problems with grass 4.0 main shell driver and for SGI

Alan Grant Finlay alanf at
Thu May 7 22:05:55 EDT 1992

Has anyone had problems similar to the following after compiling grass 4.0
for silicon graphics iris (4d) workstations running under NeWS?

1) The grass driver program automatically calls .

2) misbehaves.  It will only accept <line-feed> to move the selection
   down instead of <return>.  After exit it leaves an empty window which
   ignores all keyboard input except a control-C.  All control-C does is
   display a shell prompt and doesn't break out of the loop.  A we have
   tried implementing a suggestion to move the Get_old_tty() call in menu.c
   and this worked for a while but now after a full recompilation of grass
   the problem has come back again.  I have tried using the original menu.c
   and it didn't change anything.

Can anyone explain how the main driver shell works, I want
to try and understand why it is automatically calling


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