Monthly GRASS periodical open for business

Martin Ameskamp ma at
Tue Dec 21 08:20:43 EST 1993

> and the prices for single copies (postpaid):
>    $8.50    Europe (air)
> We can only accept prepaid subscriptions or single-copy orders in US
> funds.

	Which brings us to the old problem: how do we get the money
	across the Atlantic??
	Postbank or bank transfer is prohibitively expensive
	(something like US$ 20 in charges).
	Do you take credit cards (Euro/Mastercard)? Eurocheques?
	Cash. Maybe the easiest way would be to put a 10-dollar note
	into an envelope and mail that.

	Anyway, what do you recommend?

> I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the numerous GRASSHopper
> readers who responded to our planning efforts to get Chirp! underway.
> I hope we can look forward to your continued support.

	Well, we'll see what is sounds like!


	PS Thanks for your reply to the monitor question. I had tried the
	   solution suggested by you and half a dozen others a couple
	   of months ago without success - now it works. Funny.
	   Either plain stupidity or a flaky nameserver.
Martin Ameskamp, Inst. f. Informatik I (Computing Dept.)
Kiel University, Olshausenstr. 40, 24118 Kiel, Germany
Fax: ++49 431 8804054, Voice: ++49 431 8804474, 
email: ma at

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