
Kenneth R Brownfield brownfld at zorro.cecer.army.mil
Wed Jun 17 11:30:57 EDT 1992

|I'm trying to unsubscribe to the GRASS lists and am getting
|mail delivery errors..  any reasons?

     The list manager software went under some emergency revisions yesterday.
If any list members have had problems with the lists (primarily grassu-list,)
please try again.  The problems (as well as old "features") should be fixed.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

|Bert Veenendaal             GPO Box U1987                   PH  +619 351 7676 
|Department of GIS           Perth 6001 Western Australia    FAX +619 351 2819
|School of Computing
|Curtin University of Technology             EMAIL bert at marsh.cs.curtin.edu.au
                                           brownfld at zorro.cecer.army.mil
                                               Kenneth R. Brownfield

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