Brent Stinson brent at mishell.usda.msu.edu
Fri Jul 16 13:10:44 EDT 1993

Hello People,

Earlier I wrote about the following errors I am getting when I try
running XGRASS:

Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfActivate
Warning: ... found while parsing '<Key>osfActivate:     ManagerGadgetSelect() '
Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfSelect
Warning: ... found while parsing '       <Key>osfSelect:        ManagerGadgetSelect() '
Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfHelp
Warning: ... found while parsing '       <Key>osfHelp:        ManagerGadgetHelp() '
Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfBeginLine
Warning: ... found while parsing '       <Key>osfBeginLine:        ManagerGadgetTraverseHome() '

I received several suggestions to copy /usr/openwin/lib/XKeysymDB to 

There was not an "X11" directory in /usr/lib so I created one and copied
the XKeysymDB file to it, but I am still getting the same errors.

One suggestion was that I set my path to find the Motif libraries first,
but I don't have Motif. I was told that Motif is only needed to compile
XGRASS, not to run it. That's the reason I pulled down the binary version
instead of the source code. Is this correct?

Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Brent Stinson
brent at mishell.usda.msu.edu

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