d.mon -l

Greg Koerper greg at towhee.cor2.epa.gov
Wed Jul 14 11:17:42 EDT 1993

Has anyone encountered and/or investigated the following error on 
Sparc platforms for GRASS 4.1?

GRASS 4.1 > d.mon -l
name            description                   
----            -----------                   
sh: 16144 Memory fault - core dumped


Greg Koerper                            Internet: greg at heart.cor.epa.gov
ManTech Environmental Technology, Inc.  UUCP:     hplabs!hp-pcd!orstcs!koerper
US EPA Environmental Research Lab
200 SW 35th St., JSB                    
Corvallis, OR   97333     Rush Limbaugh plucks the heartstrings of America:  
(503) 754-4490                "I'm OK, because you're not!" 
 fax:  (503) 754-4338

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