
Michael Shapiro shapiro at zorro.cecer.army.mil
Tue Sep 29 18:50:00 EDT 1992

Get the paper on r.mapcalc fto to moon.cecer.army.mil.
Apart from having to multiply by 100 to get
integers, you can do it with r.mapcalc.
|Another r.median related question. Does any one have a program/script
|that can compute variance / standard deviation for all pixels within each
|region (regions are defined by another map layer). That is, a program
|that works like r.average and r.median(if it would run) but that describes
|the variation within the area.
|- Katarina             
|Katarina Johnsson			e-mail: kjohnsso at alder.pfc.forestry.ca
|Advanced Forest Technology Lab		phone:  (604) 363-6017
|Pacific Forestry Centre			fax:    (604) 363-0775
|Forestry Canada
|Victoria, BC

Michael Shapiro                        U.S. Army CERL                  
email:   shapiro at zorro.cecer.army.mil  Environmental Division          
phone:   (217) 373-7277                P.O. Box 9005                   
fax:     (217) 373-7222                Champaign, Ill. 61826-9005

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