Concurrent displays

John E. Parks john at
Sat May 9 23:45:25 EDT 1992


] Lastly, monitor quotas applied to
] user mapsets rather than globally, ie, 7 monitors per user, regardless of
] concurrent use. Am I being naively optimistic ?

The number of monitors availble (system wide) is determined by the number
  of monitors defined in $GISBASE/etc/monitorcap and their respective
  device nodes in $GISBASE/dev.
    __                   __ 
   /  )      /          /  )     Research Specialist
  /   / _   /_  _      /__/      Ctr for Advanced Spatial Technologies
  (__/_(_)_/ /_/ )_   /   _      National Ctr for Resource Innovations
    /                            12 Ozark Hall, Univ. of Arkansas
   /                             Fayetteville, AR  72701
John E. Parks                    phone: (501) 575-6159
[john at] Internet    or: (501) 575-4575

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