xgrass, multiple users and photos
Mr J D Stocks
bss045 at clss1.bangor.ac.uk
Fri Dec 17 05:28:33 EST 1993
Written recently:
> The main task is the correspondence problem (ie matching the
> same features in the two images). Traditionally this was
> done by hand, but there are now efforts to do this automatically
> - mostly very expensive. I had a student doing this, using a technique
> probably
> superior to anything else around (feature matching followed by heirarchical
> pattern matching) but we stopped development when we saw Hi-View (now
> available within ERMapper) and other commercial packages start to appear,
> and when we saw that developing a friendly interface was definitely not
> his forte ;-). If anyone is interested we could probably make this available
> for the guts of a new module.
Do you mean you want a user interface developing?
I feel that to move on, GRASS should have this air photo dem facility.
I may be interested in developing the front end.
J. Stocks,
GIS Research Officer,
School of Agricultural and Forest Sciences,
University of Wales,
Great Britain.
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