks                    phone: (501) 575-6159
[john at] Internet    or: (501) 575-4575

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