X Error: BadMatch - parameter mismatch

GHATCHER GERRY at omdc.gso.uri.edu
Tue Sep 22 11:34:00 EDT 1992

Date sent:  22-SEP-1992 10:14:47 

Hi Grass People:

I have found a problem with D_popup -> when the part of the GRASS display
where the popup menu will be drawn is out of view of the desktop window 
(i.e. the GRASS display has been moved down so other xterms can be seen and
only the top part of it is visible)
the display will crash if a program calls D_popup whith the following error:

X Error:  BadMatch - parameter mismatch
  Request Major code 73 ()
  Error Serial #20640
  Current Serial #20640
ERROR eof from graphics driver.

For example, d.zoom will do this after the right mouse button has been
pressed and the D_popup tries to ask if the region is ok.

Does anybody have any Ideas?
This problem is a pain esp. If you want to use a virtual window manager
like vtwm.

I'm running this on a DECstation 5000/200 ULTRIX4.2a with the XDRIVER
from moon.


Gerry Hatcher                   

*** Soon entering the job market with an MS in OCEAN ENGINEERING.  ***

Thesis: Geographic Information Systems as a Data Management Tool for
        Sea Floor Mapping.
Ocean Mapping Development Center     | gerry at omdc.gso.uri.edu {Internet}
University of Rhode Island           |      voice (401)-792-6768      
Narragansett, RI 02882               |       fax (401)-792-6849

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