New USENET GIS newsgroup (fwd)

Rob Knauerhase rob at
Mon Jan 13 17:14:07 EST 1992

I'm forwarding this article which was submitted to the GRASSU mailing list.
While I'm here, let me endorse the idea and encourage everyone to mail
"YES" votes to the vote-collector below.

Rob Knauerhase
rob at Construction Engineering Research Lab, Corps of Eng.
knauer at       UIUC Dept. of Computer Science, Gigabit Study Group

In an E-mail message, paulf at said:
>Hello all you GRASS users, 
>I just wanted to post a Call For Votes (CFV) for a new USENET 
>newsgroup. The posting listed below should appear in the listed 
>newsgroups within the next two days. The voting alias at 
> is set up however and ready to accept votes. 
>I'd be willing to try and answer anyones questions about this 
>(email paulf at
>------------------start of CFV------------------------
>Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.infosystems,
>  ,,sci.geo.geology,
>	    comp.databases
>Subject: CVF:  comp.infosystems.gis
>The discussion period has ended without significant objection.
>This is the formal CALL FOR VOTES for creation of the newsgroup:
>         comp.infosystems.gis             Unmoderated
>The voting period will end on February 8 at 23:59 GMT (8pm EST).
>To cast a YES vote for comp.infosystems.gis
>    Send a message with the word YES in the subject line (preferred)
>    or the body of the message to gis-vote at
>To cast a NO vote for comp.infosystems.gis
>    Send a message with the word NO in the subject line (preferred)
>    or the body of the message to gis-vote at
>=-=-=-=- DO NOT POST YOUR VOTE!  Posted votes will not be counted. -=-=-=-=
>This call for discussion proposes that a newsgroup be created for
>discussing GIS issues. 
>Proposed Charter:
>    The new group will not be moderated.
>    This newsgroup will be for discussion of the developing field in 
>    information managment known as GIS (Geographic Information Systems). 
>    This includes, but is not limited to:
>    o   questions about specific GIS/LIS packages in the public and commercial
>	domains (e.g., MOSS, GRASS, ARC/INFO, ERDAS, ER MAPPER, etc...)
>    o   questions on data issues (e.g., availability, sources, types...)
>    o   discussions about GIS analysis and display methodologies (e.g., image 
>	processing, cartography, classification, etc.)
>    o   discussions about users use of GIS for attaining research goals
>    It is expected that discussions relating to both GIS and other
>    newsgroups may be cross-posted. 
>    The group will be gatewayed with the existing GIS-L Listserver and
>    the extant bit.gis-l group will be removed upon creation of this 
>    group.
>=-=-=-=- DO NOT POST YOUR VOTE!  Posted votes will not be counted. -=-=-=-=
>-dave bonnett-   Center for Seismic Studies;  Arlington, VA 
>      bonnett at :  (703) 276-7900 
>	Pop Kid Internationale
>------------------------end of CFV----------------------------------j
>Paul Friberg

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