graphics window

Kirby Stephen AM-A 678-4329/88 skirby at
Mon Mar 23 13:08:05 EST 1992

To the Grass Community:
 I'm having problems with starting a graphics window within d.mon.  It starts
 a graphic window but then I get:
 Error-could not complete locking process for monitor <x0>.
 Lock file is ../grass4.0/sun4/locks/server_name/:0/x0.
 Also the graphics window opened is not useable.

 Also (this was prior to the above mentioned problem) when I tried to enlarge
 the graphics window with the mouse the window goes blank and grass hangs up.
 Any help is appreciated.  Thanks.
*                                                                             *
*         Steve Kirby               Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory           *
*                                   phone: 505-678-4329/88                    *
*                                   fax: 505-678-2432                         *
*                                   email: skirby at         *
*                                                                             *

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