
Bernd Munier bernd at ruc.dk
Thu Jan 16 15:02:39 EST 1992

> I am interested in obtaining this command for our sparc1.  We have the
> command on a AT&T 6386 running SCS grass4.0.  We do not have the 
> source code on the 386.  Is there any way we could receive the command
> for our sparc.  We do have GRASS4.0 on the sparc.

We obtained GRASS4.0 in august last year, and compiled it from the source 
code on our SPARC-stations.
Too we included r.in.erdas, which is found under the SCS contributions.
It looks to work very fine, with two exeptions:
- 4-bit GIS files may cause problems (beta-version).
- It uses ERDAS version 7.3 files (you have to convert back to
   this format when using 7.4 files).

So - does there exist a new version of r.in.redas?

Last not least another question. Is somebody working on the opposit program,
i.e. either a r.out.erdas under GRASS, or a GRASS-import program under ERDAS?

			Greetings  Bernd Muenier
			Roskilde Univ.  -  Denmark
			Email bernd at ruc.dk

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