compiling the new XDRIVER

jimg at jimg at
Mon Jun 29 20:00:45 EDT 1992

I'm having some problems compiling the new Xdriver. Here's the error from gmake:

GISGEN: display/devices/XDRIVER - Mon Jun 29 19:00:54 EDT 1992

  make -f OBJ.sun4/make.rules 

/usr/local/bin/gmake4.0 lib
  make -f OBJ.sun4/make.rules 

/usr/local/bin/gmake4.0 XDRIVER
  make -f OBJ.sun4/make.rules 

rm -f OBJ.sun4/SWITCHER.o
cc -O  -I/rsc/grass4/src/libes  -c SWITCHER.c
SWITCHER.c: 10: Can't find include file X11/Xos.h
SWITCHER.c: 11: Can't find include file X11/Xlib.h
*** Error code 2
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `OBJ.sun4/SWITCHER.o'
Current working directory /rsc/grass4/src/display/devices/XDRIVER/XDRIVER
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `all'
GISGEN failure at STEP: display/devices/XDRIVER

When it says "Can't find include file ..." I have to agree, 'cause I can't find 
it either. I'm a little bit clueless with this stuff (code and compiling), but if
someone can point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.

Jim Gasprich				e-mail: jimg at
Research & Support Slave		tel:    (908) 932-9631
Cook College Remote Sensing Center	fax:    (908) 932-8644
Rutgers University
PO Box 231
New Brunswick, NJ, O8903  	"Du bist mein Gweckman" - Anonymous Fascist

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